The Legendary Sage of Konoha 9


Dec 3, 2009
Trait Points
Death Match
~ Part One

?: Really...

Madara: ...

Narrator: Madara looked at him, slightly lifting his head as his sharingan met the eyes of the stranger.

Madara: So... Were that all the things you wanted to talk about?

?: Well that should do for now... I'll go and report to our mas...

Narrator: Before he was able to finish the sentence, somebody from the dark cut him off.

??: So, this turned out rather surprisingly... To think, that you of all people had a master...

?: Madara, what's the meaning of this?

Narrator: The stranger was getting uncomfortable..

??: Oh no need to worry, I'm with him.

Madara: Kabuto, what are you doing here? I told you to go prepare with Ze...

Kabuto: Told me? Aha... Don't forget who's...

?: So this is the infamous Kabuto I've heard so much about... You know our rules Madara... Don't bring people to our meetings, especially not "tough" guy like him.

Kabuto: Hahaha!... Ahaha!...

?: Why are you laughing you scum?!

Kabuto: Tough guys like me eyy? You want me to show you how...

Madara: Kabuto, save it.

Narrator: Madara looked at Kabuto with an angry expression.

Kabuto: Oh boy... Well, I'll leave you two alone then I guess. Later, Masas..

Madara: Leave!

Narrator: Kabuto turned his back and went over to Zetsu who stood up ahead, outside the cave.

?: How did that bastard know my name?! Madara, you didn't?...

Madara: Relax, Masashi...

Masashi: Our master won't be pleased when he finds out that you let the likes of him control you..

Madara: ... Control me? Ha! Don't make me laugh. Only reason I haven't dealt with him is because of his powers.

Masashi: Huh...

Madara: And stop calling him our master, especially in the front of guys like Kabuto.

Masashi: *Thinking* "In front of?" Just don't trust him too much as he might turn on you some day.
I still don't get why he even sticks around after we lost the war twelve years ago.

Madara: Masashi, you're worrying too much. Beside, who said "we" even lost the war?

Masashi: You got to be kidding me? The only reason To...

Madara: Don't say his name out loud... Kabuto already knows too much, thanks to the likes of Orochimaru.
He might even be spying on us as we speak, with some of his dirty tricks.

Kabuto: *Thinking* "Did he notice my snake?"

Black Zetsu: Why the long face?

Kabuto: It's nothing...

White Zetsu: ?

Masashi: I'm just saying. He only gave you a second chance because of your ability. Just don't screw up again will ya? And be careful around that guy.

Narrator: With that said, the Stranger turned and started walking deeper into the cave, as Madara walked towards Kabuto and Zetsu.

Kabuto: Oh my, my. What's up with that guy? Why do you even have to meet up with him?

Madara: None of your business!

Narrator: He said as he stared at Kabuto.

Kabuto: Did I hit a weak spot? No need to get worked up. So this Masashi guy will report to your sensei now, is that it?

Black/White Zetsu: ...

Madara: How much do you know anyway? Damn that Orochimaru and his sneaky...

Kabuto: Oh Orochimaru sama had nothing to do with this. This was all my own research.

Madara: *Humph!* Well enough about that. How's the plan going?

White Zetsu: Well, it looks like one of the new guys has already fallen.

Madara: Really... Who?

Black Zetsu: The one who had no control over himself and his anger.

Kabuto: Sakito eyy?

Madara: Hmmm... Not that it's too much of a deal. Who did it?

White Zetsu: The green beast of Konoha.

Madara: So they already clashed with Naruto's group then?

Black Zetsu: Yes... Everything is going according to plan. Your promising student Akashi, together with Sonia, Makito and Kazuki have already surrounded the 6th Hokage.

Kabuto: Are you really sure about this? Shouldn't you save some of them till the real plot?

Madara: Well, among the new ones there are only two beside Akashi that are any good. Nobunaga and Ryu had to retreat after attacking the new Tsuchikage, just as planned.

White Zetsu: So... He really is the new one then? He sure hasn't lost his powers. If it hadn't been for his unexpected arrival, we would surely have succeeded when we attacked Iwa.

Madara: You're right about that. However, that was never really the plan either. Our goal was only to take down the 4th Tsuchikage. If it hadn't been for his arrival, our retreat would have been suspicious.

Kabuto: Huh.. Well my sources says that he's only the acting one at the moment as they couldn't really decide on anyone to take over after the 4th died during mine and Zetsu's invasion.

Madara: What about good old Ōnoki?

Kabuto: He has already retired. It was Ōnoki who suggested him to take over after all.

Madara: So what was his expression when he saw the two of you?

Black Zetsu: He didn't... We retreated as soon as we got Intel on his arrival. He shouldn't know it was our doing either.

Madara: As figured... Anyway, Akashi will probably have to retreat as Naruto won't go down that easily.
We should move to the rendezvous point.

Kabuto: What about the three others with him?

Madara: If they'll make it, then they will make it. If not... Then that's just unfortunate.

White Zetsu: After Sakito died, Keiji retreated as well. He has met up with Ryu and Nobunaga.

Madara: Really? Didn't expect him to survive.

Kabuto: So the three of them will also meet us there then?

Madara: Exactly. Let's move.

Keiji: So...

Ryu: What?...

Keiji: Are you guys into this for the money, fun or some other business?

Ryu: ... Money? Fun? Hahaha... Don't make me laugh.

Nobunaga: Why are you even here?

Keiji: What do you mean?

Nobunaga: I thought only strong guys were suppose to be part "Akatsuki" or whatever they call this organization now and days...

Kejij: ... Are you picking a fight with me?

Ryu: Hey Nobunaga, no need to do this now. He's here now and the four of us might be the only left before this day is over...

Keiji: Huh?...

Nobunaga: You have no clue have you?

Ryu: Don't tell him...

Keiji: Tell me what?

Nobunaga: If you really want to know that bad...

Ryu: Nobunaga! Kabuto said we shouldn't!

Nobunaga: They didn't expect any of the new guys to make it. You see... Me and Ryu here have been around for some time, together with Akashi. We were the two who brought Akashi to Kabuto’s present. How do you think he could be this freak with all these abilities to begin with? Born with them? Ha!... Before Kabuto started working with him, he was one of the most honest and promising anbus under Danzo, before Sasuke killed Danzo and the whole anbu root organization fell apart and got merged with the other one into one organization. He was Danzo's most promising shinobi, stolen during child birth and raised as Danzo's personal favorite.
He was kept hidden from both the 3rd, 4th and 5th Hokage.

Ryu: You just can't keep it shut do you?

Keiji: So you guys took him away and brought him to Kabuto?

Nobunaga: Isn't it obvious already? We were all part of Danzo's root. The three of us left Konoha after Danzo's death. That's when we met Kabuto.

Keiji: So what has this to do with me anyway?

Nobunaga: Madara and Kabuto didn't expect anyone to survive this day except myself, Ryu and Akashi.
But to our surprise, look who's here.

Keiji: So he really though I would go down that easily?

Ryu: You're good at escaping, I'll give you that... Let's see if any of the others survives as well.

Keiji: Huh.. .Been a little underestimated, haven't I? So what's so special with this Akashi guy anyway?

Nobunaga: That has always bothered us. Why Kabuto chose him to experiment on and not the two of us is still an unanswered question. Guess he saw something special in him or something.

Ryu: Anyway, we should head to the rendezvous point. As Zetsu said, he will meet us there along with Madara and Kabuto. Akashi should be able to get there too. From there on, we will continue with the real plan.

Rock Lee: It's here, isn't it?

Shikamaru: Yeah, this is where the explosion separated us from them as they vanished into the woods with Naruto.

Tsunade: Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!

Everyone: Right!

Narrator: They all dashed into the dense forest.

Pakkun: !!

Kakashi: What is it?

Pakkun: I'm sensing other people heading towards Naruto as well.

Kakashi: Friendly?

Pakkun: I think so...

Gaara: How many?

Pakkun: Not sure.

Gai: Hmm....

Kankuro: How far is it now?

Pakkun: Not far, ten minutes maybe.

Gai: Then let's head out in the speed of light!

Narrator: He said as he leaped way ahead of the others.

Naruto: *Pant, Pant*

Akashi: *Huff, Huff*... End it in a flash... We'll see about that!

Narrator: Akashi raised his special made katana and went for Naruto while Sonia, Makito and Kazuki raised their weapons as well and joined him. Naruto took forth his special kunai and formed wind element around it. However, this time, he also picked forth another one which he formed fire element around.
The four of them clashed at Naruto as he swung around his kunais to block each of their attacks. It was a fierce showdown, until they all raised their weapons at the same time and slashed at Naruto with all their might as he criss-crossed his kunais to block.

Naruto: !!

Narrator: They were overpowering Naruto who fell to one knee, when he suddenly vanished and appeared behind Akashi, ready to slash at him. But as he did, two arms stretched out of Akashi's back and grabbed Naruto's arms.

Naruto: ?! What the...

Narrator: As the two arms were holding Naruto, Kazuki went for him from his left as he tried to hit him with his double bladed scythe. Naruto dodged as Kazuki swung his scythe like a windmill over his head before he broke it in half at the middle, and tried to strike Naruto from above with both of them.
But before he was able to do so, Naruto kicked him in the stomach as he fell backwards. Naruto then teleported behind him and before Kazuki was able to land on the ground, Naruto pushed both of his elemental fused kunais through his back.

Kazuki: *Ugh!*... Ahahaha! You forget that you can't kill me that easily!

Naruto: Humph...

Narrator: He then pulled out both of them as Kazuki fell on his back, while Naruto jumped to the other side of the battlefield. It was a green spot in the middle of the forest with trees surrounding them from everywhere.

Naruto: ...

Narrator: Naruto vanished once again, but this time he didn't show up again.

Naruto: *Thinking* "I need to come up with a plan. I can't just try to kill of that immortal guy, and I can't get their leader from behind. That only leaves two people."

Sonia: Did he escape?

Akashi: Impossible... Not with all this thick forest around us. I'll find him.

Narrator: Akashi then scanned the area with his byakugan.

Akashi: There!

Narrator: He said as he quickly preformed some hand seals.

Akashi: Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu! (Fire Style: Grand Fireball Technique!).

Narrator: Akashi had spotted Naruto standing on a branch behind a tree as the flame ball cut right through it and Naruto fell to the ground.

Makito: Huh?! You got him?

Kazuki: Looks that way.

Narrator: They both began to approached Naruto's body.

Akashi: Wait!

Narrator: Then all of a sudden, Naruto's body transformed into a log.

Makito: Kawarimi no Jutsu (Substitution Jutsu)...

Naruto: Got you now!

Makito: What?!

Narrator: Naruto then emerged from the ground below where Makito stood.

Naruto: Rasengan!

Narrator: Naruto's rasengan hit Makito right under his jaw as he went flying backwards into a tree. As Naruto's left hand hit Makito with a rasengan and he still was in the air, he quickly turned around, upside-down, and smashed his right hand into Kazuki's stomach, sending, him too, flying into tree.

Naruto: *Pant, Pant*

Akashi: From below?!

Kazuki: How many times do I have to tell you... You can't.. *ugh!*..

Narrator: Kazuki who had stood up from the blast, suddenly grabbed his stomach as blood came out of his mouth.

Kazuki: Impossible?!

Naruto: Even though you might appear immortal, there are some methods to cut off your powers. Like this seal here.

Kazuki: !!

Narrator: A flashback was shown. As Naruto hit Makito with his left hand, and went for Kazuki with his right. He preformed some quick hand seals with his right hand before, smashing it into Kazuki's stomach.

Sonia: You preformed a sealing jutsu with only one hand?

Akashi: ...

Kazuki: Still, I won't go down that easy!

Narrator: Holding his stomach, he walked to where Akashi and Sonia where standing. You could also see that Makito barely was able to get up as he too walked towards them..

Naruto: You should stay down while you have the chance... *Thinking* "This will probably take away some chakra"

Narrator: Naruto then preformed some seals similar to the shadow clone technique.

Akashi: ... Shadow clones?

Narrator: Beside Naruto, two clones appeared.

Naruto: Not any clones... After experimenting a lot with them, I've been able to create my own special edition. I call them Sage Clones. My limit right now is two, but that will be more than enough for now.

Akashi: Ha! What are you talking about?!

Narrator: Akashi created around 100 shadow clones which went straight for the two clones Naruto summoned.

Akashi: Getting low on chakra? Only two clones... That's like underestimating me!

Narrator: The clones clashed as a large cloud of smoke came from them as more and more disappeared.

Akashi: Wha...

Narrator: The smoke cleared and the two clones who stood in front of naruto were still standing as all of Akashi's clones where gone.

Naruto: This isn't a normal shadow clone technique... Those clones I create are perfect copies of me. Beside the endurance, they can withstand as much damage as me and do all the techniques I can... *thinking* "At least almost all of them"... However, this takes a lot a chakra away and hence; I can only do two at max.

Narrator: Naruto, alongside his clones then preformed some hand seals..

Naruto: Suiton: Suiryudan no jutsu! (Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!).

Naruto (Clone) 1: Futon: Shinku Taigyoku! (Wind Style: Vacuum Great Sphere!).

Naruto (Clone) 2: Katon: Gokakyu no jutsu! (Fire style: Grand Fireball technique!).

Narrator: The water dragon went for straight for the half injured Kazuki, the vacuum sphere went for Makito and the fireball went straight for Akashi.

Sonia: Wind style?... Makito don't use that technique!

Narrator: Makito who were badly injured was just about to throw out a fire technique to counter the wind when Sonia stepped in front of him.

Sonia: Doton: Doryūheki! (Earth Style: Mud Wall).

Narrator: A large wall of earth rose up from the ground and stopped the wind attack.

Akashi: Hmm... Let's see who got the strongest fireball technique... Gokakyu no Jutsu! (Fire Style: Grand Fireball Technique!)

Narrator: The two fireball clashed as an intense heat surrounded the area, as none of them prevailed.

Kazuki: Water has never been able to hit me!

Narrator: He merged together his scythe again and started spinning it around like a windmill to counter. The water dragon crashed right into his windmill as he tried to repel the dragon away.

Kazuki: *Ahhh!*

Narrator: Just as the water dragon technique sent by Naruto was about to end, a shadow formed in the water.

Kazuki: What the...


Narrator: Naruto had used his pure speed to dive into the water dragon's tail and transported himself to the end of it. Kazuki was caught off guard as Naruto slashed through his scythe and chopped off his head in a blink of an eye with his kunai covered in wind element.
He landed with one knee to the ground and his other feet angled up as Kazuki's body fell to the ground.

Makito: No way... *argh*..

Sonia: Don't move, you're in a bad shape...

Akashi: *thinking* "So because of the seal he put on Kazuki, his immortal powers didn't work"

Narrator: Naruto stood up as he turned his head around slightly to the left as his eyes met with Akashi.
The wind element shape around his blade turned off as his Hokage robe was still waving in the wind.
The two clones lined up beside him, ready for the next attack.

~ End Chapter 9
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Dec 3, 2009
Trait Points
Previous Chapters:

Sasuke Chronicles:

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Jun 10, 2010
Trait Points
yay its here time to read :D

Edit:Once again a really nice chapter. I really like how you captured Naruto's Battle smarts coming up with new plans on the fly.
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Nikkou Arashi

Active member
Mar 11, 2010
Trait Points
yay its here time to read :D
Right! :)


Oh, so Akashi is a freaky experiment. But even though he is just an experiment, he must have had super abilities to be able to withstand all those experiments, huh!

And I too forgot Kazuki was immortal - thought Naruto finally got him there - but, haha, awsome ha, a sealing technique that nullified Kazuki's immortal-ness xd:D...:p on him!

That was a dramatic pose, eh - Naruto winning the battle against an immortal Kazuki.

So, we'll see what's in store for Madara's special student Akashi. :rolleyes:

On another note, Kabuto - I remembered that the first ability he has shown during the Chunnin exams were his abilities to gather information - that makes sense why he knows a lot about Masashi. Could he have known about Madara's sensei, too? :/

Well, great work as ever. After all, you spent tiring hours on it!
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Dec 3, 2009
Trait Points
yay its here time to read :D

Edit:Once again a really nice chapter. I really like how you captured Naruto's Battle smarts coming up with new plans on the fly.

Well I put in a little more effort this time as I felt the last chapter was a little random at times. I still find some of the battle scenes explained by the narrator hard though, but I guess I managed somehow:p
As I mentioned last time, I had to power up Naruto without overpowering him and neither underpowering him, which I kinda found a little hard:p

Thanks for reading, you always seem to get the first post:p
Have you created an account just to read, or...?:p:)

You do that, when you get back;)

I like this chapter alot. This chapter gave me an idea on a theory. I hope it makes 200 views before Sunday.
An idea on a theory? Like starting your own FF, or just a theory about Naruto?:p
Thanks for reading mate, and I guess I hope so too myselfxd;)


Dec 3, 2009
Trait Points
Orochimaru spying around and Danzo and Roots. I'm start writing it tonight and if I get done by tomorrow night I will post it.
Oh I see:p Notify me when you post the theroy then;)

nice battle description, it heating up! xd
Thanks. I actually wrote 9 and 10 in one go without thinking about it, but I ended up with spliting it in half as it was way too long for one chapter:p

Nikkou Arashi

Active member
Mar 11, 2010
Trait Points
Yay! I fogot something....did Naruto really have to say this in front of Akashi? "However, this takes a lot a chakra away and hence; I can only do two at max." He just spilled out a weakness at the moment. :(
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Jun 10, 2010
Trait Points
Well I put in a little more effort this time as I felt the last chapter was a little random at times. I still find some of the battle scenes explained by the narrator hard though, but I guess I managed somehow:p
As I mentioned last time, I had to power up Naruto without overpowering him and neither underpowering him, which I kinda found a little hard:p

Thanks for reading, you always seem to get the first post:p
Have you created an account just to read, or...?:p:)
Not quite but your FF is the reason why i am logging in automaticly. And i think it is just because of good timing with regards to updating hehe. I don't actually just sit there updating constantly hehe
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Active member
Aug 25, 2010
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WEEE NICE CHAPTER haha, i loved the part where naruto could summon perfect clones of himself, that is soo cool, bt would be cooler if i could do it in real life, they cn do my homework and excersise for me while i sit back n relax;D gud luck making the next chap!
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Active member
Mar 28, 2010
Trait Points
It's really great chapter. I really want Naruto to own that idiots that thought that they alone could do what others, more powerful than them, couldn't. For god's sake he hasn't activate neither sage mode nor nine-tailed chakra. I want one move pwn in next chapter!! Hell yeah!
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Dec 3, 2009
Trait Points


Oh, so Akashi is a freaky experiment. But even though he is just an experiment, he must have had super abilities to be able to withstand all those experiments, huh!

And I too forgot Kazuki was immortal - thought Naruto finally got him there - but, haha, awsome ha, a sealing technique that nullified Kazuki's immortal-ness xd:D...:p on him!

That was a dramatic pose, eh - Naruto winning the battle against an immortal Kazuki.

So, we'll see what's in store for Madara's special student Akashi. :rolleyes:

On another note, Kabuto - I remembered that the first ability he has shown during the Chunnin exams were his abilities to gather information - that makes sense why he knows a lot about Masashi. Could he have known about Madara's sensei, too? :/

Well, great work as ever. After all, you spent tiring hours on it!
Yeah as Nobunaga said, Kabuto saw something in Akashi that they didn't get... Just what exactly?:p

Yeah I somehow got inspired by Minato's fight with Madara when he sealed of his control over the fox, only that I wanted it to look cooler when Naruto did it by doing it upside down after giving Makito a bullseye with the Rasengan:p

Well my own explaination is that he or Shikamaru did some research on the likes of Hidan, that's why he knew a trick to stop him:p

Yeah... Something happends next chapter:p

Well he's a tricky one.. Just wait until I reveal what I got in store for him:p;)

Thanks for your support as always my friend:)

Yay! I fogot something....did Naruto really have to say this in front of Akashi? "However, this takes a lot a chakra away and hence; I can only do two at max." He just spilled out a weakness at the moment. :(
Exactly what I wanted you to notice!:D... Be sure to pay extra attention in the next chapter:p;)

Not quite but your FF is the reason why i am logging in automaticly. And i think it is just because of good timing with regards to updating hehe. I don't actually just sit there updating constantly hehe
Hehe, I see:p Well you need to be a member to see the FanFiction section after all, so it's not a bad idea if you don't want to miss anything I guess:p:D
xd Yeah, that would have been wird:p

So does this mean Chapter 10 will be out today? :D
If you take a look at the post below the chapter, and the "Next chapter" part, you will see when the next chapter will be out. Chapter 9 has already reached 114 views, so you shouln'd push away the fact that I might release the next one already today, if chapter 9 reaches at least 150 views that is:p;)

Looks like Naruto will be getting some reinforcements as Kakashi and the rest are coming towards him...nice battle scene! :cool:
Yeah, the heat of the battle is reaching it's climacs:p
The conclusion of it will be shown next time;)

awesome dude

You really outdid yourself with Naruto's battle :) I expect the rest of it to be even more epic :)
Oh, thanks:) I worked really hard with this one as I felt the last one was really bland.
Yeah I hope chapter 10 will meet your expectations then:p

WEEE NICE CHAPTER haha, i loved the part where naruto could summon perfect clones of himself, that is soo cool, bt would be cooler if i could do it in real life, they cn do my homework and excersise for me while i sit back n relax;D gud luck making the next chap!
Hahaxd Yeah that would have been something wouldn't it?:p Thanks for reading.

It's really great chapter. I really want Naruto to own that idiots that thought that they alone could do what others, more powerful than them, couldn't. For god's sake he hasn't activate neither sage mode nor nine-tailed chakra. I want one move pwn in next chapter!! Hell yeah!
Well, he hasn't used any 9 tails chakra yet, but he did activate sage mode at the start of the fight when he used the massive shadow clone technique if you didn't notice:p

Well, then you might be pleased in the next chapter as the fight nears it's conclusion;)
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