The Legendary Sage of Konoha 14


Dec 3, 2009
Trait Points
The Legendary Sage of Konoha Reboot!

Chapter 14;
Killerbee's Death

Previous Chapters:

The Legendary Sage of Konoha;

The Legendary Sage of Konoha; Sasuke Chronicles:

The Legendary Sage of Konoha; Kakashi Chronicles:

Before reading this chapter, read this reminder about my final update posted on Chapter 13 back in January, if you haven't already or if you need to freshen up;

"After much consideration, I've come up with a plan to keep my FFs more organized and less separated.
Instead of posting updates regarding next chapters and other stuff involving my FF on the chapters, I've decided to make a Social Group where everyone that reads my FF can be a member and get a better overview of release plans, thoughts, and updates regarding my changes and adds.

So from now on, you will have to be a member in the Social Group to see when the next chapter is scheduled, as well as to see information I would otherwise post as a blog or as an update on the chapters. The Social Group will have threads regarding each chronicles and the original, and you can talk more about each work and/or the whole series in general, instead of just the latest chapter. You'll be able to upload own pictures and make own threads too.

For more information, see the group's description.

If you want to join, then follow this link;

But I'll have to accept you before you can see the content of the group.

PS: The Social Group just passed 80 Members not long ago and is getting closer and closer to 100 Members everyday. I want to thank all the members for their undying support, I really appreciate it a lot:)"

If you're new to my FF or an old reader coming back, it might be a good idea to re-read my FF in-case you don't know what this story is about/you've forgotten what the story is about and how the plot has developed itself so far. If you still remember the story and the main plot of it, then please go ahead and read the chapter. I just hope I made a decent comeback to the FF business:p Btw, the chapter became too long to fit in one post (Reaching over the limit of 40 000 letters), so I had to divide it and put the end of it in the post below. If I'm not mistaken, I believe this is my Biggest and longest chapter yet, just hope you're able to read through it all without getting tired;)


Akashi: What's the matter? Don't you want to save your friend?

Naruto: ...

Narrator: After a few clashes with Akashi, Naruto had stopped fighting as he gazed upon Akashi.

Akashi: Well you can just stay there all you want and feel sorry for yourself, but that won't bring you any closer to finding your... *Ugh!*

Narrator: Suddenly from out of nowhere, Akashi felt a pain in his back as if is whole body got completely numb and froze. He couldn't move a muscle in his body except from his head. He turn his head slightly to check what happened as he saw Naruto standing behind him, pushing his hand against his back.

Akashi: What is this?? How?...

Naruto: Even before I met up with you, I had a sage clone attack you while I tried to reach out for Madara. But I wasn't fast enough, so I thought of this plan instead.

Akashi: So the you standing in front of me is just a...?

Naruto: Exactly.

Narrator: He said as the Naruto standing in front of Akashi vanished.

Akashi: Why can't I move?

Naruto: After our last fight, I figured that you would just use your shadow arms coming out from your back to fend me off if I tried to attack you from the rear. So instead I quickly placed a seal on you this time, so that you couldn't resist me while I interrogate you.

Akashi: A seal?

Naruto: An immobilizing-seal, which seals of your moment for as long as I like.

Akashi: I see... Seems like Danzo wasn't the only one who knew that sealing technique. So the Uzumakis weren't called the masters of seals for no reason. First the one you used on Kazuki and now th...

Narrator: Naruto suddenly brought out a kunai which he place at Akashi's throat as light wind element chakra started leaking out of it.

Naruto: Enough small talk, give me one good reason not to slice your head off...

Narrator: He said in a cold yet serious voice as he had turned sage mode back on.

Akashi: ...

Naruto: I'm waiting...

Narrator: More wind element chakra evolved around the kunai getting bigger and even closer to Akashi's throat.

Naruto: Time's up...

Akashi: Alright, hang on!

Naruto: Too late...

Akashi: If you don't want to save your friend, then go ahead.

Naruto: ... !!

Akashi: That's right, I can lead you right to the location where Madara and Kabuto is sealing your friend.

Naruto: ... Show me.

Narrator: Naruto snapped his finger.

Akashi: So I see you don't trust my words?

Naruto: You only need to move your feet to show me the way. Now move!

Akashi: Right...


Kabuto: It's done.

Madara: Good...

Narrator: Madara, Kabuto and White Zetsu had gathered in an open grassy field were they had begun extracting Killerbee's Bijuu. While Madara had been focusing on the extraction, Kabuto forged up a barrier which surrounded them like a big red glass ball.

Madara: Kabuto... You sure nobody will get through this barrier? It wouldn't be too favorable if the Shinobi Alliance finds out about this location and breaks it down.

Kabuto: Yes I'm sure.

White Zetsu: And this barrier is suppose to keep everyone else out from interfering with us while we seal the 8th tails... So does it have any... weaknesses?

Kabuto: No... not really, but it's a time-limit on how long I'm able to keep it active, but beside that, nothing gets in... or out for that matter unless I create a hole for them to enter in through.

Madara: ...

Kabuto: This is pretty much like the barrier Orochimaru sama created with the sound four when he fought the 3rd Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen... Just that this one doesn't need anyone to hold it up.

White Zetsu: If it's a time-limit on it, I guess we better hurry up?

Kabuto: It should do for the extraction of the 8th tails and a battle with Naruto...

Madara: We will lure him inside the barrier and complete the eye of the moon plan at last.

Narrator: Madara had seated himself on the top of the Gedo Mazo as Killerbee was gravitating in front of it. From the ground beside them, Black Zetsu emerged.

Madara: How are things going?

Black Zetsu: War has broken out throughout the whole Mist village. The different kages are all separated and fighting their own battles with the Zetsu armies and the Edo Tenseis. Ryu and Nobunaga have begun battling the Kazekage and Sasuke, while Keiji is in a lock-down with some Konoha shinobies.

Kabuto: What about Akashi?

Black Zetsu: Naruto ended the battle in only a few minutes. He has captured him and forced him to lead towards our location.

White Zetsu: Then everything is going as planned then?

Madara: Excellent.


Rock Lee: *Pant* *Pant*

Shikamaru: There are too many of them!

Rock Lee: This is nothing!

Sakura: We can't hold on much longer, there are too many wounded!

Narrator: Shikamaru and Rock Lee was holding off the waves of Zetsus together with dozen of Kiri shinobies and guards, while Sakura and some other medical ninjas were extracting the wounded out of the battlefield and begun preforming healing jutsus on them.

Shikamaru: I won't be able to fend this guy off much longer, I need your help Lee!

Keiji: You're a persistent fellow aren't you, there is no way you can overcome us with such a low number.

Shikamaru: Why are you fighting for Akatsuki anyways, arrrgh... I've heard that most of you guys are fighting because Kabuto has kidnapped someone close to you!

Keiji: Ahahahaha... Looks like you believed too much in the words of Sonia. For your information, it was only her who had someone close to her kidnapped. Not that it matters though as that person was killed by Kabuto long time ago. The rest of us joined volunteerly because of the money, the action or because of some other personal reason. I myself only joined because of the money! It's the soft mind and heart of your Hokage that always thinks he can save everyone. He will eventually guide you all to your dooms!

Rock Lee: Don't you dare talk about our Hokage like that!

Keiji: Hah, like I would respond to your taunts.

Narrator: Rock Lee charged at Keiji from his rear while Shikamaru was in a weapon deadlock with him. Just as Lee was about to deliver a punch, Keiji Leaped backwards and preformed some hand seals.

Keiji: Iron Style: Steel spikes!

Rock Lee: Watch out Shikamaru!

Narrator: Rock Lee used his speed as he grabbed Shikamaru and ran as fast as he could while Keiji followed up with his bombardment of spikes. Lee jumped behind a rock that was in front of him, as Keiji's spikes crashed into it.

Shikamaru: We need to come up with a plan and deal with this guy quick.

Narrator: Shikamaru sat down in meditation position as he thought up a plan.

Keiji: There is no use hiding behind there!

Narrator: Keiji ran towards them as he followed up with another jutsu.

Keiji: Iron Style: Steel Wave!

Narrator: A large wave of liquid steel headed right for the rock.

Rock Lee: He's using the same techniques as before in our last battle!

Shikamaru: I got it! Lee, I want you to distract him as much as you can with your speed. Here's what we'll do...

Rock Lee: Right!

Narrator: Rock Lee leaped out of the hiding place behind the rock and ran to the side trying to flank Keiji from the rear.

Keiji: Like that would work!

Narrator: Keiji changed the direction of the gigantic wave and steered it right towards him, but as he did, Shikamaru leaped out from behind the rock as well and ran in the opposite direction.

Keiji: Nice try! However...

Narrator: The wave split at the middle and divided itself in two as one part went for each of them.

Keiji: You're not going to outrun the waves!

Narrator: Keiji preformed some quick hand-seals as two gigantic steel-dragons came out from them.

Shikamaru: Now Lee!

Narrator: Suddenly Rock Lee disappeared and appeared right in-front of Keiji.

Rock Lee: Try to block and use your jutsu at the same time!

Narrator: Before Keiji managed to changed the direction on his attack or cancel them, Lee hit him from beneath with his foot and sent him up in the air. He then jumped up beside him and delivered countless blows against him, before he smashed him down towards the ground with a mighty kick. But before Keiji was able to land, Rock Lee appeared below him.

Rock Lee: Not yet!

Narrator: Huge among of chakra began leaking out of him as his speed increased humongously.
In an instant he blew Keiji even higher up in the air and a wave of inhuman speedy attacks followed.

Rock Lee: Ura Renge! (Reverse Lotus!).

Narrator: Keiji's body went flying all across the place before Rock Lee finally grabbed him with his bandage and swung him countless times around in the air before letting go as Keiji flew straight towards Shikamaru.

Shikamaru: It's over! Shadow Sewing Needle Technique!

Narrator: Several needle shaped shadows went straight for Keiji who crashed right at them in full speed, penetrating his body all over the place.

Keiji: *Ugh!*

Rock Lee: *Pant* *Pant* He's done for.

Keiji: How... di-d you manage... to hi-t me from the front-side... wh-il-e.. I used my.. Ir-on!...

Shikamaru: You simply relied too much on the fact that the wave attack you sent out would protect you from any incoming attacks from the front and side, that you didn't pay attention to the gap it created in the middle when you divided it in half to attack us both. Lee only had to use this opportunity to strike.

Keiji: D..a-mn... you... *Ugh!*

Narrator: Keiji cough up a huge among of blood as he passed away. Shikamaru canceled his jutsu as his body fell to the ground.


Tsunade: We need to call for backup! There are not enough troops here to fight back against Madara and Kabuto's forces!

Mei: You're right, we need to alert the Shinobi Army Station in Kumo as well as the other villages and Mifune.

Narrator: Tsunade, Mei and a group of guards were surrounded on all sides with countless Zetsus and Edo Tenseis fighting them. One by one they fell as it eventually ended up on being only Tsunade, Mei and about 100 guards, facing a group of over 1000 foes.

Mei: Damn it, what can we do, there are way too many. We need to retreat or all of us will be slain on the spot!

Tsunade: Let's get some space so that we can send out those birds!

Guard: We will fight to the very end for you Mizukage sama!

Guard 2: We'll create an opening for you!

Mei: We can't just abandon you here, you will all be killed!

Guard: There's no other way. Without reinforcements, we're not going to last anyway!

Tsunade: He's right, let's go Mei!

Narrator: The guards charged at the enemies with waves of different Fire, Lightning, Wind, Water and Earth attacks, as Zetsu corpses were flying everywhere.

Guard 2: Push!

Narrator: They managed to create an opening as Tsunade and Mei pushed through, but right at the moment they managed to get past the enemy, a countless group of more Zetsus emerged from the ground and surrounded the guards.

Mei: Damn it!

Tsunade: There's nothing else we can do, we need to call for help!

Mei: Right!

Narrator: Tsunade and Mei headed for the center of the village to get to the bird tower to send out the messages. As they reached the stairs, a Zetsu surprised Tsunade from the rear and was just about immobilize her.

Mei: Look out!

Tsunade: ?!

?: Rasengan!

Narrator: Suddenly from the building above, a shinobi came crushing down towards the ground with a devastating blow to the Zetsu.

Tsunade: Jiraiya?!

*Flashback Begins*

"Naruto: I'm going to teach you something. Something that I learned when I was around the same age as you.

Jiraiya: Oh? You're not talking about th...

Naruto: Yes I am son. I believe you're ready for it.

Jiraiya: Really?! That's awesome! Thanks dad!

Naruto: Maybe you should wait until we've begun your training?

Narrator: He said with a confident smile on his face.

Jiraiya: Sure thing!

Naruto: Unfortunately I won't be able to teach it to you before I head to the Mist village, because of all the events that have happened recently.

Jiraiya: I understand, no problem. I can't believe that you're going to teach me the famous Rasengan!
I'm looking forward to then!

Narrator: You could see that Jiraiya was extremely happy upon hearing that he was going to be taught the Rasengan. The Hokage laughed and said:

Naruto: “Now son, no need to overdo it”

Jiraiya: So that's why Shikamaru gave me that as a birthday gift! So it can help me perfect it?

Naruto: Yeah, that was the plan. But enough about that for now, we'll talk more about it later when I'm going to teach it to you.

*Later that day*

Kakashi: Jiraiya, why the long face on a day like this? It's your birthday after all and your mom just gave birth to you sister, shouldn't you be happy? You're usually hanging around the ramen shop when you are.

Jiraiya: Yeah I know, it's just that before that my dad told me that he was going to teach me the Rasengan and I'm so excited for it, even got this from Shikamaru as a birthday gift to help me perfect it.

Narrator: Jiraiya put his hand in his pocket and picked up a bottle with some kind of liquid stuff in it.

Kakashi: Oh really, you should be glad then, am I right?

Jiraiya: Yeah of course, but he said it would have to wait until all these recent events have settled down and they've returned from the Mist village and the Kage meeting. I know it's not fair of me wanting to push him to learn it to me during these three days before he leaves as I know he will be quite busy considering all this, but I just want to learn it so badly.

Kakashi: I see. You know, your dad isn't the only one who knows the Rasengan.

Jiraiya: Really?!

Kakashi: Yeah there are two other persons in this village that knows it too. Naruto might not like me telling you this as I'm sure he would like to teach it to you yourself personally as his birthday gift to you, but I guess there won't be any harm in beginning at the first step of the training, huh?

Jiraiya: You got to tell me Kakashi Sensei! Who knows the Rasengan beside my dad??!!

Kakashi: Well there's Konohamaru, but he's busy preparing together with your father and the rest.

Jiraiya: Damn it! Why are you giving me false hope, it's not fair Kakashi sensei!

Kakashi: Easy, easy now. There is, like I said, another one too.

Jiraiya: Who? Who?!

Kakashi: He's standing right here.

Jiraiya: Where? Where?! I can't see him.

Narrator: Jiraiya looked helplessly around trying to spot any nearby people walking by when suddenly Kakashi grabbed his bottle of liquid.

Kakashi: Oh my, my. Like father like son they say. It seem like you got some of the traits from your father after all, even though you're usually a fast learner. Most people who knew Naruto as a child would most likely not believe that you're his son if it hadn't been for how he turned out eventually I must say. So I take it you know what this liquid is? It's quite rare actually. It's a body liquid you can use anywhere on your body to help make your chakra flow better at that certain point. For example if you use it on your hand, you will be able to call forth chakra to your hand easier and make it flow better through your chakra points, kinda like the toad oil people use when training in sage jutsu to learn to control and grasp natural chakra.

Jiraiya: Yes, yes I get it, Shikamaru already told me about it, but where is the person that also knows how to do Rasengan beside my dad and Konohamaru?!

Narrator: A big eye drop was shown on Kakashi's face as a crow above flew by shouting: "aho~ aho~"

Kakashi: It's me, you nut head!

Jiraiya: No way?! You're not joking sensei? I thought you only knew Raikiri?

Kakashi: No of course I'm not joking!

Jiraiya: Then teach it to me, please! You never really gave me any training during the Chuunin exam as you thought Hiruzen needed it more and neither did Gai as he trained with Mito. I was stuck with Yamato and he knows nothing about any cool techniques except for his wood element. It's about time you learned me something cool! Can you do it, please.

Kakashi: Calm down, calm down, I didn't say I could learn it to you, however I sad I could pinpoint you in the right direction.

Jiraiya: Yes!!!! Awesome sensei!

Kakashi: Alright, first I need you to get some rubber balls.

Jiraiya: Rubber Balls? What do I need them for?

Kakashi: Just wait and see and I'll explain it to you. There are three steps to be able to pull off a Rasengan. After you've completed the first step, I'll show you the next.

Jiraiya: Nice! I'll do all steps today and I'll show my dad before he leaves!

Kakashi: It's not that easy to pull off! Naruto managed to do it in a week and even that is abnormal. Anyway, go get some rubber balls and meet me back here in half an hour. I'm going to see your dad meanwhile to check with him about this. *Thinking* ' Maybe I shouldn't have sparkled Jiraiya's spirit like this, ehehehe. Naruto might get mad at me for taking away his present. Better go clear things out with him first.' "

*Flashback Ends*

Jiraiya: Yes it worked! I knew I could pull it off!

Tsunade: What are you doing here and since when did you learn the Rasengan?!

Jiraiya: Well I... I saw the explosion and thought I had to help out.

Mei: We don't have time to stall any further, we need to get those birds out.

Tsunade: Right, come with us Jiraiya.


Hiruzen: Yamato sensei, they're breaking through your barrier!

Mito: What are we going to do?!

Yamato: Damn it. We can't attack them as we will be overrun, we just have to hold them back until backup arrives.

Hiruzen: Your wood element is not going to hold them off much longer!

Guard: Scramble everything we can use to strengthen the barrier!

Yamato: *Thinking* 'Damn, what can be done? If I let down on the Mokton technique, those thousand Zetsus will get through and I won't be able to defeat them all, yet alone defend Mito, Hiruzen and all the civilians. There got to be something to do. Think Yamato, Think!'

Narrator: After Jiraiya ran into the masses of people, Yamato, Hiruzen and Mito followed the guards that were stationed in the dining hall, right before the attack took place, to the safe room of the village. After getting most of the civilians inside the underwater cave the Zetsu army attacked the entrance, and Yamato was forced to block it with his Mokton technique to prevent them from reaching the civilians. There were only a handful of guards, and they were heavily outnumbered.


Mei: This should do it, I just hope the birds will make it.

Tsunade: We will have to trust our lives in those birds. If we can't call for backup, we will all be destroyed in no time!

Mei: We should head out to aid those in need. We can't just sit around watching the battle. The people need me and as the Mizukage it's my job to protect them!

Narrator: Tsunade, Mei and Jiraiya were just about to move out, when a large group of Kiri shinobies came running towards them.

Shinobi: Mizukage Sama!

Mei: Finally some allies! We need to help as many as we can.

Shinobi: Right! We got some reports on the situation and it seems like somebody has broken into the weapon chamber and stolen the six Legendary swords.

Mei: What?!

Tsunade: You're saying someone stole them?!

Shinobi: It seems like it happened right before the battle broke out.

Mei: Damn, who could have stolen them?... We will have to worry about that later, we got to help as many as we can until the reinforcements arrives.

Shinobi: Roger! However there is more to it. Mizukage sama, we've found the bodies of your advisers. They must have died during the explosion of the kage tower...

Mei: It can't be, Kami and Sari died?

Narrator: A sad expression was shown on her face, remembering the two.

Tsunade: Those were the two that accompanied you to the meeting, right?

Mei: Yeah.

Shinobi: We can't cry for the dead now, we will have to fight to save as many as we can.

Mei: You're right, let's move.

Narrator: They all proceeded to the main gate when suddenly two familiar faces came before them.

Tsunade: Tokie and Ine?

Narrator: A flashback was shown back to when Killerbee arrived to the kage meeting. Behind him were two girls in their early 20s who accompanied him to the Kage meeting.

Tokie: Tsunade, it's Killerbee... He's been captured by the enemy!

Tsunade: What?!

Ine: We were overwhelmed and couldn't do anything to stop it.

Mei: They got Killerbee?! That means Madara and Kabuto should have retreated to start extracting his Bijuu. We need to rescue him at once before Madara obtains his beast!

Tsunade: You're right!

Narrator: As Tokie and Ine went on explaining more what happened, a flashback fades in.

*Flashback Begins*

Killerbee: Damn what just happened? That man must have been an Akatsuki spy, he just appeared from the blue sky.

Ine: Uncle, we need to get back to the rest and regroup.

Tokie: She's right, we're vulnerable alone.

Killerbee: It's too late to retreat, we got to fight to avoid defeat.

Narrator: In front of the three, an army of Zetsus emerged from the ground. Killerbee readied himself to attack, when suddenly he heard an unfamiliar voice.

?: I wouldn't do that if I were you...

Killerbee: !!

Narrator: Killerbee turned around as he saw Akashi and a kage bunshin holding kunais to the two girl's throats.

Kabuto: So you're Killerbee, the 5th Raikage I presume?

Narrator: Walking in from behind the Zetsus, Kabuto came forth and revealed himself to Killerbee.

Kabuto: It's more or less up to you now. You could either take a leap of fate and try to rescue your nieces before they get their throats slit, in other words putting their life in danger. Or you could surrender yourself right here and now and we will spare their lives... Kehehehe, if you ask me the answer is actually simple.

Killerbee: You Basterd, just wait until you see the attacks I've mastered!

Narrator: Killerbee turned on his Bijuu chakra as four tails emerged from him.

Kabuto: I see you're going for speed and strength right away, very well.

Narrator: Killerbee prepared to attack Kabuto when he suddenly felt a presence from behind.

Killerbee: !!

Narrator: He tried to turn around as he saw a glimpse of Madara standing behind him. A strange feeling roared through Killerbee's body as Madara completely absorbed him.

Kabuto: Oh... You weren't planning on putting up a real fight after all?

Madara: ... This place is too crowded, let's proceed.

Kabuto: Right.

Akashi: And these two?

Kabuto: ...

Madara: Let them go, they are of no use to us.

Akashi: Hah, didn't know you could be merciful?!

Narrator: Akashi and his clone removed their kunais away from Ine and Tokie's throats as Akashi jumped over to Madara and Kabuto while his clone vanished.

Madara: Let's go.

Narrator: In seconds, the three of them were gone.

*Flashback Ends*

Tsunade: So that's what happened? Killerbee would be in a bad condition if he would have to face Madara, on Madara's own terms in his own dimension. We got to try and save him as fast as we can!

Mei: But where do we start? We have no clues on where they went. *Thinking* 'If only Ao and Chojuro were here now... If that man who infiltrated our meeting was the same one that Ao and Chojuro were tracking down, I fear the worst...'


Ao: It can't be!

Narrator: In the outskirt of Kiri, Ao had just woken up after passing out on an intense battle. He was buried under a large pile of fallen trees and once he got up, he looked around with his Byakugan to navigate. A view of a scene where a huge battle had taken place met his eyes as he looked high and low scanning the area, when suddenly a terrible sight met him.

Ao: Chojuro!

Narrator: Ao spotted Chojuro being trapped under a huge rock. Only his chest and upwards was seen, while the rest was covered by the rock.

Chojuro: Ao... I'm so-rr...y... I wasn't strong enough.

Ao: Don't speak, save your strength. *Thinking* 'Why would we suddenly be attacked by no other than Kabuto himself? How did he know we were tracking down a Kiri spy that infiltrated our village one day ago?'

Chojuro: Is... it ba-d?

Ao: Don't worry, you're going to be fine!

Chojuro: I can't fe-el my I can't feel my.... low...e-r bo-dy at a...ll...

Narrator: Half of Chojuro's body was crushed beneath the rock and his life was beginning to slip through Ao's hands.

Chojuro: Hiramekarei... it's gone... he to....oo....oo-ke... it.

Ao: !! *Thinking* ' Kabuto stole the sword?! Is he after the Seven Legendary Swords? I must warn Kiri so that we can strengthen the Weapon Chamber's security!'

Chojuro: I.... I... Ao... Thi..s is... my end... I can.. .fe-el it...

Ao: Don't say that, you can't give up!

Narrator: Tears began to stream down Ao's cheeks as he tried to convince Chojuro that he would survive.

Chojuro: You... got... to prom...i..s-e me something...

Ao: Anything, just name it!

Chojuro: Mizukage sama... te-ll Mei I'm so..rr..r.rry I couldn't be as strong.... as her... tell her... I'm so...rr...y I couldn't... tell... her how... I my feelings for her... true-ly wh....ere... I always... wanted to... tell... her... I ... lo...o...ov..-ed her, but.. I never to... tell ... he...r.... the.. truth...

Ao: I will, don't worry about it.

Chojuro: Ao... you... al....wa.....y-s my... best.. f-ri..en...d....................

Ao: Chojuro!!

Narrator: With his final gasp, Chojuro passed away.

Ao:! I will get you for this Kabuto!


Narrator: Going through some paperwork, the 4th Raikage A was seated in the Raikage mansion together with Darui.

Raikage A: I just can't help feeling that something is going to happen.

Darui: Madara might have planned further ahead than this meeting, but I'm sure Bee and the rest are okay. It would be dull to think otherwise.

?: Raikage sama!! Urgent report from Mei and Tsunade!

Raikage A: What?! *Reads Letter* It can't be! Darui, assemble the shinobi forces at once! We're heading to Kiri!

Darui: I'm sorry, come again?! What on earth happened?

Raikage A: Just do it!

Darui: Right boss!

Omoi: I hope the enemy won't be too nasty, if they are we might get hurt, maybe lose a limb or even die. And if we die, we won't be able to help out the rest and everyone will fall under Madara's evil plan. What are we going to do?

Karui: Will you stop worrying for once?! Did you learn nothing during the 4th Great Ninja War?!

Shee: Why are the two of you always like that?

Raikage A: Alright Shinobi army, let's head out to help out the rest!

Everyone: Right!

Narrator: Behind A, a force of about 50 000 shinobies stood, ready to march.


Onoki: There was only a matter of time before Madara would strike. We will have to head out as fast as we can. Akatsuchi, how many shinobies do we have here in Iwa?

Akatsuchi: We have about 5000 troops.

?: I volunteer as well!

Onoki: Jugo? Sure, we need as many as we can. What about Suigetsu?

Jugo: I don't know where he is at the moment. Haven't seen him since Sasuke left for the meeting.

Onoki: Right, guess we will have to manage without him then.

Jugo: *Thinking* 'Where are you Suigetsu?'

Kurotsuchi: Are you sure you'll be tagging along grandpa? I thought you said you were too old for stuff like this?

Onoki: One's got to do what one's got to do. Let's move out everyone!


Ibiki:Are you serious? We need to tell the council at once!

?: Madara attacked the meeting with all his forces! We need to head there at once!

Ibiki: Agreed. Get together as many shinobies as we can!

?: Right.


?: Mifune sama!

Mifune: What is it?

?: We've just received reports from the Kage meeting!

Mifune: And?

?: The kages have been attacked by the forces of Madara and Kabuto! They have sent for us right away.

Mifune: ?! Assemble the Samurai troops right away!

?: Yes sir!

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Dec 3, 2009
Trait Points
Narrator: Back in Konoha, Shikaku went back to the Hokage mansion to see Konohamaru after explaining the situation about Kakashi's fight to Iruka. As he walked in the door a Konoha anbu entered the room as well.

Anbu: Konohamaru, Shikaku! A letter just arrived from the kages! Kiri has been attacked by Madara and his forces, and our allies are seeking assistance at once from every available shinobies under the joint shinobi alliance! Madara and Kabuto's combined force is said to be 30 000 strong!

The two of them: What?!!

Anbu: Letters have been sent out to each of the villages as well as to the samurais in the land of Iron. The Joint Shinobi army stationed in Kumo has sent its troops to aid the battle.

Konohamaru: Alright we need to put the village on alert!

Shikaku: If Madara and his forces have attacked Kiri, then I bet there are no reason for them to attack any of the other villages. I suggest we send as much backup as we can!

Konohamaru: Right!

Shikaku: Most of the villages' shinobies are stationed in Kumo so there's not that many around here at the moment. Konohamaru; Shino, Choji, Ino, Tenten and Kiba should be back by now right?

Konohamaru: Ehm...

Narrator: As he was skipping through the pages, the five of them came through the door.

Konohamaru: Oh.

Shino: What do you mean oh? Oh as in you're disappointed to see us or as...

Kiba: Hehe, you're worrying too much.

Shino: ...

Shikaku: Perfect timing, we were just about to call you in.

Ino: Call us in?

Choji: We just came from a mission. We were just going to report then get something to eat...

Konohamaru: No time for that, this is important!

Narrator: The anbu explained to them what he just told Konohamaru and Shikaku.

Tenten: No way?!

Shikaku: Konohamaru, I think we should go as well.

Konohamaru: Right! Finally some action!

Narrator: Five minutes later, Konohamaru, Shikaku, Shino, Choji, Tenten, Kiba and Ino were ready at the east gate.

Konohamaru: This is simple, we'll head out at once to Kiri to assist our allies.

Everyone: Alright!

Shikaku: Then let's go!

Narrator: Just as they were to leave, another person came running towards them.

?: Hey wait up!

Kiba: Hinata??

Hinata: I refuse to stay behind on a day like this, I'll join too!

Ino: Shouldn't you take it easy? It's only three days ago since you had a baby.

Hinata: I'm fine!

Kiba: Hehe, that's the spirit!

Konohamaru: Alright, you'll come as well. Let's go!

Everyone: Yeah!


Sasuke: I knew I would encounter these guys again eventually.

Ryu: Looks like the Edo Tenseis are getting overwhelmed.

Nobunaga: You only tasted a small portion on what to come. Ryu, let's retreat for now.

Temari: You know these guys?

Sasuke: They were the two that attacked our convoy on our way over here.

Kankuro: The sealing has been done, it seems like this is one of the last Edo Tenseis in this area. We should focus on getting rid of the Zetsus so that we can help out the rest...

Gaara: The battle has only just begun so we can't rest just yet.

Kankuro: Should we pursue them?

Sasuke: You three can help out the shinobies here fighting off the Zetsu army, I'll pursue them.

Gaara: Sounds like a plan.

Temari: Be careful.

Sasuke: Right.

Narrator: After a brief battle between Gaara and Kimimaro, Kankuro had sealed up the last Edo Tensei in the area. Sasuke had been busy fighting off Ryu and Nobunaga while Temari had helped the Kiri shinobies fending of the Zetsu armies. Again Ryu and Nobunaga had retreated without much of a fight and Sasuke began to think that there was something else going on.

Ryu: Why are we retreating already? We just got into the battle!

Nobunaga: Kabuto told us specifically to attack Sasuke and lure him after us. It's going just as planned.

Ryu: Really? If that's so, maybe we should speed up a bit so that he doesn't catch up?!

Sasuke: Where do you think you're going?

Narrator: From the side, Sasuke swung his electric charged katana towards Nobunaga in an attempt to hit him. Nobunaga countered with his own katana, charged with wind element as they exchanged some blows. Ryu went around to try and attack Sasuke from behind, but Sasuke dodged it and swung his katana around at him, Ryu barely managed to dodged it. Nobunaga then sent out a tense wind attack, forcing Sasuke to dodge backwards, creating a gap between them.

Nobunaga: Let's not fool around too much, come on.

Ryu: Then move your ass!

Narrator: He said as he leaped ahead of him.

Sasuke: *Thinking* 'Are they trying to lead me into a trap or something? Maybe they'll take me to Madara if I pursue them long enough... I will have to take my chances.'


Madara: It's done, the Bijuu has been extracted.

Narrator: Madara jumped down from the Gedo Mazo and landed beside it.

Kabuto: Finally.

Black Zetsu: Only Naruto remains now.

White Zetsu: I can't wait for it!

Narrator: Killerbee's body fell to the ground as two shadows came closing in on the barrier. Black and White Zetsu merged together as they disappeared into the ground.

Kabuto: And it was perfect timing too, seems like he's already here.

Madara: Let him in...

Akashi: Alright this is it.

Naruto: ...

Narrator: A hole in the barrier opened as Akashi suddenly swung his foot towards Naruto who lost focus for a mere sec. As Akashi did, Naruto lost his grip on him and the seal disappeared. Akashi leaped inside the barrier as Naruto followed.

Madara: So you finally came...

Naruto: Killerbee!

~ End Chapter 14​

Edit: Released....
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Active member
Apr 30, 2011
Trait Points
Awesome. There is not a lot of fight n narutos role but i like it. The only thing i'm not accept is hinata. How could she going 2 fight just aftr a babys birth? Its 2 much. She cant fight just aftr a delivery.
Btw all othr things r very very nice. When the chep 15 is coming?
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Dec 3, 2009
Trait Points
Epic Man.. but i'm to lazy too read xd
How can you know it's epic if you haven't read it yet?:p Thanks for dropping by, hope you'll bother to read it eventually.

wow good FF
Thanks, even though this FF has been running for awhile already:p

i hve read initials its great

but its too long :)
still great work
Hehe thanks, well I hope you'll read the rest when you can be bothered to:p

Took a while but good job!!
Thanks and yeah I know. From now on it won't take months between each release, in fact I think I'll be able to go back to my old schedule of a chapter a week from now on;)

Awesome. There is not a lot of fight n narutos role but i like it. The only thing i'm not accept is hinata. How could she going 2 fight just aftr a babys birth? Its 2 much. She cant fight just aftr a delivery.
Btw all othr things r very very nice. When the chep 15 is coming?
Thanks, I was afraid that it might have dragged on a bit, but this chapter had to be made so all that remains now are fights, fights, and more fights reallyxd:p

Don't ask me, she insisted on tagging alongxd

Like I just recently mentioned in my Social Group, it will most likely be out by Monday, maybe even Sunday. (It's about 75% finished, not counting "coloring" though).

die from awesomeness .. You shld make a book instead D;

Im gonna print this page, and gonna replace the other book .. =3
Haha, don't think this concept would fit in a book, nevertheless, thanks for the compliment:)
What other book?xd

Why i have a feeling that Suigetsu stolen d swords.Hey bro r u going 2 make Suigetsu a villain??
Hmmm.... Maybe.... Maybe not... However I don't think stating a simple Yes or no would convince anyone:p
There's one thing that I can reveal for now and that is that the spy from the meeting in chapter 13, who blew up the Kage meeting, is working with Kabuto. But who's collecting the swords? Him or kabuto, hmm....:rolleyes:;)

PS: For those who haven't checked it out already, should considering reading my latest in the Social Group as it Involves both Chapter 15 of the original, Kakashi Chronicles, Chapter 3, the upcoming Jiraiya Chronicles, Chapter 1-3 ans as well as the Secret The Legendary Sage of Konoha Project I'll begin on once I'm done with the above mentioned chapters.
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Active member
Aug 5, 2010
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:overjoy:well well, if it isn't the miachel kun's ff, huh?! Long time, *starts counting*:hint: may be decades:mad:. Aside my personal feelings, i see, you focused quite on the setting for the epic fights to come>> sauske's been lured out, naruto has already reached the barrier and what's more>> killer bee has kicked the bucket, nothing but to spice up naruto's anger!! well, i am looking forward for it, don't let us down:D
Now coming to the ff, i liked the whole layout or what should i say>> i mean sequence, very well managed and written as well( there were a little grammar mistake and problems with spellings as well), calling for reinforcements and what else, chojuro died:T_T: but that's what makes it better!! coming to fights, i liked the combo attacks of lee and shikamaru!! it was awesome. and lastly, gl for the next chapters:)
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Dec 3, 2009
Trait Points
I waited so long for a chapter this bad? :|
You dissapoint me Michael, wtf >.>

Kidding, haven't read it yet. O_O.
You know, I've known you for such a long time now that I knew what you were pulling once I saw your post:pxd Nevertheless, I've been thinking that some people might not find this one as great as it's more of a build-up chapter to the final. Anyhow, looking forward to your real review then::p

good one..sad killer bee is gone without any fight.
Well... Ehm... Yeah... It's sad alright, but some people got to die or it would become dull:p:rolleyes: Glad you liked it.

:overjoy:well well, if it isn't the miachel kun's ff, huh?! Long time, *starts counting*:hint: may be decades:mad:. Aside my personal feelings, i see, you focused quite on the setting for the epic fights to come>> sauske's been lured out, naruto has already reached the barrier and what's more>> killer bee has kicked the bucket, nothing but to spice up naruto's anger!! well, i am looking forward for it, don't let us down:D
Now coming to the ff, i liked the whole layout or what should i say>> i mean sequence, very well managed and written as well( there were a little grammar mistake and problems with spellings as well), calling for reinforcements and what else, chojuro died:T_T: but that's what makes it better!! coming to fights, i liked the combo attacks of lee and shikamaru!! it was awesome. and lastly, gl for the next chapters:)
Hehe well it was about time really and a needed one if I must say so myself:p I already had delayed long enough as it was;)

Well I was a little scared that some people might find it a little too focused on the setting and the building up for the final, and this chapter might not have been the one I needed for the best possible comeback... However It had to be made and this is how I pictured it all the way really. Somehow this chapter kinda reminds me of a mix between 11, 12 and 13 with some story developing, some setting build up and some "standing still" - moments, but I think it's good as it is, even though it's quite long:p However it had to be this long as 15 will be all about battle... In fact, there are actually only 7 (well 8 actually) person furthered in Chapter 15 and that Is Naruto, Madara, Sasuke, Kabuto, Ryu, Nobunaga and Akashi and one more, except from Zetsu that is...

Well I figured somebody had to die and for the... Did I mention this? Don't think I did... or actually I don't remember, Lolxd Anyways there is going to be an unexpected villain coming up, so for him to show, Chojuro more or less had to die:-/

You know what, I was thinking the exact same!:p For some reason I like teaming up Shikamaru-Rock lee as I find them as the most "workable" characters really as I don't really have to Google up Jutsus every time they do an attack:p There is just something about them:p

Thanks, it's actually almost done already so like I said in the Social Group, it might become a Sunday release;)

I really liked it .I read it all and I loved it
great job
Thanks, I did put a lot of time and work into this one as the character limitation has gone from 30 000 letters to 40 000 letters without me noticing, so this chapter is definitely bigger than for example Chapter 11 (that I was pretty certain was the biggest one yet before this one) as the limit was "only" 30 000 letters when I wrote that one, so it really took some time to get it all down and right:p Probably used over 6-10 hours creating this onexd

Epic, nice, cool chapter
Thanks mate:)


Active member
Sep 30, 2010
Trait Points
Well, well, let me enter the scene then xd First of all, thanks as I really had the worst day in my exams today for this term (don't ask me what happened though:p), so this was really what was needed to boost me up. xd
Let give you a review now :zonder:

- So excellent build-up to the end semi-end since there is gonna be continuation with your Secret FF or something (high time you get a name for it U_U :p).
- You pretty much put all of your characters in this one, so no doubt it was so long (Did you leave someone :|).
- What I most liked was the twist in Chojuro's death and the stealing of the 6 Swords. 7 considering that Chojuro's had also been stolen right?

Let me guess, Chapter 15 will get a shocking end with the entrance of this enigmatic villain. :rolleyes:

- My favorite battle was Shikamaru and Lee v/s Keiji. Shikamaru's awesomeness was exhilarating me throughout though I must admit that I forgot (can't blame since it's been some time :p) the abilities of those 3 remaining new Akatsuki members.

- I liked Naruto's part but you spoiled most of us earlier with it with that preview. U_U

It's one of your neatest works overall :) and I pretty liked how tension between all the nations were being displayed throughout. This was bang-on no doubt. :) Only you can put it that well _O-

- The flashback of Jiraiya and Kakashi was funny. :D

- Nice to see more and more jutsus from Kabuto. It shows that he is doing all Oro's jutsus better every time.

- Can I be greedy :| Oh well, I doubt I'll allow myself since you tormented us so much with the wait :D:p How could you cut Killer Bee's fight completely? :( Atleast, you could have let him fight some parts with Kabuto before making Madara surprise him. He was so excited to display his new techniques and you cut off all our excitement with Madara xd Damn! :p

Some parts I didn't like (thinks.....:cool:)

- Found the part that Ao screamed "! I will get you for this Kabuto!" over-dramatic. Perhaps I've heard this kind of dialogues so many times that it got a bit fade. :p

- The death's of Mei's 2 advisers were a bit unnecessary at that point as no one really cared XD

Otherwise it was great ;) No worries :p

So a Naruto and Sasuke team-up next time. :|:D Although, to my eyes, you kinda stole the limelight with that mysterious thief? It may be Kabuto and thus, finally you'll show us what was his great plan to betray Madara but I doubt that 6 swords are done by him although you seem to mislead us purposely to this way or in Suigetsu's way but for me, there seem to be someone surprising...xd

Anyways, I'll prefer that you surprise me instead of me guessing it. :) Keep it up and I'll re-pass through some of your chapters to try and assemble the part of this thief twist :p:D Damn it turned out to be long....:p
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Active member
Aug 5, 2010
Trait Points
let me use my sixth sense:hint: if it isn't that water ninja or suigetsu stealing all the legendary weapons and picking up a fight with madara>> i guess that's the new rival for them:D

and about the combo, shikamaru performing shadow sewing technique or something like that and then lee spamming that guy over it, a perfect last move to end the battle, personally i felt it epic

now about this chapter, seriously this one was the most needed, a perfect way to refresh previous chapters of decadesxd and make a new way for the upcoming battles which i am eagerly waiting. I see people finding it very long but when i started reading, i didn't find it that long, probably because i was into it and seriously, those guys are avoiding the fun, well it's up to reader's mind, so as they wish!!

PS: don't you think i have become quite maturedxd?! i mean making such long posts was not like me lol, all i did was senseless posts like >>> omg, miachel kun, this was so epic<< like thatU_U. yeah, i am happy you are back on track and now i see someone (nikkou chan) missing with her awesome postsxd and about king dude, he already has poured down his thoughts
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Active member
Sep 30, 2010
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Reading the posts now....:p

Epic Man.. but i'm to lazy too read xd
i hve read initials its great

but its too long :)
still great work
You two didn't know what you're missing.....U_U

You know, I've known you for such a long time now that I knew what you were pulling once I saw your post:pxd Nevertheless, I've been thinking that some people might not find this one as great as it's more of a build-up chapter to the final.
Even I got the joke by now xd

In fact, there are actually only 7 (well 8 actually) person furthered in Chapter 15 and that Is Naruto, Madara, Sasuke, Kabuto, Ryu, Nobunaga and Akashi and one more, except from Zetsu that is...
Nice, now that's pretty much elimiates Suigetsu from my list of suspects and confirms the new one ....:rolleyes::D Side note: Make Sasuke, kill those 2 (Nobunaga and Ryu :D)

You know what, I was thinking the exact same!:p For some reason I like teaming up Shikamaru-Rock lee as I find them as the most "workable" characters really as I don't really have to Google up Jutsus every time they do an attack:p There is just something about them:p
Never thought of this duo as much but they are epic.

Thanks, I did put a lot of time and work into this one as the character limitation has gone from 30 000 letters to 40 000 letters without me noticing, so this chapter is definitely bigger than for example Chapter 11 (that I was pretty certain was the biggest one yet before this one) as the limit was "only" 30 000 letters when I wrote that one, so it really took some time to get it all down and right:p Probably used over 6-10 hours creating this onexd
So you finally understood that it's 40000 letters and not words :p Nice progress lol xd

about king dude, he already has poured down his thoughts
You still call me like that :| I like it though. XD Don't drop the nickname ever :)
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Dec 3, 2009
Trait Points
Well, well, let me enter the scene then xd First of all, thanks as I really had the worst day in my exams today for this term (don't ask me what happened though:p), so this was really what was needed to boost me up. xd
Let give you a review now :zonder:

- So excellent build-up to the end semi-end since there is gonna be continuation with your Secret FF or something (high time you get a name for it U_U :p).
- You pretty much put all of your characters in this one, so no doubt it was so long (Did you leave someone :|).
- What I most liked was the twist in Chojuro's death and the stealing of the 6 Swords. 7 considering that Chojuro's had also been stolen right?

Let me guess, Chapter 15 will get a shocking end with the entrance of this enigmatic villain. :rolleyes:

- My favorite battle was Shikamaru and Lee v/s Keiji. Shikamaru's awesomeness was exhilarating me throughout though I must admit that I forgot (can't blame since it's been some time :p) the abilities of those 3 remaining new Akatsuki members.

- I liked Naruto's part but you spoiled most of us earlier with it with that preview. U_U

It's one of your neatest works overall :) and I pretty liked how tension between all the nations were being displayed throughout. This was bang-on no doubt. :) Only you can put it that well _O-

- The flashback of Jiraiya and Kakashi was funny. :D

- Nice to see more and more jutsus from Kabuto. It shows that he is doing all Oro's jutsus better every time.

- Can I be greedy :| Oh well, I doubt I'll allow myself since you tormented us so much with the wait :D:p How could you cut Killer Bee's fight completely? :( Atleast, you could have let him fight some parts with Kabuto before making Madara surprise him. He was so excited to display his new techniques and you cut off all our excitement with Madara xd Damn! :p

Some parts I didn't like (thinks.....:cool:)

- Found the part that Ao screamed "! I will get you for this Kabuto!" over-dramatic. Perhaps I've heard this kind of dialogues so many times that it got a bit fade. :p

- The death's of Mei's 2 advisers were a bit unnecessary at that point as no one really cared XD

Otherwise it was great ;) No worries :p

So a Naruto and Sasuke team-up next time. :|:D Although, to my eyes, you kinda stole the limelight with that mysterious thief? It may be Kabuto and thus, finally you'll show us what was his great plan to betray Madara but I doubt that 6 swords are done by him although you seem to mislead us purposely to this way or in Suigetsu's way but for me, there seem to be someone surprising...xd

Anyways, I'll prefer that you surprise me instead of me guessing it. :) Keep it up and I'll re-pass through some of your chapters to try and assemble the part of this thief twist :p:D Damn it turned out to be long....:p
Well I'm glad my FF could helpxd:p

It's hard as I've only made out silly ones yetxD Better find a Japanese one eventually:p

Yeah I noticed when I was going to color it as just replacing the names with colored ones (which usually is the fast way around the block), took ages as this chapter probably had all the main and still alive characters in this one except from Gai and SuigetsuxD

Yes I agree, Lol:p The whole "Sword stealing" arc was actually a last minute thing that struck me while brainstorming on my way home, so if I had released the chapter earlier, the whole plot would have been missingxd And yes, Chojuro said that Kabuto took the sword, so yeah, all the swords have been stolen:p

Hehe yeah, together with the fight in chapter 7, they are becoming a favorite team of minexD

Haha, well you didn't have to read it, now did you?:rolleyes:

:p Your words/positive critics are almost too ehm... good to be true, Lol:p

Well I had to have a logical explanation to his Rasengan after all, and that was the only solution I saw:p

Yeah, but just wait till Kabuto's real goal is revealed, MuhahahaxD

Actually regarding that, there will be a poll held regarding two fights where you will be able to decide whether or not I should add them in. More about that when Chapter 3 of the SP (Sequel whatever:p) comes around;)

Yeah well I thought I had to make it seem more... touchable rather than Ao being a stone cold motherf*ckerxd

Well I was thinking on how to be able to show a flashback of Killerbee fighting so I remembered that I never said who accompanied him to the meeting, so I added them to be able to do the flashback. But while I was at it I realized that then Mei's escort was the only one un-revealed, and by adding them in the frame, I somehow could easier slide in the Ao - Chojuro Scene (Btw, this fight will probably not be among the two that I might do, Lolxd)...

As you just said yourself, you want to be surprised, so I'm going to let all the question regarding upcoming plot remain... unanswered:pxd

Well my reply isn't exactly shorter to say the leastxd

let me use my sixth sense:hint: if it isn't that water ninja or suigetsu stealing all the legendary weapons and picking up a fight with madara>> i guess that's the new rival for them:D

and about the combo, shikamaru performing shadow sewing technique or something like that and then lee spamming that guy over it, a perfect last move to end the battle, personally i felt it epic

now about this chapter, seriously this one was the most needed, a perfect way to refresh previous chapters of decadesxd and make a new way for the upcoming battles which i am eagerly waiting. I see people finding it very long but when i started reading, i didn't find it that long, probably because i was into it and seriously, those guys are avoiding the fun, well it's up to reader's mind, so as they wish!!

PS: don't you think i have become quite maturedxd?! i mean making such long posts was not like me lol, all i did was senseless posts like >>> omg, miachel kun, this was so epic<< like thatU_U. yeah, i am happy you are back on track and now i see someone (nikkou chan) missing with her awesome postsxd and about king dude, he already has poured down his thoughts
Well I've decided to let all speculations be speculations as you will just have to be patient:p;) Actually, you might have to be very patientxd As the plot goes pretty deep after a while:p

It's settled then, Rock Lee and Shikamaru is the ultimate team. The brain and the musclexd:p:D

Yeah maybe you're right as it was pretty big, and not only in length, but in content as well.

Haha yeah now that you mention it, you used to post short replies like that:p The time flies by fast.

Nice, now that's pretty much elimiates Suigetsu from my list of suspects and confirms the new one ....:rolleyes::D Side note: Make Sasuke, kill those 2 (Nobunaga and Ryu :D)

Never thought of this duo as much but they are epic.

So you finally understood that it's 40000 letters and not words :p Nice progress lol xd
Hmm... does it??:rolleyes::cool: We'll see:p Like I mentioned in my update, everything towards the final, final, final, final has been set and all that remains now is to write it down. I hardly doubt I'll change or add anything now if nothing really unexpected happens in the manga:p

Haha Indeed:p

Haha yeah, but either way it's grown as well, now I want to see you make a 40 000 letters + chapter:pO.O:p