Mandatory Edits

Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points

Mandatory Edits

A thread long needed, this thread is created for the sole purpose of reevaluating and balancing problematic techniques. Over the years, some techniques have been approved that either go beyond what's allowed or are considered OPed. Because of the nature of the RP and it's ever advancing state, some techniques have been approved that later end up too powerful for the RP. In other cases, techniques that shouldn't have been approved end up making it through. With all of these stated, it has come time for this thread to formally be made.

  • Members are not allowed to post in this thread UNLESS they have been specifically asked to be the Head of Customs or the RP Admin.
  • When asked, members are allowed to post as many techniques as requested.
  • Should a member be asked to post in this thread, the techniques in question will not be useable in the RP and will be considered Pending until they are posted and rechecked.


Jul 12, 2009
Trait Points
Clan Approval: Custom Clans Submission | Page 2 | Anime Forum (

Genshi Ōkui ♎ Primeval Gluttony
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: N/A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: (+200 chakra per limb/+300 torso and head)
Damage: N/A
Description: The basis of the Kureimoas' lust for flesh is firmly rooted in their curse of perpetual hunger. Despite this never ending agony, they are capable of feeding ever so often and being satisfied even if for for a moment. Through feeding, a Kureimoa gains a slight euphoria, like someone eating their favorite food prepared just perfectly, along with the pent up chakra stored within the flesh of their victims. This chakra can be ingested by the Kureimoa and added to their own chakra reserves or use it to fuel various chakra intensive techniques of the clan such as healing. The human body is divided into four (4) sections when being the main course of a Kureimoa's meal; both hands, feet, and the head as well as torso. Consuming the limbs will give 200 points of chakra while the torso and head will yield 300 chakra and are able to be harvested by the Kureimoa clansman through feeding. When added up this means every person consumed by the Kureimoa provides 1000 chakra However their Hunger doesn't end there, Claymores also possess a hunger for knowledge where they are able to access the thoughts, sentiments, memories, or even emptions of their victims through consumption--even if the target is dead. With their ability to digest almost all forms of chakra (such as neutral, elemental, Raw Senjutsu, as well as Bijuu chakra) they are able to devour not just flesh but actual energies when presented the opportunity. This chakra eating habit can only apply to raw, unmolded chakra and not actual techniques. Meaning, they must wait until said technique has been broken down to a point where it becomes simply raw, un-molded chakra. Whenever Kurochi overpowers an opponent's technique and the physical and chakra properties of said technique have been degraded, the Claymores are able to harvest that lingering, unmolded chakra through either eating it manually or using the Kurochi as a proxy to take it into their bodies. When metabolizing the raw chakra of a deteriorated technique a Kureimoa gains 50% of the cost of said technique as chakra to their reserves. This means, an A ranked technique (30/60) reduced to chakra or a simple burst of raw chakra gives the Kureimoa only 15 chakra should it be eaten/absorbed. Accessing sentiments and absorbing lingering chakra has no cool down nor does it take a move-slot of the three allotted (this technique will still need to be referenced however).

Note: These chakra increases count as Bonus chakra should it reach the Kureimoa chakra cap, allowing it to increase their chakra beyond their normal limits.
Note: Must be of at least Ghoul rank to perform.
Note: Can only be performed every 5 turns whether in part (eating only a few limbs) or in full (eating an entire body).
Note: Limb consumption can be done in the Ninja World but consuming the torso or head of a target requires both to agree to permanent damage and death. Limbs consumed will remain gone for that arc only, never permanent.
Note: Can also be performed through the Kagune organ or Kurochi constructs.

Approved Here

Kagirinai no Sonzai ♎ Life Eternal
Type: Supplementary
Rank: N/A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30 - 300
Damage: N/A
Description: The second half to the Kureimoas' creed to survival, Kagirinai no Sonzai is based on their ability to heal from wounds without the use of medical ninjutsu or machinery. At a cost of 70 chakra for major wounds, a Kureimoa is able to recover from grueling injuries and keep fighting longer. Coming from inside the clansman's body and pouring outward with Kurochi, the healing process is extensive enough to mend deep/shallow cuts, singed, frostbitten, and even necrotic/rotting skin, flush toxins and poisons from the body, and even regerate entire limbs if necessary. When dealing with superficial injuries like the aforementioned singed skin or shallow cuts, bruises, etc the Kureimoa is able to spend 30 chakra to heal up to 40 damage. Should the user have serious injuries such as missing limbs, moderately high damage, broken bones, etc, then he is capable of healing up to 100 damage, spending twice the amount for chakra ( i.e. healing 50 health equals 100 chakra ). The ultimate healing process of the Kureimoa however, is the secret technique dubbed only as "Dying Light" where once per match/event, the body is flooded with copious amounts of chakra and Kurochi as a terrifyingly fast healing process grips the Kureimoa's body. This ultimate healing can heal up to 150 damage at heavy costs, however. Doing this requires the Kureimoa to be alive and have his head still be attached to his spine/body while it costs a whopping 300 chakra and takes 2 of the 3 allotted slots per turn to use. This also prevents usage of other forms of healing for an extended time.

Note: Must be at least Ghoul rank to perform
Note: Any usage requires a move per turn. Minor healing can be done once every other turn while major healing can only occur once every 4 turns. Dying Light can only be used once per arc and prevents usage of minor and major healing for 6 turns.
Note: Only one version of healing can be performed in the same turn.
Note: Only Claymores of Heartless rank and above are able to use "Dying Light"

Approved Here

Kurochi ♎ Vile Chakra
Type: Offensive/Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: C/S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 15/40
Damage: 30/80
Description: The special chakra nature only found in Claymores, Kurochi is like the physical manifestation of their hunger and agony. The energy itself is pitch black in appearance and appears and behaves almost like water with its amorphous shape shifting and flexibility. This malleability isn't to be underestimated though, as the energy is both capable of being dense and hard enough to shatter bones and restrict targets and also precise and thin enough to remove a strand of hair. Claymores can manifest Kurochi directly within their bodies, where it can be seen dripping from their pores and eyes, as well as directly from it, or even the area short ranged around them. They are also able to manipulate this energy up to long range with chakra control and may sustain pre-existing constructs with -10 chakra per turn, for up to three turns. When creating constructs to attack Kurochi cannot be formed within 5 meters of the opponent. When in contact with living things, Kurochi's effects can be described as "warm" to the touch, not with heat but rather the effect it has where it gradually degrades the objects it touch in a parasitic manner, feeding on both the chakra and physical aspects of its target(s) until nothing is left. The Claymore can control what things the Kurochi feeds on and what it doesn't. Should the Claymore desire, this special chakra can be used to perform one of the core techniques of the clan; Primeval Gluttony. From the lowest to the highest rank of the release, the energy is able to feed on raw chakra and bodies and take the chakra into the Claymore's body like a proxy. In terms of S/W all elements one rank weak to Kurochi (raw and Senjutsu chakra) are devoured near immediately when interacting with it while neutral elements (elemental and other hyper natures like Bijuu chakra) are degraded at normal pace. Kurochi manifestations can range from as small as kunai (C ranked) to as large as the Doton technique Mountain Smash (S ranked).

Note: The S ranked version can only be performed 4x a match.
Note: If the S ranked variant is used then no other forms of Kurochi manipulation above A ranked can be used in the following turn.

Approved Here

Zankokuna Teikoku ♎ Cruel Hegemony
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: N/A (+10 to technique)
Damage: N/A (+20 to technique)
Description: Capitalizing on the Kureimoas' innate ability to mold Kurochi within their bodies, Cruel Hegemony is a technique which details the effect dormant Kurochi in the body has on one's chakra and its applications. First, by coursing trace amounts of Kurochi through the tenketsu, the Kureimoa is able to alter the look and behavior of its regular chakra, more specifically advanced manipulations such as elemental chakra. By mixing ones chakra nature's with Kuroch a few important effects become immediately noticeable, such as the element adopting the jet black appearance of Kurochi while also sharing a few of its traits. The infused element will gain the ability to affect both chakra and matter alike, as is the characteristic trait of Kurochi. For example, a Kurochi infused fireball will be pitch black in color, obscuring vision while being able to devour the chakra and physical aspects of its target(s) unlike regular fire.Water techniques become severely discolored, looking very murky while Doton techniques become pitch black--even the tiny particles. Lightning also becomes black and solid variations of Futon (such as Vacuum Blade) becomes dark grey color. However this effect only applies to elements released directly from the Claymore's body such as the hands, mouth, feet, etc.

Note: Lasts 4 turns with each usage
Note: Can only be performed 3x by Heartless Ones and below and 4x by Phantasmal Ones and up
Note: Can only be applied to elements of S ranked 3x in total and Forbidden ranked only 2x
Note: Requires a 2 turn cool down once it ends.
Note: Usable members of Ghoul rank and above.

All Checked/Edited. Claymore will be allowed to deal “Temporary Damage” in the Ninja World, meaning during an arc they will be allowed to deal permanent damage to limbs in the form of consuming them. However, this damage only lasts for that arc so it is not true permanent damage, hence the term. To consume the torso or head, both parties must agree to true permanent damage.

Approved Here

Masukumēka No Me ♎ Mask Maker’s Eye
Offensive/ Supplementary/ Defensive
Rank: A-S
Chakra Cost: 30-40 (-X per turn from target, -10 per turn active)
Damage: 60-80
Description: The eye of the mask maker, is one of the developments which the members of the clan made, in order to show proof not to themselves but, rather to the world of them not being the beasts and vicious creatures that they believed them to be, rather, a clan and more so a civilized group of individuals, who were able to along with their gifted abilities to create one of the most advanced and yet again elegant ways of battling. Using the control they had over Kurochi and the ability to manifest it within their body, they would manipulate it under their first layer of skin, creating a sort of flexible, sub-dermal body armor, which does not only stand strong as just an armor, but is the very core principle of this art of battling which they have developed. Due to the very parasitic nature, and potency of the chakra, they will be able to exhibit the properties of the energy from their very bodies by having it seep through various areas of the skin. Along with their ability to eat away chakra at an alarming rate, and strength and weaknesses of the element, to leak through the users skin, allowing them to showcase the usages in a closed quarter combat style of battling. Due to the complicated stances of the technique, it was later separated into 3 distinctive "flows" of battling, which entailed sparring/dueling, defense, and complete annihilation, or as they preferred to call it "Conquest".

Flow of Divinity ♎ – Using the basic control they possess over Kurochi, the properties of the chakra will be able to leak through the skin at strategic moments through will, without much waste happening (that is, unnecessary amounts being released from the user’s body). Considering the chakra was under the first layer of skin, contact with the skin of a Kureimoa during this technique will feel almost as if there were a thousand tiny mouths eating/nibbling not only on the skin, but also the chakra should it be present--according to the normal powers/weaknesses of Kurochi as a chakra type. Another fact is that if they deem it worthy, the Kureimoa has the option to release the Kurochi from their body during free form combat which can obscure vision, helping in close quarters, or simply defend from free form attacks, as well as release Kurochi to cover select parts of their bodies, boosting offensive capabilities (this corresponds with the Flow of Divinity's rank, which is A. Costs 30 chakra, deals 60 damage, and takes a move to manifest and control) which can take any shape or form really, depending on the user's imagination. The only limitation to this is that the Kurochi can only move a few meters from the skin, which means the Kureimoa would have to be close to the target to deal some damage. The Kurochi will have an almost weightlessness appearance as it leaks through the pores of the skin, freely allowing them to create very strong offensive or defense themed forces in close quarter combat, for just one touch with the destructive chakra can have detrimental effects on a normal human’s body.

Flow of Absolution ♎ – Using the very same principle and the rules based on the strengths and weaknesses of a Kureimoa, the Kurochi, will be able to further increase the defensive capabilities, preventing any direct harm to the Kureimoa's organs, bones, or muscle. Considering the skin is one of the easiest organs of the body to regenerate (at least, for the Kureimoas), the Kurochi will be able to serve as a sort of unseen defense, lying directly underneath and protecting the user, following its own S/W of course. In the event of an attack the skin can be easily sacrificed while the Kurochi underneath serves as the true defense. For example a sword cut would slice the skin open but stop short at the defensive layer of chakra underneath. Whenever the skin is removed, the armor of Kurochi is exposed and the user is able to manipulate it in the sake of defense or attack, subjecting the attacker/attack to point blank, pure Kurochi (this corresponds with the rank of the Flow of Absolution, which is A. Costs 30 chakra, deals 60 damage, and takes a move to manipulate) which naturally devours both physical and chakra properties of a target. This would mean, the average "fatal" strike done to a Kureimoa would actually be more deadly to the attacker than the Kureimoa itself. Kurochi in this usage cannot extend 5 meters should it be exposed.

Flow of Conquest ♎ – Is when the Kuremoa is able to establish some form of sustained contact with the body of the enemy. During this "flow" the Kurochi is rushed to the hands (or any other area the Kureimoa wishes) and leaks onto the skin causing the covered body part to become pitch black. When this happens, the Kurochi will be able to show a very characteristic trait of it, which would be siphoning chakra. On the first turn of sustained contact, the Kurochi within the Kureimoa begins to relieve the target of 50 points of chakra, but as the contact is maintained, over time, this value stacks for 3 turns, adding up to 150 points of chakra removed at maximum. Feasting can be done when sustained contact is held either with a Kureimoa's Kurochi infused skin or the Kurochi itself, and can lead to loss of vitality in some areas of the body as the Kurochi literally eats away at their flesh while leeching them dry of chakra. This a like the cruel variant of the Kureimoas' hunger for knowledge where they are able to harness thoughts and memories of their foes. Only difference is that this takes the chakra instead.

Connecting the "flows" given to them by the "Vile Chakra", they were able to incorporate various martial arts (such as free form and non-chakra aided Taijutsu), allowing them a rather strict control over closed quarter combat. The vile chakra also has a property of being able to consume weapons of the Kureimoa, from the inside, or coating them on the outside, especially the cancerous organ of the Kagune. This technique can be used to coat and infuse the Kagune of each Kureimoa with either of the "flows" in order to boost battle prowess--regardless of which state the Kagune is in ( i.e. Rinkaku, Ukaku, etc)

Note: The first two Flows can only be used 2x by Heartless Ones and below while 3x by Phantasmal Ones and above. The last Flow can only be done 3x, regardless of rank.
Note: Each variant lasts 4 turns each, excepting S-Ranked Conquest which lasts 3
Note: Flows of Divinity and Absolution require a two turn cool down upon deactivation
Note: Flow of Conquest requires a three turn cool down upon deactivation.

Approved Here

Kuro Yagi no Tamago ♎ The Black Goat's Egg
Rank: A-S
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: (See each tab for specific chakra drainage)
Damage: N/A (-20 to user)
Description: This technique is similar to Mask Makers eye where a very special fusion between the Kurochi and the body of the Kureimoa is explored. The Black Goat's Egg however, specifically connects to one body part, an organ which the Kureimoa have been blessed with: the Kagune. Due to its parasitic and often times cancerous properties, it is a very diverse as well as risky part of the Kureimoas' culture. Being that Kurochi is shown to have very specific medicinal properties when applied to a Claymore's body, this clan technique explores a different form of empowerment through Kurochi never before seen. Like Mask Maker's Eye, The Black Goat's Egg boasts three different sections, each applying to the three faction known within the clan: Vanguard, Centurion, and Aegis Core.

Vanguards of the Sunlit Garden ♎– As one would imagine, this ability caters to the attackers, the Vanguard faction. The technique begins by destroying the Kagune Sac internally with the use of Kurochi and then absorbing every single cell of the organ into the bloodstream. Due to the Kagune Sac being made from the flesh and chakra of the Nature Energy and Senjutsu adepts known only as "Jugo's Clan", absorbing the Kagune Sac in its entirety becomes something way more interesting than self-cannibalization. The cells, called "Jugo's Clan Cells or JC's" from here on out, when absorbed into the blood stream allows the Claymore a very weak but still effective ability to sense and gather Natural Energy, similar to their long time rivals. By being able to sense the ubiquitous Natural Energy around them in a manner less potent than Sage Mode, the Claymore is able to increase their scope awareness as well as an increase to their base speed by 1.5x while the technique remains active. This infusion isn't strong enough to transfer to the chakra network, but it does seep into the muscles and bones of the Claymore, giving them added resilience to attacks of the "physical" nature, such as Doton, Suiton, and some types of Futon techniques up to C rank and Taijutsu techniques up to B rank. The JC Cells, still being essentially the Kagune organ, just broken down, is able to be used offensively as well by having Kagune-like weapons called "Quinque" jut from the Claymore's skin. Using the same hardened material that composes the Kagune, the Quinque weapons are equally as durable and are able to play on level terms with elemental techniques of A ranked and below in a variety of shapes and forms such as swords, shields, gauntlets, spears, etc. The Quinque can only be utilized by a Claymore as it requires a constant supply of Kurochi (costs an extra -10 per turn) and if anyone else other than a Claymore wields it the weapon immediately feeding chakra from the holder at an alarming rate until there's no more chakra left to devour. It can also be made in the image of any of the four forms of the Kagune (such as the Ukakku, Kōkaku, Rinkaku, and Bikaku), for example sprouting a tentacle from a sword. The Quinque's are A ranked in power like the Kagune and are able to change shape to whatever the Claymore wishes, so long as contact is made. The final ability of the Quinque is to, in some forms, fire beams of concentrated Kurochi up to long ranged (S ranked in power, costing 40 chakra and dealing 80 damage). This can only be done 3 times per conflict. One must note however, that only one Quinque can be wielded by the Claymore at any given time and once cancelled or destroyed there is a two turn wait before one can be formed again.

Paladins of the Aegis Core ♎ – Being a faction that relies heavily on defense and utility, the Aegis Core uses both Kurochi and Kagune in similar yet different ways than the other factions. Firstly, instead of absorbing the Kagune Sac into their bodies like their Vanguard counterparts, the Aegis Core Claymores have been seen to unleash the Kagune in a full coverage exoskeleton formation. This exoskeleton, called an Arata, is tough to the touch as well as alive, molding itself to the Claymore's body and ensuring everywhere is covered. While no doubt boosting the defensive capabilities of the body (allowing the wearer to passively resist elemental techniques up to C ranked and Taijutsu up to B ranked), the Arata also serves to augment the Claymore's physical attacks, giving Taijutsu techniques an impressive +20 while active. Seeing that the Arata is simply the Kagune being controlled from the outside instead of in, it is able to morph into any of the four forms of the Kagune by infusing it with Kurochi (costs -10 chakra per turn to keep active). Kurochi causes the Arata to appear pitch black forcefully shaping it into the different forms, each carrying a unique advantage. The Ukaku (Shining Feather) form allows the Arata to become ultra-lightweight without sacrificing defense. When paired with the physical enhancing properties of Kurochi on the body, this becomes something akin to releasing Leg Weights, where the user is able to move with a sort of "new speed". This allows the wearer to move in blurs very similar to the Body Flicker technique. Keep in mind this doesn't actually increase his speed in anyway, it only changes his movement from a natural fluid one to jagged, quick maneuvers, allowing him to dart from place to place and even jump as far as mid ranged (cannot be used to dodge techniques) in one bound. The Kōkaku (Shining Shell) form allows the Arata to create projectiles similar to kunais and Fuma shuriken that can be thrown up to long ranged. Being made of an organic material rivaling steel these projectiles are very lethal and can be guided to their target with chakra control thanks to an ever-present Kurochi infusion. The Rinkaku (Shining Scale) Arata form allows the wearer to spout up to four extra arms that are C ranked individually (amounting collectively as A ranked, just like the Kagune). These are can be used to aid in Taijutsu and Kenjutsu and any other forms of body arts the wearer knows but they can't mold chakra. The last Arata form, the Bikaku (Shining Tail) is a bit different. Keeping its tradition as the toughest of the Kagune forms, the Bikaku Arata can be surged with a large amount of Kurochi to increase its defensive capabilities, raising the rank of the Arata from A to S, which would allow the user to tank the damage of one S ranked elemental attack, or two A ranks, etc. This ability costs a move, counts as an S ranked technique (costing 40 chakra), and can only be done 3x per conflict. Unlike the Kagune, the Arata can change form as many times as necessary during its 5 turn duration, excepting to the Bikaku form, which would cost a move and behave as mentioned.

Chimeric Centurions of Aogiri ♎ – The most peculiar ability of the Centurion faction, it is said to have been created by the One-Eyed King himself and is based on the innate connections found between the Kagune, Koruchi, and the Claymore. This clan technique details a strange fusion of the three properties--with a twist. The 'evolution' is first initiated by the Claymore coursing Kurochi through their Kagune, causing it to shift from blood red to jet black as per the actual color of Kurochi. By doing this the Kagune will naturally adopt some abilities of Kurochi which include degrading both the chakra and physical properties of anything it touches. The peculiar twist that comes with this infusion is the taking advantage of Kurochi's ability to forcefully manipulate the body and manipulate the Kagune itself. Based on the same principles of Awakening, the Kurochi infused Kagune will be be able to contort into horrid creations as well as an overall size, defense, and power boost. Perhaps the most shocking change that takes over the Kagune is the organic mutation that occurs which replicates the users own organs onto the Kagune, making it almost alive-like. These organs include eyes which can see and pivot, mouths which can whisper and even eat, along with prehensile hands and ears, all of which are the Claymore's own body parts, only copied. As one would imagine, the extra appendages would serve to help the Claymore in combat but they are foremost side effects of copious amounts of Kurochi infusion. Due to the immense stress it takes on the user's chakra as well as physical well-being to bring forth and boost the Kagune, this technique is able to take another turn where the Claymore manipulates the cancerous Kagune sac located on the spine to spread even more throughout their bodies, fusing with muscles and organs, turning their entire bodies into a sort of makeshift Kagune. Very different from the Aegis Core, this full-body Kagune doesn't form on the outside like armor but rather inside of the body itself. In doing so the user's skin, hair, and eyes can become pitch black from the Kurochi infusion. The purpose of this, is to allow the Kagune's durable structure (see S/W's of Kagune) to lay beneath the skin as a second line of defense while also to be able to come from almost every conceivable part of their bodies instead of the back alone while also causing extra appendages and organs (such as the eyes, ears, and mouths mentioned earlier) to sprout all over the Claymore's body. Of course they can control what appendage grows and where. This can cause an arm to become riddled with eyes, similar to Danzo, or even extra mouths to intimidate or speed up a feeding process. The Kagune shares the regenerative properties of the Claymore body and costs -10 chakra per turn to keep active. This means, if the Claymore uses the healing CCJ "Life Eternal" both Kagune and their bodies are healed at the same time due to the unique fusion. By having all these extra sensory based organs functioning on their bodies/Kagune, the Centurions gain an increased awareness far above regular standards, similar in nature to chakra sensing. This translates to an increase in their tracking capabilities by a factor of x2. Quite peculiarly too, the organs are known to sometimes function autonomously of the user's control, such as the mouths whispering horrid things or the eyes staring where the Claymore isn't.
As one could observe, The Black Goat's Egg reworks the traditional use of the Kagune for the Claymores, and as long as this clan technique is active they lose access to the Kagune in any other way. For higher ranking members who have access to two or more factions of the clan, to switch between each faction correspondent ability of Black Goat's Egg they will have to wait an entire turn for the Kagune Sac to regenerate and then get ready to deploy again. Each ability requires a chakra tax of -10 per turn to keep active and each lasts 5 turns, excepting the first: Vangaurds of the Sunlit Garden, which lasts 4 turns.

Note: Each faction ability can only be used 3 times per battle
Note: While any of the three abilities are active the Claymore loses access to the Kagune as the traditional CCW.
Note: Each faction ability lasts 5 turns each, excepting the first one pertaining to Vanguards, which lasts 4.
Note: To switch between faction abilities the user must wait one full turn.
Note: Each faction ability damages the user by -20 per turn while active.
Note: The user can use the created organs of the last form to feed, instead of needing to eat the organism on its own.
Note: Can only be used by Heartless Ones and Above
Note: Can only be used to those who accepted the Kagune transplant.

Erumesu no Tori: Seigen no Reberu ♎ The Bird of Hermes: Levels of Restriction
Rank: B - Forbidden
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 20-50 (-20/-30 per turn)
N/A (-10/-20/-30/-40 per turn)
The one truth to the fabled destruction of the Village Hidden in Waterfalls was that of the Claymores and their immense power. The wide scale carnage was a result of the performance of a Forbidden technique only a few even heard about much less knew how to execute. Normally, the technique, which is actually a culmination of four different acts coming together, is sealed within stone and hidden deep underground, but its secrets could easily be revealed by true Claymores who sought it. The four acts quickly became known as the "Levels of Restrictions" and consisted of Kurochi, the Claymores' dark and foul chakra, and its many uses that weren't thought conventionally possible before. The "levels" are thought to be shackles that govern the imprisonment of a great demon called Bileyg that lives within every Claymore, who's terrible form can be seen within each and every Awakening and Abyssal State, and who's Hunger and intent lies within Kurochi itself. With every level being surpassed, a Claymore is able to bring themselves closer to the Demon, losing their individuality in the sea that is its endless madness and wicked intent (essentially going mad) and upon breaching the final level, the Claymore loses themselves and becomes one with Bileyg itself. Only one level can be activated at a time. Levels of Restriction can only be activated four times over all, regardless of Level, with a three turn cool down.

Level 3:
The first step to becoming the Demon. This initial bound allows for Kurochi to adopt peculiar properties while under the intent of a Claymore. Foremost, the Hunger within the Claymore will become "visible" within the Kurochi. That is, a blood red hue will hover over the blackness signifying this, similar to how Bijuu chakra is colored red with hate. All subsequent Kurochi related techniques performed while in this level will cost +10 extra chakra while damaging the Claymore -20 to perform, but receives a +20 to damage. The dark energy will also become much more flexible in its destruction, too wherein the user can, once per turn, coat one of his techniques with an adequately sized amount of Kurochi (relative to the technique it is affecting) to cover it. The coating won't boost the technique's damage but rather its kill potential. When coated, the Kurochi will mask the technique's appearance. For example, a Katon technique could be masked with Kurochi which can be made to flow like water, forcing the fire to conform to its shell's shape and also flow. The Kurochi will also be thick enough so that normal sight would be unable to discern the true nature of the technique inside. This application is passive in nature, being applied while the technique is being molded, though this can only be done to one technique per turn. Level 3 is B-ranked, lasts three turns.

Level 2:
The breaching of the second frame will see Kurochi evolving even further. Level 2 is tasked with taking advantage of Claymores' deep connection with Kurochi. As such, Kurochi related techniques up to A-rank in this level gain +30 damage and the Claymore is able to, once per turn, perform elemental techniques up to A-rank through Kurochi constructs so long as the construct in question is within range (Short-Mid), such as a Kurochi wall emitting Chidori Nagashi or a Kurochi shield spewing a fireball. This ability can be applied passively but only once and the Claymore would still need to perform hand seals/accompanying movements if any. This level is A ranked, costs -20 chakra and damages -20 per turn. Level 2 lasts three turns. After deactivation the Claymore will be unable to perform techniques above S-ranked for two turns.

Level 1:
Reaching even closer to Bileyg, this level's breach sees the Kurochi corrupting the Claymore itself. They will lose their physical form and become one with the foul chakra, leaving only a silhouette of what they used to look like and two emissive spots where their eyes should be. By merging themselves with Kurochi, Kurochi related techniques up to S-rank will gain a +30 damage boost while giving the Claymore an ability to 'feel' anything the foul chakra touches such as objects, people, and techniques. This level is S-ranked, costs -30 chakra and damages -30 per turn, lasting two turns. After use the Claymore will be unable to mold techniques above A-ranked for two turns.

Level 0:
This level is the ultimate and final frame. The Claymore becomes one with not only the Kurochi inside and around them, but the inner demon that is Bileyg. They lose what's left of the shape they had managed to keep from level 1, and grow into the seven foot tall demon [ ]. They will also begin to emit an aura of Kurochi passively from their bodies that is S ranked in power but can only extend up to 5m of their position. While this level is active, the Claymore is able to have the aura act defensively or offensively without the cost of a move but only once and the maximum range stays at 5 meters, in any direction. Kurochi related techniques up to Forbidden rank are boosted by +40 in this level but the Claymore suffers a -40 damage penalty upon activation and -40 in the next turn. Level 0 is Forbidden ranked and lasts 2 turns. After deactivation the Claymore will be unable to perform techniques above B-ranked for three turns.

Note: Must be at least Ghoul rank to perform. Ghouls are only capable of Level 3.
Note: Heartless rank is able to perform all Levels excepting 0.
Note: Phantasmal rank and up may perform all Levels.

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Kagune ♎ Shining Child
Rank: A - S
Range: Short - Mid
60 - 80 (-40 per activation, -10 per turn)
Description: Not only did the Kureimoa develop a unique and foul chakra nature as a result of feeding on people for years, but they also garnered a curse, called Kagunes. The word Kagune in itself means "Shining Child" and is not as lovely as the name suggests. After years of dominating minor clans the Kureimoa turned to their eternal rivals; Jugo's Clan, and began ingesting their flesh, unknowingly metabolizing the chakra, which lead to their bodies ultimately turning this strange chakra and flesh into a small, cancerous growth which was later known as the "Kagune Sac". This strange piece of flesh positioned itself along the Kureimoa's spine and rested there, connecting itself to his/her nervous and chakra system like a parasite. By connecting to such a vital area on the body the Kureimoa are able to control and "flex" this Kagune sac like they would with any normal muscle. However, flexing this muscle is where this get interesting. With mental commands and a supply of chakra, the Kureimoa is able to draw the Kagune from their body and have it take form around him kind of like a liquid muscle. Kagunes are red-blackish in color coming from the color of the blood within it as well as the Kurochi surrounding it. The Kagune, when manifested, acts like another limb to the user and can be used as such with the durability of an A ranked technique which can play on par with Elemental Ninjutsu of the same rank. And just like their hosts, the Kureimoa, the Kagune is able to regenerate--albeit at a slower and more inferior rate considering it isn't exactly their own flesh. Each time the Kagune is called upon it tears through the skin quite forcefully which often times sends blood and pieces of flesh scattering from the Kureimoa's body. But, with their aforementioned healing factor this becomes negligable as the damage is healed almost as quickly as it was made. Being an organ, the Kagune can be commanded as easily as any other limb. Kurochi also covers and infuses the Kagune in various ways depending on the form taken. The Kagune and Kurochi each have A-ranked power, allowing the weapon in its entirety S-ranked durability. It seamlessly and passively regenerates from attacks A-Rank and below. This regeneration also extends to attacks above A-Rank but is more limited in use. Attacks stronger than S-Rank will shatter the Kagune but it can regenerate once from a Forbidden ranked attack and twice from an S ranked attack.

As previously stated, Kagune has 4 main forms, each one corresponding to the location it is projecting out of the Claymore's body, with their own unique usages, advantages and disadvantages. The location where the Kagune will project itself out of will be necessary to give it the shape needed. Its form can be changed but doing so forces the organ back inside the body, where it will relocate after one turn, and re-emerge (doing so cannot bypass any existing cool downs and counts as a re-activation). The color of each Kagune may vary per Claymore as well as unique variations (to be submitted as PCCJ). The Kagune can be activated passively once per fight/conflict, four times overall, with a four turn cool down each time it is deactivated. Lasts as long as the Claymore keeps paying health.

(Ukaku || 羽赫) Shining Feather

The first type of the Kagune which grows in the cervical vertebrae. When activated, the organ bursts from the Claymore's back as a pair of wings. Each wing has a bony support structure running its edges while Kurochi forms a thin membrane in between. This allows the Claymore a limited form of flight and gliding, which can be used to travel up to Mid-range at their base speed. The Claymore also gains he user gains a projectile offensive mechanism, where the Kagune is able to release kunai sized shards of Kurochi to 10 meters (Mid-range). These shards are A-Rank in power and cannot be done while in flight. This ability has a two turn cool down.

(Kōkaku || 甲赫) Shining Shell
The second type is activated upon having the organ grow or move to the thoracic vertebrae. In this form the Kagune forms an outer shell over the Claymore's arm that behaves like a sword or cleaver. Kurochi flares around the Kagune in this form and can allow it pierce or slice through techniques up to S-rank. The Kōkaku form can only reach up to 3 meters of the Claymore but can be operated in close range at the speed of the average Samurai due to its small form and lightweight material. The Kurochi enhancement can only be done once every two turns.

(Rinkaku || 鱗赫) Shining Scales
The third type is created with the growing or moving of the organ in the Lumbar vertebrae which gives the user the ability to call forth tentacles from the spine, up to 4 in number or just one (four B-ranks or one A-rank). Kurochi infuses the Kagune in this form, allowing it to devour anything it touches. For techniques lower in power than the Rinkaku, can be devoured whilst attacking to supply the Claymore (through Primeval Gluttony CCJ). The ability to devour and return chakra can only be activated once every two turns after which the Rinkaku will still function as an offensive weapon. The Rinkaku is also the second Kagune form that can reach up to 10 meters when attacking (Mid ranged).

(Bikaku || 尾赫) Shining Tail
The last kind, which is created from having the organ move to the sacrum, will project itself out from the skin in form of a flexible tail. Being made of almost entirely muscle, the Bikaku swings with enough strength to break bones and send tremors through the ground. With the added Kurochi outer layer, it is an S-ranked weapon, capable of dealing serious damage. It can also be used to cover the Claymore's leg instead, for added Taijutsu damage (+20 to leg based Tai). Once activated the ability lasts two turns, with a two turn cool down. The Bikaku can only reach up to four meters of the Claymore's body.

Note: Must be at least Ghoul rank to possess.
Note: Choosing to have a Kagune prevents the Claymore from utilizing any other CW's and must be mentioned in the biography.

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Bukimina Nisshoku ♎ Ominous Eclipse
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B-S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 40 (+10 per turn)
Damage: 40-80
Description: Bukimina Nisshoku is one devised solely to allow the Claymore to take direct advantage of their unique and oppressive chakra nature that is Kurochi. The technique in itself could be regarded as a "shield that kills" due to its dual nature of defense and attack at the same time. It comes in levels, or increments, which deliver slightly different results depending on how much chakra is spent. It begins foremost with the Claymore transforming their body into Kurochi completely, becoming pitch black humanoid entities that can adopt any texture they deem fit; flickering like flames, flowing like water, etc. Once the Claymore has been transformed their body allows for heightened movements (x2 to current Speed) Due to the amorphous traits of Kurochi, the Claymore will be able to not only shape themselves into anything imaginable, but also fly-- through extensive manipulation. The second side to this technique is its offensive one, where anything the Claymore so much as brushes against in this form, will immediately be subjected to the heinous effects of Kurochi, where it eats away at both physical materials and chakra alike, including "intangible" forms of chakra like un-molded sources within a person or animal. If the Claymore, while in this state phases through a technique which is of a chakra type weak to Kurochi by at least one rank, they are able to break down that chakra and add it directly to their reserves with an efficiency rate of 100%, meaning none is wasted to the environment like regular Kurochi applications, due to their bodies taking the chakra in whole. If they phase through a person, they are able to suck the chakra from the bodies (depending on rank) as well as rob the body of its vitality (physical energy) leaving drained husks behind devoid of breath or chakra. For the B ranked application, up to 50 of the opponents chakra points can be drained and passed to the Claymore, at A ranked this becomes 80 and the S ranked application can siphon a whopping 120 of the opponent's chakra directly from their chakra pool i.e. it doesn't have to be molded into a technique. Of course, just like Kurochi's regular application, the Claymore is able to decide who and what gets drained, and can pass over allies and structures with no harm done. However, the technique comes with its drawbacks, naturally, which vary depending on rank. The B ranked variant allows the Claymore to enter the state for 4 turns, with a 2 turn cooldown between uses. They can only move 5 meters (Short Ranged) each turn when evading techniques with this variant. The A ranked version allows the state to be kept for 3 turns, with a 3 turn cooldown between usages, and a maximum usage limit of 3 times. The Claymore is able to move up to 15 meters (mid ranged) each turn when evading techniques. And lastly, the S ranked variant sees the state being kept for 2 turns, with a 4 turn cooldown between usages, and a maximum usage limit of twice. The Claymore is able to move up to long ranged in a single maneuver when evading techniques.
Note: Claymore are able to alter their shapes on the fly to further evade techniques while in this state, costing an additional +10 chakra, but only once per turn.
Note: The drawbacks for each variant is as follows; B ranked: No other Kurochi techniques above A ranked can be used following it. A ranked: No Kurochi related techniques above S ranked following its activation. S ranked: No Kurochi related techniques following its activation, and none above S in the following

Re-Approved. While the other techniques were edited, these were determined to still work in line with the current system and while they may be a bit weak, these aren’t updates we need to add.

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Aug 17, 2011
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Posting as Current Head of Clan

(Neidan: Wuji Dao) Internal Alchemy: Way of Nothingness
Type: Supplementary
Rank: D - S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 10 - 70
Damage: N/A
Description: This is one of the fundamental Neidan techniques within the Hayabusa clan and the first one learned. This technique returns existence to nothingness/erases from existence. Using one of the three Dantian Hayabusa ninja render existence to nothingness. Depending on the Dantian that is used the user can manipulate physical, vital, or spiritual existence. Regardless of which application is used there are two components that can be utilized: internal or external. These two components describe the technique’s application to one’s self and outside themselves respectively. A Hayabusa ninja who utilizes the internal component with this technique manipulates their own physical, vital, and/or spiritual existence. One who utilizes external component does the same but with any entity other than themselves. Only one of the components can be used for any given application of this technique. As for the applications, only one can be used at a given time. Upon reaching higher jounin ranks (Dragon/Head Ninja and Master Ninja), Hayabusa ninja can utilize all three of the Dantian simultaneously to completely erase their own existence (internal) or that of another entity (external). When erasing one’s own existence with this technique the user can only maintain a state of non-existence for no more than one turn with and must re-appear within 10 meters of their original point. Once the user has gone to nothingness they cannot use any techniques until after they return to reality. Through the external component the user can erase the existence of another life such as summons or other shinobi though it requires prolonged contact with the target (3 turns). After contact is made the victim will begin to vanish from the ground up.

Lower Dantian: The Lower Dantian deals with physical existence. Entities such as solids and liquids, physical entities, and corporeal matter are within this Dantian’s scope. When using the internal component of this application the user is capable of erasing parts of their body as small as: bits of flesh and bone to whole limbs, organs, etc. This ability extends to physical afflictions such as poisons, toxins, pathogens and generally any other thing that integrates itself within the user’s physical being. When using this technique on the body to take off flesh and bone the user will feel as though their flesh and bone have been ripped apart and their body will suffer accordingly. For example: if the user erases their right index finger, they will feel their finger ripped off their body and will bleed profusely until stopped. The external component of this technique takes the form of transparent visual distortions similar in nature and appearance to the voids of kamui though with the ability to vary in shape and size. The shape and size are dependent on the rank of the technique. As well as the amount of matter in which one can erase is also dependent on the rank. Lower ranks means smaller areas of effect and less matter that can be erased. This technique has the ability to combat against techniques of equivalent rank or chakra input. With the external component, if anybody other than the user makes contact with the technique, they will suffer just as the user would if they used the internal component of this application. The external component of this application can be made within short range of the user but not the target unless both parties are in close range. Even then, the user cannot manifest this technique directly on their opponent without physical contact.

Middle Dantian: The Middle Dantian deals with vital existence; the existence of energy. Non-solid/liquid entities like plasmas, fire, lightning, raw chakra forms, and otherwise ethereal entities fall within this Dantian’s scope. The internal component of this application is rather simple, the user erases chakra/energy that exists within them either their own or that of another’s that is connected to the user. The amount of chakra the user can erase is proportional to the rank they use for this application. As for the external component, similar to the Lower Dantian, voids of various shapes are created which erase the chakra/energy, ethereal, and/or vital nature of entities. Again, like with the Lower Dantian, the user cannot directly manifest a chakra erasing void upon their opponents; contact with the void or between the user and the target must be established to directly affect the target.

Upper: The Upper Dantian deals with the spiritual existence of an entity. Spiritual techniques, consciousness, mental capability, and spirits are all within this Dantian’s control. The internal component of this application controls the existence of illusions, consciousness, sentience, within the user. Enemy techniques that deal with mind control or that inject their consciousness within the Hayabusa can be defended against with the internal component. Likewise, the stability and power of illusions and other spiritual techniques attached to the user can be cut down according to the rank/chakra of this technique. The external component of this application is a little different than the others. Unlike the Lower and Middle Dantian which cannot effect an opponent directly, this Dantian’s application can. With the external component the user can cause the spiritual energy of a sentient being dwindle to nothingness as long as the user has sensory perception of their target and is within range. The result of erasing the spiritual being comes in the form of fatigue and a lack of focus which prevents the target from using higher ranked techniques and progressively dims their consciousness. For example: C-ranked usage will prevent use of Forbidden rank techniques and B-rank usage would prevent S-rank and above and so on. The constraints are as follows: Only chunin level Hayabusa and above can use this technique (as it starts at C-rank) and the user must be within and maintain mid-range of the target to use C and B-rank. A-rank requires short range and S-rank direct physical contact. While using this application only two techniques can be used per turn. If the victim gets out of range of the user they will become capable of using their full power in the following turn.

Note: This technique is learned at genin level and follows similar rules for each rank. Genin can only use D-rank applications, chunin = C-rank, jounin = B-rank (upper) A-rank (lower and middle), Dragon/Head Ninja = A-rank (upper) S-rank (lower and middle), Master Ninja = All ranks.
Note: Genin and Chunin are required to use 5 to 3 hand seals respectively for any application’s external component. Jounin require one hand seal, Dragon/Head, and Master Ninja can use up to B-rank with no hand seals. Contact between user and opponent requires no hand seals.
Note: When using the external component of the Upper Dantian, using the A-ranked and above will render an opponent comatose after two turns. C and B-ranks will simply render one unconscious after 4 turns. Each turn of maintaining drains half the original chakra cost. While maintaining no other application of this technique can be used.
Note: Upper Dantian usages, regardless of the component can only be used once every other turn. A-ranked and above usage requires a two turn cool down.
Note: S-rank applications of this technique requires a one turn cool down for the Middle and Lower Dantian.
Note: To erase completely the existence of oneself or of another the user must use 70 chakra. Unlike the external component where it takes three turns to erase another, the internal component is instantaneous in its nature due to a lack of resistance from the user applying it to themselves. Upon using this advanced application either internally or externally the user will be unable to use any Neidan technique for the next two turns. Dragon Ninja and Head Ninja can use this application twice per battle and Master Ninja 3 times per battle.

(Neidan: Taij Dao ) Internal Alchemey: Way of the Supreme
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: D - Forbidden
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 10 - 60
Damage: 20 - 90
Description: Taiji Dao is the sister technique to Wuji Dao and its polar opposite. Where the latter returns existence to nothigness, Taiji Dao brings existence from nothingness. Fundamentally, the user creates physical, vital, and/or spiritual entities through the use of their Dantian. The user is also capable of returning enties they've erased with Wuji Dao back into existence in the condition they were erased. The constructs and creations that a user can conjure are limited to their imagination. These constructs, if appropriate, are capable of using Neidan techniques that coincide with the dantian used to create them (e.g physical constructs can use techniques with the lower dantian) ( the entities can, not constructs ). Like other techniques that possess the Chakra of the Dragon, the user is capable of keeping track of anything created with this technique via their Taijin ability. The basic application of this technique sees the use of one of the three dantian to create an entity. However, advanced users are capable of combining two or all three dantian to create entities with qualities of multiple dantian. Combining all three of the dantian is the equivalent to creating a sentient familiar. This technique is learned at genin rank and requires 5 hand signs for external uses. Each rank reduces the requirements for hand signs by 2. The upper echleon (Dragon, Head, Master) may use this technique B-rank and below without hand signs.

Lower Dantian: This application sees the creation of physical entities from Wuji (Nothingness). Entities created with this dantian may possess properties of any material state of matter (solids and liquids primarily) and can be created internal or external of the Hayabusa. Hayabusa are also capable of replacing or adding body parts to themselves (or others through direct contact A-rank usage) such as lost or additional limbs, appendages, or wings. Those with medical knowledge can even replace vital organs, tissues, and cells. The limitations of this technique are that: entities created must be 5 meters away from adversaries unless the user is within close range. Entities such as poisons, diseases, or composites of actual elemental natures cannot be created. Familiars created with this dantian alone are non-sentient. All created constructs possess a black reptilian scale like aesthetic pattern, representing Sokotsu.

Middle Dantian: This application sees the creation of vital/etheral entities from Wuji. Entities created with this dantian possess plasma like forms similar to lightning and fire and appear as translucent black energy. The versatility of this application is less than the lower dantian's application as it possesses no such maluable ability to be formed into multiple different states of matter. Entities created with this application is incredibly high energy giving them the capability to burn on touch or even ignite objects and beings within close proximity (ignition at A-rank and above must be within 2 meters of the entity). The user is immune to their own energy's burning effects. Like the previous application, familiars created with this dantian alone are non-sentient. Entities cannot be created within 5 meters of adversaries unless close range is already established between the user and opponent(s).

Upper Dantian: This application sees the creation of spiritual entities from Wuji. This application allows the user to create a seperate sentience within themselves, or others. This spiritual creation may appear however the user deems fit as it is only a mental representation of the consciousness. Unless created within the consciousness of another, these spiritual beings are only concievable, and communicable to the Hayabusa who created it. Unlike the previous two applications, the user may create this spiritual sentience within another as long as they are within appropriate range. However, their only function is to prevent opponents from using mental/spiritual techniques of certain levels (B-rank prevents enemies from using S-rank and above spiritual/mental techniques. Every rank above that decreases the enemy's use by 1-rank). If created inside the user, the entity acts as a partner capable of using upper dantian techniques without the need for the user's input and is unaffected by spiritual/mental techniques directed at the user. Likewise it can block spiritual techniques on the user's behalf as well (A-rank and below starting at B-rank creations and increasing by 1 rank for every rank above B). This application requires one to be chunin rank and is B-rank at minimum. B and A-rank uses require the user to be within mid-range to use against targets. S-rank requires short range and Forbidden rank requires direct physical contact.

Multi-Dantian: This sees the application of more than one of the dantian being used in one specific use. There are only 3 combinations that may arise from this; lower+upper, middle+upper, and all three combined. The former two applications are a minimum of A-rank. Creating an entity with all 3 dantian is S-rank at minimum and acts as an entirely independent existence.

Note: Genin may use this technique up to C-rank every two turns. Chunin may use this every other turn up to B-rank. Jounin may use this technique up to S-rank (A-rank for upper dantian), however S-rank usage requires a one turn cool down before re-use. Jounin are also capable of using Multi-Dantian.
Note: Dragon/Head Ninja/Master Ninja may use this technique up to Forbidden Rank but only Masters can use Forbidden Rank multi-dantian.
Note: Forbidden usage of any kind can only be used twice per battle and renders the user incapable of using any Neidan technique for two turns after use.
Note: All applications and familiars may be maintained with additional chakra per turn B-rank and below -5 chakra, A to S -10, -15 for Forbidden.
Note: Familiars consisting of multiple dantian last 4 turns if they are A-rank and 3 S-rank and above. However, only one multi-dantian familiar may exist at any given time from the user.

(Hayabusa Kobudo: Kumite) Hayabusa Martial Way: Fighting
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 30 (-5 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: Kobudo Kumite refers to the free fighting style of Hayabusa Kobudo. Hayabusa hone their fighting style through the practice of kata (forms) and bunkai (application) which utilize the dantian and Neidan. Over the years, four essential kumite styles have come out of Hayabusa Kobudo that all Hayabusa must learn; Huquan, Shequan, Longquan, and Wuquan.

Huquan (Tiger Fist)

Hu Quan is the fundamental fighting form of Hayabusa Kobudo. The form is characterized as the most direct and offensive style of fighting. Hayabusa will use their lower dantian to draw physical essence from nothingness (Wuji) into their being. The essence reinforces the user’s being increasing their physical speed, strength, and awareness allowing them to heightened feats of physical combat. This essence is visualized as barely visible distortions in the air surrounding the user and their weapons. The user is able to perform taijutsu, kenjutsu, bukijutsu and other acrobatic movements at twice their normal speed as well as react to anything as long as it is within their range of sensory perception (five senses, taijin, etc). Alternatively, the user can move linearly three times their speed (chunin and above), however this level of movement cannot be maintained for longer than a single turn. As for their power, Hayabusa gain +20 to their taijutsu and weapon based techniques (swords, staffs, axes, etc) while using Huquan. The essence that surrounds the user and their weapons capable of erasing physical matter (Earth, Steel, etc) at the point of contact allowing the user's physical attacks to cut through anything destructible. The user can use Huquan fighting in successive turns depending on their rank which reflects their overall physical condition. Genin and Chunin can only use Huquan for a single turn. Jounin and Head Ninja can maintain it for 2 successive turns. Dragon Ninja are able to maintain it for 3 turns at a time and Masters 4 turns. The drawback to Huquan is that, the user can only use lower dantian based techniques and non-elemental techniques while they are using this form. If used for more than two successive turns, the user experiences a cooldown of one turn plus the number of turns over 2 they utilize this style. For those who are limited to two turns and below, they require a single turn cool down before re-use. Haquan can be used twice for genin - jounin, thrice for Head and Dragon Ninja, and four times for master ninja.

Shequan (Snake Fist)
She Quan is the second form of Hayabusa Kobudo and is characterized as being the most deceptive of the fighting forms. This form makes use of the Hayabusa's passive ability to control their own existence while they are engaging in physical combat with opponents. As the user attacks, they may passively expend 30 chakra to erase themselves from the opponent's five basic senses by manipulating all three dantian. What this means is that the opponent will not be able to perceive the attacks until the last possible moment when the user strikes, resulting in every physical attack while under the influence of Shequan to result in a critical hit. The user can use Shequan fighting in successive turns depending on their rank which reflects their overall physical condition. Genin and Chunin can only use Shequan for a single turn. Jounin and Head Ninja can maintain it for 2 successive turns. Dragon Ninja are able to maintain it for 3 turns at a time and Masters 4 turns. The drawback to Shequan is that, the user can only use lower, upper and middle dantian based techniques and non-elemental techniques while they are using this form. If used for more than two successive turns, the user experiences a cooldown of one turn plus the number of turns over 2 they utilize this style. For those who are limited to two turns and below, they require a single turn cool down before re-use. Shequan can be used twice for genin - jounin, thrice for Head and Dragon Ninja, and four times for master ninja.

Longquan (Dragon Fist)
Longquan is the third form of Hayabusa Kubodo. It is classified as the most ranged of the fighting forms and utilizes the Hayabusa's ability to erase objects from existence. This form starts with the user passively embedding their Dragon chakra from the lower and middle dantian into their ranged attacks such as kunai or shuriken. As the user throws the objects the Dragon Chakra activates when they are at least in a 2m range of foreign chakra sources. Instantaneously, the Dragon chakra activates and creates a short-range 2m wide distortion similar to Kamui. These distortions are capable of erasing objects up to A-rank and may be passively activated by the user if necessary to spawn the distortion at their discretion. Objects erased by this method are capable of being returned by utilizing Taji Dao using the respective dantian. The user can use Longquan fighting in successive turns depending on their rank which reflects their overall physical condition; attaching Wuji to their ranged attacks to erase other objects can be executed once per turn that the user is able to keep the form active. Genin and Chunin can only use Longquan for a single turn. Jounin and Head Ninja can maintain it for 2 successive turns. Dragon Ninja are able to maintain it for 3 turns at a time and Masters 4 turns. The drawback to Longquan is that, the user can only use lower and middle dantian based techniques and non-elemental techniques while they are using this form. If used for more than two successive turns, the user experiences a cooldown of one turn plus the number of turns over 2 they utilize this style. For those who are limited to two turns and below, they require a single turn cool down before re-use. Longquan can be used twice for genin - jounin, thrice for Head and Dragon Ninja, and four times for master ninja.

Wuquan ( No Fist)
Wu Quan is the fourth and final form of the Hayabusa Kobodo, and is the most defensive of the style. This form is characterized by its use of the Hayabusa's dantain to combat opponent's on a spiritual/mental battlefield as well as the physical one. This form starts with the user's surging Dragon chakra to every point in their body utilizing all three dantian. This greatly bolsters the user's physical and spirtual defense as the user is now capable of reducing 20 damage from physical and spiritual attacks while in this form. Defensive techniques preformed during this time are also empowered by one rank (does not apply to techniques that can also used offensively). The user can use Wuquan fighting in successive turns depending on their rank which reflects their overall physical condition. Genin and Chunin can only use Wuquan for a single turn. Jounin and Head Ninja can maintain it for 2 successive turns. Dragon Ninja are able to maintain it for 3 turns at a time and Masters 4 turns. The drawback to Wuquan is that, the user can only use lower, middle or upper dantian based techniques and non-elemental techniques while they are using this form. If used for more than two successive turns, the user experiences a cooldown of one turn plus the number of turns over 2 they utilize this style. For those who are limited to two turns and below, they require a single turn cool down before re-use. Wuquan can be used twice for genin - jounin, thrice for Head and Dragon Ninja, and four times for master ninja.

Note: Only one form at a time can be utilized. User cannot use a Form while experiencing the cooldown of another.
Note: Members are capable of submitting their own Hayabusa Kobudo techniques after having completed all initial forms derived from this technique.

(Neidan: Wuxing) Internal Alchemy: Five Agents
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B – S
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 20 - 40
Damage: N/A
Five Agents is a technique where by the user augments their other non-Neidan techniques by combining them with Wuji. The technique mitigates the weakness of a user’s non-Neidan techniques by utilizing the neutral nature of Wuji to erase part of or all a conflicting technique so that the user’s technique becomes neutral or continues with limited inhibition against other techniques. Alternatively, the user can make other techniques more effective against weaker techniques via the same method. This technique is accomplished by combining the user’s non-Neidan technique with Wuji Dao with all three dantian. As a result, this is not an actual augmentation but a collaboration technique between Wuji Dao and a non-Neidan technique. The user will either wrap the layer of Neidan manipulated chakra around their non-Neidan technique or embed it within their non-Neidan technique. The wrapper method causes opposing entities to interact with the Neidan technique before the non-Neidan technique. When the wrapping application is used, the opposing technique interacts with the neidan first, which then erases chakra based on the amount is applied. Whatever is left over will behave in accordance with said rank so if 10 chakra remains after erasure, it will be D rank with 20 DMG. The embedded method causes the opposing entities to interact with the non-Neidan technique before the Neidan technique comes into play (essentially inverting the process). For example, if the user embeds 40 chakra into a technique that goes against a 120 DMG S rank with 70 chakra vs a 100 DMG Technique (40 Wuxing Embedded). After the applied technique clashes, which it loses, the neidan then interacts afterward, erasing 40 chakra this brings it down to 30 which then as the layering, it is treated with the A rank stats so 60 DMG etc since it originally had 70 This technique is learned at chunin rank at B-rank. It can be used within the same timeframe as the user’s non-Neidan technique. At jounin level, the user can enhance the strength of this technique and use it A-rank. Dragon Ninja are capable of using this technique S-rank and using B-rank passively. Head Ninja are capable of using this technique up to A-rank passively but are incapable of using S-rank. Master Ninja can use A-rank passively and use up to S-rank.

Note: chunin can only use this technique every three turns. Jounin can use the technique once every two turns. Dragon/Head Ninja can use this technique once every other turn, and master ninja can use this once per turn.
Note: Passive use of this technique at any rank increases the cooldown duration per use by one turn and can only be utilized 4 times per battle.
Note: S-rank version of this technique can only be used once every three turns.
Note: chunin and jounin will be required to use an additional 2 hand signs with whatever technique they are collaborating with to use this technique. The higher echelon will only require 1 additional seal unless the application is S-rank.

(Waidan) Golden Elixir
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: The Golden Elixir, also called the Elixir of Immortality is a fabled elixir that is said to grant one immortality. Jo Hayabusa created a concoction in his youth and named it after the fabled elixir. The concoction is a mixture of herbs and soil from Owatatsumi, the blood of the Hayabusa, and the combination of a Hayabusa’s chakra from all three dantian. The result is a fogless, blood red elixir that augments a Hayabusa’s Neidan techniques when touched or ingested. This elixir is stored within a sealed container that, when released, causes the chakra stored within it to overflow back into the user. This elixir increase the strength of a Hayabusa’s Neidan techniques through increasing the chakra output of their techniques.

Note: This elixir can be created by jounin ranked shinobi and higher. Dragon and Head Ninja can carry two elixirs while master ninja can carry three. All elixirs must be posted in one’s bios.
Note: Making the elixir happens outside of battle and requires the user to sacrifice a fixed amount of their chakra. For example, if a user makes 2 elixirs that contain 100 chakra each, then their default chakra capacity at the beginning of battles and/or events is 200 less than what it would normally be. This is a result of the user sealing that fixed amount inside their elixir. No elixir can contain more than 300 chakra.
Note: When an elixir is used, the chakra from the elixir adds to the user’s Neidan techniques every time they are used (by increments of 10) until the chakra is used up. The results of this increases a Neidan technique’s capabilities to match techniques of equivalent chakra.
Note: Hayabusa can also utilize the elixir to elongate a Neidan technique’s turn duration by one turn for every 100 chakra points contained in the elixir. However only one elixir can be used to achieve this per battle.
Note: If anybody other than a Hayabusa attempts to use the elixir they will lose chakra equivalent to what is in the elixir due to their inability to handle the chakra of the dantian.

(Neidan Fuin: Jǐnlǐ Dao ) Internal Alchemy Sealing Way of the Koi
Type: Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 40 (-20 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: This is one of the Hayabusa’s most advanced Neidan techniques. This is one of the non-traditional techniques created by Reborn after mastering both fuinjutsu and Neidan. This technique makes use of Dragon Chakra’s inability of being sealed and extends this affect to the user and their techniques. The process for this sealing technique requires the user to first train and store up a large amount of their Dragon Chakra into a single point of their body (similar to Tsunade’s Yin Sealing technique). The focal point for the seal will form a unique symbol that resembles a black and white koi fish circling each other like the Yin-Yang symbol. The second part of this technique is the actual activation of the technique. The user will activate one half of the seal or one “koi” and apply one of the following affects.

Black Koi: The black koi seal resembles a black koi fish with white eyes, whiskers, and a white circle on its head. This half of the koi seal applies to the user’s being. By activating this technique, the user coats their entire body in their Dragon Chakra and thusly become completely immune to sealing techniques. Seals that have been applied to the user will disappear from existence and all future attempts to seal the user in any way will inevitably fail. This includes barriers and other methods that fall into the category that would otherwise seal the user or prevent them from using techniques and abilities due to being or having been sealed or suppressed. The major drawback to this technique is that this technique also erases any self-imposed sealing techniques that are dormant or active. Hayabusa Dragon Chakra is indiscriminate between native and foreign chakra sealing techniques. The second drawback is that: by using this technique it prevents the use of the other half of this technique. This half of the technique creates a paradox with the other half of the technique in that; this technique erases all seals applied to the user including self-imposed ones. The second half of this seal would be included in this clause. However, because the second seal is also Neidan it cannot have a seal applied to it either thus a paradox occurs. To prevent this paradox, the user uses all the chakra in the seal for this half, which would cause the second half to fade out on its own without actually affecting the technique. When this seal is activated the user’s body from the neck down will be completely engulfed in black. Their sclera will become black as well.

White Koi: The white koi seal resembles a white koi fish with black eyes, whiskers, and a black circle on its head. This half of the Koi seal pertains to the user’s techniques. By activating this technique, the user’s chakra flow increases exponentially due to the chakra from the seal rushing throughout their entire chakra system. This results in every technique used after the activation possessing a significant amount of the user’s Dragon Chakra. The implementation of Dragon Chakra will prevent the user’s techniques from being sealed. This pertains to all non-Neidan techniques and will be maintained for a period of 400 chakra used by the user. This does not prevent sealing techniques from being applied to the user that would prevent certain types of techniques like the previous half of the technique. However once a technique is used with this half of the technique activated, it cannot be sealed or blocked by barriers or other methods of sealing. Because of the exponential flow increase every non-Neidan technique would have additional chakra added to it (+20) which would inevitably cause the jutsu to end quicker as every technique will use more chakra than necessary. This is an unavoidable consequence of the technique in exchange for its other benefits.

Note: The black koi seal will remain active until otherwise deactivated. Once deactivated the technique cannot be used again for the duration of the match.
Note: The white koi seal will remain active until the chakra cap is depleted or otherwise deactivated. However, if the technique is deactivated before the chakra is depleted the white koi can be re-activated (turn cost) with the chakra cap being where the user last had it when the justu was deactivated.
Note: Only one half of the seal can be used per match: the black koi requires all of the chakra stored in the seal and erases the white koi. Since all the chakra in the seal is required for the black koi, using the white koi even minimally will prevent the black half.
Note: when using the black koi users are unable to use non-Neidan techniques above S-rank.
Note: To learn this technique the user must have completed Fuinjutsu and be Jounin rank (by the clan's rank).

(Neidan: Tsuihō) Internal Alchemy: Banishment
Rank: S Rank
Range: Short to Long
Chakra Cost: 40 (- 10 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: Through one’s dragon chakra, the user employs all three dantian in conjunction with three hand seals, creating an omnidirectional burst of chakra that travels up to long-range. This chakra is inherently harmless, but proves useful through other means. The chakra, now anchored to the Hayabusa themselves as its epicenter, acts as a zone, existing all over in a 360 manner as it also spans into the skies above and below the surface of the ground. This zone was specifically designed as a means of absolute control over a domain. It was created with the mindset that only the Hayabusa is allowed to remain in control of this zone. When the opposition wishes to utilize techniques that are sustained, and last for a given period of time, Tsuihō targets both the external and internal foreign chakra, erasing it over a period of time (this does not negatively affect the person physically, but simply removes the chakra which causes the resulting enhancement(s)). The closer the opponent is to the epicenter, the more is erased. At short-range, the zone automatically erases 20 chakra per turn, reducing the affected technique(s) by three turns and decreases by an increment of 5 chakra the further away they are (mid-range only reducing the mode by 2 and at long range only by one). An example of this being used is when the target creates the aura of lightning produced via the Raikage Lightning Armor technique. Upon activating, the zone would immediately respond to this, erasing the chakra of the armor in order to reduce its duration or outright ending it (depending on the distance from the user and target). Anyone within this zone is shrouded by the dragon chakra, effectively allowing the Hayabusa to be aware of their existence via Taijin, within the user's tracking capabilities.

Note: This technique is initially learned at Jounin Rank, lasting three turns. While in use, the user cannot utilize any Neidan Technique above A-Rank, nor can they use them in the same turn this technique ends. Can only be used twice per battle.

(Neidan: Wu Wei Dao) Internal Alchemy: Way of Effortless Action
Type: Supplementary, Defensive
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Self
Chakra Cost: 40 (- 20 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: Considered one of the most sought after techniques within the Hayabusa Clan, Wu Wei Dao is its name. This technique takes the aspect of Wujin and Tajin in order to create a perpetual loop of how a Hayabusa is observed by the world around them. Through Tajin, the Hayabusa is infinitely aware of them while with Wujin they are able to actively manipulate how the outside world perceives them. Thus through the use of three hand seals, the user activates this technique. They constantly manipulate their state of existence, being both present and absent at the same time and thus creating state known as “Void Born”. Once a person has entered Void Born, they are able to fully control how the world perceives them and how they perceive themselves. To sum it up, should for example the opponent attempt to inject poison into the Hayabusa, upon being inflicted – the Hayabusa can manipulate their state of existence perceived by the opponent and of themselves where the target perceives them poisoning the Hayabusa but in reality the Hayabusa can choose to be poisoned or not. This creates a sort of “absolute” defense, allowing them to any sort of damage to themselves, remove techniques placed upon them or even status conditions (such as being poisoned). While this provides an immense defensive power, it does come with some downsides as while in this constant state of manipulation, the user is incapable of doing this constantly, only able to affect one technique S rank and below per turn (at the cost of move, though doesn't count as one on the initial turn of activation). While active, this technique constantly drains chakra per turn to sustain, preventing the user from being able to utilize any technique of any rank that requires to be sustained. Activating such technique will cause Wu Wui to automatically end.

Note: This technique is initially learned at Dragon Ninja or Head Ninja Rank. The user would be rendered incapable of using Nedian above B rank the same turn its activated, next turn and the turn this technique ends. This technique can only be use twice per battle, with a cool down between each use reflecting how much turns the user managed to sustain it (i.e sustaining it for three turns makes a three turn cool down) plus one additional turn though can only last a maximum of three turns.


Active member
Jan 14, 2009
Trait Points
Command Arts

(Kamei Gigei: Kougenjin) Command Art: Mirage Blade
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage: 60
Description: Unlike other Kenjutsu shockwaves which are generally large, Kougenjin is a relatively small shockwave that’s size is the same as the blade length of the sword used to launch it. Sacrificing power for speed and quantity, Mirage Blade travels at speeds comparable to same ranked Fire jutsu. an incredible pace, relative to the user’s rank; Mirage Blade, when used by a Sannin, would be about twice as fast as a shockwave fired from the Samurai Sabre Technique, though its destructive force is obviously much less. A large amount of chakra is focused inside the user’s blade in the form of a constant flow – though normally the chakra could envelope the sword, here the chakra creates a shell on the inside of the blade, allowing the chakra to rebound infinitely and resonate with itself. When the user slashes their sword, it releases a portion of this chakra in the form of a white, rippling shockwave; thus the name Mirage Blade. Mirage Blade also carries the properties of the blade used to fire it, as well as its size; this means that if the blade used to fire Mirage Blade is sharp enough, Mirage Blade will pass through solid objects by slicing them in half and continuing on, much like a Wind element jutsu would.
*Three shockwaves can be fired per use.
*This jutsu may be only be used 3 times per match.
*Useable and taught by Keotsu only.

(Kamei Gigei: Rekkyōdan) Command Art: Violent Mirror Severing
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage: 80
Description: A technique based upon the premises of two of Keotsu's other Command Arts - his signature shockwave Kougenjin, and a Prayer technique known as Zekkyōdan, Rekkyōdan aims to push the principles of these attacks to their absolute limits. The user will gather chakra around their blade, coating in it a glass like layer; swinging the blade breaks the high tension layer of chakra and projects it forward, like the fragments of a broken mirror. The user can control the spread over the shattered attack, allowing it to cover either wide area to affect multiple opponents, or focus it into a tight cone to strike an individual adversary. No matter the scope of the area covered by the attack, though, the technique always launches 80 individual shockwaves.
*Note: Can be used up to three times per turn, with a cooldown of turns equal to the number of times it was used.
*Note: Launches 80 shockwaves with a single use. These shockwaves are not enhanced individually with boosts or augmentations; instead, the boost is applied to the entirety of the technique.

(Kamei Gigei: Raijinshō) Command Art: Raijin Rising
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: The Kenjutsu technique allows Swordsmen to more easily fight against Shinboi attacks of all sorts; the user will activate this technique by quickly focusing chakra into their weapon and spinning it in a complete circle in front of them. After this simple ritual is completed, a “magnetic” burst of chakra is released all around the user that causes all foreign chakra to be condensed as it approaches the user. Ultimately, the “magnetized” chakra will be drawn into the user’s weapon, effectively concentrating even large scale jutsu into simple, yet still equally powerful, streams or orbs, depending on the incoming techniques composition. This technique can easily be described as turning the user's weapon into a "Chakra Lightning-rod", thus the name.
*The strength of drawn in techniques does not diminish at all, and if the user doesn’t counter the techniques, the chakra will flow into the user’s body via the weapon and do full damage or preform its intended purpose
*Once activated, this remains active for four turns, but it’s effect is only valid while the user is holding a weapon.
*Only useable 4 times per battle.
*This jutsu only effects "non-solid" techniques like Wind, Fire, Lightning, Water, or objects like mud. Techniques with a sturdy molecular composition won't be affected by this technique, such as Earth or Ice, but does nothing to change their effects if they are not dealt with.

Technique Revoked. This technique allows the user to indiscriminately draw any ninjutsu into a small orb or stream that you can now counter effortlessly. There isn’t any basic ability that justifies this technique as even Lightning Rod only works on one element.

(Kamei Gigei: Ensuizan)Command Art: Circling Water Slash
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30 (-5 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: A refinement on the Kenjtusu technique (Kamei Gigei: Raijinshō) Command Art: Raijin Rising, which turned the user's blade into a virtual lightning rod for chakra, which allowed them to more easily handle techniques that the swordsman would come against. This technique is activated by focusing more chakra into the user's blade, and then spinning it in a figure eight while the parent technique is active. This technique empowers the abilities of Raijinshō, now allowing it to affect any technique with chakra in it, regardless of its composition (with the exceptions of things like modes, which is obviously illogical), by augmenting the "magnetized" chakra released by said technique. This means Ensuizan allows Raijinsho to affect solid techniques where it didn't before, such as Doton and Ice, as well as having enough force in the "magnetic pull" that it can pull foreign chakra within the user's bodies into the sword itself (such as Genjutsu), though Ensuizan does nothing to negate the abilities of such techniques. A by-product of this technique is that if Raijinshō turns the user's blade into a lightning rod, this turns the user's blade into a divining rod; the sword will gently sway, if allowed, towards the largest source of foreign chakra present on the field; akin to a compass with magnetic north, or a divining rod with water.
Note: This technique makes (Kamei Gigei: Raijinshō) Command Art: Raijin Rising last indefinitely, so long as a -5 chakra cost is payed every turn for technique upkeep.
Note: This technique allows for (Kamei Gigei: Raijinshō) Command Art: Raijin Rising to affect any technique that heads towards the user, and will change the trajectory to the user's blade; however, like the original technique, this does nothing to stop the effects of the techniques that are drawn towards the blade, unless they are dealt with.
Note: User must retain a sword in hand for the technique to remain in effect.
Note: Useable twice per battle.

Technique Revoked, similar note to the previous except this one is even more advanced and works even better. These cannot continue to exist.

(Kamei Gigei: Saisho no Inori: Hikaru Aki Hasira) Command Art: First Prayer: Shining Autumn Pillar
Rank: A
Type: Offense/Supplementary/Defense
Range: Self
Chakra: 30 ( - 10 per turn )
Damage: N/A
Description: The first of the “Prayer” series of the Command Arts, Hikaru Aki Hashira, often called “Aki-gamae (autumn stance)” by its users, is a Kenjutsu stance instead of an actual attack. It is a variation of the Waki-gamae in that the user holds their blade at waist level, parallel to the ground, whether in its scabbard or not, a position best suited for quick-draw strikes. The user focuses their chakra throughout their entire body in a steady stream while in this stance, increasing their physical strength by 20 damage as well as their speed by double. This increase in ability comes about from the chakra augmenting the muscles naturally, instead of forcefully, essentially putting the body in a natural “peak” condition. This chakra also coats the user’s blade and allows the counter-offensive nature of Aki come through. Whether sheathed or not, the user can swing their blade and dispel an incoming attack by disrupting it. This allows the user to negate techniques of equal chakra and lower. The method of blocking attacks is based upon the concept of an immovable pillar.
*The First Prayer can only shield the user from attacks of equal or lower chakra cost.
*This Jutsu lasts 3 turns each use and can only be used 3 times each, requiring a break of equal time.

*Blocking an attack counts against one of the three allotted moves in a turn.

(Kamei Gigei: Fukutsu no Inori: Gokumonken) Command Art: Prayer of Fortitude: Prison Gate Sword
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary/Defense
Range: Self
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: A refinement of the First Prayer: Hikaru Aki Hasira, this technique expands the ability of the First Prayer. Where as Shinning Autumn Pillar is locked only to the user’s weapon, and forces them to stand in a specific stance, this technique covers the entirety of the user’s body and transfers the defensive ability of it. This allows the user to fight unhindered by having to remain in one stance, while also allowing the effects of the First Prayer to extend to their entire body. Besides this saturation, Gokumonken provides one extra effect: techniques that would be destroyed by the First Prayer’s effect can instead be reflected back at the opponent, taking the place of the First Prayer’s defensive ability, but still counting as an additional move per turn.
*Cannot be used unless the First Prayer is active.
*This technique does not last as long as the First Prayer; However, this technique when triggered can be used once per turn on techniques of equal chakra and lower.
*Can only be used twice in a battle.
*Reflecting attacks back counts as a move per turn, and is bound by the limitations of the First Prayer's abilities of defense.

(Kamei Gigei: Dai ni no Inori: Zekkyōdan) Command Art: Second Prayer: Broken Mirror Severing
Rank: S
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The second in the “Prayer” series of Command Arts, Zekkyōdan differs in its working depending on if the user’s blade is being resheathed or drawn, though in both cases the move is a strange type of Battōjutsu, meaning that it involves multiple cuts. In the event that the sword is being sheathed, there is a quick flash as the blade’s guard meets the top of the scabbard, during which a chakra burst creates a countless number of cuts in a 360 degree short-range dome around the user; this being the defensive variant of the move. When unsheathing the blade, however, the affect is “launched”; that is, when the blade is unsheathed, a cyclone of chakra is shot forward, with the chakra inside the cone-like structure acting as tiny knives, shredding that which they come into contact with; this is the offensive variant of the move.
*Cannot be used unless the first “Prayer” has been activated.
*Can only be used once per turn.
*Due to needing to reset their stance, this move cannot be used back-to-back, even between turns, meaning another technique must be used in between uses.
*Due to how this technique operates, this is not purely a Kenjutsu technique, being a Ninkenjutsu.

(Kamei Gigei: Dai san no Inori: Sōgenmu) Command Art: Third Prayer: Twin Phantasms
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: The Third in the “Prayer” series of Command Arts, Sōgenmu is a type of Shadow Bunshin developed specifically for sword users. The user will coat their body in a layer of chakra, creating a rainbow colored doppelganger. This doppelganger mimics every attack the user makes, down to even the launching of shockwaves and the amount of force behind an attack. At first, the doppelganger fluctuates only slightly around the user, making it appear as if the user is surrounded by some sort of haze. As time progresses, and the phantasm becomes more unstable, the user can “slide” and “rotate” the doppelganger away from them; though it will still mimic the user’s moves exactly, it will remain a set distance from the user. This changing in orientation allows the user to use the doppelganger to maximum effect.
*Cannot be used unless the first “Prayer” has been activated.
*Follows all rules for Shadow Clones and variations.
*Every jutsu that the clone uses counts as an additional move per-turn. This technique also counts as a Ninjutsu.
*The distance the clone can move is as follows: T1: Short; T2: Between Mid-Short; T3: Mid; T4: Between Mid-Long; T5: Long.

(Kamei Gigei: Saigo no Inori: Tenshōha) Command Art: Final Prayer: Heaven’s Illumination Conquest
Rank: Forbidden
Type: Offensive
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 50
Damage: 90 ( -15 to user )
Description: The final “Prayer” of the Command Arts, Tenshōha is also the only offensive Prayer to not directly attack with the user’s sword. though it still falls into the Kenjutsu category due to needing the user’s sword to activate. Breaking the semi-crouching stance attained by the first Prayer, the user will stand and focus their chakra into their blade. By sheathing their blade, the user activates the technique. Their chakra will be unleashed in a powerful burst, calling forth a massive pillar of energy from the Heavens that descends upon the battlefield. Falling with incredible strength, the pillar has enough force to level the terrain completely and leave nothing but dust in its wake, though the after-effects of the jutsu seem to encourage the growth of life in the area. The user, at the epicenter of the blast, takes 15 damage.
*Can only be used if the first “Prayer” was used and ends the effects of the first “Prayer” end.
*Can only be used once.
*No other Prayer can be used in the same and next turn.
*This is a Non-elemental blast.

(Kamei Gigei: Suiretsusen) Command Art: Water Fury Flash
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary/Attack
Range: Long(for rain) - Short- Medium (for attack)
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Cost: 80
Description: Holding their blade sideways, the user will run Suiton chakra through their blade, activating the technique. A great downpour will come over the terrain, providing water for this technique, as well as dropping all Fire Justu down one rank, and reducing their damage by 10. A ring of water will form around the user with a radius equal to that of the complete wingspan of the user (meaning it would be roughly 10-11 feet [roughly 3.2 meters] in diameter). This ring has a single tentacle for each of the eight points of the Compass Rose: North, South, West, East, Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, and Southwest. The tentacles will strike at anything within range as the user commands them, but they do not attack on their own; they are approximately 5 feet [1.5 meters] long, and the user must know the general vicinity of the opponent(s) to strike them if they are behind him/her.
*As long as the rain continues to fall, or if there is an ample water source nearby, this technique remains in effect. The maximum, however, is four turns.
*Only once per battle.

(Kamei Gigei: Raikōsen) Command Art: Lightning Ray Flash
Rank: S
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Range: Short – Mid
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user will run Raiton chakra through their blade while holding it skyward, to activate this technique. This technique fills the air with energy – so much so, that Doton jutsu fall one rank (due to the charges in the air disrupting the formation as the energy disperses into the earth), and that a lightning bolt continuously streaks from the user’s sword, enveloping it in electricity, to the sky. Though meant as a Support technique, using the lightning to augment physical and water element attacks or by creative means, this technique is not without its own offensive measure. Once per turn, the user can swing their blade, and send a bolt of lightning flying in the direction of their swing – the energy is discharged from the constantly streaking bolt that originates from the blade, though this can only be done twice, and not on consecutive turns, due for the need for the electricity to replenish.
*The lightning can only be fired once per turn, every other turn.
*This jutsu last for four turns before the electricity dissipates, and all modifiers are returned to normal.
*Only once per battle.
*Raiton cannot be used for two turns after this jutsu ends, due to the air being unable to hold a charge after being supersaturated with energy.

(Kamei Gigei: Shippūga) Command Art: Hurricane Fang
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user will run Fuuton chakra through their blade while slashing it downwards to activate this technique. Completing a philosophical trio with Suiretsuen (which is "radial") and Raikosen (which is "linear"), Shippūga creates two "fields" of wind, that spiral around the user; though the wind currents themselves are invisible to the eye, the wind currents are wild where they meet the ground, creating a visible cue at the user's feet that looks like they are standing in a hurricane. The powerful vortex of wind whips up currents that empower Fuuton techniques so that they can neutralize Raiton techniques a rank higher than normal, and once per turn the user can swing their blade and release a massive arcing current of slicing or vacuum wind that reaches up to a mid-range distance, and is capable of forcing back even large summons - the vacuum current is capable of pulling even a large summon forward a mid-range distance; however, doing so diminishes the wind vortex, allowing it to only be used twice, and not on consecutive turns, since the wind must replenish before it can be launched. When one current is used, its "pair" is sent out behind the user, similar to the arms of a hurricane.
*This technique lasts for four turns once activated.
*The wind current can be deployed once per turn, every other turn.
*The modifier to Fuuton techniques is removed once the technique ends.
*Usable once per battle.

All except Elemental Command Arts Checked

ZX Buster

(ZX Basutā) ZX Buster
Background:On his journey across the planet in search of adventure and spiritual enlightenment, Keotsu began reevaluating himself from a fundamental level. As a swordsman, he noticed that his abilities eventually boiled down to the pure form of Taijutsu, which was the basis for all close-range combat. Wishing, then, to create a style of Taijutsu that both reflected his spirit and that would also be of greater use to him, he began studying other styles of close-combat.

He observed the Strong Fist style, a “Hard” and “External” style of Taijutsu that was solely focused on physical strength and overpowering your opponent’s blows. He also observed the Gentle Fist, a “Soft” and “Internal” style that dealt heavily with deflection (and thus energy conservation) as well as meditation, using gentle strikes to release pinpoint discharges of chakra to maximize damage with minimal force.

Desiring to make a balanced fighting style that could be of great aide to its practitioners, he wanted to take the best qualities from each style, and create a form that was both “Hard” and Soft”, both “Internal” and “External”, knowing the entire time that it wouldn’t excel in those areas as well as the Taijutsu forms that specialized in them; in order to make up for these shortcomings and as well to enhance and reinforce the style to his personal tastes and designs, he also decided to make Chakra Flow and Shape Manipulation integral parts of this form, creating this unique and diverse style of Taijutsu.

The result of all this meditation was the creation of the ZX Buster; a unique style of fighting that relied upon chakra discharges to augment physical strength, and the use of Shape Manipulation and Chakra Flow to help give form and additional strength to the abilities.

Meant to augment short-range fighters, it is the perfect complement to well-founded Swordsman and Martial Artists, while being a devastating style all its own.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: Generally, utilizing ZX Buster requires the use of small pieces of chakra metal which are placed on the user’s knuckles and the palms of their hand, though experienced users of the style are capable of performing the techniques without the gauntlet used; the mechanism, though, is also built into the user’s shoes, to allow for the feet to be used in the style.

The ZX Buster style, like many other Taijutsu forms, is based upon the momentum present upon impact. But, uniquely, it takes use of the chakra that is naturally leaked from the body, forming shapes to attack with, or increasing the amount of force behind an attack to deliver two blows in one; a type of supplementary, spiritual blow.

ZX Buster users accelerate their chakra flow while making a strike in the direction of impact; this causes the naturally leaked chakra to be gathered and dragged in that direction as well, allowing chakra bursts to be used in the style without exhausting the user’s reserves.

There is a specific name for this mechanic: Chakra Charge. Simply put, chakra charge is withholding chakra before impact. This is because when more chakra is accelerated by the user before impact, it results in more of the “leaked” chakra being pulled by it; this effect is similarly affected by momentum.

With this chakra discharge, Shape Manipulation can be applied, meaning that ZX Buster becomes infinitely diverse; “ribbons” of force could be made/could be created from movement, or all the chakra can be released as a great lance upon impact, in a sort of “repulse knuckle”, or the chakra could help create a type of shield, though the complex variations are techniques all their own.

Simply called “Zero Knuckle” or “X Fist” depending on the practitioner, it should be noted that the Chakra used in ZX Buster is special: unlike the Gentle Fist, it does not damage the Chakra Pathway by sealing Tenketsu, but rather the chakra strikes through physical objects, meaning that the chakra used in this style damages not only the surface skin, but deep muscles and anything “struck” by the chakra, to ensure damage is dealt to the opponent. This means that ZX Buster is a particularly useful style against those who like to use things like Nagashi and Earth Spear to augment their Taijutsu.

Because of the reliance on Chakra, the “One-Inch Punch” is an integral part of the style; were as the total damage is supposed to be composed of 50% Physical Damage and 50% Chakra damage, that ratio can be vastly changed via the Chakra Charge mechanic; put simply, Charging Chakra increases the force behind a blow.

Not requiring as large an amount of strength as the Strong Fist, or as Precise chakra control as the Gentle Fist (as this is used to expel moderate, rather than precise amounts of chakra through chakra flow), this style offers a good middle ground, and does still require a user who is strong in body, and skilled in chakra control, as in the high-speed combat that comes with Close-range fighting, being able to manipulate their energies for this style must be second nature, since expert users can utilize this style from a strike from any point of contact. It should be noted, though, that as the physical strength of a user increases, the momentum of a blow increases, and thus so does the size and strength of the chakra discharge.

It should also be noted, as Chakra is such an integral part of this style, that it is possible to use this as a type of “ranged” Taijutsu, making it useful to defend a user so that they can work to close the distance to short range, as well; and due to the supplementary nature, some techniques can even be used through Weapons, despite being created for Taijutsu.

(Visual Representation and References)
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The far left is an example of how the chakra is gathered for each strike.
The center is an example of how basic shape manipulation is applied to create a “energy tonfa” with the strike to increase versatility. Note that this may be considered a complex technique.
The far right top demonstrates a generic discharge upon impact, and shows just how much force and energy is behind a strike from the style; the gauntlet shown is reduced down to pieces of chakra metal.

(ZX Basutā: Hienkyaku) ZX Buster: Flying Swallow Feet
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short to Mid
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: A movement based technique, Flying Swallow Feet works by focusing chakra into the soles of the user’s feet, super-charging the chakra-metal present in their shoes. Since there is less of the chakra pathway focused in the user’s feet than other locations on the body, this helps the chakra metal amplify any chakra passed through it that’s used for the ZX Buster style. More specifically, Flying Swallow Feet allows bursts of chakra to be fired from the user’s feet that can be used to accelerate short distances (known as “dashing”). Dashing can be done either in the air or on the ground and helps as it allows the user to put more momentum behind their strikes. When dashing, a visible burst of chakra is seen from the user’s feet, and they tend to have an “afterimage”; this comes about simply a trick of the eye, and is nothing special. As the chakra metal will retain its “super-charge,” and once activated, this technique does not deactivate. The user, although moving in a fast pace/burst of speed is still trackable by normal eyesight.
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(ZX Basutā: Noba Kōgeki) ZX Buster: Nova Strike
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Description:The user, utilizing Hienkyaku, will quickly leap into the air and release a massive burst of chakra from their feet, while cloaking their body in chakra; the result is a massive aura that surrounds the user and accelerates them forward at high speeds, protecting them from damage and allowing them to act as a virtual cannonball in a type of full-body flying tackle.
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Various techniques utilized can be seen and are as follows (they are currently in planning and may or may not be submitted):
2:09 – Chakra Charge[Lv1] (Fist; Ranged)
2:15 – Chakra Charge[Lv2] (Fist; Ranged)
2:40 – Chakra Charge[Lv3 (Max)] (Fist, Ranged)
Various Shape Manipulation Aspects of a Charged Ranged Fist Follow
5:30 – Nova Strike (Full-body; requires Hienkyaku)
5:45 – Excellent Freeform Demonstration (“X-Fist/Zero Knuckle”)
Various Special Techniques are as follows:
1:35 – Chakra Charge [Lv2] (Weapon; Short)
1:39 – Chakra Charge [Lv2, 3] (Fist, Ranged)
1:50 – Rakuhouha
1:58/3:49 – Rekkouha (Defensive/Offensive)
4:57 – Chakra Charge [LvMax] (Weapon;Short)

Additional effects and Restrictions:
-ZX Buster users have no strength difference than other Taijutsu users; however their blows gain armor piercing capabilities, allowing them to bypass physical damage shaving limits, due to the chakra discharge.
-Most ZX techniques have moderate chakra cost and are reusable, as they draw from the chakra that is naturally leaked, reducing the “actual” chakra cost.
-Due to training to withstand their own Chakra Blows, ZX Buster users are incredibly sturdy, having amazing stamina and endurance, when compared to even Strong Fist Masters.
-ZX users have amazing chakra control, due to the fast-paced nature of Taijutsu, and the ability to utilize this style with every strike.

P a t e n t C e r t i f i c a t e

KeotsuEclipse, our loyal member, made a request for a Patent on custom fighting style (ZX Basutā) ZX Buster. I, Lord of Kaos of the Custom Fighting Style Bureau, on the 1st of May, 2022, after reading the submission, have decided that the submitted style satisfies all requirements, and am therefore giving him rightfully earned updated patent on this style by the following;​

(ZX Basutā) ZX Buster
Powered by Lord of Kaos
Copyright 2022, KeotsuEclipse ,

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(ZX Basutā: Hienkyaku) ZX Buster: Flying Swallow Feet
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short to Mid
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: A movement based technique, Flying Swallow Feet works by focusing chakra into the soles of the user’s feet, super-charging the chakra-metal present in their shoes. Since there is less of the chakra pathway focused in the user’s feet than other locations on the body, this helps the chakra metal amplify any chakra passed through it that’s used for the ZX Buster style. More specifically, Flying Swallow Feet allows bursts of chakra to be fired from the user’s feet that can be used to accelerate short distances (known as “dashing”). Dashing can be done either in the air or on the ground and helps as it allows the user to put more momentum behind their strikes. When dashing, a visible burst of chakra is seen from the user’s feet, and they tend to have an “afterimage” while moving at doubled speed; this comes about simply a trick of the eye, and is nothing special. As the chakra metal will retain its “super-charge,” and once activated, this technique does not deactivate but lasts a turn.
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(ZX Basutā: Buki Heki) ZX Buster: Weapon Burst
Rank: B
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: ZX Buster is a style that uses chakra manipulation as a secondary factor in its art. Using the chakra metal gloves(or in cases of being used by a master, their bear hands), the user is able to manipulate "leaked" chakra, which is the basis of ZX buster, in a various weapons to augment close quarter combat. Out of this "leaked" chakra, the user is able to create a series of weapons to aid them in battle. These weapons can range from Tonfa to a staff to twin daggers, a sword etc. However, only one weapon can be created at a time and would need the already created weapon to disperse before creating new ones. The weapons are created by molding this "leaked" chakra into the form they desire then compressing that chakra into a solid form to be used in battle. Due to the solid construction of the weapons, they can clash with solid objects.
Note: Can be used 4 times per battle.
Note: Each weapon created lasts 2 turns before dispersing.
Note: Can only be taught to ZX buster users
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(ZX Basutā: Noba Kōgeki) ZX Buster: Nova Strike
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description:The user, utilizing Hienkyaku, will quickly leap into the air and release a massive burst of chakra from their feet, while cloaking their body in chakra; the result is a massive aura that surrounds the user and accelerates them forward at high speeds, protecting them from damage and allowing them to act as a virtual cannonball in a type of full-body flying tackle.
Note: This can only be used thrice a battle.

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(ZX Basutā: Rakuhōha) ZX Buster: Falling Phoenix Crush
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Description: Where as ZX Buster has its fondations in the concept of a style between Strong Fist and Gentle Fist, Rakuhōha could be considred a "hard fist" version of the Gentle Fist's Rotation. Utilizing the aspects of ZX Buster, the user will direct their chakra forward while punching the ground, releasing the power outwards in a powerful burst, repelling attackers and incomers and forcing them back. Like all ZX Buster techniques, this technqiue has some measure of "armor-piercing" qualities, able to strike through the defenses provided by techniques like Earth Spear.
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(ZX Basutā: Rhongomyniad) ZX Buster: Rhongomyniad
Rank: A
Range: Short
Type: Offensive
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The principle attack of the ZX Buster Style, Rhongomyniad is named after a legendary spear due to the "piercing" nature found throughout the ZX Buster Style. Extremely simple in premise, the ZX Buster practitioner will accelerate chakra in the direction of a strike they make to release a powerful blow of chakra at the point of impact that has armor-piercing qualities, and enough force to sling opponents or easily shatter stone.
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ZX Buster and CFSJ Re-Approved


Summoning Animal: Columbidae
Scroll Owner: KeotsuEclipse
Other Users who have signed the contract: Demosthenes, Mockingbird, Gin-San, Reborn, Omnom
Summoning Boss if existing: Aero and Kurahato
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract:Waka,Morpheus and Selene,Excalibur, and Agrias.
General Description: Columbidae is the bird family consisting of pigeons and doves. These birds are the same - "dove" is a term used by humans to - generally - describe the smaller birds in the species. Although each Columbidae is different, each Columbidae has the ability to transform into an anthropomorphic avian form, symbolizing Columbidae's concentration around humans. They are also all known to have Dual Elemental Affinities, granting them two basic elemental natures. [/CENTER]

Summoning Animal:Columbidae
Scroll Owner:KeotsuEclipse
Other Users who have signed contract: TBA
Summoning Boss if existing: TBA
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: TBA
General Description: Columbidae (Pigeons and Doves [biologically, pigeons and doves are the same - "dove" is a term used by humans to - generally - describe the smaller birds in the species]) are as diverse in their abilities as humans are - some Columbidae specialize in technique and element usage while others are simply speed oriented; as each Columbidae is different, each's individual niche will be described when submitted - however, each Columbidae has the ability to transform into a human form, symbolizing Columbidae's concentration around humans.

About Human form: I know we never reached a consensus about this, but I thought of something that should work out just fine: each of them can use the Transformation jutsu. It's easy enough to fit in, and is believable. I'd add it to each one that it counted as a jutsu to transform.


(Hato-ka Kuchiyose: Aero) Columbidae Summon: Aero
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Type: Summon
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Aero is one of the two “boss summons” for the Columbidae contract. She has brilliant silver plumage, with blue accents around her eyes. Her tail feathers have three golden bands, and her chest is adorned with a navy “U” that ends on either side of her wings – a single navy stripe goes down her back as well. She is just less than 20 feet from head to tail, making her very small, as far as boss summons are concerned – however, this reduction in size seems to benefit her, as it concentrates her power and makes her much faster than most bosses. Aero has a dual Fuuton/Suiton element, able to fire an A-rank beam from her mouth that is treated as an elemental combination of the two. She also has the ability to create a large dual element vortex as well, equivalent to S-rank, though only one time per time she is summoned. In Human form, she appears a beautiful woman who has long silver hair and wears a royal blue ball gown. She can use Fuuton and Suiton jutsu up to A-rank, and they too acquire a dual-element. Unlike her brother who specializes in sheer strength, Aero takes half damage from all attacks.
*Aero has 120 Health.
*When summoned, she stays on the field for 5 turns.
*Can be summoned twice in one battle, but not within three turns of her dismissal.
*Using the Vortex (Avian form) or jutsu (Human form) counts against the 3 jutsu per turn limit.
*Transforming to/from Human/Avian form requires 10 chakra and counts against one of that turns moves.

Issues with this are, for starters, the health and damage reduction abilities. These are definite no’s and have to go completely. Health is attached to rank and unless it’s a listed ability, they cannot have damage shaving or reduced damage as such. In addition to that, there are too many abilities here; Water and Wind Usage, Elemental Neutral A rank attack, Elemental Neutral S rank attack + Avian form, which I assume will have some enhancement or effect and not just be cosmetic. In addition to this, all of the water and wind techs are attempting to be completely neutral as well. That’s roughly 4-5 abilities on one summoning. I usually cap these at 3 and that depends on the contract abilities. Given that all Columbidae have Avian forms and dual affinities, those are two abilities each are going to be accounted for. Outside of that, I’ll allow one or two abilities depending on the ability themselves. This isn’t an invitation to attempt crazy things as I will likely still approve only one other ability for each one. For this one, the 3 additional abilities wont fly. Pick 2 and depending on the two, I may limit it further. Smaller note is it lasts 4 turns not 5 and can only be summoned once.

(Hato-ka Kuchiyose: Kurahato) Columbidae Summon: Kurahato
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Type: Summon
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Kurahato is one of the two “boss summons” for the Columbidae contract. He has stark black plumage, crimson breast feathers and a red flare around his eyes. His tail has two vertical silver bands, and he has crimson feathers on his back as well. He is just over 20 feet from head to tail, making him larger than his sister, but still small as far as boss summons are concerned. This reduction in size seems to benefit Kurahato, though, as it effectively concentrates his power. Kurahato has a dual Katon/Raiton element, able to fire a flamethrower-like blast from his mouth, equivalent to A-rank. He also has the ability to summon a dual element cyclone as well – a tornado of fire that is struck multiple times by lightning bolts. The vortex is equivalent to S-rank, but can only be used once, per time he is summoned. In his human form, he appears as an attractive young adult male, with jet black hair and blazing crimson eyes – dressed in a black single-breasted suit. He can use Katon and Raiton jutsu up to A-rank, and they too acquire a dual-element. Unlike his sister, who specializes in durability, Kurahato deals double damage with all attacks.
*Kurahato has 60 health.
*Blast and Cyclone do double damage for their corresponding rank. Jutsu also do double damage, but require 1.5x chakra to perform.
*When summoned, he stays on the fields for 5 turns.
*Can be summoned twice per battle, but not within three turns of his previous dismissal.
*Using the Vortex (Avian form) or jutsu (Human form) counts against the 3 jutsu per turn limit.
*Transforming to/from Human/Avian form requires 10 chakra and counts against one of that turns moves.

Declined, similar note to the first one. The double damage is an auto no. Decide upon the vortex, flame breath or elemental neutral attacks. A smaller note is that Contracts typically have one Boss summoning, not two. The ones that do have two are still part of one Jutsu, not two. One of these will ultimately have to become a normal one.

(Hato-ka Kuchiyose: Ushiwaka) Columbidae Summon: Ushiwaka
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Type: Summon
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage: 0
Description: Ushiwaka, or Waka for short, is Keotu’s personal summon. An average sized Dove with golden plumage, Waka is a Columbidae that is more oriented towards Kenjutsu, and has a minor wind element, capable of creating wind gusts equal in strength to Fuuton: Reppoushou. Waka is summoned with a flute in his talons, which is actually the mystical sword Pillowtalk. Pillowtalk sprouts a green blade of chakra from one end of the flute once chakra is directed through it. Pillowtalk has the standard slicing capability of a regular Katana, but when someone is hit by the blade of Pillowtalk, in addition to causing a wound, it also makes the opponent sleepy, an effect that worsens with each consecutive hit – no person has every stayed awake through more than five hits by Pillowtalk, regardless of what they’re doing. When Waka transforms into a human, he is shown with long golden hair, and in a pink kimono along with a purple Sashinuki-hakama, along with a hat that has the motif of a hawk with a long cloak that hides his hair, and tends to pepper his speech with French phrases. He is extremely talented in Kenjutsu, able to use any of the summoner’s “non-elemental” or wind element Kenjutsu moves at an equal cost, and has the ability to use his wind powers to allow himself to stay in the air, giving him the ability to “fly” (in actuality, he creates an updraft that allows him to hover, and can change the able to glide around). While in his dove form, he is extremely quick and agile, making him a difficult target.
*Waka has a strong bond with Keotsu, and thus he stays on the field indefinitely when he summon him. When anyone else summons him, he remains on the field for 4 turns, though he can leave Pillowtalk behind for the user to use, until they dismiss the blade.
*Waka’s Wind Gust in Dove form is equivalent to C-Rank, but only require 10 Chakra, due to its not damaging nature.
*Pillowtalk can only be wielded by Columbidae contract signers.
*Transforming to/from Dove/Human form takes 10 chakra and counts against one of that turns moves.

Declined, as I mentioned to you, the CW-esque ability has to go. Use of “non elemental” Kenjutsu is very, very broad and if intended to be that way to use Samurai, Ronin, Dokkodo or other fields, that wouldn’t be allowed as it bypasses the limit.

(Hato-ka Kuchiyose: Morpheus to Selene) Columbidae Summon: Morpheus and Selene
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Type: Supplementary
Chakra Cost: 80
Damage: N/A
Description: Morpheus and Selene are both Bleeding-Heart pigeons of average size, with Selene having a primarily light pink plumage, with blue accent around her head, giving her the appearance of wearing a masquerade mask, and on the tips of her wings as accents – the “wound” on her chest is golden, as is a large arc that extends from the tip of one wing, across her back, and to the edge of the other; Morpheus is covered in stark black feathers that have a very sleek, shiny finish, despite his rather ruffled appearance – his “wound” is snow white, as is the crown on his head. Among the signers of the Columbidae contract, it is widely believed that these two are the next in line for leadership over the contract. These two both specialize in Genjutsu, giving them rather interesting powers. While in Avian form, it’s obvious that Selene is the powerhouse. While she flies around, she rapidly molts, scattering her feathers – which give off a soft glow – all over the battlefield; this causes the opponent(s) to become very relaxed, as they start to fall into a deep, soothing sleep – this is effectively Selene’s own version of the Temple of Nirvana Genjutsu. Due to the constant and continuous nature of the Genjutsu, it makes it not only difficult to avoid, but difficult to resist. Morpheus mainly runs support in this form – he uses a form of the False Surroundings Genjutsu to make it so that neither Selene nor himself can be easily pinpointed, but constantly randomizing their location, or so it appears to the opponent. Once Selene’s Genjutsu takes effect, though, both automatically assume their human forms – and in this form, Morpheus is the one to be reckoned with. Selene starts to sing, ensuring that the opponent stays in a deep, peaceful sleep, which only helps to augment Morpheus’s powers as this allows him to ensnare anyone who hears Selene’s singing in their sleep into his own Genjutsu. He taps into the opponent’s subconscious, and draws forth their deepest fears, allowing their mind to create their own nightmares. He then amplifies them and gives them form while adding a few of his own touches, making them very real to the enemy, as if they are experiencing the most horrific of nightmares – due to the peaceful sleep they came from, the nightmares are more exhausting on the enemy’s mind than they would be normally. After a short while, with the opponent mentally exhausted from the barrage of nightmares, he makes it appear as if a large black portal opens beneath the opponent’s feet, sucking them into a large, bleak nothingness. Nothing is present there, and the opponent’s psyche welcomes this, falling into an extremely deep, comatose like trance. After this, Morpheus and Selene take their leave, and are dismissed.
*Can only be summoned once and counts as two moves in the turn that they are summoned, lasting up to four turns.
*When the opponent falls under the effect of Selene’s ToN, they automatically transform into their human forms – this takes 20 chakra each, instead of the usual 10, totaling 40.
*The user cannot use any Genjutsu while these two are on the field, as it would effectively negate their effects.
*The user cannot perform another Summoning until five turns after these two have been dismissed.
*Neither Morpheus nor Selene can move in Human form, due to having to concentrate to activate their Genjutsu, meaning they are unable to defend themselves.

Pending, I’ve made edits but there are still some concerns. The wording suggests the Genjutsu will retrigger if not defeated - is this the case? If so, it’ll need to be clarified and properly restricted. I’m also not sure if those type of Gens are approved still.

(Ekusukaribā) Excalibur
Type: Summoning
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Excalibur is a relatively small Columbidae, when compared to the other members of the contract, only having a wingspan of two and half feet. His white feathers are tufty, closely resembling white hair, which starkly contrasts his large, pitch-black eyes. His beak is somewhat longer than that of a normal Columbidae, curving upward rather than downward, furthering the oddness of his appearance. Excalibur is the personal summon of Near, having been with him for the majority of his life with him, establishing a connection between them that makes him stay with Near indefinitely when summoned. In his avian form, his abilities are purely supplementary, as his focus has always been having a superb level of chakra control, never bothering to train himself to utilize it in a combative means. He will perch atop Near's head, spreading his wings, blending into his white hair in such a way that it appears as if though there are wings protruding from the sides of his head, sort of fusing himself there as he begins to focus chakra into Near as Near does the same to him, causing their two chakra networks to essentially act as one. Excalibur utilizes his level of chakra control to regulate the flow of chakra within both of their bodies, bringing about an augmented, harmonious flow. His expert utilization of chakra and ability to maintain this augmented flow would allow supplementary techniques based on chakra-flow augmentation up to B-rank to be maintained as long as Excalibur is fused with Near. In his human form, his appearance strays even farther from the normal appearance of a human than that of his avian form from that of a normal Columbidae. He is very small in this form, only three feet tall, having completely white skin, a white, ornate suit, a white top hat, and a white cane that he often gestures with. Like his avian form, the main contrast from his nearly monochrome theme are his large eyes with dark pupils. He is very narcissistic, often speaking of his exploits and his legend, looking upon most others as being inferior beings, whom he often calls fools as he waves his cane at them. Aside from having a magnificent singing voice, his abilities in this form consist of using his cane as a weapon with strength equivalent to a B-ranked taijutsu attack.
Note: When summoned by others, he remains on the field for four turns.
Note:The transformation from Avian to Human form and vice versa requires 10 chakra and counts as one of the three moves that can be used per turn.

Human form appearance:
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(Hato-ka Kuchiyose:Aguriasu Ōkusu) Columbidae Summon: Agrias Oaks
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Type: Summon
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Agrias is the guardian of the Columbidae Contarct. In her dove form, she appears as a regular size dove with yellow plumage. Her only ability in this form is that she can be summoned through use of a piece of special reed grass that grows only in Eden, the realm where the Columbidae reside – using this grass allows her to be summoned at a regular chakra cost, but bypasses summoning ninjutsu, by using chakra to activate the glyphs found inscribed upon the wheat when a tune is blown on it; in essence, Agrias is summoning herself to the Summoner, but using their chakra for the job. As a Human, Agrias is a stunning young woman of 20 years old with long, golden hair that comes down to her hips and amber eyes; she keeps her hair tied back in one large braid, though. She wears a navy trench cloak and a pair of leather breaches, boots, and gauntlets, as well as wearing a steel breastplate, and her personal sword, Save the Queen; she also speaks with a slightly Old-English dialect. In human form, she is capable of using any Kenjutsu and Taijutsu that the summoner can use. As a human, she also gains access to a personal Kenjutsu technique known as “Divine Ruination”, an S-rank technique that fires a helix-shaped shockwave at the enemy (described below).
*Save the Queen can only wielded by Agrias and Columbidae Contract signers; the sword itself is indestructible, but has no special powers.
*Though Agrias has her own Health and Chakra pools, her moves still count towards the summoner’s 3 moves per turn.
*Divine Ruination is a double helix (DNA) shaped, blue shockwave that causes a cross-shaped explosion to occur on impact. When used by Agrias, it is treated as a justu with S-rank power and chakra cost. It reaches up to Mid-range before disappearing and can only be used 3 times.
*Transforming to/from Avian/Human form costs 30 chakra to Agrias and counts as a move and she is always summoned in Avian form.
*Can only be summoned once and lasts for 4 turns.
*Agrias in Human form:
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Declined, all of the issues with the first summoning exists here. The Eden grass summoning bypass ability is a definite no. The full human form, the personal weapon, and the lack of dual elemental affinities. A lot of these are declined and not just edited because of the large changes that would be needed to adjust them so I’d prefer if you made those changes or decided on them for me.

All Columbidae Checked

Summoning Animal: Komainu (Guardian Lion-Dogs)
Scroll Owner: KeotsuEclipse
Other Users who have signed contract: TBA
Summoning Boss if existing: TBA
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: TBA
Description and Background: Large and majestic, these canine-like creatures resemble a cross between lions and dogs, with magnificent manes and a tremendous stature, with some of them sporting large horns, and some also sport jewels on their body. Typically congregating to temples and holy spaces as guardians, these powerful, intimidating creatures are great sentinels, repelling bad luck and evil spirits and keeping good luck and kind spirits close. As summons, these creatures vary greatly in size, with pups being no larger than a common puppy, while the largest of these creatures would tower over Gamabunta. Their incredible physique means that all Komainu travel innately at Sage base speed, and possess a unique ability known as "Sentinel's Ward", allowing Komainu to passively consume one type of technique unique to each creature (ex. Lightning, Fire), but only of a rank equal to or lower than the summon's own rank. While capable of using every element, Komainu themselves are associated with Fire, as a symbol of purification. A tatoo for this contract exists, which seems to be the head of a Komainu grasping a jewel in its mouth; alternatively, as the Komainu associate around Otohime's Monestary, each Komainu has a pearl that is attuned to it that is gifted to those who align with the creatures - running chakra into the peral and crushing it will summon the Komainu to the user's side, and is commonly employed by chosen Samurai.

(Komainu Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Taiju) Guardian Lion Dog Summoning Technique: Taiju
Type: Summoning
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: The user performs the Summoning Jutsu, either through Hand Seals, their Summoning Tattoo or their Summoning Scroll to summon Taiju, the Guardian Komainu of the Lightning Mountain Shrine. This monstrous individual stands at roughly fifty meters tall, but has a unique ability to reduce his size in between that to the size of an average human. Taiju is an extremely powerful hand to hand combat fighter, capable of using Taijutsu up to S rank, while gaining a +20 damage or rank increase (up to A rank) due to the sheer force of his attacks. He’s also adapt at moving on all his four legs but has trained to stand on his hind legs in a near anthropomorphic style – allowing him to easily strike enemies with is hardened paws. Despite his intimidating appearance, bearing horns and a majestic mane – he is a gentle giant, helping others whom have gotten lost in the mountains find their way down and has an strong bond with those who sign a contract with the Komainu. His’s Sentinel’s Ward ability allows him to consume consume one type of technique in which his case – he consume the first elemental nature he makes contact with in the battle (i.e if he consumes a water technique he’s bounded to this for the rest of his duration). Like all other Komainu, he has a pearl that he is attuned to him – in which he gives multiple copies to all signers for them to summon him into battle much more quicker. He can only be summoned once per battle and remains for four turns.

Approval, submitted by Mirai.
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Active member
Mar 12, 2014
Trait Points
Custom Jutsu Submission - IV

( Fuuinjutsu: Shishienjin Shinshoku Mushi ) Sealing Technique: The Vitriolage of the Corrosive Beetle
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: D-S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 10-40
Damage Points: N/A ( - Equivalent Damage )
Description: Similar to Four Violet Flames Battle Encampment, the user will produce a square barrier of purple flames which will corrode the damage from opposing techniques, which can be manipulated and moved around within range. The defensive barrier will shave the damage of any technique that clashes with it until it expires, as the purple flames corrode and consume the power within it, without damaging any living entity, unlike it's simbling technique. Depending on the chakra spent producing the barrier, it will be able to deal with a single technique of equivalent tier, shaving the damage until nullification, consuming it whole, or any number of lower tiered techniques. For example, a D rank usage ( 10 chakra ) will shave 20 damage, negating the damage equivalent to a generic D rank technique that clashes with it and expires, or any E rank technique that clashes with it until time expiration. People interacting with the flames won't feel any damage effect, but will have their techniques rejected. Inner Modes or Active skills like Eight Inner Gates, Sage Mode, Doujutsu, Chakra Sensory, etc, are not affected by this technique. This barrier entails a defense against techniques that pass through it, not against skills applied to a user that passes through the barrier. This is not the case with techniques like Elemental Taijutsu or the Raikage Armour, where they use their chakra to coat around their bodies.

Note: Up to B rank, it requires 1 turn cooldown after expiration, and last up to 3 turns. A Rank and above can only last up to 2 turns and require 2 turn cooldown. A rank can only be used 4 times, S rank can only be used 2 times.
Note: A barrier will be overpowered without debuffing damage if hit with a technique 2 ranks higher, or with a difference of 20 chakra when interacting with techniques S rank and above. It is neutralized if it weakens/consumes a technique of equal tier, and is restricted to a maximum of 3 techniques of lower tier.
Note: This technique can thus be boosted externally once, with a chakra/damage debuff boost or a chakra tier boost. Damage boost won't have effect in this technique.


Jan 24, 2013
Trait Points
Approved: Here.

(Fūinjutsu Ψ Ninchi Fukyōwa) Sealing Art Ψ Cognitive Dissonance
Rank: A-Rank
Range: N/A (Self)
Chakra: N/A (30 (Paradigm Shift)
Damage: N/A
Description: Derived from the concept of an existing Fūinjutsu whose purpose was to bring order to an already chaotic mind, Cognitive Dissonance is a body seal that takes advantage of existing flaws within the user's psyche to intentionally split the user's mind to save it from itself. This is done through the techniques namesake, Cognitive Dissonance, which is a psychological phenomena that occurs when a person person holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideals or values, or performs an action in contradiction to one of these, which results in psychological stress. For example, if one promised that they would never harm another living being, but also swore to never let harm befall one they loved no matter what, and had to choose between killing someone to abide by the latter belief, or allowing the latter to die in service to the former belief, regardless of which one they chose, they would experience Cognitive Dissonance.

Cognitive Dissonance, when applied, identifies conflicting beliefs, ideas, values, etc, targeting these aspects as one would memories and other metaphysical aspects, then forcefully separates them, sealing them independently from one another. Visually the seal takes the form of a , etc unique to the user, with branching paths that break off from the original design forming a script that can encompass a wider area on the user's body. As each separate "target" of the seal's effects naturally have their own heavily ingrained beliefs, they develop into an "Alter Ego" of the user's original persona, which can deviate heavily in all aspects, however most importantly they can develop entirely opposing interests in combat style. While the original persona might prefer ranged, Elemental attacks, one Alter Ego might have an affinity for close quarters combat and identify as a Taijutsu/ Kenjutsu specialist, while another might specialize in Medical Ninjutsu due to a desire to bring no harm to others. This results in each Alter Ego becoming classified as "Specialists" for a given field, which must be specified within the user's biography per each Alter Ego. While an Alter Ego is the active persona, any specialties the biography possesses that are applicable with that Alter Ego's chosen field are automatically converted into a specialty for that field. For example if the original persona is a single handseal Fire Release specialist, and one of their Alter Ego's identify as a Lightning Release specialist, while that Alter Ego is the active persona, they can perform Lightning Release with a single handseal instead of Fire, and are otherwise treated as a specialist of that Element, field, etc. Regardless of the chosen field(s) the specialties themselves remain unchanged, as the change stems from the Alter Ego's personal preference, and not the feats the user is actively capable of. In instances where an Alter Ego's chosen field are incompatible with a biography's specialty, it is rendered useless and provides no benefit to the user. The seal can be controlled at the user's discretion via their own Chakra, allowing them to perform a "Paradigm Shift", allowing them to swap between their Alter Ego's. When in combat this can only be done once every 3 turns, and at the cost of 30 Chakra. Outside of combat the Shift can be performed without cooldown, but requires the same 30 Chakra per Shift.

Note: Requires Advanced Fūinjutsu, and can only be used by Imperfect.
Note: The user can have up to 4 Alter Ego's, not including their "original" persona.

(Yōton Fūinjutsu Ψ Ninchi Fukyōwa) Yang Release Sealing Art Ψ Cognitive Dissonance
Rank: A-Rank
Range: N/A (Self)
Chakra: 50
Damage: N/A
Description: Derived from the concept of an existing Fūinjutsu whose purpose was to bring order to an already chaotic mind, Cognitive Dissonance is a body-altering seal that takes advantage of existing flaws within the user's psyche to intentionally split the user's mind to save it from itself. This is done through the techniques namesake; Cognitive Dissonance, which is a psychological phenomena that occurs when a person person holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideals or values, or performs an action in contradiction to one of these, which results in psychological stress. For example, if one promised that they would never harm another living being, but also swore to never let harm befall one they loved no matter what, and had to choose between killing someone to abide by the latter belief, or allowing the latter to die in service to the former belief, regardless of which one they chose, they would experience Cognitive Dissonance. When applied Cognitive Dissonance identifies conflicting beliefs, ideas, values, etc, targeting these aspects as one would memories and other metaphysical aspects, then forcefully separates and seals them independently from one another as "Alter Ego's" or "Alters" for short. Visually the seal takes the form of a , etc unique to the user, with branching paths that break off from the original design forming a script that can grow to encompass a wider area on the user's body. The seal can be controlled at the user's discretion via an infusion of Yang Release Chakra, allowing them to passively swap between their Alter's. As this process involves Yang Release it not only alters the users personality, but their body itself, allowing cosmetic changes that may wildly differ from the user's original appearance, but is still limited by the general appearance of their original selves. For example, while features such as hair, eye and skin color are mutable elements, factors such as gender or body structure (number of limbs, organs, etc) are not. When in combat this can only be done once every 3 turns, and at the cost of 50 Chakra. Outside of combat the swap can be performed without cooldown, but requires the same 50 Chakra per swap.

As each separate "target" of the seal's effects have their own heavily ingrained beliefs, they develop into an Alter Ego of the user's original persona, which can deviate heavily in all aspects, including appearance, and affinity for their techniques. While one Alter might prefer ranged attacks, another might have an affinity for close quarters combat. This in tandem with the Seals usage of Yang Release to physically alter the users body according to the development of the individual Alter results in each Alter Ego becoming classified as "Specialists" for a given field, which must be specified within the user's biography per each Alter Ego. While an Alter Ego is the active persona, any specialties the biography possesses that are applicable with that Alter Ego's chosen field are automatically converted into a specialty for that field. For example if the original persona is a Single Handseal Fire Release specialist, and one of their Alter Ego's identify as a Lightning Release specialist, while that Alter Ego is the active persona, they can perform Lightning Release with a single handseal instead of Fire, and are otherwise treated as a specialist of that Element, field, etc. Regardless of the chosen field(s) the specialties themselves remain unchanged, as the change ultimately stems from the Alter Ego's personal preference, and not the feats the user is actively capable of. In instances where an Alter Ego's chosen field are incompatible with a biography's specialty, it is rendered useless and provides no benefit to the user.

Note: Requires Advanced Fūinjutsu, Yang Release, and can only be used by Imperfect.
Note: The user can have up to 4 Alter Ego's, not including their "original" persona.

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ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Link to approval [x]

(Jinton/Inton: Shamen | Dust/Yin Release: Absolution)
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 60 (-20/turn)
Damage: 120
Description: Absolution is an advanced form of Dust release in which the user incorporates the unique trait of Yin release to solidify the the naturally energetic form of the Dust chakra. Instead, the form of the Jinton will take that of a stream of easily manipulative shards with the same disintegrating properties as its pure energetic form. After forming 3 handseals, the user will create and cause these shards will travel through any target and disintegrate anything they touch. These shards are able to move and take the shape of anything due to Yin and Shape manipulation abilities. The shards will always originate from the users body and can have an extended duration on the field if the user wishes, which requires more chakra and extends the restrictions the user gets originally by the length the user keeps the technique active. In accordance to the properties of the Hungry Ghost technique, Absolution carries a debuff similar to that of the Hungry Ghost except it will only interract with techniques it clashes with and will not carry any parasitic properties once the technique defeats another(if it does) of course. The shards are a beautiful sight to behold, which is another property of the Yin aspect and gained passively. The shards are completely jet black and has a cyan flare to their exterior like a cold meteorite. This is purely an aesthetic property and carries no weight in battle.

Note: When the user has performed this technique, they are hindered from using S-rank and above techniques for two turns afterwards, as well as Yin/Dust release techniques for two turns.
Can only be used thrice per battle with a cooldown of 4 turns.
Note: Can be sustained up to 2 turns for each use, but sustaining the technique prolongs the restrictive effects during that time it is sustained.
Note: User cannot use any Jinton/Earth/Fire/Wind/Yin techniques while this technique is active.
Note: Due to the Yin influence, this technique has neutral Strengths and Weaknesses.
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Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
Summoning Animal: Tengu
Scroll Owner: Lord of Kaos
Other Users who have signed contract: N/A
Summoning Boss if existing: N/A
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: N/A
Description and Background: Tengu, or "Heavenly Sentinel", are a type of legendary creature found in Japanese folk religion. They are considered a type of yōkai (supernatural beings) or Shinto kami (gods). The appearance of Tengu tend to vary widely but they all share common traits which usually falls somewhere between a large, monstrous bird-like form and a wholly anthropomorphized being, often with a red face or an unusually large or long nose. They tend to have hair of varying shades of either red, black or white.

Standard Ability: Tengu have a myriad of abilities, some unique to just them and others that are more common to normal Summoning Contracts, mixed and shown below. Tengu have access to empowered flames, granting their Fire-based techniques a +20 damage increase, allowing them to become more dangerous and hotter. This applies to Fire Release and elements based on this but not Tengubi.

Standard Ability 2:
Due to their spiritual forms and demigod like nature, Tengu have a very unique form of sensing that is not uncommon but does not derive from chakra sensory; instead, Tengu are capable of sensing spiritual energy and the spirit itself and it's many forms. This essentially translates into an ability to sense the spiritual presence of an entity despite their actual location or form. This extends up to 1 landmark away from the Tengu but is ever present at the same level of a 3 Tomoe Sharingan user, allowing him to sense even interdimensional entities if they have a spirit. This does not, however, allow him the ability to sense chakra based techniques that do not possess a soul or spirit to be sensed, such as those created from Yang release techniques.

Unique Ability: Tengu are known to use a special form of Fire known as Tengubi, which means Tengu Fire. Tengubi is a spiritual and magical form of fire, devoid of chakra. As a result, these flames are neutral to all other forms of energy and allows the Tengu to combat high powered attacks by burning the spiritual root of the techniques by deteriorating the energy of objects struck by it, dealing intense damage and concussive force to them. This energy can be shaped in a myriad of ways and can be used to bypass physical barriers and forces as it maintains a unique property, making it immune to sealing techniques as well as physical deterrents.

Unique Ability 2: Tengu also have the unique ability to use Tengubi in their own bodies, allowing them to mimic the abilities of those near them through a unique form of Magic called Mimicry. This allows a Tengu the ability to transmute their chakra signature and tenketsu to mimic those around it, allowing it to adopt the skills of the summoner or any ninja nearby that it bonds with. This allows it to once per battle adopt the skill of one ninja, be it their advanced Elemental Natures, their Kekkei Genkei or unique physical alterations their body/anatomy. This ability operates in a staggered system, gaining a stronger and wider access to their bonded vessel’s arsenal over time. Triggered immediately in the first turn the Tengu is summoned, it gains access to one spiritually bonded target’s AN or HA. In the second turn, the user gains access to up to 1 Universal or Mode the target has. In the third turn, the Tengu gains access to their remaining Mode or Universal skill and after four turns, the Tengu gains the ability to utilize the target’s KG/AE or CC ability, within reason. Certain Tengu have differing bonding if bonding with their summoner as noted in the individual summoning submission. This appears in the form of allowing accelerated access to their abilities or similar. In the case of CC abilities, the target gains access to their KG related abilities as noted in their submission.

( Kuchiyose: Akuryō ) Summoning: Akuryō
Type: Summon
Rank: S Rank
Range: N/A
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user forms a short string of hand seals and summons Akuryō the Tengu to the field. Akuryō is noted to be quicker than his counterparts, moving at speeds equal to that of the average Sage. Akuryō is also an accomplished and skilled swordsmen, being able to use any of the user's none elemental Kenjutsu unless he has mimicked the canon skill for it. In addition to this basic ability, Akuryō has access to two unique skills special to himself. The first of the two is related to his ability to bond with his summoner, allowing him to have an accelerated progress. However, because this bond allows them to access and share Spiritual techniques quicker, this as a result causes any Yang and Physical Energy related skills to take longer to be mimicked or replicated. This translates into the ability to utilize spiritual based skills such as Ronin Kenjutsu, Yin Release, Genjutsu and associated Kekkei Genkei after 3 turns while Samurai Techniques, Yang Release, Taijutsu and associated Hidden Abilities/Kekkei Genkei require 4 turns to access. Abilities unrelated to these will take the same amount of time as normal to utilize. His second unique skill applies towards his usage of Tengubi. Inverting the two properties granted, Akuryō's usage allows his Tengubi to deal doubling damage per turn in exchange for a static chakra reduction rate of 5 per turn. This means the damage dealt per turn will not remain 5 and will instead double each turn. However, because of this effect and it's more solid state, his Tengubi does not have the ability to alter it's intangibility and damage dealt can be healed via Yang.
Note: Can only be summoned once by Tengu Contract signers.
Note: Cannot be summoned when other Tengu Contract summonings are present.

( Tengubi ) - Tengu Fire
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: B - S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 80 - 100
Description: Tengubi is a special and magical form of natural flames that Tengu are capable of utilizing. These flames, because of their state and nature, are devoid of chakra and because of this, cannot be absorbed or sealed via chakra absorption/sealing methods. Tengu are known to use this fire exclusively, considered a special byproduct of theirs. These flames vary in appearance by the Tengu, though these properties are shared. In addition to this, these flames can take the form and shape of anything within the user's imagination, meaning they can become solid as bricks or maintain a plasma energy state though the user cannot freely change this. One special property as noted in the Contract is the ability to burn away the spiritual root of techniques and targets. What this refers to is the general clash between Tengubi and other obstacles, burning away the spiritual energy within at rapid rates to effectively "erase" or destroy a technique. This effect operates just like when normal techniques are combated or bested, giving the flames their own burning aspect unique to them. However, when clashing with opponents, Tengubi drastically burns away spiritual energy, creating an imbalance of energy that makes it harder to utilize chakra as they take 10 spiritual damage per turn alongside a doubling reduction of accessible chakra, starting at 5 ( this means they lose access to 5 chakra then 10 chakra, then 20, then 40, and so on ) until they either defeated or healed via Yin or other appropriate means to restore the spiritual damage done.
Note: Can only be used by Tengu or Signers who have Naturalist Specialty. To change the tangibility of the Tengubi after released, the user must spend a move per turn.
Note: S ranked usage can only occur once every 4 turns and up to 3 times. A ranked usage can only occur 5 times a battle
Note: After using S ranks, the user cannot make use of Tengubi for 2 turns

( Inton: Okuninushi ) - Yin Release: Okuninushi
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 50 ( -15 per turn )
Damage: N/A
Description: Based on Hands of Sloth, Uchihageshi, and Fukurokuju, the user blocks an incoming attack and absorbs it using his gunbai as a medium, nullifying its effects and purifying it on contact. However, this jutsu differs from the Uchihagaeshi jutsu due to it's special ability; before or after chakra has been absorbed, the user adds Yin natured chakra to the war fan. Granting it the spiritually degenerative properties of the Hungry Ghost technique, the user becomes able to apply this converted chakra to various Uchihageshi variations when released. Upon release, this energy is near blindingly white seeking spiritual energy to feed on, forming a tether to the opponent's chakra system. Upon contact with the target's chakra, this causes the afflicted to have aspects of their chakra usage weakened. This effect is only applied when the burst of white energy is released from the gunbai. What this does is causes who had their chakra absorbed by the Gunabi and released gain the inability to use multiple jutsu in one timeframe or the ability to infuse chakra from other techniques into their jutsu. Should the opponent be hit twice, then the effects will double/worsen proportionately and they become unable to utilize above A rank Ninjutsu for 4 turns. This effect only takes place should the user choose not to make the attacks physical, in which case they carry high physical damage.
Note: When used, Okuninushi lasts for 3 turns and can be used twice, requiring at least 4 turns in between usages. After using, the user cannot make use of any Uchihageshi variants for 3 turns nor any Yin jutsu for the same turn.

1. ( Takamabi: Takamimusubi ) High Heaven Fire: High Creator
Type: Offensive/Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: B - S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 40 - 60
Damage Points: 80 - 120
Description: Takamimusubi entails the generic manipulation of High Heaven Fire, allowing the user to produce and manipulate the white and crimson flames into streams, constructs, and projectiles. As a generic manipulation, the effects of both Shinkai ( Terrain ) and Yomi ( Person ) depend on the technique's rank. As the flames rage on upon the world, they alter the environment into astonishing and otherworldly dimensions, where the higher the technique, the more twisted and inverted the colors are. Through the effects of Shinkai, that which is burnt by the fires of Takamabi will alter their characteristics into different illusory worlds which can interact with other techniques and substances as they approach them. When sentient creatures are burnt by the High Creator, the effects of Yomi will settle in, bringing the entire awareness of the burnt ones inside the realms produced by Shinkai like going through an illusory portal, while burning auxiliary effects that behave like hypnotic suggestions centered around three pillars. The illusory effects have the same tier and properties of MS level Genjutsu:

Jikoku 紙 Time : Similar to Tsukuyomi, those burnt by High Creator will have a time Dilation or Contraction effect. With time moving either slower or faster, the user is capable of hindering the perceived speed and tracking of an opponent. Moving Slower than Reality, the target will perceive the motion of those outside of the flames as faster, while their tracking remains the same. At B rank, the perceived effect will be 2x the actual speed, at A rank 3x while at S rank it will be 4x.
Moving Faster than Reality, the target will perceive everything to move slower outside the burnt area of Takamabi. While it allows them to perceive others in a much clearer way, it causes their own expression of movement to lower back to their own perception of speed, hypnotically making them move at a slower pace than their maximum capabilities. At B rank, it will be a 10% speed decrease, at A rank it will be at 15% and at S rank it will be at 20%. Neither time Contraction nor Dilation changes the speed or tracking of any involved, rather just a perceptual discrepancy between what they can perceive and move.

Jikuu 紙 Space: Similar to Sukunahikona, High Creator can have a Space Expansion or Compaction effect, making those those burnt by the flames perceive reality and objects outside the flames as incredibly more bigger or smaller than they actually are, which in turn alters their perception of power and strength. When Massifying, the user will be augmenting the perceived size and power of the objects and techniques, producing an effect of perceiving techniques with an increased chakra tier when applicable, +20 chakra at B rank, +30 chakra at A rank and +40 chakra at S rank, which would normally put these techniques as Unsealable, Unnabsorbable and otherwise far too massive to interact on a Chakra to Chakra base, hypnotically dissuading the opponent from countering them through those means.
When Compacting, they will perceive reality to be smaller than they are, which in turn will hypnotically cause them to misjudge the amount of chakra required to produce the technique, causing them to overspend their chakra to counteract their diminished perception of size. The target will require 2x chakra at B rank, 2x the chakra for A rank and 4x times the chakra for S rank.

Juuryoku 紙 Gravity: Similar to Namakemono no Ude's manipulation of the target's willingness or iddleness, Gravity will apply the Attraction and Repulsion effect. Those burnt by the flames will see Reality and Outside the flames as either highly desirable or highly rejectable. The attraction will be felt with a hypnotic allure to Reality in opposition of what is Inside the Flames and will cause the target to be wanton to flee the flames of High Creator in order to contact with as many people and objects of Reality as possible, which in turn will cause them to spread the flames around the area and onto other targets. At B rank, this will cause them to be unwilling to look inside themselves, who are Inside the Flames or use any techniques to augment themselves or their body, such as activating Modes or Enhancements to their Person. At A rank, this unwillingness extends into techniques that are Internally manifested even within other objects, like Genjutsu or Non-External Elemental Infusions to their techniques, like Yin Ghost rather than a Wind technique that blows up a fireball. At S rank, it causes them to be unwilling to augment or apply auxiliary or debuffing effects in any way to any of their techniques, for they come from the one Inside the flames.
Repulsion will be felt as a hypnotic suggestion to get away from Reality outside and an allure to Inside Takamabi itself. They will see Reality as undesirable, grotesque, or even frightening, and will instead be drawn to remain Inside Takamabi under the control of the user. When performing techniques, they will be unwilling to manifest them at their true range, for fear they'd reach outside the area of Takamabi. The target will reign back their technique's reach 5 meters shorter than they normally would at B rank, 10 meters at A rank and 15 meters at S rank.
All of these pertain not to actually seal the target's abilities, but rather restrict their willingness to use them as such.
Note: S ranked usage can only be used once every 3 turns, preventing usage of the rank for the same duration. A and S-Ranked usage cannot be done more than 6 times per battle.
Note: Only one of these three effects can be in place at a given time. Should one be used, this same effect cannot be used in the same or next turn.

Approved Edits Made - Daemon
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May 7, 2020
Trait Points
( Genjutsu: Hanbun Sora no Hai ) Illusionary Arts: Half Empty Grail
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A-Rank
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: The user performs three hand seals, inducing the target in an illusion that disrupts the target's chakra system and the chakra within their brain. The sole purpose of this genjutsu is to cause the target and all of his/her senses to perceive that they no longer posses chakra within themselves. This does not include the consequences that a shinobi's body experiences when their chakra is exhausted (in our RP), which can hint the target that there is something out of the ordinary going on. They might be lead to resort to use a small weapon or other means to escape the illusion by inflicting minor harm to themselves (following release rules of genjutsu), allowing the user ample moments to attack. This is because Half Empty Grail prevents them from being capable of controlling their own chakra and chakra flow in reality due to them believing that they do not possess any of it, thus, preventing them from performing chakra-requiring techniques. This implies techniques such as a full body chakra surge, self illusionary techniques or control their chakra to perform "Illusion Technique: Release". Victims trapped by this genjutsu also have their sustained abilities/techniques from previous turns end/deactivate because of losing chakra connection and control over them as a consequence of this illusion. A comparison to this can be that of a shinobi holding a sword with their hand and suddenly get trapped in an illusion where all their senses lead them to believe that their hand suddenly got amputated, making them lose control over their hand, which also makes them lose hold of the sword in reality. This illusionary technique cannot be layered on or be layered on with other illusions. It also cannot be stacked with anything that would hinder the target from making/allowing their body to experience physical harm in order to escape the illusion (in other words, techniques that: paralyzes/wraps around the target's body parts/immobilizes, etc). This means it can only be stacked with purely offensive techniques (such as a stream of fire or a fireball).

Note: Twice per battle
Note: Cannot be used against Kaguya clan bios

@Lili-Chwan you can inform whoever it belongs to that this is revoked
  • Angry
Reactions: Vayne

El Alucard

Active member
Mar 13, 2014
Trait Points
I don’t have the link to when it was first approved coz it was a long time back but I was told to put this here because I can’t have custom contract armour and it was revoked.

(Kuchiyose: Appugurēdo) - Summoning: The Upgrade
Type: Summoning
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A (+10 to Taijutsu)
Description: The user will simply perform a single hand seal, summoning an armor made completely of extremely sharp cardinal beaks over his body. The armor looks like a layered spiked suit and the beaks are of various shapes and sizes, interlocking throughout the suit so as to create the most efficient armor. The user is able to summon the beaks in any spot on his body he wishes. This could be just his right arm, both his arms, from his feet to his torso, or even having a full body suit. When an enemy makes contact with the beaks it will be as if he were stabbed with many sharp knives, the armor adds +10 to all Taijutsu the user uses. The beaks are naturally very strong and resilient, able to block damage from up to A-rank Taijutsu, A-rank Ninjutsu and B-Rank Elemental techniques. Since the armor is connected to the cardinals, should there be any Cardinal summon present on the field whilst the user has the armor on, the suit’s true power (The Upgrade) is activated and the suit adapts to the summoning Cardinal on the field.

• The Upgrade (Queen of Flames) - This upgrade is activated when Aphrodite is present on the field. The armor turns red and grants the user the ability to perform all Fire and Wind techniques B-rank and below with a single hand seal. The suit is able to withstand up to S-rank wind techniques, however it also obtains the elemental weaknesses of fire and wind and as such, it can only take two B-rank fire or water techniques before breaking.

Note: Can only use Fire and Wind elements while armor is active.
Note: Cannot use any B-rank and above fire and wind techniques for 2 turns after usage of this armor.

• The Upgrade (The Stormy Sea’s Princess) - This upgrade is activated when Keleano is present on the field. The armor turns blue and grants the user the ability to perform all Water and Lightning techniques B-rank and below with a single hand seal. The suit is able to withstand up to A-rank water and lightning techniques and S-rank Fire, however it also obtains the elemental weaknesses of water and lightning thus it is only able to take two B-rank earth or wind techniques before breaking.

Note: Can only use Water and Lightning while armor is active.
Note: Cannot use any B-rank and above water and lightning techniques for 2 turns after usage of this armor.
Note: Lasts 4 turns after which the beaks fall away.
Note: Can only be used three times per battle, but needs to cool down for 2 turns after the first time used and 4 turns after the second time used.
Note: The beaks that make up the suit are light so they do not remove from the user’s speed


Jul 12, 2009
Trait Points
Style Approved:

Hachibushu - Eight Deva Guardians
Background: Master Chen, the developer of Konoha Ryujin was not the only one of his caliber to exist. In reality, there were 8 of them. Master Chen being the most famous. Each of these taijutsu masters were assigned an animal or creature. Using the same general formulation for konoha ryujin, the other seven taijutsu masters were capable of creating all type of creatures. One of the 7 masters took it upon himself to master the styles of all the other. With all these forms mastered, he condensed it into one unique fighting style known as Hashibushu, in honor of himself and the other members.
Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:

Hachibushu are based loosely on the concepts behind the powerful jutsu ( Konoha Ryujin ) - Leaf Dragon God. As shown below, the Leaf Dragon God is formed through the the users own physical power (through the use of the spinning kick) shaping the air into currents through movement.

This means that the user kicks out and as he kicks, he shapes the air currents with his leg movement. Through this logic, the user attacks with various limbs, moving at such a level he shapes the air currents around him. Using control over these air currents as he shapes them, the user is capable of forming several different animals with different responses upon formation. This can be done in a series of methods, namely 3 main releases. These forms are named Yasha, Naga and Kinnara. Based on leg movements, Naga attacks are initiated by kicks in different motions, shaping different currents into different beasts. Done in similar fashion to the Konoha Ryujin, these kicks shape the wind in the direction of the kick, curving and causing a small whirlwind of air as the currents shape into different shapes. This alters from the Konoha Ryujin attacks as it shapes the wind into cyclone like formations, constantly spinning in the same direction. The user shapes the air currents to form different four legged animals, air currents constantly flowing in different angles and directions to maintain their shape and power, allowing these beasts to fight off elemental ninjutsu of the same rank and below.

Based around arm movements, Yasha attacks are initiated by swift punches and movements that shape air currents as the arms cut through the air. Similar to the original usage of Konoha Ryujin, these punches shape the air as the user punches, curving the currents in a way they form different winged animals. These beasts all move at swift speeds, capable of moving at high speeds and impacting the enemies at high impacts. These beasts, often of massive sizes, are able to fight against elemental ninjutsu of the same rank and lower, though this of course is situational as some jutsu would obviously not be able to be bested by birds.

Based around full body movements, Kinnara attacks are initiated by full body movements including rotations, flips etc that shape air currents as the person’s entire body cuts through the air. The body moves through the air, similar to the usage of Konoha Ryujin, curving the currents in a way to form different forms of primates. Compared to the other forms, Kinnara involves the entire body therefore making the power of the currents the strongest. These beasts, often of massive sizes, are able to fight against elemental ninjutsu of the same rank or lower. Kinnara based techniques are slower moving than the other forms but make up for it in brute force.

In a close range aspect, the user can use these chakraless gusts of wind to empower their physical hits using the above mentioned styles of the fighting style itself. For example, using Yasha and its swift and sweeping arm movements to strike an opponent in their chest while creating a winged animal such as a bird that slams into the opponent at full force.

Example Techniques:
(Hachibushu: ) Eight Deva Guardians: Sakra Devanam Indra
Rank: B
Type: Offensive
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra cost: 20
Damage points: 40
Description: Using the form of Naga, the user focuses chakra into their leg and performs a slow leg sweep. As the leg cuts through the air, the user manipulates the air currents generated into a large stampeded of oxen. The herd of oxen charge toward to opponent destroying all in their path. Each ox is made up of cyclone like formations.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
Must have mastered Strong Fist Taijutsu and NB Taijutsu
Must be at least a S-Class to learn

P a t e n t C e r t i f i c a t e

Daemon, our loyal member, gave on 2018, a request for a Patent on the Custom Fighting Style Hachibushu - Eight Deva Guardians. I, Vex of the Custom Fighting Style Bureau, by the power invested in me by Lord of Kaos, after reading the submission, have decided that the submitted style satisfies all requirements, and am therefore giving him rightfully earned patent on this style by the following;

Hachibushu - Eight Deva Guardians
Powered by Vex
Copyright 2018, Daemon,

You must be registered for see images

Rank: B
Type: Offensive
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra cost: 20
Damage points: 40
Description: Using the form of Naga, the user focuses chakra into their leg and performs a slow leg sweep. As the leg cuts through the air, the user manipulates the air currents generated into a large stampede of oxen. The herd of oxen charge toward to opponent destroying all in their path. Each ox is made up of cyclone like formations. The number of oxen is variable and solely depends on he users choosing. The larger the number of oxen created results in each ox being fractionally weaker but the herd always combining into B rank. This allows the user to have a wider spread of coverage while sacrificing the strength of the individual ox.
Can be used four times per battle
Can only be taught by Daemon

Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: 60
Description: Using the form of Yasha, the user focuses chakra into their arm and performs a rotating jab or uppercut. As the arm cuts through the air and rotates, the user manipulates the air current generated into a large flock of birds. The flock of birds quickly rush over the opponent like a wave. The birds not only do damage on impact but can shred the opponent due to the sharp violent winds provided by this technique. Unique to Vajra Yasha, the user can control the flight path of the birds on release allowing the birds to curve around defenses and attack the opponent at varying angles. The number of birds are variable and solely depend on the user's choosing. This gives the user the option of pinpoint attacks with the flock of birds or widespread volleys. Despite the amount of birds created, the sum of their strength will always be equivalent to A rank.
Can be used three times per battle

3. (Hachibushu: Chishi-sei no Augus ) - Eight Deva Guardians: Lethality of Augus
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short (With Mid Range Reach)
Chakra: 40 (-15 per turn)
Damage: N/A (80 if used to attack)
Description: Lethality of Augus is an Eight Deva Guardians technique which pushes the style to its limits. Mainly focusing on the Kinnara sub-style of Eight Deva Guardians, which resolves around full body rotations such as spins, flips, rolls etc. Lethality of Augus initiates with the user rotating their body in nearly any manner giving the technique flexibility in how its used. Once the user rotates their body, they manipulate the currents of air generated by this spinning and shapes it into an primate of choosing, such as an gorilla, orangutan etc. This causes a beast of neutral air to enclose the user at its base forming over the user's body as a shield of incredible size rivaling the size of the Konoha Ryujin technique which the entire style is based off of. This shield is extremely quick to form defending the user from techniques of the same strength. The brute force of this shield can used offensively in close quarter scenarios crushing opponent's under its might and force. Much like Konoha Ryujin, this primate creation can be maintained and sustained at the cost of 15 extra chakra points per turn. This allows the user to control the primate of choice as a giant extension of themselves using its size to reach into Mid range dealing 80 damage if the hit lands. Attacking with the Lethality of Augus costs a move per turn. While maintained, Lethality of Augus still retains its defensive properties but limits the user's offensive options. While encapsulated by Lethality of Augus, the user loses the ability to use Elemental Ninjutsu, however the user still has access to other Eight Deva Guardian and Taijutsu techniques by using the the limbs of Lethality of Augus to swipe through the air to produce the air currents or using its legs or arms to use Taijutsu techniques on the user's command. Lethality of Augus can be used twice per event lasting 4 turns each usage. Once Lethality of Augus is destroyed or deactivated, the user cannot use S rank or higher Eight Deva Guardians techniques for three turns. If not used in maintained usage, this technique can only be used two times per twice per battle with a three turn cool down in between usages.

4. (Hachibushu: Asurazu Rāsu ) - Eight Deva Guardians: Asura's Wrath
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: S
Range:Short - Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: Asura's Wrath is an Eight Deva Guardians technique, based off of the Naga substyle of the technique. The user will focus chakra into their leg and perform a leg sweep. As their leg cuts through the air , the air around the origin of the kick begins to rotate and is shaped into a wolf. The wolf starts off small (roughly the size of a human) and as it travels forward begins to grow in size as it fully develops. It's full size grows to the size of 8m x8m x 8m size and reaches this size when it reaches mid range, allowing it to be fully formed as it enters long range. The wolf can either claw, bite or ram into the target based on the user's needs before dispersing. The wolf is made up of sharp, rotating air currents that is a trade mark of this style and will cause deep cuts as well as blunt force trauma. This technique can only be used twice per battle with a three turn cool down in between usages.

5. (Hachibushu: Mura no Murabit ) - Eight Deva Guardians: Mumbooku, Pillager of Villages
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: A
Range:Short - Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: Mumbooku, Pillager of Villages is an Eight Deva Guardians technique that utilizes two substyles of the technique at once. The two substyles involved are Kinnara and Naga. The technique initiates by the user performing a sweeping kick through the air (The user has the freedom to determine how the kick is done given the situation). Using the momentum of the kick , the user transitions into a full body rotation by using their other leg to lift off from the ground. This rotation can be done as a corkscrew, front flip, backflip etc that fits the situation at hand. As the user kicks through the air, the force of their kick cause an updraft of air that spirals upward and is shaped into a snake. As the kick converts into a full body rotation, the force of the rotation causes a draft of air to form as the body cuts through the air. This accumulation of air currents shape themselves into a tortoise. The snake formed has a 1m x 1m x 10m length while the Tortoise is confined to a short range space, standing at 3m x 4m x 3m. The snake races at the opponent and swallows them whole, lifting them skyward. The snake then arcs back toward the user and slams into the newly formed Tortoise, crashing the opponent into the tortoise's shell causing blunt damage as well as shredding. This technique can be done three times per battle with a two turn cool down in between usages. Finally, the snake is the only portion of this technique that can reach into mid range, and both the snake, and the tortoise carry a durability of B-Rank each.

6.(Hachibushu: Karō no te ) - Eight Deva Guardians: Hands of Kalrow
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: Hands of Kalrow is a Kinnara based Eight Deva Guardians technique. By quickly rotating their body, the user picks up a gust of air that begins to rotated itself around the user's body forming the shape of a Pangolin. Hands of Kalrow takes after the pengolin's ability to curl in on itself forming a ball to protect itself from predators. As a result, Hands of Kalrow can be generated in two ways: The Uncurled and Curled form. The Uncurled form resembles a normal pangolin with its body fully extended. The Curled form of Hands of Kalrow, generates the Pangolin in it's curled form with its tail tucked into it's body and its head curled into its mid section, revealing its' armored back, thus resulting in an Pangolin shaped orb around the user's body. The size of the Pangolin is variable for the usages of the technique, when made in its "uncurled" form, the Pangolin encompasses a 2m (W) x 2m (H) x4m (L) dimension. When formed in its "curled" form. the Pangolin encompasses a 3m x 3m x 3m space. Hands of Kalrow is normally used for quick defenses and assaults in close range situations, capable of shredding targets on contact while providing a quick defense. But soon after it's created and it's intended usage is complete, Hands of Kalrow disperses making it a technique that is not sustainable by the user, naturally. Hands of Kalrow can be used four times per battle with a two turn cooldown period in between usages.

(Hachibushu: Oruga no miryoku) - Eight Deva Guardians: Olga's Attraction
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: A
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: Olga's Attraction is an Eight Deva Guardians technique, centered around the Naga subskill. The user begins by focusing chakra into their leg and swiping it through the air. This swiped generates intense air currents that can be shaped to form an animal. However, these air currents function differently than normal Eight Deva Guardians techniques. These air currents work similar to suction, able to pull in targets towards the user. Due to the shape manipulation involved in Eight Deva Guardians and the level of complexity and selectivity in the style, the user is able to specifically select the targets in which these air currents can effect. Once caught up in these currents, the user begins to shape the currents into a giant serpent with cutting air currents. The user effectively pulls the target into the body of the serpent causing damage on contact with it. These air currents can pull targets from up to Mid range away from the snake formation.
Note: This can only be used three times per battle with a two turn cool down in between usages.
Note: No Eight Deva Guardians techniques can be used in the same turn as this technique.
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Active member
Mar 12, 2014
Trait Points
CFS Approval: [x]

Verugu Avesutā – Verg Avesta
Falsely Transcribed Creation

Type: Ninfūinbukijutsu


Verg Avesta, alternately known as Falsely Transcribed Creation, is a style embodying the idea that all living things are inherently evil. In ancient times, a small village community had pledged themselves to the worship of a deity, Ahura Mazda, who was the creator deity in the scriptures of Avesta, and a spirit of wisdom and goodness. His opposite, Angra Mainyu, was a destructive spirit of evil and malice. Those villagers were faced with a choice; to worship him, thus becoming pure and good like he, or to shun him and fall to darkness. For them, the spirit was a canvas upon which the colours of good and evil were painted. And just as the body was the vessel that housed one's spirit, it too was a surface upon which good or evil could be transcribed.

As troubled times continued to fall upon the village, be it by famine or natural disaster, its inhabitants became desperate. The hardship that plagued their village came from things which held no agency, they were not good or evil, they simply were. But for those villagers, who believed themselves righteous and pure, they took it as being punishment that was undeserved. They needed a scapegoat to be designated a demon whose existence was the reason for the village's mounting calamities. They chose a quiet youth, taking him from the streets during the day as he wandered aimlessly. They captured him, beat him, carved every word that cursed mankind onto his body, forced every sin imaginable upon him, took out bits and pieces of him slowly, defiled his mind with absolute evil, and held him responsible for all of it in the world. They would not allow him to die until he succumbed to old age. At first, he only hated the ones around him; those responsible for his suffering. And then, over time, he began to hate everything. His hatred became a natural function, rather than an emotion, and his very being was now synonymous with evil; All the World's Evils.

The name and life of that youth is unrecorded in any book, scroll, or archive. The village where he once lived no longer exists. All that remains of that place, that era, that tragedy, is a tablet known as the Verg Avesta.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:

The two areas that form the basis for Verg Avesta are Yin Release and Fūinjutsu. Yin Release forms the skeleton for the style for two reasons; the first being its ability to create form from nothing, and its ability to interact with both the mind and spirit through the body. The user produces constructs of chakra from their body, taking on the form of highly flexible black ribbons with red outlines. Because they are made through Yin Release, they are capable of moving and bending in a variety of ways, even in seemingly impossible angles. Owed to their inherently spiritual nature, they're also capable of interacting with other spiritual techniques and entities regardless of their state of matter.

These chakra-constructed ribbons, which are present throughout all techniques of Verg Avesta, carry a mentally polluting curse resembling the effect of Yin Release: Hands of Sloth, which is delivered on contact with a target, this curse being known as All the World's Evils. Where Hands of Sloth simply erodes a target's sense of self and places them in a vegetative state, the curse of All the World's Evils instead turns them aggressive, transforming them into a malignant and destructive entity that is slave to the user's will. Though they retain their sentience, their personality is contaminated by All the World's Evils, manifesting their darker impulses and tendencies. This transformation is not only mental in nature, but physical as well. One's skin grows pale, their eyes turn yellow, and red veins become visible on their body.

While similar to the mentally-debilitating effect of the Hands of Sloth in terms of behaviour, All the World's Evils functions slightly differently. Where the Hands of Sloth progressively weakens a target with successive instances of contact, All the Worlds Evils causes a target to become more offensively-oriented, in line with the curse's pollution of their mind. For example, rather than focus on healing themselves or otherwise undoing any damage or debilitating effect(s) sustained in battle, a target will continue to attack the enemy, even going so far as recklessly endangering themselves in order to do so (e.g. getting caught within a technique's area of effect). Their ability to perform complex thought is also hindered, preventing them from breaking Genjutsu in a single timeframe slot.

Once the curse is applied through physical contact, it will alter the target's mind over time, the rate at which this occurs varying depending on the rank of the technique used to apply the curse. For F-Rank techniques, when the curse is at its strongest, it takes two turns for the curse to completely subjugate a target, and for every subsequent descending rank, this duration increases by one turn (e.g. S-Rank; three turns, A-Rank; four turns, etc.). The turn in which the curse is inflicted counts as the first turn of the curse's progression. If the curse is not broken within the final turn, then the target will be fully contaminated by All the World's Evils. In the context of the curse’s effect, eligible targets include other biographies, summons, Yin-Yang Creations and other sentient entities. The curse itself lasts for ten turns once fully applied to a target, with the effects dissipating thereafter, though this does not include turns in which targets are kept sealed within the ribbons. The curse cannot be extended once applied, though the user is capable of lifting it at anytime. At any given time, up to four targets can be enthralled by All the World's Evils.

To counteract All the World's Evils, one must purge it from the body by flushing their chakra system via full body surge, which can only be done via techniques from Yin-Yang Release and Anutu, their components and Senjutsu of equivalent strength to the technique used to apply the curse. Although, once the curse reaches full effect it cannot be broken or forcibly released.

While the user is producing the black ribbons of Verg Avesta, their features will shift to resemble the appearance of those who are affected by the curse. Though the user is functionally impervious to All the World’s Evils, it being their own curse, the mentally-polluting effect will still turn their personality darker and more aggressive.

The second component of Verg Avesta, Fūinjutsu, serves two purposes. The first takes full advantage of the sealing characteristics of Fūinjutsu, turning the ribbon constructs of the style into a sealing medium of sorts. Once a target has been fully subjected to All the World's Evils, that target can be sealed within the ribbons themselves, appearing as if it were sinking into a dark sea of shadows. At any point, the target can be released from the ribbons, bringing them to the field in a manner akin to summoning an incarnated soul through Edo Tensei. The second purpose of Fūinjutsu's incorporation into Verg Avesta allows the ribbons to perform a similar function to barrier techniques, using them as an additional medium through which to transmit All the World's Evils (to be submitted as CFSJ).

Example Techniques:

(Verugu Avesutā: Negai no Tanjō) – Verg Avesta: Birth of a Wish
Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Self (Short – Long)
Chakra: 60
Damage: 120
Description: Birth of a Wish is the cornerstone technique of Verg Avesta, encompassing the ability to produce black ribbons from one's body that carry the curse of All the World's Evils. In a single usage, the user can create up to five ribbons that can be used for a variety of purposes, whether to attack, defend, or move across the battlefield. These ribbons can be created in a state of tangibility or intangibility, but costs a move to shift between states in the turn after creation.

Additional effects and Restrictions:

Verg Avesta requires the completion of Yin Release and Fūinjutsu. Specialising in the style enhances the user’s spiritual constitution, preventing the user from being mentally influenced to act or think in a particular way by the effects of an opponent's spiritual techniques.

(Verugu Avesutā: Negai no Tanjō) – Verg Avesta: Birth of a Wish
Type: Offensive, Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 60
Damage: 120
Description: Birth of a Wish is the cornerstone technique of Verg Avesta, allowing the user to produce black ribbons from one's body that carry the curse of All the World's Evils. In a single usage, the user can create up to five ribbons that can be used for a variety of purposes, whether to attack, defend, or move across the battlefield. Being a product of Yin Release, they can move in any way the user imagines, even in seemingly impossible angles, and they're capable of interacting with spiritual entities regardless of their state of matter. When used, the ribbons can phase through the user's clothing if they so choose, and regardless of their state of matter, and will not interfere with or clash with the user's own active techniques, such as armours, barriers or the like. The damage of the technique is not split between each ribbon created, but attacking a target with more than a single ribbon will not deal more than the technique's stated damage. Destroying individual ribbons will not end the technique, but they have a collective durability of S-Rank, thus the more they're split, the weaker each individual ribbon becomes. Once All the World's Evils is applied, it will take three turns to fully subjugate a target, and can be prevented via full-body surges from Yin (60 chakra), Yang (50 chakra), Yin-Yang (50 chakra), Senjutsu (60 chakra), and Anutu and its components (30 chakra). This technique can be used thrice per battle with a two-turn cooldown between usages, and the user cannot use Yang or Yin-Yang Release techniques above A-Rank in the turn after use.

CFSJ Approval: [x]

Mandatorily Edited - Daemon
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Active member
Jun 18, 2009
Trait Points
Summoning Animal: ( Yako no Kitsune ) Nightmare Fox
Scroll Owner: Lili-Chwan
Other Users who have signed contract: N/A
Summoning Boss if existing: N/A
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: Kumiho, Red-Omen Fox
Origin: Their Sanctuary is a black meadow within two hills. It is always night time within the meadow, and the grass blows with an eerie sound of death. Multiple white birches cover the base of the hills, a stark contrast in front of the black grass. It is called Yama-no-Okami.

General Description:
The Nightmare Fox are demonic entities made of fear, dread and horror. They are the legendary beings that populate the darkest places of our mind and prey on our dreams and hopes, filling them with dread, fear and nightmares. While the western culture knows them as shadowy entitites that manifest within our fears and nightmares, the Yako are fox-like yokai, based on the tales of the mischiveous foxes that cause spiritual and physical illness with their contact with the common folk, until their spiritual enlightment grows and their tails multiply.

The Nightmare Fox, or the Yako Kitsune, appear as a black or white fox with a single tail and crimson or golden eyes, though many can appear to have red or other markings, personal to every fox. They prey on people's mind by playing tricks, or by shapeshifting into other beings. Their method of attack, which stems from their original tail, is through Genjutsu and their Ghastly Fox-Fire, a gas-like flame that burns lazily and palely. They can use this ghastly flame to deal spiritual damage onto others, infuse their techniques with it and to possess others, stealing their abilities and wearing off their mental fortitude.

The act of feeding off from the abilities others is part of their journey for spiritual enlightment. It is an ability that allows them to acquire other powers which will allow them to grow a tail, up to the ninth tail, where they typically acquire a golden fur and are considered at the zenith of their spiritual power and enlightment.

Unique Ability #1 - Spiritual Enlightment - The Heaven Fox

When they are summoned, they usually possess 1 tail, which is the Spiritual Tail that gives them access to their first abilities: Basic Genjutsu & Ghastly Fox-Fire ( Barring Elemental, Yin, CFS or Doujutsu-based Genjutsu ). This is always tethered to their summoner ( allowing the Fox to use what the user knows in the category of Basic Genjutsu, custom and canon ).

As they battle, Nightmare Foxes can steal an ability from a Category ( Ex: Tier 0 - Blast Release ) or Subcategory ( Tier 2 - Deidara Clay ) when they stand Short-Range from their target ( the Summoner or another ). It can be freely gained from the User or through a direct clash with an opponent or their jutsu through the Fox's jutsu. The Fox has to have experienced it in the match and directly counter the ability it means to steal, and it requires the Fox to neutralize or overpower the technique. Tier 5 and higher abilities can only be acquired through the summoner, and only through the 9th Tail. Replication of an ability happens in the same timeframe as the counter and happens at the cost of a jutsu per turn, though theft is not always required to happen each turn used countering. This tiered progress is absolute and can't be skipped. Nightmare Foxes can only have a total of 5 abilities gained per Fox, meaning 4 tails will essentially be cosmetically gained. This is shown in Tails 1, 3, 5, and 7 with the remaining tails being the ones to grant abilities.

Tail 1: Starts with Basic Genjutsu.
Tail 2-4: Can steal Tier 1 abilities from others. Requires a B ranked jutsu to be countered.
Tail 5-6: Can steal up to Tier 2 abilities from others. Requires a A ranked jutsu to be countered.
Tail 7-8: Can steal up to Tier 3 abilities from others. Requires a A ranked jutsu to be countered.
Tail 9: Can steal up to Tier 4 abilities from others or a Tier 5 ability from the user. Requires a S ranked jutsu to be countered.

The technique that means to steal an opponent's ability will glow eerily when used, revealing the intent of stealing ( which can be inferred after witnessing the act a couple of times ). This stealing technique can be countered by an higher powered technique, and can "miss" stealing the ability that blocked it instead of the intended one. Lastly, the growing of a tail can be revoked by health loss, similar to a Fatigue system. Should the Nightmare Fox lose health, they will lose access to gained tails they had. 20% of Health lost will revoke the last tail gained, 40% will revoke 2, 50% will revoke 3 tails, 60% will revoke 4 tails, 70% will revoke 5 tails, 80% will revoke 6, 90% will revoke 7, and higher will revoke 8 ( All additional tails ). These tails are lost in descending order with the highest available tail being lost first. Healing the fox will not regrow the lost tail, it needs to be stolen again. Fatigue can stack until healed, such as losing 20% of the health twice before healing will count as 40% and so forth.

Unique Ability 2# - Ghastly Foxfire

Nightmare Foxes are capable of producing a demonic smoke or gas through their body that they are capable of materializing or manipulate through chakra. The smoke produced by the Nightmares has a corporeal substance to it, in the sense that it can be compressed and interact with other physical objects and entities, but is Spiritual in nature. It glows in an eerie green colour, almost like a pale and lazy flame.

This gas carries Spiritual damage, instead of Physical. The smoke can be used to form constructs that can be thrown at their opponents or other techniques, playing in equal fields with Ninjutsu and Elemental Ninjutsu ( Neutral S&W ). Upon physical contact or inhalation of the smoke, the target will feel hallucinogenic effects, translated as drunken daze, and is a vessel through which the Nightmare Foxes cast Genjutsu. ( Ghastly Foxfire will be submitted as a CSCJ, and is not Canon Smoke Ninjutsu ).

Basic Ability 1# - Mischievous Illusion

Nightmare Foxes are capable of using Genjutsu, which can be cast handsealessly or by contact with the Ghastly Fox-Fire. Genjutsu cast through the eerie smoke will require the target to absorb/seal or counter the smoke in order to then release from the genjutsu, or use a method that does both at the same time, like a chakra Surge of sufficient rank. They can use Canon and Custom Genjutsu, not Sound Genjutsu, Doujutsu or CFSJ, as their First Tail, though can acquire and mix in other forms of Genjutsu as they grow tails. Their paws have been developed in order to perform makeshift handseals for any categories that they acquire that are outside the Genjutsu spectrum.

Basic Ability 2# - Ghostly Sensorial

Nightmare Foxes can fly and have an increased perception akin to a Spiritual Sensory, allowing them to sense the Soul and Spiritual Based entities ( like Hungry Ghost, Katsuryoku Spirits, Etc ) which they use to survey the terrain and their opponent, as they follow along in their journey of Enlightment. This is a Sensorial Ability that can be used within the same Landmark, unless specified otherwise in specific submissions.

Updated and Approved

( Kitsune no Kuchiyose: Kumiho ) Nightmare Fox Summoning Technique: Kumiho, the Red-Omen Fox

Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 60
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Kumiho is from a sect of Kitsune Foxes that are elementally specialized. They are designed to battle and serve as the main military branch of the Kitsune. She possesses a red-tinted fur coat, with a stripped tiger-like pattern in her fur. When she is summoned, she inherently has 3 bestowed tails:

1. The Second Tail is a Basic Fire Elemental Tail, which is it's thematic tail, whereas the Third Tail is it's opposite, a Decay Advanced Elemental Tail.
2. The Strength of the theme element and elements that are composed by it are boosted by 10 chakra when the Red-Omen uses it, and that is translated as a +20 damage boost when applicable.
3. Kamiho has 80 health points, 12 speed and 14 tracking. This tracking is bound to a Single-Landmark, and is Spiritual Based, as per the Contract.

Note: Can only be summoned by Fire and Decay users.
Note: Can only be summoned once and cannot be summoned while other Kitsune are present


( Yako no Kitsune Hijutsu: Kitsunebi ) Nightmare Fox Secret Arts: Ghastly Foxfire

Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: B-S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 40-50
Damage Points: 80-100 ( -15 for Forbidden usage )
Description: Ghastly Foxfire is the inherent power of the Nightmare Foxes, a spiritual-damage dealing ghostly gas that burns like a lazy and pale flame. These can be manipulated into coating their fur and body parts, appear as levitating orbs and garbs around the Nightmare fox, or be used as rudimentary constructs and projectiles to attack or defend. They move at the speed of Basic Fire Ninjutsu. Touching the bioluminescent gas won't burn or physically harm any target, but will induce several hallucinogenic and mental ailments. This technique will serve as the generic utilization of this Ghastly Foxfire, whose S&W follow a relation of Neutrality against other techniques and deals Spiritual Damage. When interacting with physical objects, they will possess the same power tier as the chakra that was used to produce and manipulate it, or similar in chakra-less techniques. When interacting with sentient beings, they will be able to produce a savage and animalistic mental pain and hallucinogenic effect similar to being in a drunken and feral haze. The severity of these effects will increase the greater the rank of the construct.

Ghastly Foxfire can be used to induce Genjutsu onto others, and will lock the Genjutsu onto their targets for as long as the ghastly gas is afflicting them. Due to their high chakra cost, they can be interacted with through Advanced Sealing techniques that intend to absorb the chakra within the Foxfire, by using the same tier of chakra as the gas. The afflicted is dealt the same damage as the Foxfire vessel or the infused Genjutsu, whichever is highest. Damage does not stack ( A rank Foxfire carrying an A rank Genjutsu won't deal damage twice). Genjutsu is cast onto targets through inhaling the smoke or through direct contact with the gas.
Note: Using a specific Genjutsu attached to the Foxfire requires the usage of both techniques, spending chakra for both. It can't be used with Foxfire below A rank. It entails an infusion of +10 chakra to the attached Genjutsu, whereas the remaining chakra is made to produce the Foxfire itself. The Genjutsu can only be attached to a Foxfire of the same or higher rank. Forbidden ranked Genjutsu cannot be attached to Foxfire.
Note: Can only be used by Nightmare Foxes or Signers who have Naturalist Specialty, [/B] though this does not gain augmented damage when used by the Signer[/B].
Note: Can only be used 5 times for A rank and 2 times for S rank. S rank usage can only occur every 4 turns with no usage of any rank for 2 after use.

Update Approved, changes were made to both the Foxfire as well as the Red Omen. The ability of removing handseal usage was removed as the contract didn’t make mention to fox fire having suppressive based abilities. The ability is described as a smoke that can casts Genjutsu through it’s drunken daze like effect that it notes to be the way the gen is applied. The mentions of requiring Senjutsu to break with equal chakra also had to be removed; these abilities aren’t Yin or Yang based, they are simply spiritual in nature and thus can still be combatted with equal rank/damage Ninjutsu.
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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Contract Approval:
Summoning Animal: Cthulhu
Scroll Owner: Mirai
Other Users who have signed contract: N/A
Summoning Boss if existing: Cthulhu, The Great Old One
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: Leviathan, Spawn of Cthulhu
Description and Background: Cthulhu, a name feared by many since the earliest records of human kind. A high class divine entity that has said to come from beyond the stars, is a powerful alien being. His arrival to earth was near the dawn of the age of mankind, after the countless wars held against Tiamat, but his existence was considered an anomaly as his origins where not of earthly creation, even by the old gods of the world. In truth he came from another dimension of existence far away from the current one known. Where he terrorized the humans of the east, driving those who came near him mad. It wasn't until centuries later he was finally sealed at the bottom of the ocean in his own ruins known as R'leyh. It was from there, the Great Old One started to plot his return, as those humans who sealed him continued to perish, the seal to his ruins continued to weaken. As time passes, Cthulhu gave birth to his children, the Spawn of Cthulhu and his true and only successor named Leviathan. They roam the world, terrorizing humanity and seeking the final key to their father's awakening, the Vessel of the Outer Gods (Contract Holder).

Cthulhu is described as a giant creature, being humanoid with an octopus like head, draconic wings but his anatomy is too complex for humans to understand. Leviathan and his siblings (Spawns) look near identical to their father, though the physical differences are noticeable. Likewise, the spawns and Leviathan all share the same abilities as their father, though weaker compared to his level though Leviathan is still stronger than his siblings in comparison. Their abilities are as followed:

Anatomy of Shapeshifters (Basic Ability 1#) - This is the most common ability across all the creatures. Their bodies are extremely malleable, capable of reshaping for various purposes such as creating weapons for offensive or defensive purposes, wings for flight (something Spawn naturally lack as opposed to their father and elder brother Leviathan) etc. This can also allow them to blend into modern society, capable of taking on the appearance of other humans and animals, so much so they can even imitate vocals of others. This ability will be submitted as it's own technique.

Eyes of the Gods (Basic Ability #2): Despite its name, this ability refers to Cthulu and his children’s ability to sense the Chakra, or souls of other beings. Be it human, animal or other, if they possess either Chakra or a soul, they are within his scope. This is potent enough that even it is impossible to hide one’s Chakra or spiritual presence from them regardless of method or skill. This allow him to remember individuals he’s encountered or even deduct elemental chakra natures. This extends up to 1 adjacent landmark in ninja world.

Telepathic Communication (Basic Ability 3#) - The final basic ability of the creatures are their ability to communicate with each other telepathically. This done among the creatures themselves, with the Vessel of the Outer God, allies or even enemies, prying into their minds to speak. This is strictly used for communication purposes, in which they can respond back to the creatures as well. This doesn't require a move slot in order to utilize, simply being cosmetic.

Ink Manipulation and Generation (Unique Ability #1) - Cthulhu and his offspring are capable of creating ink naturally from their bodies, in which they manipulate it via Ink Ninjutsu. They do not require ink brushes, simply using shape manipulation with their chakra. They are all treat as Apex Handseal Specialists, needing no hand seals in order to perform the techniques.

Madness Induction (Unique Ability 2#) - An inherent ability is the creatures ability to induce madness into those nearby. This is done by an ability similar to Killing Intent, where the creatures causes those who experience this to see images of their death, which can invoke nausea, panic and unwillingness to approach the summon. This is an inherent ability they trigger mentally when desired, being a passive ability, which also causes those affected by to lose one rank in power to their techniques when within short range of the summon (counting as debuff), which this effect persists up to three turns, even if having left short range. However after being exposed, the target is unable to be affected until an additional two turns had passed after the madness ends, but can only be targeted once more for the battle. The effects also trigger on other summons/animals where animals who are one rank lower or lacking a rank per say (such as Inuzuka Ninken, Aburame Bugs etc) automatically become rendered unconscious when within short range, lasting for as long as they remain within this range. Summons instead flee from battle, leaving their masters aid. Vessel of the Outer God are immune to these effects as well as other creatures of the contract are immune to each other’s affects. The ranking of each madness induction will be mentioned in each summon. They also do not need to focus this ability; those are capable of performing techniques but can also willingly not induce said madness onto others.

Pending, for starters, your background/history has to be adjusted as summoning contracts need to be earthly animals. It can’t have origins off this planet. Second, the Eye of the Gods ability is two in one: Chakra and Spirit Sensing. Pick one but it cannot be both. Third, underlined part needs to change. Too strong and unchecked to allow it to automatically KO or dispersal of them. There needs to be a better balanced metric in place then “get near this summoning and you automatically disperse or get KOed”

Update: Contract Revoked. Ian, having another Myth+ contract, chose to drop this one and it’s related ninjutsu.

(Kuchiyose No Jutsu: Kuto~urufu, Kyū shihai-sha) Summoning Technique: Cthulhu, the Great Old One
Type: Summon
Rank: F
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 50
Damage Points: N/A (- 10 Per Summon)
Description: The user performs the Summoning Jutsu, either through Hand Seals, or their Summoning Tattoo in order to summon forth Cthulhu, the Great Old One in the battle. However, simply doing this isn’t without a cost, as the cosmic creature takes an extra compensation of his summoner’s life energy (-10 HP) which cannot be negated even with Yang Specialist or any other sort of damage reduction skills. Once summoned, this monstrosity nigh immediately towers over the battlefield, rivaling Manda in size alone, with a humanoid body. His head shaped akin to an octopus with many tentacles protruding from his face with beaming red eyes and draconic like wings enabling him to fly. Personality wise, Cthulhu is a very emotionally detached being, showing little to no care for humanity, outside of his Vessel. He is patient and highly observant - waiting for the day his seal is finally broken so he can unleash havoc on humanity once more. He loves his children but at times can be seen as rather militant with them, referring to them as his soldiers rather than his off spring. His desire to rule over this dimension is vast, wanting to expand his reach outside his original dimension to this one. Cthulhu’s sheer presence is known to cause many to be driven completely mad, something that’s almost true (via Madness Induction). He is capable of moving at speeds equivalent to a Sage Rank Shinobi, with his Madness Induction affecting Sage Level and below Shinobi or S-Rank and below summons, with his Madness Induction being Forbidden Ranked in nature. Outside of his inherent powers, this divine monster has his own unique skills, namely “World Shaper” and “Call of Cthulhu”, which are achieved through Natural Energy.

World Shaper (D – S): The unique skill Cthulhu possess, allowing the monster to shape the very world he walks on, namely controlling the environment to his leisure. This can be seen as an advanced version of Sage Arts: Inorganic Reincarnation but without Sage Mode as a requirement, as he naturally controls it and also on a larger scale, extending his control to liquids and even the very air around him. This allows him to mold them into various shapes and forms, namely constructs with solids, blasts and powerful twisters with winds etc. The creation of these things is limitless and only limited by Cthulhu’s own imagination. The amount of Chakra he fuels into these creations determines how strong they are. These cannot be spawned within 5 meters of the enemy however and are treated as neutral to Elemental Ninjutsu. All Ranked applications that are projectile in nature have a Range of Short - Long, while those that actively manipulate the environment are Short - Mid . A-Rank can only be used thrice per battle with a cool down of one turn between each use, while S-Rank can only be used twice per battle, having a cool down of three turns instead while making him incapable of using this skill up to A rank and above for two turns. Finally, any use of World Shaper must come from Cthulhu himself, and not some extension of his being, such as those created by "Anatomy of Shapeshifters".

Call of Cthulhu (S): The second unique skill to Cthulhu himself, where the monstrosity is calls upon his control of Natural Energy around him. In doing so, the natural energy takes the form of a cloak of sorts, masking himself or his Vessel. This cloak serves as a protective armor or sorts, flickering like a miasma in nature but in true is capable of defending. This cloak corners the entire body, but it doesn't obscure the target's ability to breath, see or any other essential. It has a damage reduction upon interacting with techniques, causing them to lose - 20 DMG on interaction. This technique will continue to persist even after interactions, only disappearing after naturally timing out or ending prematurely as it only acts as damage reduction; meaning techniques will continue and strike the one shrouded in the cloak for full damage if the technique isn't fully stopped. This ability can only be used twice per battle, lasting three turns and having a cool down of three turns. While active however Cthulhu cannot utilize his "World Shaper" ability either.

Note: Cthulhu can only be summoned once per battle, twice per NW Arc and remains in battle until he is properly defeated.

(Kuchiyose No Jutsu: Rivaiasan, Doriimu Wiibaa ) Summoning Technique: Leviathan, the Dream Weaver
Type: Summon
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user performs the Summoning Jutsu, either through Hand Seals, or their Summoning Tattoo in order to summon forth Leviathan, the Dream Weaver in the battle. Once summoned, this monstrosity nigh immediately towers over the battlefield, being roughly 30 meters tall. While he looks identical to his father and lesser siblings, the egotistical off spring wanted to give himself a new "look". Thus when he appears in battle, utilizing Anatomy of Shapeshifter passively - he becomes a sort of hybrid of his base form but resembling that of a demonic whale/dragon hybrid. Personality wise, Leviathan is a far more egotistical than that of his father and siblings. He seems himself above all of humanity, often times questioning his loyalty even towards the Vessel of the Outer Gods. He only serves the latter out of respect of his father's desires and dreams. Despite all this, he shares the same base abilities as his siblings and father, but like them has his own unique powers while moving at the speed of an Jounin Ranked Shinobi. His Madness Induction is considered S-Rank, affecting Jounin Ranked and Below Shinobi or A-Rank and Below Summons/Animals. As his title might suggest, Leviathan is a master of dream weaving, aka Genjutsu. He is capable of utilizing any basic Genjutsu the Vessel of Outer Gods is capable of up to S Rank and without the need of handseals, only needing to create body gestures. While this is considered rather basic in itself, his use of Genjutsu isn't without a twist. Illusions where the target perceives some sort of sentient being or animal, i.e Illusion Technique: Crushing Snake Constriction where it creates an illusionary snake, Leviathan can manipulate the illusion, causing an illusionary form of himself instead to appear in a snake like form.

Note: Leviathan can only be summoned once per battle, twice per NW Arc and remains in battle until he is properly defeated.

(Kuchiyose No Jutsu: Tamago no Kuto~urufu ) Summoning Technique: Spawn of Cthulhu
Type: Summon
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user performs the Summoning Jutsu, either through Hand Seals, or their Summoning Tattoo in order to summon forth a Spawn. These monstrosities are the basic summons of the contract, all appearing the same so to speak. While in base form, they resemble their father, they lack his wings which is used for flight (though can be grown via Anatomy of Shapeshifters). However in the end, they are his foot soldiers - showing little diversity outside of their shared abilities. Their Madness Induction is considered A-Rank, affecting Chunnin Ranked and Below Shinobi or B-Rank and Below Summons/Animals. Personality wise, all the Spawns can sometimes be deemed rather mindless. It's rather rare for any of them to exhibit any sort of personality outside being completely devoted to the desires of their father and the Vessel of the Outer Gods, but they are capable of thinking for themselves in terms of combat or other problem solving skills/everyday task. Some of them are capable of utilizing one of the basic five elemental natures (to be stated when summoned) but this can only be used up to A-Rank without the need of hand seals They move at speed equal to that of a Chunnin Ranked Shinobi while capable of tracking them by x2 their base speed (gained from Eyes of the God) while being roughly ten meters tall, though can easily shrink down via Anatomy of Shapeshifers.

Note: Only one Spawn can be summoned at a time or be present. They can be Summoned thrice per battle. They remain in battle until they are defeated or dismissed by the Vessel of the Outer Gods.

All Approved: [x]
Contract Arts
(Kaibou-gaku no Sheipushifutā) Anatomy of Shapeshifters
Type: Offense, Supplementary, Defensive
Rank: D - S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 10 - 40 (-5 to Sustain)
Damage: 20 - 80
Description: This technique acts as the outline of Cthulhu and his children's ability to shape their natural body. An intrinsic ability, these summons are capable of manipulating their anatomy to a minor to large degree, ranging from shifting their limbs into powerful physically blunt or sharpen constructs, down to completely mimicking the appearance of humans and animals alike, with them being anything the user desires (within reason, such as not being able to make waves or anything that "detaches" from the summon). These changes can be made for offensive, defensive and supplementary purposes, depending on the needs of the summoner or summons themselves. They can use it to increase or decrease in size though they can only grow x1.5 their original height while also creating limbs they originally didn't have such as wings to fly or tentacles to grab and constrict others. These limbs can grow and reach up to mid-range of Spawn of Cthulhu, while Leviathan and Cthulhu himself can reach up to long rang, with the amount of damage ranging based on the rank applied. D - B Rank can be used at unlimited amounts of times, A rank capable of being used thrice per summon in battle and S rank twice per battle with each having a cool down of two turns before being capable of using it again. These constructs are considered neutral to elemental ninjutsu and multiple can be made in a single use, though the damage splits based on rank applied. Signers of the contract with the ability to access "Sage Mode (Imperfect or Perfect) " can also utilize this on themselves as well due to their similar anatomy, though can only go up to mid-range. While clashing with opposing techniques, these constructs do not cause any damage to the summons themselves, simply being extensions of themselves. However if they are overpowered by opposing techniques, the extensions simply detach and become useless.
Approval [x]

( Kanpekinanin Kuchurian Sennin Modo ) Perfect Cthulhuian Sage Mode
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra cost: N/A ( -10 turn to sustain )
Damage Points: Active + 30 damage to all Ninjutsu and Taijutsu up to S rank.
Description: An empowered state of body achieved by blending natural energy with one’s physical and spiritual energy. The mode heightens performance on all levels by adding a new dimension of power to the user’s chakra. The state is a direct result of Senjutsu chakra circulating through the body. To enter this form, a minimum of 10% of the user’s maximum chakra reserve must be molded into Senjutsu chakra, all subsequent technique employ Senjutsu chakra until the minimum cost (-10/turn) cannot be paid to sustain the mode. The user is resistant to damage, reducing 30 damage from all techniques and can heal (for 10 damage per turn) for the duration of this technique. The user is able to move/fly at 3x his speed and sense chakra (on the level similar to Eyes of the Gods) and his/her perception and reflexes are enhanced. Their strength increases, empowering Taijutsu techniques and Ninjutsu by +30. Additionally, Genjutsu cast by the user are empowered requiring the opponent to use Genjutsu release, of one rank higher than what is normally required. In addition to this, the user is able capable of utilizing Madness Induction, allowing them to affect targets of Jonin Rank and lower, and entities such as Summons, Ninken, Aburame Insects, etc up to S-Rank. Lastly, the user gains access to Cthulhu like anatomy, gaining darkened skin and a malleable body with draconic wings capable of flight (ability to use Anatomy of Shapeshifters, Telepathic Communication and other Contract Arts) and other physical feats granted by Sage mode.

Note: Usable thrice per battle by Perfect Sages only. Must wait 1 turn before using this technique again. Once per battle, the user is able to instantly activate Sage mode, with 10% of their maximum chakra reserve as Senjutsu Chakra.
Note: Perfect Sages can convert a maximum of 40% of their total chakra reserve.
Approval [x]
(Riehian) R'lyehian
Type: Supplementary
Rank: N/A
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage Points: N/A
Description: R'lyehian is not a traditional technique in the sense of common ninjutsu. Rather, R'lyehian is a very unique language that only those who are recognized as the Vessel of the Outer Gods or Cthulhu himself or any of his offspring are capable of understanding. While the alien god is capable of understanding the human language, having been in this dimension for multiple centuries – Cthulhu’s native tongue is one of unknown earthly origin. In terms of R'lyehian’s purpose, it usually serves no purpose other than to allow the user the Vessel of the Outer Gods and the other aliens of the contract the ability to communicate in battle without directly revealing information. This allows them to effortlessly talk with each other to formulae battle tactics, simple communication while traveling etc. Those who hears this language are incapable of deciphering the words that are spoken, though the user is or summons are capable of teaching others or explaining what they said if desired. The user also makes it a common practice to think with this language quite often, which in turn causes those who are capable of reading minds to be unable to gain information through vocals or visual as words within the users’ memories are all automatically rewritten to prevent information from being released. While they might experience a memory, those within said memories (should there be speech) will also be altered by the user to only being capable of hearing R'lyehian language. In the end, this technique is merely cosmetic as it doesn’t require any sort of activation nor does it cost a move slot. It however must be mentioned within the user’s bio or at the start of battle in order to be in effect.
Approval: [x]
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Sage of Snakes
Apr 25, 2011
Trait Points
Summoning Animal: Xenomoprhs

Scroll Owner: Korra.

Other Users who have signed contract: N/A

Summoning Boss if existing: Queen Xenomorph

Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: Facehuggers & Xenomorphs

Description and Background: Xenomorphs are one of the deadliest of all known alien species, these creatures require a host organism in order to reproduce. The appearance of the Xenomorph can vary depending on the host in which the Facehugger implants. The human phenotype is generally around 7–8 feet and roughly 136.0 to 181.4 kilograms in weight, with a long, muscular tail and large, curved, oblong head. The Queen of this species is generally twice as large (although some Queens have shown to grow even larger, some surpassing 100 feet tall if given time) and possess superior speed, strength and intelligence than their offspring. The species go through stages but can be summoned in either stage, going from Facehugger to Xenomoprh to Queen Xenomorph.


Facehugger - Its bony finger-like legs allow it to crawl rapidly and its long tail can launch it in great distances. These particular appendages give them an appearance somewhat comparable to chelicerate arthropods such as arachnids and horseshoe crabs. The facehugger is a parasitoid; its only purpose being to make contact with the host's mouth for the implantation process. The Facehugger secures its eight finger-like appendages tightly around the head of its victim and wraps its tail tightly around the host's neck, eliciting a gasping response and allowing the insertion of an ovipositor into the host's esophagus.

Xenomorph- Xenomorphs all tend to share some common traits: a vertebrate-like body, a protective exoskeleton, a long flexible tail, an elongated domed head, with nearly invisible eyes near the mouth, and a toothed maw hiding a proboscis-like inner mouth. Little is known about their biology, but it is known that they eat with their inner or secondary mouths, not their outer mouths. This mouth is somewhat similar to the pharyngeal jaw of a moray eel.

Queen Xenomoprh - Queens are much larger than Drones and Warriors. They stand approximately twenty feet tall at the hip. They have twin sets of arms and are built more similarly to a large theropod dinosaur than a humanoid. They also have a much larger braincase than the average adult Xenomorph, protected by a large crest above their heads. They have a slightly stronger tail, which can be used as a weapon, along with their limbs and inner jaw, as shown in the climactic battle with Ripley in Aliens. Due to their immense size, they are extremely strong. Another well-known feature is the immense ovipositor in the Queen's lower torso, which is responsible for creating eggs (similar to a queen termite). She is able to detach from the ovipositor in an emergency and will regenerate a new one when the danger is over.

In the Narutoverse Xenomporhs poses the following abilities

Unique Ability - Because of the way Xenomorphs are produced through Facehuggers, if a Xenomorph is created through a facehugger infecting a victim, the Xenomorph is able to use the person KG/AE ability up to S ranks by copying their DNA. Doujutsu can not be copied. Due to horizontal gene transfer during the gestation period, the Xenomorph also takes on some of the basic physical attributes of the host from which it was born, allowing the individual alien to adapt to the host's environment.i.e it can gain basic abilities if used against summons. (Wings, Gils, flying, etc)

Unique Ability - In all stages Xenomorphs blood is acidic blood in which only the species and Summoner are immune to the effects. The acidic blood if it touches opponents causes third-degree burns as well as melt a layer of flesh off as well as melt ninja tools but their skin in all stages is stronger than normal skin and can withstand ninja tools. It can also melt through B rank and below armors and defensives.

Basic Ability - Due to their predatory nature, Xenomorphs are great trackers and can sense and track opponents up to 2 landmarks away. All of their senses (sight, smell, taste, sound, etc) are above normal species on earth. They have enhanced senses and are able to track victims by all means. They also are stealthily and able to blend into environments to surprise opponents.

Basic Ability - Xenomorphs have a Cocooning ability. Cocooning is a trait used by Xenomorphs to reproduce quickly. A human, or any other creature, if dragged away, would have a cocoon of saliva and resin placed over them (their face left free), usually in an area where the Queen has produced a large number of eggs so that the Facehuggers are able to latch onto them easily and deposit a Xenomorph larva in their chest. The “cocoon” is restraining and able to restrict movements unless a user has increased strength i.e. Tsuande/Sakura and Raikage strength.

Approved Here

(Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Feisuhagā) - Summoning Technique: Facehugger
Type: Summoning
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A (-60)
Description: Facehuggers are the “baby” stage of Xenos that are spiker like creatures with a tail. Its bony finger-like legs allow it to crawl rapidly and its long tail can launch it in great distances. These particular appendages give them an appearance somewhat comparable to chelicerate arthropods such as arachnids and horseshoe crabs. The facehugger is a parasitoid; its only purpose is to make contact with the host's mouth for the implantation process. The Facehugger secures its eight finger-like appendages tightly around the head of its victim and wraps its tail tightly around the host's neck, eliciting a gasping response and allowing the insertion of an ovipositor into the host's esophagus. When wrapped around an opponent's face, it will take an A rank or above jutsu to cut free of them off but the opponent will deal with acid blood being dripped on them. When the Facehugger attaches to an opponent's face they also release a noxious gas that knocks out opponents for 1 turn in which during the turn the creature will inject the victim with a parasite that becomes a Xenomoprh. After the 1 turn of being knocked out/injected the facehugger will die and come off the opponent. After 2 more turns, the next form of the Xenomoprh will burst out of the opponent's chest (dealing A rank damage) creating a baby Xenomoporh. The opponent will not die instantly but will need Medical Ninjutsu to heal or any other ability applicable at the time. This process allows for the Xenomoprh to have access to any logical KG/AE that the opponent had up to S rank. This method can be used against humans or summons as the Facehuigger can expand to match the face of the opponent but they can never be used against someone or something larger than ten meters large.
Note: Must know Xenomporhs Summons
Note: Can summon between 1-2 Facehuggers at once
Note: Usable 4 times a battle
Note: An S-rank Xenomorph can only be summoned three times with a three-turn duration.
Note: Facehuggers stay on the field up to 4 turns unless the Injecting process gets completed than t
hey die and poof away

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(Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Igyō ) - Summoning Technique: Xenomorph
Type: Summoning
Rank: A-S Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 30-40
Damage: N/A
Description: Xenomorphs all tend to share some common traits: a vertebrate-like body, a protective exoskeleton, a long flexible tail, an elongated domed head, with nearly invisible eyes near the mouth, and a toothed maw hiding a proboscis-like inner mouth. Little is known about their biology, but it is known that they eat with their inner or secondary mouths, not their outer mouths. This mouth is somewhat similar to the pharyngeal jaw of a moray eel. All of them possess great advance sensory and the cocooning ability as well as acidic blood (in contract description). If a basic Xenomorph is summoned then it will be A rank. They possess a second mouth and a knife-like tail that can break up to B rank armor to deal damage to users. Any jutsu the Xenomoprh uses counts towards the user's moveset. Xenmorphs also move at regular jounin speed. The A rank version can tank up to B rank damage.
Note: Must Know Xenomorph Summon
Note: A rank can be summoned 4 times a match, S rank 3 times
Note: A rank stays on the field for 3 turns, S rank for 3 turns
Note: An S-rank version can be summoned through Facehuggers.

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(Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Joō zenomōfu ) - Summoning Technique: Queen Xenomorph
Type: Summoning
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short
Chakra: 50
Damage: N/A (-30 to the user)
Description: The QueenXenomporh are much larger than Drones and Warriors and is 3/4 of the size of Gambunta. They have twin sets of arms and are built more similarly to a large theropod dinosaur than a humanoid. They also have a much larger braincase than the average adult Xenomorph, protected by a large crest above their heads. They have a slightly stronger tail, which can be used as a weapon, along with their limbs and inner jaw but can use any basic ability that a normal Xenomorph can. Due to their immense size, they are extremely strong. The Queen Xenomorph second mouth and tail are able to break through A rank and below armor/defense. They are also able to tank A rank jutsus and are able to resist 1 S rank jutsu. Queen Xenomoprh is able to lay up to 4 eggs per turn (counts as a move) that after 2 turns will hatch into Facehuggers. The Queen is also able to release a blast of her acid blood that deals A rank damage and can reach up to long-range. All Xenos, The Queen, and the user will be immune to the acid. When on the field, if there are any other Xenomorph summons they will try to take any damage/jutsu that might hit the Queen so that she doesn't.
Note: Must know Xenomorph Summoning
Note: Can only be summoned once
Note: Eggs and Acid Blast counts as a move
Note: Stays on the field for 4 turns

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(Kyōka sa reta ishu keitai no chi) - Enhanced Xenomorph Blood
Rank: N/A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage Points: N/A (+20 to Blood Jutsus)
Description: With Xenomorph blood already being acidic and being dangerous, Korra/Skarlet was able to enhance it using medical ninjutsu to make it more readily. If it touches opponents causes third-degree burns as well as melt a layer of flesh off as well as melt ninja tools. It can also melt through B rank and below armors and defenses. When the blood gets on opponents the enhanced blood deals a -10 damage a turn till it's healed. The blood also follows Skarlet's Ketsurygan "Exploding Human Technique" where the affected area will have any passive or already activated healing ability negated. Skarlet being a Natural Summoner is able to use this blood in her blood jutsus giving them more of a boost as her blood jutsus would carry the acidic properties of this enhanced Xeno blood.

Note: Must be posted in bio or beginning of the fight
Note: Must know Xenomorph Summoning
Note: Only Natural Summer specialist can use this as their own blood

( Kinjutsu: Zenomorufu no Okurimono ) - Forbidden Technique: Gift of the Xenomorphs
Rank: Forbidden
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra: 50 ( -40 per turn )
Damage: 60
Description: A Kinjutsu developed by Skarlet Chinoike studying Orochimaru's White Snake jutsu and taking advantage of her Xenomorph's ability copying ability. The user does 6 hand seals and produces a special facehugger from within their body to comes out of their mouth. This facehugger has 80 Health Points and can be destroyed when out which would prevent this jutsu. When the facehugger attaches to an opponent instead of injecting them with a parasite to create a Xenomorph, the facehugger will extra the opponent's DNA copying their AE and combining it into the facehugger's body. The facehugger will than return back to the user and marge into the users body combining the stolen DNA to the user and giving them access to the target's AE. When merged into the user's body the facehugger is still intact and can move around the user's body similar to Boro's core, to avoid taking damage. Just like Boro core, an opponent can hit the facehugger in the user and destroying it causing the user to loose the taken AE. If the facehugger is destroyed before it can merge within the user (which takes 1 full turn to complete) the jutsu will also fail.
Note: Usable once
Note: Takes 1 turn for the facehugger to take the DNA and then merge with the user
Note: Must be done in the NW or Official BA
Note: Can only have 1 stolen KG at a time, and can be switched out after 1 month. Cannot steal KGs, HA or CC
Note: Destroying the facehugger before the merge completes will stop the jutsu, and facehugger can be destroyed even inside the user
Note: Opponent must still be alive to be used.

Approved Here
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Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points

(Tsukareta Ken No Hantei: Shikaeshi No Ko) - Jaded Fist of Judgment: Reprisal of Sin
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: Dependant
Description: Reprisal of Sin is meant for the sole purpose of countering technique utilised by the opponents, specifically those related to close quarter combat. By either establishing contact with the target's shadow through this technique, the user would be capable of diverting an incoming attack away from himself and into another target, be it the opponent themselves, or any other available target. The technique works by having the use taking control of the opponents attacking limb(s) (up to 3 out of 6; legs, arms, head, spine/stomach/chest) and moving them in the most suitable manner to counteract the attack. Naturally this not restricted to taijutsu or kenjutsu, but rather extends to techniques that require bodily movements in order to execute. So for instance it can be used to counter a rasengan as it would be aimed through hand movements. This technique is commonly used in cases where the user is capable of tracking the incoming attack, but lacks the proper physical speed or capabilities to deal with them in time. As such, through the utilisation of one's own shadow they would be capable of having a temporary means of defence that acts at 1.5x the users running speed. The technique can only be used three times per conflict with a two turn interval between uses.

(Kage: Na No Hoho) - Shadow Arts: Protection of the Na
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30 (10 per Turn)
Damage: - (60)
Description: One of the ultimate defense mechanisms developed by Vayne of the Nara. Based on how the shadow reacts to light, this technique was born in order to turn a weakness into a strength. There are three ways to use this technique. The first, denoted Alpha, allows the user to spread his shadow around him and up to short range distance in the form of a circular shadow field. Once a target/object, moves past that shadow field and interrupts the light, the shadow would immediately rise, gaining physical form and attacking the target/object with spikes, thus effectively stopping the attack on the user. This is usually used as a means to allow the user to combat far away opponents without the fear of being blind sided by others. This ability can only be used 3 times per battle, counts as a move and delivers 60 damage to the object/target. This means that invisible objects/opponents can't be detected through this technique and as such would not be attacked.

The second manner, denoted Beta, allows the user to achieve the same effect, but without the need to create a shadow field, instead the user would have the shadow separate into multiple copies of him. The shadows would still react to a target/object moving past them and stop them at the same time while attacking, but the difference with this ability is the manner of attack. In Alpha the method of attack is spikes, while in Beta the method of attack could by anything CQC related. The beauty of Beta is that the shadows could be erected, giving them physical form, thus allowing the user to be surrounded with shadow bodyguards. The shadows are all linked together, and are somewhat autonomous. They would attack anything that gets within their range, matching the objects speed and attacking it. This however results in the user being unable to have allies next to him as the shadows would attack them. The user can override the bodyguards autonomous defence, however that would require him constant focus, and would result in the user being incapable of fully focusing on other targets, while also resulting in the user having to control the shadows, thus resulting in much slower and less effective defence. This can be used three times per battle, with each usage lasting three turns. The user can only create up to 3 bodyguards, and the bodyguards can chose to attack while using basic shape manipulation(Turning their hands into swords, etc).

In ability Alpha, the shadow would be capable of detecting attacks that are short range away from them. So in Alpha, the shadow field can detect attacks that are short range above it. This inversely gives the user the ability to sense objects via the shadow defense, however it is only restricted to knowing that an object it there, and not actually knowing what the object may be. This detection works through the shadow sensing any other shadow that gets past it.

Notes: Usable 4 times per battle.


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Mar 10, 2015
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(Yamato) English name: Yamato
Type: Weapon
Rank: A
Range: Close
Chakra: 10 to activate| 5 to maintain every turn
Damage: -30 to Chakra
Description: A katana with ornate bronze guard and the picture of a dragon encircling the hilt, yamatos proccess of forging has seen the materials of the blade and thus the blade itself Highly reactive to Storm release ninjutsu by constantly imbuing the blade with Storm release chakra. The storm chakra circulating through the weapon allows the blade to absorb chakra up to the rank of the blade. This does not count as a usage of the blade. Chakra absorbed by the blade is stored within the sword and can be used to amplify attacks or ninjutsu that use the blade up to how much chakra is currently stored (For instance absorbing a C rank ninjutsu then using the chakra to boost a B rank technique would give the B rank technique an additional C ranks worth of damage), additionally the blade can spend all of its stored chakra to boost its speed when ejected out of a sheath increasing the speed of iai techniques by x2. The blade can only store a maximum of 30 Chakra, needing the stored chakra to be released before it can absorb more. Ninjutsu absorbed by the blade has its overall power weakened for instance...

A Rank nin/30 - 30/Yamato=attack nullified

Costs 10 chakra to activate the Blades absorption effect and 5 chakra after to maintain it
Can absorb chakra from Ninjutsu and opponents it touches.
Can only activate the blades effects four times per battle
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Ańbu Juniør

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Feb 3, 2009
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Was directed to post this here.

Morigan No Sasayaki | Morrigan's Whisperings
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: This technique is activated through usage of a chakra infused shout, roar, whistle, howl or any similar such sounds. The produced noise will resonate at an uncopyable pitch that an Inuzuka and Ninken, through years of training and bonding will instantly recognize as it will strike a chord within the deepest levels of their psyche, triggering memories that the user and targets have shared together and will provoke feelings such as loyalty, and will also serve to spark an immense rage towards the opponents who would seek to subvert or end their bond. As a result the Inuzuka and Ninken will be freed of adverse mental stimuli such as control through pheromones, unique sounds or smells that seek to undermine their enhanced senses, and even Genjutsu as a reflexive full body surge will automatically be utilized by each participant upon hearing this sound, draining up to 30 chakra, and flushing through their system to act as a cleanser that will reject all foreign energies from their body (Excluding the chakra of their Inuzuka/Ninken partners/chakra that they willingly accept i.e Senjutsu) (This is a completely trained response similar to that developed by dog training or martial arts training in which the Inuzuka and Ninken will respond to this cue with a chakra surge reflectively).
- This technique can only be used 4 times.
- Reflexive chakra wave is a trained response to the usage of this technique, and can release A rank and below Genjutsu.
- Once used, cannot be used again for two turns.

Updated and Approved.
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Jul 7, 2011
Trait Points

Posting due to the bolded.

[Fuuinjutsu: Henkan] - Sealing Art: Conversion
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A-Rank
Range:Short - long
Chakra: 30
Description: A simple fuuinjutsu formula that is applied to a form of metal. This can be a basic weapon such as a sword, kunai or shield etc, or even metallic elements such as steel release. This formula is applied passively but to activate it's use costs one of the users 3 jutsu per turn. How this seal works is, much like the cannon sealing technique "( Ho/Mizu/Kaze/Tsuchi/Rai Houin ) - Fire/Water/Wind/Earth/Lightning Sealing Method" it absorbs an element, only working on energy based elements such as fire or lightning. Though, instead of containing this element within the seal, instead in coverts the element and redistributes it through the metallic object, channeling it around it. For example, if this seal were applied to a sword, the user could activate the seal to draw in the lightning and have it then converted and redistributed around the sword, using the seal as a method of reshaping the technique and applying it as a coating around the sword. This can absorb up to A rank energy based elements, and reform them to coat the object the seal is applied to. This will only work on wind, lightning and fire based elements, and advanced variants such as typhoon or black lightning. This is possible much like how jiraiya was able to use the seal to absorb amaterasu, and advanced variant of fire. The limit to this is, that the seal can only coat the item it's placed on and not be manipulated further. It will coat the item for 1 turn. The formula can be applied to part of an object so as to not hurt the user when the coating is applied, for example, only applied to the blade of a sword, so the user can hold the handle without hurting themselves.

Note: Useable 4 times. Once applied to an object passively, it remains there until activated, when activated it counts as one of the uses, the passive application does not. Once activated the element will be absorbed in and redistributed coating the item within mere moments, last until the end of the users next turn.
Note: Can only be activated on one item or object at a time (such as one steel jutsu etc) and the seal can only be applied once to an object or seal.
Note: Once activated must wait 1 turn before activating again. No fuuinjutsu above A rank in the following turn.

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Jun 22, 2012
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Summoning Animal:
Scroll Owner:
Other Users who have signed contract:
- - - - Open - Open
Summoning Boss if existing:

(Kuchiyose : Oregon) - Summoning : Oregon
Type: Summon
Rank: S
Range: Short/Mid
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A
Description:The User bites their thumb and wipes it on their tattoo, performing a string of three hand seals and then slamming their hands on the ground which creates a couple metre tall tornado of water with 1 metre diameter anywhere within mid-range except around the opponent - this is harmless and purely cosmetic the water disappears and reveals the summon. The Summon is basically a very large amount of ordinary sized Thoracica type barnacles clumped together to form a humanoid shape, 7 foot tall and a strong looking build. The mastermind of these Lesser Barnacles is the Boss of the Summoning Contract and he is able to command them to do his bidding, 'Oregon' the Barnacle Boss resides in the Head of the man representing the brain and in form he is a very large Barnacle that has outgrown it's shell and so is protected by the other Shells. Oregon wears a mask that looks ever so much like a demon, the mask is a hard calcite shell which is what Thoracica Barnacles are made out of; the mask has two large curved horns which a protrude from his forehead which can be used to impale an opponent - the mask is shaped into a stern face. He also has a tail which is just an extended barnacle tendril he has full control of. Oregon has a greater intelligence and is basically the one whom trained the first Barnacles passing down his knowledge. He can talk or communicate mentally to the Contract signer.

Oregon is a Taijutsu Specialist and he has the ability to perform Taijutsu of up to A-Rank and gets a +10 Damage boost because of his extremely hard body. Since his body is made up of many thoracica type barnacles which have their tendrils also spread out through the body to keep together - means he can be pretty versatile. He can pull apart his own body (except the head) to dodge oncoming attacks like punches or swords and then quickly clamp it shut again, the tendrils of the many Barnacles stretch to allow him to separate his torso or other sections so that he is not hit. When Oregon clamps shut like this, it is strong enough to snap a blade and so can crush bone pretty easily whilst at the same time Barnacles detach from inside his body and attack onto the limb of the enemy if he decides to let them free. The Barnacles that are left on the opponent's limbs can be then set up for the Barnacle Jutsu, "Body of the Thoracica". Oregon can also use this to stretch his limbs or body, making them much longer so he can punch and kick much further, or to further ensnare an opponent. He has one final use of pulling his body apart and that is to be able to completely cover his opponent with his body of barnacles and slowly crush him, this however takes about two turns to actually do some critical damage and it basically becomes the opponent's armour; if Nagashi is used on them it wouldn't be effective and would crush the opponent much faster due to the contraction caused by paralysis.

Oregon has the ability to change his body structure further by changing from a man to a four legged creature very quickly, the only reason he does this is to close distance between his opponent and can do so pretty fast. When running on all fours like this he can close the mid-range gap in seconds but it still trackable and when he goes to attack he quickly changes back into a Man to fight.

He also has a very strong Defense, being made completely out of Thoracica Barnacles it's like being a Walking Piece of Armour, he acts like the S-Rank Earth Hardening Technique in strength except B-Ranks and below have no effect at all. Unless it is Lightning then this immunity only extends to C-Rank and below. He also cannot be effected by Genjutsu of any kind as other Barnacles in his head will take the effect instead of him and because there are many that form the head.

- Oregon can use "Body of the Thoracica" on any Acorn Barnacle on the Field
- Oregon can be summoned with a Weapon made of Calcite Shell, it acts like a normal weapon.
- Oregon separating his body to dodge attacks costs a Move (not if he's doing it to stretch his limb further to attack). He can use this to dodge small scale jutsu as well.
- Oregon changing in the Creature Form to move faster costs a move, changing back doesn't.
- Oregon can only be summoned Once per fight
- Oregon can only last 4 turns on the field
- Must have signed Barnacle Contract
-Approved :

Update Approved :

Other Summoning Animals tied to contract:

(Kuchiyose : Bānakuru-wan) - Summoning : Barnacle Bay
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
The user can either do the normal summoning method or bite their thumb, wipe it on the summoning tattoo and then slam the ground. These are Acrothoracica type barnacles and they are summoned into the ground where they burrow into it, creating thousands of little slits in the earth all up to the max of Mid-Range all around the user. This summon uses its tendrils by sticking them out of their burrowed homes and anything that brushes passed they sense, sending the information back to the contract signer(s) of the disturbance in that area, their tendrils can be damaged but they usually retreat into their burrows if anything damaging starts to spread across the ground (like fire) and when it has dispersed they reappear. These barnacles disallow the opponent from using any jutsu using chakra that come from the ground up to A-Rank in their vicinity because they now have complete control of the earth stopping any chakra from above the surface.

Barnacle Bay can utilise the "Barnacle Arts : D.E.V.A" Technique using one of the three moves allowed in a turn and from the ground they will quickly grow and sprout a Goose Barnacle up to and including A rank in power from the use of D.E.V.A, the shell head acting like an egg as a D.E.V.A. is spawned onto the field the sprouted goose barnacle shrinks and retreats back into the ground. The D.E.V.A can only be a B-Rank one and is capable of creating up to two with one use. This can only be used once each time the Barnacle Bay is on the field.

- Can only be Summoned Once per battle, thrice per event
- Lasts 3 turns on the battlefield.
- If the Opponent uses an S-Rank Earth Jutsu For Example from the ground it is weakened to an A-Rank, but the Barnacles will be dismissed.
- Usage Restrictions of "D.E.V.A" apply to Barnacle Bay and not the User
- User can still use Jutsu from the ground, but will have to control the barnacles to move from the area he intents to use earth from beforehand.


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(Kuchiyose : Fujitsubohantā) - Summoning : Barnacle Hunters
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
The user makes 2 hand seals and swipes blood across their barnacle tattoo, they build up a large amount of water in their mouth and shoot it out as a harmless torrent of D-Rank water which would have a group of barnacles that would hit target and attach onto the part they were hit on (the torrent may be harmless but it still pushes the opponent back as it has a little force). Barnacles don't have to be summoned this way, they can be directly summoned onto the User. After the Barnacles Attach to the opponent and use their feather like appendages to beat against the air, manipulating the wind and creating currents that push the opponent towards the user or a desired direction which would also surprise the opponent and can stop them from performing a hand seal - the wind has great force and is like a stream which will push the enemy continuously until the barnacles stop. Barnacles MUST be attached to the opponent to do this the wind causes no damage and cannot be avoided with the Barnacles attached to them.

The Barnacle Hunters also have an ability when they are attached the the USER, they are capable of doing the same thing that can be done with the opponent - pushing them in a direction using the wind, however it's usually for their benefit. of course the continuous wind blast costs a move and can be stopped at any time with the user's will, also the barnacles can maneuver the user in a way which would be very similar to floating/flying, capable of changing direction mid-flight. If they so wish they can make a sharp direction change whilst flying, which would send the user in another direction suddenly costing a turn. They also have another ability to add Wind Chakra into techiques done by the user, meaning they will get a reduction is chakra used by the user (Wind Technique's chakra cost is halved), and they do not have to be stuck the user for this - they can be on the field (like if they missed attaching to the target).

These Barnacles are of the Thoracica "Acorn" kind and have a Calcite Shell so they cannot be killed or removed by simple blades, the opponent can't even cut off the section of clothing they are latched onto as they are actually pressed up against their skin through the clothing using chakra. B-Rank or below elemental ninjutsu cannot break through the shells bar lightning, which is only C-Rank and under, However Paralysis techniques like Nagashi does not affect the Barnacles and they will remain latched onto their opponent - Barnacles cannot be paralyzed.

- Continuous Wind Blast costs a move
- Sharp Turn Maneuver Costs a Turn, though Flight is Passive once Continue Wind Blast is activated once.
- Must have signed the Barnacle Summoning contract and be taught by LonelyAssassin
- Can only be summoned once
- Stay on the field for four turns
- Approved

(Kuchiyose : Barbaracle) - Summoning : Barbaracle
Type: Offensive / Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short / Mid
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
The user will perform the ordinary summoning technique or swipe blood on their Barnacle tattoo and summon a tornado of water 2 meters high and 1 meter in diameter on the field within mid range (Similar way "Oregon" is summoned onto the field, water tornado is purely cosmetic) revealing Community of Barnacles that have already made a Piece of Rock their home, work together to become a monstrous creature. It's made up of two rocks, the larger one being the torso and the smaller one being the pelvis area, connecting the two would be regarded as their stomach area connected through the binding of many Barnacle tendrils to become this thick, strong flesh. Barbaracle also has arms and legs made of the strong, thick flesh and at the end of this thick flesh are claws made of Steel which they can use to slash at the enemy with their feet or hands, the barbaracle has four arms altogether. The Barbaracle has a head too which also has steel claws, it is about the size of the average human, just wider.

The Barbaracle is a Water User, capable of expelling torrents of water from it's arms and legs, the water will seem to leak from between their flesh like tendrils to become the torrent of A-Rank water which counts as a move - Barbaracle can split the power of the Water torrent if he wants to shoot it simultaneously from each limb (B-Rank each from two, C-Rank each from four, B-Rank and two C-Rank for 3). The water can even be used in such a way that when Barbaracle is standing they can expel the water from their legs to propel them upwards, however this can only be done if in contact with a surface, if angled correctly he can propel forwards quickly. Even though they are water uses, the earth they made their home can be used as protection like an Earth technique of A-Rank and lower, however they cannot repair it as they do not have an earth affinity. The Flesh can be cut like ordinary Human skin.

Because the Barbaracle is made up of many barnacles, at the end of each limb there is a barnacle which is used as an eye, there is also one in the head. These can be used to Barbaracle's advantage, however when the water technique is used they cannot see until the water subsides, of course they can't see if they're covered up (for example the eyes on the feet will be covered up when standing). The Barbaracle is a Soldier of the Barnacles, there are many Barbaracles that make up the Barnacle Army and another can be summoned if one were to fall in battle and so their special ability is that another Barbaracle can be summoned again later.

- Must Wait 2 turns before summoning Barbaracle again
- A-Rank Water Blast Counts as a move
- Steel Claws are Freeform CQC weapons
- Lasts four turns on the field
- Approved :

(Kuchiyose : Chinmoku, yūrei) - Summoning : Silence, the Spectre
Type: Offensive
Rank: A-Rank
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Silence is summoned by wiping blood on one's Tattoo or by performing the normal Summoning Technique, however this is followed up by a very subtle 'finger to the lips' whilst whispering 'shh' - This is purely cosmetic and does not need to be performed, it's more of a tradition. Silence is also a Community of Acorn Barnacles which are made up like Oregon and Barbaracle. However each Acorn barnacle is connected through it's Tendrils to another on the opposite side of where it reside on the body, through this link the Barnacles produce Hexagonal Shapes which mirror what the other is seeing on the opposite side - giving the effect of Active Camouflage all over the body of the Summon. The Summon will look practically invisible from those with normal eyesight.

The Invisibility loses it's effect in close range of any opponent, his invisibility kind of distorts the background and scenery only slightly, and since Silence is only really effective in close range since he doesn't have any range abilities this can be a big disadvantage. Also Summon can get residue/dirt/something on him which would give away his stealth - Though the invisibility projections have a protection against anything of D-Rank and below, if anything of a higher rank were to be 'spilled' on them then it would show. To fix this the Summon would have to deactivate and reactivate the Invisibility, basically 'reset' it which after deactivation would mean they'd have to wait a turn before being able to reactivate. Upon Activation of Invisibility the summon will use their Chakra to produce 'Placebos' all over the battlefield that move unpredictably - These will only be seen and sensed through those with the Dojutsu as they will be the only ones capable seeing this chakra being intentionally manipulated in such a way, this means that even Dojutsu and Sensory users cannot pinpoint the exact where about of Silence.

Finally the Offensive Use of Silence is not his Prowess in Just Remaining Unseen, but to dispatch his enemies. If Silence were to carry his weapons they would be seen on his person under the invisibility, they do not 'merge' with him. This means that he has to keep his weapons somewhere else, Silence hides his weapons inside his body, beneath the Invisible Cloak between all the tendrils of the Barnacles. He can freely unsheathe his forearm blade which comes out of the top of his hand out as two sharp blades side-by-side with a small gap between the middle - The blade is about 8 inches past the knuckles of the hand, making them fatal. Also Silence can freely throw Flat Knives which he pulls from his body and throws, however the Knives don't remain invisible and can be clearly seen. If he wishes the user can give Silence Tools which he will hide in his body to use later - If so it will look as though the Tools given disappear in midair.

Every Barnacle has a Calcite Shell, this also means the same for Silence, however because the Acorn Barnacles do so much work manipulating the way his body works his armour is weak. The Calcite Shell that protects his flesh and "brain" equate to that of a C-Rank which is neutral to the elements, except lightning which is strong against the Calcite Shell meaning only D-Rank will be enough to break it.

- Silence moves Silently Passively.
- Invisibility Activation Costs a Move.
- The user can have Silence be Invisible on arrival, this will cost two out of the three moves.
- Silence is Summoned in Short range of the user.
- Summon Lasts 4 Turns on the Field
- Can only be summoned once per battle, thrice per event
- Approved :

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(Kuchiyose : Moyashi, Kokoro no Haka) - Summoning : Sprout, The Grave Mind
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A
The user will wipe blood against their blade and will stab it into the ground, though it can also be summoned by wiping blood on the Barnacle Tattoo and a couple of hand seals being made to finish. From the earth a Thoracica Goose-type barnacle will be summoned, it's hard shell of a head will smash through the earth From Below and it's long stalk will boost it higher into the air like a long neck. The Grave Mind can be summoned under their target and will snap it up from underneath on the initial summon, this can chop the opponent in half cleanly or crush them within the mouth to be digested. Moyashi's huge neck stretches all throughout the earth all up to Mid-Range around the user when initially summoned. Moyashi can retract it's head back into the Earth at any time after summoning and travel through it, popping out again wherever it likes. Swamp of the Underworld is Ineffective against a Summon of this Size, though will stop him from being able to move through the earth if created.

Grave Mind has Rhizocephelia Type Barnacles living all over his body, though they have become a part of him - they respond to him mentally and so the user can also do this when Grave Mind is on the Field. The Rhizocephlia Parasites Capable taking control of part of Moyashi's flesh which seperates from him, they dig through the ground and appear from it. Up to Four flesh beings also known as "Kōzui" totalling A-Rank can be created at the cost of 1/3 of the user's moves. The Kōzui have a Humanoid form and they are the size of the average human - If only one flesh monster is created it can be four times that size, looking like a Mountain Troll. The Flesh beings can be spawned with Weapons made of Calcite shell, which are freeform. Through the Kōzui the user can use and , the Kōzui also Wield .

The Gravemind's Flesh can take up to large scaled A-Rank damage before he is de-summoned, for example a smaller scale fireball wouldn't do much as the Gravemind is very large. Moyashi adapted to his Parasites and will heal overtime if not enough damage is done to him within a turn, each turn he remains undamaged the next will take a full A-Rank to defeat him. The Shell that cover's Moyashi's head has an A-Rank defence Against Elements before his flesh is revealed, the shell can't be regenerated.

- Moyashi is very large in thickness, being an easy 5 meter in diameter.
- Kōzui costs one of the three moves and up to four can be made Power is split between them as explained
- A Single Kōzui can be summoned as a "Generic Summon" through the ordinary summoning Technique and will follow the same rules as that technique rather than this
- Must know the Barnacle Contract
- Can only be summoned Once
- Lasts for Four Turns
- Approved :

(Kuchiyose : Thel' Vadam, ābita) - Summoning : Thel 'Vadam, the Arbiter
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A
This is another Barnacle Community comprised of many Thoracica Barnacle to form the shape of a creature, Thel 'Vadam stands an intimidating eight feet and two inches including the calcite armour from the acorn barnacles, and possesses huge fingers, two middle fingers, and two opposing thumbs on the outside for grasping on each hand. He is very strong and can lift a person and throw them across the floor with ease, making his close combat attacks very strong and capable of knocking out a human with a punch across the face or even a headbutt. His jaws are quadruple-hinged, with an upper jaw, a greatly reduced lower jaw which are four mandible-like "lips." These mandibles are generally shown with six teeth each; used for speaking through and even capable of savagely biting the enemy, though this is rare. His legs are , with short upper and lower legs, and elongated tarsals which gives him great agility - making his running speed faster (almost double the user's base speed - x2) and jumping distance much farther than the average shinobi. The Arbiter is renowned for his great strength and intelligence, and are praised for his bravery and honour, he is known to be summoned instead of the Summoning Boss - to do his Judgement upon the enemy as his "Arbiter" title confirms.

The Arbiter carries two swords, they act like normal blades with a few exceptions, their hilts are bladeless until activation and remain on each leg seemingly stuck to each side. When Activated it seems like the blades are made of energy, the only difference it has from a normal sword is that when it cuts an enemy it also burns and the fact that ignores any armour the opponent may be wearing (unless armour is made of ninjutsu). The swords have a very unique design, when the hilt is activate two blades are formed on eitherside of it extending hoizontally out of it in the same direction away from the user's arm as like an extension ( . The Swords have a special ability to help Aid the Arbiter's Kenjutsu in real fights, a single sword can be charged so that they're superpowered with chakra, giving them the same properties as an S-Rank Blade made of lightning. It remains active once it is charged and are the power of the sword is independent from the Arbiter, it costs a turn to activate the supercharged blade and can be applied to both (Costs a turn each). One initial summoning, one of these swords can automatically be supercharged, but only one. One of these swords can be given to the user, but only remain active when The Arbiter is on the field, they would disperse when he does. He can use the " " - and Technique without hand seals - Only these two Wind Techniques.

The Arbiter's Armour is special and different compared to the other Barnacle Summons, though it's not the strongest. The Armour can take 60 points of damage (A-Rank) before he can be hurt on the inside, however if he loses some or all of those 60 hitpoints they will "regenerate" every turn by 20 because of the Thoracica Barnacles that make up his armour using their chakra to restore it again. The Arbiter once his armour has gone is susceptible to any attack even a normal sword through his body could kill him.

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Arbiter (Left) Shown with his Sword and Speaking threw his four mandibles.

- Must Know Barnacle Contract
- Must be Taught by LonelyAssassin
- Using the Wind Techniques costs a turn as usual
- Armor Regeneration costs a Turn to regenerate each turn
- Can only be summoned 1 per battle, thrice per event
- Last four Turns on the Field
- Approved :

Update Approved :

(Kuchiyose : Zonbi) - Summoning : Zombies
Type: Summoning
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30 (+30 for both)
Damage Points: N/A
From the very body of The Gravemind (Sprout the Gravemind Summon) it's flesh is in the control of a Rhizecephalia Parasitic type barnacle which manipulates the flesh to it's entirety, this is normally called a Kōzui. In this case these Kōzui are personal to the user and are seemingly trapped inside an ordinary sized Acorn Barnacle shells which are attached to the user's body, armor or some accessory they keep on their body due to the way Barnacles permanently attach to surfaces. The Shells are pretty small so can be attached to places like the underside of the tongue and the summon can seemingly grow out from the mouth or can act as the jewel on a ring that the user wears. The user channels chakra into the Shell on their person and the Kozui will pop out (like they are growing out from it) and have a humanoid shape, they can take the form of a Human if they so wish (As long as they have two legs and two arms and are around the same size as a person they can look as cosmetically wacky as the user's preference), a realistic transformation very similar to the Shadow Mirror Body Change Method with clothes and all. The "Zombie" can be spawned with a weapon each made of Calcite Shell, and can be any weapon the user desires - they're just an ordinary weapon. They can be summoned through ordinary summoning means if the user so wishes.

The Kōzui have a very strong resistance to ordinary weapons and taijutsu, anything powered with chakra would hurt the Rhizecephalia normally and being sliced in half with an ordinary blade would still cause the drawbacks of having no legs for example, however the Kōzui can still move and drag themselves with their hands. Kōzui can still feel pain and can break out of genjutsu through pain, however they cannot really be crippled by it (For example pain so severe it would paralyze them or stun them). Kōzui can perform A-Rank Ordinary Strong-Fist Taijutsu OR A-Rank Kenjutsu that the user knows (must be stated when summoned or in the user's bio which of the two they are allowed) and can use Legs of the Thoracica and Body of the Thoracica, and even be fused with the Organs of the Thoracica, the Kōzui also Wield Gadget Barnacles. The Restrictions of the Barnacle Arts when the Zombies use them apply to them separately as they are a singular entity with it's own abilities, their number of usages of an Art will not clash with the Users. Moreover, The Zombies can through the mental command of the signer use ONLY the Legs of the Thoracica and Body of the Thoracica from their Shell which they are trapped within until summoned that is on the User's person.

The Rhizecephalia act as travelling companions and last indefinitely on the field upon summoning, when they take B-Rank damage they will disperse from the battlefield back into their shells. They usually come in pairs, but each use of this Technique is a single separate Kozui and so the user can have up to two of these on their bio - each being different.

- Must have Signed Barnacle Summoning Contract
- The Zombies can communicate with the user in their shells, this is mainly cosmetic
- Can only have a Maximum of Two of these on ones bio.
- When Summoned they last for four turns.
- The user can spend 30 extra chakra to summon both Kozui with one usage of this technique.
- Must be stated in the User's Bio to be capable of being used.
- The user can have the Kōzui be taken back inside the acorn shells if in short range
- Approved :

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Update Approved :

(Kuchiyose : O. D. S. E) - Summoning : O. D. S. E
Type: Summoning
Rank: S
Range: Long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A (80 if used as an Attack)
More Clearly known as "Orbital Drop Storm Elites" are a group of Barnacle communities that look the exact same as the Arbiter except they are a lot shorter (being around 7 foot instead of the Arbiter's 8, since he is the superior) and have a different armour style, they just use the same anatomy so to speak. This form is usually referred to as an Elite or Sangheili and they come in different armour shapes and colours depending on their role in the squad. Example. When blood is swiped on the tattoo the ODSE are summoned in a unique way, the Elites being in separate 'drop pods' made out of the Thoracica Calcite Shell that surrounds them protecting them from the Impact they feel as they are summon high into the air and hit the ground with some force, because of how high they are summoned they will be able to be used offensively. The user may also summon the O.D.S.E and have them be delayed, creating them so high up in the air that they arrive a couple of turns late, the maximum amount of turns the user can stall the O.D.S.E. arrival is two and must be stated, however they can just be summoned immediately and they will impact with the ground where the user wishes that same turn.

The Group of ODSE are made up of Four Elites Wielding Blue Armour, Each are B-Rank and if hit by Ninjutsu of this rank will be killed however their armour can take C-Rank and below with ease. The Elites Wield Needlers on one arm and Three of them have Navy Blue armor, whereas the one with Red acts as a Captain, they all move at the user's base speed. Needlers are Calcite Shell Gauntlets that are loaded with Calcite Shell senbon charged with Lightning that give these senbon a Pink glow are passed from the wrist into the between of the fingers of the Elites allowing them to hold 3 at a time (Example of Gauntlets : Ignore handle, Hand would be where the Silver part at the front is). The Elites may throw the Senbon one at a time which act like ordinary explosive tags in power but are slightly stronger and will cut through opposing tags by diffusing them with the lightning or can throw three at a time at multiple. However Using one of the 3 moves per turn the Elites may Fire an S-Rank Barrage of Many lightning Senbon from all of them causing an explosion that builds and builds into a massive maelstrom covering a diameter of 5 meters, this ability has a two turn cooldown. They are allowed to fire a barrage from just one Elite equaling only B-Rank lightning which also costs a turn but no cool down. They are also each given energy swords like the Arbiter has however they only have one each and are all B-Rank sustained lightning and are wielded in the opposite hand of the Needler, if broken the sword can be reactivated at the cost of a turn - however this has to be done for each one. Using one of the user's turns from the sword the elites can release an aura of electricity that travels through their body and then pulses outwards in short range, paralysing anything caught in the field - but it also interacts with chakra, killing techniques of B-Rank and below according to elemental strengths and weaknesses. (Has a Two Turn Cooldown).

The User if they So wish Can Summon just the Weapons; Needlers and Energy Sword and gain their ability unless multiple Elites are required (For Example the Needlers S-Rank ability unless somehow at least 3 people wield these abilities on the field). The user cannot summon a squad and have them give their weapon to him, they will disperse when the summon disperses so must summon their own, however the user can summon these weapons onto an ally - Shadow Clone, Entity with reason, Kozui because it is the barnacles that make up the weapon give them that power and create those attacks.

- Must have Signed Barnacle Contract
- Can only be Summoned once per event.
- O.D.S.E. Disperse four turns after impact with the ground.
- No other summonings in the same turn.
- Summoning just the weapons have four usages and a three turn cooldown.
- So long as the weapons, alone, have been summoned, the O.D.S.E. cannot be summoned.
- Approved :

(Kuchiyose : Utahime, Sora Doroppā) - Summoning : Songbird, The Sky Dropper
Type: Summon
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A (80 if used as an Attack)
Songbird is a Large Community of Barnacles formed together to take the look of a Mechanical looking Bird, easily dwarfing a person as he can pick them up with just one of his two talons. The bird barnacle community is tough and sturdy and like most has large wings capable of flight, with a massive wingspan of 15 meters . When summoned by either the normal summoning jutsu or by swiping blood on the tattoo and performing a hand seal Songbird will be summoned mid flight soaring high in the sky as it appears from a cloud of smoke. Songbird has been said to be able to fly through anything, what this has been adapted from is the fact that Songbird can swim through normal water like it flies through the air (being made of Barnacles, a water based creature).

Songbird is sensitive to sounds, this can trigger a reaction which would be a threat to the opponent. The User can trigger the reaction by whistling a certain tune only contract signers know and which songbird can hear - this is not in any way a sound jutsu and other barnacle communities, kozui and mecha can whistle this tune if they are on the field also (Triggering it this way costs a Move out of three). However the opponent can also trigger it by using a Sound Release jutsu, a Lightning Technique or a Genjutsu that needs sound as a medium. What comes next is the Songbird's attack, a Divebomb of sorts which has the bird shoot down at great speed, increasing it's weight and solidity through Earth Release to make it drop faster - hitting speeds twice that of base Kage-rank bios. The Bird will not simply swoop the opponent up however, they will full on hit the earth with all it's strength (S-Rank) and this is where the Songbird's second ability comes in. When hitting the Earth Songbird burrows through it like an advanced version of "hiding like a mole technique" not losing it's speed as it drags the opponent through the ground, crushing and bashing them against the rocks. IF the opponent by chance dodges the technique, songbird will pop up later from underneath carrying the opponent into the air and in it's beak and throws the opponent to the ground.

Finally, Songbird flies around the Sky automatically when not attacking, defending against anything that comes from it - solidifying it's body to become that of an S-Rank Earth Defence (at the expense of a move). It flies above the user defending them easily. User can command the bird not to defend if it suits. Like all Barnacles Songbird has a strong calcite shell worth B-rank neutral t the elements except lightning which is strong against it and water which is weak.

- Can only be summoned Once per battle.
- Lasts Four turns on the Field.
- Approved :

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Contract Arts

(Fujitsuboātsu : Thoracica no bodi) - Barnacle Arts : Body of the Thoracica
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: C - A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 15 - 30
Damage Points: 30 - 60
All "Thoracica" Type Barnacles can use this, manipulating their shells so that the essentially grow and they become spiked like many needles are protruding from them and this just makes their body more dangerous so they cannot be touched by enemy hands. They can then manipulate to form ninja tools, weapons or other kinds of constructs, though depending on the size of the Barnacle Summoning using this they can only make a certain amount of things.

C-Rank : Can be used by Single Thoracica Barnacles or above and can create small tools like Kunai and Shuriken can be made in singles, Senbon can only be made in threes - since these shells can only be manipulated to an extent, once the form is taken it cannot be changed unless this technique is used again to manipulate it

B-Rank : Can be used by Small Groups of Thoracica Barnacles or above and can create a barrage of Kunai or Shuriken, a wave of Senbon. They can create weapons as big as Spears or even shields all the barnacles would contribute by stemming off their shells to create a large shield. They can create singular pieces of armour like gauntlets, chestplates or masks - can only create one of these.

A-Rank : Can be used by a Community of Barnacles like "Oregon" or above and can fire ordinary-sized swords or large shuriken, create and wield Large weapons like Battleaxes, giant swords, even walls or a group of spikes from the earth (Contact with the earth must be made). The Communities can create full sets of armour.

The barnacle usually creates these tools for the user but they can launch them towards enemies at short range as well if need be. The Launched Shell Tool can stand up to elements however the shells are weak to lightning and strong to water. Like "Gadget Barnacle" the user can use this technique but only by clicking his fingers to summon a weapon within the limits of the chosen rank, the user cannot manipulate the shell though

- Can only be used by Thoracica Type Barnacles and not by barnacles without shell.
- C-Rank only has Short Range, B-Rank is Limited to Mid and A-Rank Long.
- User can only use the A-Rank version four times
- Must have signed Barnacle Summon Contract
- Can only be taught by LonelyAssassinn
- Approved :

(Fujitsuboātsu : Thoracica no bodi) - Barnacle Arts : Legs of the Thoracica
Type: Supplementary / Defensive
Rank: A
Range: Short (- Mid for Larger Summons)
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
A Thoracica Barnacle or even a Acrothoracica type Barnacle will focus chakra into their tentacle like limbs, fuelling them with strength and making them much longer and stronger. The limbs will now be capable of stretching up to 5 meters and grabbing a hold of a target that the user wishes for the summon using this jutsu to. Because this is the fleshy part of the barnacle, it isn't as durable as the shells but because of the chakra put into the limbs it becomes thick and almost like solid muscle (Not making it any less versatile) capable of standing up to the elements.

The Barnacles Tentacles can be grouped up and thickened so that they can be a bit more versatile and create fleshy parts to aid barnacles in battle. For example they can expand their tendrils which wrap around one another to form an arm. Anything can be made like limbs or wings capable of flight, a tail to whip prey - it's limited by the user's imagination and as long as the creation makes sense. The Size is limited to Short Range so can only be a maximum of 5 meters long from any kind of Barnacle source, whether it be an Acrothoracica or a Barnacle Shell or even a Kozui. However if a huge Summon, like "Sprout, The Gravemind" it will create things proportionate to it's size meaning it's range exceeds short range making it mid.

- Can only be used on up to four Barnacles, A-Rank power would be divided between them
- Any Thoracica or Acrothoracica type barnacles can use this
- No Barnacle arts A-Rank and above in the same turn
- This Technique has a two turn cooldown
- Approved :

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(Fujitsuboātsu : Gajettofujitsubo) - Barnacle Arts : Gadget Barnacle
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: C
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: N/A (+15 for summoning)
Damage Points: (+30 Spider-cle)(+30 Corrupt-cle)
The user will perform one handseal and summon what seems to be a generic Acorn Barnacle about they size of a coin in their hand, this isn't a summon and just a barnacle art that the user can use. The user can throw this Acorn Barnacle onto a target and it will permanently bind to it as long as it is solid (Person, Summon, Rock etc), the Gadget Barnacle has a number of effects and can only use one.

This Barnacle is used to bring up sources that may be needed depending on the user and their abilities. For example if the user is a water user then the source-cle will be thrown and it will release a puddle of water that will splash on the ground (can also be used as a C-rank water defence). Also creates an Ink Source if needed, (Puddle of Ink) or a source for Dark Release; The shell is gripped in the palm of the user's hand and the chakra is absorbed straight into the user capable of utilising one Dark Technique with it. Creates a Flame from the opening of the shell if that is a required source (Makeshift Lighter), can be used as a Mist Bomb which creates a small veil big enough to hide a couple of persons.

Six tendrils will act as legs from the Shell and be able to move around, capable of carrying an item like a Shuriken or Kunai, Scroll or a Message (For RP use in the Ninja World) in a couple of their tendrils whilst the other four are used to move around. The Spider however is also a Bomb, is basically an explosive device that can be exploded at any time, before sticking to a target or after it. It creates a C-Rank explosion with a radius of 2 meters, the explosion isn't enough to kill and only blow the opponent away and cause minor burns. It can either be a Flame Explosion, Wind, or Lightning. The spider-cle moves at the same as their user's base speed.

The Acorn Barnacle actually becomes a powerful transformation, taking the shape of a weapon of the user's choosing. They can withstand up to C-Rank Elements before breaking, the barnacle can transform into a pair of weapons splitting the rank into D-Rank each.

The Acorn Barnacle will be thrown at the ground where it will attach to it permanently with it's natural ability too, through this natural ability they have gained a knowledge and sort of affinity to earth of sorts. So the Earth is taken control by the barnacle and they will manipulate it into a 2 foot earth golem, it is capable of communication with the user and attacking with it's mouth and fists - like the Bomb-cle this acts like a C-Rank earth technique.

- These don't have to be summoned, they can already be on the user if stated in the bio.
- Body of the Thoracica and Legs of the Thoracica can be used through a Gadget Barnacle
- Barnacle Community Summons like "Oregon", "Barbaracle" can use Gadget Barnacles from their body.
- To use Varieties like Ink and Dark of the Source-cle then you have to be a user in that form of Ninjutsu
- Using One Gadget Barnacle costs a turn
- Must have signed the Barnacle Contract
- Can only use two different types of Gadget per turn
- Cannot use the same type more than once a turn
- Approved :

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Final Update Approved :

(Fujitsuboātsu : Thoracica no zōki) - Barnacle Arts : Organs of the Thoracica
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A (+10 chosen affinity)
The User bites their thumb and wipes it on their barnacle tattoo and is used when another Barnacle Summon made of a community (like Oregon) is on the field. There will be extra barnacles infused into the community, and these barnacles will have a certain elemental affinity of the user's choice as long as it's the 5 basic elements and only one elemental affinity can be chosen at a time. The Summon with these infused can use all Techniques of their chosen element with no hand seals up to B-Rank. If you infuse barnacles of the same affinity as the summon then they will be able to use techniques up to all ranks with a +10 damage boost.

- Cannot be used on the same summon twice.
- Cannot be infused whilst an element using this technique is already active
- Must have signed Barnacle Contract
- Approved :

Taught :

(Fujitsuboātsu : D.E.V.A) - Barnacle Arts : D.E.V.A
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: B - S
Range: Summoned in Short
Chakra Cost: 20 - 40 (-10 to sustain)
Damage Points: 40 - 80 (if summoned as an attack)
The "Defensive Environmental Vitality Armour" is a specialized suit also known as a mecha made from many different types of Thoracica barnacle to keep it together and also working actively. The user of this technique can choose to ride within the mech or to simply have it as a fighting companion; It's a clever piece of equipment designed by "Moyashi" and a contract signer of the scroll, Hana Song. The Mechas can be summoned either through the ordinary summoning technique or by swiping blood on the tattoo, the Suit will either be summoned directly in front of the user or can be summoned above and smash down in front, acting as a shield or even a really powerful attack - (Corresponds to the Rank of the Mech). The Suit will seemingly be curled up in a ball and will stand up and open for the user - who can either be the Contract user or another Barnacle Summon (as long as that summon is smaller than the mech). Mechas cannot be summoned by Barnacle Summons, but they can still ride within it adopting the abilities of the mech they are inside whilst sacrificing their own. The user can summon D.E.V.A directly around their summon so that it protects them from an attack. When a Mech is summoned it can be customized and up to the user what it looks like, but only cosmetically; the abilities have to be chosen. Depending on the rank of the Mecha summoned they can choose a number of abilities from below; B-Rank can choose only one, A-Rank can choose two and S-Rank can choose 3.

Defense Matrix - 防衛 - Bōei
A Strong Shield Defence which has a group of barnacles shaped around the wrist that can expel a large wide frontal shield that can cover the whole Mecha plus anyone standing directly on eitherside of them. The wielders of the shield can move their arm to point the shield in different directions, but the shield itself is basically just a wall made of chakra and so can only block from one direction at a time. The shield is one rank below the Mech's actual rank, can defend against techniques up to that rank and is activated at the cost of a turn; however, if a mech is summoned it can be automatically activated upon summon. The shield is strong and has chakra flowed through it so that it keeps that vitality; meaning anything less than the actual rank of the shield and cannot break it on the first hit will have no effect at all - however if it is hit by something of the same rank it will break, something of higher rank than the shield will go through and hurt the mech. The shield once active however disallows the mech to perform any offensive actions and can only move around - once they begin an attack the shield will deactivate, it also only lasts 2 turns. If the shield is broken or deactivated it has a five turn cooldown.

Beam Rifle - 線 - Sen
A Powerful long device which takes both hands of the mech to be able to hold, they can put it on their back to be used for later if they need to switch weapon, but it can never be used with just one hand. This device made of Thoracica Barnacles has a very long range and looks like a thick staff, at the cost of a turn the Mech can point it at a target and fire an offensive beam of Lightning that matches the rank of the mech; this beam travels extremely fast like most ordinary lightning techniques but is still trackable by ordinary shinobi with a 4 turn cooldown, lightning beam can also only be used 3 times if mecha is S-Rank with a one-turn cooldown (at this rank). This device is capable of firing ordinary Kunai or any ninja tools like shuriken from it (If the user gives them a certain tool on their person, this can be used to be fired). The fired weapon will match the speed referenced for the offensive beam, but still be capable of being defended against through freeform; however they can overpower ordinary opposing thrown tools. These can only be fired one after another.

King Katana - 剣 - Ken
Even though the name of this Technique is King Katana, it can be any kind of sword custom to the Mech; the user can even summon two swords however it is split between the rank (which is one below the Mech's actual rank) - the Sword is attached to the Mech's back or waist upon summon. The Sword is made of steel buffered by Barnacle Shell making it strong and durable, with reasonable force it can be destroyed. If a sword is destroyed the Mech can summon another after one whole turn and at the cost of a move. The user can channel their own Sword or Weapon Techniques through this blade with a +1 Rank boost (S-Ranks gain +10) and can be any that the user knows since it's them performing the technique, though this means they have to be able to fit this within their timeframe; but also allows the Mech to do something in the mean time.

Propelled Body - 体 - Tai
The Mech will be outfitted with Barnacles capable of expelling fire chakra with every movement they make, increasing their speed so that they move just a couple of levels faster than the user's base speed. The mech is capable of performing Strong-Fist Taijutsu and any Taijutsu that the user knows (minus Elemental infused Tai unless the Mech is couple with Organs of the Thoracica or if the user is riding within the Mech). Using one of the three moves Mechs can perform a 10 meter dash in any direction with a 2 turn cooldown, they also get a +10 damage boost to any Taijutsu based attacks during the window of time it is propelled.

Versatility - 多才な - Tasaina
The Mech is capable of creating Ninja Tools proportionate to it's size via the Barnacle Arts : Body of the Thoracica Technique. This selected ability also allows the Mech to be able to use fighting Styles that the user knows, he can replicate weapons or body structure needed through this ability and can perfectly replicate any kind of fighting style the user knows. They gain the same specialist boosts of the fighting style depending on what the user specializes in ONLY if he is riding within it, ordinarily they do not gain the specialist boosts and can infuse the wearer's elemental chakra if they need to for fighting style techniques but only through the use of these styles.

The Eject Mechanism is an effective means of escape, if the D.E.V.A takes enough damage rendering it destroyed it will effectively shoot any rider that is within it outwards and backwards passively, allowing them to escape any additional damage as the Mech takes the whole hit. This allows the user to defend against any remaining damage OR to escape it as it shoots them a good 5 meters away. Users usually name Mechs based on the abilities chosen, for example if an S-Rank mech can easily be called a Bōeisentai Mecha. Or for B-Ranks just a simple Ken Mecha.

- Two B-Ranks can be created at the same time, but will cost two moves.
- If the user is riding in the mech they are only allowed to perform moves that The Chosen Mech is allowed and perform their Primary Elemental Specialty.
- Mechs can reach great heights depending on their rank : B-Rank are 3 meters min and max, A-Rank 6 Meters, S-Rank 9 Meters
- B-Ranks have a 2 turn cooldown, and a 4 turn coouldown if two are summoned simultaneously.
- A-Rank can only be created 4 times and has a 4 turn cooldown
- S-Ranks can only be created 2 times and has a 6 turn cooldown, no barnacle arts on the same turn or next.
- Total number of Mechas permitted on the field cannot collectively exceed S-rank.
- Must have signed the Barnacle Contract
- Must have been taught by LonelyAssassin
- Mechs can utilize all Barnacle Art Techniques up to and including their own rank.
- Approved :

(Meiton Fujitsuboātsu : Antei-ka ⇵ Zōkyō) - Dark Release Barnacle Art : Stabilisation ⇵ Augmentation
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short (Self)
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description :
The user swipes blood on his summoning tattoo and summons two "Rhizocephala" type barnacles on his palm in a similar way to how 'Dark Release : Evil Summoning' works they will be covered in a dark purple chakra aura, these are parasitic barnacles that attach onto the user's palm using their tendrils. The user will then channel chakra into his dark marks and the Rhizocephala will link with them, however the barnacle can only link with one square at a time;

The Barnacle will feed the dark mark with it's own chakra, fuelling it so that the user can use dark release techniques without the need for using "Inhaling Maw" or other absorption based techniques because the chakra is now already there. However the user can only use a a maximum collective of S-Rank dark release techniques with this ability active (Collective of S-Rank means it can be split into two A-Ranks, A-Rank and 2 B-Ranks), if they decide to use another dark release that adds up to more than S-Rank technique then they MUST have used other absorption based techniques beforehand OR they can use one and then this barnacle technique will disperse. Using an F-Rank technique will be allowed but will disperse the barnacle and cause double damage to the user as it will severely burn their forearms.

↿- Switch Using One out of Three Moves -⇂

The Rhizocephala will focus on the Release of the dark marks instead of the absorption, it's tendrils feeding through this diamond on the palm instead - fuelling the output of the dark mark with not their chakra but summoning other Rhizocephala larvae that are created within all Dark abilities. These Larvae feed the dark jutsu with their chakra which will rapidly convert it to dark to a point where they become much stronger, their blue burns brighter and if the attack uses a dark purple aura they'll become a little more blue instead. Strength is increased passively by 1 Rank (S-ranks gain +10), however with this active it means the user still has to absorb jutsu before hand to perform attacks and all augmented dark release techniques cost 10 extra chakra.

- Taught by LonelyAssassin
- Can only be used by Dark Release Users
- Can only be used by Barnacle Contract Signers
- Only one can be active at a time
- Can only be Summoned three times
- Cooldown of Four turns after a Dispersal
- No Barnacle Arts in the same turn
- No Dark release A-Rank or above the same turn.

Learned :

Update Approved :

(Fujitsuboātsu : Uchinaru Akuma) - Barnacle Arts : Inner Demons
Type: Supplementary
Rank: N/A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage Points: N/A
This technique is only accessible by those who have signed the Barnacle Contract and it utilises Barnacle Larvae that will live within the body, under the skin of the signer. These Larvae can do various things that modify and change the user's body but not to a significant degree, it is a way of adding things to create a variety of options and weapons it also allows for unique cosmetic looks that break certain human like boundaries but not to a huge degree. The Larvae can grow various tools from the user's body into their hand or can have it so the shell simply protrudes from their skin, for example they can grow a couple of calcite shell shuriken/shuriken into the palm of their hand or have Horns grow from their forehead as a new way to melee; or even grow claws from between their knuckles to assist with their punches. Tools created this way will be made out of Calcite Shell laced with Tendrils, meaning they can be the source of follow up Legs/Body of the Thoracica Jutsu however act as normal tools before these jutsu are used. The creation of normal tools like this is passive and counts as freeform, acting as a new way to use an arsenal of ninja tool. Because these Larvae are one with the user they change their skin so that is similar to Barnacle Flesh which allows them to reseal broken skin when tools are made from the user's body, it also allows the larvae to use "Legs of the Thoracica" from the user's very body, however creating extra hands does not allow the user to make hand seals with them. This in no way can be used to heal the user from incoming damage, it can be used to reseal cuts, but the internal damage is still done and is just a way to stop further bleeding, nerves, tendons. organs and everything within the body is still damaged except the skin. Larvae can use Gadget Barnacle from the user's body capable of launching it from a hand for example and even capable of infusing the user with Organs of the Thoracica.

Like with Zombies, the Restrictions of the Barnacle Arts when the Larvae use them apply to them separately as they can act alone with it's own abilities, their number of usages of an Art will not clash with the Users. Because of their limited amount of abilities the use-age of Legs of the Thoracica and Body of the Thoracica gain a rank, but only when the Larvae use them. Stated in the signer's bio there can be various cosmetic applications already active to change the appearance, like horns or spikes protruding off certain points of the body or elongated nails made from shell even a tail made of Barnacle Tendril flesh or tendrils intertwined within the hair, capped sharp teeth or a longer tongue and even if you so wish - pointy ears. Making modifications to the user's body is unranked (Unless Jutsu are used instead ofcourse) and can be done freeform and is limited to the user's creativity.

- Must have Signed the Barnacle Contract.
- Must be taught by LonelyAssassin
- Must be stated on your bio that you posses these.
- The Larvae can use Barnacle Arts independently from the user.

Approved :

Update approved :

(Fujitsuboātsu: Chikara no Sai Kouchiku) Barnacle Arts: Power Reconstruct
Type: Suplementary
Rank: C - Rank
Range: Short -Long
Chakra: 15
Damage: N/A
Description: Power Reconstruct is a specialized technique known to the Barnacles who are considered “communities” among the contract much like Oregon and Arbiter. Due to how their bodies are structured, they are capable of using the innate ability they possess in order to reshape themselves into new forms. Through the manipulation of the tendrils that keeps them together and adjusting of the position of the barnacles they can attain new forms such Oregon changing into the form of a dragon or wolf as opposed to his normal state, allowing for more unique variety and twist among them. They cannot grow taller than they already are though can become shorter in height if needed, while retaining all their original abilities. One unique application of this technique can also be applied if in the instance of a single Acorn Barnacle is existing on the field, through which the user can summon a mass amount of barnacles together allowing for the single barnacle to join together in order to form a new community of barnacle capable of roaming around the battlefield in order to assist the summoner while retaining the ability to use Barnacle Arts much like other like other communities, while the single acorn barnacle acts as the “brain” of the community. This technique can only be used by Barnacles who are considered “communities” while creating new communities can only be done once per turn.

Approved :

(Fujitsuboātsu : Thoracica no bodi) - Barnacle Arts : Muscles of the Thoracica
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: B
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: N/A (+1 rank to A-Rank and below Tai/Ken | +10 to S-Rank Tai/Ken)
A Thoracica Barnacle or even a Acrothoracica type Barnacle will focus chakra into their tendrils, fuelling them with strength and making them much longer and stronger. The tendrils will then coil around the Barnacle’s limbs, specifically the parts that function as “muscles” increasing their physical prowess. However, because this is the fleshy part of the barnacle, it isn't as durable as the shells but because of the chakra put into the coiled tendrils it becomes thick and almost like solid muscle (Not making it any less versatile), also functioning as armor capable of standing up to the elements. Due to the increased physical prowess all taijutsu or kenjutsu used increases in power by one rank, however S-Rank techniques gain +10.

- Any Thoracica, Acrothoracica or Rhizocephala type barnacles can use this
- No Barnacle arts S-Rank and above in the same turn
- This Technique has a three turn cooldown
Approved :

(Fujitsuboātsu : Bācharu Heiki) - Barnacle Arts : Virtual Armoury
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: N/A (varies)
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A (varies)
Damage Points: N/A (varies)
Daughter technique to "Inner Daemons", the Virtual Armoury is a jutsu that the Barnacles infused in your body can use, they will proceed to create from the user's body the desired weapon or defence or infuse more barnacles of the user's selection that work independently from them. The limits of the chosen weapon is that only one can be selected from either a Barnacle Summon or the Barnacle Arts : D.E.V.A. Jutsu. The weapon selected that is to be wielded or implemented must be posted along with this jutsu, bolded and carry all the limits listed in the summon. But most importantly it must make sense, for example; from "Thel' Vadam, The Arbiter, the user can create his blades, but they can not gain his ability to get x2 speed as that's more bound to his body structure and fitness rather than the actual abilities the barnacles his body is made up with is infused with.

The rank, range, chakra and damage this jutsu will cost is equal to that of the selected weapon from the summon or D.E.V.A. For example if the B-Rank Beam Rifle from D.E.V.A is chosen, it'd be Long Range with (20/40) chakra and damage values. If the ability has no stated rank or damage value then it would be one rank less than the whole summon's rank itself, for example; Spectre's camo has no stated rank but the summon is A-Rank, making their ability B-Rank through this technique. However if an ability states a chakra or damage value, then you would use the rank equal to that, i.e. 30/60 = A-Rank.
  • Barnacle Arts: D.E.V.A. : Each ability except "Tasaina" and Eject can be used, but only one can be chosen through this technique. The weapons can be summoned on the user or grown from the skin through the use of "Inner Daemons".
  • Summoning : Silence, the Spectre : The user can create a a layer of barnacles over their body through "Inner Daemons" to mimic Silence, The Spectre's Camouflage ability. The same restrictions carry over. The newly summoned barnacles can work independently from the user.
  • Summoning : Thel 'Vadam, the Arbiter : Can Create The Arbiter's swords. One would already be supercharged the other must be activated costing a move.
- Three-turn Cooldown
- The User's "Inner Daemons" can use this
- Only One Ability can be infused per usage
- Must have learned "Inner Daemons"

Approved :

(Fujitsuboātsu : Zonbi no furue) - Barnacle Arts : Zombie Quiver
Type: Offensive/defensive
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description :
Barnacle Summons can produce these Calcite Arrows with specialized arrowheads directly from their body, and so can users with "Inner Daemons" fused within them. The Arrows can be fired straight from the body or produced to be used later on a Bow or to be thrown/planted. Once the arrows are produced they work independently. The arrow has acorn barnacles wrapped around the arrowhead, but there is still a point so when the arrow hits the target it still causes damage; the barnacles wrapped around the arrowhead can have a series of usages;

Restrict : The User can fire up to three arrows that will spread out towards different angles of their target. When in range the arrowheads will release a 5 meter long flesh tendril imbued with Lightning Release that will latch and wrap around a desired target and pump lightning into it. This can paralyse people, summons and disperse clones. Can be used to grab on to tools and nullify their trajectory or even penetrate earth techniques and relinquish the chakra within the earth stopping it's progression and causing it to crumble to pieces of useless rock.

Encase : The user can fire a single arrow that will upon command of the user create an orb of wind using the arrowhead as the center, this orb has a 5 meter diameter. This version can be used to trap techniques within the orb to stop them from coming further or can be used to trap targets inside. The sphere then rapidly shrinks and rapidly spins the inside suddenly feeling like you're being enclosed by hundreds of buzzsaws. Techniques of the same rank caught inside get subdued.

Communities can only use this 3 times with a one turn cooldown. The user can only use this three times with a two turn cooldown.

Note: Only useable by those that possess the requisite elements (Raiton for Restrict OR Fūton for Encase).

Approved :

(Fujitsuboātsu : Zonbi sentō) - Barnacle Arts : Zombie Combat
Type: Offensive/defensive
Rank: A-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A or 60
Description :
Because of the unique structure that Barnacle Summons have given themselves, it has given them a lot of unique applications in similar cases to "Power Reconstruct" where a community can completely change how they look and how their form is. This uses a similar idea but on a smaller scale and for more immediate combat purposes. The user of this technique can use their unique form to do unnatural things with their limbs or body, and even produce calcite shell from their skin for defensive or offensive ways to then counter. For example, the user may use their arm to break it's usual structure to suddenly become flexible and then wrap around an opposing arm that is coming to strike you whilst also growing out shell like spikes from its skin to lacerate the striking limb to make it useless or even use their legs as a spring to perform a high jump to dodge and strike from above. User can also create a shell around their forearm to block the impact of a very strong strike and then follow up with a kick or punch of the user's own which is aided by calcite spikes on the end of the knuckles for example. All close combat movement can be related to this technique when used by the summon.

The summoner cannot use this and is only available to use by Barnacle Summons including Communities and Kozui. This technique counts as a Taijutsu and/or Kenjutsu technique depending on it's usage. This technique is very versatile but near enough impossible to use to defend against larger scale techniques.

Note: Useable six times per event and has a one-turn cooldown.

Approved :

Description and Background:
A barnacle is a type of arthropod belonging to infraclass Cirripedia in the subphylum Crustacea, and is hence related to crabs and lobsters. Barnacles are exclusively marine, and tend to live in shallow and tidal waters, typically in erosive settings. Barnacles are encrusters, attaching themselves permanently to a hard substrate until they have to leave the field. Barnacles usually have a natural affinity to water and earth, depending on which Barnacles are summoned they are able to attach to Earth or any kind of hard substance easily - they can even attach to the opponent. Barnacles can be summoned in with water, washing against the earth and attaching onto it.

There are three types of Cirripedia, they are Acrothoracica, Rhizocephala and Thoracica :
  • Thoracica
    These are the most Common types of Barnacles and there are two types of this class called the "Acorn Barnacles" (Sessilia) or the "Goose Barnacles", these Barnacles have six little limbs used for catching food and are usually found in large quantaties on hard substrate e.g. Rocks or Drift Wood. These Barnacles have a very hard calcite shells which are impermeable, and they possess two plates which they can slide across their aperture when not feeding. These plates also protect against predation - simple blades cannot break through the barnacle shells. Their feathery appendages beat rhythmically to draw plankton and detritus into the shell for consumption - this rhythmical beat will be used in more ways than one depending on the summon's ability. Barnacles are usually found within water and can be found very deep within it, though they are commonly found in the shallow areas. Barnacles are well adapted against water loss.

  • Acrothoracica
    These Barnacles 'bore' into materials like the ground like earth or wood, though they can bore into shells and sometimes other plants - this produces a slit-like hole in the surface. Acrothoracicans are typically smaller than other types of barnacle, being only a few millimetres in length. Being protected by the hard surfaces into which they have bored, they have no solid carapace of plates like other barnacles but have a soft, sac-like body fixed to the surface by a chitinous disc at the front of the head. They have from four to six pairs of feathery limbs, or "cirri", which they project out of their borings to catch drifting detritus for food.

    These Barnacles can be summoned in large quantities and create slits in the ground, they usually use their limbs to reach out of the holes slightly and use their chakra to generate an attack or some sort of supplementary use to the user - the Acrothoracicans also have other functions aswell. Because these Barnacles don't have the great protection of calcite shells, they can be killed much more easily than the Thoracica.

  • Rhizocephala
    These are Parasitic Barnacle which usually could only take over other crustaceans, but these Rhizocephalan can use chakra and become more powerful and Parasitic to other creatures other than crustaceans, making them extremely Deadly. Their bauplan (body plan) is uniquely reduced in an extreme adaptation to their parasitic lifestyle, and makes their relationship to other barnacles unrecognizable in the adult form. As adults they lack appendages, segmentation, and all internal organs except gonads, a few muscles and the remains of the nervous system. The only distinguishable portion of a rhizocephalan body is the externa or reproductive portion of adult females. These are usually summoned by the user or when the summoned directly onto a target using the summoning technique.
Signers of this contract have a tattoo where they swipe blood on it to summon the different barnacles they are wanting to summon.
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Approved :

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