[Applications] [Closed] S-Crime, the Mafia Clan


Mar 15, 2014
Trait Points
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S-Crime 'Mafia' Hierarchy
“There’s no such thing as good Money, or bad Money. It's just Money." -Lucky Luciano

Thee Boss "Mafioso" (Leader of Clan)
"Spineless Ruler" Ikiru Uchiha
Consigliere (Under-Boss) / Accountant
"High-Leader" Willson Lun-Gold

Capos ~ Regent .i
"Coin" Sagashi Najoku (Leader - Team)
Capos ~ Regent .ii
"Quickie-Hands" Vane Dumei (Leader - Solo)
Capos ~ Regent .iii
"Little Boss" Darren Lun-Gold (Leader - Solo)
Caporegime ~ Group Leader .i
Caporegime ~ Group Leader .ii
Caporegime ~ Group Leader .iii
Caporegime ~ Area Leaders .i
Caporegime ~ Area Leaders .ii
Caporegime ~ Area Leaders .iii
Affiliates/Soldiers .i
Affiliates/Soldiers .ii
Affiliates/Soldiers .iii

S-Crime's Affiliated Locations (Under/ With Pact)
(1) Noodle Panhandle (002)
- Noodle Panhandle - [Pact] Dairy Farm producing wealth and creating connections with Sea Trades, also establishing rooted alliances in the Land of Fire.
Non-Player Character: "Coin" Sagashi Najoku (Leader), Trell Smith (Subordinate), and Jackie Waters (Subordinate) | Class: Capos, Rank: Regent
[B-rank Abilities] [Collective]: [Sagashi] is the 40-ish' year old hottie 'Asian-white' leader of this 'Caporegime' as he has more people under him, whom they all refer to as 'Coin' given his reputation in Ryo management. Known to be extremely smart, talented, and shrewd. For some say if he was born a Shinobi, he would be fine one too. His knowledge of the shinobi history and various scripts about ninjutsu has led him to be quite informative. He knows the genetic shinobi arts as well as the hidden arts, furthermore, he has ties to information brokers in the Tsumigakure that allow him to be a valuable individual to the organization. Has been noted to be fairly skilled, [base 2 speed] level, having [50 health/ 100 chakra], with access to the [All-basic 5 Elements] as well as [Basic Ninjutsu], [Basic Genjutsu], [Basic Kenjutsu] and [Basic Taijutsu]. Additionally, he has a a couple of [Ninja Tool: Cybernatic Synthesis] & [Ninja Tool: Magnetic Synthetics]: with these items he can engage in cybernetic hacking and know locational whereabouts of markets hubs. [Ryo] Sagashi, coming from a rich background eve though only few know ofd this, he sold his land in dire circumstances that resulted in his current lifestyle, therefore he has enough money to support himself and his family as fairly wealthy. [Trell] is an extremely handsome 'black-native' young individual who's knowledgeable about landmarks and the people that reside within those lands, knows how to find the bet deals of trade and has the famous [Keen Eye] for cheap expensive goods. His combat abilities are quite astonishing [base 3 speed] level, having [30 health/ 60 chakra], with access to the [Lightning element] as well as [Basic Ninjutsu] and [Basic Taijutsu]. What makes Trell standout from the rest is his ability to discern individuals from a crowd of people, his 'keen eye' is so outclassed (almost described as KG) as he can tell whomever his looking at whether they're undercover as enemies or not. Unknownist to how he can tell, it seems it's primary due to his persona to his upbringing as a scavenger during hard times as a person. This trait alone has helped the mafia group escape, and helped many navigate situations that could've resulted in their deaths, multiple times! [Jackie] is a average-looking 'hispanic-mix' smart mid-aged woman who's knowledgeable about company management, which is her job to mange the pay wages of the group and those below as she works with Sagashi, [base 2 speed] level, having [40 health/ 80 chakra], with access to the [Wind element] [Water element] as well as [Basic Taijutsu]. Additionally, she has a a couple of [Ninja Tool: Access Server - SC - CPU], [Ninja Tool: Radio Scanner]& [Ninja Tool: Company Cellwire Channels]: which act as her means to access server systems, contact the head boss or second-hand man, to issuing, or hiring individuals, etc. [Group] In uniform, they perform at a level none can compare, this group is the backbone of the organization and is highly kept in the most healthiest shape (physically, mentally, or wealthy).

[Personality] [Collective]: [Sagashi] - is quite aggressive at times whenever he demands something, arrogant of his status, and quick to degrade a lesser individual, all in an egotistical manner. Sagashi is easily offended and short-tempered, however these traits are clouded by his 'lean nature' to listen to his subordinates, only when they advise him on an action. He has a respectful demeanor whenever he is told to address someone of importance or high-value/ power. Swift with words, silver-tone, intelligent enough to persuade others. He avoids upsetting his bosses and those appointed upon him. [Trell] - a cool collected individual who care only about his crew and listen to whatever his commanded to do. Cares for history and learning more about trades and food. He loves to eat and saving dishes for later. He enjoys anything related to food. [Jackie] - a devotee of 'Ikiru Uchiha', passionately believes in them and wishes for them to lead the organization. She has a major fan crush on them or wishful lover dream. She is simply a 'lap-dog' of the organization and is understood to be quite stupid however only in social manners, not academically/ mission wise. [Group] Moving together as they are in-sync whenever they do something, as best-friends they take great care of themselves professionally and off-work.

[History] [Collective]: [Sagashi] - During his younger times, when the era of shinobi wars occurred, his home lands in the badlands of earth would be stripped out by shinobi who claimed their lands. Doing so as they wished, he would laearn from his father to sell and relocate away from wars. This was how he would live until he meet the organization that soon established a way for him to make it. To the cost of losing his family's trust, he soon begun his career then later met his future wife. [Trell] - an orphan who was left to die. Years of surviving off fellow slums, he grew up into a community of crime. Learning of the 'S-crime' he soon join to make a way for himself, soon enough he rose through ranks due to his rare ability to see-through the unknown. [Jackie] - Joining the organization, Jackie has always simply been good with technology and hacking, crafting tools also making new connections to other factions. She simply explores many other avenues as she would join and leave occasionally. For nothing stuck with her as she was a drifter of crime, however that very changed when the 'S-crime' she was about to leave adopted an actual shinobi! One in fact, that listened and was a lap-dog to the main boss, cold-crude and heart-less. The adorable young shinobi would catch her eye, with little interaction, she knew what she wanted. Since then, Jackie has stayed with the organization in hopes to climb the social leader to interact more with that shinobi. [Group] With many accomplishments, this '4.5-star' team has been the pride of the organization. Used as an example, for their success and mission accomplishments, also rich-value imports attained by them.

Non-Player Character: "Quickie-Hands", Vane Dumei
[C-rank Abilities] Has the astonishing skill, to steal things without an actual conscious thought doing so [base 5 speed] level, having [50 health/ 100 chakra], with [Basic Taijutsu] skills but, no acknowledgeable outstanding [Ninjutsu] to note. Has been known to [Spot Lies] the moment a person speaks to him, no one understands how he does what he does to attain such a valuable feat!

[Personality] Vane is a so-smart-ass (for lack of batter words), he isn't a fool however, he knows when a joke or a comment should go too far. Loves to eat and steal, knowledgeable of his craft enough to be granted respect among fellow thieves and bandits. Since the founding of the S-Crime, Vane has shown great responsibility to taking care of this fellow underlings even going as far to training those under him. He isn't a softy as he has the toughest skin comparable to none. He tends to bother the females whenever he gets the chance, and considers himself handsome also lucky. During combat, he prefers to avoid confrontations as he is more of a support-type fighter. His skill set enables him to scout out a location and means to operate a mission, which he performs without delay. He is a firm believer in work he does even if society deems it as a 'violation'.

[History] Vane has always been on the helpless side of things, the rich live in greater villages that leave the poor amasses outside to rot. Vane throughout his lift as an orphan led him to learn to defend for himself, he read people, studied what they knew and horned his skillset in thievery. Meeting with a pseudo-maifa known as S-Crime, he became much more skilled as the issues of food were solved in return for his mission/job scouting skill. Soon he meet a young lad who was hungry and alone in the world, bratty at first they soon meet a common ground. He then offer them the introduction to meeting with the ring leader who soon took a great deal of interest in the boy. Months later the boy was quite a monster to say the least, he was a SHINOBI! Due to having been discovered by him, the Mafia considered Vane now of much greater value and granted him his own platoon of individuals to command. Later down the road to meeting the boy he'd once saved from starvation, he would stand stunned by the complete change in their behavior and aura.

Non-Player Character: "Little Boss" , Darren Lun-Gold
[E-rank Abilities] He is knowledgeable about technology, [base 2 speed] level, having [30 health/ 60 chakra], with access to the [Lightning element] as well as [Basic Ninjutsu]. Additionally, he has a a couple of [Ninja Tool: Cloud Chaser] & [Ninja Tool: Magnetic Channels]: which act as his means to access server systems from machines etc. [Ryo] being the boss's kid, he has enough money to support himself and is fairly wealthy.

[Personality] He is fairly educated on many matters and is keen to learning more about technology. Takes part in learning about ninjutsu and the ninja lifestyle in hopes to one day become one. He aspires to be the next 'Mafia leader' that his father is, he is commanding and intelligent enough to read into each person's persona. Understanding of others is his great strength which enables him to easily get along with others despite him being the boss's kid. However, he isn't a pushover as he can stand his ground whether the fight be mentally or physically. As a very kind hearted individual, he has to play his role so Darren displays his facade: Quickly to try and diffuse a hostile situation with words but, has to be keen to see his enemies cower in fear should they so much disobey to comply with his statements as the 'little boss'.

[History] Born to the rich watchmaker, his father was notable through the towns. Everything changed when warring states for land began as the control of each land was left to the strongest to rule. Soon after the shinobi wars begun, their wars would force them to relocate into the other lands, eventually into the slums. There the struggle to live would occur as a daily norm. The change in lifestyle was too overbearing for his father who soon vowed to change their lives. With the returning of this father, Darren had to learn new skills to be respectable to the new foundation his father had created. Despite his nature he soon discovers this is how he has to live and learns to love it. Learning of the new asset his father had recently discovered, he would discover it was a living being who was a Shinobi. Let alone one that simple didn't have any determination as they follow his father's commands without delay of second thought. Much as like a machine, the aloof and indifferent natured spineless shinobi was the greatest asset their mafia group had acquired. Soon Darren would seek to use them too...
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Mar 15, 2014
Trait Points

[NPC] Threat Class: Forbidden - Deathbringer, the Chariot Mech
An ancient machine of a forgotten pre-shinobi era, the Deathbringer is a large and very powerful mobile weapon platform, comparable in size to the medium summon. A tool of the past yet not contemporary in smiler capabilities to modern combat machines! A Deathbringer’s means of ambulation consists of six stout legs, each with a vertical piston at the end. Each leg is equipped with a [stabilizer]. The legs are connected radially to a circular swivel that allows the head, which is laterally wider than the span of the legs, to turn 360 degrees! The mechanics it hosts within itself are terrifyingly advanced, these several formidable systems are: [a flamethrower], [a grenade launcher], [a gun turret], [a heavy cannon turret], [a swarm missile launcher], [a fusion cannon blasters], [defense matrix projection], [levitation boosters], [a repeater cannon turret] and ultimately the [self-destruction zero-point freezing] sequence. The head also houses [heat vents], [cooling rods], and the machine’s [A.I core (HP 10 / 5 MP)] (heart). An Anti-matter coating within (Immunity to chakra sealing and space-time related ninjutsu abilities), while also platinum-type steel armor plating covers the entire chassis (Immunity to S-rank Physical DMG). Two types optical visions, one being the [Heat sight] while the other being the [X-ray] sensors are located at the front of the head, in a vertical location, also on each side of its legs. [+ Passive] Within the mech it houses an unknown type of special non-chakra powered nano-bit-components that can recover the mech's DMG every 10 turns, by a factor of 100 HP. [+ Passive] Once momently, it can recover its Mech Power "MP" supply by drawing in the positive electric energy from the universe by a factor of 200, at a cost of 2 battle moves. [Base 20 Speed][ 2000 HP/ MP 1000] [Strengths/ Weakness] Its prowess in physical impact or destruction power is equal to an S-rank, in DMG; however its major flaw of in creation, is its over-heating (i.e, for each turn without utilizing its cooling tools, it receives '2pts', if more than 5 points are registered, it will overheat becoming ineffective/ shutdown) processing, so as counter measures it requires multiple cooling vents and equipment (Fire Jutsu DMG done, is increased by a factor of x3). The body and legs equal 50% of the Mech's health in a combined contribute to make an accumulative total of 100% it's whole health. In literal total, each limb is 200 HP while the whole upper body supported by these limbs is 1000 HP with critical (Core) held within, do note: limbs don't experience 'over-heating'. Each limb destroyed reduces the mech's speed and reaction by a total of 20%. [Behavior/ History] Unknown. It's a relic of the past that was long forgotten. It houses power equal to Shinobi in certain aspects and greater in others, none know of how it was made and how such futuristic technology without the use of chakra could exist! [Speciality: True War Machine ] This is an old ancient perk that none know of it, rather its future-like computation abilities that predict the best corse of action based on its system's data. The deathbringer has 4 move slots per turn!

[Jutsu// Arsenals]
These are the weapons installed within the mech, without any chakra, these weapons deal considerable damage equal to some of the ninjutsu and sometimes greater! Barriers/seals that prevent chakra or chakra sensing that reacts on such matters will not sense these attacks. Space-time ninjutsu that attempts to draft these attacks, will succumb to the attacks due to the Anti-matter coating throughout the mech inhibiting such methods. EMP is ineffective against the attacks as while so the mech in return.

System Tool List

[NPC] Threat Class: Severe - Witch of the lands, Elie'nouma
[Abilities] She has human level intelligent, [base 10 speed] level, having [200 health/ 2000 chakra], with access to the [five basic elements] as well as [Poison Ninjutsu], [Basic Ninjutsu], [Taijutsu], [Kenjutsu], and [Genjutsu]. Additionally, she has access to [Sage mode: Sea serpent] & [KG]: Seauryūgan. Uniquely, she has an ability which would be considered a [Flight Technique Jutsu] as well as her passive ability to mix [Poison] in all her elemental jutsu releases. Her specialties include [Increased Tracking Specialist], [Increased Combat Specialist], [Apex Speed Specialist].

[Personality] Elie can be summed up as a factual being, she holds nothing but facts as absolute truth. Protecting her home lands in efforts to help prepare the place for her Great Mother's return. She holds great disdain for shinobi and is more than eager to challenge them. Cruel to nothing born from the land, she holds tight control of her territory. She enjoys a comedic approach to augments, however she is very canning. Despite being I charge of protection of the section of the land given to her, she tends to let things occur as she watches the intruders before snipping them down.

[History] To the people of the land, she is known as one of the defenders for the Great Mother. Being a diverse army of shamanists, necromancers, and sorcerers in the Shard, Grand Necromancers, the four individuals that caused the crisis of Conqueror’s End in the year 811 have students that are assigned tasks to carry out to be accepted into the inner cycle of the plans. Elie just happened to be a student that was given a task to keep intruders out of the land. She has been doing so for a couple of years, until a shinobi landed upon her lands.

[Jutsu// Arsenals]
These are the Jutsu/ tools crafted by the individuals in their life's work. Uniquely special in many ways and quite personal, for the limits of what they can create is solely set by their own minds.

Shinobi Custom Arts

[NPC] Threat Class: Alpha - "KouZone's Ultimate Wild Flower", Igarasi Tiba
[Abilities] She has above average human level intelligent, [base 10 speed] level, having [200 health/ 1000 chakra], with access to the [five basic elements] as well as [Flower Adv. Ninjutsu], [Scorch Release], [Blast Release], [Lava Release (All-Variations)], [Basic Ninjutsu], [Taijutsu], [Kenjutsu], and [Genjutsu]. Uniquely, she has an ability to 'Sense chakra' which would be considered a [Chakra Sensing Technique] as her passive ability without chakra cost. Her other specialties include [Increased Tracking Specialist], [Increased Combat Specialist], [Apex Speed Specialist] and [Flower Botanist]: She becomes able to convert any plant-life substance into 'Flower pedals' by forcing a an extreme transformation mutation upon touch, passively after a one turn!

Personality] She is a focused individual who believes in her job. She is relentless and a determined and will not weaver in combat, she is willing to do anything and everything to win a fight. Struggling is something she violently hates and is shrewd at a fault. Nothing has ever escaped her and has lived with that pride, for she is a shinobi through and through. Tiba hates losing therefore has horned her skills to the best, she can be. Even when she knows the truth, she'll seek to accomplish her missions regardless with flawless victories. Simply put, she Loves to win. At times she is known to love the pain inflicted upon her and is sort of addict to that. Enjoys being controlled by her slave master, and wishes to be with them for the rest of her slave life.

[History] Not much is known of her, she is however known in the underground. She used to be a slave of the underground, however now she rans free with the gang that bought her, she aims to free all the slaves and seeks to rule the underground while still being her boss's pet. She is the second leader of the KouZone gang that hates the 'S-crime' gang. The feud between these two gangs have always went back to back, coincidently when the KouZone gang had acquired her and were sure to succeed in the turf-wars. The 'S-crime' gang suddenly they too acquired a shinobi of a similar caliber, however still the KouZone gang reigns over the 'S-crime' gang. This has always been the nature, even with things were neck to neck, now the future is rapidly changing with how recently 'S-crime' has operated. She aims to return 'S-crime' back into their own place.

[Jutsu// Arsenals]
These are the Jutsu/ tools crafted by the individuals in their life's work. Uniquely special in many ways and quite personal, for the limits of what they can create is solely set by their own minds. [Flower Adv. Ninjutsu] is a similar version of [Sand Ninjutsu]/[Wood Release] mix (has weakness of Lightening, Wind release and strength against Water, Earth Release), therefore by reconstructing/ translating a canon Sand jutsu into flower pedals jutsu or using pollen effects from wood release as subcategory, one can further understand the applications of her jutsu ( for further questions, ask @Rucken ).

Shinobi Custom Arts
(Hana Ninpou: Hana no Jutsu) - Flower Ninja Art: Flower Jutsu Technique
Type: Offensive, Supplementary, Defensive
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 15-40 (-15 to sustain jutsu per turn)
Damage Points: 30-80 (+20 to Flower Ninjutsu and all-related Ninjutsu)
Description: The User release a surge of Flower-ninjutsu chakra around any part of their body to summon and contorl an enormous volume of flower pedals or by releasing flower pedals from their own body, and also at will they can manipulate existing Flowers also. Creating all sorts of razor sharp flower pedal heads that slice the everything they are close at. At will, the user can release these flowers in a stream of sorts from their hands (even from body-movements) for offensive/Supplementary/defensive purposes, even in enormous amounts. This can be combined with other jutsu like Flower Arts/ any-related flower ninjutsu jutsu to give them +1 rank in damage up to S rank within the same timeframe.
Note: While Jutsu is sustained (for up to 3 turns), Users can only utilize Flower jutsu chakra or related Flower art style Ninjutsu only, 2 turn cool down.

(Hana Shibuki) - Flower Spread
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A (+20 to Flower Ninjutsu)
Description: Wielded by Igarasi Tiba, the fan blade utilizes various exploding tags, contained within a substantial self replenishing scroll, in order to incorporate explosions into the user's own Flower ninjutsu, earning it the title of "Flower-bloom". The fan sword itself features two distinct sides, with a narrow cutting edge located down the entirety of one length and a wide flat fan platform section on the other. The aforementioned scroll unrolls along this latter side, sliding downwards and resting atop its surface to form an individual segment comprised from numerous exploding tags, which separates from the remainder upon detonation (compared to a toilet paper scroll where you rip a segment of to use). Only once the desired opponent comes into contact with the platform, do the exploding tags (which can passively attach along side other flower pedal ninjutsu) which finally ignite and then detach, providing a small opportunity for the user to escape the devastating blast radius, while simultaneously compensating for any resultant recoil. The sword is seemingly able to reload another segment of tags onto the platform, automatically after each strike. The blasts are strong enough to blow at least three people away in front of the user. The sword itself is very resilient to damage to the point of being nearly indestructible.
Note: The power of the explosion is A-Rank and counts as a move.
Note: The user doesn't, apparently, suffer any damage or is otherwise affected by the explosions.

(Kinjutsu no Juinjutsu: Hayaguchikotoba Shīru) - Forbidden Jutsu of the Cursed Seal Technique: Underground Slave Seal (Upon her Chest)
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/ Defensive
Rank: Forbidden
Range: N/a
Chakra: N/a
Damage: N/A (-50 dmg to victims per turn)
Description: This is an advanced form of Kinjutsu and a Cursed Seal, one that was imprinted into all slaves of the Underground bought by ToR Faction, led by by Onzō Kiyaura. To ensure no information, escapee, and/or disobedience could ever transpire without an overseer in the Underground. When the wearer of this Cursed Seal dares to speak about anything incriminating related to Underground, or their current master and while so any further additional orders; their entire body will be paralysed, taking away their ability to speak or move. This act will further inform the master (mentally) of the Cursed Seal's activation in repose to the bearer, giving them locational means to find them. In the place it is applied, it takes the shape of '+' shape with a kanji for 'slave' under it. The seal's effect can also be applied during combat against their opponents, as it can be secretly placed on the opponent's body upon momentary physical contact. When the user activates it, the curse seal's marks spread around the opponent's body, inducing a mental strain which is quite painful as it ultimately paralyses them. However, they can break free from the seal with a strong enough release of chakra (F-rank). After the slave dies, the seals disappears from their body. Can only be created by the underground, through Kinjutsu methods.
Note: Unsealable, attempt results in host's death.
Note: Opponents affected by the cursed seal, effects last for 4 turns.

[NPC] Threat Class: Charlie - Witch of the lands, Elie'nouma
[Abilities] She has human level intelligent, [base 10 speed] level, having [200 health/ 2000 chakra], with access to the [five basic elements] as well as [Poison Ninjutsu], [Basic Ninjutsu], [Taijutsu], [Kenjutsu], and [Genjutsu]. Additionally, she has access to [Sage mode: Sea serpent] & [KG]: Seauryūgan. Uniquely, she has an ability which would be considered a [Flight Technique Jutsu] as well as her passive ability to mix [Poison] in all her elemental jutsu releases. Her specialties include [Increased Tracking Specialist], [Increased Combat Specialist], [Apex Speed Specialist].

[Personality] Elie can be summed up as a factual being, she holds nothing but facts as absolute truth. Protecting her home lands in efforts to help prepare the place for her Great Mother's return. She holds great disdain for shinobi and is more than eager to challenge them. Cruel to nothing born from the land, she holds tight control of her territory. She enjoys a comedic approach to augments, however she is very canning. Despite being I charge of protection of the section of the land given to her, she tends to let things occur as she watches the intruders before snipping them down.

[History] To the people of the land, she is known as one of the defenders for the Great Mother. Being a diverse army of shamanists, necromancers, and sorcerers in the Shard, Grand Necromancers, the four individuals that caused the crisis of Conqueror’s End in the year 811 have students that are assigned tasks to carry out to be accepted into the inner cycle of the plans. Elie just happened to be a student that was given a task to keep intruders out of the land. She has been doing so for a couple of years, until a shinobi landed upon her lands.

[Jutsu// Arsenals]
These are the Jutsu/ tools crafted by the individuals in their life's work. Uniquely special in many ways and quite personal, for the limits of what they can create is solely set by their own minds.

Shinobi Custom Arts

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[NPC] Threat Class: (Varies from C to F class) "War Mob"
[Jutsu// Arsenals]
The sheer magnitude of numbers make Taijutsu quite ineffective against the mob's sheer amount of numbers: if opponent utilizes Taijutsu, they'll spend x3 the chakra amount (proportional to Taijutsu rank, even if no chakra cost) to effectively counter this jutsu. Other means of quickly dispatching his mob is through using a jutsu of equal rank to the mob along with a Long range reach. The enemies in numbers as the 'war crowd' make it impossible to cast genjutsu among the amasses. The user will use this once every other turn (Passive). Can be split up, until there's only one C-rank amount left.
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