Upper Barrens (087)


Active member
Oct 1, 2010
Trait Points
Upper Barrens

The Upper Barrens constitutes one of the less interesting areas of the Great Wind Desert. Here the barren wasteland of endless sand dunes meet the equally barren rocky terrain of the Badlands of Earth. It contains very little life, save for a small variety of insects and the nomads who pass through here on occasion. The area is very rugged and exposed; very dangerous to travel through. Those who are lost here are often never seen again.

Several stray shards of Eanna landed in the barren wastelands, their impact having none whatsoever on the region.

Upper Barrens (087) | Rec. Players: 3 | A-Rank | GST Enabled
Rift Title: the Wise (Claimed by: N/A)

Located in the Upper Barens in the East is a Rift that connects our world to the Moon prior to the Cataclysm, when Enkidu’s attack was redirected at the celestial body. Traverse the Rift, battle against sentinels of Eanna, and attempt to uncover the fate of Anu, God of the Heavens.


Rank: Jounin
Health Points: 300
Chakra: 5,000​

Description: Atrahasis is a Divine Construct built in the likeness of an immortal human by the same name that was saved during the Flood, an event that occurred thousands of years ago during the Great War. Legend holds that Anu, Enlil, and Enki each warned Atrahasis of an impending flood, sent by Tiamat to cull overpopulated humans during the war. To save as many as he could, Atrahasis constructed the first ship so that he and his fellow humans may survive the impending storm. Today the Divine Construct serves as a powerful sentinel that guards the Temple of Nannar.

Atrahasis Loot Table:
100% chance to drop a single Resplendent Token of the Moon

Roll twice for below:

50% chance to drop 7,500 to 15,000 Kumi (randomly rolled value, split evenly among all members).
20% chance to drop a single Ancient Unstable Sapphire
10% chance to drop Void: Divine Machinations.
15% chance to drop +1 MIND, +1 BODY, or +1 VIT.
5% chance to drop Suen
Rank: Jounin
Health Points: 300
Chakra: 6,000​

Description: Xisuthros, Preserver of Life, is a second Divine Construct built on behalf of another human who shared the same name. Unlike Atrahasis, who was built in honor posthumously, it is said that Xisuthros desired to have his soul imbued into the statue so that he may defend the gods even after passing from his human body. Today the Divine Construct serves as a powerful sentinel that guards the Temple of Shamash.

Xisuthros Loot Table:
100% chance to drop a single Resplendent Token of the Moon

Roll twice for below:

50% chance to drop 10,000 to 17,500 Kumi (randomly rolled value, split evenly among all members).
20% chance to drop a single Ancient Unstable Sapphire, Diamond, or Emerald.
20% chance to drop Void: Divine Machinations
5% chance to drop +1 SPRT, +1 MIND, or +1 VIT.
5% chance to drop Utu
Rank: Sage
Health Points: 800
Chakra: 10,000​

Description: King Ziusudra was an immortal human who fled the Golden Empire during its transitionary period where civil strife broke out among the Lotus Empresses successors. Ziusudra formed the first kingdom separate from the Empire, called Shuruppak. After a three-hundred-year immortal reign, where many of the last remaining immortal humans of the Empire fled to in the wake of its transition, Ziusudra opted to ascend to the heavens like his brethren before him. His kingdom dissolved shortly after that but his legacy would live on serving as a Champion of Anu in Eanna, unlike his immortal brethren within the Moon.

Ziusudra Loot Table:
100% chance to drop three Resplendent Token of the Moon

Roll twice for below:

50% chance to drop 14,000 to 27,000 Kumi (randomly rolled value, split evenly among all members).
20% chance to drop a single Crystallized Apotheotic Energy
10% chance to drop to +1 MIND, SPRT, BODY, or VIT.
10% chance to drop Void: Legacy of the Flood
5% chance to drop Utu
5% chance to drop Suen
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Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points

As Kazumi arrived from the borders of her vilalge land, she took a moment to asses the posters that he held in hand.

Hmmm... Sado stands at a towering 7'5" with rugged features. Uta is measured at 6'2" with a tall, yet thin, build. Most notably are the various piercings and tattoos that cover his body, including facial piercings in his eye and lip. Trunks is a 24 year old male standing at 5'11". He possesses a muscular, yet thin, build with short and evenly cut lavendar hair. I wonder if they'll try and hide themselves or stand out in the open...

Kazumi pondered as she continued towards their claimed terrain.



Active member
Jul 17, 2012
Trait Points

Now closer, Trunks begins to remember what happened to him as a small boy in this land, the hopelessness and fear he felt. Partially it was the reason he set out on the ninja path. Putting that and past memories aside, Trunks presses onward.



ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

Father, are we really going for the Gates of Oblivion still? Didn't you read the fliers. A new continent has been discovered, who knows what's there?
Lilith was just as impatient as ever as the two scouted through yet another barren wasteland without any signs of Daedra let alone the one they were specifically targeting. Alucard sighed.

Hmph, Guess the possibility for the Otsutsuki being there is also a fact. Fine, we're registering for the trip.

Yippiee!! I hope to see Mirabelle and Isabella there too, anoo our clansmen..

They're working for their God-slayer tools my daughter. The ship is about to sail but maybe they will join us. If not then, later.

The two left the upper barrens and headed for Tsuchi Heiho.


Gobi Gobletsson

Active member
Oct 27, 2010
Trait Points
Arriving: https://animebase.me/threads/devil’s-ravine-096.755914/page-2#post-22122032

Starting mission:
  • B-rank: Deal with a traumatic event from your past
  • B-Rank: Gathering materials to smith Marzan

Both Genki and Katsuryoku stood upon the border between the rocky barrens and the sandy dunes. Amaimon was clad in his poncho which was waving in the wind. The neck of the poncho reached up above his face, covering it from the sand and dust.

“Oi, oi, Amai-dono... I thought you a kid the big island..” The Genki seemed confused. “Listen, Amidamaru, you know just as well, my childhood story, as I - We have fused many a times, why do you insist on being ignorant??” Clearly annoyed, Amaimon waved his hand dismissive at Amidamaru..

”Well why, why do you ask, its clearly for the audience to know abit about you as a character.” Amidamaru would gesture at the empty dunes, and around towards the empty space of the barren, rigded rocks. He was being a comedian, as always. Sometimes it would effects would carry to Amaimon. “Humour me, Amai-dono?! Just because we know all, and all, conversations can still be held.”

Amaimon snorted and averted his gaze away from his spirit. “Well, if you would want to know, and the reason why we’re here, is for me to confront my past, and settle one of the things which I have always evaded - I will explain as we near the our target.”

The Katsuryoku’s gaze returned to the dunes - He scanned the area, but he was dissatsified. “The must have moved in the last seventy years.. You of all must know, that the desert travels. In a few hundred years, this very border will have been overrun by the moving desert. Its an interesting thought, if I may say so myself - But I myself, do have disliking to sand.” Amidamaru chuckled. “That is true, alas, I could tell you where this desert, once was - But that would only baffle your mind, young Amaimon-sama.”

He started moving further into the sanded area, one step at a time. The sand was loose ‘neath his feet, and made an unstable footing - Which was one of the things Amaimon disliked. Amaimon prefered to have a stable footing, and be in touch with proper earth. He soon made a halt. He moved both his hands in a circular motion, which caused the very wind currents to bend accordingly to his will. A circular gust formation formed around his very person, and as he clapped his hands together, the gust spread outwards pushing aside all the sand in his vicnity. The very result would cause Amaimon to sink atleast two feet below the remaining sand surface. He now stood upon a rocky plateu, uneven in its creation.

Rank: C
Type: Attack/Defence
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 20
Damage Points: 30
Descripton: The user is able to make clearly visible objects by using their chakra to dense and move the air at great speed. Jutsu can be used to create shapes like small sized pillars of wind, tools, and shields of wind (Just like earth style technique).

”This Amidamaru, is the very birthplace of existence.” Amaimon muttered. “And what is it, that we seek, Amai-dono?” The Katsuryoku sat in a lotus position, followed by removing his glove. He reached for Amidamaru. “Come, it is best shown, than explained.” The Genki compressed itself, to fit the size of his masters palm. The Katsuryoku continued by moving his spherical like spirit to his abdomen, followed by fusing with it. Their mind, body, and their knowledge was shared.

Rank: B-A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20-30(-5/-10 per turn)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Búri no Yugion is technique which is based on the feat of Possession, be it partial or fullbody infusions. The overall infusion process involves the Genki inhabiting the same vessel as the user, wethever or it be fullbody nor only partial. Upon entering the body of a living shell, the Genki would cause a constant chakra spikes throughout the user's system for a turn. This is to create complete unity within the two parties, clearing the user of any foreign chakra-based influx in their system, despite rank and power. Normally this would cause the inability to mold chakra after the emergence and for the rest of the turn. However upon reaching a certain height of mastery within the art(Katsuryoku Pledged and above) one completely nullify said side-effect. This goes for both infusions.
Partial B-ranked| Partial infusion is not the spirit taking over the body of the user but lending their powers to him/her to be used in battle which is mainly a supplementary use. Supplementary uses include a variety of things however, for a partial infusion only one can be used at a time, while with a fullbody infusion all will be available. These abilities are more accurately defined below and both runs passively upon infusion.
Precognition, which literally means acquiring knowledge. Now this is done by other means, than studying a book or listening to a presentation. While by normal means an organisim can only extract information from past to present, precognition does the same, however from the time, that has yet to come. While under the effects given by the Genki, the vessel is enabled to see into the future. In other words, the vessel is giving himself the capability to view all possibly outcomes, and the ability to change the to-be happenings, with another act than the one told in the vision. Lasts one turn, and can only be used 3 times during partial infusions. Can be used 5 times during fullbody infusions.
Aura Sensing, is the ability to view a person (Be it within range of the user's vision or not), however not only their exterior but their interior as well. People oft carry a demeanor around their entity, which becomes visible upon use of this supplementary ability. This interior exudes from the owner which is clad around their entity as a transparent shroud. Depending on the colour, size and aggressiveness in the shroud, the user is able to determine their emotions, such as love, anxiety, excitement, hate, stress, dizzyness, etc. and thereby oft their actions as well. Lasts untill deactivated.
Fullbody A-ranked| This infusion, is where the spirit and host shares one mind. A perfect unity. However, spirits are, if their host is unconscious, able to maintain themselves in control of the shell(The user) and fight in their stead by forcefully manipulating it’s movements accordingly to it’s will, even if its gravely wounded. When completely fused, the user and spirit share their complete memory and knowledge with each other. While fused, genjutsu(besides doujutsu genjutsu) are ineffective against the user.
While under the influence of Testament of Búri, the user gains abilities (Much as Jorth's Personification) that corresponds to their spirit. Both infusions are both with a certain risk. Extended usages may cause the user to become exhausted, and or run low on chakra, as the spirits will be sheltering within the host’s body, and feed on the energies, be it foreign or not.
Both infusion of course carry limitations in their uses, however depends and varies from rank to rank within the art of the House. An outline, and usage for the generic spirits roaming the fields;
Partial uses per battle: Katsuryoku Apprentice (1) Katsuryoku Initiate (2), Katsuryoku Pledged (3), Katsuryoku Elder (4), Katsuryoku Voice (5).
Fullbody per battle duration: Katsuryoku Initiate (1), Katsuryoku Pledged (2), Katsuryoku Elder (4), Katsuryoku Voice (5). Can only be used twice per battle.
These of course also counts for submitted techniques, unless it specifically is bounded by other restrictions given in submission in question.

Together they dwelved into the mind of Amaimon as he started to mediate. Amidamaru and Amaimon found themselves standing on a the rocky plateu, only that it wasn’t covered entirely in sand. Infact, it was quite barren of sand - The dunes itself was a bit off, and below the plateu as of yet. Ontop of the plateu, one tent of many stood out. It was rugged, and carried an emblem of a boar, on a green field, with falling leaves in the back. Within the tent, screaming and shouting could be heard. Outside, two people were discussing something inaudiable. They seemed calm, despite the circumstances. The shouting and screaming soon came to a stand still - Even the ones outside went quiet. The silence was soon broken by a babys wailing. “Oi, oi, Amai.. This is quite far back.” Amaimon said nothing, but simply observed the tent, ignoring his Genki.

The wailing continued, however it was soon followed by panicked shouting. The screaming which had originally come from a woman, was no longer. It never returned. The two outside the tent, now entered as the shouting concured. A glooming cloud cast its shadow upon the plateu. “Come.” Amaimon said, as he pushed towards the tent. Suddenly they stood inside. A small pup with green hair lay in a crib - A midwife trying to calm the child. Meanwhile a man was hunched over what seemed to be a pale, lifeless woman. He was crying, he was devasted. One of the people from outside tried to comfort him, while the other stood awkwardly by, not knowing what to do of himself.

The entire setting blurred, and faded, only to rematerialize. They were no longer within the tent, they were instead outside on the plateu. With pick and shovel, the group had managed to dig out a small trench for the woman to be buried. It was raining. It blurred again, followed by reshaping.

They were now inside the tent. There was no midwife, there were no people other than the hunched over father, of the green haired child. He was looking down the crib. One hand clutched around the crib’s corner. “Listen... Listen..! LISTEN!” He was growled - His voice was rasp. He didnt shout, but was determined in his voice. “You, beast. You’re but an Oni.. A demon, that is! I wish you was no child of mine, but you are.. But I will brand you, demon... Amaimon..!” He shook the crib as he snarled the name. The kid wailed again, and he delivered a swift slap across the cheek. He retreated swiftly from the crib and seemed to call for a midwife, as the wailing proceeded to grow. All faded again, and within an instant, Amidamaru was pushed out of Amaimons body. The Katsuryoku was already on his feet.

”Amai-san, I..” The Genki said. His kid-like nature seem to forget. Sorrow is different for humans, than Genki. Amaimon said nothing. Despite being a master, at controlling his emotion, he allowed for his sadness to emerge, and as such, a tear would be shed. “So, the reason why we’re here, is to make peace with my own upbringing.” Amaimon pivoted on his feet, moved towards the burial site of his mother. “This is no worthy burial.” Unearthing his mother, he would bring forth a mangled skeleton. “I will bring the ashes of you, and the site of my becoming to Marzan - Thus a token of my very existence.” He would move his hand along the surface of the skeleton, unleashing a ferocious heat that would cause the bones to ashen followed by condensing it into a ball - Followed by infusing it into a lump of rock. This rock would be brought with him to Marzan.

Type: Offensive
Rank: D
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 10
Damage: 20
Description: The user will release a small but powerful flame of fire at their opponent from either their limbs (through movement) or exhaling it. It can produce fire balls or fire streams or simply aid in taijutsu.

Type: Attack/Defense/Supplementary
Rank: C-S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 15-40
Damage Points: 30-80
Description: This technique enables the user to control the calcium inside his body or calcium underground to create tools, like shields, pillars, weapons. The user can either use the calcium inside his own body to create a tool that exits his body, or create a tool that comes out from underground, for example pillars. The amount of calcium the user can manipulate is however restricted to medium-sized objects, while A-S-ranked version may create bigger scaled constructs such as walls, etc.

~S-ranked version is usable 3 times per battle
~No S-Rank or above Calcium in the same and next turn (after S-Rank version is used)
~The user cannot change the properties of the calcium they manipulate, the things that the user creates using this technique have the same properties as bones.

Both Genki and Amaimon left the site, no words was spoken for a while.

Leaving LM
Ending Mission.

Travel itinerary
Start LM: 087 - 15:05 PM
087, 15:05 PM - 092 - 16:05 PM
092 - 16:05 PM - 103 - 17:05 PM
Travel ends: 103, 17:05 PM
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Jul 7, 2011
Trait Points
[Coming from Here]

- Unlock a new bijuu skill

The heat was unbearable. The scorching sun radiating in the skies above burning away at the land day by day. Sin stumbled through the sand dunes, drained from his escape, tired from no rest, hungry from no food and aching from his wounds that still hadn't recovered. What a drag. Covering himself with his cloak to protect him from harsh winds that carried both ungodly heat and the brutal desert sand that would grind against his skin. Within these lands, structures of rocks rose to the skies in strange formations, like standing needles. The only good thing about these was the shadow that was provided even a little reprieve from the scorching skies.

Sin leaned against one of these pillars falling to the ground in exhaustion. How long had it been? Was he being followed? How long would it take to get out of these lands? These were the questions that echoed in his mind but he was too tired to care. He pulled a ration bar from his pack, and broke part of it off eating it taking a drink of his water. His rations were low and how was he meant to restore them in such harsh lands? He'd seen no signs of life. He put his stuff away and closed his eyes dosing off for a while, hoping to regain some of his strength.

What a crappy way to wake up. A blade to his throat held by some fat ass scrub. Sin opened his eyes, squinting to see three men, and three over sized scorpions. Well that wasn't fair. How come they got suitable transport. The guy with the blade to his throat was clearly in need of the exercise. Well Sin was way too tired to do anything crazy.

"So what can I do for you fine gentlemen? I'm afraid I've got nothing of value..." Sin began.

"Enough of the crap. You're coming with us you filthy bijuu scum." The fat man barked.

"Bi what now? What are you talking..." Sin tried to lie his way out of the situation.

"Shut the **** up. We followed your trail since you killed Erek in your little escape. That dumbass should of seen it coming. Now cut the crap, you're coming with us." He pressed the blade to Sin's throat. Though it was clearly a piece of crap of a blade, it still wasn't comfortable having it pressed to his throat. Holding up his hands in surrender, Sin embraced the fact there was no getting out of this one as he slowly got to his feet.

In Sin's mind

While he rose in reality, Sin found himself once more in the blood stained world of the Shukaku who lay before him, towering above him. Just great, he'd go from the crappy scorching desert to the stinking blood bath crappy world of this demon.

"Seems you messed up again dumbass. You need me to step in and kill these guys for you? I don't mind, would be quite fun to watch them beg for their lives." The shrieking voice of the one tailed beast echoed in this world.

"Dude chill. They wanna free you anyway? Why you so eager kill them?" Sin spoke turning away from the beast.

"Well, you're still a dumbass. You think they just gonna let me run wild? They wanna trap me like a lab rat you dumbass. Before that they wanna rip my being from you, killing you in the process. Though I'm sure they will make you suffer before any of that. I mean, you did kill a bunch of them after all." The beast spoke mockingly.

"Let me guess, you think I should kill them with sand like the others. Then after that, find where they came from, kill some more and kill until there are none left to come after me and live up to the fear the world has for me? Genius plan. Do go on." Sin waved his hand in a mocking gesture. He'd heard all this before. He was tired of it.

"Well at least knock them out and escape and actually hide this time?" The beast growled.

"Oh yeah, because crushing people with sand does such a good job of that..." Sin was tired of this.

"Just use my power and get angry. That should do it." Shikaku said rolling over to face the other direction.

"What do you mean get angry?" Sin turned to face the beast asking this.

The beast simply give a waving gesture to tell him to go away not answering.

Sin found himself being marched along the desert now, his hands bound as he sun once again scorched his skin, it was so unforgiving. The beasts words echoed in his mind. Get angry? What was there to be angry about? Wasn't this all his fault? I mean Sin had killed their friends. Though he wouldn't of had to if they didn't keep attacking him, wanting him dead. All he wanted to do was live a quiet life but nooo these clowns didn't stop. Like they kept throwing their lives away to make his life a living hell. The **** was their problem? Without thinking about it his range began to manifest, chakra bubbled from his skin as it formed around his body.

The three escorting him stopped, surrounded him and rushed to strike. Consumed by his rage and detest of these scum he let out a shout, screaming for all of them to just die. As he screamed a shockwave releases from all round him slamming into the beasts and their masters all at once, knocking them back with intense force and knocking them unconscious in the process. It all happened so quick it left Sin in shock as he cloak faded. His binds were gone as he looked at those unconscious around him. Snapping out of it he took some of their provisions and quickly made his way out of the northern barrens as he tried to figure out what he'd just done.

Mission end

Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
Coming from https://animebase.me/threads/forskellig-088.755906/post-22128380

Madara arrives at the barren field, looking around as he stands with Akujin. The terrain was rocky and deserted, no signs of fauna or flora anywhere. Mountainous boulders and jagged stone pillars scattered the area, causing Madara to wonder what had occurred here to leave it like this. The pillars and rocks were everywhere except for one spot ahead of the duo. A large shimmering ripple like Rift in time, the very reason Madara had came. He heard about it and wondered what was inside. He approached it, stopping when he neared.


Active member
Jun 18, 2009
Trait Points
Coming from https://animebase.me/threads/forskellig-088.755906/post-22128380

Madara arrives at the barren field, looking around as he stands with Akujin. The terrain was rocky and deserted, no signs of fauna or flora anywhere. Mountainous boulders and jagged stone pillars scattered the area, causing Madara to wonder what had occurred here to leave it like this. The pillars and rocks were everywhere except for one spot ahead of the duo. A large shimmering ripple like Rift in time, the very reason Madara had came. He heard about it and wondered what was inside. He approached it, stopping when he neared.

Isabella approached the Rift with uncertainty, yet her heart quickly turn to steel as soon as she saw the person standing near it's entrance. It has been a long while since she had cracked from carrying the gods that saved the world, but Isabella remembered clearly that her mind split as soon as she saw the corpse of Madara.

ISabella had not explored this feeling yet, but she was sure Madara's actions would not nurture a safe place to understand it.

The leader of the Akatsuki... so alone?

@Lord of Kaos

Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points

Isabella approached the Rift with uncertainty, yet her heart quickly turn to steel as soon as she saw the person standing near it's entrance. It has been a long while since she had cracked from carrying the gods that saved the world, but Isabella remembered clearly that her mind split as soon as she saw the corpse of Madara.

ISabella had not explored this feeling yet, but she was sure Madara's actions would not nurture a safe place to understand it.

The leader of the Akatsuki... so alone?

@Lord of Kaos
Madara had barely begin to explore the landmark when he heard the voice. He hadn’t heard it in roughly 2 years, though it haunted him still. Had he been at full power, he would have pressed her but now…

“Well, well, well. What a… pleasant surprise, Isabella. And alone, no. Akujin is here, you remember him, dont you?” Madara spoke, waving his hand towards the sky as the winged Creation lands nearby.


Active member
Jun 18, 2009
Trait Points
Madara had barely begin to explore the landmark when he heard the voice. He hadn’t heard it in roughly 2 years, though it haunted him still. Had he been at full power, he would have pressed her but now…

“Well, well, well. What a… pleasant surprise, Isabella. And alone, no. Akujin is here, you remember him, dont you?” Madara spoke, waving his hand towards the sky as the winged Creation lands nearby.
Isabella looked at Akujin with the corner of her eye, but fanned out her hand dismissively.

Just go play somewhere else, the adults are talking

She turned to Madara once more, another quip being cooked inside her head, but something about Madara gave her pause. A lingering silence stood instead, before Isabella said, almost in a whisper.

You're alive...
  • Like
Reactions: Ańbu Juniør


Jul 12, 2009
Trait Points
Coming from (1) Mianmen (028) | Page 2 | Anime Forum (animebase.me)

Susabi arrived at the location his clan member scouted for him, could this Rift really hold more secrets about his enemies? He scanned the area and saw two individuals there. Both familiar faces. He bowed his head slightly towards the direction of the red-haired woman to acknowledge her.

Isabella. He slightly turned his head towards the man. And the cosmic failure. So, you live, unfortunate.

Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
Isabella looked at Akujin with the corner of her eye, but fanned out her hand dismissively.

Just go play somewhere else, the adults are talking

She turned to Madara once more, another quip being cooked inside her head, but something about Madara gave her pause. A lingering silence stood instead, before Isabella said, almost in a whisper.

You're alive...
Coming from (1) Mianmen (028) | Page 2 | Anime Forum (animebase.me)

Susabi arrived at the location his clan member scouted for him, could this Rift really hold more secrets about his enemies? He scanned the area and saw two individuals there. Both familiar faces. He bowed his head slightly towards the direction of the red-haired woman to acknowledge her.

Isabella. He slightly turned his head towards the man. And the cosmic failure. So, you live, unfortunate.
The tengu watched and frowned as Isabella as she retorted, flipping the bird at her as he looked towards Madara. The Uchiha simply nodded and Akujin took flight once more, patrolling from above. He barely had the time to respond before he became aware of another approaching chakra signature, yet another ally turned enemy.

"Susabi, what a displeasure," he said, turned to face the two oncomers. "Of course I live, that... thing couldn't possibly kill me," he goaded, though he too remembered the painful death he had experienced at the hands of Abzu before somehow coming back to life. "What brings you here? Last time I remember, you were on a trip to the afterlife yourself."


Active member
Jun 18, 2009
Trait Points
Coming from (1) Mianmen (028) | Page 2 | Anime Forum (animebase.me)

Susabi arrived at the location his clan member scouted for him, could this Rift really hold more secrets about his enemies? He scanned the area and saw two individuals there. Both familiar faces. He bowed his head slightly towards the direction of the red-haired woman to acknowledge her.

Isabella. He slightly turned his head towards the man. And the cosmic failure. So, you live, unfortunate.
The tengu watched and frowned as Isabella as she retorted, flipping the bird at her as he looked towards Madara. The Uchiha simply nodded and Akujin took flight once more, patrolling from above. He barely had the time to respond before he became aware of another approaching chakra signature, yet another ally turned enemy.

"Susabi, what a displeasure," he said, turned to face the two oncomers. "Of course I live, that... thing couldn't possibly kill me," he goaded, though he too remembered the painful death he had experienced at the hands of Abzu before somehow coming back to life. "What brings you here? Last time I remember, you were on a trip to the afterlife yourself."
As the Hyuga ( ?? Isabella pondered, confusingly ) spoke, the Uchiha was brought back to reality, whatever fleeting sentiment threatening to show gone forever.

Susabi... he might be lying to us again about being alive, I can smell his rotten corpse from all the way over here. Though truth be told, he is known to not brush his teeth, so one can never be too sure.

Isabella snarked, flicking her fingers towards her nemesis as drops of floral perfume sprayed from her skin.

The world has been silent for two years, and now these rifts appear. Something broke down in the world, though I do not know if they are entirely connected to Abzu. I myself have been brought to a temporal rift by Solomon. You have been far deeper than I have into the den of the Voidlords, what do you know about what is happening, Mandy?


Jul 12, 2009
Trait Points
As the Hyuga ( ?? Isabella pondered, confusingly ) spoke, the Uchiha was brought back to reality, whatever fleeting sentiment threatening to show gone forever.

Susabi... he might be lying to us again about being alive, I can smell his rotten corpse from all the way over here. Though truth be told, he is known to not brush his teeth, so one can never be too sure.

Isabella snarked, flicking her fingers towards her nemesis as drops of floral perfume sprayed from her skin.

The world has been silent for two years, and now these rifts appear. Something broke down in the world, though I do not know if they are entirely connected to Abzu. I myself have been brought to a temporal rift by Solomon. You have been far deeper than I have into the den of the Voidlords, what do you know about what is happening, Mandy?
The tengu watched and frowned as Isabella as she retorted, flipping the bird at her as he looked towards Madara. The Uchiha simply nodded and Akujin took flight once more, patrolling from above. He barely had the time to respond before he became aware of another approaching chakra signature, yet another ally turned enemy.

"Susabi, what a displeasure," he said, turned to face the two oncomers. "Of course I live, that... thing couldn't possibly kill me," he goaded, though he too remembered the painful death he had experienced at the hands of Abzu before somehow coming back to life. "What brings you here? Last time I remember, you were on a trip to the afterlife yourself."
I'm here to investigate this rift. My scout informed me it had something to do with the Gods but I myself am not quite sure what entirely. Susabi answered Madara and Isabella.

He may need more fragrance on him though. He doesn't shower either.

Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
Madara scoffed at the exchange before him, turning back towards the Rift. If he wanted to hear people below him talking shit, he'd have moved into the Konoha Apartments.

"If you two children are done," he said, looking back at the Rift. "I have some questions of my own that need to be answered and I believe this may be the best place for that, unless Solomon decides to appear in the near future. Either way, you can stand around and figure out which of you is the weakest amongst us but I have business to attend to."

The Uchiha stepped forward, his Sharingan passively swirling into existence as the EMS pattern soon followed. The two discussing him could follow if they wanted, but he was done talking. Madara enters the Rift.

( Doujutsu: Sharingan ) Eye Technique: Copy Wheel Eye
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C - A Rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15 - 30 ( -5 per turn for 1T and 2T, 10 per turn to keep active for 3T )
Damage: N/A
One of the Three Great Dōjutsu (San Daidōjutsu), the Sharingan is the kekkei genkai of the Uchiha clan. Unlike the other Dōjutsu, not all members of the Uchiha Clan possess the Sharingan. This great Dōjutsu seems to awaken only on exceptional Uchiha members and only in times of great stress. Once awaken, the pupil turns red and a single tomoe (巴) seal appears around the center pupil. As the user masters and evolves their eyes, the tomoe (巴) seals increase, topping 3 per eye. The main ability of the Sharingan, like any other Dōjutsu, is to enable the user to see the flow of chakra. This ability is further improved as the Sharingan gives color to chakra, enabling the user to differentiate chakras from different people or from different sources. Although the user can see chakra through matter, he cannot see beyond dense matter or in long distances. Coupled with the ability to see chakra, Sharingan users gain acess to an incredible clarity of perception that enables them to read insanely fast movements or minor details, enabling them the ability to foresee in an easier way, traps, incoming attacks, etc. This clarity of perception is so great that a Sharingan user can sometimes start performing a counter to an attack that is still being performed, enabling the counter to be launched only a split a second after the attack. This clarity of perception leaves Sharingan users able to track high speed movement easily as well as to read through handseals. This last ability enables them to learn techniques much faster and sometimes copy them directly from the enemy, as long as the user has the necessary chakra affinities and requirements to perform it. Finally, the Sharingan is often linked to Genjutsu and mind-manipulating illusions, mostly because the user can, mostly through Eye Contact, directly and precisely use his chakra to manipulate the enemy's chakra flow. In return, the users clarity of perception gives him the ability to more easily decipher visual illusions cast upon him and see past them. The Sharingan has a great cost to the user though. The chakra consumption disables its use for long periods of time and, even when the user grows stronger, it's still hard to keep it active for long periods of time.
Note: The user, if he hasn't gained full mastery over his Sharingan, will need to spend a move to activate it, although as long as he has chakra and enough stamina he'll be able to keep it active until the end of the match. If the user is Sannin Rank or above and has gained his 3 Tomoe Sharingan and held it for one month, he becomes able to passively activate it, meaning he'll no longer spend a move of his 3 per turn.
Note: To avoid direct Eye Contact and be able to focus only on the body movement below the chin, the opponent needs to have mastered Taijutsu to possess the necessary skill
Note: C rank usage is for 1T Sharingan, B rank usage is reserved for 2T Sharingan. A Rank usage is reserved for 3T Sharingan.
Note: Predicting the nature of a technique or what it exactly is requires the user to either know the technique or that its a cannon technique.
Note: Danzo and Kakashi bios activate the Sharingan by removing the covers in their respective eyes and suffer a +10 chakra consumption per turn penalty
Note: The user is bound by the abilities and limits of the stage of sharingan he possesses, stated in the rules of the KG

( Doujutsu: Eien no Mangekyou Sharingan ) - Eye Technique: Eternal Kaleidoscope Copy Wheel Eye
Type: Supplementary
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 70 ( -20 per turn to keep active )
Damage: N/A
Description: The Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan literally meaning " Eternal Kaleidoscope Copy Wheel Eye", is the final step in the evolutionary state of the Sharingan. While Mangekyo Sharingan is but an imperfect Dojutsu, unable to sustain and keep its own power, weakening with each use, the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan brings control and balance to the power wielded. By merging the users own MS with that of his sibling, the use is able to awaken the EMS. The EMS grants the user the same abilities granted by MS but to unsurpassed levels. While granting the user the ability to perceive the world with increadible insight, it also grants the user the ability to see through S-Rank visual illusions and track the movement speed of almost anything, perfecting the already amazing abilities of the standard MS, like casting Genjutsu without the need for handseals as long as a line of sight to the target is available. A unique feat however, is that once the user awakens EMS, he loses access to his normal MS, transitioning from 3T form to EMS directly. While MS damages the user as time passes and severely tires and drains the user as its used, the EMS doesn't. The user can keep it active without losing his eyesight or damaging himself and can use the normal MS techniques with no activation reduction or drawbacks. Its true that the chakra cost is higher, but the user will feel little to no effect in his stamina and energy. Through his EMS, Madara gained the ability to control Tailed Beasts by forcefully using his sharingan genjutsu/mind manipulation abilities to take control of the Bijuu and temporarily sever its connection to the host. If the Jinchuriki is in normal form or entering one of the transformations, it's blocked from transforming for 3 turns. If it's in incomplete form, it's forced back into normal form and left unable to access his bijuu for 3 turns and if its in complete form, the user gains control over the bijuu, manipulating its movements/actions completely for 2 turns or until the complete form ends (whatever comes first), leaving the host unable to acess his bijuu for 3 turns.
Note: Only usable by bios with EMS after meeting the necessary requirements.
Note: User needs to have activated his 3T Sharingan beforehand
Note: Once activated, lasts 10 turns per use and once the user has held the ability for 4 months, can be done passively, with no move cost.
Note: Using MS techniques don't reduce the activation time.
Note: To avoid direct Eye Contact and be able to focus only on the body movement below the chin, the opponent needs to have mastered Taijutsu to possess the necessary skill.
Note: Predicting the nature of a technique or what it exactly is requires the user to either know the technique or that its a cannon technique.
Note: While active, as long as a clear line of sight and the range is respected, the user can cast normal non-Doujutsu Genjutsu without the need for handseals. However, Doujutsu illusions still require eye contact (if feasible) or their own requirements; this ability only affects regular Genjutsu.