Keotsu's Workshop

Apr 8, 2021
Trait Points
Image Repository

Katsura (for Keotsu)
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Apr 8, 2021
Trait Points
Basic Information
Name: Musashi Miyamoto
Age: 25
Clan: -


Personality: A female swordmaster who is bright, cheerful, and dignified, yet vibrant. She always has a grin on her face like she's in total control, but she does not look down on her opponents.

That aside, she loves it when people rely on her.

She also loves compliments, and is a woman who loves a good fight; she has a strong sense of justice, but never boasts about it. She's normally an easygoing wanderer, but in the face of a one-sided slaughter, someone who is toying with people's pride or beliefs for entertainment she becomes an unstoppable foe.

Kind and lighthearted, Musashi is a relaxed, open individual. She has no particular interest in prestige or victory, aiming only to enjoy her life. The pursuit of good food, the pursuit of good friends, good laughs…

And a sword that could cut even the void.

Much like her father before her, she strives to test and improve her swordsmanship, aiming to “reach beyond my father’s blade at the pinnacle of heaven, and wield a sword that could cut even the void.“

She just laughs at most of life's problems, but deep down, she is a woman who strives to master the path of the blade. For this reason, she can be restrained and tough on others when it comes to taking lives.

Village Info
Land of Birth:[/U][/B] Hachiman’s Bulwark
WSE Clan:[/U][/B] -

Rank//Chakra Info
Character Rank: Jonin
Increased Combat Specialist:

Limited to Taijutsu related Specialties. Kenjutsu and Taijutsu increases passively by 10 damage.

Advanced Speed Resistance:

You are able to slow opponents within a specific range, exerting a force that slows targets naturally. This causes a 2 Base Speed level decrease to opponents within mid range of him.

Apex Kenjutsu Specialist:

The user has the ability to use two sword based CW in one fight.
Note: Requires any Damage, Combat, or Kenjutsu Specialties.
Nature's Warrior:

The user is capable of ending Dokkodo taking 10% less Health Drawbacks
OR The User is capable of reducing the time it takes for petrification to set in by 1 turn, taking only 2 now.
Note: Requires Dokkodo.

Advanced Tracking Specialist (Bonus):

Your tracking capabilities become more advanced, allowing you to have x2 tracking speeds.

Elements:: None
Skills:: Kenjutsu
Ronin Spiritual Kenjutsu

Background Info
History: Born in 789 in the Land of Iron, Musashi was the firstborn of a famous swordmaster who wielded a “blade of heaven.“

Taught by her parents Musashi had a formal, and remarkable education, learning a wide variety of topics, one normally befitting one of noble birth, despite not being such; she learned swordsmanship from her father, and quickly demonstrated that she possessed his almost innate aptitude with the sword, routinely defeating top students from other Dojo.

Like her father, she strive to further her skills, but unlike him, she had a definitive goal; rather than just to improve, she wanted to surpass her father, and his blade that “sat at the pinnacle of heaven”. She, thus strive to find a blade to cut through even the void.

And so, Musashi set about on a pilgrimage on to travel the lands and hone her skills…or, so would have been the case, had the fates not determined otherwise.

After an intense battle trying to ascend a mountain, Musashi seemingly was pulled through a rift, and into a world that seemed virtually identical, but also very different at the same time.

Now, finding herself in the Warring States Era, she wanders the lands seeking to improve her swordsmanship...

Scientific Tools:
Theme Song and Background Music

Apr 8, 2021
Trait Points

(Yawarakai-Te Masamune) Tender Hands Masamune

Rank: N/A
Type: Weapon
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A beautiful katana forged by the master swordsmith, Masamune. The blade has a suguha style hamon with brilliant, light colored steel, polished to a mirror finish; the handle wrappings are white, surrounding a wooden handle of mahogany, with the tsuba of the sword depicting a complex pinwheel like pattern. Forged with the purest of materials in serenity by swordsmith who had achieved Zen, Yawkarakai-Te is flushed with natural energy, augmenting natural energy, and Dokkōdō techniques for those who can use them.

(Sekai) World - Yawarakai-Te's harmony with natural energy allows Dokkodo techniques to be cast with 10 less chakra than listed (including upkeep costs, where relevant), but act as if they were cast with 10 chakra more than listed, interact with opposing techniques as if they were cast with 10 less chakra, and allows a Dokkodo technique to extend its corrosive effects to work on both damage and chakra, whichever is more beneficial to the technique used through the blade.

(Seichō) Growth - Yawarakai-Te expands the Damage Resistance reduction of Dokkodo by accelerating the flow of natural energy into the target. It allows Damage Resistance to fall below zero; for example, if one was struck by a Dokkodo technique that would lower their Damage Resistance by 10 when their current Damage Resistance was zero, they would have a total Damage resistance of negative 10. Following this, whenever that individual took damage, whether by recoil damage, taking a hit, or any other source, the damage would increase by 10, due to their negative damage resistance. This Damage Resistance expansion extends to opposing techniques and equipment as well, allowing Damage Resistance reductions to be afflicted by the wielder's own techniques - this can be exceptionally useful against large, sustained techniques. Due to the nature of this disruption, when used against techniques, an additional Damage Resistance reduction of 20 is applied to the technique per boost the technique is receiving.

(Shizukesa) Tranquility - Yawarakai-Te is heavily attuned to natural energies, and passively draws natural energy into itself. While not to the level of those who practice Senjutsu, this offers a variety of effects to the blade: much like Frog Kata, an invisible shroud of natural energy envelops Kenjutsu techniques performed by the sword, extending their range by one level, though the wielder can control this field to prevent striking allies when needed. Additionally, Kenjutsu and related field techniques can become imbued with these energies when performed through Yawarakai-Te, allowing them to take on the benefits of Dokkodo techniques and any affects that modify Dokkodo techniques, even if they are not of that field - like with most Senkenjutsu techniques they can choose to posses either the petrification effect that petrifies the target three turns after being hit (the same mechanic as Dokkodo and affected by relevant modifications) or a corrosive effect that allows opposing techniques to be shattered and dispelled if overpowered.

Note: Yawaraki-Te has 100 HP, and an innate damage resistance of 40; the sword does not take damage, however, unless explicitly targeted.
Note: Yawarakai-Te's abilities that affect Dokkodo techniques only function if its wielder is capable of using said field. Additionally, the affects granted by the blade only function on techniques used through the blade, and not just by being on the wielder's person.

(Juuchi Yosamu Muramasa) Ten-thousand Cold Nights Muramasa
Rank: N/A
Type: Weapon
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: An exquisite katana forged by the master swordsmith, Muramasa. The blade has a midare style hamon with dark, black colored steel, polished to an inky finish; the handle wrappings are black, surrounding a wooden handle of white oak, with the tsuba of the sword depicting a complex pinwheel like pattern. Forged with the purest of materials in feverish dedication by swordsmith who strove to forge a sword capable of cutting god, Juuchi Yosamu is highly attuned to the soul, and augments Ronin Spiritual Kenjutsu techniques for those who can use them.

(Shikei) Dedication - Juuchi Yosamu's attunement to the spirit allows Spiritual Kenjutsu techniques to be cast with 10 less chakra than listed (including upkeep costs, where relevant), but act as if they were cast with 10 chakra more than listed, and interact with opposing techniques as if they had 10 less chakra than listed; this allows Spiritual Kenjutsu techniques to interact with opposing techniques via damage or chakra, whichever is more beneficial to the technique used through the blade.

(Shigeki) Stimulation - Juuchi Yosamu's highly spirit sensative blade, crafted in such a manner that it sought to cut god, augments the cutting power of Spiritual Kenjutsu techniques such that when they interact with opposing techniques they ignore any boosts to chakra, damage, or rank that is affecting that technique, and thus interact with it in its purest form.

(Teitai) Stagnation - Juuchi Yosamu's spirit seeped blade has a heavy presence in the spirit world, and thus wounds inflicted by the blade cause the inability to use certain body parts granted by Spiritual Kenjutsu to grant an additional turn of the effect per stack. Additionally, Kenjutsu and related field techniques can become imbued with these energies when performed through Juuchi Yosamu, allowing them to take on the benefits of Spiritual Kenjutsu techniques and any affects that modify Spiritual Kenjutsu techniques, even if they are not of that field.

Note: Juuchi Yosamu has 100 HP, and an innate damage resistance of 40; the sword does not take damage, however, unless explicitly targeted.
Note: Juuchi Yosamu's abilities that affect Spiritual Kenjutsu techniques only function if its wielder is capable of using said field. Additionally, the affects granted by the blade only function on techniques used through the blade, and not just by being on the wielder's person. However, due to the nature of many Spiritual Kenjutsu effects forming a construct or spiritual blade of their own, they are augmented by the powers of Juuchi Yosamu as long as they are "cast through the hand holding the blade," meaning techniques like (Fudōchi Shinmyōroku: Taiaki ) – The Unfettered Mind: Annals of the Sword Taia and (Seishin Iaidō ) – Art of the Spiritual Quick Draw still benefit.

(Rengoku) Purgatory
Rank: N/A
Type: Weapon
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage: N/A

() Vastness

() Freedom

() Boundlessness
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Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
[TD][FONT=Trebuchet MS][CENTER][IMG][/IMG]
[SIZE=15px]● ○ [FONT=Palatino Linotype][SIZE=18px]B[/SIZE][/FONT] [COLOR=rgb(41, 105, 176)]A[/COLOR] S [COLOR=rgb(209, 213, 216)]I[/COLOR] C [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=rgb(65, 168, 95)][SIZE=18px]I[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT] N F [COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]O[/COLOR] R M [COLOR=rgb(41, 105, 176)]A[/COLOR] T [COLOR=rgb(65, 168, 95)]I[/COLOR] [COLOR=rgb(209, 213, 216)]O[/COLOR] N[/SIZE] ● ○ [HR][/HR][/CENTER]
 [FONT=Courier New][B]N [COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]A[/COLOR] M [COLOR=rgb(41, 105, 176)]E[/COLOR][/B]  [/FONT]  Musashi Miyamoto
[FONT=Courier New][B]G [COLOR=rgb(65, 168, 95)]E[/COLOR] N D [COLOR=rgb(209, 213, 216)]E[/COLOR] R[/B]  [/FONT] Female
[FONT=Courier New][B][COLOR=rgb(41, 105, 176)]A[/COLOR] G [COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]E[/COLOR][/B]  [/FONT]25
[FONT=Courier New][B]C L [COLOR=rgb(209, 213, 216)]A[/COLOR] N[/B][/FONT] -

[FONT=Courier New][B]P [COLOR=rgb(41, 105, 176)]E[/COLOR] R S [COLOR=rgb(65, 168, 95)]O[/COLOR] N [COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]A[/COLOR] L [COLOR=rgb(209, 213, 216)]I[/COLOR] T Y[/B][/FONT]

 A female swordmaster who is bright, cheerful, and dignified, yet vibrant. She always has a grin on her face like she's in total control, but she does not look down on her opponents.

 That aside, she loves it when people rely on her.

 She also loves compliments, and is a woman who loves a good fight; she has a strong sense of justice, but never boasts about it. She's normally an easygoing wanderer, but in the face of a one-sided slaughter, someone who is toying with people's pride or beliefs for entertainment she becomes an unstoppable foe.

 Kind and lighthearted, Musashi is a relaxed, open individual. She has no particular interest in prestige or victory, aiming only to enjoy her life. The pursuit of good food, the pursuit of good friends, good laughs…

 And a sword that could cut even the void.

 Much like her father before her, she strives to test and improve her swordsmanship, aiming to “reach beyond my father’s blade at the pinnacle of heaven, and wield a sword that could cut even the void.“

 She just laughs at most of life's problems, but deep down, she is a woman who strives to master the path of the blade. For this reason, she can be restrained and tough on others when it comes to taking lives.

[SIZE=15px]● ○ [FONT=Palatino Linotype][SIZE=18px]V[/SIZE][/FONT][COLOR=rgb(41, 105, 176)] I[/COLOR] L L [COLOR=rgb(65, 168, 95)]A[/COLOR] G [COLOR=rgb(209, 213, 216)]E[/COLOR][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)][SIZE=18px]I[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT] N F [COLOR=rgb(41, 105, 176)]O[/COLOR] R M [COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]A[/COLOR] T [COLOR=rgb(65, 168, 95)]I[/COLOR] [COLOR=rgb(209, 213, 216)]O[/COLOR] N[/SIZE] ● ○[/CENTER]
 [hr][/hr][IMG align="right"][/IMG]
[FONT=Courier New][B]L [COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]A[/COLOR] N D [COLOR=rgb(65, 168, 95)]O[/COLOR] F B [COLOR=rgb(41, 105, 176)]I[/COLOR] R T H[/B][/FONT]: Hachiman’s Bulwark[/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS]
[FONT=Courier New][B]W S [COLOR=rgb(209, 213, 216)]E[/COLOR] C L [COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]A[/COLOR] N:[/B][/FONT] - [HR][/HR]

[CENTER][SIZE=15px]● ○ [FONT=Palatino Linotype][SIZE=18px]R[/SIZE][/FONT] [COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]A[/COLOR] N K & [SIZE=18px]C[/SIZE] H [COLOR=rgb(65, 168, 95)]A[/COLOR] K R [COLOR=rgb(41, 105, 176)]A[/COLOR][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=rgb(209, 213, 216)][SIZE=18px]I[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT] N F [COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]O[/COLOR] R M [COLOR=rgb(209, 213, 216)]A[/COLOR] T [COLOR=rgb(65, 168, 95)]I[/COLOR] [COLOR=rgb(41, 105, 176)]O[/COLOR] N[/SIZE] ● ○[/CENTER]
[FONT=Courier New][B] R [COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]A[/COLOR] N K[/B][/FONT]: Jounin
[FONT=Courier New][B] H [COLOR=rgb(41, 105, 176)]E[/COLOR] [COLOR=rgb(65, 168, 95)]A[/COLOR] L T H & C H [COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]A[/COLOR] K R [COLOR=rgb(209, 213, 216)]A[/COLOR]:[/B][/FONT] 160 & 1600

[FONT=Courier New][B]S P [COLOR=rgb(65, 168, 95)]E[/COLOR] C [COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]E[/COLOR] [COLOR=rgb(41, 105, 176)]A[/COLOR] L T [COLOR=rgb(209, 213, 216)]I[/COLOR] [COLOR=rgb(65, 168, 95)]E[/COLOR] S[/B][/FONT]: Increased Combat Specialist, Advanced Speed Resistance, Apex Kenjutsu Specialist, Nature's Warrior, and Advanced Tracking Specialist

[FONT=Courier New][B] S K  [COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]I[/COLOR] L L S:[/B][/FONT] Kenjutsu, Taijutsu, Ronin Spiritual Kenjutsu, Dokkōdō

[SIZE=15px]● ○ [FONT=Palatino Linotype][SIZE=18px]B[/SIZE][/FONT] [COLOR=rgb(65, 168, 95)]A[/COLOR] C K [SIZE=18px]G[/SIZE] R [COLOR=rgb(41, 105, 176)]O[/COLOR] [COLOR=rgb(209, 213, 216)]U[/COLOR] N D [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)][SIZE=18px]I[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT] N F [COLOR=rgb(65, 168, 95)]O[/COLOR] R M [COLOR=rgb(41, 105, 176)]A[/COLOR] T [COLOR=rgb(209, 213, 216)]I[/COLOR] [COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]O[/COLOR] N[/SIZE] ● ○ [HR][/HR]

[FONT=Courier New][B]H [COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]I[/COLOR] S T [COLOR=rgb(41, 105, 176)]O[/COLOR] R Y[/B][/FONT]

Born in 789 in the Land of Iron, Musashi was the firstborn of a famous swordmaster who wielded a “blade of heaven.“

Taught by her parents Musashi had a formal, and remarkable education, learning a wide variety of topics, one normally befitting one of noble birth, despite not being such; she learned swordsmanship from her father, and quickly demonstrated that she possessed his almost innate aptitude with the sword, routinely defeating top students from other Dojo.

Like her father, she strive to further her skills, but unlike him, she had a definitive goal; rather than just to improve, she wanted to surpass her father, and his blade that “sat at the pinnacle of heaven”. She, thus strive to find a blade to cut through even the void.

And so, Musashi set about on a pilgrimage on to travel the lands and hone her skills…or, so would have been the case, had the fates not determined otherwise.

After an intense battle trying to ascend a mountain, Musashi seemingly was pulled through a rift, and into a world that seemed virtually identical, but also very different at the same time.

Now, finding herself in the Warring States Era, she wanders the lands seeking to improve her swordsmanship...

[CENTER][SIZE=15px]● ○ [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)][SIZE=18px]O[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT] T H [COLOR=rgb(65, 168, 95)]E[/COLOR] R [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=rgb(41, 105, 176)][SIZE=18px]I[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT] N F [COLOR=rgb(209, 213, 216)]O[/COLOR] R M [COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]A[/COLOR] T [COLOR=rgb(65, 168, 95)]I[/COLOR] [COLOR=rgb(41, 105, 176)]O[/COLOR] N[/SIZE] ● ○[/CENTER]
 Scientific Tools:
 Theme Song and Background Music: [/FONT]

[FONT=Trebuchet MS][CENTER][MEDIA=youtube]K7xWXurVQJY[/MEDIA]
[SIZE=15px]● ○ [FONT=Palatino Linotype][SIZE=18px]B[/SIZE][/FONT] [COLOR=rgb(41, 105, 176)]A[/COLOR] T T L [COLOR=rgb(65, 168, 95)]E[/COLOR][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)][SIZE=18px]I[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT] N F [COLOR=rgb(209, 213, 216)]O[/COLOR] R M [COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]A[/COLOR] T [COLOR=rgb(65, 168, 95)]I[/COLOR] [COLOR=rgb(41, 105, 176)]O[/COLOR] N[/SIZE] ● ○ [HR][/HR][/CENTER]
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● ○ B A S I C I N F O R M A T I O N ● ○
N A M E Musashi Miyamoto
G E N D E R Female
A G E 25
C L A N -


A female swordmaster who is bright, cheerful, and dignified, yet vibrant. She always has a grin on her face like she's in total control, but she does not look down on her opponents.

That aside, she loves it when people rely on her.

She also loves compliments, and is a woman who loves a good fight; she has a strong sense of justice, but never boasts about it. She's normally an easygoing wanderer, but in the face of a one-sided slaughter, someone who is toying with people's pride or beliefs for entertainment she becomes an unstoppable foe.

Kind and lighthearted, Musashi is a relaxed, open individual. She has no particular interest in prestige or victory, aiming only to enjoy her life. The pursuit of good food, the pursuit of good friends, good laughs…

And a sword that could cut even the void.

Much like her father before her, she strives to test and improve her swordsmanship, aiming to “reach beyond my father’s blade at the pinnacle of heaven, and wield a sword that could cut even the void.“

She just laughs at most of life's problems, but deep down, she is a woman who strives to master the path of the blade. For this reason, she can be restrained and tough on others when it comes to taking lives.

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● ○ V I L L A G EI N F O R M A T I O N ● ○​

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L A N D O F B I R T H: Hachiman’s Bulwark

W S E C L A N: -

● ○ R A N K & C H A K R AI N F O R M A T I O N ● ○​

R A N K: Jounin
H E A L T H & C H A K R A: 160 & 1600

S P E C E A L T I E S: Increased Combat Specialist, Advanced Speed Resistance, Apex Kenjutsu Specialist, Nature's Warrior, and Advanced Tracking Specialist

S K I L L S: Kenjutsu, Taijutsu, Ronin Spiritual Kenjutsu, Dokkōdō

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● ○ B A C K G R O U N D I N F O R M A T I O N ● ○


Born in 789 in the Land of Iron, Musashi was the firstborn of a famous swordmaster who wielded a “blade of heaven.“

Taught by her parents Musashi had a formal, and remarkable education, learning a wide variety of topics, one normally befitting one of noble birth, despite not being such; she learned swordsmanship from her father, and quickly demonstrated that she possessed his almost innate aptitude with the sword, routinely defeating top students from other Dojo.

Like her father, she strive to further her skills, but unlike him, she had a definitive goal; rather than just to improve, she wanted to surpass her father, and his blade that “sat at the pinnacle of heaven”. She, thus strive to find a blade to cut through even the void.

And so, Musashi set about on a pilgrimage on to travel the lands and hone her skills…or, so would have been the case, had the fates not determined otherwise.

After an intense battle trying to ascend a mountain, Musashi seemingly was pulled through a rift, and into a world that seemed virtually identical, but also very different at the same time.

Now, finding herself in the Warring States Era, she wanders the lands seeking to improve her swordsmanship...

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● ○ O T H E R I N F O R M A T I O N ● ○​

Scientific Tools:
Theme Song and Background Music:

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● ○ B A T T L EI N F O R M A T I O N ● ○

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Reactions: Keotsu
Apr 8, 2021
Trait Points
The Breath of All Things
Uses Natural Energy gathered from Dokkodo to augment Ronin's Soul Sensing.

Tentative Benefits:

Increase Sensing from x2 to x3?
Grant a x2 Sensing but allow it to count towards the "Doujutsu" part of the formula?
Enhance Sensing to the point it allows sensing of abilities like Limbo, and the "type" of technique being used by people.

Technique Layout Example

  • Chakraless Kenjutsu (Rank B-F), Always Short Range
    • Chaka Kenjutsu (Rank A-F), No more than Mid-Range
      • Spiritual Kenjutsu (Rank A-F), Up to long-range
      • Dokkodo Variant (Rank A-F), Up to Long-range
        • Dual Spiritual Kenjutsu Dokkodo Variant (Rank S-F).
(Kenjutsu: Ichimonji) - Sword Technique: Straight-line
Type: Offensive
Rank: B-Forbidden
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage: 40-90
Description: A simple blow delivered with one's sword in a straight line, usually an overhead strike. Capable of shattering stone and severing trees with one strike, mastery of this simple technique is necessary on the path of becoming a master swordsman.

(Ninten Ichiryu: Ittoryudan) - Two Heavens as One Style: To Take Decisive Action: An improvement upon Kenjutsu: Ichimonji by empowering it with chakra. The attack is the same, though the addition of chakra invokes a blade of chakra that can extend outwards up to mid range, allowing it to easily disperse attacks a simple sword strike would not be able to, such as lightning. It plays neutrally with all elements. A-F Rank, Short (Mid) Range, 30-50 Chakra, 60-90 Damage.

(Kurai Taiyō-Ryu: Shoutenshou) - Dark Sun Style: Lesser Celestial Blade: An improvement upon Kenjutsu: Ichimonji by empowering it with chakra and utilizing it as a Ronin Spiritual Kenjutsu technique. The attack is the same, though the addition of chakra invokes a blade of chakra that can extend outwards up to long range, allowing it to easily disperse attacks a simple sword strike would not be able to, such as lightning. It plays neutrally with all elements. The use as a Ronin Spiritual Kenjutsu technique allows it to completely dispel techniques it matches or overpowers, and inflict Spiritual Damage. It can dispel techniques based off of chakra instead of damage. A-F Rank, Short (Long) Range, 30-50 Chakra, 60-90 Damage.

(Dokkōdō: Shoutenshou) - The Alone Way: Lesser Celestial Blade: An improvement upon Kenjutsu: Ichimonji by empowering it with chakra and utilizing it as a Dokkodo technique. The attack is the same, though the addition of chakra invokes a blade of chakra that can extend outwards up to long range, allowing it to easily disperse attacks a simple sword strike would not be able to, such as lightning. It plays neutrally with all elements. The use as a Dokkodo technique allows it to completely dispel techniques it matches or overpowers, and carries the second form (corrosive) of Senkenjutsu. A-F Rank, Short (Long) Range, 30-50 Chakra, 60-90 Damage.

(Chaldea-Ryu: Daitenshou) Chaldea Style: Greater Celestial Blade: An improvement upon Kenjutsu: Ichimonji by empowering it with chakra and utilizing it as both a Ronin Spiritual Kenjutsu and Dokkodo technique. The attack is the same, though the addition of chakra invokes a blade of chakra that can extend outwards up to long range, allowing it to easily disperse attacks a simple sword strike would not be able to, such as lightning. It plays neutrally with all elements. The use as a combination Ronin Spiritual Kenjutsu and Dokkodo technique allows it to completely dispel techniques it matches or overpowers, and carries the second form (corrosive) of Senkenjutsu, and to inflict Spiritual Damage. It can dispel techniques based off of chakra instead of damage. S-F Rank, Short (Long) Range, 40-50 Chakra, 80-90 Damage.

Note: Any Forbidden Rank version is useable one time; S Rank version is usable three times; A rank version is usable 6 times.
Apr 8, 2021
Trait Points
(Zen Shūchū Jōchū) - Total Concentration Breathing: Constant
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Self
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A practice of Martial Arts where a combatant forces complete control of their breathing, in order to increase their physical and mental capabilities; Total Concentration Breathing: Constant is the practice of doing so constantly, even while sleeping, to train one's body and mind at all times. The benefits from doing so make practitioners more fearsome opponents, granting them a handful of benefits: the practitioner increases the level of their Speed Resistance within Short Range by 1; their base speed increases by 1, their base tracking speed increases by 1; and when the practitioner takes damage, either by getting hit, taking recoil damage, or taking fatigue effects (Torso, Spiritual, etc), they can delay the damage and its effects entirely by one turn.
Note: This technique is passive, and is considered always active.

Declined, techniques like this cannot be approved for a few reasons. The entire concept of this, control over the user's breathing (albeit taken further) has already been done via Seven Heavenly Breaths. Allowing you to utilize this same concept in different physical boosts crosses into it's territory. Secondly, Specialties cannot be augmented/increased via customs - definitely not any of the Resistance ones. Thirdly, even if this were allowed, this is far too many perks to be obtained passively or actively at all times with no cost or drawback potential. This is all S rank boosts and no drawbacks at all. Lastly, though more minor, the mitigation of spiritual or physical fatigue effects and damage has been made by me already.

(Yawarakai-Te Masamune) Tender Hands Masamune
Rank: N/A
Type: Weapon
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A beautiful katana forged by the master swordsmith, Masamune. The blade has a suguha style hamon with brilliant, light colored steel, polished to a mirror finish; the handle wrappings are white, surrounding a wooden handle of mahogany, with the tsuba of the sword depicting a complex pinwheel like pattern. Forged with the purest of materials in serenity by swordsmith who had achieved Zen, Yawkarakai-Te is flushed with natural energy, augmenting natural energy, and Dokkōdō techniques for those who can use them.

(Sekai) World - Yawarakai-Te's harmony with natural energy allows Dokkodo techniques to be cast with 10 less chakra than listed (including upkeep costs, where relevant), but act as if they were cast with 10 chakra more than listed, interact with opposing techniques as if they were cast with 10 less chakra, and allows a Dokkodo technique to extend its corrosive effects to work on both damage and chakra, whichever is more beneficial to the technique used through the blade.

(Seichō) Growth - Yawarakai-Te expands the Damage Resistance reduction of Dokkodo by accelerating the flow of natural energy into the target. It allows Damage Resistance to fall below zero; for example, if one was struck by a Dokkodo technique that would lower their Damage Resistance by 10 when their current Damage Resistance was zero, they would have a total Damage resistance of negative 10. Following this, whenever that individual took damage, whether by recoil damage, taking a hit, or any other source, the damage would increase by 10, due to their negative damage resistance. This Damage Resistance expansion extends to opposing techniques and equipment as well, allowing Damage Resistance reductions to be afflicted by the wielder's own techniques - this can be exceptionally useful against large, sustained techniques. Due to the nature of this disruption, when used against techniques, an additional Damage Resistance reduction of 20 is applied to the technique per boost the technique is receiving.

(Shizukesa) Tranquility - Yawarakai-Te is heavily attuned to natural energies, and passively draws natural energy into itself. While not to the level of those who practice Senjutsu, this offers a variety of effects to the blade: much like Frog Kata, an invisible shroud of natural energy envelops Kenjutsu techniques performed by the sword, extending their range by one level, though the wielder can control this field to prevent striking allies when needed. Additionally, Kenjutsu and related field techniques can become imbued with these energies when performed through Yawarakai-Te, allowing them to take on the benefits of Dokkodo techniques and any affects that modify Dokkodo techniques, even if they are not of that field - like with most Senkenjutsu techniques they can choose to posses either the petrification effect that petrifies the target three turns after being hit (the same mechanic as Dokkodo and affected by relevant modifications) or a corrosive effect that allows opposing techniques to be shattered and dispelled if overpowered.

Note: Yawaraki-Te has 100 HP, and an innate damage resistance of 40; the sword does not take damage, however, unless explicitly targeted.
Note: Yawarakai-Te's abilities that affect Dokkodo techniques only function if its wielder is capable of using said field. Additionally, the affects granted by the blade only function on techniques used through the blade, and not just by being on the wielder's person.

(Juuchi Yosamu Muramasa) Ten-thousand Cold Nights Muramasa
Rank: N/A
Type: Weapon
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: An exquisite katana forged by the master swordsmith, Muramasa. The blade has a midare style hamon with dark, black colored steel, polished to an inky finish; the handle wrappings are black, surrounding a wooden handle of white oak, with the tsuba of the sword depicting a complex pinwheel like pattern. Forged with the purest of materials in feverish dedication by swordsmith who strove to forge a sword capable of cutting god, Juuchi Yosamu is highly attuned to the soul, and augments Ronin Spiritual Kenjutsu techniques for those who can use them.

(Shikei) Dedication - Juuchi Yosamu's attunement to the spirit allows Spiritual Kenjutsu techniques to be cast with 10 less chakra than listed (including upkeep costs, where relevant), but act as if they were cast with 10 chakra more than listed, and interact with opposing techniques as if they had 10 less chakra than listed; this allows Spiritual Kenjutsu techniques to interact with opposing techniques via damage or chakra, whichever is more beneficial to the technique used through the blade.

(Shigeki) Stimulation - Juuchi Yosamu's highly spirit sensative blade, crafted in such a manner that it sought to cut god, augments the cutting power of Spiritual Kenjutsu techniques such that when they interact with opposing techniques they ignore any boosts to chakra, damage, or rank that is affecting that technique, and thus interact with it in its purest form.

(Teitai) Stagnation - Juuchi Yosamu's spirit seeped blade has a heavy presence in the spirit world, and thus wounds inflicted by the blade cause the inability to use certain body parts granted by Spiritual Kenjutsu to grant an additional turn of the effect per stack. Additionally, Kenjutsu and related field techniques can become imbued with these energies when performed through Juuchi Yosamu, allowing them to take on the benefits of Spiritual Kenjutsu techniques and any affects that modify Spiritual Kenjutsu techniques, even if they are not of that field.

Note: Juuchi Yosamu has 100 HP, and an innate damage resistance of 40; the sword does not take damage, however, unless explicitly targeted.
Note: Juuchi Yosamu's abilities that affect Spiritual Kenjutsu techniques only function if its wielder is capable of using said field. Additionally, the affects granted by the blade only function on techniques used through the blade, and not just by being on the wielder's person. However, due to the nature of many Spiritual Kenjutsu effects forming a construct or spiritual blade of their own, they are augmented by the powers of Juuchi Yosamu as long as they are "cast through the hand holding the blade," meaning techniques like (Fudōchi Shinmyōroku: Taiaki ) – The Unfettered Mind: Annals of the Sword Taia and (Seishin Iaidō ) – Art of the Spiritual Quick Draw still benefit.

Both Declined, the main problem here before we even get to the abilities is the fact each has far too many abilities in a weapon. The first paragraphs of each contain what can be seen as 3 different abilities alone. Using techs through it with 10 less chakra, they act as if they had 10 more chakra than listed which creates an effective 20 chakra difference while also interacting with techs as if they had 10 less chakra, which creates an effective 30 chakra difference based on the wording of Yosamu while the other blade has the ability to extend Dokkodo through it. Any combination of those chakra abilities in one custom is a hard no and the overall amount of perks/abilities would mean nothing else is allowed on it even if it were possible.

Growth on the first blade is also a no; negative damage resistance will not be approved as damage resistance itself can already be problematic and this only worsens that. Tranquility has like 3 abilities itself that Im seeing + a damage resistance, which would also count as an ability. In all, this is roughly 7-8 abilities in one weapon. No weapon is being approved today with more than 3 abilities and even then, 3 may be pushing it depending on the abilities themselves.

As for the rest of the second weapon, you have similar issues. Stimulation makes little sense in regards to Spiritual Kenjutsu nor does it have anything concrete ability wise to support it; as it stands, it's just being able to ignore boosts because you will it to. The references to the spirit world in Stagnation need to go because those mean a very specific thing in the context of the RP, namely the Wraith CC abilities, and as such normal ninja cannot make free mention to this world even if they have access to different spiritual abilities. In addition to this, the ability to infuse all kenjutsu techs with Ronin Ken effects that extend the duration of this will need to come with it's own drawbacks as this will not be something applied freely given that a single strike or contact would disable usage for 2 entire turns minimum.

Tl;Dr these weapons contain far too many abilities and sub abilities that all are either broken, problematic or too meta shifting in their reach to allow to exist in these CW.
So it seems I vastly overestimated what a CW can do anymore. Even just the chakra reduction abilities alone not only is too many abilities as is, but in themselves wouldn't be approvable together on a singular weapon.

Additionally, the negative damage resistance avenue I wanted to pursue with Dokkodo appears to be a complete no-starter.

The other issues are minor: not referring to the spiritual world is not an issue; ignoring buffs wasn't outright forbidden but will need a good justification; the ability to make any Kenjutsu technique a Ronin Kenjutsu technique apparently is a high-level ability that even on a custom weapon would need some sort of drawback.

This...complicates things.

With this reading, I don't feel like I'll be able to make a Custom Weapon that's unique or interesting, though I could, I suppose, make a rather boring one that's mechanically functional, but...

With CW not even being able to be indestructible anymore, and needing to get not one but two good CW approved to take full advantage of Apex Kenjutsu Specialist, I just don't know if its worth it.

Perhaps I'm unfairly comparing things to Mythos on my main account, but I just don't feel like any CW I make within those guidelines is really going to be worth having other than solely existing to tick a box for a passive +20 damage or the like.
Apr 8, 2021
Trait Points
Sword 1 = +20 [Ken], +1 Range or S&W Adjustment or Damage/Chakra interaction choice.

Sword 2 = +10 Chakra or +10 Effectiveness or -10 opposing; S&W Adjustment, +1 Range, or Damage/Chakra choice; some sort of drawback based augmentation (?)
Apr 8, 2021
Trait Points
Musings about technique and build progression.

Purely Physical Techniques:

  • No chakra cost means that these techniques can’t be absorbed, and don’t benefit from +Chakra type buffs and are essentially unaffected by -Chakra debuffs.
    • This raises the question of how they interact with techniques that clash on chakra. Do they automatically lose?
    • This also means that they really only benefit from +Damage boosts. +Rank could also be viable, but +Rank is almost universally not allowed anymore, and must be it’s component pieces.
  • The range for these will almost always be Short, bar situations like a thrown weapon. This could be seen as a detriment, but also has advantages with things like Speed Res Aura, and the fact that physical attacks seem to occur at either Universal Speed or your own movement speed.
  • Need to accommodate for the “game” aspect of these. How much of the “technique” gets through versus realism? Would, for example, an A rank slash attack be able to stop an A rank Boulder? A fireball?
  • The reliance on damage is double edged. There are a lot of very high damage output techniques, including canons, that this field won’t be able to match through customs. However, Advanced Kenjutsu’s Parry effect gives +20 Damage that limit breaks boosting rules, which means +60 in ideal situations, most of the time. This is fairly substantial, making the average S rank 140 and the A rank 120. Parry’s effects though could potentially be leveraged into techniques that are still physical but consume chakra, so it remains to be seen.
  • Love
Reactions: System001
Apr 8, 2021
Trait Points
Ronin technique that uses the “tether” created by their Yin/Genjutsu in a manner similar to Kuebiko to spiritually assault the enemy.

The Ronin chooses to not break the Genjutsu in order to have an avenue to deliver their attack with unerring accuracy, meaning the opponent must be the one to chose to break the link.
Apr 8, 2021
Trait Points
Hinokami Kagura CFS Brainstorm

Atavistic Flame Kenjutsu CFS.

Approach 1
Hinokami Kagura techniques are powered from HP and get consecutively more powerful (+10 per chain) per move used. However, in exchange, the HP expended from Hinokami Kagura techniques does not replenish until three turns until the end of the chain, and then they start regen based on the normal AF flame method (2 turns after technique usage based on a small amount).

The +10 will also probably be a direct cost in HP. Given an average of 200 HP, and an average "HP" cost of 35 (30+40 /2 = 35), only five techniques can be used in a chain, which doesn't quite fit with the theme of wanting to use a lot of them in a row.

Approach 2
Hinokami Kagura techniques are powered from HP like a normal Atavistic Flame technique. The problem is, without some sort of "gimmick", it basically turns into a CJ series, and not a CFS.

The change her would be to take advantage of the throwaway line in Atavistic Flame that says "it normally can't be combined with Chakra" to make Hinokami Kagura be a CFS that combines AF and chakra, to represent a key aspect of Hinokami Kagura being hard on the user and why that's so.

The problem is, does this alone warrant a CFS? And what would be the implications of such a combination? I need to know more about AF to pursue this line of thought.

Demon Slayer - Damage Boost? Speed Boost? AF recoil reduction (if allowed), but only for Hinokami Kagura techniques?
Apr 8, 2021
Trait Points
(Rōnin Seishin Kenjutsu: Shin Kuroiha Nagashi) Ronin Spiritual Kenjutsu: True Black Blade Flow
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40 (+10 to Technique Chakra)
Damage: N/A
Description: A technique devised by Ronin based upon the Black Blade Flow technique to extend its effects to non-Ronin Kenjutsu. The Ronin will focus chakra into their sword and charge it, so that simply moving it through the air leaves inky trails in its wake. After this initial charge, the user can add 10 chakra to any non-Ronin Spiritual Kenjutsu attack to grant it the effect granted in Black Blade Flow, allowing it to pass through other techniques that are not Spiritual in Nature.
Note: Useable three times, and remains active for four turns per activation. Only during this window can the +10 Chakra augmentation be done to non-Ronin Kenjutsu techniques.

( Dokkōdō: Shin Shiraha Nagashi ) - The Alone Way: True White Blade Flow
Type: Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40 (+10 to Technique Chakra)
Damage: N/A
Description: After entering Dokkodo, the user will focus Senjutsu enhanced chakra into their blade and charge it, such that the effects of White Blade Flow can be extended to non-Dokkodo Kenjutsu by adding 10 chakra to its cost. Doing so causes the user's sword to leave a glittering trail of glass like shards in the air simply by moving it, and allows the techniques to carry a corroding Senkenjutsu effect: the released chakra quickly corrodes through the obstacle, weakening by exposing the obstacle's "shatter point". This is a point on the technique that the Senjutsu compromises, causing it to shatter in a glow of white glass-like shards, lending to the technique's name. It is capable of destroying solids and liquids of equal chakra or lower while dispersing energy as well.
Note: Useable three times, and remains active for four turns per activation. Only during this window can the +10 Chakra augmentation be done to non-Dokkodo Kenjutsu techniques.
Note: Can only be used with Dokkodo active. Ronin and Samurai are capable of utilizing outside of the mode.

( Dokkōdō: Ō Kakusu Shinjitsu ) - The Alone Way: Great Hidden Truths
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: F
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 50
Damage: 90
Description: The ultimate form of the Dokkodo technique Hidden truths, this technique is comparable to the Samurai Saber Technique in both its concept and execution. By channeling Senjutsu into the blade, the user becomes capable of creating crescents of natural energy sharpened to slice through metal and bone effortlessly. These crescents are capable of combating equal ranked Elemental Ninjutsu. Unlike Samurai Saber Technique, however, these cannot create chakra weapons to attack with, instead just creating slashes and strikes following the user's strike motion. They crescents can carry the effects of either form of Senkenjutsu.
Note: Can be used three times and after each use, the user cannot use any Dokkodo techniques S rank and higher the next turn.
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Apr 8, 2021
Trait Points
Hinokami Kagura CFS Spec proposal
Assumes AF KEN CFS

Demon Slayer (Demon Slayer’s Mark?) :

Proposal 1: A Hinokami Kagura user does not automatically lose, die, fall unconscious, or otherwise when they hit 0 HP or 100% fatigue as long as they have health that will heal from AF technique usage. Taking additional damage while at zero HP has no additional affect on the Hinokami Kagura user.

Proposal 2: A Hinokami Kagura user does not automatically lose, die, fall unconscious, or otherwise when they hit 0 HP or 100% fatigue as a result from using Hinokami Kagura techniques, as long as they have health that will heal from AF technique usage. Taking additional damage while at zero HP has no additional affect on the Hinokami Kagura user, until the HP from Hinokami Kagura usage is restored.

Past of the CFS’s mechanic will probably be “Dance” or something where every consecutive use of a HK technique makes it stronger and cost more HP. So using three HK techniques in one turn means the last technique has +20 (for example, +10 for each move in the chain, without upper limit).
Apr 8, 2021
Trait Points
Fifth Force and Chakraless Ken first draft.

I’ll need to shelf Fifth Force for now and come back to it later. +30 is a decent boost, but at the cost of two additional moveslots? That’s giving up two potential 120 (80 + 20 +20) attacks for a single +30 to one technique. Even if the boost is allowed to be limit breaking, which it seems there was no problem with, that’s a hard sell.

Some of the Bukijutsu techniques mention a speed boost, maybe I should explore that in addition? Problem is, that turns this technique into a State because it provides two boosts…

(Kenjutsu: Ichimonji) - Sword Technique: Straight-line
Type: Offensive
Rank: B-Forbidden
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage: 40-90
Description: A simple blow delivered with one's sword in a straight line, usually an overhead strike. Capable of shattering stone and severing trees with one strike, mastery of this simple technique is necessary on the path of becoming a master swordsman, and variations of it exist in almost any school of swordsmanship.
Note: Forbidden Rank version is useable one time and does 20 Recoil Damage; S Rank version is usable three times; A rank version is usable 6 times.

-Declined- So I probably should've mentioned this when we discussed bukijutsu. But much like Taijutsu, without any mitigating factors like CES or a mode or something augmenting your human physical force, the ranks are inherently capped. Taijutsu is at A for the most part and Bukijutsu is at S. Originally it was gonna be capped at A rank but I did some negotiation. But techniques like this that just go up to forbidden rank on a slider won't be possible without something being added.
(Kenjutsu: Ichimonji) - Sword Technique: Straight-line
Type: Offensive
Rank: B-S
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage: 40-80
Description: A simple blow delivered with one's sword in a straight line, usually an overhead strike. Capable of shattering stone and severing trees with one strike, mastery of this simple technique is necessary on the path of becoming a master swordsman, and variations of it exist in almost any school of swordsmanship.
Note: S Rank version is usable three times; A rank version is usable 6 times.

Drop the F rank version. S rank will be just fine - do this for Lightless and Soaring Dragon as well.

Black Blade Flow

(Rōnin Seishin Kenjutsu: Kuroiha Nagashi) Ronin Spiritual Kenjutsu: Black Blade Flow
Type: Offensive
Rank: A - S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30 - 40
Damage: 60-80
Description: A Ronin technique devised as an offensive counterpart to the Dokkodo technique White Blade Flow. Black Blade Flow utilizes a principle found in the Dangerous Strike technique: the user will focus chakra into their blade and swing, releasing a shockwave like a calligraphy stroke, thus its name. Because of its spirit steeped nature it will not interact with other techniques and will pass right through them, unless they are also spiritual in nature, making it a highly offensive technique; used to hit through the opponent's defenses and strike at them directly, this technique does Spiritual Damage to the enemy if it lands.
Note: S-Rank usage causes a 1-turn cooldown per time it is used (thus using it three times in the same turn would lead to a three-turn cool down).

Declined, A and S ranks need actual usage limits and the Note you have isn’t one we typically approve. It needs an actual usage and cool down limit.

(Rōnin Seishin Kenjutsu: Kuroiha Nagashi) Ronin Spiritual Kenjutsu: Black Blade Flow
Type: Offensive
Rank: A - S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30 - 40
Damage: 60-80
Description: A Ronin technique devised as an offensive counterpart to the Dokkodo technique White Blade Flow. Black Blade Flow utilizes a principle found in the Dangerous Strike technique: the user will focus chakra into their blade and swing, releasing a shockwave like a calligraphy stroke, thus its name. Because of its spirit steeped nature it will not interact with other techniques and will pass right through them, unless they are also spiritual in nature, making it a highly offensive technique; used to hit through the opponent's defenses and strike at them directly, this technique does Spiritual Damage to the enemy if it lands.
Note: S-Rank version can be used three times per battle; A rank version can be used six times.

Changed to standard usage limits and cooldown.
Apr 8, 2021
Trait Points
Ronin technique that uses the “tether” created by their Yin/Genjutsu in a manner similar to Kuebiko to spiritually assault the enemy.

The Ronin chooses to not break the Genjutsu in order to have an avenue to deliver their attack with unerring accuracy, meaning the opponent must be the one to chose to break the link.
Need to follow up on this.

Additionally, a Dokkodo Iai technique would be helpful. Need to think on what would make it unique.

A "Kuebiko" technique that lets me share buffs with allies.
Apr 8, 2021
Trait Points
(Izanami no Shinshitsu) - Izanami's Bedchamber
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: A Ronin Spiritual Kenjutsu Technique where the Ronin will plunge their blade into the ground while forcing spiritual energies through, in much the same way as one would for (Rōnin Seishin Ken no Jutsu ) – Rōnin Spiritual Blade Technique, and directing that chakra outward so that it washes over the field. The end result is a circular area suffused with heavy spiritual energies employed by the Ronin, visible by the multicolored, wispy spiritual steam that now rolls across the area.

I like this idea of a "floor effect" and want to make a Dokkodo version called Hallowed Grove (maybe an AF version named Concecration?)..but the problem is I'm not really sure what to make these floor effects do, especially in a way that isn't "wild" and will get me in trouble.
Apr 8, 2021
Trait Points
(Honō no Kokyū: Ichi no Kata: Shiranui ) Flame Breathing: First Form: Unknowing Fire
Type: Offensive
Rank: A-S
Range: Short-Mid (Short)
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 60-80 (90-110)
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