[ARCHIVE] Custom Elements Bureau - II

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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element Japanese name: Aseton

Custom element English name: Acetone Release

The element is based on:

Water + Fire + Wind+Chakra Control

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

In the Real World, every human being produces a small amount of Acetone from our bodies. The Acetone is created normally through normal metabolic processes. It is mainly present in the blood and urine of a human. Pregnant women, nursing mothers and children have higher levels of acetone which also can be harnessed through chakra control. Acetone is also released in the environment from plants, trees, volcanic gases, forest fires, and as a product of the breakdown of body fat.

Naturally in the Narutoverse these exist, where children are born, volcanoes and trees and plants naturally giving off the element. In all of these beings, chakra exists and as such the Acetone in these organic constructions can be manipulated through the use of chakra.

How it works:

By combining the users water chakra into the user’s body or into other organic material near the user (trees, earth or plants etc.) will combine the naturally producing Acetone, and using chakra manipulation can produce the acetone from the body or from the ground. The acetone when exposed to the open, gives off natural vapors in which the user cannot control, however they can use it in order to produce genjutsu using it as a medium by infusing more chakra into the existing vapor. The acetone chakra once completely made, can be then manipulated in its liquid state.

Main Release: The acetone when released by the user or manipulated appears in a translucent colored state with the color having a slight green hue towards it. Using the water chakra aspect of the acetone chakra, the user can manipulate it into states such as weapons, shields and other structures. When it’s being manipulated like this, its placed in an almost solid state but follows the principals of water release still being able to be destroyed and not being full materialized.

Alternative Release: The acetone naturally gives off vapor when produced and exposed. The user can control the released vapor, and in which they can create more solidified forms of the vapor. This form of the vapor is also highly flammable. The user will use its wind chakra and chakra control at this point in time in order to produce the more solid state of the vapor.

Explosive Release: While in its liquidized or using the vapor that is naturally released from the acetone, the user can infuse his fire chakra when producing the acetone along with his/her water chakra to allow the acetone to cause explosions in areas. This form can only be done with the natural acetone in the ground and not from the body.

Jutsu Usage Examples:
(Aseton: Aston no Jutsu)- Acetone Release: Acetone Technique
Rank: C-A
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 30
Damage: 60
Conditions to be able to use it: The user will channel there Aceton chakra into there body or into the ground, and will then manipulate it in order to create a liquid form of Aceton in the shape of ninja tools, small structures or small shields in order to use in combat.

Must have completed Water, Fire and Wind Training

Is weak to:

Lightning due to the fact that it is still a liquid, and as such would destroy the acetone.
Earth due to the solid structure of earth is to hard for the Acetone to combat at.

Is strong against:

Fire only makes it more flammable, thus being immune to fire and would increase its power.
Water doesnt effect the acetone as its main release used water, and would not be effected by it.
Wind allows the vapors to spread faster and wider.


Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?


✗ Declined: Simply poorly explained. Your proof is very shallow and since when does everything have chakra? Aceton is not something you just pull out like that in large quantities from your environment. There's a reason why this is mainly created in laboratories. So no proof, no explanation and the moment you start adding genjutsu to it, by default it will be declined.

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Active member
May 12, 2011
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element Japanese name: モリブデン - Moribuden

Custom element English name:
Liquid Molybdenum

The element is based on:

This element is based on the use of fire and earth elements combined. The user will use their earth chakra drawing on the molybdenum molecules in the earth and in the air while adding their fire chakra in huge masses to create molybdenum in its liquid form. Molydenum has one of the highest melting points so it takes alot of fire chakra to keep it in its liquid state.

The metal is silvery white, very hard transition metal, but is softer and more ductile than tungsten. Scheele discovered it in 1778. It was often confused with graphite and lead ore. It has a high elastic modulus, and only tungsten and tantalum, of the more readily available metals, have higher melting points. Molybdenum has one of the highest melting points of all pure elements. Molybdenum is attacked slowly by acids.

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

We have seen many ninja use variants of metals in their solid form, examples of this is the use of steel release and iron sand, gold dust. Showing that it is possible to draw on metals and create them at will.

While controlling the the metal itself is one thing. Being able to control its exteme heat is another. But it has been shown that it is possible to create these extreme heats and maintain them through the use of lava release and the use of advanced fire jutsu.

Combining the knowledge of both the user can draw on the molybdenum in the ground and atmostphere and heat them wtih their fire chakra creating the liquid Molybdenum with a temperature of 2000 degrees.

How it works:

The user combines their use of earth an fire release to create the liquid molybdenum.

The way it works is the user will use its extreme heat and density to attack and defend much like one would use lava. If an opponent gets close to it the heat it gives off from a short range would be enough to give first degree burns. The user will control their chakra within the element to push the heat outwards from themself to stop them from severly burning themselves, much like when a ninja uses fire release from their mouth. The heat doesn't burn their throat due to the chakra control the exert.

Jutsu Usage Examples:

(Moribuden - Bind ) : Liquid molybdenum - Bind
Type: Attack
Rank: A-Rank
Range: Short - mid
Chakra: 30
Description: The user will perform one handseal causing liquid molybdenum to shoot up from the ground below their target binding them in an orb or liquid molybdenum burning them alive in the orb. This is much like the Water Release: Gushing Water Imprisonment.

Note: Useable 3 times
Note: Creates its own liquid molybdenum source

Conditions to be able to use it:

Must have mastered fire and earth.

Is weak to:
Water - When large amounts of water hit liquid Molybdenum, it would cool it turning it to a solid, but at the same time release alot of steam due to the intense heat.

Lightning - Lightning is able to cut through it, or blast through it in its discharged form

Is strong against:
Wind - Wind would just fuel the heat in liquid Molybdenum, much like when you blow on the smoldering coals of a fire.

Earth - The extreme heat would burn through earth with ease

Fire - Adding more heat to liquid molybdenum would just help keep it in its liquid state

Co-creator: The pervy sage

Students I passed this custom element on too: AnbuJunior & ~zeref~


✗ Declined: Overall seen very poorly explained and very poor proof. You just gave some superficial explanations and quickly copy pasted some sentences from wikipedia. This is especially important considering this is a metal and I only approve new metals if they are somehow unique from the already existing ones, while this submission can be used for a lot of metals.

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Mar 18, 2013
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Resubmitting, edited according to criteria stated.

Custom element Japanese name: Hokkyoku āsurirīsu | 北極アースリリース
Custom element English name: Arctic Earth | Arctic Earth Release
The element is based on: Water+Wind+Earth
Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

Permafrost or cryotic soil is perennially frozen ground that remains at or below zero degrees Celsius (32 degrees Fahrenheit) for two or more years and forms in regions where the mean annual temperature is colder than zero degrees Celsius. Permafrost underlies about 20 percent of the land in the Northern Hemisphere and is widespread within the Arctic Ocean’s vast continental shelves and in parts of Antarctica. Most of the world’s permafrost has been frozen for millennia and can be up to 5,000 feet thick.

Now in terms of the NV, lands such as Yukigakure and Land of Frost (land between Land of Hot Water and Land of Lightning where Naruto challenged the Raikage to desist his blood lust for Sasuke) should geologically possess this natural phenomenon. Given the lands of the NV has been around a very long time. It's very simple to grasp, as long as there is a slab of earth or section of earth constantly exposed to subzero temperatures permafrost will be formed. Sometimes deep within the soil (making it inaccessible at times) and sometimes right below the fauna, it all depends on the amount of time it took to make it.

How it works:
Although similar to the cannon release Arctic Earth varies in that it is actually made of frozen earth not frozen water. This special sub zero earth has been compressed and cooled to such low degrees for such long periods of time it has reached a state of absolute frost, meaning it is close to impossible to melt under traditional means and requires almost same amount of time for its creation for its destruction. That is, if a slab of permafrost took two years to become permafrost it would take approximately 10-15 years for its degrade. Contrary to popular belief, permafrost rarely melts and rather thaws as it contains a large percentage of substrate materials other than ice, it thaws rather than melts even as any ice content melts. These other substrate materials include earth metals, minerals, and other naturally occurring elements that can be found in regular earth, this means permafrost is actually impure in its chemistry makeup. However, when permafrost does melt there is a release of gasses and all the impurities that contributed to its creation. This would mean, the element consists of Water, Wind and Earth, making it somewhat a Kekkei Tōta. How it works is by cooling the earth to the point where normal water would be frozen and using its normal moist composition the water and earth is frozen at the same time giving birth to a special type of earth which has not only soil but other impurities as aforementioned in its spacial cognizance. This affects the purity of the ice which in turn highers the melting point and adding strength, this also means that Arctic Earth is not as translucent as normal ice but instead has silvery shallow water look. Exposure to permafrost through direct contact with the skin can leave devastating blotches of frostbitten flesh due to the sheer frigidity of the substance.

Permafrost is essentially a delicate equality of soil and water in the same state of matter being solid. However, there are times when ice can be at a higher ratio than soil and vice versa. This determines not just the fidelity of the frozen earth but its purpose can change according to this ratio. With a higher ice to earth ratio permafrost is considered massive ice, this would make it much more delicate but in return sharp and frigid being easier to be molded by a shinobi. Alternately, a higher earth to ice ratio would make it more blunt and act just like earth but at a much cooler temperature and with much more compactness meaning it wouldn't shatter or cave in like regular earth would as frozen water holds it in place firmly. Instead of being individual earth particles amalgamating to a general shape permafrost is actually earth with frozen water and other minerals inside its composition which would make it a solid rather than particles suspended in a frozen solution. In addition to heightening the melting point, the frozen impurities such as water and other earth metals and minerals in the composition of Arctic Earth also lowers it freezing point making it much more frigid to the touch than regular ice and also increases the durability of its formations. Because of its unique composition, Arctic Earth can be formed from both water (by the user adding his Doton chakra a catalyst to simulate soil in its formation) and earth (by the user using his Suiton chakra as the catalyst to add moisture to the earth while super cooling it in mere seconds). Also, Arctic Earth has much more density and weight than regular earth with the ice component giving it the sheer crushing power similar to earth jutsu. Despite its bulky make up, the user can still morph it into a shape of his choice similar to normal Doton, Mokuton and Hyōton shape manipulation.

Usage Examples:
(Hokkyoku āsurirīsu : Sōzō)- Arctic Release: Creation
Rank: C
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 15
Damage: N/A
Description: Using his Hokkyoku āsurirīsu chakra the user will cause a tool or object of his imagination (and limited by logic and the NV of course) to spring from either the earth he is standing on or a water source. This happens quite quickly and can be mistaken for teleporting objects. The objects created are completely composed of permafrost and hence carry the same strengths and weaknesses.

(Hokkyoku āsurirīsu : Hādona tachiba)- Arctic Earth Release: Hard Footing
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra cost: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user will focus his Hokkyoku āsurirīsu chakra in the ground below his opponent causing it to turn into permafrost. The surface of this area is very slippery and can cause them to lose footing if not countered properly. The formation is limited to a short ranged disk beneath the foot of the target (5 meters in diameter) while it is capable of affecting targets up to mid ranged of the user.

(Hokkyoku āsurirīsu: Akumanohōyō)- Arctic Earth: A Demon's Embrace
Rank: A
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user will will cause four frozen earth structures humanoid in shape to sprout from the ground around the opponent holding him in place at his back, left, right, and at the front. While in this 'embrace' the user's body temperature is significantly lowered due to the frigidity of Arctic Earth to the point where his very bodily actions will slow (heart rate, muscle movement, blood circulation). With the opponent in place the figures will begin to merge creating a extra personal ice prison that shapes around his body leaving no room for even air. To break free from this trap the opponent would need an outside force to help as almost all of his body is delicately covered by the four figures hugging around him. He has also very limited view of the outside world due to the obstructing earth particles that make up the frozen earth (permafrost).

Conditions to be able to use it:
Mastery over Fuuton, Suiton, and Doton. And at least Kage level chakra control

Is weak to:
Mokuton: Although very harsh, plants have been seen to grow through permafrost giving its weakness away to the obvious Mokuton (Wood Release)

Lightning: Having both earth and ice in its makeup Arctic Earth, unfortunately, falls prey to lightning.

Earth: Although capable of blunt damage, due to its ice makeup Arctic Earth is quite fragile on the molecular level, and as such earth and any other blunt damage release is capable of shattering it.

Is strong against:
Katon and heat variations: Permafrost has a very high melting point due to its impurities. This is another point where it varies from regular ice and can attack flames one rank higher and below.

Wind and Suiton and their variations: Almost like an absolute defense, Permafrost is known to trap methane gas under its formations for millions of years (even as we speak in some oceans) and with very little space within its composition, air and any gas type of release is incapable of passing through its dense formation. This also proves the resilience of the substance towards liquid by not allowing it to pass through with its non porous build.

Decay: Permafrost can retain its fidelity for millions of years regardless of weather conditions or molecular disturbances. And it's also been proven to house long dead organisms while preventing them from rotting.

Ice: Although similar to, permafrost is significantly more dense than ice and can damage the release with little to know effort. Thanks to earth metals and minerals filling its spatial composition.

Crystal: Too fragile for the likes of frozen earth, Arctic Earth shatters the release with little to no effort.

Sound: Having a higher density than regular earth Arctic Earth is able to withstand high frequency waves that would otherwise shatter regular ice, this is because of it's earthen particles acting as shock and sound absorbents throughout its makeup.

Co-creator: Gutsy Jiraiya
Students I passed this custom element on too: Six Paths & ?


✗ Declined: This is a CE, not a KG or KT so to avoid confusing don't make references to KG or KT. Also this is not an ice element, this is an earth element. You have got an entire paragraph about how the ratio ice/earth which I don't get what it's doing there as you can't change that ratio. We already have the ice element, so this one can only be earth based. If you want to look at it differently it should be the opposite of lava, which is molten rock, this should be frozen rock. This is frozen earth, so you are not going to be able to transform water into permafrost. Also something like that doesn't happen by inserting only one of the elemental natures into the substance. You use your permafrost chakra for that. You infuse your permafrost chakra into the earth to change it.

Resubmitting, edited to criteria. Didn't have to bold much as all I did was remove the referrences to KG and KT, as well as rejoining the sentence gaps.

Custom element Japanese name: Hokkyoku āsurirīsu | 北極アースリリース
Custom element English name: Arctic Earth | Arctic Earth Release
The element is based on: Water+Wind+Earth
Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

Permafrost or cryotic soil is perennially frozen ground that remains at or below zero degrees Celsius (32 degrees Fahrenheit) for two or more years and forms in regions where the mean annual temperature is colder than zero degrees Celsius. Permafrost underlies about 20 percent of the land in the Northern Hemisphere and is widespread within the Arctic Ocean’s vast continental shelves and in parts of Antarctica. Most of the world’s permafrost has been frozen for millennia and can be up to 5,000 feet thick.

Now in terms of the NV, lands such as Yukigakure and Land of Frost (land between Land of Hot Water and Land of Lightning where Naruto challenged the Raikage to desist his blood lust for Sasuke) should geologically possess this natural phenomenon. Given the lands of the NV has been around a very long time. It's very simple to grasp, as long as there is a slab of earth or section of earth constantly exposed to subzero temperatures permafrost will be formed. Sometimes deep within the soil (making it inaccessible at times) and sometimes right below the fauna, it all depends on the amount of time it took to make it.

How it works:
Although similar to the cannon release Arctic Earth varies in that it is actually made of frozen earth not frozen water. This special sub zero earth has been compressed and cooled to such low degrees for such long periods of time it has reached a state of absolute frost, meaning it is close to impossible to melt under traditional means and requires almost same amount of time for its creation for its destruction. That is, if a slab of permafrost took two years to become permafrost it would take approximately 10-15 years for its degrade. Contrary to popular belief, permafrost rarely melts and rather thaws as it contains a large percentage of substrate materials other than ice, it thaws rather than melts even as any ice content melts. These other substrate materials include earth metals, minerals, and other naturally occurring elements that can be found in regular earth, this means permafrost is actually impure in its chemistry makeup. However, when permafrost does melt there is a release of gasses and all the impurities that contributed to its creation. This would mean, the element consists of Water, Wind and Earth. How it works is by cooling the earth to the point where normal water would be frozen and using its normal moist composition the earth is frozen giving birth to a special type of earth. This means that Arctic Earth is not as translucent as normal ice but instead has silvery shallow water look. Exposure to permafrost through direct contact with the skin can leave devastating blotches of frostbitten flesh due to the sheer frigidity of the substance.

Alternately, being frozen soil would make it more blunt and act just like earth but at a much cooler temperature and with much more compactness meaning it wouldn't shatter or cave in like regular earth would as frozen water holds it in place firmly. Instead of being individual earth particles amalgamating to a general shape permafrost is actually earth with frozen water and other minerals inside its composition which would make it a solid rather than particles suspended in a frozen solution. In addition to heightening the melting point, the frozen impurities such as water and other earth metals and minerals in the composition of Arctic Earth also lowers it freezing point making it much more frigid to the touch than regular ice and also increases the durability of its formations. Because of its unique composition, Arctic Earth can be formed from earth (by the user infusing his Arctic Earth chakra as the catalyst to add moisture to the earth while while also super cooling it in mere seconds). Also, Arctic Earth has much more density and weight than regular earth with the ice component giving it the sheer crushing power similar to earth jutsu. Despite its bulky make up, the user can still morph it into a shape of his choice similar to normal Doton, Mokuton and Hyōton shape manipulation.

Usage Examples:
(Hokkyoku āsurirīsu : Sōzō)- Arctic Release: Creation
Rank: C
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 15
Damage: N/A
Description: Using his Hokkyoku āsurirīsu chakra the user will cause a tool or object of his imagination (and limited by logic and the NV of course) to spring from either the earth he is standing on or a water source. This happens quite quickly and can be mistaken for teleporting objects. The objects created are completely composed of permafrost and hence carry the same strengths and weaknesses.

(Hokkyoku āsurirīsu : Hādona tachiba)- Arctic Earth Release: Hard Footing
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra cost: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user will focus his Hokkyoku āsurirīsu chakra in the ground below his opponent causing it to turn into permafrost. The surface of this area is very slippery and can cause them to lose footing if not countered properly. The formation is limited to a short ranged disk beneath the foot of the target (5 meters in diameter) while it is capable of affecting targets up to mid ranged of the user.

(Hokkyoku āsurirīsu: Akumanohōyō)- Arctic Earth: A Demon's Embrace
Rank: A
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user will will cause four frozen earth structures humanoid in shape to sprout from the ground around the opponent holding him in place at his back, left, right, and at the front. While in this 'embrace' the user's body temperature is significantly lowered due to the frigidity of Arctic Earth to the point where his very bodily actions will slow (heart rate, muscle movement, blood circulation). With the opponent in place the figures will begin to merge creating a extra personal ice prison that shapes around his body leaving no room for even air. To break free from this trap the opponent would need an outside force to help as almost all of his body is delicately covered by the four figures hugging around him. He has also very limited view of the outside world due to the obstructing earth particles that make up the frozen earth (permafrost).

Conditions to be able to use it:
Mastery over Fuuton, Suiton, and Doton. And at least Kage level chakra control

Is weak to:
Mokuton: Although very harsh, plants have been seen to grow through permafrost giving its weakness away to the obvious Mokuton (Wood Release)

Lightning and storm: Having both earth and ice in its makeup Arctic Earth, unfortunately, falls prey to lightning and storm.

Earth and metals: Although capable of blunt damage, due to its ice makeup Arctic Earth is quite fragile on the molecular level, and as such earth and any other blunt damage release is capable of shattering it.

Is strong against:
Katon: Permafrost has a very high melting point due to its impurities. This is another point where it varies from regular earth.

Wind and Suiton and their variations: Almost like an absolute defense, Permafrost is known to trap methane gas under its formations for millions of years (even as we speak in some oceans) and with very little space within its composition, air and any gas type of release is incapable of passing through its dense formation. This also proves the resilience of the substance towards liquid by not allowing it to pass through with its non porous build.

Decay: Permafrost can retain its fidelity for millions of years regardless of weather conditions or molecular disturbances. And it's also been proven to house long dead organisms while preventing them from rotting.

Ice: Although similar to, permafrost is significantly more dense than ice and can damage the release with little to know effort. Thanks to earth metals and minerals filling its spatial composition.

Crystal: Too fragile for the likes of frozen earth, Arctic Earth shatters the release with little to no effort.

Sound: Having a higher density than regular earth Arctic Earth is able to withstand high frequency waves that would otherwise shatter regular ice, this is because of it's earthen particles acting as shock and sound absorbents throughout its makeup.

Co-creator: Gutsy Jiraiya
Students I passed this custom element on too: Six Paths & Ańbu Juniør

P a t e n t C e r t i f i c a t e

I, Caliburn, head of the Custom Elements Bureau, declare for all men to hear that I give you the following:

Zaphkiel, our loyal member, gave on the date July 28th 2015 a request for a Patent on his custom element (Arctic Earth); after reading the submission, I decided that the submitted element satisfies all requirements, and am therefore giving him his rightfully earned Patent on this element by the following;

Hokkyoku āsurirīsu

Powered by Caliburn

Copyright © 2015, Zaphkiel, NarutoBase.net

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Detective L

Active member
Jan 10, 2013
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

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Custom element Japanese name: Kurofomuton

Custom element English name: Chloroform Release

The element is based on: Earth + Water + Precise Chakra Control

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

According to , 90% of the world's choroform production are from natural occurences. It goes further and reveals that chloroform is emitted in large quantity from the earth itself and from water bodies through fungi and seaweeds respectively.
Narutoverse can be easily inculcated into this as there is little to no difference in both worlds in terms of natural occurences. Thus in Narutoverse, Chloroform can naturally exist or be extracted due to the existence of seaweeds from lakes, sea, and even shallow pools of water, and different types of Fungi in the soil, one of them which is mushroom. While this already gave us the basis that chloroform is possible, we can not forget the fact that chloroform is also a material used in the hospital for surgery. We've seen the hospital in konohagakure and has been shown many times and surgery sessions of known and unknown shinobis. Also shown in Naruto, is the fact that shinobis are capable of reaching into the Earth for specific materials even when they are available in small quantities or perhaps in this case, large quantity. Example of such feat is Kitshuchi's Open Rising Evacuation.

In conclusion, with all that have been said as proof, I am quite sure chloroform is something of an abundant entity/substance that can be easily woven and extracted in the Naruto universe.
References: | |

How it works:

Chloroform is a dense, nonflammable, colorless liquid with a pleasant ether-like smell and sweet taste. Chloroform can be created from one's body by simultaneously combining both his earth and water chakra in perfect ratio. With the mixture of both chakra natures, the user forms a unique chakra nature through which he is able to form and expunge chloroform either from his mouth or from any part of his body. The user can instead of creating chloroform from within himself, bring forth/extract and manipulate chloroform from earth and water source. This can be done by simply channeling chloroform chakra into the said source and thus create and bring forth pure chloroform from within them.

Chloroform has two unique releases. A main release where chloroform is purely liquid and non volatile except at high temperature. The second is an alternate form of chloroform release where it is rather volatile when exposed to air at room temperature. Although in this form, it is still liquid albeit a bit akin to gas. It is however a liquid that has been broken down into the smallest molecules and thus can be easily inhaled like a gas.

Main Release

Chloroform in this form is a non volatilized liquid. Although its still toxic when ingested by a living organism through the mouth or when it enters the blood stream through open wounds. It is a rather supplementary and defensive form as it is now a very potent solvent of many subtances. It can be used to dissolve fats, oils, rubber, alkaloids, waxes and resins.

Also having being used universally for pesticide formulations and grain fumigants, it works as insects deterent. It works also as a cleansing agent thus can be used to denature microbial organisms. Chloroform is also a known and major solvent in fire extinguishers.

Alternate Releases:

Unlike the main release, Chloroform is released in a more volatilized form and looks more like a gas though still liquid. A typical example is the mist which is perhaps still water but is more akin to aerosol. Although, not in anyway blinding like mists, Choloroform in this form is toxic to the respiratory organs, cardiovascular organs, kidney and liver when inhaled in an uncontrolled quantity. Effects like diziness to head congestion could occur with the sligtest of inhalation while a larger dose may cause affects from feeling faint, deep full anaesthesia, apnoea or even death. Extent of toxicity, oral or inhalation would be mentioned in the respective jutsu. A controlled quantity of the alternate release of chloroform can be used as simulated anesthetics. A genjutsu that is induced through inhalation of chloroform. This genjutsu makes it look like someone has been relieved of pain.

Usage Examples:

Chloroform Release: Chloroform Constructs
Rank: A
Type: Sup/Offense/Def
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user makes a single hand seal and create constructs/tools of main release of chloroform from earth or water sources. He can create them likewise from his body and shape them into useful tools limited to his imagination. Balls, blades, spikes, etc.

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery of Earth and Water + Precise Chakra Control.

Is weak to:

Earth: Although denser than water, Chloroform is still weak to earth in term of density
Lightning: Because chloroform is denser than water, it makes it more conductive of lightning than water.
Solid Metal and CE Variant: Same as Earth

Is strong against:

Fire: Chloroform is a natural fire extinguisher
Wind: Chloroform is denser than water, which makes it play stonger when compared to water/wind relation. Also the alternate release of chloroform make winds a rather good medium for dispersal.
Water: Chloroform is denser than water and easily contaminates water.
Alkaloids: Examples are Nicotine, Cafeine, Steriods, Cocaine etc.
Fungi Dissolves it.
Capsaiscin: Dissolves it
Acids, Fats, Oils, Rubber, Wax: Dissolves them

Co-creator: Priest
Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?


✗ Declined: I was already planning to write an entire paragraph about how I find the proof meh meh, about the contradictions, about how the reasoning about fire being a strength is very wrong....but then I saw the genjutsu part. Then seriously forget it.

-Changed a lot (still bold it though)
-Removed the Genjutsu part.
-Also kept it to one state.

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Custom element Japanese name: Kurofomuton

Custom element English name: Chloroform Release

The element is based on: Lightning + Fire + Precise Chakra Control

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

According to , 90% of the world's choroform production are from natural occurrences. It goes further and reveals that chloroform is emitted in large quantity from the earth itself and from water bodies through fungi and seaweeds respectively.

Narutoverse can be easily inculcated into this as there is little to no difference in both worlds in terms of natural occurrences. One could also look at Yagura the Three Tails Jinchuuriki, who had the ability to manipulate Corals, which is only found in the deepest parts of the ocean, but also co-exist with seaweeds which contain said Chloroform. Thus in Narutoverse, Chloroform can naturally exist or be extracted due to the existence of seaweeds from lakes, sea, and even shallow pools of water, and different types of Fungi in the soil, one of them which is mushroom. While this already gave us the basis that chloroform is possible, we can not forget the fact that chloroform is also a material used in the hospital for surgery. We've seen the hospital in Konohagakure and has been shown many times and surgery sessions of known and unknown shinobis.

In conclusion, with all that have been said as proof, I am quite sure chloroform is something of an abundant entity/substance that can be easily woven and extracted in the Naruto universe.
References: | |

How it works:

Chloroform can be created by ionizing the water with Lightning based chakra to liberate Chlorine from it. This exposes the Chlorine to the Methane found in the air, and one would then use Fire based chakra to combine the Chlorine and Methane found in the air (heating it to around 400-500 degrees celcius). This is done in the same way that Chloroform is created in the laboratory.

Chloroform is a dense, nonflammable, colorless liquid with a pleasant ether-like smell and sweet taste. Chloroform is toxic when ingested by a living organism through the mouth or when it enters the blood stream through open wounds. It is a rather supplementary and defensive form as it is now a very potent solvent of many substances. It can be used to dissolve fats, oils, rubber, alkaloids, fungi, waxes and resins, and of course, its strength against Water and Wind also comes into play due to its density and thickness as a liquid. Chloroform is also neutral to Lightning, even though its able to conduct it.

Also having being used universally for pesticide formulations and grain fumigants, it works as insects detergent. It works also as a cleansing agent thus can be used to denature microbial organisms. When Chloroform is evaporated into a gaseous state, when inhaled, can cause the affected person's vision and hearing to start failing, can cause the opponent's body to go numb and even completely make the opponent lose consciousness. However, Chloroform can not be controlled in its gaseous state.

Usage Examples:

Chloroform Release: Constructs of Hephaestus
Rank: A
Type: Offensive | Supplementary | Defensive
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user makes a single hand seal and uses his Chloroform chakra to spew a massive wave of Chloroform which makes its way towards the opponent. The user will then be able to form another hand seal, and form said wave into a more focused form of Chloroform like a shape or construct, which impacts the opponent.

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery of Lightning + Fire + Precise Chakra Control.

Is weak to:

Fire: Chloroform has a low boiling point, thus it is weak to any Fire based elements.
Earth: Although denser than water, Chloroform is still weak to earth in term of density.
Solid Metal and CE Variant: Same as Earth.

Is strong against:

Wind: Chloroform is denser than water, which makes it play stronger when compared to water/wind relation.
Water: Chloroform's viscosity allows it to displace the Water, as it is thicker in its liquid form.
Alkaloids: Examples are Nicotine, Cafeine, Steriods, Cocaine etc.
Fungi Dissolves it.
Capsaiscin: Dissolves it
Acids, Fats, Oils, Rubber, Wax: Dissolves them

Co-creator: Priest
Students I passed this custom element on too: Akasha & ?

P a t e n t C e r t i f i c a t e

I, Caliburn, head of the Custom Elements Bureau, declare for all men to hear that I give you the following:

Detective L, our loyal member, gave on the date July 29th 2015 a request for a Patent on his custom element (Chloroform); after reading the submission, I decided that the submitted element satisfies all requirements, and am therefore giving him his rightfully earned Patent on this element by the following;

Powered by Caliburn
Copyright © 2015, Detective L, NarutoBase.net​

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Active member
Apr 24, 2013
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element Japanese name: Getsuton

Custom element english name: Moon Release

The element is based on: Earth|Lightning|Fire + Advanced Chakra Control

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):
The following CE achieved its name from its unique structure and color that resembled the color and structure of the moon's surface. What this element actually controls is the manipulation of the mineraloid known as fulgurites. Fulgurites. derived from the word fulgur which means thunder, are named as such because of how they are formed. Lightning which is one of the most spectacular natural occurrences in the world. When lightning strikes sand an extremely volatile and quick reaction takes place. In just one second the lightning travels through the path of least resistance and fuses the different minerals of the sand together along that path as temperatures exceed well beyond that melting point of sand. In that split second the reaction takes place and then it rapidly cools to form what are known as fulgurite tubes. Fulgurites can be created on the outside of a rock or surface(exogenic) or remain underground until excavated. Due to this relationship with lightning it is often considered to be fossilized lightning as it takes the shape and direction of the current from the lightning. Due to it becoming charged many sand particles remain attached to the fulgurite on the outside. This fact along with the violent reaction gives it a porrus, dull, spongey like appearance; however, on the inside it is made out of a smooth glassy like structure which is actually quite hard. Although not highlighted in Naruto, sand and lightning exist. It has most likely happened in that natural. In the supernatural Gaara has shown the ability to manipulate and create sand while many people have shown the ability to control Raiton. It should be possible to create and control fulgurites.

How it works:
Just like Naruto had to imagine grinding his chakra together the way to visualize Moon Chakra is grinding doton chakra to create sand and then punching through it with Katon and Raiton to create what will be known as Moon Chakra. Katon is needed because Raiton does not really behave like natural lightning persay, so to fuse the charged sand Katon must be used as well to complete the reaction and create the element. What makes this so special is that this element which originates from sand can contend with Raiton by taking advantage of the formation of fulgurite.

Source-Using the ground the user can manipulate the properties of earth so they can create fulgurites out of the ground. The ground itself does not need to be sand. It is also worthy to note that many structures can be created and they do not have to be tube like structures. These structures can be in a form that any Raiton jutsu can take since it depends on the path of conductivity as to which form it takes. Many of its structures will be of complicated nature.

Non Source-The user can knead chakra inside themselves to produce armors/weap
ons/projectiles much like certain earth jutsu.

Special Qualities

Against Raiton-Unlike most solids and sand, this element is strong against Raiton. The reason being is that when lightning strikes this element it will only add to the fulgurite. The user will even be able to petrify anothers lighting attacks by turning it into fulgurite when it collides with Moon chakra.

Speed-The process in which a fulgurite forms is extremely fast in that natural. It only takes one second for the reaction to take place and a few minutes to cool. When the user creates this through chakra the fulgurite follows the path of conductivity. If Raiton is considered the fastest of the basic elements then it would be safe to say the actual formation of fulgurite jutsu are just as fast (albeit slightly slower) even though it is only a solid. The speed and hardness of such attacks makes this such a potent force as it lives up to the moniker or fossilized lightning.

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery over Raiton, Earth, Fire

Example Techniques:

(Getsuton|Ryuuguu)- Moon Release: Palace of the Dragon King
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short – long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user will slam his hands on the ground and create several dragon shaped fulgurite tubes. The dragon heads not only branch off out of the ground but they branch off of each other as well with great speed and force until the entire battlefield is covered in what could be considered a garden of fulgurite.

(Getsuton|Nedzuyoi Getsuei)- Moon Release: Rooted Moon
Type: Defensive/Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short – Mid
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage: N/A(60 if someone happens to be underground)
Description: The user will stomp his foot and send a multitude of fulgurite tubes that form mid range all around himself mid range. The fulgurite will hold the earth in place and defend from Earth and Raiton jutsu that might originate from underground.

Is weak to:
Wind-Because Fulgurites are porous wind can go through it and break it.
Water-(Viscous liquids) its porous nature also works against it as the pressure from the outside and inside, as water flows through it, will cause it to break down. Sound-same reasons.
Most Hard Minerals

Is strong against:
Earth-Harder than earth
Fire-Heat resistant
Lightning-(If one were to use Raiton it would just produce more fulgurite when it clashes with the moon chakra).
Soft solids like sand etc
Dragon Glass-(Fulgurites are actually harder than dragon glass/obsidian)

Co-creators (if any): Korra

Students i passed on this custom element: N/A


✗ Declined: Because this seems to be crude, natural glass and we already have Glass and Obsidian release. All of them are created nearly the same way, namely heating (silica-rich) sand rapidly. The only difference is that your heat originates from lightning, which causes it to be far more crude and have a weird appearance. However as you use shape manipulation, the difference almost becomes nihil.

Custom element Japanese name: Getsuton

Custom element english name: Moon Release

The element is based on: Earth|Lightning|Fire + Advanced Chakra Control

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):
The following CE achieved its name from its unique structure and color that resembled the color and structure of the moon's surface. What this element actually controls is the manipulation of the mineraloid known as fulgurite. The name, fulgurite, is derived from the word fulgur which means thunder. They are named as such because of how they are formed. Lightning which is one of the most spectacular natural occurrences in the world strikes sand and an extremely volatile and quick reaction takes place. In just one second the lightning travels through the path of least resistance (or most conductive) and fuses the different minerals of the sand together along that path as temperatures exceed well beyond the melting point of sand. In a split second the reaction takes place and then it rapidly cools to form what are known as fulgurite tubes. Fulgurites can be created on the outside of a rock or surface(exogenic) or remain underground until excavated. Due to this relationship with lightning it is often considered to be fossilized lightning as it takes the shape and direction of the current from the lightning bolt(s). Due to it becoming charged many sand particles remain attached to the fulgurite on the outside. This fact, along with the bolt(s) violent reaction, gives it a porrus, dull, spongey like appearance; however, on the inside it is made out of a smooth glassy like structure which is actually quite hard. Although not highlighted in Naruto, sand and lightning exist. It has most likely happened in the natural world of Naruto. In the supernatural Gaara has shown the ability to manipulate and create sand while many people have shown the ability to control Raiton. It should be possible to create and control fulgurites.

How it works:
Just like Naruto had to imagine grinding his chakra together the way to visualize Moon Chakra is grinding doton chakra to create sand and then punching through it with Katon and Raiton to create what will be known as Moon Chakra. Katon is needed because Raiton does not really behave like natural lightning persay, so to fuse the charged sand Katon must be used as well to complete the reaction and create the element. What makes this so special is that this element which originates from sand can contend with Raiton by taking advantage of the formation of fulgurite. As stated earlier the sand is charged and the fulgurite is conductive. The user never dissapates his charge and uses the fulgurite as a medium for the raiton. This gives the fulgurite a blue hue when its used and aids in its offensive abilites. It's worthy to note that the creation is similar to other glass, but it's abilites is what sets it apart. Another fact is from the slight difference in its creation from other glass (the addition of lightning) is how the glass in Moon Release gains the abilites to set itself apart from the rest.

Source-Using the ground the user can manipulate the properties of earth so they can create fulgurites out of the ground. The ground itself does not need to be sand. It is also worthy to note that many structures can be created and they do not have to be tube like structures. These structures can be in a form that any Raiton jutsu can take since it depends on the path of conductivity as to which form it takes. Many of its structures will be of complicated nature.

Non Source-The user can kneads chakra inside themselves to produce armors/weap
ons/projectiles much like certain earth jutsu.

Special Qualities

Against Raiton-This is its most distinct ability from other glass elements, and even solid elements. Unlike most solids, this element is strong against Raiton. (Which is notoriously famous for piercing through solids including other glass) The reason being is that when lightning strikes this element it will only add to the fulgurite when it clashes with the Moon chakra. More specifically, when the chakra interacts with raiton, the raiton becomes weaker as it will just fossilize and turn into more fulgurite. (Its similar to how wind strengthens fire but in a head to head collision the wind weakens the fire as the fire overcomes it. In this case lightning works as the wind and Moon release works as the fire.) The user will be able to petrify another's lighting based attacks by turning it into fulgurite when it collides with Moon chakra. (Chakra ranks apply)

Speed-The process in which a fulgurite forms is extremely fast in the natural. It only takes one second for the reaction to take place and a few minutes to cool. When the user creates this through chakra the fulgurite follows the path of conductivity. If Raiton is considered the fastest of the basic elements then it would be safe to say the actual formation of fulgurite jutsu are just as fast (albeit slightly slower) even though it is a solid. The speed and hardness of such attacks makes this such a potent force as it lives up to the moniker of fossilized lightning.

It's the Medium-To reiterate, fulgurites are formed after lightning takes the most conductive path through the sand. Unlike other glass structures, fulgurites are proof of a conductive path the lightning followed and will be able to maintain solidity while being used as a medium of the lightning. Since the path taken is proof conductivity, and it becomes charged, the user continues to use that conductivity to allow the raiton to continuously travel through the fulgurite as a medium. This allows the slightly fragile yet hard solid to pierce through the hardest materials just as raiton would, it's solidity allows the Raiton to have blunt force behind that high energy penetration.

Structures: Like earth jutsu, certain moon release techniques will leave a remaining structure on the battlefield. The remaining structure will not have a continuous chakra ouput from the user (as the user ended the technique) but it will remain charged. If one were to touch the structure they would experience numbing and/or paralysis depending on the strength of the technique.

Summary: In conclusion these are the differences from its solid and glass peers.
1. As a solid it is virtually as fast as Raiton
2. As a solid it maintains a strength to Raiton
3. Even as a solid and boasting a strength to raiton, it boasts similar penetrating power and characteristics of raiton with added force from the medium (fulgurite)itself.
4. Ultimately it is a combined High energy and heavy impact element all in one.

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery over Raiton, Earth, Fire, Ninjutsu

Example Techniques:

(Getsuton|Ryuuguu)- Moon Release: Palace of the Dragon King
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short – long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user will slam his hands on the ground and create several dragon shaped fulgurite tubes. The dragon heads not only branch off out of the ground but they branch off of each other as well with great speed and force until the entire battlefield is covered in what could be considered a garden of fulgurite.

(Getsuton|Nedzuyoi Getsuei)- Moon Release: Rooted Moon
Type: Defensive/Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short – Mid
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage: N/A(60 if someone happens to be underground)
Description: The user will stomp his foot and send a multitude of fulgurite tubes that form mid range all around himself mid range. The fulgurite will hold the earth in place and defend from jutsu that might originate from underground.

Is weak to:
Wind-Because Fulgurites are porous wind can go through it and break it while insulating the raiton.
Water-(Viscous liquids) its porous nature also works against it as the pressure from the outside and inside, as water flows through it, will cause it to break down. Will also cause the raiton to go out of control and disperse.
Sound-same reasons as wind.

Is strong against:
Fire and variants-Heat resistant
Dark Release ability
Lightning and variants-(If one were to use Raiton it would just fossilize and produce more fulgurite when it clashes with the moon chakra).
Most Solids-Due to its own hardness and Raiton (the main penetrating force) it can pierce through most solids.

Note: Neutral to dark absorbtion. It's solid yet energy aids in its creation.

Co-creators (if any): Korra

Students i passed on this custom element: Ryujin & ???


✗ Declined: This doesn't even make sense anymore. At this point you're just making things up to make it appear it's different. You can't turn glass into more glass by repeating the process, this is not the same process as wind and fire. No this is not as fast as raiton. All elements are pretty much created at the same speed, this is mainly a matter of how fast you can mold your chakra and make your handseals. It will not be charged either as that would be a combination jutsu, unless all fulgurites are by default charged, which I doubt and even if that was the case, this not lightning. This charge would barely do anything. You are so focused on that it's made by lightning you're bypassing the core problems here. You are the one who shapes the jutsu as you see fit, which makes that lightning takes the fastest conductive path completely redundant and the creation speed is stagnant for almost all elements. In the end the only thing the lightning does is being the heat source to change certain materials into glass-like substances, the same process as how we make regular glass, only it's done in an instant in nature.
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Active member
Jul 27, 2011
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element Japanese name: Kinzokugaraston

Custom element English name: Metalglass

The element is based on: Earth + Fire + Water + Advanced Chakra Control

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

In the anime, we have seen advanced metals being manipulated through the use of chakra. Iron sand is one example, as well as Hiruko with steel release. These examples show advanced level of earth release, as well as different types of metals being naturally present. The latter example pertains more to this element, because it is solid in nature and able to be used similarly to earth release (from both the body and the ground).

We have also seen elastic and/or bouncy qualities in Dodai’s rubber element. This is actually a variation of lava release, but the anime shows that chakra can indeed create an elastic material.

How it works:

The user will combine earth and fire in order to create the metallic base for this element, similar to how the steel element is created. The user will then add water chakra to this mixture, rapidly cooling the metal element in order to discourage the formation of crystal structures. Instead, the element becomes amorphous, having the atoms in a disordered structure. The amorphous quality of this metal gives it some special qualities:

Rebounding: The disordered atomic structure of metalglass allows it to return the energy to an object hitting it. In normal metals, much energy is lost because of slip behaviors. An object strikes the metal, nudges an atom (which deforms the element, like pitting) and energy is lost. But in metalglass, the disordered structure encourages atomic gridlock. The atoms are not nudged or moved, which transfers the energy back into the object. This creates a rebounding effect on metalglass. All solid objects that strike metalglass will simply bounce off if feasible (metalglass must be the same rank or above). Techniques that rebound off metalglass will maintain their rank/strength as they are redirected.
Strength: Metalglass is several times stronger than titanium alloys.
Resistance to Wear: Due to the atoms not being moved upon contact with another element, metalglass is noted for its toughness, ability to resist wear, scratches, corrosion, pitting, and overall durability.

Metalglass is a dark orange, metal element, rippled with red and black streaks. Metalglass is a very versatile element and can be used in the same manner as normal earth release, with the added characteristic of rebounding solid objects.

Usage Examples:

(Kinzokugaraston: Ritān no Kabe)- Metalglass Release: Wall of Return
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user focuses their chakra into the ground, rising up a wall of metalglass. As an incoming tangible technique hits the metalgalss wall, it will be rebounded back in the direction it approached from. The technique will approach the opponent at the same rank/damage it was when released. The wall can also be used to defend from intangible techniques according to normal elemental strengths and weaknesses.

(Kinzokugaraston: Āmusheru)- Metalglass Release: Arm Shell
Rank: B
Range: Short
Type: Defensive
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: The user focuses chakra onto his arm in order to create a shell of metalglass. When the opponent’s taijutsu strikes the surface, the limb is rebounded with energy force to severely unbalance the opponent and disrupt their intended, subsequent actions.

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery of Earth + Water + Fire

Is weak to:

Lightning/CEs: Sheer destructive power overwhelms the earth base
Fire/CEs: High heat destabilizes metalglass, softening it

Is strong against:

Wind/CEs: Metalglass’ toughness resists the sharpness and cutting abilities
Water/CEs: Being earth based, metalglass can rebound water without damage
Earth/CEs: Metalglass is tougher than earth, allowing it to rebound earth
Solid CEs: Unless mixed with destructive properties of lightning/heat from fire (such as lava)

Co-creator: Selendrile

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?


✗ Declined: This is too generic. You never explained nor tried to proof what now this element exactly is. You just say you heat and cool some metals. Steel is created by heating up iron at that many degrees to remove all the impurities, what are you doing with what exactly? Also you are overestimating that rebound ability way too much. At this point you are very much on the edge of this being enough to consider this unique for a metal or not. Your video is like the most perfect situation to demonstrate: a metal ball falling straight from above, but in practice it's almost never going to be like that. When you drop it from above, the gravitational pull is linear with the movement of the ball, but in battle most objects will come from your front, side or back. Meaning the gravitational pull is in a 90° angle working on the movement of the object. So the starting point and ending point will not be the same, thus their rebound either and that's in the positive case the object was shot straight and round. In practice however most people will shoot all kind of shapes from all different angles. You can easily neutralize completely that rebound thing. When for instance you throw a kunai, even in a straight line, you can forget it being rebounded back straight at you. Its shape will not allow it. Water is also not going to be "rebounded" and earth will likely shatter. So hell of a lot depends on the shape, angle and nature of what is thrown at you. Same thing with your metallic arm. If you don't have the physical strength to stop an incoming attack, that rebound metal will not stand if you can't stand. If you sink through your knees, the rebound really doesn't matter. In the end the only thing it does is something most metals do, sending energy back, but just more efficiently. However there's still very well energy loss.

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Active member
Jul 27, 2011
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Permission to resubmit:

Custom element Japanese name: Kisenonton

Custom element English name: Xenon Release

The element is based on: Wind | Lightning

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): Xenon is an actual element, it is colorless, heavy, odorless, and is a noble gas. Xenon has been used for many things, from being used for flash lamps to being used for anesthesia , and even in some lasers. It exists naturally within the earth's atmosphere, and even found in some natural springs around the world. While in most cases, being inside camera bulbs which produces the flash. In these cases we seen plenty cases of all these examples above. Naruto of course has an atmosphere, which would apply a sort of real word physics into play. We have seen natural springs (Where pervy sage used to spy on woman, and multiple cases where we seen shinobis relaxing). The use of drugs (Medicine) In naruto has also been seen, including lasers, not only for medical reasons but the asura path himself, which produces lasers. All these are reasons to believe that just like the real word, xenon is also present in NV aswell. All around us, mainly in the atmosphere

How it works: This element is achieved by combining both the wind element, and the lightning element and mold both of them together creating xenon release. Xenon is very advance and special, not only due to it being heavier then normal wind, dealing more blunt damage or slicing damage then usual, but its ability to take a lightning property and incorporate it into wind, which is a bright/flash effect. Xenon can be created two ways naturally. By combining the lighting and wind chakra nature in their body, giving creation to xenon which can be used, expelled from the users body such as from the mouth, hands, etc. Or The user can expel both their wind and lightning chakra into the air creating xenon from the atmosphere which can be used for jutsu purposes, or even for dark places as a flash. Xenon can and is normally used in the same manner such as wind

Usage Examples:

Kisenonton: Gurandochariotto No Idaina Furasshu | Xenon Release: Great Flash of the Grand Chariot
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user will create several handseals while gathering xenon chakra into their lunges. The user will then expel the xenon from their mouth expelling a large stream of xenon from his mouth towards said opponent. This technique can be looked at for periods of time or it will temporarily blind the opponent

Conditions to be able to use it:
-Mastery over Wind
-Mastery over lightning

Is weak to: Fire/Scorch/Heat Based Elements : Because Xenon is a gas, fire can burn through it
Earth/Steel (Elements Harder then earth, such ruby, iron, etc): Earth is a strong defense and can protect one from Xenon.

Is strong against: Lightning/Storm (Lightning based elements): Xenon is much like wind , and it can neutralize lightning
Water (Water based elements: Xenon is strong against water as it is more powerful in force
Wind: Due to xenon being heavier then normal wind, it completely overpowers normal wind, being stronger in force

Co-creator: Xiuhtecuhtli

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?


✗ Declined: How would this even be able to cut anything at all? It's xenon, not wind thus that's not a reason to consider it strong against lightning. I also totally do not get why this would be stronger than water in force. You also do not explain how wind and lightning are supposed to create xenon. Btw that permission link does not work.

Custom element Japanese name: Kisenonton

Custom element English name: Xenon Release

The element is based on: Wind | Lightning

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):
Xenon is an actual element, it is colorless, heavy, odorless, and is a noble gas. Xenon has been used for many things, from being used for flash lamps to being used for anesthesia, and even in some lasers. It exists naturally within the earth's atmosphere, and even found in some natural springs around the world. While in most cases, being inside camera bulbs which produces the flash. In these cases we seen plenty cases of all these examples above. Naruto of course has an atmosphere, which would apply a sort of real word physics into play. We have seen natural springs (Where pervy sage used to spy on woman, and multiple cases where we seen shinobis relaxing). The use of drugs (Medicine) In naruto has also been seen, including lasers, not only for medical reasons but the asura path himself, which produces lasers. All these are reasons to believe that just like the real word, xenon is also present in NV aswell. All around us, mainly in the atmosphere

How it works:
This element is achieved by combining both the wind element, and the lightning element and mold both of them together creating xenon release; Wind release because it is a Gas formed in the air around us and the lightning chakra adds a discharge, creating Xenon and then the user will be capable of manipulating and expanding from the Xenon chakra that they have created from the air. Xenon is very advance and special, not only due to it being heavier then normal wind, dealing more blunt damage, but its ability to take a lightning property and incorporate it into wind, which is a bright/flash effect that can be used to blind enemies in a fighting context. Xenon can be created two ways naturally: By combining the lighting and wind chakra nature in their body, giving creation to xenon which can be used, expelled from the users body such as from the mouth, hands, etc. Or The user can expel both their wind and lightning chakra into the air creating xenon from the atmosphere which can be used for jutsu purposes, or even for dark places as a flash.

Xenon Release when used in Ninjutsu can be used to create beams or waves similar to gusts of winds except with that added brightness - the beams still only cause blunt damage but are generally faster to shoot from the user's hand than to create a gust of Xenon that completely blinds a whole battlefield. Because of it's strength it can create a propellant force (as it is also used in the real world as a propellant for Space shuttle engines) the users could be capable of creating beams from their hands for example to propel them upwards in quick timeslots. Though it seems to only cause blunt damage to the target, Xenon is used for anaesthesia and so can be used so that if the target breathes it in by being in the vicinity of it or is hit by the blunt attack it won't just cause damage but some techniques can cause drowsiness through relaxation.

Usage Examples:

Kisenonton: Gurandochariotto No Idaina Furasshu | Xenon Release: Great Flash of the Grand Chariot
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
The user will create several handseals while gathering xenon chakra into their lunges. The user will then expel the xenon from their mouth expelling a large stream of xenon from his mouth towards said opponent. This technique can't be looked at for periods of time or it will temporarily blind the opponent

Kisenonton: Ionsurasuta wa, akutibu ni! | Xenon Release: Ion Thrusters Activate!
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
The user will create beams of Xenon from their hands that will quickly propel them in the opposite direction they pointed said beams in, if they were aimed at point blank range of a target it would cause tremendous blunt damage to them but is mainly used for evasion.

Conditions to be able to use it:
-Mastery over Wind
-Mastery over Lightning

Is weak to:
Earth+ Earth Base CE/Steel (Elements Harder then earth, such ruby, iron, etc): Earth is a strong defense and can protect one from Xenon.
Water+Water Base CE (has more of a form than Xenon, so will be weaker than it when coming into brute force contact with it).

Is strong against:
Lightning/Storm (Lightning based elements): Xenon is made stronger by electricity, giving it a brighter effect and so lightning will only make it brighter if it comes into contact with it and be pretty useless.
Wind+ Wind Base CE: Due to xenon being heavier then normal wind, it completely overpowers normal wind, being stronger in force

Co-creator: LonelyAssassin

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

Permission to resubmit


✗ Declined: Currently the biggest issue now is what makes it different from Argon? As the two are very similar and Flash has been submitting it longer than you. Also xenon is not going to make you move faster. Oil is also used as a fuel, but oil on itself is not going to make you move faster and what kind of argument is that lightning/storm are weak against this because they're bright? How is that even relevant?

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-Haku Yuki-

Active member
Jan 4, 2011
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

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Custom Element Japanese Name

Custom Element English Name
Star Release

The Element is Based On
Fire + Wind + Lightning
Chakra Control

Facts that Prove the Element to be Possible (In the Manga Context)

Stars are a natural occurrence in the universe. For example the Sun is a star. The star provides energy for all life forms on Earth. In our galaxy, the Milky Way, it is estimated that there are between 100 and 200 billion stars. The current estimate for the number of galaxies in the observable universe is 10 trillion and the amount of stars in the observable is 100 octillion. Among those octillions of stars are stars of different types, sizes, and power. Stars are a frequent because they are made up of really common elements such a hydrogen, helium, nitrogen, etc. These stars have clearly been shown throughout the series either during the daytime, or during the star-filled night sky.​

How it Works:

With Katon Chakra, the user will generate an immense amount of heat. The immense heat from the fire's energy is then combined with the natural gases gathered from the atmosphere with Fūton Chakra. Then, Raiton Chakra will be added into the Katon-Fūton mixture, creating an ionization chain reaction. With extreme chakra control, the three elements will be forced together under super immense pressures, creating Suton Chakra. From this, Fūton chakra is constantly added and brings in natural gases as fuel for the powerful new Suton Chakra. Extreme pressure must also be constantly applied to stabilize the powerful chakra. Once stabilized, additional chakra control can be used to manipulate its shape and purpose. However due to being synthetic and created by man’s chakra, Star Release chakra is not as violent as actual stars and demonstrates their properties on a lower scale. This can be compared to how Lightning Release techniques are not as violent, nor as fast, as pure Lightning.

Once Star Chakra has been created, it demonstrates the properties of a star. Due to its extremely high density, little volumes of the chakra weigh quite a bit compared to other elements in similar volumes. The extreme pressures, combined with the Katon, Fūton, and Raiton, allow Star Release chakra to give off extreme heat as well as very bright light. The color of Star Release chakra correlates with the power, rank, and heat of it. Weaker Suton Jutsu tend to be red in color much like Red Star (which are the coldest relatively speaking). Blue Suton chakra signifies that the chakra is in its most intense state. This is the color of the stronger, more powerful Suton Jutsu.

E/D Rank — Red Suton Chakra
C Rank — Orange Suton Chakra
B Rank — Yellow Suton Chakra
A Rank — White Suton Chakra
S/F Rank — Blue Suton Chakra​

Example Techniques:
(Suton: Sutera Danmaku) — Star Release: Stellar Barrage
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description: The user will combine his Katon, Fuuton, and Raiton chakra into the air, mixing them into small balls reminiscent of what stars in the night sky look like. Once the user has created them, they will take on a whitish appearance and give off a slight heat that can be felt even from long range and will burn if touched. The user will then send them flying at the enemy exploding on contact.

(Suton: Erio-san no Jōnetsu) — Star Release: Helio’s Passion
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A (+15 to Suton Jutsu)
Description: Helio’s Passion is a supplementary jutsu created to mimic the Earth’s Sun and its role as the primary giver of energy. The user creates Suton chakra and molds it into a sphere about the size of a boss Toad summon. They will then send the ball of Suton chakra long range into the sky. From there the Suton chakra will act as a manmade sun passively giving off more energy to empower other Suton jutsu. After the sun has given off too much energy and can sustain itself it will explode safely above those below.

Note: Can be used three times per battle.
Note: Cannot impact physical maladies such as poison.

Conditions to be Able to Use it
Fire – Wind – Lightning

Is Weak Against
Lightning, being hotter than the surface of a star (relatively speaking), can permeate through the surface and pass through the core. Passing through the core would cause an unbalance of disrupt the energy, causing the Star to disperse.

Earth can withstand the heat exposure and temperature casted by Star Chakra.

Is Strong Against

Liquid Based Elements
(E.G. Water, Oil, etc.)
The huge amount of heat can easily boil these elements

Gas-Like Based Elements
(E.G. Fire, Wind, Sulfur, etc.)
These would only add fuel to the Suton Chakra.

Low-Melting Point Solid Based Elements
(E.G. Ice, Steel, Metal-Based CEs, etc.)
The huge amount of heat can easily melt down these elements


None Available & None Available


✗ Declined: Poorly explained. Your proof is that there are a lot of suns and mimicking a sun, which wouldn't even be possible as it's contradictory to its concept, can't really be considered a clearly defined element as a sun is composed of many different elements. That you are talking about changing colors, pretty much makes this nothing more than the fire element where you try to have all the different fire types. We already have Sun Fire and Solar Wind that pretty much cover this.

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Mar 18, 2013
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element Japanese name: Taiin-fū | Taiin-fūton
Custom element English name: Lunar Wind | Lunar Wind Release
The element is based on: Katon+Wind+Earth
Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

As seen in the manga and anime shinobi have been shown to be able to infuse the wind with Katon chakra creating high temperature winds capable of sheer desiccation. This is called Scorch Release, and was most famous in the hands of the Sunagakure kunoichi named Pakura. Lunar Wind, follows somewhat the main guidelines of Scorch Release whereas it involves infusing the wind with katon chakra. The mere thought that such a vast medium (air) can be delicately interlaced with a specific chakra nature to basically materialize jutsu is astounding and has opened the door to many user submitted CE's, of such being Lunar Wind.

How it works:

The proposed CE leaves its inspiration in the dust with the addition of Doton chakra. How the release works is by using Katon, Futon, and Doton chakra simultaneously. The Futon chakra will manipulate the wind to channel where the user wishes while the Katon chakra will be interlaced with the Futon chakra essentially forming something like very hot air but the Katon chakra will be dormant, or inactive. Once Doton chakra is added it will form very minuscule dust particles in the air (the user's Futon chakra). These particles are about the size of grains of sand and are simply earth particles. Then, by infusing these earth particles with katon chakra it will cause them to become super heated, like embers. With the use of Futon chakra the user will then be able to guide this ember like formation wherever he chooses.

Now the release doesn't stop there. The makeshift embers, which are the super heated particles, will glow bright blue when Katon chakra is added to them and allow the possibility of fire when it comes into to contact with something. Essentially it is a friction based element, where something as simple as a gust of wind is enough to rub the embers together creating sparks, and these sparks are in turn ignited and fueled by the user's Futon chakra. By itself it just appears to be a blue haze or cloud (hence the name, Lunar Wind) but when in contact with something it explodes into bright blue flames that may seem to come out of nowhere. The user can also manipulate his Futon chakra to grind the heated earth particles together, speeding up the process.

There are essentially three stages or faces to the release:

Agitated Release: This is where the Doton+Katon super heated particles are forcefully flung against each other causing them to explode violently in a chain reaction type of manner. This mainly utilizes the Futon aspect of the Kekkei Tota by guiding these particles around. The particles hover about in the user's Futon chakra controlled wind in a hap-hazardous manner, as if in Brownian Motion. Whether it be a hand or kunai flung into the path of these tiny particles it will cause them to be displaced, as any impurities suspended in a solution would, in this cause the impurity would be the particles and the fluid air. This displacement combined with their close proximity to each other births friction which in turn births fire. Being of such high temperatures a mere millisecond of friction between the particles can lead to ignition.

Rudimentary Release: This is the state of the element at its simplest and most volatile state. The user basically manipulates the element as wind, creating powerful gusts or short bursts, tornadoes, walls etc. But, very conveniently, the user is also able to create weapons of the sort from the element. This is due to its partial solidity through its Doton make up. How this works is by the user concentrating his Doton chakra throughout the the element to compress on each other without exploding by controlling the Katon aspect of it very meticulously. This will cause solid objects to be drawn from the chaos at the user's will. The formed objects can then be re-ignited to regain the blue hot hue of the element, while housing the burning capabilities. The user can then swing these weapons or objects without fear of harming himself due to expert chakra control of the element. In its solid form the user is able to control the explosion side of the element, meaning, if the user swings a sword construct of the element at an opponent the explosion wouldn't affect him as much as the opponent as he would use the wind side to divert the explosion to a radius of his choice, use the Katon side to control the size and intensity of the explosion and use the Doton side to send the particles/shrapnel in the said direction. Solid weapons made of this element can set clothes on fire, burn skin, and with hard enough force, explode.

Advanced Release: This is where the element is used very skillfully to coat specific regions of the objects, be it human body parts or weapons. The user is able to settle the 'embers' on an object in a dormant manner without causing it to explode or ignite. This is through a lowered release of Katon to the element, causing the Doton particles to be simply dust or tiny grains and act as such, a careful amount of Futon chakra is then sent to the element to allow specific, non hazardous manipulation. This is the most advanced state of the element as it requires an immense amount of concentration. In the same manner, the user is able to manipulate the element to attack without allowing it to explode, simply making it meta solid wind which burns on contact. Again this is by monitoring the amount of Katon flow to the element.

Usage Examples:

(Taiin-fūton: Saigo enbā)- Lunar Wind Release: The Last Ember
Rank: B
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Chakra cost: 20
Damage: 40
Description: Using his Lunar Wind chakra the user will send a gust of blue wind at the opponent to surround them in a cyclonic manner. He will refrain from igniting the wind however but will seek to place some of the heated earth particles on the opponent's body or clothes or weapons etc. The embers will stay there until the opponent makes any sudden movements that could agitate the particles and cause them to ignite and explode. They do significantly more damage than explosive tags and can leave mortified victims and desecrated structures.
Can only be done 4x
Requires a turn cool down

Conditions to be able to use it:

Mastery over Katon, Doton, and Futon. As well as at least Kage ranked chakra control.

Is weak to:

Suiton and its variations: Water not only douses the super heated earth particles but also restrains the aerial side of the element to go anywhere.
Steel Release: Being an absolute defense, steel release can withstand the power and heat of this element.
Frost/low temperature related CE: Capable of not only slowing down he particles but, cooling them as well which leads them to become simply cold sand. Be it not confused with actual ice, as the CE is able to blow it up rather than ignite.

Is strong against:

Doton and its variants: With the ability to explode violently into flames Lunar Wind is capable of grinding the greatest of slabs of earth to sand in a simple explosion.
Organic releases (such as Mokuton and Kaguya Bones): Enough said, anything living this CE comes in contact with will either be charred immediately or blow to bits. As it is essentially instant fire.
Futon and its variants: Due to the properties of Wind Release, with its undulating currents, upon contact with Lunar Wind it will cause the CE to immediately explode as it sends the particles grinding on each other which creates friction which as we read leads to the ignition of the particles. The fire will then feed off the foreign oxygen and grow in size exponentially.
Fragile elements incapable of withstanding explosive forces such as Crystal and Ice Release

Is neutral to:

Raiton and its variations: Due to the nature, speed, and movement of lightning it reacts with the heated particles of the release almost immediately, causing it to explode. This can prevent lightning techniques from passing through. Both elements stop each other in their tracks.
Katon and its primary variations: Well, as elaborate as it is. It is essentially airborne fire and as such is neutral to the mother element, Katon.

Co-creator: Zaphkiel

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?


✗ Declined: You provided no proof and almost everything here is completely made up without any kind of basis. You just wrote what you wanted to have without having any kind of proof or reasoning as why this would even be possible. The only thing you mentioned was Scorch release, which is pretty much just heat and it's barely relevant to everything you explain here. Why would there be embers? Why would friction cause that? Why would this be blue flames, an ability that's only for the Nibi? As far as I know there is nothing in the real world nor in the series that can be related to what you wrote here, you just made it all up so that it conforms with what you want to have. In the end I see this as nothing more than hot air with floating pieces of lava, which I can't consider a real element as you didn't even truly mix anything.
Resubmitting as co-creator
Complete revamp even the name (changed to Oblivion Release), didn't bother to bold.

Custom element Japanese name: Bōkyaku | Bōkyakuton
Custom element English name: Oblivion | Oblivion Release
The element is based on: Katon+Earth
Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

The element is basically combustible dust and revolves around the use of Doton chakra to control earth in an aerial mannerism, as seen with various canon Earth jutsu such as (Doton: Ukiwagan no Jutsu) - Earth Release: Floating Ring Rock Technique where chakra can be used to guide floating rock structures. The element first utilizes very small clumps of earth which are difficult to be seen individually but in numbers are quite evident looking like sand but with slightly bigger components. The tiny particles of earth are controlled in a collective manner instead of individually and would appear much like real world dust seen even in the NV. But being controlled by one's Doton chakra this special 'dust' is not so easily influenced by wind as regular dust would.

Next, by using Katon chakra to add heat to each of these tiny earth particles they are given immense thermal energy, not just on a collective level but each particle is very hot, capable of small burns much like the cinders of a flame. With heat added to the pieces they are given a a dark red glow, much like how molten rocks would look, due to the heat emanating from them. On a collective scale, in say a cloud of these super heated particles they appear a very dark tint of red, almost black, mixed with slightly brighter shades of red given the element an overall black and red look.

How it works:
As stated previously, the element revolves around minuscule earth particles heated on a near melting point scale. Being made primarily of the earth the element can be drawn from the ground as a dust looking release or released from the user's body. Despite using the air as a medium for its usage, the element cannot be formed from thin air. However, even on a collective scale the element houses tiny spaces between each particle which allow air to pass between them, as the oxygen in the air acts as a gaseous oxidizing agent for the heat that is within each of them. With an oxidant in between them the heated dust becomes especially hazardous and can initiate a 'dust explosion' or deflagration as is its proper name.

The process of deflagration in combustible dust is a phenomenon describing a rapid chain of subsonic combustions happening between fine particles suspended in air. This is not to be confused with detonation and ignition as deflagration is actually in a class of its own. This unique process requires various conditions/ignition sources to tumble into a domino effect such as friction whereas the super heated particles grind on each other releasing more heat energy which reacts with the oxygen in the air starting the combustion process, electrical discharge which supplies the particles with added energy in the form of heat which again reacts with the oxygen in the air around them causing combustion, fire, and hot surfaces such as lava. Once one earth particle gains enough energy to combust via the aforementioned means it releases this energy in the form of heat (deflagration), this then supplies the other particles with energy which starts a chain reaction of exploding dust. Although similar to the Exploding Ash techniques of the canon Sarutobi clan, through the process of deflagration the combustion produces, in addition to heat and concussive force, extreme air pressure in the form of shock waves which can ripple through most mediums such as the ground and air and cause devastating secondary damage following the combustion chain, something the Sarutobi weren't skill enough to achieve. The deflagration process also utilizes the oxidant (in this case the oxygen in the air) at an alarming rate which can leave an entire area suddenly devoid of breathable air for organisms and will lead to suffocation. Because of this, the release can plow through most solid objects with calamitous effects, more so than Blast Release, and even if the victim survives the primary destruction of the element the secondary effects often time catches them by surprise This is where it gets its name of 'Oblivion Release' because most objects that come in contact with it in its defensive/offensive disposition is blown to bits or 'nothingness'.
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Although, with precise chakra control the user may have these particles navigate quite hastily as well as form structures and shapes, something that would no doubt produce friction, without causing the element to explode. This comes in handy whenever the user simply wishes to move the 'dust' around in a supplementary manner rather than defensive or offensive.

There are essentially three stages or faces to the release;

Agitated Release: This mode of the element involves the manipulation of the element in a manner that would have it appear as wind. With large gaps in between the particles the element is lighter and as such much more maneuverable, appearing as a black and red mist-like element, dubbed 'cluster gas'. This mode also makes the element extremely volatile, as with more oxidant source (the oxygen in the air) the deflagration process is much more violent. The main causes of dust explosion of the element in this state is direct contact with solid objects, electrical discharge and friction. This is where the Doton+Katon super heated particles are forcefully flung against each other causing them to combust and deflagrate violently in a chain reaction type of manner. The particles hover about almost loosely, being controlled by the user's Doton chakra and manipulated by hand/body gestures. In this manner of release, the dust cloud is set to combust at the slightest occurrence of initiators such as friction and electrical discharge and also makes it mildly dangerous to the user himself and is often times manipulated away from him/her. In this form, a simple kunai flung into the cluster can provide enough friction and physical force which sets a chain reaction rolling which sees the element deflagrating violently and destroying anything caught within it through heat and concussive force or near it through shock waves that travel away from the combustion(s).

Rudimentary Release: This is the state of the element at its simplest and most volatile state. The particles are held more tightly together, reducing the oxidizing agent between but at the same time building air pressure. The element appears thicker in this state, due to the earth particles clustering more closely together and is actually the most dangerous side of the element. When it explodes in this state the shock waves that come with the element are much more forceful due to the pressure buildup between the particles. In this state however more force is needed to start the deflagration process, such as extreme force or high energy stimuli like fire and even focused lightning. Despite being so closely packed together the user gains the ability to manipulate the particles in a manner that they don't explode by modulating the heat energy withing them through Katon chakra. This makes it possible for the user to create weapons and objects of the sort from the element, by clustering the particles together and reducing the gaps in between them in order to form solid objects. The formed objects will appear and act like solid objects, while housing the burning capabilities of the heated particles, of course the user is unaffected as his chakra allows him to touch the element in this form without injuring himself. The user can then swing these weapons or manipulate these objects without fear of harming himself due to expert chakra control of the element. In its 'cluster solid' form the user is able to control the deflagration side of the element, meaning, if the user swings a sword construct of the element at an opponent the combustion wouldn't affect him as much as the opponent as he would use his Doton chakra to send the particles/shrapnel in the said direction. Solid weapons made of this element can set clothes on fire, burn skin, and with hard enough force, combust and deflagrate.

Advanced Release: This is where the element is used very skillfully to coat specific regions of the objects by using the 'cluster gas' side of the element to place the particles on said surfaces , be it human body parts or weapons. The user is able to settle the particles on an object in a dormant manner without causing it to explode or ignite or harm the coated object in any manner. This form is supplementary and causes the coated object to house burning power such as a coated fist burning through an opponent's skin without the user's skin on the coated fist being affected.

Usage Examples:
(Bōkyakuton: Saigo enbā)- Oblivion Release: The Last Ember
Rank: B
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Chakra cost: 20
Damage: 40
Description: Using his Oblivion chakra the user will send a gust of blue wind at the opponent to surround them in a cyclonic manner. He will refrain from causing the combustion process however but will seek to place some of the heated earth particles on the opponent's body or clothes or weapons etc. The embers will stay there until the opponent makes any sudden movements that could agitate the particles through friction and cause them to combust and deflagrate. They do significantly more damage than explosive tags and can leave mortified victims and desecrated structures.

(Bōkyakuton: Doki no Sauzando Sanzu)- Oblivion Release: Wrath of 1000 Suns
Rank: S
Type: Offensive
Chakra cost: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user causes a dome like formation of combustible dust to rise from the ground around the opponent, then he will cause the dust to deflagrate releasing violent amounts of heat and air pressure which will pulverize the opponent caught within the dome, in addition to this, as soon as the particles explode new ones are pulled from the ground to continue the explosion resulting in obliteration of living and non living objects.

Conditions to be able to use it:
Mastery over Katon and Doton. As well as at least Kage ranked chakra control.

Is weak to:
Suiton and its variations: Water not only douses the super heated earth particles but also restrains the aerial side of the element to go anywhere.

Frost/low temperature related CE: Capable of not only slowing down he particles but, cooling them as well which leads them to become simply cold dust. Be it not confused with actual ice, as the CE is able to blow it up rather than ignite.

Raiton and its variations: Due to the nature, speed, and high energy discharge in the form of light and heat of lightning it reacts with the heated earth particles of the release almost immediately, causing it to explode. This can prevent lightning techniques from passing through. Both elements stop each other in their tracks.

Is strong against:
Doton and its variants: With the ability to explode violently into flames Oblivion Release is capable of destroying the greatest of slabs of earth to mere through a series of high energy 'explosions'.

Organic releases (such as Mokuton and Kaguya Bones): Enough said, anything living this CE comes in contact with will either be charred immediately or blow to bits. As it is essentially instant fire/Blast Release.

Steel Release and other hard elements: The process of deflagration of Oblivion Release can be a relentless operation, tearing away at the fidelity of structures such as steel and other metals until there is nothing left, as seen in the real world during factory accidents involving explosive dust.

Futon and its variants: Due to the properties of Wind Release, with its undulating currents and oxidant content (oxygen), upon contact with Oblivion it will cause the CE to immediately explode as it either sends the particles grinding on each other which creates friction or supplies the heated particles with enough oxygen to be set ablaze, both methods leading to deflagration. The fire will then feed off the foreign oxygen and grow in size exponentially, then by controlling these now ferociously blazing particles one would achieve a stronger element.

Crystal and Ice Release: Fragile elements incapable of withstanding explosive/erosive forces.

Is neutral to:
Katon: Well, as elaborate as it is. It is essentially airborne molten earth with high heat energy content and as such is neutral to the original heat element Katon which would simply melt the particles to pseudo-lava. This also means that fire can't get past as the 'lava' would act as a barrier.

Co-creator: Gutsy Jiraiya
Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?


✗ Declined: This is nothing more than floating hot earth. You didn't create any new element. There is nothing that holds back a person from making an earth or lava CJ to do this. You simply want to have dust explosions, which is already covered in an existing CE. On top of that dust explosions happen in very specific circumstances, it's not something you can create just anywhere you see fit. Lastly you are instantly creating hot rocks in an explosive environment. Just the act of creating them could be enough to blow yourself apart, what do you think is going to happen when sent it towards your opponent? If you want this, simply make a dust explosion CJ or a blast bio.

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Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element Japanese name: Suteijian Suiton

Custom element English name: Stygian Water

The element is based on: Water + Fire + Wind + Lightning elements

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

Stygian Water is based on the nitric acid, a highly corrosive mineral acid that stems from nitric oxide. Nitric oxide, also known as Nitrogen Dioxide ( NO2 ) is a molecule that our body produces to help its 50 trillion cells communicate with each other by transmitting signals throughout the entire body. The interior surface ( endothelium ) of your arteries produce nitric oxide. When plaque builds up in your arteries, called atherosclerosis, you reduce your capacity to produce nitric oxide.

While Nitric Oxide is naturally produced through the body, the addition of water to Nitric Oxide creates HNO3, or in other words, Nitric Acid. Normally, the nitric oxide produced by the reaction is reoxidized by the oxygen in air to produce additional nitrogen dioxide. A common method used to create nitric acid is called the "arc process", a process based upon the oxidation of atmospheric nitrogen by atmospheric oxygen to nitric oxide at very high temperatures. An electric arc was used to provide the high temperatures, and nitric oxide was obtained, which was then cooled and oxidized by the remaining atmospheric oxygen to nitrogen dioxide, and this was subsequently absorbed in dilute nitric acid. Summed, up the addition of Water to a heated nitrogen oxide creates the needed conditions for nitric acid to exist. In the Naruto verse, this is easily achievable due to the obvious notion that the body produces Nitric Oxide alone and the addition of Suiton chakra to this mix would create the needed Hydrogen bond to create Nitric Acid.

How it works:

Stygian Water is an acidic and corrosive liquid dark in color, a somewhat contrast from it's real world counterpart which is colorless in nature. This is created through the mixing of Wind, Water and Fire affinities, producing an element that is of extreme temperatures. Combining Lightning to this allows the temperature to raise even higher and cause searing damage on contact, capable of causing severe burns to the body as it corrodes through solids.

A dangerous element, Stygian Water is capable of quickly corroding solid based defenses, the fire and lightning chakras that were mixed allow for the element to maintain it's corrosive nature, eating and burning through matter at swift paces. Existing purely as a corrosive liquid, Stygian Water's black color is due to the impurity of the liquid and it's "dark" nature.

Jutsu Usage Examples:

( Suteijian Suiton: ) Ξ Stygian Water: The Cursed Warrior's Gift
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 30 ( -10 per turn )
Damage Points: N/A ( + 20 to Stygian Water and +20 to Taijutsu )
Description: The user channels large amounts of Stygian Water chakra through his body except for one place, keeping this one place hidden somewhere on his body. As this chakra is gathered, it emanates in the form of a black chakra shroud around the user's body. As this forms, the Stygian Water begins to pump through the user's tenketsu and body, effectively flowing through him. This impure water affects his chakra paths by altering them, turning him into a humanoid body of black Water, akin to the Hozuki Hydrification jutsu. This increases the user's Stygian Water usage by imbibing it with more excess Stygian Water chakra pumping the power of it. As this happens, the user's taijutsu likewise increases, due to stronger water flowing through him, allowing for him to be faster and deal more damage by increasing the amount of water created. The user is also able to create basic bursts of water using his body as a source of Water, creating up to A rank structures. The natural limitation to this jutsu involves the one spot that wasn't covered with Stygian Water chakra. This spot is left weaker and more exposed than other spots, causing it to be vulnerable to direct taijutsu blows of A rank and higher, causing the pumping of Stygian Water to exit the body, bursting out of the user in a backwards explosion, spraying the opposite direction of the opponent and causing the user to be unable to use A rank and higher Stygian Water for two turns.
Note: Lasts up to 5 turns at a cost of -10 chakra per turn
Note: Can be used twice
Note: Water structures created are of A rank power.

( Suteijian Suiton: ) Ξ Stygian Water: Black Rain of Death
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description: Forming 3 seals, the user spreads his Stygian Water chakra through the atmosphere, forming clouds to form in the sky that rain Stygian Water very quickly. This corrosive water washes over the enemy, burning him as the user forms it into an ever growing scythe of water that slices through the opponent, causing searing and deadly internal burns.
Note: Can only be used 4 times

Conditions to be able to use it:

Mastery over Suiton, Fuuton, Katon and Raiton is needed, as well as great chakra control.

Is weak to:

Wind and wind based elements: Stygian Water has a high temperature, capable of evaporating other low grade Water techniques and overpowering other ones. Wind on the other hand is capable of blasting through the water with pure impact force.

Lightning: The highly destructive nature of Raiton is enough to superheat the water to a level comparable of evaporating solid based matter rapidly before causing an inevitable explosion after high ranking lightning pierces it, destroying both.

Is strong against:

Fire based elements: The fire alone would only serve to heat the black water, raising its temperature as the water overtakes it, moving on with little power loss.

Solid, matter based attacks: Due to it's corrosive nature, Stygian Water is able to corrode and burn through solid based elements with ease, burning through them to give the liquid a temporarily "chunkier" form, similar to lava as it burns and breaks the item down fully in a relatively quick process.

Water based attacks: An enhanced form of Water, Stygian Water's high temperature allows it to evaporate most low temperature liquids and overpower other high temperature elements from its acidic properties.

Co-creator: -Broly-

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?


✗ Declined: You really need to cut down on all the scientific stuff and be more clear about it as at this point you're pretty much bypassing the entire series. Especially because to me this merely seems to be a plain acid and thus it falls under the acid CE.

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Active member
Nov 29, 2011
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element Japanese name: Nyūtorinorirīsu

Custom element English name: Neutrino Release

The element is based on: Fire & Wind

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): We have facts that the narutoverse is very similar to our own universe in terms of laws of physics. Matters of energy is present, heat, cold, gravity, explosions. We have a sun and a moon. This concludes that the NV is very based on real life laws of physics and laws. In our universe, neutrinos have been observed through studies and is referred to as the only observed dark matter. They are byproducts of supernovas, natural fusion reactions as well as fission reactions and radiations. This also means that the particle exists all around us as they were also created in the very birth of our universe and our own galaxy. They are spread out through the solar systems like other particles with matter and energy. Like atoms and similar particles, neutrinos are an integral part of nature.

How it works: Neutrino Release is an element that works down on a particle level, the neutrinos being so tiny that they are invisible to the naked eye, even when billions of them are present around us at all times. The Neutrinos are the only identified form of dark matter, meaning they are invisible even with tools to aid us to see them. They work similarly to the sand element, being able to be used to move around, both in the air, on and in the ground, and create structures when coming together. Essentially the Neutrino element is created and manipulated through the use of chakra to manipulate the Neutrino particles like the sand element. Neutrinos have several unique features to them, being so tiny and with their composition; they carry no electric charge, which means they are not affected by electromagnetic force, meaning they are not affected by magnetism. Therefore they are only affected by the force of gravity. Even so, the effects that gravity has on neutrinos are very weak, thus, neutrinos can typically pass through normal matter such as earth, water, organic matter etc. unimpeded and undetected. Neutrinos travel through matter as said above with no effect to them, but undergo a similar process analogous to light traveling through transparent material. Another effect that the neutrinos carry is its ability to interact with other nucleus, which can be the central region of an atom of objects and other nucleus that exist in the world and human body. The neutrinos can also induce fission reactions within heavy nucleus. This being said they are capable of splitting other atoms and particles into smaller parts, breaking the original atom apart. The Neutrinos beside their unique properties and effects, due to them being close to massless they travel with a speed that can be greater than the speed of light. While being massless they do not die out or so to say decay. The unique way that the Neutrinos interact with the opponents body is that when it enters their body or touches them, the neutrino element is capable of stopping the movement of the human body by manipulating and restraining their body down to a particle level, while also capable of blocking chakra points. These are examples of how the element may interact with a living organism such as the human body. The element can even break down cells in the human body.

With all these abilities and powers, the neutrino element seems to be able to move around at great speed without being detected, yet to be able to interact with other techniques, people, elements etc. It has to come together and form a large quantity of neutrinos into a visible form of matter. This is achieved easily through manipulating the neutrinos to come together forming a sort of sand and dust like element of particles which is capable of interacting with other elements like normal techniques, without losing its unique properties except for the speed which is greatly decreased.

Jutsu Usage Examples:

(Nyūtorinorirīsu: ) – Neutrino Release: Wave of Destruction
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Mid
Rank: A
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user does the bird hand seal while then gathering the Neutrinos out of the surrounding air while then sending it forward like a wave of sand, which will come into contact with matter it will break it down on a cellular level, causing the technique to vanish, while continuing forward and rush through the opponents body, causing them to experience severe pain as it would cause some of their cells to break down, causing so intense pain. This wave can be used to constrict the human body as well as to block chakra points or simply break down their body on a cellular level, depending on the amount of neutrinos used.

(Nyūtorinorirīsu: ) – Neutrino Release: Secret Blockade
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Mid
Rank: B
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: This allows the user to release neutrino particles into the opponents body and form a sort of blockade around their chakra gates, causing them to be incapable of molding and releasing chakra in the form of techniques, and if attempted it will cause severe damage to the chakra points due to the large pressure it would build up. This technique can also be used on the Tenketsu besides the 8 gates, causing them to be incapable of releasing chakra from any point of their body.

(Nyūtorinorirīsu: ) – Neutrino Release: Breakdown
Type: Defensive
Range: Short
Rank: A
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user slams their palm upon the ground erecting a dome of neutrinos around them which also goes into the ground leaving no holes. This dome is invisible to someone whom does not possess Sharingan or Byakugan due to the size of the neutrinos. This dome if a technique such as earth or water, metal or even crystal come into contact with the dome it will be broken down on a cellular level, completely pulverizing the technique. If a person or summoning touches the dome, they will also be broken down on a cellular level.

Conditions to be able to use it:

Mastery over; Fire & Wind

Must have great chakra control

Is weak to:

Lightning – It is a more focused and powerful energy

Wind – It will easily blow it away

Lava & Super-heated elements – Posses an enormous amount of energy to stop the Neutrinos

Is strong against:

Earth – The element passes through matter unimpeded

Water – water cools down the heated Neutrinos, but it has little effect

Organic Elements – Passes through with no effect

Magnetism – The element is unaffected by magnetic fields

Solid Matter (Crystals etc.) – They have no effect on Neutrinos

Decay - Neutrinos do not decay

Co-creator: Skorm

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?


✗ Declined: Be serious, do not resubmit this. You did not even make an element, you're supposed to create something, not manipulate. Sand is likewise not an element. There's absolutely no reason for you to be able to control neutrino's, especially not because they're too fast, too small and can't be viewed nor detected by any means. You don't have any real proof either it exists. Even in the real world it was extremely difficult to do that.

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Active member
Sep 17, 2012
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element Japanese name:
Fūruzu· gōrudo (Ahou Kin)

Custom element English name: Fool's Gold (Pyrite)

The element is based on: Earth Release + Fire Release

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): Pyrite was once used as a firing device for weaponry and also in fake jewelry and other notables such as batteries. However its actual ploy is that it resembles gold but isn't actually the same thing as it is many times used as counterfeit currency to fool people.

Pyrite is a very abundant element, being the most common Sulfide mineral as it is found in the earth and is located near coal deposits, and Argon. It is considered a sulfide mineral which is a metal and yet classes in crystals as well, making it even more unique. It is also found near Quartz veins, sedimentary rock and metamorphic rocks. While having the nickname of fool's gold it is also slightly found near gold deposits as well.

To prove the existence of Fool's gold, we've seen countless rocks, minerals, metals, and other types of crystals in the Narutoverse related to elements in the real world, so there is a very big chance pyrite is available in the Narutoverse around these same elements that are found in both worlds.

How it works:
Using their earth chakra, one will identify and gather the natural Pyrite available in the terrain around them. Simultaneously he'd have to add his fire chakra to heat the pyrite minerals as they're gathered, burning away any impurities within it to have pyrite in the purest form possible. This gathering and heating of the natural pyrite comes to form its solid, metallic cuboid state. It takes on a golden-yellow hue, with the surface of it smooth and glossy enough to cause reflections; very similar to a golden mirror if you will. This process can also be reenacted by replicating the needed minerals within the users body to create the pyrite directly from the body.

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Once the Pyrite has been created, the user can manipulate its shape and form freely to fit him in any sort of situations, even using the mirror-like reflections of the surfaces to aid him. Something Unique to Pyrite is how it reacts to water and earthen materials it comes into contact with.
  • Water: Whenever pyrite comes into contact with water the pyrite instantly begins oxidation. The pyrite would let off toxic fumes that blend with the water, making the water crystal clear, yet very acidic to the touch. This is typically called "Acid Rock Drainage". Another side affect of constant contact with pyrite, is naturally create acid rain. The fumes let off from the oxidation would naturally rise, going into the sky, thus causing rain created afterwards to take on an acid state. These affects could come as a hazard to even the creators of the Pyrite since only the metal is under their control, so the fumes would be controlled by no one.
  • Earth/Earth combinations: When exposed to the combination of oxygen and any type earthen materials (earth, sand, crystal), the pyrite would again start to oxidize naturally. The oxidation of the pyrite would start to severely deteriorate the structure of earth to the point it'll cause a structural collapse.
Other than that, pyrite has been seen causing explosions, though it isn't the metal itself exploding. Whenever the pyrite oxidizes it will let off a sort of dust which is very exothermic. This dust given off by the pyrite on these occasions coupled with the sparks that can be created by pyrite rubbing together can cause quite the large explosion. The explosions always go outwards away from the pyrite itself, giving off high amounts of concussive force and heat whenever set off.

Usage Examples:

Pyrite creation
Rank:B rank
By utilizing your earth and fire chakra the user can form perfectly cut and shaped pyrite to be used as weapons and or a source for larger scale jutsus. The pyrite is shiny and glossy giving reflective qualities to anything that is made.
-must be on land to utilize this method of creation.
- can only be used by rojuro

Conditions to be able to use it:
-mastery of Doton/Katon/

Is weak to:

+Wind- Wind is sharp enough to cut through the solid pyrite and is an energy so it wouldn't be affected by the oxidation of the pyrite.

+Lightning- being that pyrite is still a mineral/crystalline structure it is naturally weak to lightning. Lightning can't be affected by the oxidation affects due to being an energy.

Is strong against:

+Water - Pyrite works well against water due to two things. The solid state of pyrite easily overpowers water just as earth does, but the pyrite would oxidize and turn the water acidic whenever they come into contact

+Earth/Earth CE - naturally earth is weak to crystalline and mineral based type structures such as pyrite seeing as earth has less density than it. Along with that, the oxidation of pyrite would corrode the earth and other earth based elements.

Is Neutral against:

+Energy based CE - Energy based custom elements wouldn't be affected by the oxidation fumes, so if logical could fight on par with the pyrite.

Co-creator: Shady Doctor

Students I passed this custom

element on too: ? & ?


✗ Declined: For starters I find the proof for it kinda shallow, you just point towards other materials, but realistically you should have to prove then that those materials also exist. I would like to see something that points more strongly to the existence of pyrite. And neutral elements are not part of the template, so take that out. My biggest problem with this CE is all the stuff about oxidation as this does not happen instantly. That's a proces that takes quite a long while compared to how long a battle lasts. Water isn't going to become instantly acidic by just touching pyrite and earth is not going to oxidize either by just touching pyrite. Otherwise pyrite wouldn't even be able to exist. This has an effect on your strengths as you can still proclaim regular earth as a strength, but it's highly questionable for earth variations, which are mainly metals. As I read pyrite is quite brittle, so that it would be strong against metals is very doubtful.

Revamped pretty much everything.

Custom element Japanese name: Fūruzu· gōrudo
(Ahou Kin)

Custom element English name:Fool's Gold(Pyrite)

The element is based on: Earth/ Fire

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):
Pyrite was once used as a firing device for weaponry and also in fake jewelry and other notables like batteries which battery type cells have been shown. However it's actual ploy is that it resembles gold but isn't actually the same thing as it is many times used as counterfeit currency to fool people.

It is considered a sulfide mineral which is a metal and yet classes in crystals as well. It is also found near Quartz veins, sedimentary rock. While having the nickname of fools gold it is also slightly found near gold deposits as well.

We've seen countless of rocks minerals metals and other types of crystals related to elements and there is little difference to pyrite as well. Pyrite is also made of Iron and Sulphur. It is also found around Coal deposits all of these things exist in Naruto and are all CE in there own right. This helps to prove that it would be quite simple to find pyrite in narutoverse.

How it works:
Using your earth and fire chakra to make Pyrite ( or use an existing source from the ground) while it is also used to sharpen and smooth the shiny facets which give reflection/mirrored facets to the mineral. The user can take advantage of the elements reflective abilities in battle hindering doujutsu user's to some degree's being able to confuse them. The durability of pyrite is that it is brittle substance but still a solid substance.

Another type of ability of pyrite is its ability to spark when you strike it with metal. This will help with igniting flammable substances and or fire jutsu which require an ignition of some sort. Bacteria can increase the process of oxidization for this mineral giving it slight acidic qualities as most natural sources of water have immense bacteria in them. This can however not be control, nor can the user control how much acid.

Large portions of Pyrite have a natural charge of energy, but as soon as it touches water you increase the amount of charge it can give off. This charge may only be enough to cause numbing sensation and at the most slight paralisation.

Video of pyrite having a energy:

Usage Examples:
Pyrite creation
Rank:B rank
By utilizing your earth fire and wind chakra the user can form perfectly cut and shaped pyrite to be used as weapons and or a source for larger scale jutsus. The pyrite is shiny and glossy giving reflective qualities to anything that is made.
-must be on land to utilize this method of creation.
- can only be used by juha

Conditions to be able to use it:
-mastery of Doton/Katon/

Is weak to:

+Wind- will generally be able to cut through any type of brittle substance. Depending on the amount that is amassed however.

+Lightning- being that pyrite is still a mineral/crystalline structure it is naturally weak to lightning.

Is strong against:

+Water- using water to combat pyrite will work but it is deadly as it causes acid drainage which causes sulfuric acid and acid rock. Also the fact that pyrite structures hold a natural charge of energy and is enhanced once it is in contact with water or sources.

+Earth- naturally earth is weak to crystalline and mineral based type structures as earth can easily be coated and at times more brittle then these minerals

+Sharingan/ Byakugan- having reflective shiny facets pyrite structures can confuse and trick doujutsu users by reflecting light and also images of themselves trapped in big structures

Co-creator: shady

Students I passed this custom

element on too: ? & ?


✗ Declined: The problem here remains that I don't really see anything that's enough to make this any different from existing CE. Most metals will cause sparks if another metal hits it, so that hardly can be considered something special, and all that stuff about Sharingan and Byakugan users has to go either way. They have the ability to easily see through genjutsu, objects and chakra sources. They are the persons who will be the least affected by such a superficial gimmick. It's also not something that should be listed among strengths. So in the end the only thing it has, is that energy bit, which is based on that vid of yours really not much. It's measured in microvolts and milliamps, it only works when it's submerged in water and than it strongly depends on where in the water exactly. So in the end this is really fake gold. There's already a gold element and this is just not real gold.

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Active member
Dec 20, 2012
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element Japanese name: Sakuranton
Custom element English name: Dry Storm Release
The element is based on: Lightning and Fire
Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): Dry storm is basically lightning storms that occur in dry areas in the world. Lightning when when the rain produced by thunderstorms falls through a substantial layer of very dry air which evaporates the precipitation before it reaches the ground. This means the lightning will be super heated making it start a fire. The other side of this is the super hot clouds that appear in dry storms. This clouds are specifically pyrocumulus cloud. This clouds appear in dense and very dry, heated areas. The cloud itself is also super hot, the cloud will have electrical surges of dry lightning around it as well, allowing the two to pretty much be apart of one another. This element is almost the complete opposite of the canon kekkai genkai storm release, storm release is lightning that travels like water that has a shocking property. This element is lightning that travels similar to fire, but has a burning shock property.

To prove that this element can occur in the ninja world is there must be storms in dry areas. We have seen countless areas with hot climates and with dry temperature, an example of this is Sunagakure. Also pyrocumulus cloud appear the same way in dry areas which have had experiences of fire examples include volcanic eruptions as well as forest fires. And forest fires usually occur because of dry lightning striking the ground. So as long as there are dry areas with chances of appearing storms this element is able to happen.

How it works: The element works similar to the canon KG storm release. The only difference is that the element is super heated. The user is able to manipulate there lightning and fire chakra to mix with one another to create the unique element. Which they then can release forward from there body (hands, mouth, legs , ect) or anywhere around the area.The element has a destructive heating and shocking property, on contact with the opponent it can not only severely burn an opponent but shock them potentially leaving him/her paralyzed. The element is as hot as fire so it does not obtain any super heating ability like scorch release. It's shocking ability is that of lightning but does not retain its piercing ability, it stays intangible and moves like fire release.

There are two basic forms of this element, once again this forms are similar to what has already been discussed and similar to storm release. The fire form is the shape of a reddish yellow colored lightning bolt that travels very fluidly similar to lasers. The second form is a super heated cloud with red lightning that is runs across and around the cloud, the cloud is pitch black in color. Both move with fluidity and are intangible similar to fire release.

This element and how it reacts with the other canon elements. The element due to the shocking heat it possesses is able to easily burn and cut through due to the properties of fire and lightning so this element is strong against earth and materials similar to earth. The element is also powerful against wind, since fire is considered the base of the element it will feed up on the fire increasing its size. The element is neutral against fire release since they are both of similar heating and properties are the same. The element is weak against water since the water douse the fire and neutralize the lightning. Normal lightning, since it contains participation meaning it will be able to douse the flames leaving the fire useless and being able to get pierced from the lightning.

Usage Examples:
Sakuranton: Rankiryū - Dry Storm: Demon Dragon
Type: Offense
Rank: Short-Long
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user will gather there dry storm chakra around there mouth and release from there mouth a pitch black cloud of dry storm with red lightning scorching around it. The dragon will hit the opponent burning them severely while shocking them which will paralyze there movements as well.

(Sakuranton: Tsuuru) - Dry Storm Release: Tools
Type: Offense-Defense-Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user will create tools of dry storms which are able to be created around and beyond the user anywhere in the terrain. This includes spears, walls, spheres, ect. This tools can also be wielded. They have the form of a dark cloud with lightning of red color around it. If it touches the opponent they can harm the opponent buy severely shocking and burning them.

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery of Fire and Lightning
Is weak to: Lightning and Water
Is strong against: Wind and Earth
Co-creator: Tsukuyomi
Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

✗ Declined: Normal lightning by default burns and can paralyze you, so you just made the lightning element and normal environments don't have the requirements for such clouds. Not to mention we already have storm and cloud release.

Custom element Japanese name: Sakuraiton

Custom element English name: Dry Lightning Release

The element is based on: Lightning and Fire

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):
Dry lightning is basically lightning storms that occur in dry areas in the world. Lightning when when the rain produced by thunderstorms falls through a substantial layer of very dry air which evaporates the precipitation before it reaches the ground. This means the lightning will be super heated making it start a fire on the ground instead of conducting through it. These type of lightning erupt out of Pyrocumulus clouds.

To prove that this element can occur in the ninja world is there must be storms in dry areas. We have seen countless areas with hot climates and with dry temperature, an example of this is Sunagakure. Also pyrocumulus cloud appear the same way in dry areas which have had experiences of fire examples include volcanic eruptions as well as forest fires. And forest fires usually occur because of dry lightning striking the ground. So as long as there are dry areas with chances of appearing storms this element is able to happen.

How it works: To create this element, the user would have to create pure lightning for the base of the CE, from there the user will use fire chakra to evaporate the water in the lightning, thus creating Dry Lightning. Doing this all simultaneously will allow for the CE to be made successfully out of their body.

Dry lightning being extremely hot allows it to evaporate water and burn anyone on contact, setting most natural materials on fire. Its sharpness resembles regular lightning, able to pierce through flesh and regular natural metals with relative ease. However, earth, steel, etc. chakra based, elemental solid techniques, would be unaffected by the dehydration effect of dry lightning, as well as, this form doesn't conduct material like earth as well as regular lightning, it simply sets them on fire and disperses after contact, nothing would breach or destroy the earth itself. Making dry lightning, funny enough, weak to such material. Wind would act to fan the heat in the lightning, but wind is also a natural insulator of electricity, one might negate the body of lightning, but the heat would still be strong, so its safe to say it has more neutrality. Regular lightning if it clashes with the dry lightning will result in heating up the regular lightning creating a pseudo-dry lightning form, thus negating one another. Fire plays a neutral role since it has no significant clashing with dry lightning and its main effects.

Supplementary wise, this jutsu can very easily produce flames due to its interaction with organic material on touch or travel along such material. This also means it can easily set flammable material into blazes. This element also, visually, is no different to regular lightning in color, as well as sound it makes.

Usage Examples:
Sakuraiton: Rankiryū - Dry Lightning Release: Demon Dragon
Type: Offense
Rank: Short-Long
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user will gather there dry lightning chakra around there mouth and release from there mouth lightning. The dragon will hit the opponent burning them severely, setting them and their clothes into flames.

(Sakuraiton: Tsuuru) - Dry Lightning Release: Tools
Type: Offense-Defense-Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user will create tools of dry lightning which are able to be created around and beyond the user anywhere in the terrain. This includes spears, walls, spheres, ect. This tools can also be wielded. If it touches the opponent they can harm the opponent by burning them.

Conditions to be able to use it:
Mastery of Fire and Lightning​
Is weak to:
Earth (KG and CE Related), Steel, Sand, etc - Unable to evaporate such material, as well as destructively destroy its body.
Is strong against:
Water (KG and CE Related), Storm, Rain, Ice, Steam, etc- Able to evaporate this material with ease.

Oil, Coal, and other flammable material- Easily able to set off and destroy the basis of the element, adds fuel for the lightning

Wood, Plants, and other organic material- Not as durable and strong as regular earth, they can easily be penetrated, as well as burnt to a crisp from the intense heat.
Co-creator: Will add soon.
Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?


✗ Declined: The same comments as last time still very well apply. This is just regular lightning. The lightning on itself isn't particularly different, the circumstances are simply different. Lightning is lightning, it can cause a fire every time it strikes, no matter where, but it's simply a fact that it's far more difficult in a humid place than in a very dry place. All those supposed differences you listed, for so far they are even true, are neglectable.

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Jul 15, 2011
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Re: Custom Elements Bureau

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Custom element Japanese name: Jūryōton

Custom element English name: Weight Release

The element is based on: Earth × Wind × Chakra Control

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): The concepts of heaviness and lightness have always been familiar to man and relatively easy to understand since all bodies, objects, and forms of matter, animate and inanimate have weight. This weight can be increased or decreased; for instance, three coins placed on a measuring scale weigh 3kg, each weighing 1kg respectively. By adding two more coins of equal weight the scale reads 5kg. If four of these five coins are taken away, then the scale reads 1kg. This proves that weight can indeed be added or reduced in varying proportions.

In the Narutoverse, a world not very dissimilar from ours, weight exists not merely as a general conception, but an integral part of society that influences views and choices of individuals. People eat more or less to either gain or lose weight. People train their bodies to carry weighty objects to improve their physique or to become stronger physically. Physical energy (one of the two fundamental components of chakra), requires increase in strength and agility which are most times related to weight (gain or loss). Also, objects, gaseous (wind type) and solid based jutsus (earth, water type) have a weight of sorts, either light or heavy. As we have seen so many times in the Narutoverse, chakra has been used to achieve many unconventional feats that are impossible in the real world. Hence, it is not far-fetched to conclude that weight can be created, manifested and manipulated with the use of chakra.

How it works: In order to create and manipulate weight, one needs two fundamental elements that naturally accentuate weight— Earth and Wind. Earth symbolizes heaviness and Wind, lightness. By combining both chakras, one is able to birth a new form of chakra called Weight chakra. (Jūryō chakra.) During usage, Weight most often has a distinctively glowing butterscotch colour (yellow colour with a tinge of brown.) However, certain users may have a colour variation befitting their character, their state of mind or even their rage, but this is merely cosmetical. When one is touched by a Weight release technique, they experience a numbness around the impact area which rapidly spreads through their body. This may mean the person has either gained or lost weight depending on the technique used.

Just as one can use Lightning chakra to create Lightning from their body, the ground or the sky or to solidify Lightning itself and use it to stab and cut or to even take control of existing Lightning, with Weight chakra, one can achieve a number of things. To better emphasize these "things", we'll divide them into three releases. They include:

• Main Release : This usage of Weight will be applied to creating shields, pulses, beams, surges, barriers, etc. The techniques created will, aside from dealing impact damage, increase or decrease the weight of any solid, liquid or gas they come in contact with as long as the opposing technique has weight,regardless of how infinitesimal it may be, unless it is an energy-based element. This is similar to how an orb of water sent at a target will after hitting the target and dealing damage to the impact area, also wet the target. For instance, an opponent attempts to punch a weight barrier technique set up by the user that when touched, repels the attack with a forceful blast and also produces a heaviness effect. When the punch connects with the barrier, the opponent is blown backwards while their body begins to gain weight, restricting their movement. If the barrier produced a lightness effect instead, then the opponent will feel weightless, which will affect their movement as they will sway uncontrollably due to lack of balance and also drastically reduce their taijutsu effectiveness.

• Alternative Release : By putting their Weight chakra into use, the individual is able to create solid constructs with which to attack, defend or perform supplementary techniques. These constructs may range from simple needle-like objects to gargantuan pillars, etc. These structures which basically possess the regular glowing butterscotch colour of Weight will on contact with a target increase or decrease their weight as their various techniques will explain. For instance, a pillar of Weight collides with an Earth wall. The Weight pillar will prevail because as it hits the Earth wall, it drastically reduces the wall's weight and in effect its strength, allowing the pillar to easily shatter it and continue.

• Specific Release : This release will be used to manipulate existing Weight. Just as one can take control of natural lightning in the clouds, or water bodies, or wind/air currents around them, or the earth itself by infusing them with their respective chakra natures, a Weight user is able to infuse substances possessing weight with their Weight chakra and manipulate the weight in them. This can be applied even to an opponent's technique with the sole purpose of manipulating the weight of that technique and not the physical properties of the technique itself. The abilities of this release will be mostly achieved with the use of energy waves, barriers, etc. For instance, a boulder of rock is sent at the Weight user. To combat it, the user releases a energy wave of Weight towards the incoming rock. This wave on hitting the object drastically reduces it's weight, making it light enough to knocked away with the user's bare hands. However, if the rock was a spike and the user even after reducing its weight carelessly allows it to hit him/her, they may still be pierced by it. This means that the size, shape, speed and range of the techniques whose weight the user is manipulating must all be taken into consideration as it can also work against them. If a kunai is thrown at the Weight user and they use an energy wave of Weight chakra to lighten it, it can make the kunai a lot faster, which will be detrimental to them. Or if they choose to make it heavier so it can slow down and fall to the ground and do not take into consideration the range, they might as well be multiplying the impact damage the kunai will deal on them when it hits. This release can also be achieved through direct contact with the object whose weight the user aims to manipulate. When in direct contact, the speed at which the object's weight is manipulated is a lot faster since the user is directly putting their Weight chakra into the target without the use of a medium.​

Jutsu Usage Examples:
Jūryōton: Sokui | Weight Release: Ascension
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: The user releases an omnidirectional wave of weight from their body. This wave drastically lightens the weight of any object possessing weight that it comes in contact with.

Jūryōton: Tsūru | Weight Release: Tools
Type: Supplementary | Attack
Rank: C
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15
Damage: 30
Description: With this technique, the user is able to create solid constructs of Weight from their body or the ground. When these constructs hit a target, they increase the weight of the target drastically, pinning them to the ground.

Jūryōton: Kyūri | Weight Release: Cucumber
Type: Supplementary | Defence
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user slams their palms on the ground and a large barrier of Weight is created short range around them. On coming in contact with this barrier from the outside, the opponent will be repelled with a blast. Contact with this barrier will also drastically increase the weight of whoever touches it.

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery of Earth and Wind elements.

Is weak to:
•Fire and Lightning: Fire and Lightning have no weight. As such, Weight has no effect over them.​

Is strong against:
•Earth, Water and Wind: These three elements represent the solid, liquid and gaseous states of matter and all have weight. As such their weights can be manipulated using Weight element. Also, when up against the Alternative release form of Weight, these elements will be overpowered by it.​

Co-creator: ?

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?​


✗ Declined: You just explained the concept of weight, which is rather redundant, and then suddenly you jump to weight chakra. You provided no proof whatsoever and most of your explanation does not make sense and is baseless. How are you supposed to make solid structures of this? It has no substance. There are only two ways to manipulate weight: control gravity or mass. The first is what Pein does, the latter is what Oonoki does, so both of them are by default not eligible for CE. So you have nothing.

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Active member
Apr 22, 2012
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

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Custom element Japanese name: Arugon

Custom element English name: Argon

The element is based on: Wind + Lightening + Chakra Control

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):
The third most abundant gas, making up one percent of the atmosphere. Argon is a colourless, tasteless, odourless gas that is totally inert to other substances, and for this reason it is ideal in light bulbs and tube lights. Now, Narutoverse is not much different from the real-life especially when it comes to obeying the laws of nature or the laws of physics. So prety much everything that happens in the real-world can happen in Naruto-world as well. So it is "safe" to assume that argon is used in light bulbs in their houses considering the fact that we use argon for the same. Also, argon is an inert element that is freely available in the atmosphere. If Naruto-verse is similar to the real world, then argon should be present in the same quantity, which makes it possible to manipulate it more like a wind and/or smoke jutsu.

How it works:
Let me first start by explaining what Argon is all about.

is considered to be a noble or inert gas and does not form true chemical compounds. Argon has a freezing point of -189.2°C, boiling point of -185.7°C, and density of 1.7837 g/l. It is used to fill incandescent and fluorescent light bulbs to prevent oxygen from corroding the hot filament. Argon is also used to form inert atmospheres for arc welding, growing semiconductor crystals and processes that require shielding from other atmospheric gases.
Now when we say argon, we are talking about the isotope 40Ar which makes up 99.6% of natural argon. 40Ar as it is stable. It makes a good atmosphere for working with air-sensitive materials since it is heavier than air. Argon is two-and-one-half times as soluble in water as nitrogen, making it about as soluble as oxygen. Although argon is non-toxic, it is 38% denser than air and is therefore considered a dangerous asphyxiant in closed areas.

Now how exactly does it work:
The user can simply manipulate the Argon gases present in the atmosphere, or combine his wind (which provides the substance) and lightening chakra (to provide it, stability) with his expertise in chakra control to create argon from his body. Argon is, a gaseous element. Which is why the basic component to produce Argon is wind. The special properties of Argon (i.e strength against decay and fire etc.) is caused due to the addition of lightning. Lightning (electricity) has the property to provide stability to the element, and increasing its half-life. Argon, in itself is not toxic (it is an asphyxiant). Unlike Wind Element, Argon does not have the cutting ability. However, a compressed Argon technique can cause an equal or slightly more (due to its density) blunt damage to the target. But that's not what Argon is known for. Argon techniques when they come in contact with a target, they will cause frost bite at the area of contact, which is what makes it different from other elements. Argon in a closed area is a asphyxiant. However, a compressed Argon technique can cause frost bite even in an open area.

In terms of jutsu usage, argon can be created from the user's body which then can be shape manipulated to form different structures.

Argon Release as an elemental release manifests in different forms same as almost any other elemental release on narutoverse:

Compressed Release: The user can manipulate or release argon as a condensed and compressed form of energy like a blast of Argon or shields of argon or any solid construct that would have the cutting or defensive properties of wind element, combined with its own density and unique properties to give a strong form of release.

Gas Release: Argon gas can be released or manipulated and used more like smoke/gas elements which can be manipulated to form an orb, sphere, cubes etc made of pure Argon. Though the gas is not toxic, it does have physical construct that can physically affect anyone. It can also be used to create gaseous projectiles.

Advanced Release: This pertains the ability of the user to channel the chakra within his own body or his opponent's body (with direct contact). It can also be used to channel chakra into other objects which may be living, sentinent, or non living.

Argon techniques when compressed, give off a slight hue, which can be seen with naked eyes if the opponent watches closely

General properties of Argon Gas:

Anti-Decay/Anti-Corossive: Potassium decays to form Argon in the atmosphere. Once formed, it does not undergo any reaction and hence it cannot be decayed/coroded as it is a stable gas.

Density: Argon in gaseous form has a density of 1.7837 g/l. Only chlorine or other noble gases have higher densities in gaseous form.

Anti-Combustion: Being a noble gas, Argon does not undergo any reaction.

Heat Resistance: Being a noble gas, Argon is incredibly resistant to temperature changes.

Health Effects of Argon:

Skin Exposure: Causes frost-bite.

Inhalation: This gas is inert and is classified as a simple asphyxiant. Inhalation in excessive concentrations can result in dizziness, dullness, headache, nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness, and death. Death may result from errors in judgment, confusion, or loss of consciousness which prevent self-rescue. At low oxygen concentrations, unconsciousness and death may occur in seconds without warning.

Symptoms: The first symptoms produced by a simple asphyxiant are rapid respirations and air hunger. Mental alertness is diminished and muscular coordination is impaired. Later judgment becomes faulty and all sensations are depressed. Emotional instability often results and fatigue occurs rapidly. As the asphyxia progresses, there may be nausea and vomiting, prostration and loss of consciousness, and finally convulsions, deep coma and death.

Usage Examples:

(Arugon: Saigo no bansan) – Argon Release: The Last Supper
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: After releasing the argon gas in the atmosphere, the user will manipulate it to form a dome around the opponent. The gas would push away all the oxygen in the atmosphere leaving the opponent to suffocate as he sufferes frost-bite and ultimately die x_x

(Arugon: Kuraku ero) – Argon Release: Darkly Erotic
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: Using the Argon chakra within his body, the user will channel it into his sword before releasing it in a cresent wave. The blade of chakra will cut through the opponent, letting argon enter his body and cause frost bites etc.

(Arugon: Arugonkuron) – Argon Release: Argon Clone
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: The user using the principles of shadow clones, creates clones made of argon that are able to perform argon techniques.

(Arugon: Guzo hakai omega) – Argon Release: Iconoclasm Omega
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: The user releases a large amount of argon gas from his mouth as a massive and intense wall of gas in both vertical and horizontal dimentions, making it difficult to avoid.

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery of Wind and Lightening and should have a good chakra control.

Is weak to:
  • Pure Metals and other physically strong materials, Earth Release, Wood Release, Sand.
    Argon even in compressed form cannot break through strong defenses.​
  • Water and its variations
    Argon gets dissolved in water.​
Is strong against:
  • Smoke and other gases, Foam
    Argon is much more denser than other gases (except chlorine gas and other noble gases). Hence when it clashes against other gases, it has the power to overcome their defenses. It is similar to how a physical object of greater mass/density can destroy the other object of comparatively lesser mass/density.

    [*]Wind and its variations
    Argon is an advanced element that is made out of wind. Hence it carries some qualities of the wind element itself. Also, argon gas is naturally heavier (and denser) than the average wind. When these two techniques clash, argon gas will easily overthrow the wind (or air in general) in the room, to occupy the space. Similarly, a compressed blast of wind can be overthrown by a compressed blast of Argon.​
  • Heat and its variations
    Argon's gas does not undergo any change even at high temperatures.​
  • Fire Release and its variations, Any type of explosive or combustive or reactive materials, Decay Release, Corosion
    Argon is naturally strong to these elements.​
  • Mushroom, Caramel, etc.
    Argon has a tissue damaging property (Ex. Frost-Bite)​
Co-creator: N/A
Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

Credits to Lili for the wonderful icon


✗ Declined: I'm pretty sure it's now around the third tie or so that I have to say that unless something is like a few meters away in large quantities, saying that you're going to search the atmosphere is impossible. Also I still do not understand how lightning is supposed to make this possible.

✓ The element is created from the body.
✓ Changed the requirement to Fire and explained the reason.

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Custom element Japanese name: Arugon

Custom element English name: Argon

The element is based on: Wind + Fire + Chakra Control

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):
The third most abundant gas, making up one percent of the atmosphere. Argon is a colorless, tasteless, odorless gas that is totally inert to other substances, and for this reason it is ideal in light bulbs and tube lights. Now, Narutoverse is not much different from the real-life especially when it comes to obeying the laws of nature or the laws of physics. So pretty much everything that happens in the real-world can happen in Naruto-world as well. So it is "safe" to assume that argon is used in light bulbs in their houses considering the fact that we use argon for the same. Also, argon is an inert element that is freely available in the atmosphere. If Naruto-verse is similar to the real world, then argon should be present in the same quantity, which makes it possible to manipulate it more like a wind and/or smoke jutsu.

How it works:
Let me first start by explaining what Argon is all about.

is considered to be a noble or inert gas and does not form true chemical compounds. Argon has a freezing point of -189.2°C, boiling point of -185.7°C, and density of 1.7837 g/l. It is used to fill incandescent and fluorescent light bulbs to prevent oxygen from corroding the hot filament. Argon is also used to form inert atmospheres for arc welding, growing semiconductor crystals and processes that require shielding from other atmospheric gases.
Now when we say argon, we are talking about the isotope 40Ar which makes up 99.6% of natural argon. 40Ar as it is stable. It makes a good atmosphere for working with air-sensitive materials since it is heavier than air. Argon is two-and-one-half times as soluble in water as nitrogen, making it about as soluble as oxygen. Although argon is non-toxic, it is 38% denser than air and is therefore considered a dangerous asphyxiant in closed areas.

Now how exactly does it work:
The user can simply combine his wind (which provides the substance) and Fire chakra (in real-life, Argon is extracted from air by cryogenic fractional distillation, a process that separates argon element from the rest of the air, under a certain temperature. This temperature can only be achieved by using the Fire element.) with his expertise in chakra control to create argon from his body. Argon is, a gaseous element. Which is why the basic component to produce Argon is wind. Argon, in itself is not toxic (it is an asphyxiant). Unlike Wind Element, Argon does not have the cutting ability. However, a compressed Argon technique can cause an equal or slightly more (due to its density) blunt damage to the target. But that's not what Argon is known for. Argon techniques when they come in contact with a target, they will cause frost bite at the area of contact, which is what makes it different from other elements. Argon in a closed area is a asphyxiant. However, a compressed Argon technique can cause frost bite even in an open area.

In terms of jutsu usage, argon can be created from the user's body which then can be shape manipulated to form different structures.

Argon Release as an elemental release manifests in different forms same as almost any other elemental release on narutoverse:

Compressed Release: The user can manipulate or release argon as a condensed and compressed form of energy like a blast of Argon or shields.

Gas Release: Argon gas can be released or manipulated and used more like smoke/gas elements which can be manipulated to form an orb, sphere, cubes etc made of pure Argon. Though the gas is not toxic, it does have physical construct that can physically affect anyone. It can also be used to create gaseous projectiles.​

Argon techniques give off a slight hue, which can be seen with naked eyes if the opponent watches closely

General properties of Argon Gas:

Anti-Decay/Anti-Corossive: Potassium decays to form Argon in the atmosphere. Once formed, it does not undergo any reaction and hence it cannot be decayed/coroded as it is a stable gas.

Density: Argon in gaseous form has a density of 1.7837 g/l. Only chlorine or other noble gases have higher densities in gaseous form.

Anti-Combustion: Being a noble gas, Argon does not undergo any reaction.

Heat Resistance: Being a noble gas, Argon is incredibly resistant to temperature changes.

Health Effects of Argon:

Skin Exposure: Causes frost-bite.

Inhalation: This gas is inert and is classified as a simple asphyxiant. Inhalation in excessive concentrations can result in dizziness, dullness, headache, nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness, and death. Death may result from errors in judgment, confusion, or loss of consciousness which prevent self-rescue. At low oxygen concentrations, unconsciousness and death may occur in seconds without warning.

Symptoms: The first symptoms produced by a simple asphyxiant are rapid respiration and air hunger. Mental alertness is diminished and muscular coordination is impaired. Later judgment becomes faulty and all sensations are depressed. Emotional instability often results and fatigue occurs rapidly. As the asphyxia progresses, there may be nausea and vomiting, prostration and loss of consciousness, and finally convulsions, deep coma and death.

Usage Examples:

(Arugon: Saigo no bansan) – Argon Release: The Last Supper
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: After releasing the argon gas from the body in the atmosphere, the user will manipulate it to form a dome around the opponent. The gas would push away all the oxygen in the atmosphere leaving the opponent to suffocate as he suffers frost-bite and ultimately die x_x

(Arugon: Kuraku ero) – Argon Release: Darkly Erotic
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: Using the Argon chakra within his body, the user will channel it into his sword before releasing it in a cresent wave. The blade of chakra will cut through the opponent, letting argon enter his body and cause frost bites etc.

(Arugon: Arugonkuron) – Argon Release: Argon Clone
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: The user using the principles of shadow clones, creates clones made of argon that are able to perform argon techniques.

(Arugon: Guzo hakai omega) – Argon Release: Iconoclasm Omega
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: The user releases a large amount of argon gas from his mouth as a massive and intense wall of gas in both vertical and horizontal dimensions, making it difficult to avoid.

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery of Wind and Fire and should have a good chakra control.

Is weak to:
  • Pure Metals and other physically strong materials, Earth Release, Wood Release, Sand.
    Argon even in compressed form cannot break through strong defenses.​
  • Water and its variations
    Argon gets dissolved in water.​
  • Ice
Is strong against:
  • Smoke and other gases, Foam
    Argon is much more denser than other gases (except chlorine gas and other noble gases). Hence when it clashes against other gases, it has the power to overcome their defenses. It is similar to how a physical object of greater mass/density can destroy the other object of comparatively lesser mass/density.​
  • Wind
    Argon gas is naturally heavier (and denser) than the average wind. When these two techniques clash, argon gas will easily overthrow the wind (or air in general) in the room, to occupy the space. Similarly, a compressed blast of wind can be overthrown by a compressed blast of Argon.​
  • Heat
    Argon's gas does not undergo any change even at high temperatures.​
  • Fire Release and its variations, Any type of combustive or reactive materials, Decay Release, Corrosion
    Argon is naturally strong to these elements.​
  • Mushroom, Caramel, other organic elements like plants etc.
    Argon has a tissue damaging property (Ex. Frost-Bite)​
Co-creator: N/A
Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

P a t e n t C e r t i f i c a t e

I, Caliburn, head of the Custom Elements Bureau, declare for all men to hear that I give you the following:

Flásh, our loyal member, gave on the date September 29th 2015 a request for a Patent on his custom element (Argon); after reading the submission, I decided that the submitted element satisfies all requirements, and am therefore giving him his rightfully earned Patent on this element by the following;

Powered by Caliburn
Copyright © 2015, Flásh, NarutoBase.net​

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Glad Of War

Active member
Apr 19, 2014
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element Japanese name: Dākuraitoningu

Custom element English name: Dark Lightning

The element is based on: Fire + Lightning

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

Dark Lightning is a type of element completely made of just electrons. Unlike normal lightning, Dark Lightning only has electrons which are the negatively charged particles of atom. Together, all of the electrons of an atom create a negative charge that balances the positive charge of the protons in the atomic nucleus. In Narutoverse it isn't far-fetched Dark Lightning element could be attainable. This is because Dark Lightning contains only electrons, and electrons are found in clouds that surrounds an atom which in turn makes up an element. Electrons can also be found in the electrical appliances. They are mainly useful in encoding and processing information electrically, a field known as electronics. Nowadays this usually involves transistors, where electrons are loosely held inside a semiconducting material; but at one time all electronic devices radios, TVs, even early computers--relied on vacuum tubes, in which a hot wire emitted electrons and an arrangement of electrified grids and coils controlled their motion. We have seen presence of televisions, computers in Narutoworld which contains electrons and Thus proving Dark Lightning can be formed.​

How it works:

Dark Lightning is black in color and extremely volatile. It can be formed through the amalgamation of Fire and Lightning element. Normally Lightning are made up of protons and electrons. However in this case, Fire heats up the Lightning to a substantial state, and causes the protons present in lightning to wear off exponentially, Thus forming Dark Lightning. Unlike normal Lightning, Dark Lightning is completely harmless against beings due to it containing only electrons. It does have a unique ability that can be considered solitary. When release, the electrons within the element attacks the compact present in a solid element such as earth, causing the Molecules to vibrate in a transitional motion. The vibration causes the intermolecular bonds to get weakened and consequently break apart. In reality, this phenomenon causes the Earth element to lose its strength. E.g When an S-rank Earth element absorbs Dark lightning, it's rank is subsequently decrease to C-rank.​

Jutsu Usage Examples:

(Dākuraitoningu: ) Dark Lightning Release - Solid Cleanser
Rank: S-rank
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user execute a single hand seal, and manipulate their Fire and Lightning chakra forming Dark Lightning. Thereupon the user releases their Dark Lightning from their hand in an omni-direction. When the Dark Lightning comes in contact with a Solid element such as the Earth, it causes the rank of the Earth to drop severely. Forbidden Earth techniques are reduce to B-rank, S-rank are reduce to C-rank, While B-rank Earth techniques are reduce to D-rank.

• Can be used Thrice in battle.
• Must be a Dark Lightning user.
• Same situation are applied to other Solid techniques such like Ice, Metal and Crystals.

Conditions to be able to use it:

Mastery of Fire, and Lightning affinities.​
Is strong gainst:

Earth and Pure Metals ▬ Strong against Earth and Pure Metals due to its intermolecular forces which are very strong, and the constituent particles are closely packed. Dark Lightning when absorbed, can easily break apart this strong intermolecular forces. Also tenacious against other Solid elements such as Ice, Crystals e.t.c

Fire ▬ Strong against Fire techniques.

Is weak to:

Wind ▬ Weak against Wind and its variations because the intermolecular forces are negligible (extremely weak), and the constituent particles are free to move. As a result Wind cannot absorb Dark Lightning. In addition, gases such as Smoke are also resistant to Dark Lightning

Lightning ▬ Weak against Lightning as it can easily absorb and gain the electrons that are found in Dark Lightning

Is Neural against:

Water ▬ It's been widely noted Water already has weakened intermolecular bonds. Meaning if it were to absorbed Dark Lightning, they both become stalemated because the bonds already in water element are broken.​


Students I passed this custom element on too:


✗ Declined: When there's in the manga something called Black Lightning, that literally is black lightning, it should be obvious that a Dark Lightning CE of black lightning is not going to be approved. There's no reason for this to be black in the first place. Secondly this is just electricity, which already falls under lightning. There are many people who already made CJ playing with the concept of electrons. The weakness of earth is also lightning, so there's really no difference here other than that you try to be less destructive. There is nothing that stops people from making a lightning CJ and saying it gently breaks down an earth jutsu rather than blowing it apart. Also do not ever code a CE submission like this again and the template does not contain neutral elements, so it shouldn't be there.

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Active member
Apr 23, 2010
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element Japanese name: Ikiryōton
Custom element English name: Wraith Release
The element is based on: Water + Lightning + Chakra Control

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

In the narutoverse there is an elemental Kekkei Genkai known as Storm release which is a fusion of lightning and water. Storm is an example of an element that is not a literal mixture of two elements but instead applies properties of one element to another. In Storm’s case it uses lightning as a medium and gives it a fluid form reminiscent of water. Wraith release can be described as the reversal of Storm, applying the dynamic form of lightning to water. Water in nature can produce a great amount of energy while in motion, for example in rivers and waterfalls. By giving water its own source of energy it loses its passive fluidity to a more destructive form. The fluid energy of Storm proves that elements can take on very unnatural forms when combined with other elements.

How it works:

Wraith is an element created through the combination of water and lightning chakra, water acting as the medium and lightning infusing it with the energy to take on an active state. It may be produced from the user’s body or by transforming existing water into it. Appearance-wise Wraith is a translucent, fluctuating liquid emitting a faint white glow caused by the energy contained within. Its molecules actively spread in whatever direction they are compelled to move in which is by default down due to gravity. This makes a Wraith ball appear to be have rapidly undulating tendrils spreading from it that give off mist due to the separation of molecules at its edges. Emitting mist and a faint glow, this element has a ghostly appearance, hence the name. It is warm to the touch although not hot enough to cause burns.
Unlike water, Wraith doesn’t naturally change shape to conform to a container or move around an obstruction, instead penetrating the obstruction and exiting through the other side. The same applies to an object pushing it. An infiltrated object swells and is rapidly eroded by Wraith's movement, causing the object to be broken apart and even disintegrated if consistently exposed to it. This is especially effective on humans because Wraith can easily infiltrate the body of a person and break them down from the inside. A downside to Wraith's dynamic form is its limited lifespan. Without being fueled, Wraith completely disperses into mist and becomes useless, much like fire.

Usage Examples:

(Ikiryōton: Bōryoku-tekina Keimusho)- Wraith Release: Violent Prison
Type: Attack
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user materializes a wraith orb around the opponent to immobilize them as it is forced to infiltrate their body through their skin, mouth, nose, etc, and gradually disintegrate them.

(Ikiryōton: Shouji)- Wraith Release: Possession
Type: Attack
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user creates a wraith orb beneath his palm and thrusts it into the opponent. Their body swells as the released wraith spreads through them, damaging them internally.

(Ikiryōton: Nikui Tatakitsukemasu)- Wraith Release: Hateful Pelting
Type: Attack
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user spits a large wraith stream which branches out in the form of many monstrous tendrils. These engulf the opponent and drive him underground with it, tearing him apart and leaving him at the bottom of a chasm.

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery of Water and Lightning

Is weak to:
Lightning / Fire / Energy based CE: Too much energy causes an overload and evaporates it

Is strong against:
Water: Has more energy and more power than normal water
Wind: Forces through and disperses wind
Wood and other organic elements: Infiltrates and breaks down organic material.
Ice: Resistant to freezing
Co-creator: N/A
Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?


✗ Declined: This pretty much makes no sense. It's not because lightning can flow like water that automatically the opposite is possible and what you describe doesn't even seem the opposite. You're also contradicting yourself several times.

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Active member
Apr 22, 2012
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element Japanese name: Girisharaito

Custom element English name: Greek Light

The element is based on: Lightning + Earth + Water

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): Firsly, Greek Light is nothing but hot, high-voltage lightning in semi-solid form. To better vizualize it, take hot magma, and replace the "fire" in it, with lightning. Take the red out, insert yellow. There are various facts available , to prove that the element can be created in Narutoverse. Firstly, the element Magma itself. It is more like fire flowing like water. The fire literally melts the rocks, to form the end result. Also, we have seen "Storm Release" being used in the manga. It mixes the Lightning and Water to give the end result, where the water conducts electricity. We also have many lightning jutsus that do not destroy the earth, but form around them, like "Four Pillar Bind". This proves that lightning doesn't necessarily have to destroy the Earth. Using the concepts mentioned here, we can create a totally new element, called Greek Light. More explanation would be provided in the next section.

How it works:
Creating Greek Light is a difficult process. But with time, the user can improve the speed at which he molds his chakra. To create this chakra, the user will mix his Lightning, Earth and Water chakra in the ratio 7:2:1. The earth provides the matter to this lightning. This is similar to the Earth required in Magma. Water, when mixed with earth provides the necessary semi-solid feature to the element. It also ensures that the lightning does not break the earth into two, but instead, melts it. The final and the main entity in it, is the lightning. The user generates a very high voltage of lightning, much stronger than his usual Lightning techniques. As its votage increases, its temperature also increases when it comes in contact with any solid substances. The element of course retains the ability of its parent to electrocute the object in contact. However, with electrocution, it also starts melting physical objects. In real life, this is proven by "fuse-wires", which melt on supplying with high voltage current.
Although Greek Light is such a dangerous element, it will never harm the user himself, as it is his own chakra. This is similar to any element (like fire) that allows the user to coat their body with that particular element. The element, as mentioned earlier, is yellow in color. It has a thick gluey property that is similar to magma. The technique can be used from one's own body or by channeling his water and lightning chakra into the earth source in proper ratios, to turn it into aquabolt.

Usage Examples:

(Girisharaito : Saigo no bansan) – Greek Light Release: The Last Supper
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user coats his body with Greek Light chakra, and punches his opponent, to deal him damage.

(Girisharaito : Kuraku ero) – Greek Light Release: Darkly Erotic
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user creates various objects made of Greek Light in front of him. It can be used to defend, like shields, or even for offensive purposes like swords. Anything that the user imagines.

(Girisharaito : Arugonkuron) – Greek Light Release: Dragon
Type: Attack
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user forms a handseal and creates a dragon made of Greek Light, to rise from the ground.

Is Weak to
Wind & Variations
Wind is, and has always been the natural enemy of Lightning. It will not conduct electricity, and neither will it let it pass through. And since Greek Light is majorly lightning, wind proves to be stronger against Greek Light as well.

Nothingness will destroy Greek Light, as it has an entity.

Dark Release (Custom)
Cosmic energies have the ability to overcome the defenses of Greek Light.


Water can negate the hotness property of Greek Light, and thereby producing steam on clashing with it.

Is Strong to
Physically strong materials, Organic Substances, Elements with Solid Matter
Earth, Sand, Metals, Wood, Mushroom, Kaguya Bones, Sulphur, Rubber etc.
Greek Light has the property to melt these objects and/or electrocute them, This property allows it to destroy the above listed elements.

Fire & Variations
Greek Light gets more heated and more powerful when it combines with fire.

Greek Light being the advanced version of Lightning, and having higher voltage and power, will destroy lightning easily.

Ice, Glass, Crystal
Greek Light has the ability to destroy these materials, similar to how lightning breaks through glass.

Co-creator: N/A
Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?


✗ Declined: Because this has no real sensible explanation. You just took the workings of other combination elements, switched some elements with other elements and assumed that the result would be the same, only better. And not that it matters, but what does this have to do with Greece?

Completely Revamped

Custom element Japanese name: Ekitai hikari

Custom element English name: Liquid Light

The element is based on: Water + Lightning

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): Storm Release is a combined nature transformation made up of techniques that mix lightning and water-based chakra. This shows that water and lightning are compatible elements. They can combine with each other to give better/different results. It has been explained in the manga, that concentrating yin/yang energies in different proportions can help you achieve different results. For example, to create a tailed beast bomb, Naruto had to concentrate his yin: yang ratio to 8:2, which released a black tailed beast ball. But Sora released a white tailed beast ball, while the Juubi released a red ball, both of which obviously had different proportions. Similarly, by changing the proportions of lightning and water chakra in the combo, instead of creating storm chakra, we intent to create pure lightning in its semi-fluid form. To better visualize it, take hot magma, and replace the "fire" in it, with "lightning". Take the red out, insert yellow. More explanation would be provided in the next section.

How it works:
One theory that is common among various scientists of the five allied nations is that, during monsoon, when the natural lightning hits the water surface of small water sources under certain conditions, they exhibit a strange behavior. Usually when a lightning bolt hits any water source, due to its high temperature, most of the water gets evaporated. Since the temperature of the lightning bolt can reach up to 50,000F, while the boiling point of water is 212F. But sometimes, due the the water source being larger, not all the water gets evaporated. Certain water molecules that were affected by the strike, but did not evaporate, get ionized. They acquire an electric charge, and turn from fluid, to semi-fluid. The temperature of these molecules increases thousand fold (up to 5000k) as they descent to the bottom of the water source/container. Since this is a natural process, and since these molecules aren't readily available throughout the nature, it is difficult to use it from other sources. The user has to create the substance from his own body, by mixing lightning and water chakra in the ratio 7:3. But once Liquid Light is expelled from the body, he can use various techniques from it by using that as a source. Liquid Light is high-voltage lightning that will melt the earth instead of breaking it into two. When it comes in contact with water, it will not channel its lightning through it unlike lightning chakra. Which is why, Water possess the advantage against Liquid Light as it can cool down Liquid Light to a certain extent and stop its movements. However, Liquid Light can electrocute and burn any other organic materials and/or metals that comes in contact with it. In real life, this is proven by "fuse-wires", which melt on supplying with high voltage current. Although Liquid Light is such a dangerous element, it will never harm the user himself, as it is his own chakra. This is similar to any element (like fire) that allows the user to coat their body with that particular element. The element, is yellow in color and has a thick gluey property that is similar to magma.

Usage Examples:

(Ekitai hikari: Saigo no bansan) – Liquid Light Release: The Last Supper
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user coats his body with Liquid Light chakra, and punches his opponent, to deal him damage.

(Ekitai hikari: Kuraku ero) – Liquid Light Release: Darkly Erotic
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user creates various objects made of Liquid Light in front of him. It can be used to defend, like shields, or even for offensive purposes like swords. Anything that the user imagines.

(Ekitai hikari: Arugonkuron) – Liquid Light Release: Dragon
Type: Attack
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user forms a handseal and creates a dragon made of Liquid Light, to rise from the ground.

Is Weak to
Wind & Variations
Wind is, and has always been the natural enemy of Lightning. It will not conduct electricity, and neither will it let it pass through. And since Liquid Light is majorly lightning, wind proves to be stronger against Liquid Light as well.

Nothingness will destroy Liquid Light, as it has an entity.

Dark Release (Custom)
Cosmic energies have the ability to overcome the defenses of Liquid Light.

Water & Variations
Water can negate the hotness property of Liquid Light, and thereby producing steam on clashing with it.

Ice Release
Ice is colder that water, and hence it can cool down liquid light to a considerable extent.

Is Strong to
Physically strong materials, Organic Substances, Elements with Solid Matter
Earth, Sand, Metals, Wood, Mushroom, Kaguya Bones, Sulphur, Rubber etc.
Greek Light has the property to melt these objects and/or electrocute them, This property allows it to destroy the above listed elements.

Fire & Variations
Liquid Light gets more heated and more powerful when it combines with fire.

Liquid Light being the advanced version of Lightning, and having higher voltage and power, will destroy lightning easily.

Glass, Crystal
Liquid Light has the ability to destroy these materials, similar to how lightning breaks through glass.

Other Materials
Plasma, Foam, Gaseous elements
These elements do not have the substance to tackle Liquid Light

Co-creator: N/A
Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?


✗ Declined: "One theory that is common among various scientists of the five allied nations is"..what? Did you just made this up? Where did you get all this stuff from? A small body of water simply evaporates because it's small, in a large body of water the lightning simply spreads out over the surface and water gaining an electric charge is not something special. This pretty much feels like you're trying to gain plasma via a roundabout way. Also any element that says "it will never harm the user" deserves to be instantly declined.

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Punk Hazard

Active member
Apr 21, 2011
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element Japanese name:Jishinton

Custom element English name:Vibrating Earth

The element is based on:Lightning+Earth

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): Applying the vibration aspect of lightning to solid objects has been shown before in the manga with the characters Killer Bee, Sasuke and Darui, who used the vibration aspect of Lightning to increase the cutting power of their blades. Elements opposite to each other have also been shown to be combined before in Boil Release and Wood Release, taking the traits of one element and applying it to another to create something new. With that in mind, there’s no reason to assume one would be unable to combine Earth and Lightning to give the Earth the vibrating quality of Lightning. Wood Release has also shown that one can combine elemental characteristics, such as water being the basis for life and earth being the environment a plant can grow in, rather than combining the form. This CE will follow this principle. We know vibrations can travel through and in earth as this is the basis for earthquakes, which have been witnessed before in the Naruto manga, such as with the World Shaking Jutsu.

How it works:The user will harness Lightning and Earth to create a new type of rock. Vibrating Earth takes the form of a silver-colored stone that is completely smooth due to the lightning chakra infused into it. The lightning basis of the rock’s make-up causes it to steadily and constantly vibrate at all times, causing it to “whir” softly. The higher ranked the Vibrating Earth created, the more intense the strength of its vibration. These intense vibrations causes Vibrating Earth to be immensely strong and resistant to blunt damage, such as crushing, smashing, and other shockwaves due to the vibration absorbing and dispersing most of the kinetic energy. A major strength of Vibrating Earth is that, due to the intense vibrations emitted from the stones, vibrations will simply be assimilated into the stones, so long as they are in close proximity to them.

Sharp constructs made of Vibrating Earth, such as spikes and blades, are capable of piercing and slicing through materials much easier than other blades and spikes due to the vibrations that are constantly exhibited by the earth to weaken the bonds of things it touches, allowing it to split the material much more easily. The highest ranking Vibrating Earth techniques(A-rank and above) will carry such intense vibrations that it can liquefy some objects when it makes contact, such as metals and stone, but will not have such an effect on flesh or bone.

Jutsu Usage Examples:
(Jishinton: Jishin no Jutsu)Vibrating Earth: Earthquake Technique
Description: This technique allows the user to generate Vibrating Earth from his own body or the ground below for various purposes, such as creating spikes, shields, spears, etc. The shape and usage of the Vibrating Earth made depends on the user’s imagination and the amount of chakra placed into the technique. The stronger the technique, the greater the vibration the Earth emits.

(Jinshinton:Kyaputen no tate)Vibrating Earth Release: The Captain’s Shield
Description: The user will cover their bodies with an armor of Vibrating Earth. While active, the user becomes resistant to damage caused by crushing, smashing or other shockwave based means due to the vibrations emitted absorbing and dispersing the kinetic energy. This protects the user from S-rank and below Earth and metal techniques meant for crushing. It can also protect against other techniques of equal or lesser rank(unless weak to that element) by acting as a powerful armor.

(Jinshinton: Chikyū pūru)Vibrating Earth Release: Earth Pool
Range:Short-Mid(area of effect)
Description: A technique meant to counter earth-based techniques and alter earth-based terrain. The user will create a rod of Vibrating Earth from their palm with a very sharp tip. He will lodge the rod into an earth-based construct, causing the vibrations emitted by the rod to disrupt the structural integrity of the construct. Solid Earth-based techniques will break apart when used by B and A-rank variants, crumbling apart and falling to the ground in a useless state. S-rank and above variants will liquefy the earth, causing it to turn to mud. The user can lodge the rod into the ground to accomplish the same effect on the ground up to Mid-range.

Conditions to be able to use it:Mastery of Lightning and Earth

Is weak to:
Lightning: While lightning is used to provide the vibration aspect to Vibrating Earth, the structural basis and integrity of the earth is still supplied by Earth Release. As the vibrations would simply make the lightning stronger due to lightning already having its own vibrations, Lightning would destroy the Earth base of the element.

Wind: Vibrating wind would simply make it stronger. Wind is also capable of slicing through the rock.

Acid/Decay/Lava: Vibrating Earth is susceptible to corrosion and decay, and are therefore weak to these elements. Being completely submerged in corrosive materials or forcibly decayed will destroy it.

Is strong against:
Metal and Earth: Metal, Earth and most solid based elements are susceptible to being broken apart and liquefied by the vibrations, as well as being unable to smash through the Vibrating Earth.

Energy-based elements: Energy-based elements will end up dissipating due to the vibrations released by the Vibrating Earth destabilizing their structural integrity,unless at least one rank stronger than the Vibrating Earth it makes contact with.

Sound: Due to assimilating nearby vibrations, Vibrating Earth would be strong to sound waves it clashes with, rendering them ineffective.


Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?


✗ Declined: There are a lot of reasons to assume why this would not work. This is all based on the idea that because there are elements of opposite natures, that you can do it too. That's not how it works, there still very well needs to be a logic and proof behind it, which is completely lacking here, as the relationships between the elements are different. It would extremely simple to think that because lightning vibrates I will be able to make vibrating earth by just adding lightning to it. Not to mention you are trespassing on the sound, quake and vibration elements. This is also seems to be an attempt to bypass the Vibranium submission that got declined.

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Active member
Apr 21, 2011
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element Japanese name: Suisanka Natoriumun
Custom element English name: Sodium Hydroxide A.K.A Chaotic Soda
The element is based on: Earth | Water | Lightning | Chakra control
Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): Based on salt, Sodium Hydroxide exists. Thus, the fact that Salt exists is more than enough to prove that Sodium Hydroxide exists, as Sodium Hydroxide is made by Electrolysis salt. And salt exists everywhere, deep below the sea lays a great amount of salt. Also, salt is added to all the food seen in the anime from ramen to rice balls.
How it works: By using the one's earth and water chakra the user produces salt chakra, with which he uses his lightning chakra while using his earth chakra to Electrolysis salt, producing Sodium Hydroxide chakra which is used in it's regular form, the sand form. Even though it exists in the sand form the Sodium Hydroxide's grain is bigger than the sand's which could be seen in the picture below:

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There are many methods to use Sodium Hydroxide. First one is using it much like Gaara's sand, by turning the ground to Sodium Hydroxide and manipulating it. Or, it could be simply created and produced from the user's chakra like most of elemental technique. And it could be also manipulated from a gourd, much like Gaara's sand gourd, however, the gourd is to be created as a technique should the Custom Element be approved.
Usage Examples:
(Suisanka Natoriumun: Sō teiden) - Sodium Hydroxide Release : total blackout
Rank: B-Rank
Type: Offense
Range: Mid
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: 40
Description: The user performing the Boar and Ox hand seal to produce Sodium Hydroxide chakra in the form of of sand. Once he control some amount of Sodium Hydroxide inside his body, the user wave his hand to spread out a decent amount of sand Sodium Hydroxide toward the enemy with an average speed. The sand Sodium Hydroxide will targeting the opponents eyes, where can result in corneal damage lead to blindness, loss his eye sight, vision and control balance of his body due to panic.

(Suisanka Natoriumun: Mugen tekitai) - Sodium Hydroxide Release: Infinite hostile
Rank: C
Type: Offense
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 15
Damage Points: 30
Description: The user claps his hand together and concentrate his Sodium Hydroxide chakra in the form of of sand. Once he gather a large amount of Sodium Hydroxide chakra with sand like form, the user stretched out his hand to spread it a few meter in front of him, they will scattered around but out of the user range and act as an active sand. The user can use it at will.
Note : can only be use twice
Note : Last for 3 time usage
Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery over Earth, Lightning and Water.
Is weak to:
  • Wind
  • Earth
Is strong against:
-Organic Materials:
  • Wood
  • Paper
  • Plant Release & Root Release
  • Amber
  • Textiles/Silk/Leather
  • Coal & fuel oil
  • Plastic
  • Rubber
-Human/animal body and everything related to it from skin to hair to bones.
-Absorbs all sorts of steam/water vapor.
-Corrodes metals, such as aluminum, tin, and zinc. During this process, it
generates hydrogen, which has the potential to behave as an explosive gas.
-Absorbs Carbon dioxide, or sulfur dioxide
-When liquid caustic soda is diluted with water, it generates a considerable amount of heat.
of dilution.
-Sodium Hydroxide have a decomposing effect on proteins, which may gradually penetrate the deep tissues. In particular, if the eyes are exposed to it, since eye tissue is rapidly affected causing a lowering or loss of vision depends on the technique's rank.
-The inhalation of caustic soda dust or mist causes various degrees of injury in
the respiratory tract.
Co-creator: -Uzumaki Nagato-
Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

Permission to submit a CE based on salt:

Link to Electrolysis method:


✗ Declined: For starters the validity of that permission is very questionable now as in the meantime someone else has submitted the Salt Release CE with Lucifer as the CC before your submission. Secondly even if it still would apply I wouldn't necessarily accept you saying you create salt chakra nor even that I would allow to have you a related CE. On top of that you provided no proof. You just said salt exists, so your CE exists which means as much as saying you have no proof for your CE and for proof for salt, look at the salt CE submission. You neither have proven the existence of salt nor your CE. Finally you didn't explain its characteristics at all.

Custom element Japanese name: Suisanka Natoriumun
Custom element English name: Sodium (Sodium Hydroxide form)
The element is based on: Earth | Water| Chakra control
Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

Prove #1: In the anime, Utakata, the 6th Human Sacrifice, was seen using "(Shabondama: Santōka) – Soap Bubble Release: Acid Permeation" with which he was able to produce acid bubbles that aided him against his opponent. Having got Acid in Narutoverse means right away that alkali exists. Since there is no Fire without water nor Yin without Yang, there can't be any acid without alkali since in this world, everything have to get something to neutralize it.

Prove #2: Sodium Hydroxide could be produced simply by Hydrating Sodium, which is simply adding water to it like it is explained in the formula:
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Sodium is the sixth most abundant element in the Earth's crust, it also exists in stars and salt.

How it works: With the aid of the user's earth chakra and water chakra along side with high chakra control, the user is capable of producing Sodium Hydroxide that can be found in a pellets, flakes or granular form. This process could happen from the user's body or the ground, using it as a source of Sodium and simply hydrating it with water chakra. It could also be used in combination with water which would cause it to explode. Sodium Hydroxide could be also manipulated from a gourd, much like Gaara's sand gourd, however, the gourd is to be created as a technique should the Custom Element be approved.


Sodium Hydroxide is an inorganic compound. It is a white solid and highly caustic metallic base and alkali salt. Melting Point of Sodium Hydroxide is 318'C, 604'F
and Boiling Point is 1388'C, 2530'F. Even though it exists in the sand form the Sodium Hydroxide's grain is bigger than the sand's which could be seen in the picture below:

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Usage Examples:
(Suisanka Natoriumun: Sō teiden) - Sodium Hydroxide Release : total blackout
Rank: B-Rank
Type: Offense
Range: Mid
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: 40
Description: The user performing the Boar and Ox hand seal to produce Sodium Hydroxide chakra in the form of of sand. Once he control some amount of Sodium Hydroxide inside his body, the user wave his hand to spread out a decent amount of sand Sodium Hydroxide toward the enemy with an average speed. The sand Sodium Hydroxide will targeting the opponents eyes, where can result in corneal damage lead to blindness, loss his eye sight, vision and control balance of his body due to panic.

(Suisanka Natoriumun: Mugen tekitai) - Sodium Hydroxide Release: Infinite hostile
Rank: C
Type: Offense
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 15
Damage Points: 30
Description: The user claps his hand together and concentrate his Sodium Hydroxide chakra in the form of of sand. Once he gather a large amount of Sodium Hydroxide chakra with sand like form, the user stretched out his hand to spread it a few meter in front of him, they will scattered around but out of the user range and act as an active sand. The user can use it at will.
Note : can only be use twice
Note : Last for 3 time usage
Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery over Earth, Lightning and Water.
Is weak to:
  • Wind
  • Earth
Is strong against:
Neutral to water
Strong to weak fire and neutral to strong fire due to it's high boiling point.
Strong against weak acids. Neutral to strong acids.

-Organic Materials:
  • Wood
  • Paper
  • Plant Release & Root Release
  • Amber
  • Textiles/Silk/Leather
  • Coal & fuel oil
  • Plastic
  • Rubber
-Human/animal body and everything related to it from skin to hair to bones.
-Absorbs all sorts of steam/water vapor.
-Corrodes metals, such as aluminum, tin, and zinc. During this process, it
generates hydrogen, which has the potential to behave as an explosive gas.
-Absorbs Carbon dioxide, or sulfur dioxide
-When liquid caustic soda is diluted with water, it generates a considerable amount of heat.
of dilution.
-Sodium Hydroxide have a decomposing effect on proteins, which may gradually penetrate the deep tissues. In particular, if the eyes are exposed to it, since eye tissue is rapidly affected causing a lowering or loss of vision depends on the technique's rank.
-The inhalation of caustic soda dust or mist causes various degrees of injury in
the respiratory tract.
Co-creator: Ryujin
Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

Changed the bolded. Made it Sodium and the Sodium Hydroxide is a mere form of it.


✗ Declined: This is poorly explained and ill-structured. There are not supposed to be neutral elements in your submission and formulations like "strong to weak fire and neutral to strong fire" should never be present. They are confusing and look like they are trying to limit the weaknesses. Frankly that entire part of your submission is very confusing the way it is written. There's also a real difference between sodium and sodium hydroxide. The latter dissolves very easily in water, meaning that's pretty much a weakness. Also this pretty much conflicts with the acid element.

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