[Applications] CSC Maned Wolf Applications


Jan 24, 2013
Trait Points
CSC - Maned Wolves

Okay, you guys should know the deal, this thread is for anyone who wants to apply to Sign the Maned Wolf CSC. I'm hoping for a nice balance between new users who would benefit from being part of a CSC, and older members who have experience with other Contracts and can help develop Summons and Jutsu for the Contract. Of course I hope everyone who applies will be just as willing to help improve the Contract, regardless of their time or experience on NB.

Here is the Contract.

Summoning Animal: Maned Wolf

Scroll Owner: x iiiMPerFeCT

Other Users who have signed contract: NA

Summoning Boss if existing: N/A

Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: N/A

General Description of the Animal in Real Life:

Despite it's name the Maned Wolf is not directly related to any other Canid, proof of this is that it has it's own Genus, Chrysocyon Brachyurus which means "Golden Dog". It is the largest known species of canine in South America which can reach up to 4ft tall on all fours and generally weighs between 50-75 pounds.

Physically the Maned Wolf looks like a large, long legged fox with it's fur's main colors being red or orange, while it has black and white features. It has a long, pointed muzzle and large, erect ears as well as a full set of sharp fangs and claws. The Maned Wolf gets it's name from its distinctive long, shaggy mane on it's back, which it has a tendency to raise when it feels threatened or if it is trying to raise it's profile to appear more intimidating. The Maned Wolf is also known for it's signature odor which has granted it the unfavorable nickname "Skunk Wolf". Another nickname for the species, due to it's slim, long legs and fox-like appearance, is "A Fox on Stilts". The Maned Wolf also has a unique vocalization known as a "Roar-Bark", but it's rarely heard due to Maned Wolves being very shy by nature.

The Maned Wolf's main habitats are flat grasslands or light forests in South America where they have evolved with their long legs to look over tall grass for their prey. Unlike other Canids they never hunt in a pack, preferring to hunt solo. They share vast and expansive territories with their partners, whom they rarely hunt or live with. They are omnivorous, and their favorite food is the Wolf Apple, which is ironically named for the animals love of it.​

Background and General Information in the RP:

Deep in the South West of the Land of Fire, bordering with the Land of Wind, is a massive Forest Region, locally known as "Darkroot". This name comes from the Forests seemingly endless murky and humid swamps, and foul smell from the endlessly rotting plant matter, making it completely uninhabitable by humans. But those brave, or stupid, enough to brave into the further reaches of Darkroot will find a vibrant paradise, and the Ancestral Home of the Maned Wolf Summoning Animals. Deep within the swamp-like forest lies the vibrant fields of the Darkroot Basin, and even deeper within lies the secrets of the Maned Wolves in the Darkroot Garden, protected by the strongest warriors amongst the Summoning Contract.

The general habits of these Summoning Animals are as best described as "Lone Wolves" who hunt on their own. While not a lot is known about these animals as individuals, they have their own society with it's own rules and rituals, just like any other society, and one of the most common rituals performed by the Summoning Contracts Animals involves them leaving the safety of Darkroot. They are not allowed to return until they either proove themselves worthy in battle, or to bring back knowledge the pack would benefit from and other such feats. This ritual is only performed by animals that wish to be associated with the actual Contract though, so it is rarely seen by those not associated with the Summoning Contract. Most animals are content to live in peace within the safety provided by the Forest, but those who undertake this Ritual, and return, are held in high regard by the others in the pack, and are allowed to be called upon by their human friends in battle, or general times of need. This ritual not only provides a way for the animals of the Contract to test themselves, it easily allows diversity amongst the ranks of the Maned Wolf Summoning Contract, as every Wolf will go to different lands from another, or experience different things in those lands.

The Maned Wolves of Darkroot are classified by their general power or skill in combat and size or appearance. While they tend to have their own unique abilities and capabilities, as Canids they naturally have a great sense of smell and hearing for detecting prey or enemies, while in battle Maned Wolves can rely on their sharp fangs and claws. They also possess great agility due to their extended leg length, but this also makes their legs a weak point. Their most useful, and definitely noticeable, ability is the smell they naturally produce. The odor Maned Wolves produce is very powerful, rendering Olfactory Sensory Types (Sensors who rely on their sense of smell) like the Inuzuka, Ninja Hounds and other Canine Summons, useless. This is because the Maned Wolves scent overpowers all other smells in the general area, making any kind detection by smell impossible. The Maned Wolves naturally are used to their own smells, and the Signers will be accustomed to the smell during their training with the Summons through the natural process of Sensory Adaption. The overwhelming scent is only present as long as the Summons are, and fade when the Summoning Jutsu ends.

Those who sign the Maned Wolf Summoning Contract must receive either a tattoo or a scroll, through which they Summon the animals from the contract, like almost all other Summoning Contracts. Either one of these will be provided during training, and an image of each are provided in the spoiler below.

Maned Wolf Tattoo
You must be registered for see images

Summoning Scroll
You must be registered for see images

Currently there are no Approved Summons or Ninjutsu for the Contract. Yet.

The first batch of Summon's submitted can be found here. [ ]

Okay, so, like all the other CSC Application Threads, you'll have to fill out a pointless template, to keep things simple and clean (as the way that you're makin' me feel tonight, it's hard to let it go... Sorry, been playing way too much Kingdom Hearts 2.5 lately.) Anyway, the template is below. I assume you all know why these questions are necessary, but in case you don't, I'll explain (or try to explain) in the spoiler.

[B]Training Stats (Including KG/ HA):[/B]

[B]Link to Bio('s):[/B]

[B]Current or Previous Summoning Contracts (If Any):[/B]

[B]Suggestions or Ideas for the Contract (Optional):[/B]

[B]Why do you want to sign this Contract:[/B]
I want to know your training stats, specifically special fields like KG/ HA, as having them allows you a different point of view in many areas, and a fresh perspective can lead to unique and interesting Summons. For example, a Smoke user could greatly increase their battle potential if they used the 3rd Submission (Durian) in conjunction with their Smoke Ninjutsu, while a Nara Clan user could also use the cover provided by that same cover to set up their Shadow Jutsu, and if I remember correctly, there even is a Nara Clan Jutsu that uses Smoke with Shadows to crush the target and create a large smoke explosion from the compression. Those are just basic examples, but you can see how that one Summon can be used by two totally bio's in different ways. Having KG/ HA and special bio's, either now or in the past, provides a different perspective on a single idea, and I hope to apply those changes in perspective to make the best Summons and Summoning Ninjutsu possible.

You don't have to link your Bio's, but I would like to see what kind of RPer you are. Reading through bio's can help in that, let's me see exactly who is applying to sign the Contract. There really isn't much else behind asking this, I just want to do my nosy. :)

I'm asking for your Current and Previous Contracts for 2 very specific reasons. The first is, if you tend to apply to and/ or sign Summoning Contracts, stick with them for a bit, then get bored and leave, then it would be a waste to teach you this Contract. Not only would I be taking the time to train you (and obviously you'd be doing the same), you could end up being taught CJ for the Contract, which unlike the Summons, cannot be retaught, and therefor could potentially go to waste. I really want to have a group of solid, reliable members who I can trust to make this CSC the best it can be. A "Pack" if you want to get ironic or snarky. xD The second reason is because I want to be fair and pick members who've never had a Contract before, but also because if you have been a part of other Contracts, you could have valuable insight on how Summons and Ninjutsu work for Contracts. With that in mind, don't let it deter you. If you love the animal or the potential the Contract holds, all you have to do is show me that. Make me believe you will stay with the Contract, and you have a good chance of doing so.

Suggestions and ideas are also optional because, let's face it, if you have really good ideas that you think would make epic Summons or CSC CJ, you wouldn't want to tell me them in case I take them, but not allow you to sign the Contract, would you? ;D I'm just playing, but it is a legitimate reason for not wanting to share, and I will not let that affect the overall selections. You don't get extra points for sharing any ideas you may have, but you do get my respect, which can be redeemed for a cookie. :/

Finally, I ask why you want to sign it because, let's face it. I want to stump you. I want you to be confused as to what you should put. I want you to mess up your application at this point, because the normal answers don't apply here. This isn't some popular animal that you could have wanted since joining NB, if it was, either you or someone else would have made it and I'd be the one applying. Hell, I didn't know they even existed before a few months ago. I made this Contract in desperation the heat of the moment and it got Approved through sheer dumb luck. This is where I want you to convince me exactly why you want this Contract. Is it the potential it has? Is it the fact it's new? How about the fact the animals looks like the mutant offspring of a wolf, fox, hyena and deer, while they stink as bad as a skunk? Or is it simply because you really like Wolves, but they were already taken as a Contract? I'm not asking for a wallie (I really am though), I'm simply asking what made you want to click on this thread and decide to reply. In the end, that's why this thread exists.

Applications will remain open for at least the next week or so, after that, it depends on how many people have applied. Once I've made a decision, I will VM the applicants, and we can get started working like a sweat shop. Nah, I'm kidding. I'm much worse than that. Good luck, and may your Applications be as long as one of my wallies. ;D
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Active member
Sep 13, 2011
Trait Points
Training Stats (Including KG/ HA): Basic 5 | Nin | Gen | Tai | Ken B-ranks | Sharingan-2T | Jyukken- B-Ranks | Sand | Bugs | Bartholomew

Link to Bio('s):
[Needs approval]

Current or Previous Summoning Contracts (If Any): Uhh I don't think I have the threads to link. I had Tiglons though.

Suggestions or Ideas for the Contract (Optional): Well, that would be pretty long to write since there is tons and tons of possibilities.
However, when it comes to being fox-like, I have a nice idea for scouts and field vision given by the summon. For example an invisible jutsu using wolf who is set into a battle and can increase your own field of vision. Even in Ninja world or RP, they can be quite useful as wolf associated with moon can view as properly as in dark can allow us this ability.
The other one I have thought includes a wolf-skin technique capable of resisting fire.This may seem basic but using elemental summons can be very useful.
( You can PM me for further details even if I get declined here. I really love the animal :3 )

Why do you want to sign this Contract: Well you have just began this and it would be nice to help out something from the scratch. Also, I love wolves and similar associations so it would be great.

Kai NB

Active member
Jun 11, 2014
Trait Points
Training Stats (Including KG/ HA):

火 Fire Release
風 Wind Release
雷 Lighting Release
土 Earth Release
水 Water Release

忍術 Ninjutsu
幻術 Genjutsu
体術 Taijutsu
剣術 Kenjutsu

特色 Sharingan

In Progress
In Progress
In Progress

In Progress幻術
In Progress体術
In Progress剣術

Activated (1 Tomoe)
Link to Bio('s): &

Current or Previous Summoning Contracts (If Any):
Itachi Uchiha Bio is automatically signed to Crows (Not Trained)
Might Guy Bio is automatically signed to Turtles (Not Trained)

Suggestions or Ideas for the Contract (Optional): Will add later (As of now, I do not have ideas)

Why do you want to sign this Contract: I'm told a picture is worth a thousands words, and if that means anything at all, then I can say my avatar and signature are ample reasons enough to explain why I want– Nay! why I cherish– Nay! why I dream– Nay! why I require this contract! Now because avatars and signatures are up to interpretation, I will explain clearly why I aspire to be able to sign this contract. I will go on by first stating a general reason followed by further detailed explanation.
  1. I planned on making a Custom Wolf Summoning myself
    • Within my long list of RP goals, one specific one was to create a Custom Summoning Contract. For this reason, I planned to make a strong, worthy custom summoning. Naturally, I had to create one that was powerful and versatile, yet still unique and special. After relatively long session of contemplating, I recognized that I would need to utilize a beast of beasts, literally. A beast that works together, yet can act alone and still be ferocious. A beast that is naturally kind and caring, unless provoking those that are close it. A beast that trumps over all. I had to choose wolves.
  2. This is a New Experience
    • Naturally, as I just began the RP, I am new to nearly all aspects of the entire system. This opportunity, however, gives me the chance to train in a custom skill, which would help me understand the mechanics behind customs. In addition, as this is a group opportunity and many people will learn from, I can effectively learn alongside other people, and perhaps by some chance, the others can learn from me. Finally, this is a great way to connect with the other members of the Base, because in the end, the RP is meant to let people enjoy themselves.
  3. Wolf Abilities are Useful
    • Wolves are naturally powerful predators and provide several useful abilities to be used in combat. Quite obviously, their senses are extremely refined. Their sense of smell can guarantee tracking opponents and their movements. Their sight will be beneficial to those battling in the night. Secondly, wolves have incredibly powerful bodies. Their muscles allow them to travel incredible distances at high speeds for a substantial amount of time. In addition, their claws are ferociously sharp and dangerous which can be used to strike and and subdue the opponent. Finally, wolves are naturally fearful, yet respectable. Their howl, enough to halt someone in their tracks, just to experience the terrifyingly beautiful whistle these magnificent creatures make to the ever mysterious night sky. They are a force to be reckoned with
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Active member
Apr 15, 2014
Trait Points
Training Stats (Including KG/ HA):
Sharingan 1-tomoe

Link to Bio('s):
kid kakashi nad sasuke in sig dropping both for the Uchiha prince
Current or Previous Summoning Contracts (If Any):
Suggestions or Ideas for the Contract (Optional):
I helped you come up with the lightning detection for Akanou that you didnt use >_>.I also was trying to come up with that lightning jutsu that left the particles on the field if you remember.Point is I have many suggestions and ideas for the contract,like abilities for the summon and jutsu for the contract.I also hope to make my own personal summon in the contract.There is alot Ian offer in terms of ideas and ect.
Why do you want to sign this Contract: Im a fan of Wolves but the wolves contract is full I think,so I decided to make my own summon.However in the end the summon was just not right for me,so I scratched the idea.Tbh I didn't put much thought into Mw at first but the more I thought about the more I realized it was the type of summon I wanted.So here I am applying,I better not leave here with my hands empty lol,btw Thanks for the Happy birthday.


Active member
Feb 15, 2013
Trait Points
Training Stats (Including KG/ HA): Water/Fire/Lightning/Gen completed
A-rank Fuuton
B-rank Tai and Doton
C-rank Nin

Link to Bio('s): Ashitaka in my sig and Tobirama is hard to find ;-;

Current or Previous Summoning Contracts (If Any): Spiders (keeping), gonna drop Hagfish for them Wolves

Suggestions or Ideas for the Contract (Optional): On Skype ;)

Why do you want to sign this Contract: Maned wolves is perfect for Ashitaka. Character wise, no contract suits him better. I don't go for power, but what fits you know?


Active member
Jan 25, 2013
Trait Points
Training Stats (Including KG/ HA): Basic 5, Tai, Gen, Ken, Nin, Inuzuka Techniques, Swift Release and Magnetism Mastered (No Longer hold Swift and Magnet bios). Oh and Gyojin Techniques and Snake Ninjutsu and Summons Mastered but gonna get dropped for Manes if approved.

Link to Bio('s):

Current or Previous Summoning Contracts (If Any): Snake Summons. @_@

Suggestions or Ideas for the Contract (Optional): Will discuss with you on skype.

Why do you want to sign this Contract: Heh, well I wouldn't say just for power but I think I can help expand on this summoning as such as adding techniques to the plate. Not to mention it fits my Inuzuka bio xD the more wolves the better....right? But all jokes aside I think I can help go somewhere with this summon.


Jan 24, 2013
Trait Points
Training Stats (Including KG/ HA):

火 Fire Release
風 Wind Release
雷 Lighting Release
土 Earth Release
水 Water Release

忍術 Ninjutsu
幻術 Genjutsu
体術 Taijutsu
剣術 Kenjutsu

特色 Sharingan

In Progress
In Progress
In Progress

In Progress幻術
In Progress体術
In Progress剣術

Activated (1 Tomoe)
Link to Bio('s): &

Current or Previous Summoning Contracts (If Any):
Itachi Uchiha Bio is automatically signed to Crows (Not Trained)
Might Guy Bio is automatically signed to Turtles (Not Trained)

Suggestions or Ideas for the Contract (Optional): Will add later (As of now, I do not have ideas)

Why do you want to sign this Contract: I'm told a picture is worth a thousands words, and if that means anything at all, then I can say my avatar and signature are ample reasons enough to explain why I want– Nay! why I cherish– Nay! why I dream– Nay! why I require this contract! Now because avatars and signatures are up to interpretation, I will explain clearly why I aspire to be able to sign this contract. I will go on by first stating a general reason followed by further detailed explanation.
  1. I planned on making a Custom Wolf Summoning myself
    • Within my long list of RP goals, one specific one was to create a Custom Summoning Contract. For this reason, I planned to make a strong, worthy custom summoning. Naturally, I had to create one that was powerful and versatile, yet still unique and special. After relatively long session of contemplating, I recognized that I would need to utilize a beast of beasts, literally. A beast that works together, yet can act alone and still be ferocious. A beast that is naturally kind and caring, unless provoking those that are close it. A beast that trumps over all. I had to choose wolves.
  2. This is a New Experience
    • Naturally, as I just began the RP, I am new to nearly all aspects of the entire system. This opportunity, however, gives me the chance to train in a custom skill, which would help me understand the mechanics behind customs. In addition, as this is a group opportunity and many people will learn from, I can effectively learn alongside other people, and perhaps by some chance, the others can learn from me. Finally, this is a great way to connect with the other members of the Base, because in the end, the RP is meant to let people enjoy themselves.
  3. Wolf Abilities are Useful
    • Wolves are naturally powerful predators and provide several useful abilities to be used in combat. Quite obviously, their senses are extremely refined. Their sense of smell can guarantee tracking opponents and their movements. Their sight will be beneficial to those battling in the night. Secondly, wolves have incredibly powerful bodies. Their muscles allow them to travel incredible distances at high speeds for a substantial amount of time. In addition, their claws are ferociously sharp and dangerous which can be used to strike and and subdue the opponent. Finally, wolves are naturally fearful, yet respectable. Their howl, enough to halt someone in their tracks, just to experience the terrifyingly beautiful whistle these magnificent creatures make to the ever mysterious night sky. They are a force to be reckoned with
Training Stats (Including KG/ HA): Water/Fire/Lightning/Gen completed
A-rank Fuuton
B-rank Tai and Doton
C-rank Nin

Link to Bio('s): Ashitaka in my sig and Tobirama is hard to find ;-;

Current or Previous Summoning Contracts (If Any): Spiders (keeping), gonna drop Hagfish for them Wolves

Suggestions or Ideas for the Contract (Optional): On Skype ;)

Why do you want to sign this Contract: Maned wolves is perfect for Ashitaka. Character wise, no contract suits him better. I don't go for power, but what fits you know?
Approved. Will contact you two for further details soon.

Okay, so one spot will remain open. It'll remain open while the current Summons and ideas are worked on. When there are some Customs approved, I'll open the apps again. All applications will remain valid, but if you want to update your app, just quote it and apply with the changes. Until then, thanks to everyone else for applying and showing interest in this abomination of a CSC. Later.


Jan 24, 2013
Trait Points
Wow. It's been more than a year since this thread was first opened? Time flies, huh...? Anyway, applications are being re-opened because of the new Summoning Contract Rules that now allow 6 Signers and the Contract holder on a Custom Contract instead of the previous 6 signers in total. So... Hooray for the updated rules. :)

There are currently 4 approved Summons and 3 Contract-Related Jutsu for the Maned Wolf Contract, all of which can be found in . Before even thinking about applying, I highly recommend reading these approved Summons and techniques, because they represent what you are applying for, both now and in the future. If none of these Summons or Jutsu seem very interesting to you, then this is not the contract for you. If you are intrigued, apply away.

The application process itself is a similar deal to last time. You can find the template in the first post, copy, paste and fill it out with as much or as little detail as you want, it doesn't make a difference. All I want to see is genuine enthusiasm about the contract in your application. If you applied before, you can quote your previous application, with any changes added, etc. This time though, since this is potentially the last time I'll be opening the apps, due to this being the last open spot on the Contract, there's no deadline for when I'll close the apps. The applications will remain open indefinitely until I pick the last signer, which could be today, tomorrow, next week, next month, etc. This means everyone who wants to apply has as much time as they want to get their application together. That's about it, so until I choose the final signer, good luck to any and all applicants. And thank you to anyone who shows even a modicum of interest in this, quite frankly, shambles of a Contract. :p


Jan 25, 2016
Trait Points
Training Stats (Including KG/ HA):

Katon ➟ Complete
Fūton ➟ Complete
Raiton ➟ Complete
Doton ➟ Complete
Suiton ➟ Complete
Kemuri➟ In Progress Ninjutsu ➟ Complete
Taijutsu ➟ Complete
Genjutsu ➟ B Ranks
Kenjutsu ➟ Complete
Shark Summoning and Ninjutsu ➟ Complete
Sage Transformation ➟ In Progress

Link to Bio('s): Mugen in Sig Recently Submitted Taek.

Current or Previous Summoning Contracts (If Any): I have Sharks Trained.

Suggestions or Ideas for the Contract (Optional): I feel like taking advantage of the shadow clone jutsu for the wolves would be neat but none other atm.

Why do you want to sign this Contract: I've asked you if I could sign this contract the first day I joined. I love Wolfs and a contract like this is appealing. Knowing you and you're passion for summonings I can trust that you eill develop the and I will invest everything I can to help you make this an awesome CSC. I like wolves themselves mainly because they look cool, their actually powerful irl, and I feel like I could assist you in making customs. Mainly because I find the summons so interesting.


Active member
Oct 2, 2015
Trait Points
Why you gotta php vode stuff z.z
Training Stats (Including KG/ HA):
Sharingan: 3T
Doton: B
Katon: Mastered
Suiton: C
Raiton: Mastered
Kenjutsu: Mastered
Ninjutsu: A
Taijutsu: C
Noldor Clan jutsu: in progress
Puppetry: C Rank
Iron Sand/Magnetism: In Progress
Link to Bio('s): Zero And Sasori both are in my sig
Current or Previous Summoning Contracts (If Any):
Suggestions or Ideas for the Contract (Optional): hmmm how about a wolf that can detach its front legs it nunchuvks or one that can shoot nails kaguya style z.z
Why do you want to sign this Contract:
Becuase of many reasons the first being that its a dog / wolf and i love me soma day stuff second it has a kickass tattoo and third its made by you imperfect sempai <3
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Jan 24, 2013
Trait Points
Applications Open

Following the recent choice to open some slots, the exact reason behind which can be found in the Contract's training thread , I've decided to reopen the Contract Applications. There were 4 open slots, one of which has been given to a new member, leaving 3 more slots for potential applicants. Forget the template, just look at the contract, found in post, and tell me, either in this thread, or in a message, either on NB, or on Discord, exactly why you may want a spot on the Contract, and other relevant info you think necessary. I'll give them all a thorough read, decide sometime over the course of the next week, and post the results in here once I've come to a decision. Good luck to everyone, and thanks for your potential interest in this Contract.
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