The Legendary Sage of Konoha; Sasuke Chronicles 3


Dec 3, 2009
Trait Points

Two notes before you start reading: I hope there aren't any Sasuke fanboys/fangirls out there who will bash me for my choice about him in this final chapter of Sasuke chronicles, but I thought it would look good this way:p
Second, It seems as people might get a little confused at the start of the chapter, so you might want to refresh your memories by reading Sasuke 1 and 2 first. That's at least what I did:p
However I don't really think that's necessary as you will get where and when the plot is taking place as you read on. It should be quite obviously actually.

Have a good read;)

~ Sasuke: So any news?

Suigetsu: No, not a clue at all.

Sasuke: Damn... What about you Jugo?

Jugo: I've more or less searched everywhere and as far as I know, and the animals of the forest knows, there is no clue at all about Madara's whereabouts.

Sasuke: ...

Suigetsu: He's disappeared like the needle in a haystack.

Sasuke: Ever since you told me that the Madara I killed wasn't the real one, we have looked everywhere. I mean, someone somewhere should know something.

Suigetsu: Well, well... I'm sorry I kind of sparked your interests with clues on Madara back then, but the only thing me and Jugo knew out about it, was that it indeed wasn't the real Madara you killed. However, we still don't know what or who you killed. Maybe a clone of some sort...

Jugo: It's been twelve years since your trial Sasuke. How are things going in Iwa?

Sasuke: ... Well not much. I've been able to get a good connection with the 3rd and the 4th Tsuchikage though.

Suigetsu: Why do I get the feeling that you're hiding something Sasuke?

Sasuke: That's about all you need to know Suigetsu, so don't push it.

Suigetsu: Relax already, I was just asking. Anyways, I'm surprised they haven't kept us in leech. They didn't really keep too much of an eye on us after we got permission to stay in Iwa. Not that me and Jugo here have spent too much time there anyways.

Jugo: So do they know what we're trying to do? Have you talked about Madara to them, Sasuke?

Sasuke: Yeah I spoke to the 3rd Tsuchikage Onoki about it, but haven't really talked too much to the 4th, Kitsuchi as I think they know it will be almost impossible to track him down.

Jugo: Hmm, I see. So what about you Suigetsu? It isn't that often the three of us meet up like this. What have you been up to other than looking for clues on Madara? Still chasing your dream?

Suigetsu: Hah, my dream? Haven't you heard?

Jugo: Heard what?

Suigetsu: My, my... After the end of the 4th war, Kiri decided on disbanding the swordsmen of the mist. Meaning that Chōjūrō was the last official one. The rest of the swords have been gathered and locked up under tight surveillance. Even if I were to break in and steal them, there wouldn't be much point no more as I wouldn't be able to gather a new generation of swordsmen of the Mist that would be official anyway, and since there are no wars or anything going on, we wouldn't be able to show of our strength. We would just become another Akatsuki. So I gave up on that dream a long time ago. However...

Sasuke: ...

Jugo: Hmm?

Suigetsu: Hehe, I'll save that goodie for later.

Jugo: ... So what now?

Narrator: Sasuke closed his eyes for a minute. The sun stood high and the wind blew lightly. Birds were singing and squirrels were doing their daily routine gathering nuts. One came up to Jugo as he lifted it up and placed it on his shoulder. It was a nice and quiet day in the land of earth.

Sasuke: I guess that's it. If there are no clues on Madara, then there is nothing we can do at the moment...

Suigetsu: Yeah I guess...

Jugo: I will keep an eye open for any Intel, but as the last years, I doubt anything will show up out of nowhere.

Sasuke: Well then, let's not wait this long before we meet up next time. I hate to say it, but the three of us haven't really gathered that much over the last years. Only to find out if any of us got any clues on him.

Suigetsu: Yeah maybe we should "meet up" just to meet up next time.

Narrator: He said as careless as ever while he reached for his soda water can, taking a big sip out of it.

Jugo: That wouldn't be a bad idea.

Suigetsu: Alright then. Time to go I guess.

Sasuke: Yeah...

Jugo: Later.

Narrator: Sasuke stood up from the rock he sat on as Jugo and Suigetsu both parted each their ways. Sasuke looked up at the skies for a moment, before he turned around and started heading towards Iwa.

Sasuke *Thinking*: Damn that Madara, where on earth can he be?

Narrator: As Sasuke closed in on Iwa, he noticed a large group of birds flying in the opposite direction.

Sasuke *Thinking*: What's up with all those birds? Why are they all flying away from Iwa at the same time? Don't tell me...

Narrator: Sensing danger, Sasuke picked up his pace. As he got closer and closer to the main gate, he noticed a black smoke coming from the same direction.

Sasuke *Thinking*: Smoke?!... What's going on?

Narrator: Suddenly he saw a man running towards him, crying out for help.

Civilian: Hey you! I need your help at once!

Sasuke: What's going on? Something happened?

Civilian: It's terrible! Iwa has been attacked by a large group of unknown shinobies!

Sasuke: What?!

Civilian: You must help!

Sasuke: I'll head there right away, don't worry. Just take it easy and be careful alright?

Civilian: Right.

Narrator: As Sasuke was just about to head for Iwa the man shouted at him.

Civilian: Hey I forgot to ask your name!

Sasuke: It's Uchiha... Uchiha Sasuke...

Narrator: As Sasuke disappeared from the man's sight, the man stumbled upon the name.

Civilian *Thinking*: Uchiha Sasuke?... Don't tell me... It's really him?! We're saved!

*At Iwa, the 3rd Tsuchikage Onoki were discussing with the 4th.*

Kitsuchi I'm heading out now! We can't delay any further or the civilians might get hurt! I have to back up our shinobis fighting out there...

Onoki: Just hang on for two seconds! We will be better of fighting as a group than sending out one and one to battle! The rest will be here shortly and then we'll be able to fight them off befo...

Kitsuchi We don't have two seconds to lose! I'll head out now and you'll back me up once they get here.

Onoki: Kitsuchi just... Kitsuchi! ... Damn it all!

Kabuto: So he came after all... Just as we expected. BlackZetsu, you know what to do.

Black Zetsu: Don't worry, this will go as planned.

Kitsuchi You two?! You won't get away with this!

Kabuto: Don't get too cocky... 4th Tsuchikage Kitsuchi...

*As Kitsuchi prepared himself to battle Kabuto and BlackZetsu, Sasuke hurried back to the village*

Sasuke *Thinking*: What the he*k is going on. After all these years, who would suddenly attack Iwa? It can't be any of the other nations in the joint shinobi alliance. Could it be...

Narrator: Sasuke hurried towards the main gate as a large noise from an explosion was heard far in the distance. Then it all got quiet again, as Sasuke jumped upon the top of the main gate. A frightening sight met him...

Sasuke *Thinking*: It can't be??...

Narrator: At the first sight it seemed like everything was okay, but as Sasuke scanned the area, he noticed that Iwa's west gate was demolished. The only problem was that it was quiet... Too quiet.

?: Sasuke!!

Narrator: Sasuke turned around as he saw Jugo and Suigetsu came running towards him.

Sasuke: You guys!!

Suigetsu: Just after I left you I noticed a large group of birds flying the opposite way of Iwa, and I thought something was up. That's when I ran into Jugo again, who said that the animals had sensed something big going on.

Sasuke: I see.

Jugo: What on earth happened here?

Sasuke: I don't know, but let's find out.

Narrator: Sasuke, Jugo and Suigetsu ran closer to the center of Iwa to see if they could find the source of the trouble, but as they closed in, they couldn't spot anyone anywhere. Not any civilians nor enemies could be seen in the streets. It was then Sasuke felt a familiar present closing in as he turned around.

Sasuke: Onoki!

Onoki: Sasuke, you're here as well??

Sasuke: Yeah I was just about to head back to the village when I noticed that something was up. What happened?

Onoki: You were just too late... The enemies just left.

Sasuke: What?! What do you mean left?

Narrator: Beside Onoki, a large force of Iwa shinobies were accompanying him.

Suigetsu: So you know who was behind the attack?

Narrator: As Suigetsu asked the question, Onoki paused for a sec before he continued.

Onoki: It all happened so fast. Suddenly there was a lot of noise coming from everywhere. That's when I called in my squad to get the situation under control. Kitsuchi went straight on to face the main enemy; I didn't even manage to tell him to wait up before he was out of sight.

Sasuke: The main enemy?

Onoki: Yeah... It seemed like this were Kabuto and Zetsu's doing.

Sasuke: !!

Onoki: They had attacked the west gate as Kitsuchi went to face them off before they could manage to do too much damage. Not even a minute later, had I gathered enough troops to help out when we got cut off from him. Unable to help him out, he had to face Kabuto and the main Zetsu by himself. He was surrounded...

Narrator: From behind Onoki, you could see that Kurotsuchi came running towards Sasuke.

Kurotsuchi: Sasuke! My father... The 4th died...

Narrator: She busted out in tears as she jumped at him, seeking comfort.

Sasuke: Eh... What?!

Narrator: Shocked at what she told him, Sasuke pressed on to find out more.

Narrator: Kurotsuchi was crying endlessly as Sasuke tried to comfort her the best he could. From behind Onoki, another ninja stepped forward.

Akatsuchi: We tried our best to help Kitsuchi out, but there were too many Zetsus blocking our way. On top of that, Kabuto had gained some new summons.

Sasuke: Damn it!

Jugo: ... So why did they retreat already?

Onoki: We don't know. Before the attack even had begun, they retreated. We have no idea why they retreated right away, and neither the purpose of the attack. However as we got the situation under control again, we noticed that the 4th had...

Narrator: You could see that a sad expression was upon Onoki's face as he regrettably had to confirm to Sasuke, Suigetsu and Jugo that the 4th died during the attack.

Sasuke: ... Damn them both! I will get them for this and stop Akatsuki once and for all!

Narrator: As they were speaking, an Iwa shinobi came running towards them.

Shinobi: 3rd! 3rd Onoki!

Onoki: What is it?

Shinobi: We sent out a letter to the other nations like you said, and we have already got a reply from each of them! Apparently the four other countries have been attacked as well! The latest one being Konoha.

Onoki: What?!

Shinobi: It seems as Akatsuki finally has made their move again after all these years in hiding. Another letter just arrived from Kiri, I think you should see it.

Narrator: The shinobi handed it over to Onoki as he read the letter.

Sasuke *Thinking*: So Akatsuki has finally returned? That means Madara should be behind it. This might be my chance.

Onoki: Apparently Mei invites the Kages to a meeting in Kiri... We better prepare for it.

Kurotsuchi: But Grandpa, we don't have anyone to send and we need to... need to arrange a funeral for my...

Narrator: She couldn't finish her sentence because of the pain of losing her dad, as she turned around and continued crying on Sasuke's shoulder.

Onoki: We'll arrange an honorable funeral for your dad, don't worry. Meanwhile we need to decide on someone to send to the meeting.

Akatsuchi: Hey old Onoki, can't you resume your role?

Onoki: ... Humph... It seems like I'll have to if we don't find anyone else... However I will reason with the Daimyo and the rest first.

Kurotsuchi: Grandpa how can you be so cold?! Your son-in-law, my dad just died, and you're thinking of a replacement already?!

Onoki: It's nothing like that! No matter how you look at it, we need someone to send to the meeting. We need a replacement for the position as kage, and I'm getting too old to resume position. If we can't make up our mind in three days, we might as well pronounce an active one for the moment.

Kurotsuchi: ...

Narrator: Even if she was sad and depressed that her dad had to be replaced so fast upon his death, she knew that her granddad spoke the harsh truth. They had to find a replacement, and one fast.

*Later that day*

Onoki: Alright, an arrangement for the 4th's funeral has been made. Now to decide on whom to take over as Kage.

Narrator: Onoki was discussing the matter with the 4th's advisers as well as the Daimyo and other high ranking shinobies of the earth country.

Daimyo: Can't you resume the position?

Onoki: Are you crazy?! Do you have any idea how old I am? I'm in no position to resume control. I believe a worthy successor should take over.

High Ranking Shinobi: How about Akatsuchi?

Crowd: Yeah, he's a good choice.

Onoki: I don't agree.

Daimyo: Oh?

Onoki: He's a strong fellow, but he hasn't the right skills or smart to lead our village.

Daimyo: Hmm... I suppose so.

High Ranking Shinobi: Then how about your granddaughter? She has shown excellent skills both during and after the war. Or maybe even her husband.

Crowd: You can't be serious about him?!

Daimyo: Well she isn't a bad choice either, but I'm not sure of her husband, taking into consideration that he's not born in this village.

Onoki: Hmm... Well I suppose my granddaughter isn't a bad choice, but I'm not too sure.

Daimyo: Then what do you think of her husband?

Onoki: Well...

Narrator: The crowd got silent for a minute, awaiting Onoki's responds.

Onoki: Even if he's originally an outsider, he's still the husband of my granddaughter. And he's been in this village for twelve years now, so we can't really think of him as an outsider anymore. I know him quite well and I believe he could be up for it.

High Ranking Shinobi 2: Objection!! Not to be rude or anything, but I don't think Sasuke is a good choice to lead this village! Think of his past crimes and experience! He's sided with Madara for a long time before making up for his sins!

Crowd: He got a point...

Daimyo: You're making a good point, but I believe he's done more than enough for this village to redeem himself. I don't think his past should ruin it for him. We have all done some bad things in our lives.

High Ranking Shinobi 2: But no way near what he has done! Once a killer, always a killer! He might even use this chance to team up with Madara again!

Crowd: ...

High Ranking Shinobi: Don't be ridiculous... Then maybe we should take a vote. How many thinks Sasuke is fit for the role?

Narrator: The Daimyo counted the votes as he met eye contact with Onoki, who nodded in agreement.

Daimyo: Then it's settled for now. He'll be the active 5th Tsuchikage for this meeting and we'll decide if he should be the permanent one after by a real voting.

High Ranking Shinobi 2: But...

Daimyo: No more buts... I understand your point, but that was a long time ago. There's no need to dig in on the past like that. You're worrying too much.

Onoki: Then I'll go inform him...

Narrator: The meeting ended, and Onoki went to see Sasuke.

*Knock, knock*

Narrator: Kurotsuchi went to open the door.

Kurotsuchi: Grandpa? What are you doing here? I thought you were suppose to decide on a new Tsuchikage?

Onoki: We have... At least an active one for now...

Kurotsuchi: Who did you decide on?

Onoki: Wait and see. Is your husband home at the moment?

Kurotsuchi: Yeah, Sasuke is in the children's room with Miyuki trying to put Mü to sleep.

Onoki: I see... How did Miyuki take it?

Kurotsuchi: I haven't... mentioned it to her yet...

Narrator: She said with a sad expression on her face, trying to hold back her tears.

Onoki: I understand.

Kurotsuchi: So... what do you want to see Sasuke for?

Onoki: Well I got something to discuss with him.

Kurotsuchi: Alright, just don't go hard on him alright?

Onoki: Yeah, yeah.

Narrator: Onoki and Kurotsuchi went to the children's room, were Sasuke and Miyuki were putting Mü to sleep.

Kurotsuchi: Sasuke, grandpa Onoki is here to see you.

Sasuke: Oh, I see...

Narrator: Sasuke had just put Mü to bed as he went over to them.

Onoki: How's the newborn?

Sasuke: Oh he's fine, just try not to speak too loud or he might wake up again... How are you holding up, Kurotsuchi?

Kurotsuchi: I...

Sasuke: Sorry, I know it's hard to lose someone close to you, so maybe I shouldn't ask too much at the moment.

Narrator: He said as he gave her a hug, trying to ease her pain.

Miyuki: Mom, dad, has something happened?

Narrator: She said as she tucked in her baby brother, keeping him warm.

Kurotsuchi: Miyuki... Let's head to the living room. We need to talk about something.

Miyuki: Sure mom, I'll be there in a sec... Hey great grandpa.

Narrator: She said smiling as she went over to them.

Onoki: Oh hey there Miyuki, how are you?

Miyuki: Fine, thanks. How a...

Kurotsuchi: Miyuki... I know you haven't seen your great grandpa for awhile, but he and your father have some matters to discuss. You can talk to him later... Let's head to the living room.

Narrator: As she went with her mom to the living room, Sasuke continued.

Sasuke: So you wanted to talk? Let's head outside.

Onoki: Right.

*Some moments later*

Sasuke: What?! Oh no you can't be serious? But I...

Onoki: I'm serious. Wouldn't you take the job?

Sasuke: Well... I...

Onoki: Come on, how long have we known each other? We're practically family! I bet you will do fine. Try it, and if you don't like it, I'll find a replacement for you after the meeting. What do you say?

Sasuke: Ehm... I guess there is no harm in it, but I don't think I deserve such an honor I mean... After all I've done in my life, will the people support me? I don't think I'm the right one for the job...

Narrator: He said hesitating considering whether or not he should accept this proposal.

Onoki: Yes or no?

Sasuke: Huff... Alright, but only because you've treated me so well over the past years and because you're related to my wife. And since you ask me personally I guess I'll have to then...

Onoki: Then it's settled!

Sasuke: ...

Onoki: You'll leave in three days, so you better prepare as this is no walk in the park.

Sasuke: I will.

*Right outside of Iwa, two retreating "men" were having a conversation.*

Kabuto: Everything went as planned... But what disturbed you? Sensed something?

BlackZetsu: Sasuke... Sasuke arrived...

Kabuto: Huh, really? Well good thing we retreated when we did, or it might have turned ugly.

WhiteZetsu: Well everything is going according to plan as you said. Let's head back to Madara with our report.

Kabuto: Right.

End Chapter 3 ~​

Additional Notes: I felt I had to clear out some things about the Sasuke Chronicles that still might be a little confusing, so be sure to read this as well:

On the first chapter of the original, it was said that an unknown shinobi repelled Zetsu and Kabuto. Obviously that was Sasuke. However that's not how it turned out as you saw in this chapter. A slight mix up by me as Kabuto and Zetsu retreated before he arrived the scene:p However at chapter 9 this convo was held to put things back on track;

Madara: Nobunaga and Ryu had to retreat after attacking the new Tsuchikage, just as planned. 1

White Zetsu: So... He really is the new one then? He sure hasn't lost his powers. If it hadn't been for his unexpected arrival, we would surely have succeeded when we attacked Iwa. 2

Madara: You're right about that. However, that was never really the plan either. Our goal was only to take down the 4th Tsuchikage. If it hadn't been for his arrival, our retreat would have been suspicious. 3

Kabuto: Huh.. Well my sources says that he's only the acting one at the moment as they couldn't really decide on anyone to take over after the 4th died during mine and Zetsu's invasion.

Madara: What about good old Ōnoki?

Kabuto: He has already retired. It was Ōnoki who suggested him to take over after all.

Madara: So what was his expression when he saw the two of you?

Black Zetsu: He didn't... We retreated as soon as we got Intel on his arrival. He shouldn't know it was our doing either. 4

1: As you see and from what happened in chapter 12 of the original, Sasuke decided to have a speaker in his place at first before revealing his identity. And while they were on their way to Kiri. Sasuke's convo was attacked by Nobunaga and Ryu. There will be a small convo about this on chapter 14, so be sure to check that out when it's released. That's why I dropped that part in this chronicles.

2: As you saw in this final chapter, Zetsu apparently noticed Sasuke arriving, and that's when Kabuto and he retreated. So Sasuke was indirectly one of the reasons they did.

3: Madara stated that they only planned to take down the 4th Tsuchikage, Kitsuchi and then retreat. I haven't really decided on the main reason why yet, but there will be something mentioned about it during chapter 15 I think. It has most likely to do with Sasuke, so be sure to check that out.

4: Sasuke did indeed find out that they were behind the attack, something Zetsu and Kabuto don't know about.

Finally, as of now this will be the last time you hear from Suigetsu and Jugo in my FFs, but don't be surprised if they have some sort of special appearance later on.

Well that's that. Hope you enjoyed Sasuke's chronicles as much as I did:p
Please don't forget to rep me if you think I deserve it, Lol:)
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Dec 3, 2009
Trait Points
yo, man this is amazing!!
Thanks mate:p

nice, on a seperate note...nothing to do with the fan fic......what ever happend to karin?
Hey you're new to my FF? This is not my main work as this is one of the chronicles I've made beside my original, but anyways, if you read the 2nd chapter of this chronicle, it's mentioned there that she's in Konoha. Thanks for reading.
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Active member
Sep 30, 2010
Trait Points
Well :rolleyes:, I think you nailed the last part of Sasuke Chronicles very well even if a grandiose fight was expected (but you had other plans :p)

Before I forget, I wanted to mention that you mispelled "ridiculous" into "ridicilous" :p where the Shinobis were considering Sasuke. It's silly but still...xd Also, remove that bold lettering before the start! It's kinda repulsive :p

hehe, finally Sasuke had 2 children (2 girls, isn't it):| Anyways, it's better like this! Btw, I love the idea of Kurotsuchi<3Sasuke. I didn't really liked her in the manga but I found her damn hot in the anime. They do look good together xd

On side notes...

- I thought that Kitsuchi was the son of Onoki (correct me if I'm wrong)
- hehe, old Onoki stopped havin' back problems with age xd I wonder how he remains so healthy :pxd He could have resumed his position :p

Well...I hope to see something new from you quickly enough!
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Dec 11, 2009
Trait Points
Ah, I knew there would be no fight between Sasuke and Kabuto here, after all, it's only one chapter and you can't possibly put the whole battle and Sasuke's awesomeness (lol xd) in this last chapter. And nice job pairing Sasuke and Kurotsuchi up :p Looking forward to your next chapter (hopefully before May) :D
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