The Legendary Sage of Konoha 14


Dec 3, 2009
Trait Points
But Im Such A Lazy Boy
Hehe, well I'm really lazy as h*ll too and I must admit I've skipped out on several days when I had more than enough time to write a new chapter. It's just that you got to find that spirit and energy to write a new one, instead of pushing yourself just to write one, making it much less good than it would be if you put your all into it and actually want to write the chapter.
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Jan 19, 2011
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Sometimes I just want to smash my pc to bits... After spending nearly half an hour writing my reply to the following quotes, my pc crashed and now I got to start all overWTH Oh well:|U_U

Never as late as me anyway, Lolxd

And that's another good prediction... Hmm... I wonder:p:rolleyes:

What was it I wrote in this paragraphxd... Well something about me telling you not to worry as like I said in my social group the chapter should be out by Monday, maybe even tomorrow as I'm about 3/4 done with it and this time I don't have any fragments of upcoming chapters that I must write:p There was something more, hmm... Oh yes, if the chapter is not done by tomorrow, it might have to wait until Wednesday or Thursday as I found out while at work earlier today that I have to work on Monday as well as Tuesday so I won't be able to write anything then, so if I'm not done tomorrow, I'll have to finish it on W or T. At least it's only 5 or 6 days wait since this chapter was posted then and close to a week, instead of 4 months (Yeah, it's actually been that long since I released Kakashi 2:p)xd
It takes talent to be as late as you are, and dear god you have it.xd

When i was gonna post, i had alot more typed out but just like you i lost it all somehow ( Closed the tab by accident xd clumsy, i know:p ), so your not the only one here doing that.

Well so far i can't complain about timing since you predicted nothing would be out by now, but ya really got my hopes up when you said tomorrow .. Damn you !

At any rate, best of luck finishing the FF ( Within 4 months :) ) and RL Shit.
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Dec 3, 2009
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It takes talent to be as late as you are, and dear god you have it.xd

When i was gonna post, i had alot more typed out but just like you i lost it all somehow ( Closed the tab by accident xd clumsy, i know:p ), so your not the only one here doing that.

Well so far i can't complain about timing since you predicted nothing would be out by now, but ya really got my hopes up when you said tomorrow .. Damn you !

At any rate, best of luck finishing the FF ( Within 4 months :) ) and RL Shit.
Haha, that just made my dayxd:rofl::lmao: Well, but yeah it's truexd:p

Haha I seexd But I bet you didn't have to re-write as much as I did?;)

Well yeah, as you might get by now I didn't have time to get it done on Sunday, so I'll have to finish it on Wednesday or Thursday. I'm going to be occupied most of Wednesday, so I'm pretty sure I'll have to wait until Thursday before finishing it (In approx two days), and If I'm not done by then, I'll do the rest on Friday and release it some time in the afternoon;)

Hehe, yeah, thanks I guess:p

Kuroi Honoo

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Dec 2, 2009
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I'm pretty sure I wrote something deep here:p Ehm, well yeah or I hope so as I believe some people might have been afraid that I had lost the touch and the continuation of this FF was uncertain because of the long gap:p And thanks:p

Yeah I'm pretty sure that this is my longest chapter yet.

Damn I forgot what I wrote about the Ao/Chojuro scene -.-
Hmm... Something about; "The more the merrierxd"

Well it has pretty much been like that all the way I guess:p

Sasuke ey? Well you could always ask Irfan... damn what was it... ask Irfan where Sasuke's pursuit of the two end up as I believe he was... wait a sec I didn't say anything about believing somethingxd Anyways, yeah you could always ask him as he's the only one that knows where pursuing part end, for now:p
What I said was more exciting than this at leastU_U Oh well.

Well... son of a... ehm yeah I remembered how I always thought the "use of the crow" in the anime to be funny, so I wanted to do my ownxd

Well actually I'm only halfway through yetxd There is still 12 chapters left of the main story and that is not counting 15, Kakashi 3 and Jiraiya 1-3.
The reason it might have seemed I've been writing this long is because of the... WTH.... the.. long wait between each chapter this year, as I believe that if I had continued in the same pace/schedule that I had when I began and all the way up till now, I would probably be close to or past the final chapter by now:p
Speaking about year, it's not that long now until it's been a year since I released my first chapter ever. On 24th or 27th of July last year I think. Maybe I should try to release Kakashi 3 or Jiraiya 1 on that date as a TLSoK one year anniversary chapter:p Definitely going to have to check that date up.
See; a great writer like us (you, me, Sunny, Escorp, Wes) could never lose the skills ^.^ Okay the Sasuke part of your post- I did not quite understand lol I know I’ve asked this before but who is Irfan again. I have a bad memory and I believe I call that member by the username and is also another reason why I forget -_- Well you succeeded with the crow skit indeed ;) WHAT!!! That is huge news. I suppose like you’ve stated-due to the breaks the info has become mixed up but wow I congratulate you for having this series go that far. I thought Black despair was a record but you will be surpassing that lol Looking forward to it all! ^.^
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Dec 3, 2009
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See; a great writer like us (you, me, Sunny, Escorp, Wes) could never lose the skills ^.^ Okay the Sasuke part of your post- I did not quite understand lol I know I’ve asked this before but who is Irfan again. I have a bad memory and I believe I call that member by the username and is also another reason why I forget -_- Well you succeeded with the crow skit indeed ;) WHAT!!! That is huge news. I suppose like you’ve stated-due to the breaks the info has become mixed up but wow I congratulate you for having this series go that far. I thought Black despair was a record but you will be surpassing that lol Looking forward to it all! ^.^
Irfan = Escorpiius:p

Yeah I know, it seems like it has been forever already, but hopefully, if work doesn't stop me, I'll be finishing up this FF by new year:p Keep an eye out;)

Nikkou Arashi

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Mar 11, 2010
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Just as I was about to finish up a wall of comment yesterday, my browser crashed.:mad: What's worse is - it did not get saved to my browser history.:( I'll try to re-echo what I was saying then.:D Good Luck to me!xdLOL!

As I was saying, I found the chapter more intense than the actions going on in the manga as it covered almost all the scenarios that the readers would want to see. But that could be because of the medium being used. If this chapter would have been drawn, it might have taken more pages than the regular number of pages for a manga chapter.:D

I was wondering how you coud come up with surprising strategies like what Naruto did to Akashi, the team work between Lee and Shikamaru against Keiji, and the sweet excuse of Madara's presence cutting off a fight that was taking place between the three of them and leave us hanging with the "mastered" attack.xd:p Was that done on purpose?:p It looks like there will be some event in the next chapter that would show/reveal that mastered attack? Or perhaps it is something he must have also shared to Naruto and Naruto uses it in the future? Hmm, I'd be finding that out sooner as the next chap is up already.:D The last scene for Naruto and Bee reminded me of Naruto and Gaara.:( I wonder how this have turned out in chapter 15.

As I was reading, I was a little cautios to run into a scenario that might make me cry as you assumed I might.:p The scene I was expecting to be sentimental though, is Naruto and Killerbee's death but it did not seem to be. Were you referring to Chojuro's death and revelation?:( Too bad he was not able to tell Mei about how he felt for her. It must have anguished him a lot for now, he is going to die and so, he will never know what would have happend if he told her. I was nearly sobber but then, I recalled Chojuro was only a kid when he accompanied Mei to the Sumit (in manga), right? So, I held back. Can't find his age though but he appeared to have been as old as Naruto that time. Well, this is 12 years after already right? So, he must have grown already but still - a really large gapxd. Kinda impossible?xdLOL:p I'm not raising an argument or disagreeing - just found it impossible. So, don't get budged or something.:p

Hinata must be one of the rare women who could put up hard work and labor without having to suffer relapse after child birth.:) She grew up with training plus ninjas have chakras and extra energies so, her going to battle and fight is actually possible. This is for the information of those who finds that part a little off-beat.:) But generally, child birth draws out a woman's strength that some would even take a year or 2 to recover it.

I didn't like Kakashi sneaking into teaching Jiraiya the rasengan though.:p However, I imagine that you must have been meaning to present it in a way that Jiraiya accidentally got the concept of learning the jutsu and learned it on his own but you were probably unable to really put it up together and so, it turned out that way.:p Well, I myself couldn't think of a better way to do it.xd

All in all the chapter was all worth the wait!:) No one can pull it off better than you do - hmm, that's really a common thing to say. For every work you did, I've always wanted to say something that's unique and greater than what everyone else say to anyone's work but I could not find any. Yours always contained the right ingredients and cooked just right.:) Keep up the good work and don't stop making better out of the best that's in you already.^_^ (I wonder if that sounded rightxd)
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Nikkou Arashi

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Mar 11, 2010
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So sorry for double posting but, I just have to LOOOOOOOL a lot on this!!!!

Okay the Sasuke part of your post- I did not quite understand lol I know I’ve asked this before but who is Irfan again.
Irfan = Escorpiius:p
And I soooooooooooooooo like how the talk twisted from Sasuke question to not knowing who Irfan is.xdxdxd So F'n crazy!!! Just imagine I don't use F but its the first thing that came into my mind!xd OMG! I think I just saw Kuroi's face flashed before me while he was asking the question. Goooosh! Can't stop laughing, really!!!! So, so Cwazieee!
  • Haha
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Dec 3, 2009
Trait Points
Just as I was about to finish up a wall of comment yesterday, my browser crashed.:mad: What's worse is - it did not get saved to my browser history.:( I'll try to re-echo what I was saying then.:D Good Luck to me!xdLOL!

As I was saying, I found the chapter more intense than the actions going on in the manga as it covered almost all the scenarios that the readers would want to see. But that could be because of the medium being used. If this chapter would have been drawn, it might have taken more pages than the regular number of pages for a manga chapter.:D

I was wondering how you coud come up with surprising strategies like what Naruto did to Akashi, the team work between Lee and Shikamaru against Keiji, and the sweet excuse of Madara's presence cutting off a fight that was taking place between the three of them and leave us hanging with the "mastered" attack.xd:p Was that done on purpose?:p It looks like there will be some event in the next chapter that would show/reveal that mastered attack? Or perhaps it is something he must have also shared to Naruto and Naruto uses it in the future? Hmm, I'd be finding that out sooner as the next chap is up already.:D The last scene for Naruto and Bee reminded me of Naruto and Gaara.:( I wonder how this have turned out in chapter 15.

As I was reading, I was a little cautions to run into a scenario that might make me cry as you assumed I might.:p The scene I was expecting to be sentimental though, is Naruto and Killerbee's death but it did not seem to be. Were you referring to Chojuro's death and revelation?:( Too bad he was not able to tell Mei about how he felt for her. It must have anguished him a lot for now, he is going to die and so, he will never know what would have happend if he told her. I was nearly sobber but then, I recalled Chojuro was only a kid when he accompanied Mei to the Sumit (in manga), right? So, I held back. Can't find his age though but he appeared to have been as old as Naruto that time. Well, this is 12 years after already right? So, he must have grown already but still - a really large gapxd. Kinda impossible?xdLOL:p I'm not raising an argument or disagreeing - just found it impossible. So, don't get budged or something.:p

Hinata must be one of the rare women who could put up hard work and labor without having to suffer relapse after child birth.:) She grew up with training plus ninjas have chakras and extra energies so, her going to battle and fight is actually possible. This is for the information of those who finds that part a little off-beat.:) But generally, child birth draws out a woman's strength that some would even take a year or 2 to recover it.

I didn't like Kakashi sneaking into teaching Jiraiya the rasengan though.:p However, I imagine that you must have been meaning to present it in a way that Jiraiya accidentally got the concept of learning the jutsu and learned it on his own but you were probably unable to really put it up together and so, it turned out that way.:p Well, I myself couldn't think of a better way to do it.xd

All in all the chapter was all worth the wait!:) No one can pull it off better than you do - hmm, that's really a common thing to say. For every work you did, I've always wanted to say something that's unique and greater than what everyone else say to anyone's work but I could not find any. Yours always contained the right ingredients and cooked just right.:) Keep up the good work and don't stop making better out of the best that's in you already.^_^ (I wonder if that sounded rightxd)
Trying to match Escorpiius I see:p Very well:D Haha, yeah I know how that feels:p

Well yeah, I was trying not to make the chapter boring as I knew there had to be much info and event sum ups in this one rather than lots of fights, but I did manage to do one though:p

Again I think you read too much into the word:p It sort of rhymes with basterd and still fits into the context, so I dunno reallyxd Who knows:p

Well I'm sure he's in his 20s in the manga, or else he would most likely not be "part of" the 7 swordsmen. I'm betting 25 or so, so that would make him 41 in my FF:p

Haha yeahxd I remember that we talked about that and I almost fell of my chair laughingxd:lmao: But you kinda saved me:p

Haha, well yeah. I remembered a comment on 13 when I was writing 14, something about the fact that Jiraiya got to have something coming up or his involvements of running away from Yamato to assist would be pointless, and I agree. So I decided to add something in this chapter, but had to think for awhile what that would be. Then it struck me, but then again, I had to come up with an "excuse" for him knowing it, and this was kinda like the only possibility I saw:pxd;)

Thanks, I do hope you really liked it and that it's not just something you say anyways:p And thanks for the long post:p This is going to make Escorp feel rivaledxd Looking forward to your "review" of 15 then:p

So sorry for double posting but, I just have to LOOOOOOOL a lot on this!!!!

And I soooooooooooooooo like how the talk twisted from Sasuke question to not knowing who Irfan is.xdxdxd So F'n crazy!!! Just imagine I don't use F but its the first thing that came into my mind!xd OMG! I think I just saw Kuroi's face flashed before me while he was asking the question. Goooosh! Can't stop laughing, really!!!! So, so Cwazieee!
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Nikkou Arashi

Active member
Mar 11, 2010
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Trying to match Escorpiius I see:p Very well:D Haha, yeah I know how that feels:p
I actually didn't notice the length and I even forgot to put in what I was to say for Sasuke, an upcoming Sasuke-Naruto team up possibility, and the loosing of the seven swords. But, as I came back later to add them up, I felt like reading through the comments and what I had to say about those I left out were already said and addressed to so, I got stuck with Ivan's post. Wes' "smiley overdose" and his endless spoilers which I didn't bother to go on after pressing 2 "show"xd Is there really something in there?xd Where's that crazy drunkard anyways? Don't he dare count my smileys!xd

Well yeah, I was trying not to make the chapter boring as I knew there had to be much info and event sum ups in this one rather than lots of fights, but I did manage to do one though:p
And you had it nicely done!:)

Again I think you read too much into the word:p It sort of rhymes with basterd and still fits into the context, so I dunno reallyxd Who knows:p
Hmm, you can say it that way.:p But, I was trying to make you see an opportunity for developing another new jutsu for Naruto or for -- ehm something, somewhere in the farthest future. You know?:rolleyes:

Well I'm sure he's in his 20s in the manga, or else he would most likely not be "part of" the 7 swordsmen. I'm betting 25 or so, so that would make him 41 in my FF:p
I searched up further and he's not.:p He's still a kid when he accompanied Mei. Manga 454/5/6. Ao just called him a kid in page 6.:D And he's the youngest member, remember? Well, anything can happen in fictions though.:)

Haha yeahxd I remember that we talked about that and I almost fell of my chair laughingxd:lmao: But you kinda saved me:p
Did you? Hmm...I could remember you fell off your chair laughing on :eek: how stupid I was to have missed Sasuke was the Tsutsikage but -- oh! yeah, I remembered. It was because you didn't know how hard child labor is and how it is a matter of life and death that you laughed hard on what I was trying to tell you.:p

Haha, well yeah. I remembered a comment on 13 when I was writing 14, something about the fact that Jiraiya got to have something coming up or his involvements of running away from Yamato to assist would be pointless, and I agree. So I decided to add something in this chapter, but had to think for awhile what that would be. Then it struck me, but then again, I had to come up with an "excuse" for him knowing it, and this was kinda like the only possibility I saw:pxd;)
Actually, I meant to say you sure did find a good excuse for Jiraiya but just thought it would be better that way.xd:p But, it sure was a good setup. The way I said it is.:)

Thanks, I do hope you really liked it and that it's not just something you say anyways:p And thanks for the long post:p This is going to make Escorp feel rivaledxd Looking forward to your "review" of 15 then:p
I always mean what I say :flaw:xd Huh?O.O Why? Is he getting gaay on you?:eek: Don't he dare!xd:lmao: JK!!!xd I know what you mean.:p And really, I didn't notice the length.:p

Kuroi was just online with me about 2am my time and told him to check on this, but I guess he ran out of time. I was looking forward to his reaction, too.xd
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Dec 3, 2009
Trait Points
I actually didn't notice the length and I even forgot to put in what I was to say for Sasuke, an upcoming Sasuke-Naruto team up possibility, and the loosing of the seven swords. But, as I came back later to add them up, I felt like reading through the comments and what I had to say about those I left out were already said and addressed to so, I got stuck with Ivan's post. Wes' "smiley overdose" and his endless spoilers which I didn't bother to go on after pressing 2 "show"xd Is there really something in there?xd Where's that crazy drunkard anyways? Don't he dare count my smileys!xd

And you had it nicely done!:)

Hmm, you can say it that way.:p But, I was trying to make you see an opportunity for developing another new jutsu for Naruto or for -- ehm something, somewhere in the farthest future. You know?:rolleyes:

I searched up further and he's not.:p He's still a kid when he accompanied Mei. Manga 454/5/6. Ao just called him a kid in page 6.:D And he's the youngest member, remember? Well, anything can happen in fictions though.:)

Did you? Hmm...I could remember you fell off your chair laughing on :eek: how stupid I was to have missed Sasuke was the Tsutsikage but -- oh! yeah, I remembered. It was because you didn't know how hard child labor is and how it is a matter of life and death that you laughed hard on what I was trying to tell you.:p

Actually, I meant to say you sure did find a good excuse for Jiraiya but just thought it would be better that way.xd:p But, it sure was a good setup. The way I said it is.:)

I always mean what I say :flaw:xd Huh?O.O Why? Is he getting gaay on you?:eek: Don't he dare!xd:lmao: JK!!!xd I know what you mean.:p And really, I didn't notice the length.:p

Kuroi was just online with me about 2am my time and told him to check on this, but I guess he ran out of time. I was looking forward to his reaction, too.xd
Haha, well yeah, it is often the easiest thing to do:p And Wes, well who knowsxd

I think there is enough jutsus coming up:pxd;)

Well Fukasaku and Shima still called Jiraiya kid in his fight with Pain:p Might be something he just says anyways:p He's not as young as Naruto and co. I'll meet you half way and say 20:p

My reaction is that it is all crazy especially my horrible memory T_T
Hehe, poor Ivan:p:rolleyes: