[ARCHIVE] Custom Elements Bureau - I

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Jan 8, 2009
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element japanese name: Kozumikku Konki
Custom element english name: Cosmic Energy
The element is based on: Natural(Raw) Energetic Particales from Celestial Bodies + Lightning + Chakra
Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): Cosmic rays are energetic charged subatomic particles, originating from outer space (although it is currently unknown which objects have produced them). They may produce secondary particles that penetrate the Earth's atmosphere and surface.The term ray is historical as cosmic rays were thought to be electromagnetic radiation. Most primary cosmic rays (those which impact the atmosphere from deep space) are composed of familiar stable subatomic particles that normally occur on Earth, such as protons, atomic nuclei, or electrons. However, a very small fraction are stable particles of antimatter, such as positrons or antiprotons, and the precise nature of this remaining fraction is an area of active research. About 89% of cosmic rays are simple protons or hydrogen nuclei, 10% are helium nuclei or alpha particles, and 1% are the nuclei of heavier elements. These nuclei constitute 99% of the cosmic rays. Solitary electrons (much like beta particles, although their ultimate source is unknown) constitute much of the remaining 1%. The variety of particle energies reflects the wide variety of sources. The origins of these particles range from processes on theSun (and presumably other stars as well), to as yet unknown physical mechanisms in the farthest reaches of the observable universe. Cosmic rays can have energies of over 1020 eV, far higher than the 1012 to 1013 eV that Terrestrial particle accelerators can produce. There has been interest in investigating cosmic rays of even greater energies.

The proof of how this element is possible is when a shinobi used the Hidden Mist Eye Sight Deprevation by using natural(raw) lightg energy from the sun. Also the Toads using natural(raw) energy to enter Sage Mode. Also Roku`s Sun Fire element which absorbs sun light.

Now how this element is preformed is by the user harness the natural(raw) energetic particles and using chakra and Lightning chakra making Cosmic Energy controling it. Cosmic Energy is a light yellow element. It can be used in the rp by making force field, orbs, cloak or a shield of solid(compressed) energy, some kind of mist that allows sensor but doesn`t block eye sight, shock waves of energy, weapons(kunais, shurikens) that are solid(compressed) energy and energy blasts.
Idea behind its creation: Thinking about Roku`s Sun Fire and Kiyoshi Art. Plus was thinking of a special element(like Nexus told me) that no has made and got approved
Conditions to be able to use it: Lightning and Chakra Control and Trained to harness Natural(raw) energetic particles
Is weak to: Wind, Water(B rank and above rank), All advanced elements(unless said so)
Is netural to: Natural Energy, Solar Wind, Liquid Fire and Heaven`s Earth
Is strong against: Fire, Lightning, Earth, Dark Release(custom and cannon element), Void, Kinetic Energy, Water(D rank and C rank), Gas elements, Caramel, Honey, Carbon, Solar Energy, Helium
Co-creators (if any): -Minato-
Students i passed on this custom element: Yamato... & ?
-Pending- Idk.. I'll think about it
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Aug 25, 2010
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Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element japanese name: Taruton

Custom element english name: Tar Release

The element is based on: Fire + Earth + Chakra

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): A dark, thick, liquid distilled from wood or coal, consisting of hydrocarbons, resins, and alcohols, and used in road making and for coating and preserving timber. all of though's elements can be found in Naruto, some Tar's are made with fine grains of different minerals "earth", by mixing all these you get the perfect recipe, the only thing left is to heat them under presser, and that's where Katon and Chakra come into play. By Using Doton and Katon and adding Chakra for presser, I believe that Tar can be made. we have seen Tar in the Manga, (Roads/Tire's/etc.) so we know it's not an unknown resource in the Narutoverse.

Idea behind its creation: I am going to the LA Tar Pits soon and thought about it, I think Tar will be a useful element, it can be used inn different ways. some usages will be similar to mud and rubber, depending on the temperature of the Tar it's self.

Conditions to be able to use it: must have Katon and Doton Mestered and expert Chakra Control

Is weak to: Because of Tar's structure, when cooled down at a fast rate it can become weak and sharer. also mixing sand will make the Tar thick and unable to use. if mixed with water tar both the water and tar will be rendered useless. earth and tar have no advantages over each other.

List: Ice | Sand | Cold Temperatures | Water (Neutral) | Earth (Neutral)

Is strong against: Tar is able to become super heated, because of this, anything hot such as Katon or anything that uses Katon as the main is weak to tar, this is because Tar can overcome the heat only strengthening it's self, wind will also heat it up and cool it down in different simulations, because of the heat it also becomes strong against metals and plastic based elements. it is also very conductive so Raiton based attacks have little effect on it.

List: Katon | Lava | Raiton | Mud | Hot Temperatures | Fuuton (Neutral)

Co-creators (if any): Yard

Students i passed on this custom element: Deamon & ?
-Pending- Idk, I'll think about it
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May 22, 2011
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Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element japanese name:Francumiton

Custom element english name:Francium Release

The element is based on: Earth+Chakra Control

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):Francium is a chemical element which is the second rarest element occurring in nature (after astatine).It is a highly radioactive metal that decays into astatine,radium and radon.It is an alkali metal which means it is highly reactive when water touches it,thus it leads to a large explosion (depending on the amount of Francium used).It was discovered in 1939 in France from where it got it's name.It has the lowest electronegativity of all known elements (0.7 on the Pauling scale).It can be used in solid,liquid or powdery form.

I intend to use it as an offensive and supplementary element since it wouldn't be very effective as a defense (someone uses a water tech and boom goes the dynamite).It can be used to create pillars,weapons,shields,walls everything you can do with Earth,but also it's radioactivity could be used to poison the opponent with Francium powder or use the reactivity with water to create explosives by bringing Francium and water together.

As seen in both the manga and anime,there are several metals used for all kinds of purposes.Weapons,buildings,devices,every day things that are used.We have seen the use of kunai with explosive tags,so I thought how about I create a metal that doesn't require any kind of tags but simply explodes when it comes in contact with water.Also we've witnessed a lot of Earth variations such as Lava,Mud,Crystal etc.Francium would be no exception to those types of elements that are based on Earth.It could be used by a ninja to concentrate Earth chakra into the ground and find and gather the particles of Francium.Chakra control would be used to form them into a solid mass.

In summary it can take the following forms in the RP:
1.Solid form-Can be maintained using chakra even with the low melting temperature.
2.Liquid form-It happens if the Francium melts.Can be used to cover the field with it or coat certain objects (kunai's,shuriken etc.)
3.Powder form-Can be made using chakra.Can be used with wind techniques to send it at the opponent making them inhale the powder,thus giving them damage of radiation and poisoning.

Idea behind its creation:I got the idea of making this element on Chemistry class.We were doing alkali metals in class so I thought why not to try this out.Cesium with water resembles the explosion of a grenade in a bath tub.Now imagine what Francium would do.I like Chemistry and studying the PSE,so that's where I got the idea from.

Conditions to be able to use it:Mastery over Earth Release (it is required so the user can collect the particles of Francium) + Chakra control (to reform the metal in case it melts and to maintain it's form)

Is weak to:
Water and water based elements-Water is both it's greatest weakness and strength when used correctly.The water reacts with the Francium thus leading to an explosion.The slightest drop can make the metal explode.

Lightning-Metal conducts electricity so if the user is in touch with it it can electrocute him.

Fire and fire based elements-It melts the Francium,making it liquid,and since Francium has a low melting temperature (300 K,27 °C,80 °F) but it can be made solid again if the user uses chakra.

Is strong against:
Earth-Doesn't affect Francium either but it can be destroyed if the user uses Francium together with Water.

Water and water based elements-As I mentioned before water is both Francium's greatest strength and weakness.If used correctly the user can make a devastating explosion to kill the enemy.

Wood-It doesn't affect Francium but it can be destroyed with Francium if used with Water.

Co-creators (if any):Yoshi,Darijan,Sacrifice

Students i passed on this custom element: ? & ?
-Declined- Radioactivity is already approved as a CE, so you can't have a radioactive element
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Active member
Jan 27, 2010
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Re-submitted; I submitted Copper a long, long time ago and i had to wait till Kage rank and now i'm Kage rank so i'm allow to re-submit it.

Custom element japanese name| Dou

Custom element english name| Copper

The element is based on| Fire + Earth + Chakra

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context)|
By the user focusing fire, earth and normal chakra it will create Copper. We all have seen a lot of different/new Kekkei Genkai such as Steel; Steel is able to make Copper by focusing fire chakra and normal chakra to the steel you will make Copper thought your also, able to make it without Steel. Copper is found everywhere around the whole wide world mostly on Roman. On Narutoverse you can also, find copper; copper can be rings, also, old stuff when objects get's old it turn's into copper such as; sponges and stuff alike. Even thought sponges don't look like copper inside of the sponge you will see little coppers thought they extremely little.

Back to the topic and how is possible in Manga context. Well, to start Naruto, Choji and Sakura volunteer to help Teuchi on his cooking so then, on Naruto was learning how to cook by the well known Teuchi. Finally, Naruto learn how to cook so he started cooking and it was seen that they were using a Copper Pot on that episode while cooking. So it copper has been seen on Narutoverse now for a while is almost everywhere. Copper could be anything and is mostly use on Narutoverse for cooking.

Copper - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Copper metal and alloys have been used for thousands of years. In the Roman era, copper was principally mined on Cyprus, hence the origin of the name of the metal as Cyprium, "metal of Cyprus", later shortened to Cuprum.
There may be insufficient reserves to sustain current high rates of copper consumption. Some countries, such as Chile and the United States, still have sizable reserves of the metal which are extracted through large open pit mines.

Copper compounds are often encountered as salts of Cu2+, which often impart blue or green colors to minerals such as turquoise and have been used historically widely as pigments. Copper metal architectural structures and statuary eventually corrode to acquire a characteristic green patina. Copper as both metal and pigmented salt, has a significant presence in decorative art.

Copper ions are soluble in water, where they function at low concentration as bacteriostatic substances, fungicides, and wood preservatives. In sufficient amounts, copper salts can be poisonous to higher organisms as well. However, despite universal toxicity at high concentrations, the Cu2+ ion at lower concentrations is an essential trace nutrient to all higher plant and animal life. In animals, including humans, it is found widely in tissues, with concentration in liver, muscle, and bone. It functions as a co-factor in various enzymes and in copper-based pigments.

Copper occurs naturally as native copper and was known to some of the oldest civilizations on record. It has a history of use that is at least 10,000 years old, and estimates of its discovery place it at 9000 BC in the Middle East; a copper pendant was found in northern Iraq that dates to 8700 BC. There is evidence that gold and iron were the only metals used by humans before copper. Copper smelting is known to have occurred since 5500 BC in the Balkans by a chisel from Prokuplje in Serbia. It was invented independently in other parts of the world: China before 2800 BC, the Andes around 2000 BC, Central America around AD 600 and West Africa around AD 900. Investment casting was invented in 4500–4000 BC in Southeast Asia and carbon dating has established mining at Alderley Edge in Cheshire, UK at 2280 to 1890 BC. Ötzi the Iceman, a male dated from 3300–3200 BC, was found with an axe with a copper head 99.7% pure; high levels of arsenic in his hair suggest his involvement in copper smelting. Experience with copper has assisted the development of other metals; in particular, copper smelting led to the discovery of iron smelting. Production in the Old Copper Complex in Michigan and Wisconsin is dated between 6000 and 3000 BC.

Idea behind its creation| I was looking through Chemical element and i found this element, and i was wondering what it was so i search it up on the wikipedia and i found it, so i start to read it.

Conditions to be able to use it| The user need to know the following elements to learn copper.

Earth| The user need's mastery of earth since is really important without it you can't make Copper

Fire| The user need's mastery of fire when earth is already ready the user add some fire to it and it will start to make a bit of copper

Chakra| After, all that the user add a little bit of chakra to finish the copper and make it a bit more stronger.

Is weak to|

Strong Lightning| Is able to break through the copper, if the lightning is strong enough.

High rank Lava techniques| Since copper has fire itself copper is able to hold lava thought not strong lava techniques because the lava would start to melt the copper.

Dark Fire| Is able to make an amazing damage to the copper

Hellfire| Due to the degrees this fire has the fire is able to melt copper.

Their is more weaknesses, i just didn't research them all.

Is strong against|

Wind| It doesn't do no damage to the Copper

Water| Is able to splash the water thought it might make the Copper weaker due to the fire that Copper has (depend on what rank)

Glass| Is able to break glass easily

Bubblegum| Is able to splash the Bubblegum

Honey| Is able to pass through Honey easily

Earth| Is able to break the earth

Ice| Is able to break and melt the ice since copper has fire too and also, earth

Their is more, i just didn't research them all

Co-creators (if any)| N/A

Students i passed on this custom element| ? & ? - No one maybe

-Declined- there are already many metal/metallic elements, what makes your special enough to be approved?
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Goro Kaguya

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Dec 6, 2008
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Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element japanese name: Nenshou
Custom element english name: Combustion
The element is based on: (Water+Wind) x Fire. (Wind+Wind+Earth) x Fire (when combustion takes place within organic material: wood,roots,bone etc)

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

Many shinobi use explosives in the spars,battles and wars. Some shinobi gifted enough to use ninjutsu use fire element to create grander explosions. My favorite cannon fire jutsu: (Katon: Haisekishou) - Fire Style: Burning Ash Accumulation
(Katon: Haisekishou) - Fire Style: Burning Ash Accumulation
Rank: A
Type: Attack
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra cost: 30
Damage Points: 60 (+10 damage if the opponet escapes before explotion do not calculate the 60 if he/she escape just the 10)
Description: User utilizing his fire chakra, inhales and spits out a cloud of ash which begins to envelope his opponent and explodes when the user clicks his teeth.
However, this jutsu will cause major damage to his skin and lungs if the user doesn't escape before it explodes.
is a perfect visual example of combustion, this example would be the ignition of air due to the superheating of oxygen(wind nature) hydrogen(water nature), sodium and iron(earth natures).the ash is composed of sodium and iron traces.

Deidara from iwagakure was born with the Kekki Genkai Explosion Release which allowed him to create explosion within items he made contact with. Combustion encompasses this outward release of exothermic energy, as well as endothermic energy release (otherwise known as an implosion)

Combustion is the fundamental principle behind all explosions or implosions. Combustion is the sequence of exothermic chemical reactions between a fuel and an oxidant accompanied by the production of heat and conversion of chemical species. For example hydrogen and oxygen combined with a ignition source created rocket fuel for ships.

With extensive training in chakra control, along with mastery of fire and wind elements a combustion element user would superheat the oxygen within/around an object creating an explosion that varies in size relative to the amount of chakra and oxygen around/within said object.

For combustion to occur within an Organic or earth substance, user would then use their earth chakra to introduce/use pre-existing amounts of the mineral sodium to the super heated oxygen combination. the sodium upon being superheated would then violently implode.

Combustion of a actual human isn't allowed or possible with this CE. However it can be and is thought to be applied to the area around them. Inanimate objects can undergo combustion.

The simple word equation for the combustion of a hydrocarbon in oxygen is:
{Fuel} +{Oxygen} + {Heat} + {Water} + {Carbon\ dioxide}

Types of Combustion:

Smoldering:is the slow, low-temperature, flameless form of combustion occurring within air.

Rapid: otherwise known as a fire, in which large amounts of heat and light energy are released, which often results in a flame

Turbulent: Combustion of fuels; such as ethanol and hydrogen creating grander flames or implosions with energy particles.

Point of Impact in anime/manga contexts:

Amarastsu/Doujutsu users can release an attack with point of impact. by that i mean when Sasuke/Itachi look at an object and the flames appear at the point of impact/contact.

When Pein focuses or points at a person to pull them towards him are push them away.

Using these examples of point of impact it helps with the notion of a combustion user looking at an object to release their chakra around/within to cause an explosion/implosion.

Idea behind its creation: Reading up upon deidara how he applies his explosion release.
Wanting to replicate minus the creepy hands (>.<). Also the full metal alchemist, mustang and kimblee abilities seem very transferable to the narutoverse. I also love explosions.

Research upon spontaneous combustion/combustion sited from:

Conditions to be able to use it: Kage Mastery of Water|Wind|Earth elements. Relatively high competence of Fire element. High Chakra Reserves as well as Precise chakra control.

Examples of use in battle:

opponent launches a boulder at combustion user, user focuses their combustion chakra(water+wind natures) into the air around the boulder.

gathering chakra into their hands they strike them together releasing the gathered chakra to ignite(fire nature) the combustion chakra causing an exothermic explosion around the boulder blowing it to pieces.

Name:Nenshou: ???
Rank: A
Type: Attack
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: User focus on a particular area or object releasing their combustion chakra into the air in that space. Gather chakra into their hands they strike them together to cause a medium size outward explosion to take place.

these aren't the actual jutsu, just the above text in jutsu form to help explain the idea..

opponent launches a giant meteor a fire towards user. user would focus on the center of the meteor release the combustion chakra into the flame superheating it from within.

with a hand gesture(swinging arms apart) a cone flame would take place within absorbing the energy of the original flame to empower the cone flame.

Name:Nenshou ???
Rank: S
Type: Defense
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: focusing on a particular point user superheats the internal oxygen (and or sodium) contents of an object creating a endothermic reaction resulting in a cone like flame.

these aren't the actual jutsu, just the above text in jutsu form to help explain the idea..

faced with a lightning bolt being shoot at the user, focusing on the bolt they would release their combustion chakra into the it destabilizing the energy within it causing that energy to scatter and implode upon itself.

the jutsu would be similar if not same of the endothermic combustion. it's different because lightning can't be set on fire, however it can be diffused and have it's energy scattered if the protons are moving fast enough that the become unstable. An endothermic reaction can cause that instability. However it would require a great deal of chakra to implode lightning

Is weak to: strong and large water jutsu(the larger the water source, the harder it is to superheat until combustion occurs), lightning, void (can't combust nothingness)

Is strong against: Organic & Inorganic Solid Matter (wood,earth,bone,ice,crystal etc)
Fire (can snuff out the flames with a larger flame)
Advance fire (causes the flame to implode destabilizing and scattering its energy)
Wind (Sets it a flame.)
Small amount of water and rain (endothermic combustion causes the smaller amounts of water to evaporate into it's gaseous state water vapour)

Co-creators (if any):
Students i passed on this custom element: Axle, Toku

If approved I'll be forefiting liquid hydrogen patent to Zero Kelvin.
-Pending- We'll talk about this
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Active member
Sep 10, 2008
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element japanese name: Reikaton
Custom element english name: Spectral Flame
The element is based on: Fire + Spiritual Chakra
Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

In Naruto, Fire Release techniques intend on harming the target physically by burning the target, creating explosions and other fire-based attacks. With Genjutsu the user makes the opponent see what is not actually there harming them mentally. By combining these two aspects the user focuses on attack power that will harm the target not only physically or mentally, but also spiritually.

We've seen it done by the usage of Tayuya's Doki who when they opened thier mouths released worm like creatures comprised of spiritual energy, these worms looking for balance attacked the opponents physical energy wearing the opponent down without causing any physical harm.

Another aspect of the possibility of Spectral Flame comes from the Yamanaka Clan, who utilize secret techniques that employ forcing their own consciousness or spirit into the opponent's body and forcibly subduing the opponents or taking complete control over the opponents spirit/mind.

Utilizing Spectral Flame, the user will instead burn the target's spirit instead of their body and with the genjutsu aspect burn into the opponent's mind making it "explode" in a sense from reliving their worst fears.

Idea behind its creation: Did some research on the Nibi and it's Japanese folklore influence.

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery of the Fire Element & Kage Rank
Is weak to:
Dojutsu [sees through the some techniques easily]
Wind [ since the fire isn't physical it easily is blown away instead of consumed.]
Water [ "Cleanses" the Spirit, releasing the technique]
Is strong against:
Earth [Passes through Earth and it's techniques with ease.]
Co-creators (if any):
Students i passed on this custom element: ? & ?
-Declined- I suggest trying this as a custom genjutsu, not as a whole CE
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Active member
Apr 29, 2011
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Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element japanese name: Rōsoku no Rō
Custom element english name: Candle Wax
The element is based on: Earth, Fire, Water, Chakra Control
Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): In Naruto, we have seen that candles are occasionally used for lighting and various other purposes.

We have seen in the canon (as well as the NB RP) that many shinobi are able to manufacture and manipulate certain types of minerals. (Crystal, Gold dust, etc.) By manipulating their chakra to produce and manipulate the minerals that go into making candle wax (Paraffin) a shinobi would be able to create candle wax with their chakra.

In addition to creating the wax, a shinobi would also be able to use fire chakra to melt the wax, making it turn into a hot, 'liquid-y' form. Alternatively, one could use their water chakra to cool and harden the wax, increasing it's hardness by an extremely large amount.

Additionally, by using one's chakra to break down the candle wax, one can create a 'vapor' of candle wax.
In this form, it is highly flammable.

Forms it could take in the RP:
  1. Solid Form: By cooling and reinforcing the wax, it is able to take on an extremely dense form. While it is in this form, the wax's shape is defined.
  2. Liquid Form: By heating the wax, it melts, causing it to turn into a hot liquid. While in this form, the wax doesn't have a shape and is extremely hot.
  3. Vapor Form: The user breaks down the wax so that it is extremely small and releases it throughout the air. In this form, the wax is highly flammable.
Idea behind its creation: I was trying to think of an element that would have a versatile nature, and I noticed a candle burning across the room, and it got me thinking.
Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery of Earth, Fire and Water. Most importantly Earth. High chakra control.
Is weak to: Fire (melts wax) Lightning (Pierces through wax)
Is strong against: Earth (Wax is either more dense, or it is a burning liquid and can melt away the earth) Wind (Wind is unable to get through the wax in it's solid form)
Co-creators (if any): Inchato
Students i passed on this custom element: ? & ?
-Declined- The sole existence of candles that are made of wax in Naruto doesn't means you're automatically able to produce wax as a CE, furthermore, paraffin is way more then a mineral, so your relation to gold and so on is... waxy. Provide a better explanation and usage examples.
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Sheldon Cooper

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Jun 8, 2011
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Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element japanese name: Oiru オイル

Custom element english name: Oil

The element is based on: Water+Earth

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):
Well first of all, probably everybody knows that oil comes from the earth so basically it is confirmed that oil is possible in the Naruto-verse as it was shown to be used by toads and there is a oil based Jutsu in the water element category.

Now I would talk about how this element may be possible in the Narutoworld, knowing the origin of roots from the paragraph above, there are obviously earth in the Narutoworld. Its just the matter of being able to manipulate it.So like the oil Jutsu the user can either bring the oil from the ground by using earth Jutsu or from within their body like making their body fluid oily.

More evidence would be that we have seen and used a oil release based Jutsu in the Naruto-world and in the RP like the user created Oil from the sky by creating black oil clouds.

Heres a really small detail that shows 'Oil' do exist.One of the main point is the Jutsu called Water release:Black clouds which makes oil in the clouds and make it to rain.Another point is that the toads of myobukuzan showed to be able to store oil in their body and use it like the toad oil Jutsu.It is possible that they can store oil as Toads keep a special place in their stomach to produce oil or bring it from Myobukuzan so this is also possible by human standards as they can expand their stomach like the akimichi clan or by creating a separate dimension in their body like orochimaru with his living corpe transformation.

Idea behind its creation:The black clouds Jutsu from the anime and the toad oil from the myobukuzan.

Here's a scientific view of Oil :
In areas of the earth there are oil which is within the ground which can be mined up to be used so the builders use pipes to make a hole in the ground the they suck up the oil from the ground so they can be distributed to other places.

Any of a large class of viscous liquids that are typically very slippery and greasy. Oils are composed mostly of glycerides. They are flammable.

So with this,we can be sure that by using earth release we can mine the oil up or take it out from your body to be able to use like the toad flame oil technique.

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery of water and at-least must know A-rank earth along with an excellent performance in chakra control.

Is weak to: Fire (Burns) and Strong Lightning (Able to go through it creating a spark making it to burn)

Is strong against: Water (Just makes the oil more burnable by extending the range and Earth (Can melt earth by used with a fire Jutsu)

Co-creators (if any): Hellsbadass and Nexus

Students i passed on this custom element: ? & ?

Note:I wish to reserve this element is something is wrong.

Note:Since oil has been used by toads,they can keep using it,sage mode users can keep using it, the black cloud jutsu can still be used as it doesn't say Oil release: Oil clouds and toads said that what they have is a special oil which only can used by toads from myobukuzan making my oil different from theirs.

Note:There is also evidence that oil release is possible because the mizukage,as a member of the hozuki clan can transform his body into liquid state but unlike the other members of his clan his water is a bit mixed with oil making it a oily water.Here's a bit from narutopedia;

"According to Gaara, the Second Mizukage also utilises a type of water that is more reminiscent of oil as it was able to seep into his sand and destroy it."

-Declined- First of, you proposed you could create oil my making your body fluids oily, so if you overused that it would make you into an oily dried up mummy, and that would be... unintelligent. Furthermore your weaknesses are off, why would setting it on fire weaken it? it doesn't redirects it, it only enhances it because it turns your attack into flame bomb which can't be extinguished by water. And lastly, you can have only one co-creator.
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Bruce Banner

Active member
Aug 26, 2010
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Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element japanese name: アセトンAseton
Custom element english name: Aceton
The element is based on: Water + Wind + Fire and Pure Chakra control to heat then dissolve other element
Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):
A solvent (from the Latin solvere, "loosen") is a liquid, solid, or gas that dissolves another solid, liquid, or gaseous solute, resulting in a solution that is soluble in a certain volume of solvent at a specified temperature. Common uses for organic solvents are in dry cleaning (e.g., tetrachloroethylene), as a paint thinner (e.g., toluene, turpentine), as nail polish removers and glue solvents (acetone, methyl acetate, ethyl acetate), in spot removers (e.g., hexane, petrol ether), in detergents (citrus terpenes), in perfumes (ethanol), and nail polish, (part of how it stays on nails) and in chemical synthesis. The use of inorganic solvents (other than water) is typically limited to research chemistry and some technological processes.
We have seen Naruto mix his chakra with Gamakichi to dissolve Guren’s crystal technique, that’s why solvent able to dissolve any of liquid, solid and gasses form in NB Role-play

Solvents can be broadly classified into two categories: polar and non-polar. Generally, the dielectric constant of the solvent provides a rough measure of a solvent's polarity. The strong polarity of water is indicated, at 20 °C. Solvents with a dielectric constant of less than 15 are generally considered to be nonpolar.Technically, the dielectric constant measures the solvent's ability to reduce the field strength of the electric field surrounding a charged particle immersed in it.

There is Toad oil which is could cause great fire also Naruto and Gamakichi elemental mixing to dissolve Guren’s Crystal technique, Kigiri smoke tech in Naruto verse or in NB Role-Play, we have seen Pervy’s Hydrogen, Mocking Bird Helium in form of Gases but we have less seen water manipulation.

Idea behind its creation: When I saw in the Naruto anime when Naruto merge his chakra affinity with Gamakichi and succeeded to dissolve Guren’s Crystal technique, I conduct a little search of chemical which could dissolve liquid, solid and gasses and there I found Solvent and in my work place Solvent used to dissolve label marking on a product, that’s why I think Solvent could be useful in NB Role-Play, as I seen less of Water Custom Element.

RP Usage :
~ Solvent able to dissolve any incoming attack which form of liquid, solid and gasses form
~ Solvent when release into the air the user able to manipulate the movement and dissolve the enemy
~a Solvent clone in form of liquid able to attack the enemy by dissolving them
~ Solvent weapon, dissolve any comes in contact with it

Conditions to be able to use it: Have to mastered water to create a water source or manipulated a large water source nearby as solvent created by water based element and wind to turn solvent in form of gases and fire which cause it flammable

Is weak to: Because it made from water then solvent weak against earth and wind itself when solvent in form of gas.

Is strong against: Fire, as solvent based on water element, dissolves some solid object (exclude earth jutsu), liquid (water jutsu) and gases form and also human being.
Co-creators (if any): Sacrifice
Students i passed on this custom element: None
-Declined- You named it acetone, suggesting you're not creating all kinds of solvents, but only acetone, which wont dissolve everything for you. You got the weaknesses all wrong too, and the way you're describing it it seems OP.
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Active member
Jun 18, 2009
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom Element Japanese Name: Meromeroton

Custom Element English Name: Perfume Release

The element is based on: Water + Earth + Fire

Water give it a medium and fluidity, Earth provides the minerals and give it the scent, altering the structure of the water, the Fire links everything together.

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): Perfume release is basically a chakra-based scented alcohol. It's not that far fetched to come up with a perfume in the Ninja World, nor the abilities I'm linking it with. Basically it has 2 components, the liquid (medium) and the scent. The scent will carry out different effects, varying from sexual attraction, toxicity and genjutsu. The liquid would be flammable, like any alcohol, and carry different types of toxicity.

Just like all elements shown in Naruto World, Perfume Release is divided in 3 categories:

  • The Main Release: A scented alcohol slightly pink in color. The perfume carries the scent of the user, along with subtle pheromones. Much like Fire creating balls or jets of flames or water creating waves or streams of normal water.

  • The Alternative Release: Perfume parts, like pure Vaporized or Crystallized perfume (From varying abilities and dimensions), much like Water creates Oil and Syrup and Earth creates Mud, or Fire creating Gas and Ashes

  • The Specific Release: Specific Perfumes, with specific attributes and powers, such as different Genjutsu Inducer perfumes, specific poisons and toxicities or Perfumes with acid properties, much like Lava is able to create Quicklime Congealing, or Earth/Sand using only specific minerals to enhance the thickness of it’s structures.
The above categories’ specificity varies as the number increases. The Main Release, no matter the technique, will always have the same weaknesses and characteristics. The Alternative Release will have a slight wider range, though still maintaining the same (or roughly the same) characteristics and weaknesses among them. The Specific Release will have their own Jutsu with their own description, some even differing on the initial weaknesses.

The Main Release, as said above, will create a slightly pink colored liquid perfume, with the following constant abilities, which are mimicking the reality as we know it, but slightly enhanced as developed by fight orientated kunoichi and with the aid of chakra:

  • Liquid: The perfume will be released as scented liquid, which the user can manipulate to create fluid shields, weapons or waves, vortexes etc.

  • Scent Masking: The perfume carries the scent of the user, which will immediately throw off the Smell tracking abilities of humans and animals alike, no matter the rank or expertises.

  • Sexual Attraction: It follows the fundamental principle of perfume, which is to attract people. The main release perfume carries pheromones which act like a subtle version of Hellsbadass' Man of Love technique (Permission granted), making the opponents more attracted and lenient to the user, and preventing low ranked summoning animals from attacking the user entirely (C rank and bellow).

  • Flammability and Temperature: The alcohol has an high flammability and a high boiling point, and will carry out fire and fuel it for extend periods of time, thus making it a great combination with Fire and Fire based jutsus.

  • Toxicity: The perfume is venomous to organic elements, such as Mushroom, Roots and Wood, killing them if absorbed, along with Summoning animals and humans, leading to multiple organ failures.

  • Freezing Resistent: Low freezing point, which, enhanced by chakra, will give the element protection against the freezing abilities of many Elements and Custom Elements, allowing it to remain in the liquid state against freezing jutsus from the same rank. (Solid Elements will still contain the liquid)
The Vaporized version is basically the Main Release Perfume purely in gaseous state that is able to spread as a mist through the air, and infect the opponent’s organism through inhalation. It is created by using more Fire than Water. It’s air proliferation can be stopped by Solid structures like those created by the Earth Element or blown back by Wind. The Crystallized version are scented crystal with the same effects of the Main Release, but obtained by using more Earth than Water, making it thick and strong.

The Specific Releases may include perfumes with different scents and effects, perfume with specific toxicities or perfumes with some degree of acidity.

Idea behind its creation: Perfume as a very feminine and versatile element. Meromeroton comes from the japanese onomatopoeia "Meromero" which is "to fall down drunk", including being overcome with emotion such as love or lust.

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery of Water, Earth and Fire. Be a Kunoichi or transcend the gender boundaries (Man of Love)

Is weak to:
  • Earth: Perfume in any state can be contained by Earth or Earth based Elements.

  • Lightning: Crystallized Perfume can be pierced.

  • Wind: The Vaporized Perfume can be blown back by Wind. Wind can also keep the scent away from the other versions.
Is strong against:
  • Water: Water will spread the liquid and scent and can be infused with the Vaporized version, and blocked by the Crystallized version.

  • Wind: The Liquid and Crystallized Perfume will be stronger than wind, yet the scent will be blown through the duration of the wind jutsu. Still in the category of wind, Perfume is strong against Ice and other Cold CE, given it's low freezing point enhanced by chakra. The Crystallized version could be considered as solid/thick as Ice techniques.

  • Fire: Given the high boiling point of the Perfume and flammability, this element is strong against Fire and other Hot CE. This is provided that Fire and other hot intangible elements, when confronted with this tangible element, will be blocked and continue infused in the perfume. Exception for these would be Hot CE that carry a strong substantial form, like Magma, thus overthrowing the substantial part of Perfume, and elements that carry a similarly thick structure, like Greek Fire, Ignited Water Release Oil, Ignited Toad Oil, etc.
Co-creators (if any): Hellsbadass

Students I passed on this custom element: ? & ?
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Active member
Oct 1, 2010
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Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element Japanese name: Reiatsuton (霊圧力遁)

Custom element English name: Spiritual Pressure Release

The element is based on: Wind | Killing Intent | Advanced Chakra Control | Genjutsu

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):
The usage of Reiatsuton all begins with an emotion and the ability to exude an emotion. It has been proven in the Narutoverse, that it is possible to exude an emotion on such an extreme level that the emotion begins to affect the beings, around the one exuding the emotion, on a drastic level. The specific emotion used in the Narutoverse is killing intent, as it has shown itself to be extremely helpful in combat. In theory, it should be possible to exude any emotion in the same way as a Shinobi or Kunoichi exudes killing intent. For a master of emotional control and killing intent, it could even be possible to “infuse” his emotions into an object, or leave an essence of his emotions if so to speak.

In the manga, Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno were exposed to an incredible amount of killing intent, it send their bodies into a shock and made them see visions of their own deaths. Sasuke confused it with a Genjutsu, despite it not being a jutsu at all. The fact is that Orochimaru, who in this particular scene was the user, did not show them any visions of their own death or decided exactly what they would see when he flaunted his killing intent, the two children’s minds simply reacted to the enormous amount of strong emotion around them and set their imagination into overdrive. In a way, you could say that the concentrated amount of emotion caused their own minds to place themselves in an illusion. The principle is the same as when a child sees a monster in his closet, when in reality it is merely a coat hanging in an odd angle. The fear the child experiences simply causes the mind to make assumptions about the situation, and makes the child see what in reality is just imaginary shapes and forms.

Killing intent cannot really be blocked in any way; it can be disrupted, as shown when Sasuke Uchiha stabbed himself in the leg to release himself from the effects of normal killing intent, but it cannot really be blocked. By focusing ones emotions on a way higher level than normal ninja and by using other emotions than killing intent, it should be possible to create a whole new branch of Genjutsu-looking techniques. These techniques would be stronger than normal illusions due to the fact that they’re created, not only by chakra, but by extremely strong emotions as well. It has been shown hundreds of times that strong emotions can work wonders in the Narutoverse, were it not for anger, love, hate, etc, many main characters in the Narutoverse would have died several times.

It has already been shown that it is possible to exude emotions into the immediate vicinity. It has also been shown that it’s possible to focus killing intent towards a single target, instead of flaunting it around carelessly without compressing and focusing it. Finally, it has been shown that killing intent alone is enough to make a person physically ill, which would make the illusions caused by Reiatsuton much more dangerous than normal illusions.

When normally dealing with an illusion, most ninjas would use the technique called Kai, to free themselves from the illusion and some would receive some sort of chakra injection, in any way it might come. When dealing with Reiatsuton illusion, it is not possible to use a chakra disturbance or chakra injection to free oneself from the illusion, since it is your own brain that is creating the images and making you believe that they are real. The only way to free oneself from a Reiatsuton illusion is by receiving a considerable boost of willpower every time you become trapped in an illusion, or by inflicting pain upon oneself.

To actually utilize Reiatsuton efficiently, the user is in need of a medium to channel his emotions through, this could in special cases be a physical object, but the large majority of all Reiatsuton techniques will be channeled through the air itself to make them more efficient. This is a double edged sword though. As the techniques gain a medium they become dangerous and efficient, but they also become visible, very transparent and almost invisible to the normal eye, but visible nonetheless. With such an extreme amount of emotions in the air, it will sometimes be possible to actually physically feel the mixture of raw emotion and air. By using a medium to channel his emotions through, the user also gains the ability to decide how the illusions look and what they make the opponent experience, to avoid leaving all up to chance.

Killing intent:

An example of incredible Reiatsuton control and the effects it can have on a person:

How a Reiatsuton illusion might look:

Idea behind its creation: The whole Bleach series and especially Kenpachi Zaraki’s fight against Ichigo Kurosaki.

Conditions to be able to use it: A user of Reiatsuton must have mastered Genjutsu, wind and have a very advanced chakra control.

Is weak to:
Fire: Katon techniques are able to burn the medium that keeps the techniques strong, without a medium the rest of the technique crumbles.
Lava: Yoton techniques are able to completely destroy the medium the raw emotion resides in and without a medium the technique crumbles.

Is strong against:
Lightning: Raiton techniques are naturally weak against wind and the added mass of partially physically manifested emotions do nothing to increase the lightning techniques chance against the Fūton element.
Illusionary techniques: The raw emotion illusions of the Reiatsuton are superior to normal Genjutsu in almost every way. Should a Genjutsu somehow collide with a Reiatsuton technique, the Genjutsu would have at a considerable weakness.
Wind: The superior mass associated with Reiatsuton is superior to regular wind techniques. The added weight gives Reiatsuton an important edge in any clash against normal wind techniques.

Co-creators (if any): Akisha

Students i passed on this custom element: ? & ?
-Declined- I don't know what to say about it, but declined it more straight forward then saying it's pending and leave it like that for a year. It's simply potentially too OP and unblockable.
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Active member
Aug 18, 2010
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element Japanese name: Ēteruton (エーテル )
Custom element English name: Ether
The element is based on: (Wind + Earth + Lightning )+ Chakra
Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):
In Naruto, we have seen that there are clouds which are capable of raining down oil and a mist that is capable of igniting fire as well. Ether has the same chemical reaction to fire as oil, but can also be used as a drug/anesthetic in either it's liquid or Mist/vapor/gaseous state. For liquid ether, if swallowed by an opponent, it affects their mind and body, making the opponent act in a drunken like state. Their actions are all severely lowered; reaction, reflexes, balance and clouds their judgment and thought process.
In its gaseous state, Ether, when inhaled, has no real visible effect at first. However, a person who inhales it will not feel pain, which, if done on purpose (self administered) is a good thing, as it would allow you to feel less pain than what you normally would, but you would have a conscience mind not to push your body over the limit. When it is given to you without your knowledge, you don't know that you can't push your body the way you normally would, and therefore will suffer the consequences of it. If inhaled for over a period of time, numbness will restrict your mind, and cause loss of consciousness.
Idea behind its creation: I wanted to create an element that had duel effects to a person. Not necessarily one that would cause physical harm to them, but could affect them and their chakra system or their body's natural reaction or way of doing things. Also, Ether is very flammable, which makes it a good element to be scared of, being stronger than a mere Wind/Fire Combination.

Also known as ethyl ether, simply ether, or ethoxyethane, is an organic compound in the ether class with the formula (C2H5)2O. It is a colorless, highly volatile flammable liquid with a characteristic odor. It is commonly used as a solvent and was once used as a general anesthetic. Ether is sparingly soluble in water.

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery of Water, Lightning and Earth Elements

Before it is ignited and as a liquid form:
Is weak tov: Water/Rain/Ice (Becomes soluble)
Ignites]: Fire & Lightning (and any CE / Variation of the two)
Strong against: Fire & Lightning

Before it is ignited and in a gaseous state:
Is weak to: Wind
Ignites]: Fire & Lightning (and any CE / Variation of the two)
Strong against: Lightning, Fire

After it is ignited by Fire or Lightning in either state:
Is weak to: Water/Wind Combinations
Strong against: Fire, Lightning, Metals(melts) Earth(Turns to Lava), Wind/Fire Combinations
Co-creators (if any): Mathias
Students i passed on this custom element: N/A
-Declined- the term Ether is actually a term coming from spirituality.. I get what you mean tho, you mean DI-methyl-ether, which commonly is known as just Ether, but I suggest working on the name lol
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Bruce Banner

Active member
Aug 26, 2010
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element Japanese name: 湿度Shitsudo

Custom element English name: Humidity Release

The element is based on: Water + Wind Chakra control to Manipulate environment condition.

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):
Humidity is a term for the amount of water vapor in the air, and can refer to any one of several measurements of humidity. Formally, humid air is not "moist air" but a mixture of water vapor and other constituents of air, and humidity is defined in terms of the water content of this mixture, called the Absolute humidity. In everyday usage, it commonly refers to relative humidity, expressed as a percent in weather forecasts and on household humidistats; it is so called because it measures the current absolute humidity relative to the maximum. Specific humidity is a ratio of the water vapor content of the mixture to the total air content (on a mass basis). The water vapor content of the mixture can be measured either as mass per volume or as a partial pressure, depending on the usage.

In meteorology, humidity indicates the likelihood of precipitation, dew, or fog. High relative humidity reduces the effectiveness of sweating in cooling the body by reducing the rate of evaporation of moisture from the skin.

In Naruto’s world, we can see Darui’s Storm release which the user it takes in the temperture of the surrounding area in the sky to form the need condensation of clouds to from the moisture and increase it's heat to make the cloud and Darui manipulate the environment condition by combines lightning- and water-based chakra to create energy beams that can be guided towards the enemy :

Or Rain release, to create Rain requires the presence of a thick layer of the atmosphere to have temperatures above the melting point of water near and above the Earth's surface, then we can see Black Rain Technique in Naruto Episode #103

Idea behind its creation:
It’s just flow in my mind when I saw Hygrothermograph in my work place which it could measure for humidity and temperature, so I conducted a little search about temperature first but Mugen already has it, so I try to create Humidity

RP Usage :
~ Humidity in air is very important. When you breathe dryer air, like in the winter, your body has to use more of its water to add humidity to the air you are breathing, in order to have the air saturated with water (44 mg/L). On a humid or foggy day, the difference in humidity between what you are breathing in and saturated at body temperature is less, so your body loses less water through breath.

~ Breathing through your mouth can dry the secretions in your lungs, making them hard to move. This can lead to bronchitis, pneumonia, and respiratory distress syndrome (in severe situations). Our noses are designed to warm, filter, and humidify incoming air. By breathing through your nose, you can minimize water lose from breathing.

~ High humidity, like in the summer, is often partnered with smog. That's why there are smog days where people with lung problems might have more problems than usual. People with asthma and COPD seem to feel changes in humidity most. In the winter, the air can be too dry for them, and in the summer, it can be too humid and polluted.

~ Humidity can be molecular water or particulate water. Molecular water is humidity that you can't see. That's the kind we use in our bodies to humidify air normally and it is what causes humidity from lakes and oceans., people on mechanical ventilators, and people with hypothermia. Particulate water is the kind of humidity you can see, like nebulizers and fog.

~and lot’s of another useful usage for NB Role-play which I will created it in Custom Jutsu if this got approved

Conditions to be able to use it: Have to mastered water and Wind (mixture condition) and chakra control to manipulate the environment condition.

Is weak to: Earth jutsu by creating a dome or shelter to avoid it, or wind+lightning to Re-manipulate the environment condition.

Is strong against:
~ Fire and water itself by decreasing and increasing the humidity attack, if fire then become cooler and evaporates, if water attack then it become much more hot an turn into steam.

~ Any kind of chemicals, gases, and liquid CE’s by manipulate their humidity condition and dispel its effect.

Co-creators (if any): -Kamishiro-

Students i passed on this custom element: Sacrifice
-Declined- I like this idea, just provide actual in battle use scenarios, and it's good to go I think.
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Active member
Aug 31, 2010
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element japanese name:Shiro Furosuton

Custom element english name: Hoar Frost

The element is based on: Water and Wind manipulation

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):
Hoar frost refers to the white ice crystals, loosely deposited on the ground or exposed objects, that form on cold clear nights when heat losses into the open skies cause objects to become colder than the surrounding air. Hoar frost can form in many areas even when the air temperature a few feet above ground is well above freezing. Nonetheless the frost itself will be at or below the freezing temperature of water.

The element is possible in the narutoverse because we may not realise it but we have actually seen it. It is proven that Surface hoar is a cause of avalanches when it forms on top of snow and we have seen people using snow in the naruto movie - so this means that Hoar Frost already exists in the narutoverse.

In the narutoverse, the proccess of creating Hoar Frost is very simple. First the user will use his wind chakra to gather the cold air and then by using his water chakra the user will release small amounts of water in the cold air that is already created by the wind chakra, making the water froze in very small crystals of ice (hoar frost)

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Hoar frost.

Idea behind its creation: I was thinking about creating an Ice bio and then I thought about Hoar Frost. I thought that this would be a good idea for a CE so decided to submit it.

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery over Water and Wind CEs and a good chakra control.

Is weak to: Lava Release (melts the Hoar Frost) Earth Release (because of the water nature of the element) Wind Release (blows it away.)

Is strong against: Lightning Release (bad conductor); Fire Release (because of it's water nature); Water Release(freezes it); Snow Release (Surface hoar is a cause of avalanches when it forms on top of snow. So every time snow is used, there would be hoar frost on top of it. By manipulating it it can take over snow)

Co-creators (if any): Zero Kelvin

Students i passed on this custom element: ? & ?
-Declined- Nice pic lol anyway there isn't much that you can do with this and can't with ice or temperature control, so I don't see a reason why I should approve this, also your strengths and weaknesses are a bit off
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Active member
Sep 15, 2010
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Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element japanese name:Maikurohatom

Custom element english name:Microwave

The element is based on:Fire and Lightning.

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):Electromagnetism, one of the four fundamental forces in nature, is the force responsible for practically all of the phenomena that occur in everyday life with the exception of gravity. Ordinary matter takes shape in the form of inter-molecular forces between individual molecules. Electromagnetism is the force that holds electrons and protons together inside of atoms, which are the building blocks for all molecules.

Electromagnetism manifests as both electric, and magnetic fields. Each field is a different aspect of electromagnetism, and are intrinsically related. So, a changing magnetic field generates an electric field; Conversely, a changing electric field generates a magnetic field.

Microwaves are electromagnetic waves with wavelengths ranging from as long as one meter to as short as one millimeter, or equivalently, with frequencies between 300 MHz (0.3 GHz) and 300 GHz.

The Naruto world follows basically the same principles as our world, with the exception of chakra. Therefore, the laws of science are still applied. Electromagnetism exists within every Atom, which can be found in all existing matter.

Seeing as Microwaves are simply Electromagnetic waves, with varying wavelengths, by manipulating the Electromagnetic forces that exist in the Naruto World, it should become possible for one to control Microwaves. Since electromagnetic waves consist of varying electric fields, it should be possible for a master of Raiton to precisely manipulate the electromagnetism, and alter the wavelength of the Electromagnetic waves, thus manipulating Microwaves.

Large amounts of Microwave radiation on the body, can have negative effects. Microwaves do not contain sufficient energy to chemically change substances by ionization, and so are an example of nonionizing radiation. The word "radiation" refers to the fact that energy can radiate. Exposure to heavy doses of Microwave radiation, can cause heat damage, and burns on skin tissue.As a result, Microwave Release would be a primarily Mid to Long range fighting style.

  • Microwave Heat Emission: By manipulating large amount of Microwaves at once, and converging them on a single point, it becomes possible to manipulate fire to a higher degree than normal. This can also be used to create powerful explosions. The user can heat the air around an enemy. The super heated, and pressurized air created by directed microwaves can produce impact.
Idea behind its creation:Firestar

Conditions to be able to use it:Mastery over both the Lightning and Fire elements. Very Precise Chakra control.

Is weak to:
  • Earth:Earth is hard and dense, therefore the Micowaves cannot penetrate the surface of the Earth.
  • Water:Water is easily capable of extinguishing the flames, or reducing the temperature of the heat emission to next to nothing.
  • Ice:As it's cooling properties exceed that of water, it makes it that much more effective against microwave emissions.
Is strong against:
  • Wind: Wind cannot alter the Microwaves in any way, making it rather weak against this element.
  • Lightning:As a more advanced form of Lightning manipulation, this element can over power ordinary lightning based attacks easily.
  • Fire:Using the powerful heat emissions of Microwave radiation, it is quite formidable against regular fire.
Co-creators (if any):N/A

Students i passed on this custom element: ? & ?
-Declined- I seriously suggest renaming it, and get the weaknesses straight. Microwaves are great at heating up water, so why would they be weak against it? Also exclude the whole fire concept of the CE
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Active member
Jan 7, 2009
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Resubmitting for usage. Added Requirements and restrictions. Recoil damage and methods of self defense were introduced (which also clears the question if radiation would kill the user). It now stands enough of a threat to the user himself.
Custom element Japanese name:Houshanou.
Custom element English name:Radioactivity.
The element is based on: Rays and substances
Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): Techniques in naruto(manga and anime) are a mixture of super naturality and science. The idea of creation was the great ninja wars-world wars. Using chakra to change the atomic structure of something and making an terribly strong offense out of it.
Idea behind its creation:Radioactive decay is the process in which an unstable atomic nucleus spontaneously loses energy by emitting ionizing particles and radiation. This decay, or loss of energy, results in an atom of one type, called the parent nuclide transforming to an atom of a different type, named the daughter nuclide. For example: a carbon-14 atom (the "parent") emits radiation and transforms to a nitrogen-14 atom (the "daughter"). This is a stochastic process on the atomic level. The same process goes with human cells, absorbing enough amount of radiation can prove out to be very fatal, changing the complete cellular structure of the body. Absorption of 300R is enough to kill a normal person, though the cellular structure can begin changing at 100R, the target may face random problems often fatal due to this, the damage is irreplaceable at times. The user is of course immune to it due to the fact that if he can create radiation he can control radiation as well, stopping the atomic decay in the body, however there is a limit to that as well, the user can control 1500R(enough to wipe out New York) at the very max, but the radiation created can be much more then that, this may cause the user to die as well. The minimum amount of radiation is 5R(at least 10 atoms or 5 molecules) this amount can be easily controlled for many purposes such as making minor changes in genes or atoms developing a inhuman way to counter a certain techniques, For instance sound element, decaying your atoms of your ears you can avoid offensive attacks causing side effects, however the lowest amount of decay is used, which can be easily reversed, causing radiation in the opposite way, the user can change atoms back to there known form(Changing daughter back to mother) if in case this doesn't work, the particles can be removed and replaced by cell regeneration(this can be caused by a med nin or cosmic rays) , an element is one of the several ways to cause radiation, for example a radiative wind gust, other ways are rays(cosmic and gamma only) or physical contact etc.
Conditions to be able to use it: Strong chakra control. Complete knowledge about radiation in order to create it, mastery over elements in order to properly use radiation with an element.
Is weak to:Any elements resistant to radiation. Wood and Ice(though contact with radioactive forms of these can be fatal)
Is strong against: --(varies upon usage)
Co-creators (if any): --
Students i passed on this custom element: ? & ?
-Amount of radiation's idea from, Role Play script "Brother in the Land" based on a time between the world wars. < >(read it if u wanna properly develop a counter for this O_O)

-you need a stronger elemental basis and also you need to fill in the template fully-

P a t e n t C e r t i f i c a t e
I, ♦Rei♦ of the Custom Elements Bureau, by the power invested in me by Versuvio, Nexus and ZonDer, give you the following:

Dark Sage, our loyal member, gave on the date 11-September-2009 a request for a Patent on his custom element (Radio Activity: Houshanou);

after reading the submission, I decided that the submitted element satisfies all requirements, and am therefore giving Dark Sage his rightfully earned patent on this element by the following;

Powered by ♦Rei♦
Copyright �2009, Dark Sage, NarutoBase.net​
Resubmitting, based on the CE Re-check thread. Details added as well as Weaknesses clearly defined.
Note for Members: Be minded that since 11 September, 2009. I have active patent (which lasts as long as possible) for all kinds of stuff regarding Manipulation of Radiation. With the Power invested in Rei, i was given All Rights for Creation and Usage of All kinds Radiation, matters regarding usage of Radiowaves before 11 September, 2009 were sorted out before approval. Any reproduction of my CE in any form, shape, size (including those elements from the periodic table which are stated radioactive), is an infringement to my Patent.

Custom element japanese name: Hakkton
Custom element english name: Radiation Release
The element is based on: Chakra (Yin/Yang), Fire + Lightning.
Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): The idea behind the elements was basically the Great Ninja World Wars and our World War II. Radiation is basically transfer of energy through vacuum. Radiation usually comes as heat energy so it can be an evolution of Fire release which cannot be counted in Fire release’s category anymore. Just as Yin/Yang can force the strengths/weaknesses of an element to come out making something all the more effective or useless. Radiation release takes manipulation of heat energy to great extents. Other Evolutions of Fire release include Lava release, Scorch release, Blaze release.
Idea behind its creation: The idea actually lies in Hakkton’s very definition. Radiation is a process in which energetic particles or energy or waves travel through a medium or space. The basics of manipulating radiation is chakra itself since its energy In our language, the user uses mental and physical energy to control other forms of energy and transfer it in the form of waves. This process at most cases ends up with heat energy. Now when comparing the elements of Narutoverse with our Universe, Fire release and Lightning release ends up the only elements which aren’t matter themselves. Which concludes that Radiation in Narutoverse originates from Fire release and can take the form of Lightning release as well.
Radiation can be ionizing(Radiation with sufficiently high energy can ionize atoms ) and non-ionizing (Radiation with insufficient energy and can’t cause much of change). Ionizing radiation includes manipulation of Alpha particles, beta particles, gamma rays & X-rays (This does not however imply that radiation allows the user to control light/particles or any other element, radiation is strictly transfer of energy and can only achieve such results as byproduct of such a action. I.e. Using radiation to melt Ice is or freeze water can only happen if heat is transferred in or out of the water, the form and shape cannot be manipulated through radiation and the moment they are manipulated the process of Radiation ends and enters another process of Water Release/Ice release). Hakkton includes, transfer of heat energy in and out of an element with great efficiency. This does however have limitations and depends on the type of radiation used.
Radiation has 4 basic types.
• Alpha α - these are fast moving atoms. They have high energy, are usually close/mid range but due to their large mass, they can be stopped by anything Solid. Of course they can penetrate if applied enough force therefore rank and mass matters.
• Beta β- these are fast moving electron, usually Mid range. Since electrons are might lighter than atoms, they are able to penetrate further. Ice Release (at a certain extent) and Wood Release can stop these electrons from passing through.
• Gamma γ - these are photons, just like light, except of much higher energy, short-long range. Can penetrate even Wood and Ice release and even a few inches of steel. Steel release and other Metallic elements can stop this type however rank and mass still matters as a kunai/sword/some other weapon is and will always remain insufficient to stop radiation.
Lastly, other radiation. This type includes basic supplementary uses of radiation. This type does not focus on offense or defense at all. It may use all types/forms of radiations. This includes Radioactive decay.
Hakkton can be a lethal weapon against Liquids and Gases and its effects varies from technique to technique. Therefore it is important, to consider the strengths and weaknesses of every technique separately not as a whole part of a single elements. An example is that Gamma radiation can be overly powered so logically it should have a higher rank and more restrictions. However, Gamma radiation may have a supplementary technique not deserving to be as restricted. This is in order to make it fair for other CE’s and restrict Op-ed use of radiation from students as well as to give ease to both me the moderator while making customs.
Conditions to be able to use it: Radiation requires very great chakra control and mastery over Fire and Lightning release. Its usage causes exhaustion and it cannot be used simultaneously. Simultaneous use of radiation may result in harm to the users. Therefore, training against resistance of heat and cold is recommended.
Is weak to:Alpha- All Solids (Still varies from element to element), Beta-Wood and Ice, Gamma-Steel Release and other metallic elements.
Is strong against: Varies with the technique used.
Co-creators (if any): None.
Students i passed on this custom element: Ali & ?
See Also: -
I believe i have provided enough proof of Radiations existence. The abilities i included in this resubmit are non-other then basic and advanced abilities of radiation, no ability is fictional and all can be scientifically proved. I added a detailed explanation of radiation and some cannon weaknesses (there will of course be custom ones which i didn't bother to include with their increasing amount). So in conclusion, as this is an approved CE there shouldn't be any problem. However, if they are a few misconception/misunderstandings allow me to explain/edit them and if the elements seems to be overpowered, its probably because i didn't included some of the basic ways to counter radiation from fear of it getting exploited by noob's arguments and that others should use a little common sense about it.
-Declined- too strong, I mean, with one jutsu you could kill .. well, everyone, make it more restricted and clarify the weaknesses more

Custom element japanese name: Hakkton
Custom element english name: Radiation Release
The element is based on: Fire + Lightning.
Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): The idea behind the elements was basically the Great Ninja World Wars and our World War II. Radiation is basically transfer of energy through vacuum. Radiation usually comes as heat energy so it can be called a Advanced Fire nature like Blaze release, Lava release and Scorch release. Furthermore radiation also has a affinity of lightning. Like electromagnetic radiation.
Idea behind its creation: The idea actually lies in Hakkton’s very definition. Radiation is a process in which energetic particles or energy or waves travel through a medium or space. The basics of manipulating radiation is chakra itself since its energy In our language, the user uses mental and physical energy to control other forms of energy and transfer it in the form of waves. This process at most cases ends up with heat energy. Now when comparing the elements of Narutoverse with our Universe, Fire release and Lightning release ends up the only elements which aren’t matter themselves. Which concludes that Radiation in Narutoverse originates from Fire release and can take the form of Lightning release as well.
Radiation can be ionizing(Radiation with sufficiently high energy can ionize atoms ) and non-ionizing (Radiation with insufficient energy and can’t cause much of change). Ionizing radiation includes manipulation of Alpha particles, beta particles, gamma rays & X-rays (This does not however imply that radiation allows the user to control light/particles or any other element, radiation is strictly transfer of energy and can only achieve such results as byproduct of such a action. I.e. Using radiation to melt Ice is or freeze water can only happen if heat is transferred in or out of the water, the form and shape cannot be manipulated through radiation and the moment they are manipulated the process of Radiation ends and enters another process of Water Release/Ice release). Hakkton includes, transfer of heat energy in and out of an element with great efficiency. This does however have limitations and depends on the type of radiation used.
Radiation has 4 basic types.
• Alpha α - these are fast moving atoms. They have high energy, are usually close/mid range but due to their large mass, they can be stopped by anything Solid. Of course they can penetrate if applied enough force therefore rank and mass matters.
• Beta β- these are fast moving electron, usually Mid range. Since electrons are might lighter than atoms, they are able to penetrate further. Ice Release (at a certain extent) and Wood Release can stop these electrons from passing through.
• Gamma γ - these are photons, just like light, except of much higher energy, short-long range. Can penetrate even Wood and Ice release and even a few inches of steel. Steel release and other Metallic elements can stop this type however rank and mass still matters as a kunai/sword/some other weapon is and will always remain insufficient to stop radiation.
Lastly, other radiation. This type includes basic supplementary uses of radiation. This type does not focus on offense or defense at all. It may use all types/forms of radiations. This includes Radioactive decay.

Ionizing Radiation when used raw may harm the user. The following table defines how much damage the user sustains:
E-C rank Technique: Any damage sustained would be Negligible.
B rank Technique: Minor burns, and possible cell damage.
A rank Technique: Severe burns, and cell damage
S rank Technique: Severe Lethal burns and heavy cellular damage.
Forbidden rank Technique: Death if unprotected.

There are however ways gain protection if not immunity from such results.

-Radiation can be contained in objects and there isn't a definite limit on how much chakra an object can contain. A user of Sealing/Forbidden art can contain a technique within another object with the help of transcription seals (Where you store a technique inside a seal. The technique trigger when the users defined conditions are met). Provided the user is away from the objects range. Radiation won't harm the user. +15 chakra cost on every technique used with protection.
-Radiation of all forms are actually waves. When the user directs a technique towards the target. There are always chances some waves are misguided towards the user himself. In this case Sound release or any other alternative can protect the user. But note that this method only protects the user as he is able to match the frequency of the waves and only needs to defend against a few waves in total. +20 chakra cost on every technique used with protection.
-User of Medical Ninjutsu can always heal their damage in the midst of battle.
These countermeasures and damage are only need when the user performs ionizing radiation. These methods till aren't perfect, i.e. Containing radiation doesn't helps when using a Long range technique (Particularly Gamma). Using multiple ways at the same time is recommended for perfect defense. But even so, the chakra costs are abnormal which can be quite exhausting for the user himself.

Hakkton can be a lethal weapon against Liquids and Gases and its effects varies from technique to technique. Therefore it is important, to consider the strengths and weaknesses of every technique separately not as a whole part of a single elements. An example is that Gamma radiation can be overly powered so logically it should have a higher rank and more restrictions. However, Gamma radiation may have a supplementary technique not deserving to be as restricted. This is in order to make it fair for other CE’s and restrict Op-ed use of radiation from students as well as to give ease to both me the moderator while making customs.
Conditions to be able to use it: Great Chakra reserves, as both lightning and fire could consume a great deal of chakra. Mastery of both Fire and Lightning. And to ensure safe use. Sealing/Sound/Medical ninjutsu are also required.
Is weak to: The given weaknesses only stop the waves from affecting you. Any other added damage is to be dealt with separately. For example; A blast, the given weaknesses would help defend against waves generated from it but not the blast itself.
Alpha- Most Solid are able to stop these, but these need to have a certain density. Obviously clothes and kunais don’t protect you.
Beta-Wood release and Ice release.
Gamma-Steel Release and other metallic elements.
Is strong against: Radiation isn’t strong against a particular element. Its strength depends on how it is actually used.
Co-creators (if any): Nocturnal
Students i passed on this custom element: ? & ?
-Pending- contact me on msn
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Active member
Jun 21, 2008
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element japanese name:Busshitsu hōshutsu(Mondai)
Custom element english name:Matter release(Matter)
The element is based on:LightningXwater
Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):Creation of "matter" from nowhere,is actually very common in the narutou -verse,Earth,Water,Wind is created by converting Chakra(Energy) into matter,so vise-versa should also be possible,if u can control lightning to a degree,where you can accelerate the matters atoms and superheat them,so they can break the gravitational push which is the electrons around the atom,then it's possible to convert matter>energy and energy>matter.(but i will only use energy>matter,and ONLY! re-use the converted thing[not directly,i need to figure out to someway pick it up in the battle,let's say use earth to pick it up,throw it at the opponent,and get it back to it's original state)
Idea behind its creation:had been watching LOTS of astronomy lately,and the big bang was no bigger than the millionth of a millionth of a millionth of an atom,before it expanded to the size of the earth in a mere second,the big bang,at the moment it was born,which was really really small,was nothing but a condensed ball of energy and heat,so hot and so energized that scientists to this day,can still not give a number to it(not that they can't,there's still not a number for it) as over thousands of years pass,the energy produces matter(from the energy it originally has) after the universe expands and expands and expands,the first atom is born from that matter(because as it expands,the universe cools down,which enables the energized matter...to turn into a matter what we see today around us)

in a battle,the way it will work is,let's say someone uses sun fire,the big amount of heat(energy) is converted into matter,a huge chunk of solid mass(but,even if it's not dangerous anymore,it needs to be out of contact with the person,because the sun fire would still keep it's proportions,it would still be as hot as the sun fire's original attack,it will still be the same color,it will just be in a state of "absolute-control" and after it has been turned into matter,the opponent cannot re-use that chunk of energy conversion.

NOTE!!: once the energy is converted into matter,there will be TWICE as more matter,than energy,and in the moment of conversion,there will be a light source(the bigger the energy,the brighter the light)
E=MC*2 <= this is the principal on which our universe revolves around.
Conditions to be able to use it:mastery over lightning and water
Is weak to:water(if it over-cools,it won't work)
Is strong against:lightning,fire,sun fire,kinetic energy,and every energy based attack(mostly fire and lightning based,but energy too)
Co-creators (if any): N/A
Students i passed on this custom element: ? & ? N/A
-Declined- ...work on that a bit more, make it be more approvable and more restricted
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Active member
Oct 1, 2010
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element Japanese name: Amatsu Fūton
Custom element English name: Empyrean Wind
The element is based on: Wind element without oxygen and chakra unique rotation
Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):
The main concept behind the creation of Empyrean Wind is the complete removal of the oxygen gas particles from the wind. The user uses the basic techniques of both wind nature manipulation and chakra shape transformation to achieve this goal. The user will start by first focusing large amounts of regular wind chakra then begins compressing it to form a denser collection of wind. The user will then begin rotating the wind chakra. This is the crucial step in the creation of Empyrean Wind that separates it from all other advanced form of wind. The rotation that takese place in Empyrean Wind is very unique compared to other wind elements. Instead of rotation of wind in one constant direction and sharpening the wind to increasing the cutting the power, the user applies a special form of rotation. The path of rotation in Empyrean Wind is directed toward the center from all directions in a circular pattern that also touches the external surface. In greater detail, the rotation of Empyrean Wind is essentially directed toward the one point in the center where all the wind actually come together. From that point, all 360 degrees of the wind have different patterns of rotations. From the center, in each degree the wind moves in a circular orbit from the center to the external surface then back to the center. Empyrean Wind is basically a collection of countless thin rings of wind put together to come together at one point which creates a unified structure. Throughout the rotation, the wind differentiates the oxygen gas particles and begins carrying them, at the point where the wind touches the external surface, it releases the oxygen gas particles out of itself and prevents any oxygen from entering back into it. The entire process creates a wind devoid of oxygen with rotation directed toward the center from all points. At this stage, the creation is complete and the new form of wind can officially be called the new element Empyrean Wind. A significant difference in Empyrean Wind and other wind elements due to its rotation is that Empyrean Wind has absolutely no cutting power at all. Instead, its attacks much more savagely. Though it does not cut, anything that it touches will be caught in the rings of inward wind rotation which are sources of massive suction that rip off whatever they touch at a molecular level then instantly spit them back out as dust as they go through their cycles. This gives the viewer a feeling that Empyrean Wind is actually craving into its target, but in actuality it is tearing away at the target at an incredibly rapid rate paving a way straight through. Empyrean Wind through its suction also has the ability to absorb liquids into its flow, and instead of merely releasing it back out, it can carry it to another location that the user wishes making its attacks even more deadlier. Empyrean Wind is very fast as it does not have any oxygen in it lowering its mass. The color scheme of Empyrean Wind is a light green verging on clear.

Idea behind its creation: I wanted to created a new wind based element that does not face the glaring weakness to fire. The wind element had be new and more unique rather than simply sticking to the basic principles of wind such as cutting which are still excellent, but a more special way of dealing damage that is equally as effective would be more exciting and maybe even more horrific.
Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery of the Wind element and high chakra control.
Is weak to:
- Inorganic metallic earth based elements: since it loses it cutting power it cannot cut through the strongest metals, it is not strong enough rip individual metal ions from each other.
- Large amounts of water similar to what Kisame summoned: the water will overload the wind rotation structure and cause it to collapse. Though this can be avoided if the user disallowed the water from entering the wind flow.
- Solid ice based elements: would cool down the molecules and slow them down as it rips at the ice, thus causing both to cancel each other out rendering them ineffective against each other. Though if the size or power of the techniques used varies, then one will overcome the other.
Is strong against:
- Fire based elements: it has no oxygen and cannot fuel fire, when it collides with fire it smothers it out and continues as if nothing happened.
- Lightning based elements: the suctions will absorb any lightning in the area and cancel it out.
- Water and liquid based elements: would absorb the liquid into itself and from there the user can transport the water anywhere they wish. This can backfire if there is too much water.
- Organic earth based elements: would rip the organic element or simply normal earth at a molecular level turning it to dust, it is strong enough to even turn Kaguya bones to dust.
Co-creators (if any): Crutch Kaguya
Students I passed on this custom element: Akisha & ?
-Declined- Very nice idea, and very approvable, however; you didn't specify how long it takes you to form that multi-circular spinning pattern, giving the idea that it appears instantly, which would be too overpowered considering that you could simply disperse people with it.
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Sage of Snakes
Apr 25, 2011
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element japanese name: Kusa no rirīsu
Custom element english name: Grass Release
The element is based on: Water + Earth + Chakra Control
Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): In the manga you can see Yamato, Danzo, and the 1st Hokage use their chakra to manipulate wood so that they can use it for defense and offense. And with Gaara he puts his chakra into the sand so that he can control the sand in doing what he wants. If someone combines their Earth and Water chakra and highs a good chakra control it is possible they could add their chakra to grass and manipulate the grass. In Naruto since some ninja have the ability to manipulate objects or surroundings near them like wood and sand this also shows it possible to manipulate the grass.
Idea behind its creation: I wanted to make something similar to wood release and I also wanted to have something I could control like Gaara does with his sand. So I thought if someone could control grass it would be a good defensive and an offensive element like Gaara does with his sand. I also got the idea from the Hidden Grass Village since they aren't known for any elements so this element is kind of a dedication for that village.
Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery in Earth and Water Release with good chakra control.
Is weak to: Fire can easily burn the grass and (Strong)Wind can blow away the grass
Is strong against: Water it can absorb water and Earth since it grows through the ground and can move through it.
Co-creators (if any): ~The Norwegian~
Students i passed on this custom element: ? & ?
-Declined- you need approval from the Plant release element holder is you want this to be considered
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~The Norwegian~

Active member
May 4, 2011
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Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom Element Japanese Name: Appuruton

Custom Element English Name: Apple Release

The element is based on: Water + Earth

Water and Earth, following the same principles of Wood, Mushroom and Roots. The basis of this element is the creation of Fruits given that Earth provides the fruit with the Structure and Water with the Juice, fusing into creating fruits.

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): Apple Release is basically the ability to create chakra-enhanced fruits. Fruits exist in the world of Naruto. Providing different proportions of Earth or Water, the user will be able to create fruits with different textures and abilities, varying, for example, an Apple, where the water would be more abundant on the core and the flesh, while Earth would be more abundant for the seeds and the skin. Different ammounts would create different Fruits, for example, Banana are made with a more soft Earth, while watermellons require stron earth for the skin and lots of water for the core.

Just like all elements shown in Naruto World, Apple Release is divided in 3 categories:

  • The Main Release: The user creates Apple-like fruits, basically a mid-level hard Flesh and Skin, which would protect against some range of blunt impacts. Much like Fire creating balls or jets of flames or water creating waves or streams of normal water.

  • The Alternative Release:Fruit parts, like Juice, Seeds, Flesh or Skins (From varying abilities and dimensions), much like Water creates Oil and Syrup and Earth creates Mud, or Fire creating Gas and Ashes

  • The Specific Release: Specific Fruits and Fruit Parts, with specific attributes and powers, such as Bananas, more slippery and mush, Watermellons, more thick and strong, Oranges with powerful acids, or poisonous fruits, much like Lava is able to create Quicklime Congealing, or Earth/Sand using only specific minerals to enhance the thickness of it’s structures.
The above categories’ specificity varies as the number increases. The Main Release, no matter the technique, will always have the same weaknesses and characteristics. The Alternative Release will have a slight wider range, though still maintaining the same (or roughly the same) characteristics and weaknesses among them. The Specific Release will have their own Jutsu with their own description, some even differing on the initial weaknesses.

The Main Release, as said above, will create Green to Red Apples, with the following constant abilities, which are mimicking the reality as we know it, but slightly enhanced as developed by fight orientated kunoichi and with the aid of chakra:

  • Flesh: Somewhat hard and strong, able to withstand strong impacts with paling to Earth and Earth-based Elements. Filled with water, which gives it a great protection against Fire and Fire Based jutsus. The flesh itself is weak against the Wind and Lightning's piercing abilities.

  • Skin: The skin is filled with Earth, and is stronger than flesh. Both united in the Main release will provide the techniques with the ability to withstand Earth (be equal), while still palling with Earth based elements like Metal CE. It is strong against Wind but can be pierced by Lightning.

The Seeds can be used on their own as strong bullets, or even explosive bullets. Seeds can't be used to grow trees, this is purely Fruit based. Skin on it's own can be used to create thin but thick shields. The Juice can be used liek Syrup, with sticky properties.

The Specific Releases will mostly be about other types of fruits, like slippery Bananas, thick Watermellons, Acid Lemons and Oranges, Poisonous Berries, etc.

Idea behind its creation: I was eating an apple, and then I tought that apples are kinda hard. THey can be formed, throwed and lots more, so I decided to submitt it.

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery of Water, Earth and Fire.

Is weak to:
  • Earth: Even though the Main Release is equal to Earth, Strong Earth Jutsus and especially Earth-based Elements like Metal CE will match and overpower it.

  • Lightning: Can pierce any type of fruit.
Is strong against:
  • Water: Water will enhance the fruit's growth, and it pales to match the stregth of the fruit.

  • Wind: Wind can cut through the flesh of the fruit, but fails to cut the skin and the seeds. The thrown seeds can push through wind.

  • Fire: The water inside the fruit will protect it against Fire and other Fire-Based Elements.
Co-creators (if any): Lili-Chwan

Students I passed on this custom element: ? & ?
Is this a joke? .. contact me on msn
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