The Legendary Sage of Konoha 12


Dec 3, 2009
Trait Points
The 5th Tsuchikage

~ Narrator: About fifteen minutes later, the convoys of Konoha and Suna had crossed the Great Naruto Bridge.

Sakura: ... And so the three of us, including Kakashi, took our leave and headed back to Konoha.

Mito: So after you left they decided to name the bridge after Naruto?

Naruto: Yeah.. I'm not really sure why though.

Narrator: He said with a smile on his face.

Jiraiya: So do you think that guy, Inari, you mentioned still lives here?

Naruto: Hmm... I'm not sure. I haven't heard from him for a long time now. How about you Sakura?

Sakura: Well I can't remember last time I saw him... Might be when Pain Invaded Konoha.

Naruto: Hmm... Yeah, I think so.

Hiruzen: Who's Pain?

Mito: Yeah, who's Pain?

Sakura: Ehehe.. Maybe we should save that story for another time, alright?

Jiraiya: Yeah sure, that would be great.

Gaara: So, how did you plan to take it from here? Have you arranged for a boat to travel with over to Kiri or had you planned to look for some available boats when you arrived?

Naruto: Well, both yes and no. We had an agreement with an old man down by the river, but his boat got struck by lightning, so we'll have to ask around. What about you guys?

Kankuro: No, we hadn't arranged anything in particular.

Shikamaru: So I guess we'll have to head to the docks and find out then.

Rock Lee: Alright! Then to the docks we go!

Narrator: Lee said firmly as he marched ahead of the rest.

Tsunade: Hehe, Lee and his spirit never let us down...

Temari: Haha, true.

Narrator: Walking down towards the docks, Yamato spotted a sign.

Yamato: "Docks closed down due to bad weather"... Damn.

Naruto: Hmm... But we'll have to cross the sea somehow...

Sakura: Look over there!

Narrator: Sakura pointed towards a sign hanging over a cabin.

Shikamaru: "Can't cross the sea to Kiri? Just ask us, and we'll try our best to help"... Well, it might not be a bad idea to ask there.

Narrator: As Naruto and Gaara were about to enter the cabin through the front door, a man who was on his way out bumped into Naruto; both him and Naruto fell on their backs.

Naruto: Hey watch yourself there mister!...

?: Should I watch myself?!... Do you know who I am stranger?

Naruto: Know who you are?? You should know who I am, as I'm the Hokage of Konoha!

?: Hokage of Konoha? Haha, stop joking! I know the Hokage of Konoha as he's a frie... Wait, it can't be?!... Naruto?

Naruto: So you know my na... Hey, wait a minute! Eyyyyyyyy?!... Inari?!

Sakura: Inari?...

Inari: Yeah that's me! Long time no see my friends!... Didn't recognize you at all.

Naruto: Huh, what a coincident. Me and Sakura was just telling the rest of the group about you.

Inari: Oh really?

Sakura: Yes, during the time the bridge was built.

Inari: Oh I see... So what are you doing here anyway?

Naruto: We're heading over to Kiri to attend a meeting.

Inari: No way, what a coincident! I'm heading over there myself. Want to travel together?

Sakura: Really?! Sure...

Inari: The docks has been closed for the last couple of days due to bad weather, so I've been trying to find somebody willing enough to take me there, until today.

Naruto: So who's this guy then?

Inari: An old friend of mine. He runs a ferry business at the shore of the closest island to here. He's coming over here today with one of his boats to take me over the sea and to Kiri. So who are the rest of your friends?

Gaara: Allow me to introduce myself; I'm the 5th Kazekage of Suna, Gaara.

Kankuro: And I'm his brother.

Tsunade: Don't know if you've heard about me kid, but I'm the former Hokage.

Rock Lee: Rock Lee here, nice to meet you.

Shikamaru: My name is Shikamaru, and this is Temari.

Temari: Hey, how are you doing.

Sakura: This is my own and Lee's son, Hiruzen, and that is Shikamaru and Temari's daughter, Mito.

Jiraiya: And I'm the Hokage's one and only son!

Yamato: And my name is Yamato...

Inari: Huh, nice to meet you all. I guess the meeting is important, considering all these important people travelling together?

Naruto: Yes, you could say so.

Narrator: After talking for awhile, they all went to Inari's house where they stayed until Inari's friend arrived.

Inari: Oh, there you are! How did it go?

?: Well the weather isn't as bad as they say, but we should leave now as I think a storm is coming.

Inari: Alright, and I hope you don't mind if I bring some friends along?

?: Friends?...

Inari: Yeah, both the 5th and 6th Hokage and also the 5th Kazekage are among them.

?: Really?! Of course they can; I would be honored to have such famous people on board my boat! Please, please, welcome aboard...

Gaara: Thanks for your hospitality.

?: Don't mention it.

Naruto: Hey there, my name is Naruto.

?: The Legendary Sage of Konoha, eyy?... I've heard a lot about you...

Naruto: Ehehehe.. Legendary and Legendary, I'm not a legend quite yet.

Narrator: Three hours later, the boat arrived at the shore of Kiri.

Tsunade: Thanks for the ride, we won't forget it!

?: Sure, don't mention it. I’m just glad I could help famous people like you... H*ck, I could only dream of having such important guests on board at my boat ever again! Take care now...

Naruto: We will!

Inari: Later then...

Narrator: They all waved goodbye as he took off to the sea again.

Naruto: So where exactly are you heading anyway?

Inari: Well I'm not going to the Hidden Mist Village itself, but to a small town further up north. Maybe we can meet up again once your meeting is over?

Sakura: Yeah, that would be great.

Narrator: As they all closed in on Kiri, the time to say goodbye had come.

Inari: I guess this is it then. It was nice to see you two again.

Naruto: Likewise my friend. Hope we will meet again later on then.

Inari: Yeah, me too. Alright, take care.

Sakura: We will.

Everyone: Bye!

Narrator: As Inari took off and headed up north, the rest of the group went inside the west gate of Kiri as one of the guards met them.

Guard: Hey there, welcome to Kiri. Please state your business here.

Gaara: I'm the Kazekage, this is the Hokage, and we're attending the meeting set up by your Mizukage, Mei.

Guard: Hmm... Oh, I recognize your faces now... Follow me and I'll escort you to the meeting place.

Naruto: Thanks.

Narrator: About five minutes and a long stair later, they reached the meeting location.

Guard: Okay, we're here. Only the kages, their advisers and personal bodyguards pass this point. We'll escort the rest to the cabins we have reserved for them.

Naruto: Alright. Jiraiya, Hiruzen and Mito; you'll go with Yamato, our anbus and Gaara's escort. Rock Lee, Sakura, Tsunade and Shikamaru; you'll come with me. Gaara, I bet you want Temari with you, as your other adviser isn't here?

Gaara: Hmm... That's a good idea. Kankuro, Temari; let's go.

Narrator: They proceeded inside the mansion as Mei welcomed them.

Mei: Naruto, Gaara... Come on in. I see you came as well Tsunade... Glad you could make it.

Tsunade: It's been awhile since last time we met.

Gaara: So has Killerbee arrived yet?

Mei: No, but he should be here shortly. A messenger bird arrived from him just a few moments ago.

Naruto: And what about the Tsuchikage? I heard that the 4th died during an attack by Akatsuki right before you sent out for this meeting...

Mei: Unfortunately, that's true. I've received information from Iwa that they haven't decided on the next Tsuchikage yet, so they've sent an active one for this meeting. Apparently, his identity was kept secret.

Gaara: "His" identity?... So any idea who he is?

Mei: I've no idea. We got a letter from his escort, but nothing about who he was.

Naruto: Hmm...

Jiraiya: humph, why can't we attend the meeting too?!... I want to see what they're discussing.

Yamato: Patient Jiraiya, your day will come soon enough.

Guard: This is it. The food is on the house, so eat as much as you like. If you got any question, just ask the guards standing guard here.

Yamato: Right, thank you for your time.

Guard: No problem.

Madara: So?

Kabuto: The spy is in place, and the meeting has started.

Madara: Excellent... What about the kages?

Kabuto: Killerbee should be there shortly.

Madara: Hmm... And him?

Kabuto: The active 5th Tsuchikage, is on his way as well. Do you fear his powers?

Madara: Fear him? Huh... Don't make me laugh...

Black Zetsu: Akashi hasn't come back yet.

Madara: ...

Kabuto: Hmm... What is he up to?

White Zetsu: Who knows...

Madara: As long as he get back here in time...

Mei: I see... So they're really planning something this time...

Naruto: Yes... And the strange thing is that they were not 100 % into fighting us either. At least not all of them... That Akashi guy said they we're only trying to weaken us before "the main battle"... Whatever he meant by that... And also that girl we captured, she appeared to not understand what he was talking about, like she wasn't really apart of Kabuto and Madara's plan...

Tsunade: That's correct. I fear Kabuto and Madara plans something nasty this time.

Mei: So what did you do with that Sonia girl?

Shikamaru: Kakashi and Gai brought her back to the village for interrogation...

Naruto: Once they find out something, they will sent us a report.

Gaara: So until we find out what they're planning, we should be careful.

Mei: Right.

Temari: So how many shinobies do we have stationed here?

Mei: Not many... Most of them are stationed in...

Kankuro: Kumo, right?

Mei: Mhm...

Narrator: As they were discussing what to do next, a guard came inside with the Raikage behind him...

Guard: Here we are...

Naruto: Killerbee!

Killerbee: If it isn’t Mr. Hey, yo... How's it going bro?

Naruto: Not much is up here other than the Akatsuki attacks, but nothing that I can't handle...

Killerbee: You need more rhymes to join the band, or else you will have your face in the sand, I'm the Raikage, yo!

Naruto: I think I got the flow, here I go!

Narrator: The rest shook their heads in shame as Gaara stepped in.

Gaara: So how are you? Long time no see.

Killerbee: I'm as good as I can get. I'm not tired just yet.

Narrator: The meeting went on for the next ten minutes, when suddenly a stranger entered the scene; dressed in his Kage robe, with only his eyes shown, he was escorted by two body guards. As he sat down, one of his guards broke the silence.

Tsuchikage's Guard: I hope we're not coming late... We ran into some troubles along the way, but nothing we couldn't handle. I take it that you received our birds, Mizukage?

Mei: Hmm... Yeah...

Narrator: confused by the guard taking the word, none of the others had anything to say. Shikamaru then whispered into Naruto's ear...

Shikamaru: Do you think it's... him?

Naruto: ...

*Flashback from Chapter 1 Starts*

"...Anbu: A message bird just arrived from Iwagakure. The hidden rock village has been attacked by a large scale attack lead by Kabuto and Zetsu. This resulted in the death of the 4th Tsuchikage.

Naruto and Shikamaru: What?!

Anbu: However, it is also reported that an unknown shinobi managed to repel Zetsu and Kabuto right after the 4th died, so the casualty was minimal. It is also rumored that this shinobi will become the new Tsuchikage.

Shikamaru: How can this be?! The 4th died?! At least it`s a good thing they managed to repel the attack, but this might damages the strength of our alliance. Even worse, who knows what could have happened if Iwagakure had fallen to Akatsuki. If only the 4th Tsuchikage had survived as well. Either way, one thing is puzzling me. What Iwa shinobi is strong enough to fight both Zetsu and Kabuto at the same time? It can`t be... him?

Naruto: We`ll find out soon enough..."

*Flashback Ends*

Naruto: Hmmm... Don't know. I don't know too much about him if it turns out to be him.

Narrator: He whispered back.

Tsuchikage's Guard: Anything you two want to share with the rest?!

Narrator: Surprised by the guard addressing Shikamaru and Naruto that way, Gaara rose from his chair.

Gaara: What's the meaning of this?! Who are you, and why are you letting a "guard" speak on your behalf? Why are you hiding your identity?

Tsuchikage's Guard: Who are you calling "guard"?!

Naruto: Calm down both of you. The 4th Tsuchikage just recently passed away and Akatsuki is probably making plans as we speak... We have better things to do that arguing.

Mei: He's right... We need to decide what to do.

Tsuchikage's Guard: Right... Besides, he's new to the job and he wanted me to speak on his behalf. He's just the active one for this meeting as we still haven't decided on who will take over as the 5th Tsuchikage yet. So give him a break, will you?

Killerbee: We're allies, not foe. There's no reason to hide, bro... If we're going to get anywhere with this meeting, I must agree with Gaara and give this guard a beating. We can't just have some random stranger come here and think he's cool.

Tsunade: Huff...

Narrator: An argument broke out between the guard and Gaara and Killerbee. While they were arguing, Naruto got up from his chair and went to the closest window. He looked out as rain was pouring down outside, before he turned around and addressed the rest.

Naruto: Look... Argue all you want, but it won't change the fact that we have important matters to discuss, so I suggest we get down to business... And if you really have to fight, then wait until the meeting is over.

Tsunade: *Thinking* 'To think that this is coming from Naruto... Damn he has grown a lot since he was a kid.'

Narrator: They all got quite for some seconds, before the Tsuchikage turned to the guard and whispered something to him.

Tsuchikage's Guard: You sure about that? Alright, if you say so...

Narrator: The Tsuchikage got up from his chair and grabbed his Kage-hat and slowly began to lift it off from his head as he, with a low voice, said:

Tsuchikage: 'I guess there is no longer any point of hiding my identity...'

Mei: !!

Gaara, Temari and Kankuro: ?!

Killerbee: ...

Tsunade: Impossible, you??!

Shikamaru, Sakura and Rock Lee: It can't be?!!

Naruto: S...Sa..Sasukeee?!...

~ End Chapter 12​

Author's Note: I had planned to include the first chapter of Kakashi Chronicles as a part of this 1 year anniversary release, but some things came up. But don't worry, I changed it to a 1 year anniversary weekend release instead, and I'll release it tomorrow, or Sunday;)
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Dec 3, 2009
Trait Points
Previous Chapters:

Sasuke Chronicles:

Kakashi Chronicles:

Next Chapter:
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Dec 11, 2009
Trait Points
Finally, happy 1 year anniversary here at narutobase, Michael and thanks for the great fanfic :)

Edit: Now that I read Naruto's last line I am just astonished in awe. :eek: Truly nothing like what I was expecting. And one question is in my mind - how? :confused: Just how... Congratulations on another great chapter. And it must have been a pain to make Killerbee rhyme, lol xd
p.s. it seems I got the 1st comment after half an hour or even more of anxious waiting :D
p.s.2 6-8 hours later is not the 3rd of December. And I will have a chance to read the first chapter of the Kakashi chronicles tomorrow afternoon as I have a 4 hour drawing lesson in the morning. It seems even when I win to some extent (1st post) I lose :D xd
p.s.3 I predict Mei will like Sasuke lol xd And she'll try to seduce him :D
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Dec 3, 2009
Trait Points
Finally, happy 1 year anniversary here at narutobase, Michael and thanks for the great fanfic :)

Edit: Now that I read Naruto's last line I am just astonished in awe. :eek: Truly nothing like what I was expecting. And one question is in my mind - how? :confused: Just how... Congratulations on another great chapter. And it must have been a pain to make Killerbee rhyme, lol xd
p.s. it seems I got the 1st comment after half an hour or even more of anxious waiting :D
p.s.2 6-8 hours later is not the 3rd of December. And I will have a chance to read the first chapter of the Kakashi chronicles tomorrow afternoon as I have a 4 hour drawing lesson in the morning. It seems even when I win to some extent (1st post) I lose :D xd
p.s.3 I predict Mei will like Sasuke lol xd And she'll try to seduce him :D

Btw, you almost beat my Links-post manxd:p

Hope you will post a comment about this chapter once you've read it;):)


Hehe, well That's were Sasuke Chronicles 3 comes in:p;)
Haha, well rymes or not, he just had to say something funnyxd

Hehe, but I might not get up Kakashi 1 today as planned as something came up and I'm too tired to finish it now. But check the updated "Author's Note" on the chapter and you will see that I'll release it either tomorrow or Sunday:p;)...

Haha, maybe:pxd
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Mei Waxton

Sep 9, 2009
Trait Points
Wow! Great chapter,really enjoy it.I like killerbee rhymes its really hard to make but you have done a great job.What a twist Sasuke is the 5th Tsuchikage I was shocked.I hope you release chapter 13 fast because its hard too wait:D
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Nikkou Arashi

Active member
Mar 11, 2010
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Argh! that is just so mean of you! Who was the Tsuchikage? Okay, I am expecting that he must be someone we all know from the Narutoverse itself and not an O.C. It just sounds like Naruto and Shikamaru knows him more than just him being the one who interfered kabuto and madara's invasion of the 4th tsuchikage...Could be - Sasuke? Mmn, but Sasuke is in Kumogakure...hmm, how about Akashi?

On a brighter side, though, you seem to be doing well with the rhymes already :D.
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Oct 28, 2010
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Argh! that is just so mean of you! Who was the Tsuchikage? Okay, I am expecting that he must be someone we all know from the Narutoverse itself and not an O.C. It just sounds like Naruto and Shikamaru knows him more than just him being the one who interfered kabuto and madara's invasion of the 4th tsuchikage...Could be - Sasuke? Mmn, but Sasuke is in Kumogakure...hmm, how about Akashi?

On a brighter side, though, you seem to be doing well with the rhymes already :D.
It says sasuke in the end :p
I read over it myself aswel!
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Dec 8, 2009
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Last thing lil jon says is what i thought when i saw sasuke

WOW realy? well mei's going to jump him, if she hasnt gone for choujiro yet xd
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  • Haha
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Dec 3, 2009
Trait Points
omg i totally love the very end of this chapter best chapter ever
Thanks, I enjoyed the end of it myself:p


Cliffhanger, grrr!
Hehe, might be a long one too as I got some chronicles to get up:p

Wow! Great chapter,really enjoy it.I like killerbee rhymes its really hard to make but you have done a great job.What a twist Sasuke is the 5th Tsuchikage I was shocked.I hope you release chapter 13 fast because its hard too wait:D
Hehe, thanks:p Well I just throw something in there and try to make it have some sense:pxd

Hehe, well it was the highlight of this chapter:p And It might become a minor cliffhanger too:p

Argh! that is just so mean of you! Who was the Tsuchikage? Okay, I am expecting that he must be someone we all know from the Narutoverse itself and not an O.C. It just sounds like Naruto and Shikamaru knows him more than just him being the one who interfered kabuto and madara's invasion of the 4th tsuchikage...Could be - Sasuke? Mmn, but Sasuke is in Kumogakure...hmm, how about Akashi?

On a brighter side, though, you seem to be doing well with the rhymes already :D.
Miss the ending?:p
It clearly was revealed at the end:p;)

Yes it's Sasuke, but he was in Iwa, not Kumo:p And he's only the active one like Danzo once was so not an official one. I will get more into details in 13 and Sasuke C 3;):p

It says sasuke in the end :p
I read over it myself aswel!
I think she was the only one who missed that part:p

I honestly didn't see that coming...Sasuke is the Tsuchikage...****ing brilliant. Good work
Hehe, well I had it all planned before I began writing this FF:p;)

Oh CRAP! I did not see that, huh? I was too carried away with the who! LOL!
xd:p Missed the biggest detail in the whole chapter then:p

Last thing lil jon says is what i thought when i saw sasuke.
WOW realy? well mei's going to jump him, if she hasnt gone for choujiro yet xd
Why does people think that:p? We'll see in 13 I guess;)
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Nikkou Arashi

Active member
Mar 11, 2010
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Ah! one more thing. I really don't see it as a cliffhanger. In fact, it is the best ending that this chapter should have! A heart warming drama! Wheeee - Sasuke getting Iwa's trust after all!!! That sure is some drama, you know!

So, I forgot Sasuke was in Iwa - ehehehe - that's what happens with loooong period of releases! :p I could've re-read, yes - like I always do. However, I kinda felt lazy awhile back. :p
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Aug 25, 2010
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OMG!!!! , i had thoughts about sasuke being the spy and all LOL!!:p cuz kabuto and Zetsu couldnt have been repelled that ez, maybe it was a set-up , Zetsu and kabuto pretending to be beaten by Sasuke, makin Sasuke TSUCHIKAGE!!!! of course who else could have been the spy at the meeting, *dramatic music* Dum Dum DUM!!!! or maybe Mei lol:p

There was alot of talking tho .___.

Well we'll have to wait for the S.chronicles to find out whether Sasuke was faking or not:(
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Jun 10, 2010
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Once again a really nice chapter without to much action, building character and suspence. And the cliffhanger/suprise revisit with sasuke as you promised :p

now I just wonder who their spy will be. Maybe Inari :p hihi

I think maybe there was a bit to much many trying to talk in the dialogue sometimes but that might just be me.
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