Custom Element Jutsu Submission

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May 28, 2014
Trait Points

(Shukutō: Seinaru Yari) - Grace: Haligspear
Type: Offensive, Supplementary
Rank: B - A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 30/60
Damage: 60/120
Description: The Haligspear is a versatile Grace technique specialized in speed and readiness in close-quarters situations. The user concentrates golden empyreal energy in either of their hands after forming handseals to create a spear, or a set of spears, to launch at any target within the specified range limitations of either application. The B-Rank application creates three blades of light, about a meter in length each, that can be launched in a 180-degree frontal cone up to mid-range. If the user activates the B-Rank application while at a Faith level of at least 40 they can cast Haligspear with a level of speed that allows it to be used at the same speed as Taijutsu in close-quarters combat, despite needing to mold Chakra for it. The A-Rank application creates a single spear of light, three meters in length, compared to its B-Rank counterpart and can be thrown into long-range. This application is much stronger than its lower ranked counterpart and sacrifices speed for destructive power. When it strikes a physical target the Haligspear will lodge itself there, causing a geometric criss-cross pattern to form within a five-meter radius around the spear. After a single turn the spear will explode, inflicting equivalent damage to any within short-range of the spear’s position aside from the user. Activating Haligspear increases the user’s Faith by 10/15 and decreases the Faith of any within short/mid-range of the user by 10/15.
Note: A-Rank Haligspears can be created every other turn.

Approved, made slight edits.
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Active member
Jun 18, 2009
Trait Points
Mushroom Approved

(Inton/Masshuru-Muton: Chiyu no Ten'on ) Yin/Mushroom Style: Hairs of Babalú-Aye Ж The Murky Plague

Type: Defensive/Offensive
Rank: A-S
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 50-70 ( -20 per turn )
Damage Points: 100-120
Description: The Hairs of Babalú-Aye is a technique that was developed after the creation of the infamous Murky Plague. By infusing Yin within the creation of the element, the user is capable of augmenting the parasitic and infectious properties of Mushroom, to produce black hairs of fungus throughout their whoçe body or part of it, that are capable of infecting other substances and chakra, and spreading viciously. This takes inspiration from Hands of Sloth, in the sense that, combined with Mushroom Chakra, it inflicts two drawbacks known as Infection and Proliferation, as the fungus invades the targeted organism.

Infection - Infection pertains to the user's chakra turned into Mushroom chakra achieving a physical infection within the opponent's chakra system and body, producing the symptoms of a fungal disease. The main effect of this disease is similar to Ergotism, in the sense that the fungal hairs will assimilate and digest the tissues of the target, piercing deeper into the body, spreading gangrene and necrosis. The symptoms start to occur a few moments after contact and progress rapidly. These strands can be used to target other chakra-based constructs, following Mushroom S&W, in order to infect these chakra constructs with symptoms of necrosis/corruption when neutralizing or overpowering another technique, which starts drawing and sapping power from it. It deals 100 damage ( A rank ) or 120 damage ( S rank ).

Proliferation - Following the turn after infection, the effects of Proliferation are felt. Every turn that the condition is left unhealed by Yang chakra or other energies that counter Yin ( Anutu, Natural Energy, etc ) the disease starts sapping the strength and chakra of the target. The effects of Proliferation are felt as a drop in speed ( -1 point to Base Speed ) and a drop in exerted chakra ( -10 to techniques with an equivalent drop in damage ). In the S rank variant, the effects stacks per turn up to three times.

Similar to Ophiocordicepts this fungal growth will prioritize the feeding of the locomotive system like bones and muscles, to then take over when the target's health reaches 0 ( Or, in the case of Non-Sentient beings, when the Technique/Substance is overpowered based on Mushroom's elemental S&W ) leading the target to other sources of chakra in the vicinity up to Mid-Range, in order to spread the disease. Afflicted targets, techniques, or organisms, can pass on the Infection and Proliferation effects upon contact with other targets.

Note: Damage dealt by the Hairs of Babalu-Ayé is Physical. It can damage an entity or physical substance until appropriately dealt with through Mushroom's elemental S&W. If the fungus is eradicated before contacting with a vessel, or if it is overpowered by a technique, the Yin effects are not felt. When contact is made with an entity, the effects of Infection and Proliferation are felt, until appropriately countered by Yang, Natural Energy or Anutu.

Note: Following the normal technique interaction rules, when overpowering a technique, the fungal hairs will penetrate and permeate the technique, their chakra holding the countered technique together like an empty vessel, and will then redirect this amalgamation to the nearest chakra source up to mid range ( Barring the user's chakra, own summons or own creations ). It suffers the appropriate damage drawback unless dealing with techniques with 31 damage less than it.

Note: The A rank variant can only be used 3 times per battle. The user is unable to perform Mushroom or Yin techniques higher than S rank for the duration of the technique or up to 2 turns afterward. The S rank variant can only be used 2 times per battle. The user is unable to perform Mushroom or Yin techniques higher than A rank for the duration of the technique or up to 2 turns afterward. The user suffers a drawback of -30 damage to techniques used after this one ends for 2 turns. This counts as a debuff, meaning the user is only capable of externally boost their techniques once for this duration, while also suffering a drawback of -5 points to Base Tracking for the same period.

-Declined- The way this is worded suggests it can only be countered by yang, senjutsu and anutu. Also considering this seems to be a technique layered upon another mushroom tech it's kinda ridiculous to have it doing 100-120 damage along with 3 different debuffs speed, chakra and damage output. 3 debuffs being against the buffing debuffing rules in general.
(Inton/Masshuru-Muton: Chiyu no Ten'on ) Yin/Mushroom Style: Hairs of Babalú-Aye Ж The Murky Plague

Type: Defensive/Offensive
Rank: A-S
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 50-70 ( -20 per turn )
Damage Points: 100-120
Description: The Hairs of Babalú-Aye is a technique that was developed after the creation of the infamous Murky Plague. By infusing Yin within the creation of the element, the user is capable of augmenting the parasitic and infectious properties of Mushroom, to produce black hairs of fungus throughout their whoçe body or part of it, that are capable of infecting other substances and chakra, and spreading viciously. This takes inspiration from Hands of Sloth, in the sense that, combined with Mushroom Chakra, it inflicts two drawbacks known as Infection and Proliferation, as the fungus invades the targeted organism. Hairs of Babalú-Aye is a mushroom construct augmented with Yin, and does not entail the infusion of this technique in other Mushroom Release Techniques.

Infection - Infection pertains to the user's chakra turned into Mushroom chakra achieving a physical infection within the opponent's chakra system and body, producing the symptoms of a fungal disease. The main effect of this disease is similar to Ergotism, in the sense that the fungal hairs will assimilate and digest the tissues of the target, piercing deeper into the body, spreading gangrene and necrosis. The symptoms start to occur a few moments after contact and progress rapidly. These strands can be used to target other chakra-based constructs, following Mushroom S&W, in order to infect these chakra constructs with symptoms of necrosis/corruption when neutralizing or overpowering another technique, which starts drawing and sapping power from it. It deals 100 damage ( A rank ) or 120 damage ( S rank ).

Proliferation - Following the turn after infection, the effects of Proliferation are felt. Every turn that the condition is left unhealed by Yang chakra or other energies that counter Yin ( Anutu, Natural Energy, etc ) the disease starts sapping the strength and chakra of the target. The effects of Proliferation are felt as a drop in base speed of 1 point. In the S rank variant, the effects stacks per turn up to three times.

Similar to Ophiocordicepts this fungal growth will prioritize the feeding of the locomotive system like bones and muscles, to then take over when the target's health reaches 0 ( Or, in the case of Non-Sentient beings, when the Technique/Substance is overpowered based on Mushroom's elemental S&W ) leading the target to other sources of chakra in the vicinity up to Mid-Range, in order to spread the disease. Afflicted targets, techniques, or organisms, can pass on the Infection and Proliferation effects upon contact with other targets.

Note: Damage dealt by the Hairs of Babalu-Ayé is Physical. It can damage an entity or physical substance until appropriately dealt with through Mushroom's elemental S&W. If the fungus is eradicated before contacting with a vessel, or if it is overpowered by a technique, the Yin effects are not felt. When contact is made with an entity, the effects of Infection and Proliferation are felt, until appropriately countered by Yang, Natural Energy or Anutu. To clarify, the mushroom strands can be dealt with by any appropriate technique, like Fire Release, following Mushroom's S&W. The Yin Auxiliary effects are damage done to the Spirit and can be countered by Yin, Yang, Senjutsu or Anutu surges or Spiritual Healing techniques. The Physical Damage of the technique can be healed by the same techniques and also Medjutsu of appropriate rank.

Note: Following the normal technique interaction rules, when overpowering a technique, the fungal hairs will penetrate and permeate the technique, their chakra holding the countered technique together like an empty vessel, and will then redirect this amalgamation to the nearest chakra source up to mid range ( Barring the user's chakra, own summons or own creations ). It suffers the appropriate damage drawback unless dealing with techniques with 31 damage less than it.

Note: The A rank variant can only be used 3 times per battle. The user is unable to perform Mushroom or Yin techniques higher than S rank for the duration of the technique or up to 2 turns afterward. The S rank variant can only be used 2 times per battle. The user is unable to perform Mushroom or Yin techniques higher than A rank for the duration of the technique or up to 2 turns afterward. The user suffers a drawback of -30 damage to techniques used after this one ends for 2 turns. This counts as a debuff, meaning the user is only capable of externally boost their techniques once for this duration, while also suffering a drawback of -5 points to their Tracking for the same period.

-Approved- See you in ME soon I'm sure.

Note: Removed chakra and damage debuff, kept speed debuff and damage output.

( Fuuin/Mashuru-muton: Chinuru no Kinoko ) Sealing/Mushroom Release: Blood of Grote Slang

Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 20 ( + 10 chakra to Sealing Techniques )
Damage points: N/A
Description: The Blood of Grote Slang is an enhanced version of the Bleeding Tooth Mushroom's anticoagulant bright red liquid. By placing one's hand on a surface, the user is capable of producing a mass of white fruiting bodies which will ooze out the blood-like liquid and spread it in a script formation within a 5 meter radius. This technique is used in the same time-frame as another Sealing Technique, so any target that steps into the blood script will have the original sealing technique imprinted on their body. The bright red pigment is not easily washable, sticking to the target like a tattoo until it is removed by a technique that would harm the skin as well, preventing the purging of the Sealing technique and its effects. When using the Sealing Technique through Grote Slang, the original technique will acquire a +10 chakra boost. Similarly, it can be imprinted directly onto the target.

Note: If required, the user will still need to perform the necessary handseals of the original Sealing technique.
Note: This technique is done in the same time-frame as the original technique.
Note: The Blood Script runs out after 4 turns. The tattooed script lasts only 4 turns after imprinting.
Note: Requires a 2 turn cooldown between usages.
Note: Can only be used 5 times. Can't be used to hold Sealing techniques higher than S rank.

-Declined- We don't generally allow any techniques that extend the range of fuuin like this as it's caused problems in the past.

Note: Christmas Bonus (2/5)

Updating Grande Plie ; Magnanimous Libra ; Seduction
( Meromeroton: Himawari Kin ღ Kiukoudai Tenbin ) Perfume Release: Nefertiti's Judgement ღ Magnanimous Libra

Rank: S
Type: Defense/Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 40 (+5 per turn)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: This technique manifests itself as a quick, full-body burst of vaporous golden perfume, stretching in a circumference up to mid-range around the user in under a few seconds, lingering throughout as iridescent golden fumes for 3 turns. Physically, the golden perfume will continuously exude a toxin that, when inhaled, will weaken the body and stamina of the target, lowering their Base speed by 1 point, while serving as a medium for a powerful genjutsu. The speed drawback can be healed by purging the toxin from the body with an appropriately ranked Medical technique.

The Genjutsu will make the opponent feel as if the gravity suddenly increased, pinning them to the ground, Which is visually manifested as several rings of pure gold, carved with sunflowers, around the opponent's wrists, limbs, neck, torso, though evidently felt as an overbearing gravitational pressure. The premise for this genjutsu is that the chakra system and the physical body are directly linked. When there is a discrepancy between Base values and added bonuses, the chakra and blood pace within the body will mirror the shift. When the Genjutsu then modulates the chakra system around the brain, it will pick up on that discrepancy and activate itself. Thus, the effects are proportional to the system's alteration: When the user moves at a faster pace than normal to the body through the use of chakra or other enhancements (Such as techniques like Swift, Gates, Sage Mode, or Raikage's Lightning Coat, for example), the pressure of the Illusory gravity will bring the person's speed down, as the target's mind will force the body to arduously move at a slower pace. These effects are purely illusory, and any attempt that would effectively break the genjutsu of S rank can be used to invalidate this drawback otherwise simply calming oneself/releasing the modes will render the genjutsu inactive.

Physical Effect: Toxin that lowers Base speed and stamina by 1 point.
Illusionary Effect: Heighten Gravity lowering Speed to Base values ( -1 point from Toxin )

Note: The perfume stays in the target's body for 5 turns (As long as Raikage's Coat). Without the perfume, the genjutsu can be released as normal.
Note: The illusory drawback is dependent on the user's own Speed balance. Meaning that the user's own pace can't be multiplied further than any target actively caught in the Genjutsu. If the user activates an ability that allows their own Base Speed to multiply by 2 ( x2 ) or increment by x points, the Illusory Gravity will abate by the same amount, effectively loosening the drawback down to that multiplier ( x2 ) or x added points.
Note: The user can only use this technique twice per battle, and it requires 2 turns waiting period after the previous perfume disappeared.
Note: The user can't perform Forbidden jutsus, nor Perfume higher than A rank, for 3 turns after the perfume is activated.
Note: The user is capable of compressing the perfume in a vial, through an additional handseal, where it will be kept indefinitely, without exposure to the air. If exposed, the perfume will have the same spread and properties as described.

(Meromeroton: Manjushage Daku ღ Seppun) Perfume Release: Bonny's Embrace ღ Seduction

Rank: S
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 60
Damage Points: 120
Description: Seduction is the strongest and most lethal base Perfume technique. The user focuses chakra on the fingertips oozing a red perfume that is then sensually caressed onto her lips, smearing them with a Carnal Red color, making her lips look obscenely more sensual and tender. This act will spread a pungent scent filled with pheromones, which will be an hypnotic and undeniable allure to anyone Short Range, pulling them into a kiss. Upon touching the lips, the perfume is revealed to be highly toxic, spreading an extremely painful venom through the target's organism, equivalent to being burned alive. Whereas the alluring effect was gained through pheromones and a subsequent genjutsu making the opponent disorientated, after being directly infused with the venom both those effects end, and only incredible and paralyzing pain is left. And a sudden, yet lingering scent of belladonna. The Hypnotic allure is defined as a Spiritual auxiliary effect from the scent-carried Genjutsu, carrying no spiritual damage, and can thus be countered with the appropriate tier Genjutsu dispelling mechanisms or soothed by Yin-based Spiritual effects of lower rank, as long as the physical fumes and substance of the perfume is countered or dispersed out of range ( 5 meters ), which will automatically dispel the Genjutsu.

Physical Effects: Alluring Pheromones, Toxicity, and Excruciatingly Painful Venom.
Illusionary Effects: Hypnotic Attraction to a Kiss.

Note: Can only be used once per battle.
Note: Lasts only 2 turns.
Note: Pain itself lasts 3 turns, dealing 20 damage per turn until healed.
Note: After performing this technique, the user is unable to perform Perfume techniques for 3 turns or any technique higher than S rank for the same amount.
Note: While the user is relatively immune to the toxicity of the Perfume, when in physical contact with it, the user will still take 10 damage in the first turn and 20 damage in the second. Likewise, Perfume users will be less affected by other users' Seduction, taking 30 less damage than Non-Perfume Users.

Note: The user is capable of compressing the perfume in a vial, through an additional handseal, where it will be kept indefinitely, without exposure to the air. If exposed, the perfume will have the same spread and properties as described.

-Updates declined- These are very different to the initial versions so different that I personally don't consider them updates, there are also a lot of issues with choices of wording in these making them somewhat inescapable, requiring both breaking the illusion and dispersing the entire area of perfume to not be cast immediately in it again. [/B]
( Meromeroton: Himawari Kin ღ Kiukoudai Tenbin ) Perfume Release: Nefertiti's Judgement ღ Magnanimous Libra

Rank: S
Type: Defense/Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 40 (+5 per turn)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: This technique manifests itself as a quick, full-body burst of vaporous golden perfume, stretching in a circumference up to mid-range around the user in under a few seconds. Physically, the golden perfume will exude a toxin that, when inhaled, will weaken the body and stamina of the target, lowering their Base speed by 1 point, while serving as a medium for a powerful genjutsu. The speed drawback can be healed by purging the toxin from the body with an appropriately ranked Medical technique.

The Genjutsu will make the opponent feel as if the gravity suddenly increased, pinning them to the ground, Which is visually manifested as several rings of pure gold, carved with sunflowers, around the opponent's wrists, limbs, neck, torso, which pull one's body down like an overbearing gravitational pressure. The premise for this genjutsu is that the chakra system and the physical body are directly linked. When the user moves at a faster pace than normal to the body through the use of chakra or other enhancements (Such as techniques like Swift, Gates, Sage Mode, or Raikage's Lightning Coat, for example), the pressure of the Illusory chains will bring the person's speed down, as the target's mind will force the body to arduously move at a slower pace. These effects are purely illusory, and any attempt that would effectively break the genjutsu of S rank can be used to invalidate this drawback otherwise simply calming oneself/releasing the modes will render the genjutsu inactive.

Physical Effect: Toxin that lowers Base speed by 1 point.
Illusionary Effect: Chains lowering Speed to Base values ( -1 point from Toxin )
Note: The perfume stays in the target's body for 5 turns (As long as Raikage's Coat). The illusion will not be recast.
Note: While using this technique, any enhancement to the user's own base speed will alleviate the chains' debuff accordingly, such as an enemy with a x3 speed boost will have it brought back to x2 mentally if the user has a x2 boost to speed, or feel no effect if the user is also at x3.
Note: The user can only use this technique twice per battle, and it requires 2 turns waiting period after the previous perfume disappeared.
Note: The user can't perform Forbidden jutsus, nor Perfume higher than A rank, for 3 turns after the perfume is activated.
Note: The user is capable of compressing the perfume in a vial, through an additional handseal, where it will be kept indefinitely, without exposure to the air. If exposed, the perfume will have the same spread and properties as described.

Note: Removed a lot of the added stuff, removed the fumes lingering in the battlefield and it's now a single perfume wave, like originally, and removed the recast of the genjutsu if the perfume is still present in the body.

(Meromeroton: Manjushage Daku ღ Seppun) Perfume Release: Bonny's Embrace ღ Seduction

Rank: S
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 60
Damage Points: 120
Description: Seduction is the strongest and most lethal base Perfume technique. The user focuses chakra on the fingertips oozing a red perfume that is then sensually caressed onto her lips, smearing them with a Carnal Red color, making her lips look obscenely more sensual and tender. This act will spread a pungent scent filled with pheromones, which will be an hypnotic and undeniable allure to anyone Short Range, pulling them into a kiss. Upon touching the lips, the perfume is revealed to be highly toxic, spreading an extremely painful venom through the target's organism, equivalent to being burned alive. Whereas the alluring effect was gained through pheromones and a subsequent genjutsu making the opponent disorientated, after being directly infused with the venom both those effects end, and only incredible and paralyzing pain is left. And a sudden, yet lingering scent of belladonna. The hypnotic allure can be released with an appropriate Genjutsu-breaking method for it's tier, as Elemental Genjutsu, it won't be recast even if the perfume and the scent lingers.

Physical Effects: Alluring Pheromones, Toxicity, and Excruciatingly Painful Venom.
Illusionary Effects: Hypnotic Attraction to a Kiss.
Note: Can only be used once per battle.
Note: Lasts only 2 turns.
Note: Pain itself lasts 3 turns, dealing 20 damage per turn until healed.
Note: After performing this technique, the user is unable to perform Perfume techniques for 3 turns or any technique higher than S rank for the same amount.
Note: While the user is relatively immune to the toxicity of the Perfume, when in physical contact with it, the user will still take 10 damage in the first turn and 20 damage in the second. Likewise, Perfume users will be less affected by other users' Seduction, taking 30 less damage than Non-Perfume Users.
Note: The user is capable of compressing the perfume in a vial, through an additional handseal, where it will be kept indefinitely, without exposure to the air. If exposed, the perfume will have the same spread and properties as described.

-Updates declined- I was serious last time about these being too different to be considered updates and that hasn't changed with this resubmission Lili
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El Alucard

Active member
Mar 13, 2014
Trait Points
Xenon taught here: X

(Kisenonton: Kōsoku) Xenon Release: Light speed
Rank: E-S
Chakra: 5-40
Range: Self
Damage: N/A
Description: Allows the user to turn into a being of Xenon light, thus increasing their speed and allowing move and or run at light speed leaving behind trails of xenon which can be used for other xenon based jutsu. Using the Narutobase jutsu speed chart for lightning release this would mean depending on the rank used, the technique would add ( +4, +6, +8, +10, +12 or +14, rank respectively) to the users current speed. While active the user is limited to elements which make up xenon release as well as xenon and taijutsu. Said elements and taijutsu will gain and additional rank or +20 damage due to the user becoming the element and also the increase in speed adding to taijutsu damage.
Note: Light speed lasts 5 turns
Note: S-rank can be used thrice with a 5 turn cooldown period. A- rank four times with a 3 turn cooldown period. B-rank and below can be used as much as the user wishes but retains the 3 turn cooldown period between uses.
Note: Can only be taught by El Alucard
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(Kisenonton: Radiantosuīpu) Xenon Release: Radiant Sweep
Rank: S
Chakra: 40
Range: Short-Long
Damage: 80
Description: The user explodes into a Xenon vortex that first explodes outwards and then begins to suck inwards towards them. After the explosion happens the user then reforms and begins to shoot out Xenon, in form of twin gattling gun-like shots. The shots although not being able to pierce through the opponent pack enough punch to beak bones at points of impact. This is the further worsened as after impact they burst into small xenon explosions which can completely obliterate the target's bones in mere moments. The user can choose to do a sweeping motion for a larger AoE or simply aim their shots at the intended target completely obliterating all their bones and turning them into a spaghetti person.
Note: The initial explosion outwards only reaches short range however the vortex can pull objects and people from mid range.
Note: Targets caught in the initial outward explosion will take an additional +15 heavy blunt force damage.
Note: Can only be used 3 times (5 turn cooldown)
Note: Can only be taught by El Alucard
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-Declined- incomplete training
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Jul 12, 2009
Trait Points
Link to CE: Custom Element Bureau | Page 6 | Anime Forum (

Eiennohonō: Mahāyāna - The Eternal Flame: Mahāyāna
Type: Supplementary
Rank: N/A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Mahāyāna is an Eternal Flame technique that takes advantage of its Perfect Resurrection ability. The technique begins by manifesting the Eternal Flame within themselves, forming a "core" of the Eternal Flame within their visage. Much like the mechanics entailed within the element itself, this core of flame lies dormant within the user until their eventual death or their HP reaches 0. When the conditions have been met, the "core" of Eternal Flame activates blurring the line between life and death. Much like an engine, the Eternal Flame "core" within the user will revitalize it's host, essentially resurrecting the target. Visually, a burst of aquamarine flames will seep out and engulf the user's body before dissipating. These aquamarine flames restore the user to their prime condition, healing any sustained wounds, inflicted poisons, releasing debuffs etc. The Eternal Flame makes its presence known by its embers leaking from the user's eyes, hands etc. Due to their now active "core'", the user's Eternal Flame techniques also receive a boost in strength, emboldened by the blurring on the line. Typically, the flame's raw power is not what increases but their supplemental effects increase in power. Entities resurrected through the Eternal Flames ability (excluding the user) to resurrect entities either through Imperfect or Perfect Resurrection will have an increase in their respective health pools by 20 HP. These effects will only apply to Imperfect or Perfect Resurrections produced by the user post-resurrection. These effects of the Eternal Flame caused by Mahāyāna will last a maximum of three turns before the "core" within the user becomes dormant once again. Upon second activation of Mahāyāna, the user will suffer drawbacks as the effects of the core inside of them take hold. By nature, The Eternal Flame feeds on the life force of those it comes into contact with. As the user's resurrects a second time, the core within their form begins to feed on their own life force to nourish the core. As a result, the user's second resurrection is not as powerful as the first, only being revived with 25% of their Maximum Health pool. As the core continues to feed on the life force of the user, blurring the lines between life and death, the user's body begins to necrose similarly to that if the Eternal Flame were to touch an opponent. Within the next three turns, no matter the current health pool of the user, the "core" of the Eternal Flame will take affect, necrosing the user's body and KOing them. Due to the nature of this mechanism and the Power of the Eternal Flame, this necrosis cannot be healed through Yang or other forms of Advanced Healing and can only recover health per NW health recovery rules where applicable. Mahāyāna can be activated a total of two times per battle and must be posted on the user's bio or before a fight.

Declined, a few things. If this is meant to be the generic core for most EF techniques, it can be rank less but the CE itself notes that with Perfect Resurrection, entities are revived with their original health so the bonus health will have to go as well as the second usage. For stronger effects upon revival, the “core” will need to be more specific and thus be a separate technique and not be applicable to almost every technique. Additionally, should they be revived with more health, their chakra levels will remain the same as was when they were approved. They will be cured of ailments, have max health and any debuffs removed but their chakra values will begin where it was upon death. If the user, it can be higher.

Eiennohonō: Rakta Yamari - The Eternal Flame: Rakta Yamari
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short (Long Range Reach)
Chakra: 70
Damage: N/A
Description: Rakta Yamari is an Eternal Flame Technique derived from Imperfect Resurrection, functioning as one of the highest expressions of the powers of The Eternal Flame. The user begins by manifesting an Eternal Flame in the palm of their hand and dropping it on the ground. The fire contacts the ground and begins to spread across the ground. The embers and influence of The Eternal Flame seep into the ground beneath itself, placing a core within a generic undead beneath the ground. Once contacted, the effects take place, contacting the corpse and mutating it veraciously before it sprouts from the ground. Rakta Yamari is a rather large undead produced by the Eternal Flame standing at about 3 meters tall. Through the power of the Eternal Flame core within Rakta Yamari, the mutations manifest themselves as extra arms (up to 2 extra for 4 total), increase in their muscular bulk making them extremely strong, and an extra eye at the center of their forehead. An aquamarine hue and embers from the Eternal Flame leak from the orifices of the Rakta Yamari. Innately, like other Imperfect Resurrections, the Rakta Yamari is capable of using other Eternal Flame Techniques, with the exception of "The Eternal Flame: Rakta Yamari" to prevent it from making more copies of itself. The Rakta Yamari has it's own dedicated health pool 120HP. It can attack without using the Eternal Flame, using its physical strength to batter targets with each hit doing, 80 damage however taking a move in a turn to attack (whether it be physically or through the Eternal Flame). Due to the enhanced musculature of the Rakta Yamari, it's speed is also comparable to that of a Forbidden Fire Ranked Jutsu.
Note: Only one Rakta Yamari can be present on the field at a time
Note: Can be used twice per battle with a four turn cool down in between usages.
Note: No Eternal Flame techniques above A rank can be used in the initial turn and subsequent turn of Rakta Yamari's creation

Approved, made edits. Some of the numbers were off and a few other things. As discussed, all Kinjutsu techniques will require Forbidden rank appropriately and as such, their chakra and damage will reflect that with a current working max damage level of 140 to be equal with full Y/Y ( and like we discussed, that also depends on the additional fields combined with the Kin. They can still range between 120 and 140 damage, depending on ability attached to it ).

Eiennohonō: Yamantaka - The Eternal Flame: Yamantaka
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 50
Damage: 100
Description: Yamantaka is an offensive Eternal Flame Technique. The user begins by weaving three handseals and spewing out a fireball of The Eternal Flame. The dimension of the fireball can vary up on usage but cannot exceed 8 meters in size. Much like the properties of Eternal Flame itself, the Fireball itself gives off no heat, yet has concussive properties. On impact, the aquamarine fireball will detonate into a maelstrom of life blurring flame that has various effects depending on the target that it contacts. Starting with the terrain, if impacted with the ground or similar surface, the embers of Yamantaka will seep into the ground and begin to blur the line between life and death, instilling Eternal Flame Cores into generic undead in the area. These undead will follow the principle of Imperfect Resurrection outlined in the Custom Element itself and can take a humanoid or beast form. These undead will have 60HP and move at the speed of an A rank Fire Technique. They are capable of using other Eternal Flame techniques as well. Yamantaka can raise from the dead a maximum of two generic undead per usage. If contacted with a living target, Yamantaka will instill an Eternal Flame Core within these targets. The auxiliary effects the Eternal Flame also take place depending on where the target was hit. The opponent's body will fall limp as the line between life and death of their body(that contacted the flame) has been blurred and their life force stolen and stored within the Eternal Flame. This stolen life force can be used by other Eternal Flame techniques to augment the effects of their Eternal Flame techniques or core bearing entities as per the Custom Element submission. Upon the target's death, HP hitting 0 etc, they will be resurrected as an Perfect Resurrection. Perfect Resurrection will take into effect if used on a Creation, opponent, summoning etc, where the entity is revived under the users control with access to the Eternal Flame, Canon and Custom Clan abilities if applicable. Their health points will be equivalent to their health points when they were living.
Note: Yamantaka can only be used 3 times per battle with a two turn cool down in between usages.
Note: Each Yamantaka undead lasts until killed.
Note: Yamantaka cannot be used to re-revive undead created by Yamantaka once they have died.

Declined, based on the wording here, this creates its own “core” different to the first CEJ here, so is the first technique meant to be for one technique or is this meant to be a unique “core”? Either way, the Perfect Resurrections need to come with some sort of a drawback beyond a 2 turn cooldown and 3 usage limit. While the CE submission notes this ability, it’s not going to be limitless or as usable/easy to use as Imperfect.
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Active member
Jun 12, 2013
Trait Points
(Porisuchiton: Garasu Sen'i Shawā) - • Polystyrene Release: Fiberglass Shower •
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60 (-5 per turn)
Description: The user will weave two seals and focus their polystyrene chakra in the sky above them. This will cause sharp shards of polystyrene to pour down all over the field akin to rain tiger at will but in the form of polystyrene. However, these pellets of polystyrene do not serve to do damage on contact but do damage every time the opponent makes a physical movement on the ground, whether freeform or part of a technique. That being said, when the opponent moves on top of the sharp shards of polystyrene, they will suffer the flat damage amount, along with -5 per turn subsequently. In order to stop the damage, they must sacrifice a technique slot in that turn to pull the polystyrene from out of their feet. Once done, shall they move around on the ground again unprotected, they will suffer the same effects with the same stipulations to remove unless they have a technique capable of physically purging bodily harm in the form of removing physical objects from the body. This technique lasts for three turns and is usable twice per battle. The user, of course, is immune to such damage as they have already mastered walking on the element in this fashion.

(Yoton/Porisuchiton: Birāgo) - • Yang Release/Polystyrene Release: Virago •
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: F
Range: Short/Short-Long
Chakra: 100 (-50 per turn)
Damage: N/A (80/+20 if used in combinations)
Description: Mixing their Yang chakra with their Polystyrene chakra, the user will summon a being named Virago from a giant pit of white sand, capable of swallowing boss summons with ease. The pit can be summoned anywhere from short to long range and shall an opponent or opponent's fall into it, it is capable of 80 damage (+20 if another element is used to compact the victim(s) into the pit). This serves as a source for other polystyrene techniques. Virago, herself, takes the form of a giant spider and is made completely of polystyrene and completely sentient. She stands at a whopping two stories tall with her width being proportional to her height. Virago is capable of using all polystyrene techniques and elements that compose polystyrene without handseals as well as with a +20 boost in damage to all of these techniques. She may also come with one mutation which is rolled at random. Once per turn, she is capable of actively eating one technique of any element polystyrene is composed of up to S rank. Once she eats a technique, she can spin a defensive web between the user and opponent(s) made up of that element with the damage being enhanced by +10. If a technique with no damage value had been eaten, the web is spun with that element with a chakra value of 70 and of F rank. Virago cannot be summoned while the user has a summoning animal on the field and the user cannot make clones of any form while Virago is on the field. She is summonable once per battle and while on the field, the user themselves can only perform two techniques per turn (not including Virago). She stays on the field for a maximum of 6 turns and has a health pool of 100 and a chakra pool of 500. Shall either deplete before 5 turns, Virago will cease to exist and turn into a pile of white sand.

Note: No Polystyrene techs for two turns after Virago depletes.
Note: No Yang techniques for two turns after Virago depletes.
Note: Unable to summon any contract bosses for the rest of the battle after Virago has been summoned.

Approved here X
I am the owner of this element.

-All Auto Declined- You bypassed submission limits
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Active member
Jun 12, 2013
Trait Points
(Porisuchiton: Garasu Sen'i Shawā) - • Polystyrene Release: Fiberglass Shower •
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60 (-5 per turn)
Description: The user will weave two seals and focus their polystyrene chakra in the sky above them. This will cause sharp shards of polystyrene to pour down all over the field akin to rain tiger at will but in the form of polystyrene. However, these pellets of polystyrene do not serve to do damage on contact but do damage every time the opponent makes a physical movement on the ground, whether freeform or part of a technique. That being said, when the opponent moves on top of the sharp shards of polystyrene, they will suffer the flat damage amount, along with -5 per turn subsequently. In order to stop the damage, they must sacrifice a technique slot in that turn to pull the polystyrene from out of their feet. Once done, shall they move around on the ground again unprotected, they will suffer the same effects with the same stipulations to remove unless they have a technique capable of physically purging bodily harm in the form of removing physical objects from the body. This technique lasts for three turns and is usable twice per battle. The user, of course, is immune to such damage as they have already mastered walking on the element in this fashion.

(Yoton/Porisuchiton: Birāgo) - • Yang Release/Polystyrene Release: Virago •
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: F
Range: Short/Short-Long
Chakra: 100 (-50 per turn)
Damage: N/A (80/+20 if used in combinations)
Description: Mixing their Yang chakra with their Polystyrene chakra, the user will summon a being named Virago from a giant pit of white sand, capable of swallowing boss summons with ease. The pit can be summoned anywhere from short to long range and shall an opponent or opponent's fall into it, it is capable of 80 damage (+20 if another element is used to compact the victim(s) into the pit). This serves as a source for other polystyrene techniques. Virago, herself, takes the form of a giant spider and is made completely of polystyrene and completely sentient. She stands at a whopping two stories tall with her width being proportional to her height. Virago is capable of using all polystyrene techniques and elements that compose polystyrene without handseals as well as with a +20 boost in damage to all of these techniques. She may also come with one mutation which is rolled at random. Once per turn, she is capable of actively eating one technique of any element polystyrene is composed of up to S rank. Once she eats a technique, she can spin a defensive web between the user and opponent(s) made up of that element with the damage being enhanced by +10. If a technique with no damage value had been eaten, the web is spun with that element with a chakra value of 70 and of F rank. Virago cannot be summoned while the user has a summoning animal on the field and the user cannot make clones of any form while Virago is on the field. She is summonable once per battle and while on the field, the user themselves can only perform two techniques per turn (not including Virago). She stays on the field for a maximum of 6 turns and has a health pool of 100 and a chakra pool of 500. Shall either deplete before 5 turns, Virago will cease to exist and turn into a pile of white sand.

Note: No Polystyrene techs for two turns after Virago depletes.
Note: No Yang techniques for two turns after Virago depletes.
Note: Unable to summon any contract bosses for the rest of the battle after Virago has been summoned.

Approved here X
I am the owner of this element.

-All Auto Declined- You bypassed submission limits
Resubmitting with no edits due to my previous mistake.

(Porisuchiton: Garasu Sen'i Shawā) - • Polystyrene Release: Fiberglass Shower •
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60 (-5 per turn)
Description: The user will weave two seals and focus their polystyrene chakra in the sky above them. This will cause sharp shards of polystyrene to pour down all over the field akin to rain tiger at will but in the form of polystyrene. However, these pellets of polystyrene do not serve to do damage on contact but do damage every time the opponent makes a physical movement on the ground, whether freeform or part of a technique. That being said, when the opponent moves on top of the sharp shards of polystyrene, they will suffer the flat damage amount, along with -5 per turn subsequently. In order to stop the damage, they must sacrifice a technique slot in that turn to pull the polystyrene from out of their feet. Once done, shall they move around on the ground again unprotected, they will suffer the same effects with the same stipulations to remove unless they have a technique capable of physically purging bodily harm in the form of removing physical objects from the body. This technique lasts for three turns and is usable twice per battle. The user, of course, is immune to such damage as they have already mastered walking on the element in this fashion.

-Declined- You can't make someone take 60 damage every single time they move along with a extra 5 damage per turn it would completely bypass damage rules, if you want something that does damage per turn over time like this then you're gonna have to lower the base numbers. Also the part about them "they must" won't fly, there are lots of ways to deal with a injury like that, dictating what they must do is god modding.

(Yoton/Porisuchiton: Birāgo) - • Yang Release/Polystyrene Release: Virago •

Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: F
Range: Short/Short-Long
Chakra: 100 (-50 per turn)
Damage: N/A (80/+20 if used in combinations)
Description: Mixing their Yang chakra with their Polystyrene chakra, the user will summon a being named Virago from a giant pit of white sand, capable of swallowing boss summons with ease. The pit can be summoned anywhere from short to long range and shall an opponent or opponent's fall into it, it is capable of 80 damage (+20 if another element is used to compact the victim(s) into the pit). This serves as a source for other polystyrene techniques. Virago, herself, takes the form of a giant spider and is made completely of polystyrene and completely sentient. She stands at a whopping two stories tall with her width being proportional to her height. Virago is capable of using all polystyrene techniques and elements that compose polystyrene without handseals as well as with a +20 boost in damage to all of these techniques. She may also come with one mutation which is rolled at random. Once per turn, she is capable of actively eating one technique of any element polystyrene is composed of up to S rank. Once she eats a technique, she can spin a defensive web between the user and opponent(s) made up of that element with the damage being enhanced by +10. If a technique with no damage value had been eaten, the web is spun with that element with a chakra value of 70 and of F rank. Virago cannot be summoned while the user has a summoning animal on the field and the user cannot make clones of any form while Virago is on the field. She is summonable once per battle and while on the field, the user themselves can only perform two techniques per turn (not including Virago). She stays on the field for a maximum of 6 turns and has a health pool of 100 and a chakra pool of 500. Shall either deplete before 5 turns, Virago will cease to exist and turn into a pile of white sand.

Note: No Polystyrene techs for two turns after Virago depletes.
Note: No Yang techniques for two turns after Virago depletes.
Note: Unable to summon any contract bosses for the rest of the battle after Virago has been summoned.

-Declined- You've given this more abilities than a legendary summoning contract animal lmao, dial it back. Also it's forbidden rank, not F rank. The whole "eating a technique" thing probably won't fly and a lot of the stuff doesn't specify it even costing a move slot. Finally that pit thing at the start is a no, this isn't a summoning jutsu, the speed involved in summonings is instant generally and that won't fly, it'd also likely break spawning rules in any situation you used it that would involve someone falling in to it. This needs a lot of edits but it's probably salvageable.

Approved here X
I am the owner of this element.
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Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points
Element approval in quote above

( Uchiwaketon: Saisho no Uta - Zeusu no Yuigon ) | Breakdown Release: First Verse - Testament to Zeus

Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B - S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 40 - 60
Damage: 80 - 120
Description: This is the basic creation technique of Breakdown Release. The user will combine their Yang with Fire Release to create a Breakdown Release technique. This can be released from the users body, formed out of their chakra in the air or from the ground. If formed out of the air or ground it must be 5m away from an opponent, unless the user himself is within that range. From there the user will create anything he can imagine; ranging from simple waves, pulses, streams, to shapes as incricate as weapons, houses, creatures, etc,. Due to being composed of Yang chakra, it will cost 40 chakra for a B rank then increasing by 10 chakra per rank. When releasing this jutsu the user will chose to apply the Degenerative or Regenerative effects outlined as followed:

  • B Rank: Prevent F ranks, move at 75% speed
  • A Rank: Prevent S ranks & above, move at half speed
  • S Rank: Prevent A ranks and above, move at one third speed.
  • B Rank: Heal up to 40, x1.5 speed, -10 damage, +10 tai
  • A-Rank: Heal up to 60, x2 speed, -20 damage, +15 tai
  • S-Rank: Heal up to 100, x2.5 speed, -30 damage, +20 tai
Note: For B rank and below, the user will use hand gestures to form the jutsu, for A rank the user will need to perform two hand seals, S rank will require three handseals. A rank can be used 4 times per battle, S rank can be used two times per battle with three turns between uses and no Breakdown jutsu S rank and above in the following turn with all effects lasting 3 turns.

Approved - Daemon


( Uchiwaketon: Dainisetsu - Poseidon no Yuigon ) | Breakdown Release: Second Verse - Testament to Poseidon

Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will perform a single handseal or form a gesture while releasing their chakra into the sky. In doing this they will create a large mass of Breakdown chakra in the skies above which will then begin to fall down like rain. Being sentient, should it touch an ally it will be able to enhance and heal them. Should it hit an enemy it will affect them negatively as it hits them. This jutsu has a mid range radius reaching 15m in every direction from it's epicentre.

Allies: If used to buff an ally, this rain flowing into them will heal up to 45 health, while fortifying their body, increasing their speed by 1.5x and reducing damage by -10. They will also gain +10 Tai/Kenjutsu based abilities. This lasts for 3 turns. This rain heals 15 health per turn as long as the user/allies remain in the rain.

Enemies: Due to the imbalance in the targets chakra it will prevent them using jutsu of F rank or justu requiring that level of chakra while reducing their speed to 75% of their current speed. This will last for 3 turns.

A final effect comes from Breakdown Release itself where it naturally burns through Natural Energy in the area. This will prevent the gathering of the energy. Should someone hit by the rain already be in Sage Mode or a variant, 30 Sage chakra will be burnt away from their body per turn.

Note: Can be used 3 times, lasting 3 turns per use.
Note: The effects can be negated by a surge of chakra exceeding this jutsu using Yin, Yang, Yin-Yang or Senjutsu.

Approved - Daemon

New Submissions

( Uchiwaketon: Daisansetsu - Hadesu Hanketsu ) | Breakdown Release: Third Verse - Hades Judgement

Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B - S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 40 - 60
Damage: 60 - 120
Description: This jutsu revolves around the use of a bladed weapon, be it a sword, dagger, scythe, etc. The user will release a surge of Breakdown chakra into the blade, coating it in Breakdown Release, this can range from B - S rank, costing 40 chakra at B rank due to the Yang component, going up in increments of 10 per rank. With the Yang within Breakdown, the damage is naturally higher than normal jutsu. This technique focuses purely on the offensive aspect of Breakdown. With the blade as a medium, the user can swing their blade releasing the Breakdown in different forms, from a spread out wave to a focused slice depending on their needs. These waves will have the unique properties of Breakdown in the sense that they give off no heat and will follow their target if they try to dodge. Along with the damage applied on contact, Breakdown will burn away at a targets chakra system. This will affect enemies negatively, causing degenerative effects :

  • B Rank: Prevents F ranks, moves at 75% their speed
  • A Rank: Prevents S ranks & above, moves at their half speed
  • S Rank: Prevents A ranks & above, moves at one third of their speed
Note: B rank can be used 4 times per battle. A rank can be used 3 times per battle, with a turn between uses. S rank can be used two times per battle with two turns between uses with all effects lasting for 3 turns. Following the use of S rank the user can't use Breakdown in the same turn. A rank usage warrants a 1 turn cool down of Third Verse - Hades Judgement, S rank usage warrants a two turn cool down.

Approved with Edits made - Daemon
CE approved here:
Permission to sub:

Updating to reduce effects and match the rules about speed. Lowered the buffs a bit too.

( Uchiwaketon: Saisho no Uta - Zeusu no Yuigon ) | Breakdown Release: First Verse - Testament to Zeus
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B - S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 40 - 60
Damage: 80 - 120
Description: This is the basic creation technique of Breakdown Release. The user will combine their Yang with Fire Release to create a Breakdown Release technique. This can be released from the users body, formed out of their chakra in the air or from the ground. If formed out of the air or ground it must be 5m away from an opponent, unless the user himself is within that range. From there the user will create anything he can imagine; ranging from simple waves, pulses, streams, to shapes as intricate as weapons, houses, creatures, etc,. Due to being composed of Yang chakra, it will cost 40 chakra for a B rank then increasing by 10 chakra per rank. When releasing this jutsu the user will chose to apply the Degenerative or Regenerative effects outlined as followed:

  • B Rank: Prevent the use of F rank jutsu, reducing the target's current speed by 20%
  • A Rank: Prevent the use of S rank jutsu & above, reducing the target's current speed by 30%
  • S Rank: Prevent the use of A rank jutsu and above, reducing the target's current speed by 40%
  • B Rank: Heal up to 30, x1.5 speed, -10 damage, +10 tai
  • A-Rank: Heal up to 50, x2 speed, -15 damage, +15 tai
  • S-Rank: Heal up to 80, x2.5 speed, -30 damage, +20 tai
Note: For B rank and below, the user will use hand gestures to form the jutsu, for A rank the user will need to perform two hand seals, S rank will require three hand seals. A rank can be used once per turn up to 4 times per battle, S rank can be used two times per battle with three turns between uses and no Breakdown jutsu A rank and above in the following turn with all effects lasting 3 turns.

Approved, made some adjustments. Changed the speed reductions back to current and not base speed reductions. That creates a much bigger speed drop than an overall 40% cap like we placed. Also, keep in mind because this increases more than 1 main stat (speed, damage, tracking) at a time, it counts as a State/Mode and other states/modes cannot be used alongside it.

( Uchiwaketon: Dainisetsu - Poseidon no Yuigon ) | Breakdown Release: Second Verse - Testament to Poseidon
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 60
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will perform 2 hand seals while releasing their chakra into the sky. In doing this they will create a large mass of Breakdown chakra in the skies above which will then begin to fall down like rain. Being sentient, should it touch an ally it will be able to enhance and heal them. Should it hit an enemy it will affect them negatively as it hits them. This jutsu has a long range radius reaching 15m in every direction from it's epicentre.

Allies: If used to buff an ally, this rain flowing into them will heal up to 40 health, while fortifying their body, increasing their speed by 1.5x and reducing damage they take by -10. They will also gain +10 Tai/Kenjutsu based abilities. This lasts for 3 turns. This rain heals 15 health per turn as long as the user/allies remain in the rain after the first initial heal.

Enemies: Due to the imbalance in the targets chakra it will prevent them using jutsu of F rank or jutsu requiring that level of chakra (50) while reducing their base speed by 30%. This will last for 3 turns.

A final effect comes from Breakdown Release itself where it naturally burns through Natural Energy in the area. This will prevent the gathering of the energy. Should someone hit by the rain already be in Sage Mode or a variant, 30 Sage chakra will be burnt away from their body per turn.

Note: Can be used 3 times, lasting 3 turns per use.
Note: The effects can be negated by a surge of chakra exceeding this jutsu using Yin, Yang, Yin-Yang or Senjutsu.

Original Declined and Update Declined, I agreed with Daemon’s initial range restrictions due to the effects. Also change it back to current speed and not base speed reduction, which is more problematic. The actual issues I have though are the buffs and debuffs seem too many for this A ranked technique; allies get 40 healing, 1.5x speed, +10 Tai and -10 Damage shaving from one use and opponents suffer an inability of using more than 50 chakra for 3 turns and a speed reduction. This needs to be restricted accordingly or limited better. The note I left regarding states on the previous CEJ would also apply for ally use.

( Uchiwaketon: Daisansetsu - Hadesu Hanketsu ) | Breakdown Release: Third Verse - Hades Judgement
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B - S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 40 - 60
Damage: 60 - 120
Description: This jutsu revolves around the use of a bladed weapon, be it a sword, dagger, scythe, etc. The user will release a surge of Breakdown chakra into the blade, coating it in Breakdown Release, this can range from B - S rank, costing 40 chakra at B rank due to the Yang component, going up in increments of 10 per rank. With the Yang within Breakdown, the damage is naturally higher than normal jutsu. This technique focuses purely on the offensive aspect of Breakdown. With the blade as a medium, the user can swing their blade releasing the Breakdown in different forms, from a spread out wave to a focused slice depending on their needs. These waves will have the unique properties of Breakdown in the sense that they give off no heat and will follow their target if they try to dodge. Along with the damage applied on contact, Breakdown will burn away at a targets chakra system. This will affect enemies negatively, causing degenerative effects :

  • B Rank: Prevent the use of F rank jutsu, reducing the target's current speed by 20%
  • A Rank: Prevent the use of S rank jutsu & above, reducing the target's current speed by 30%
  • S Rank: Prevent the use of A rank jutsu and above, reducing the target's current speed by 40%
Note: B rank can be used 4 times per battle. A rank can be used 3 times per battle, with a turn between uses. S rank can be used two times per battle with two turns between uses with all effects lasting for 3 turns. Following the use of S rank the user can't use Breakdown in the same turn. A rank usage warrants a 1 turn cool down of Third Verse - Hades Judgement, S rank usage warrants a two turn cool down.


CE approval
Permission to sub
( Uchiwaketon/Fuuinjutsu: Daiyonsetsu - Arutemisu no Kari ) | Breakdown Release/Sealing Technique: Fourth Verse, The Hunt of Artemis

Rank: S
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 50(-70 toward user's base chakra at start of battle)
Damage Points: (100 to enemies if caught within pulse )
Description: Taking the user's Fūinjutsu to the next level by infusing a seal with Breakdown Release. The user will create a unique sentient seal that is placed on the users body but never stays in the same place, constantly moving around the users body. This seal is simple in it's application, it's goal is to hunt Yin chakra, named after the Greek Goddess of the hunt, Artemis. This seal contains 70 Breakdown chakra within it, stored there before the fight. This seal being sentient can release all the chakra out in a short range pulse from where it is on the user. Pushing out in all directions, this pulse's purpose is to completely push away Yin chakra that isn't the users, cleansing his short range of any foreign Yin chakra, from the Hungry Ghost and it's effect, to Phantom Dragons. Unless it has more than 70 chakra within it, it will be pushed away, allowing the user to cleanse himself and the area around him. Though there is a second effect of the seal.

Though it cleanses the user of foreign Yin chakra, if anyone should be within short range of the user when the pulse is released, their body will be overwhelmed with the Breakdown chakra, adding an effect to them known as "Prey". Prey will wash over foreign entities, overflowing their body with Breakdown chakra similar to the 8 Branches technique. This will knock the opponents chakra out of balance pushing at their Yin chakra preventing them from using Yin Release, Genjutsu or non elemental Ninjutsu of any kind (including special fields like Fuuinjutsu) above A rank for two turns. Should this hit anyone but the user, it will cause damage to them, burning them on contact.

Note: The release can be done twice per battle. Once it's been used, the seal will sap 14 chakra per turn from the user until it's gained its 70 chakra back before it can be used again. When used, no Fuuinjutsu S-rank and above can be used in the same and next turn. If successfully damaging to an opponent, this penalty extends to one additional turn, with no Fuuinjutsu in the same turn. No Yin Release techniques or Genjutsu may be used by the user during the same turn activated, due to the surge of Yang chakra through the user's body.

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Approved. Edits made.
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( Uchiwaketon/Fuuinjutsu: Daiyonsetsu - Arutemisu no Kari ) | Breakdown Release/Sealing Technique: Fourth Verse, The Hunt of Artemis
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 50 (-70 toward user's base chakra at start of battle)
Damage Points: (120 to enemies if caught within pulse )
Description: Taking the user's Fūinjutsu to the next level by infusing a seal with Breakdown Release. The user will create a unique sentient seal that is placed on the users body but never stays in the same place, constantly moving around the users body. This seal is simple in it's application, it's goal is to hunt Yin chakra, named after the Greek Goddess of the hunt, Artemis. This seal contains 70 Breakdown chakra within it, stored there before the fight. This seal being sentient can release all the chakra out in a short range pulse from where it is on the user. Pushing out in all directions, this pulse's purpose is to completely push away Yin chakra that isn't the users, cleansing his short range of any foreign Yin chakra, from the Hungry Ghost and it's effect, to Phantom Dragons. Unless it has more than 70 chakra within it, it will be pushed away, allowing the user to cleanse himself and the area around him. Though there is a second effect of the seal.

Though it cleanses the user of foreign Yin chakra, if anyone should be within mid range of the user when the pulse is released, their body will be overwhelmed with the Breakdown chakra, adding an effect to them known as "Prey". Prey will wash over foreign entities, overflowing their body with Breakdown chakra similar to the 8 Branches technique. This will knock the opponents chakra out of balance pushing at their Yin chakra preventing them from using Yin Release, Genjutsu or non elemental Ninjutsu of any kind (including special fields like Fuuinjutsu) above A rank for two turns. Should this hit anyone but the user, it will cause damage to them, burning them on contact.

Note: The release can be done twice per battle. Once it's been used, the seal will sap 14 chakra per turn from the user until it's gained its 70 chakra back before it can be used again. When used, no Fuuinjutsu S-rank and above can be used in the same and next turn. If successfully damaging to an opponent, this penalty extends to one additional turn, with no Fuuinjutsu in the same turn. No Yin Release techniques or Genjutsu may be used by the user during the same turn activated, due to the surge of Yang chakra through the user's body.

Need to look into something about this first
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Active member
Sep 10, 2008
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Link to Plasmoid Approval: [X]

(Deddozōn) | Dead Zone
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 70 (-10 each turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will perform three hand seals creating a barrier sealing jutsu that expands their Plasmoid chakra up to mid-range with their body being the epicenter of it and moves along with the user.; arcs of energy can be seen spreading through out the field awaiting its moment to activate. The main purpose of this technique is to effect the thermal energy of objects on the battlefield. Upon activation, it is possible for the user in the same timeframe as this technique’s creation to absorb the thermal energy of an opposing attack and seal it via fuinjutsu inside of themselves thereby neutralizing the attack. This ability can be used on techniques with up to 70 chakra points as long as it is logically possible for thermal energy to be taken away. This energy once absorbed will be used to passively empower one of the user’s jutsu by +20 damage or +1 rank depending on what is appropriate. Passively, while this technique is in affect, the Plasmoid that has spread up to mid-range will passively draw thermal energy from the opponent's jutsus towards the arcs. For example, a fire technique that is utilized within the radius of the Plasmoid barrier or enters will be affected by the arcs of plasmoid chakra and have their damage reduced by twenty points. Most techniques will be affected by this ability since they contain some amount of thermal energy but there are some cases where a technique could be devoid of thermal energy or resistant to having its internal energy affected. For this very reason, jutsu that are strong to Plasmoid will not be affected by the weakening portion of this jutsu; however, techniques that are strong to Plasmoid can still be affected by the first ability which allows the user to absorb an attack completely by spending a move. The main difference now is that if the user is utilizing this ability against an attack that is strong to Plasmoid then they will only be able to affect jutsus with up to 50 chakra points as long as it is still logical and feasible. The energy absorbed by this technique is not gone to waste because by utilizing the sealing properties of the Fuinjutsu the user will be able to passively seal this excess chakra into their body allowing them to passively empower one of their future techniques by +20 or +1 rank depending on what’s appropriate. However, this empowerment ability works on a one to one ratio meaning for every one jutsu weakened the user can empower one of their techniques. If desired it is possible for the user to spend a move while this jutsu is active to completely absorb an attack of its thermal energy rendering it effectively neutralized but still following the rules listed above. This can be done twice with a two turn cool down but if the user utilized this ability upon activation as initially noted then they will only be able to use this ability one more time instead. This energy regardless can still be be used to empower of their future techniques. This technique can also have averse affects on opponents whether they be an actual person or a summoning because Plasmoid constantly draws thermal energy towards it meaning this would also affect living organisms. If a living organism comes into short-range of the user then will begin to feel extremely cold as their body begins to freeze up. This will cause techniques to deal an additionally twenty damage points to the opponent’s body if they make contact but the opponent does not begin to feel these effects until they enter short-range of the user.
Note: Can only be used twice
Note: No Plasmoid above A-rank next turn after deactivation
Note: Lasts four turns
Note: Requires Advanced Fuin

-Declined- this is poorly restricted and honestly just doesn't make much sense at all, plasmoid absorbs thermal energy because of it's nature as a element but that doesn't mean it can swallow and seal this energy inside a barrier that then somehow moves inside you to empower your following techs. Also I'm gonna say no on the double dipping of boosting your own techniques and making people take damage just by being close to you, the more I read this the more it reads like two completely different abilities mashed together.

(Apofisu no eikyō) Plasmoid Arts: Apophis’s Influence
Rank: D
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 10 (-5 each turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: This is a passive technique that can be utilized upon a battle beginning or can be used later on in a fight. This user will essentially release from their body up to long free-flowing arcs of plasmoid chakra that will have the user serve as the source of it. The main purpose of this chakra is influence objects and people by slightly altering their thermal energy by drawing their heat energy towards the plasmoid. The energy drawn from these interactions are negligible and cannot be sensed are happening unless the opponent has a sensing method. The moment a thermal exchange begins to occur the user will be notified of where it is occurring due to it being connected to their chakra. This essentially grants the user a method of sensing due to the multitude of thermal energy exchanges that could be possible on the field. However, there are some scenarios where this sensing would not be possible for but for the main part it could be used to tell where most general objects are, and even if the thermal energy of a source could not be detected it would still give the user an idea of where it is coming from since it would be like an outlier.
Note: Cannot be used as a source for future plasmoid techniques and cannot be used for any purpose besides detecting techniques or people on the field.

-Declined- This doesn't feel like it's in the scope of the element because if you're releasing plasmoid "chakra" to draw in thermal energy it would just be constantly drawing it in, how do you sense via this? How would you determine where a object is or isn't. It's not like thermal vision where you can see what is hotter or colder in any given location, it's just sucking in a constant stream of heat because the environment will always be hotter than the plasmoid?
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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Renaming Technique

(Taiyofuuton: Hoshi no Jidai) Solar Wind Release: Age of the Stars
Type: Attack, Supplementary, Defensive
Rank: D - S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 10 - 40
Damage: 20 - 80
Description: Polaris allows one the generalized ability to weaponize one’s solar wind chakra. In the process of doing this, the user has the ability to generate basic usages for the element. This can range from solidified solar wind constructs such as weaponry, blasts, tornadoes or anything within the realms of one’s imagination. Due to the nature of solar winds, these creations are superheated to the touch, capable of melting metals, ignite flammable substances, and evaporate water of two ranks below the strength of this technique. The size of which these constructs can reach is five meters for D to C Rank, ten meters for B to A Rank while S rank can reach up to fifteen meters. D – C rank requires no hand seals, while B rank requires one, A requires two and S rank requires three. In the case of A rank use, it can only be used thrice per battle with a cool down of one turn. S rank can only be used twice per battle with a cool down of two turns, but within that cool down, no Solar Wind Techniques above A rank can be used. These techniques can be formed anywhere within the battle field in the air (though must start 5 meters away from the opponent), from the user’s body or can be infused into a weapon in order to give the weapon superheated properties, as it glows a bright green coloration. In this cause however, it will completely melt the object in question after a single turn of use. As said in the CE, the user is immune the damage and effects of Solar Wind.

-Update approved-

Updating: Taiyofuton: Kaze Furea [Solar Wind: Flared Breeze]

(Taiyofuuton: Tsukiakari no Toake ) Solar Wind Release: Dawn of Moonlight
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A - Rank
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: Dawn of Moonlight is a supplementary technique designed to inflict immense bright green light into the terrain. By making a single hand seal; the user causes a light breeze to blow over the terrain and then form into a ‘moon’ made of Solar Wind to form directly over the terrain. The moon would then in turn emit a bright light composed of said energy, drowning the battlefield out with it. This causes those who don't possess the element to become blinded by the light. This is a reduction in tracking capabilities - reducing their base tracking by -4. This also causes the terrain to become superheated, though doesn’t cause any actual damage to the opponent though this is mostly cosmetic, unable to heat the area up enough for the use of techniques like Kirin. This lasts three turns, while capable of being used twice per battle. Technique has a cool down of twos turn being able to be used again.

-Declined- I need you to specify what the purpose or effect of this superheated terrain serves because it's making me suspicious, it's clearly not meant to be cosmetic but I wouldn't let it be used to create the conditions for Kirin for example. Not without a set duration requirement.
(Taiyofuuton: Tsukiakari no Toake ) Solar Wind Release: Dawn of Moonlight
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A - Rank
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: Dawn of Moonlight is a supplementary technique designed to inflict immense bright green light into the terrain. By making a single hand seal; the user causes a light breeze to blow over the terrain and then form into a ‘moon’ made of Solar Wind to form directly over the terrain. The moon would then in turn emit a bright light composed of said energy, drowning the battlefield out with it. This causes those who don't possess the element to become blinded by the light. This is a reduction in tracking capabilities - reducing their base tracking by -4. This also causes the terrain to become superheated, though doesn’t cause any actual damage to the opponent though this is purely cosmetic, unable to heat the area up enough for the use of techniques like Kirin. This lasts three turns, while capable of being used twice per battle. Technique has a cool down of twos turn being able to be used again.

-Approved- Edits made. Changed it to purely cosmetic, don't write "mostly" when I ask you to specify shit dumbass.
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El Alucard

Active member
Mar 13, 2014
Trait Points
Xenon taught here: X

(Kisenonton: Kōsoku) Xenon Release: Light speed
Rank: E-S
Chakra: 5-40
Range: Self
Damage: N/A
Description: Allows the user to turn into a being of Xenon light, thus increasing their speed and allowing move and or run at light speed leaving behind trails of xenon which can be used for other xenon based jutsu. Using the Narutobase jutsu speed chart for lightning release this would mean depending on the rank used, the technique would add ( +4, +6, +8, +10, +12 or +14, rank respectively) to the users current speed. While active the user is limited to elements which make up xenon release as well as xenon and taijutsu. Said elements and taijutsu will gain and additional rank or +20 damage due to the user becoming the element and also the increase in speed adding to taijutsu damage.
Note: Light speed lasts 5 turns
Note: S-rank can be used thrice with a 5 turn cooldown period. A- rank four times with a 3 turn cooldown period. B-rank and below can be used as much as the user wishes but retains the 3 turn cooldown period between uses.
Note: Can only be taught by El Alucard
You must be registered for see images

(Kisenonton: Radiantosuīpu) Xenon Release: Radiant Sweep
Rank: S
Chakra: 40
Range: Short-Long
Damage: 80
Description: The user explodes into a Xenon vortex that first explodes outwards and then begins to suck inwards towards them. After the explosion happens the user then reforms and begins to shoot out Xenon, in form of twin gattling gun-like shots. The shots although not being able to pierce through the opponent pack enough punch to beak bones at points of impact. This is the further worsened as after impact they burst into small xenon explosions which can completely obliterate the target's bones in mere moments. The user can choose to do a sweeping motion for a larger AoE or simply aim their shots at the intended target completely obliterating all their bones and turning them into a spaghetti person.
Note: The initial explosion outwards only reaches short range however the vortex can pull objects and people from mid range.
Note: Targets caught in the initial outward explosion will take an additional +15 heavy blunt force damage.
Note: Can only be used 3 times (5 turn cooldown)
Note: Can only be taught by El Alucard
You must be registered for see images

-Pending- That training link doesn't contain you actually learning the element at all what the **** is that? PM me if that's the wrong link but if it is your "training" that's invalid as shit.
Resubmitting due to lack of training the first time

Xenon taught here: Link

(Kisenonton: Kōsoku) Xenon Release: Light speed
Rank: E-S
Chakra: 5-40
Range: Self
Damage: N/A
Description: Allows the user to turn into a being of Xenon light, thus increasing their speed and allowing move and or run at light speed leaving behind trails of xenon which can be used for other xenon based jutsu. Using the Narutobase jutsu speed chart for lightning release this would mean depending on the rank used, the technique would add ( +4, +6, +8, +10, +12 or +14, rank respectively) to the users current speed. While active the user is limited to elements which make up xenon release as well as xenon and taijutsu. Said elements and taijutsu will gain and additional rank or +20 damage due to the user becoming the element and also the increase in speed adding to taijutsu damage.
Note: Light speed lasts 5 turns
Note: S-rank can be used thrice with a 5 turn cooldown period. A- rank four times with a 3 turn cooldown period. B-rank and below can be used as much as the user wishes but retains the 3 turn cooldown period between uses.
Note: Can only be taught by El Alucard
You must be registered for see images

-Declined- Alright so first, if you turn yourself in to a element you will be moving at that elements speed, it won't add more speed to your normal running speed, not by using the speed chart anyway. So you either need to make it a multiplier or move at the elements speed you can decide. Secondly giving something a 5 turn cooldown and a 5 turn usage is fluff it means nothing, restrict it correctly, 5 turns is to long. Finally that line about "increase in speed adding to taijutsu damage" needs to go, you can't add your speed to taijutsu damage.

(Kisenonton: Radiantosuīpu) Xenon Release: Radiant Sweep
Rank: S
Chakra: 40
Range: Short-Long
Damage: 80
Description: The user explodes into a Xenon vortex that first explodes outwards and then begins to suck inwards towards them. After the explosion happens the user then reforms and begins to shoot out Xenon, in form of twin gattling gun-like shots. The shots although not being able to pierce through the opponent pack enough punch to beak bones at points of impact. This is the further worsened as after impact they burst into small xenon explosions which can completely obliterate the target's bones in mere moments. The user can choose to do a sweeping motion for a larger AoE or simply aim their shots at the intended target completely obliterating all their bones and turning them into a spaghetti person.
Note: The initial explosion outwards only reaches short range however the vortex can pull objects and people from mid range.
Note: Targets caught in the initial outward explosion will take an additional +15 heavy blunt force damage.
Note: Can only be used 3 times (5 turn cooldown)
Note: Can only be taught by El Alucard
You must be registered for see images

-Declined- This can't destroy someone's bones and make them a "spaghetti person" that completely ignores the health system also you can't just add a random +15 damage in to it, it's a S rank it does 80 damage.
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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Submitting as Co Creator
CE Approval:

(Seraphumizuton/Yoton: Rafaeru; Ten no Atatakasa ) Seraphic Water/Yang Release: Raphael; Warmth of Heaven
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S Range:
Short - Long
Chakra cost: 50 (+ 10 Infusion, -20 Sustain )
Damage: N/A
Description: Warmth of Heaven is the supreme healing technique among the Seraphic Water Release. Named after the angel of divine healing; the user begins the technique by forming three hand seals. This quickly allows the user to either utilize the earth, a water source or releasing it from their body in order to cause a burst of liquid to erupt. It will quickly envelop a target of choice in a bubble, be it the user themselves or an ally. Normally, the properties of the brine would have sapped away at the moisture in organic beings, but yang energy within the water turns it into healing salts instead (Healing Superficial to Mildly Damage Injuries such as broken bones, but cannot replace severed limbs) . This would regenerate a total of 60 HP in the initial contact but then heal an additional +30 HP over time, even if leaving the bubble as the salts would essentially attach themselves to the recipient. This can also be applied to another water release or seraphic water release technique in order to imbued it these healing properties (though only healing +30 HP in this case). The bubble remains active for three turns before naturally fading away and is capable of targeting to allies at most while active. This can only be used thrice per battle, with a cool down of three turns between each use. It also renders the user unable to use Seraphic Water nor Yang Release above S Rank in the same and next turn. The salts are also sentient, having a telepathic connection with the user - this being able to make sure opponent's do not gain the healing benefits of the liquid.

-Declined- expand on the healing over time aspect, how long does it heal for? Is it +30 each turn, the next turn only? Also I don't think I'm okay with that last line, it sounds really out there, sentient telepathic salt?
(Seraphumizuton/Yoton: Rafaeru; Ten no Atatakasa ) Seraphic Water/Yang Release: Raphael; Warmth of Heaven
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S Range:
Short - Long
Chakra cost: 50 (+ 10 Infusion, -20 Sustain )
Damage: N/A
Description: Warmth of Heaven is the supreme healing technique among the Seraphic Water Release. Named after the angel of divine healing; the user begins the technique by forming three hand seals. This quickly allows the user to either utilize the earth, a water source or releasing it from their body in order to cause a burst of liquid to erupt. It will quickly envelop a target of choice in a bubble, be it the user themselves or an ally. Normally, the properties of the brine would have sapped away at the moisture in organic beings, but yang energy within the water turns it into healing salts instead (Healing Superficial to Mildly Damage Injuries such as broken bones, but cannot replace severed limbs) . This would regenerate a total of 60 HP in the initial contact but then heal an additional +30 HP per turn, even if leaving the bubble as the salts would essentially attach themselves to the recipient. This can also be applied to another water release or seraphic water release techniques (done in the same time frame as the applied technique) in order to imbued it these healing properties (though only healing +30 HP in this case). The bubble remains active for three turns before naturally fading away and is capable of targeting two allies at most while active. This can only be used thrice per battle, with a cool down of three turns between each use. It also renders the user unable to use Seraphic Water nor Yang Release of S Rank and above in the same and next turn. The salts are also directly in control of the user in order to make sure opponent's do not gain the healing benefits of the liquid.

Approved w/ edits
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Jul 7, 2011
Trait Points
Permission to sub: CE Approval

Jutsu approved:

Kayakuton: Kono burō | Gunpowder: Blow This
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: C-S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15/40
Damage: 30/80
Description: The most rudimentary technique of the element. By focusing Gunpowder chakra throughout their body, into the surrounding ground, the user is able to create tools and constructs made of Gunpowder. These can range from kunais to full length swords and spears for close combat. It may also include different traps such as rising gunpowder from beneath the enemy similarly to the water imprisonment technique. This also includes pillars, walls and other complex constructs. Whenever the user is in physical contact with his creations, he can at will make it change its shape and form; from a sword to a spear or a pillar to an orb etc. (this does not include rank of the jutsu which remains the same no matter what the technique morphs into). The techniques vary in size and power depending on the amount of chakra utilized, where the S-rank version of this technique allows someone to make jutsus as big as the canon ‘Destructive Earth Rising Pillars’. However when these constructs come into contact with any form of fire or an element that can create heat or a flame, these constructs explode immediately. The user can at will cause a weapon in his hand or any construct on the field, which he has made through this jutsu, to immediately explode (costing 5 chakra). The user can make multiple objects but the power is divided between them, for example if the user makes two swords with the A rank use, each sword will be B rank in power.

When these constructs explode, with the explosive power of gunpowder, the release shockwaves around proportional to the size of the technique that was detonated. These shockwaves contain no chakra and are just a result of the detonation, carrying the same rank as the jutsu used. Techniques B rank and below release a shockwave 5m around the gunpowder. A ranks release an shockwave up to 10m around the blast. S ranks and above release a blast 15m around the explosion.Should the user create an A rank construct, when it's detonated but the user or another means, the blast will release a shockwave 10m around, which is a double edge blade, as the user will be struck if within range.

- S-rank versions can be used 3 times per match. With 2 turns between uses. No gunpowder above A rank in the following turn. A-rank can be used 4 times per battle.
- C-rank can be done with hand gestures. B-ranks require a single hand seal. A-ranks require 2 hand seals. S-ranks require 3 handseals.

Approved w/ edits

New jutsu:

( Kayakuton: Kamigami no ikari ) | Gunpowder: Wrath of the God's
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage: N/A ( 20 Damage/+1 Rank to Explosion )
Description: This is a jutsu that is used alongside a Gunpowder technique. This can be used in the same timeframe as a Gunpowder technique being forced to explode or when an outside source causes it to explode. What this technique does is it allows the user to use precise chakra control to control the detonation of the Gunpowder, using their chakra to create their own form of a "gun-like barrel," to channel the explosion and the shockwave itself. Due to using this to focus the explosion, it will increase the damage of the detonation by 1 rank or 20 damage. This technique is used purely to control the blast, allowing the user to focus it in any direction he wishes, be it an 180° angle from where the blast occurred, upwards, etc. This technique can be used to force the denotation through a spark and control the blast and the resulting shockwave in this manor. This technique is usable four times per battle.

Approved w/ edits
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Active member
Mar 11, 2014
Trait Points
Liquid Indium Approval
Training thread
Permission for submitting and updating CEJ

, ] - Liquid Indium Release | Lady of Mercy
Rank: S
Type: Attack/Defence
Range: short - long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80
Description: After performing 3 hand seals, the user will release a large surge of chakra from their entire body, pushing out in every direction taking the form of a large tornado of hot liquid Indium. Rotating at a fast pace pushing outwards. The user can hold this at short range around him to create a defence preventing people getting close to him or have it expand outwards pushing up to long range around him. The rotating hot liquid will push outwards as a destructive force burning, melting and destroying all in it's path (following elemental s/w). Holding it within short range from the user will last for a maximum of two turns before losing it's momentum and flowing outwards covering the battle field. This will take two turns to cool, but will not harden as it cools due to how soft the metal is. If the user moves, the tornado moves with them and much like how the user can surround themselves with fire and lightning, the heat from the liquid indium will not hurt them.

Note: Usable 3 times, three turns between uses.
Note: No jutsu above A rank in the following turn
Note: If held for defence, takes up a move slot in the following turn.

¤ Approved, made edits. ¤
Updating the above:

[Ekitaiinjiumu | Nienna, ] - Liquid Indium Release | Lady of Mercy
Rank: S
Type: Attack/Defense
Range: short - long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80
Description: After performing 3 hand seals, the user will release a large surge of chakra from their entire body, pushing out in every direction taking the form of a large tornado of hot liquid Indium. Rotating at a fast pace pushing outwards. The user can hold this at short range around him to create a defence preventing people getting close to him or have it expand outwards pushing up to long range around him. The rotating hot liquid will push outwards as a destructive force burning, melting and destroying all in it's path (following elemental s/w). Holding it within short range from the user will last for a maximum of two turns before losing it's momentum and flowing outwards covering the battle field. This will take two turns to cool, but will not harden as it cools due to how soft the metal is. If the user moves, the tornado moves with them and much like how the user can surround themselves with fire and lightning, the heat from the liquid indium will not hurt them.

Note: Usable 3 times, three turns between uses.
Note: No Liquid Indium jutsu above A rank in the following turn
Note: If held for defence, takes up a move slot in the following turn.

Update Approved


[Ekitaiinjiumu | Vairë] - Liquid Indium Release | Vairë
Rank: A-S
Type: Attack/Defense
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 30-40
Damage Points: 60-80
Description: Vairë is a technique named after the Goddess known as "the weaver". The user will release a surge of chakra through their body changing their body to Liquid Indium, while retaining the looks and shape of the user, similar to that of the Hozuki clan. The user can use this to turn part of their body to Liquid Indium (A rank version) or turn their entire body to Liquid Indium (S rank).

A rank: The user will form two seals and turn part of their body to Liquid Indium carrying 60 damage. The Indium being molten will scorch anything it touches on contact. The user can increase the size of their body part for larger scale attacks, being able to reach up to mid range. This would be similar to the Akimichi expansion.

S rank: The user will form three seals and release the surge of chakra through their entire body converting it entirely to Liquid Indium. In this form the user can manipulate their liquid form reshaping it to avoid focused techniques or projectiles. To manipulate their form in this way costs 10 chakra and can be done once per turn. The unique aspect of this form is the user can cause their form to burst into a large tornado of Liquid Indium pushing out to mid range in all directions. The unique part about this ability is it can be used as a form as a escape, as the user takes the form of part of the Indium, escaping out of part of the tornado, reforming. This can be used once in this form costing a move per turn, dealing 80 damage to any hit by this.

Note: Can only use Liquid Indium, earth and fire, and elements made up of earth and fire like steel.
Note: Usable 3 times lasting up to 4 turns, two turns between each use.
Note: Taking the form of a Tornado of Liquid Indium costs a move per turn, 10 chakra points and can be used to avoid jutsu depending on the speed of the user, allowing them to move up to mid range to avoid a technique.

Approved w/ edits
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Active member
Jun 12, 2013
Trait Points
Resubmitting with no edits due to my previous mistake.

(Porisuchiton: Garasu Sen'i Shawā) - • Polystyrene Release: Fiberglass Shower •
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60 (-5 per turn)
Description: The user will weave two seals and focus their polystyrene chakra in the sky above them. This will cause sharp shards of polystyrene to pour down all over the field akin to rain tiger at will but in the form of polystyrene. However, these pellets of polystyrene do not serve to do damage on contact but do damage every time the opponent makes a physical movement on the ground, whether freeform or part of a technique. That being said, when the opponent moves on top of the sharp shards of polystyrene, they will suffer the flat damage amount, along with -5 per turn subsequently. In order to stop the damage, they must sacrifice a technique slot in that turn to pull the polystyrene from out of their feet. Once done, shall they move around on the ground again unprotected, they will suffer the same effects with the same stipulations to remove unless they have a technique capable of physically purging bodily harm in the form of removing physical objects from the body. This technique lasts for three turns and is usable twice per battle. The user, of course, is immune to such damage as they have already mastered walking on the element in this fashion.

-Declined- You can't make someone take 60 damage every single time they move along with a extra 5 damage per turn it would completely bypass damage rules, if you want something that does damage per turn over time like this then you're gonna have to lower the base numbers. Also the part about them "they must" won't fly, there are lots of ways to deal with a injury like that, dictating what they must do is god modding.

(Yoton/Porisuchiton: Birāgo) - • Yang Release/Polystyrene Release: Virago •

Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: F
Range: Short/Short-Long
Chakra: 100 (-50 per turn)
Damage: N/A (80/+20 if used in combinations)
Description: Mixing their Yang chakra with their Polystyrene chakra, the user will summon a being named Virago from a giant pit of white sand, capable of swallowing boss summons with ease. The pit can be summoned anywhere from short to long range and shall an opponent or opponent's fall into it, it is capable of 80 damage (+20 if another element is used to compact the victim(s) into the pit). This serves as a source for other polystyrene techniques. Virago, herself, takes the form of a giant spider and is made completely of polystyrene and completely sentient. She stands at a whopping two stories tall with her width being proportional to her height. Virago is capable of using all polystyrene techniques and elements that compose polystyrene without handseals as well as with a +20 boost in damage to all of these techniques. She may also come with one mutation which is rolled at random. Once per turn, she is capable of actively eating one technique of any element polystyrene is composed of up to S rank. Once she eats a technique, she can spin a defensive web between the user and opponent(s) made up of that element with the damage being enhanced by +10. If a technique with no damage value had been eaten, the web is spun with that element with a chakra value of 70 and of F rank. Virago cannot be summoned while the user has a summoning animal on the field and the user cannot make clones of any form while Virago is on the field. She is summonable once per battle and while on the field, the user themselves can only perform two techniques per turn (not including Virago). She stays on the field for a maximum of 6 turns and has a health pool of 100 and a chakra pool of 500. Shall either deplete before 5 turns, Virago will cease to exist and turn into a pile of white sand.

Note: No Polystyrene techs for two turns after Virago depletes.
Note: No Yang techniques for two turns after Virago depletes.
Note: Unable to summon any contract bosses for the rest of the battle after Virago has been summoned.

-Declined- You've given this more abilities than a legendary summoning contract animal lmao, dial it back. Also it's forbidden rank, not F rank. The whole "eating a technique" thing probably won't fly and a lot of the stuff doesn't specify it even costing a move slot. Finally that pit thing at the start is a no, this isn't a summoning jutsu, the speed involved in summonings is instant generally and that won't fly, it'd also likely break spawning rules in any situation you used it that would involve someone falling in to it. This needs a lot of edits but it's probably salvageable.

Approved here X
I am the owner of this element.
Resubmitting the quoted techs. Note that I think the first one, Fiberglass Shower was misunderstood on one part. It is indeed 60 damage only on initial contact, not anywhere thereafter. That's what I meant by suffering the "flat" damage amount, just once, and then -5 thereafter but I will clarify in this next submission.

(Porisuchiton: Garasu Sen'i Shawā) - • Polystyrene Release: Fiberglass Shower •
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30 (-5 per turn)
Damage: 60 (-5 per turn)
Description: The user will weave two seals and focus their polystyrene chakra in the sky above them. This will cause sharp shards of polystyrene to pour down all over the field akin to rain tiger at will but in the form of polystyrene. However, these pellets of polystyrene do not serve to do damage on contact but do damage every turn the opponent makes a physical movement on the ground, whether freeform or part of a technique. That being said, when the opponent moves on top of the sharp shards of polystyrene, they will suffer 60 damage on initial contact, along with -5 per turn subsequently if they continue to traverse on it. The 60 damage is only applied one time per use of Fiberglass Shower. Not continuously. This technique lasts for three turns and is usable twice per battle. The user, of course, is immune to such damage as they have already mastered walking on the element in this fashion. The falling polystyrene serves as a source for polystyrene related techniques.

Note to checker: Clarified what I meant by the 60 flat damage, as well as removed stipulations on healing/avoiding the damage as to not godmod. That's my bad. Tried to clarify a little too in detail. Y'all know I'm bad at this. Also, it is pretty obvious a technique like this creates a source for further polystyrene techniques, but I added that in the end to make sure it is noted that this technique will be a primary source-building one.

Approved w/ edits

(Yoton/Porisuchiton: Birāgo) - • Yang Release/Polystyrene Release: Virago •

Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short/Short-Long
Chakra: 100 (-50 per turn)
Damage: N/A (80/+20 if used in combinations)
Description: Mixing their Yang chakra with their Polystyrene chakra, the user will summon a being named Virago from a giant pit of white sand, capable of swallowing boss summons with ease. The pit can be summoned anywhere from short to long range but must be the maximum spawning distance from the opponent, the pit, if fallen into is capable of 80 damage (+20 if another element is used to compact the victim(s) into the pit). This serves as a source for other polystyrene techniques. Virago, herself, takes the form of a giant spider and is made completely of polystyrene and completely sentient. She stands at a whopping two stories tall with her width being proportional to her height. Virago is capable of using all polystyrene techniques and elements that compose polystyrene without handseals as well as with a +20 boost in damage to all of these techniques. She may also come with one mutation which is rolled at random. Once per turn, she is capable of actively eating one technique of any element polystyrene is composed of up to S rank at the expense of 50 chakra from herself and 50 from the user. Once she eats a technique, she can spin a defensive web between the user and opponent(s) made up of that element with the damage being enhanced by +10. If a technique with no damage value had been eaten, the web is spun with that element with a chakra value of 70 and of F rank. Virago cannot be summoned while the user has a summoning animal on the field and the user cannot make shadow clones of any form while Virago is on the field. She is summonable once per battle and while on the field, the user themselves can only perform two techniques per turn (not including Virago). She stays on the field for a maximum of 6 turns and has a health pool of 100 and a chakra pool of 500. Shall either deplete before 5 turns, Virago will cease to exist and turn into a pile of white sand, creating a polystyrene source for the user. All actions performed by Virago cost a move slot in that turn.

Note: No Polystyrene techs for two turns after Virago depletes.
Note: No Yang techniques for two turns after Virago depletes.
Note: Unable to summon any contract bosses for the rest of the battle after Virago has been summoned.

Note to checker: Tweaked the bit about spawning the pit she comes from, having it maximum spawning distance from the opponent themselves as to not have it spawn right under them (of course that wouldn't be my intent in the first place since it is against the rules regardless but still clarified to make sure that isn't an issue). Adding stipulations on her munching on a technique. It will cost 50 chakra from Virago herself and 50 chakra from the user. Clarified that the user cannot make any variation of shadow clones while she is on the field. Edited in the bit where when she turns to polystyrene stating that it is indeed a source for other techniques (less of an edit and more of a clarification). Also added the fact that all moves stemming from her cost a technique used that turn. Meant to add that bit before. Also fixed the rank.

Declined: This still behaves too similarly to a summon in my view. The consumption and redeployment aspect doesn't make sense as is. The CE alone can't do this, and by using Yang this basically becomes a living animal that could belong on a summoning contract, but stronger. I concur with the previous check in that the pit portion needs to go.
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El Alucard

Active member
Mar 13, 2014
Trait Points
Resubmitting due to lack of training the first time

Xenon taught here: Link

(Kisenonton: Kōsoku) Xenon Release: Light speed
Rank: E-S
Chakra: 5-40
Range: Self
Damage: N/A
Description: Allows the user to turn into a being of Xenon light, thus increasing their speed and allowing move and or run at light speed leaving behind trails of xenon which can be used for other xenon based jutsu. Using the Narutobase jutsu speed chart for lightning release this would mean depending on the rank used, the technique would add ( +4, +6, +8, +10, +12 or +14, rank respectively) to the users current speed. While active the user is limited to elements which make up xenon release as well as xenon and taijutsu. Said elements and taijutsu will gain and additional rank or +20 damage due to the user becoming the element and also the increase in speed adding to taijutsu damage.
Note: Light speed lasts 5 turns
Note: S-rank can be used thrice with a 5 turn cooldown period. A- rank four times with a 3 turn cooldown period. B-rank and below can be used as much as the user wishes but retains the 3 turn cooldown period between uses.
Note: Can only be taught by El Alucard
You must be registered for see images

-Declined- Alright so first, if you turn yourself in to a element you will be moving at that elements speed, it won't add more speed to your normal running speed, not by using the speed chart anyway. So you either need to make it a multiplier or move at the elements speed you can decide. Secondly giving something a 5 turn cooldown and a 5 turn usage is fluff it means nothing, restrict it correctly, 5 turns is to long. Finally that line about "increase in speed adding to taijutsu damage" needs to go, you can't add your speed to taijutsu damage.

(Kisenonton: Radiantosuīpu) Xenon Release: Radiant Sweep
Rank: S
Chakra: 40
Range: Short-Long
Damage: 80
Description: The user explodes into a Xenon vortex that first explodes outwards and then begins to suck inwards towards them. After the explosion happens the user then reforms and begins to shoot out Xenon, in form of twin gattling gun-like shots. The shots although not being able to pierce through the opponent pack enough punch to beak bones at points of impact. This is the further worsened as after impact they burst into small xenon explosions which can completely obliterate the target's bones in mere moments. The user can choose to do a sweeping motion for a larger AoE or simply aim their shots at the intended target completely obliterating all their bones and turning them into a spaghetti person.
Note: The initial explosion outwards only reaches short range however the vortex can pull objects and people from mid range.
Note: Targets caught in the initial outward explosion will take an additional +15 heavy blunt force damage.
Note: Can only be used 3 times (5 turn cooldown)
Note: Can only be taught by El Alucard
You must be registered for see images

-Declined- This can't destroy someone's bones and make them a "spaghetti person" that completely ignores the health system also you can't just add a random +15 damage in to it, it's a S rank it does 80 damage.
(Kisenonton: Kōsoku) Xenon Release: Light speed
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Chakra: 40
Range: Short
Damage: N/A
Description: This technique allows the user to double their overall speed by using Xenon for a short period of time. Whilst active the user leaves behind trails of xenon which can be used for other xenon based jutsu and can only use Taijutsu, Bukijutsu, Xenon, and elements which make up xenon release. The techniques of said Ninjutsu gain a +10 damage boost as well, due to being infused with xenon.
Note: This technique lasts 3 turns, after which no A-rank and above techniques of all the above mentioned Ninja arts for 3 turns.
Note: Can only be taught by El Alucard

(Kisenonton: Radiantosuīpu) Xenon Release: Radiant Sweep
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Chakra: 40
Range: Short-Long
Damage: 80
Description: The user creates a Xenon vortex that begins to suck opponents and objects alike inwards towards them. The vortex then bursts outwards sending all the debris and opponents it sucked in flying. The user at any point from the vortex’s creation to its explosion shoots out of their hands, dense Xenon orbs, in the form of twin gatling gun-like shots. Upon impact they burst causing small xenon explosions. The user can choose to do a sweeping motion for a larger AoE or simply aim their shots at the intended target
Note: Can only be used 3 times
Note: Can only be taught by El Alucard

Both Approved, made small edits.
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Active member
Nov 29, 2011
Trait Points
Approved CE:

Approval Link:

Kayakuton: Bankā basutā | Gunpowder: Bunker Buster

Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The Bunker Buster technique requires the user to perform three hand seals. Afterwards a highly condensed pillar of Gunpowder will come through a small portal 15 meters above the ground and come plummeting down towards the ground. The pillar measures 2m in width and 5 meters in length. The only thing that controls the falling pillar is the pull of gravity and highly condensed mass which makes it very heavy. The pillar comes down with enough power to splinter trees; shatter rocks and leave a 20 meter wide and deep crater within the ground. Once the pillar hits the ground the gunpowder pillar explodes violently with a massive force of a shockwave 15m all around the detonation and sends boulders and rocks flying in all directions up to long range from the impact area. This shockwave will contain no chakra blasting everything around along with causing burning damage to anything within the blast. However if the pillar is struck or hits something in the air it will explode upon impact with that, creating the 15m explosion/shockwave all around from the point of its detonation applying its full force and power upon that object or person, still creating a massive shockwave powerful enough to devastate anything within mid-range of its explosion range. The second way this can be used is the user will perform a single hand seal and cause the pillar instead to shoot up out of the ground of the same size, then releasing their chakra into it they can cause a spark, detonating the gunpowder in a powerful explosion destroying everything within the 15m range releasing the shockwave from the point of creation. This can be created in the earth at any depths.
- Can only be 3 times per battle with 2 turns between uses
- No Gunpowder techniques of A-rank and above for two turns
- The user can passively create the spark in the pillar causing it to ignite/detonate at any point, even in the same timeframe as the pillar being created. Though it can't be made within 5m of the opponent.


Kayakuton: Furagumentēshon kōzan | Gunpowder: Fragmentation Mine

Type: Offensive
Rank: A/S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30/40
Damage: 60/80
Description: The Fragmentation Mine Technique is a very unique technique where the user will channel his gunpowder chakra through the earth performing one hand seal, creating a field, which has the enemy as the epicentre, where the entire ground beneath the surface turns into a unique mine made of gunpowder, however this does not change or make the ground shift or shake in anyway, meaning there would be no feeling of change on the surface, where any sort of change in pressure on the ground will cause an explode. This meaning if the person moves as much as lifting a foot, or shifting his weight and balance, it would detonate as it would change the pressure as well as create friction beneath the surface, causing the sparks that would ignite and cause the explosion. As such this area which covers a field of up to mid-range from the enemy will make an explosion of fragments. The explosion itself is an upwards explosion that happens immediately as the pressure changes, creating a massive upwards explosion of earth and rock fragments combined with forceful shockwave from the explosion itself, tearing through bones, flesh, metals and everything due to the explosion and the shockwave caused by the initial blast, this shockwave would travel 15m upwards containing no chakra, throwing everything above the detonation into the air carrying the full damage of this technique's chose rank. This technique can be used as one large Fragmentation Mine (S-rank version), or as three separate Fragmentation Mines which are spread out anywhere on the field of the users choosing (A-rank, with each of the three fields gathering up to A-rank). When it is the A-rank version of the technique the three different mines covers a short range around them on the field each. The sheer force of the explosion would be able to rip through A/S-rank metals respectfully to the rank used of this technique. Additionally, with a single hand seal, the user can cause any of the mines to explode by creating a spark within the gunpowder passively detonating the gunpowder.
- The S-rank version of the technique can be performed twice per match
- Must have a 2 turn cooldown between each use, when using the S-rank version
- The A-rank version may be performed three times per match
- The user can cause the Fragmentation Mine(s) to explode with a single hand seal and a move cost
- No Gunpowder jutsu above A rank in the following turn if the S rank variant is used

Previous Approval:
(Kayakuton - Ragunaroku, Kamigami No Hakai) Gunpowder - Ragnarok, The Destruction of the Gods
Rank: S
Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 40
A newly developed technique which has become known as Ragnarok, the destruction of the gods, for its sheer power and destruction. The technique relies heavily on the utilization of a massive amount of the users energy. The technique is initiated by the user after performing three hand seals, where then everything will commence. Beneath the surface, the ground will be grounded into almost dust particles, they will be combined with both fire and earth chakra, causing the formation of gunpowder within the earth itself. All of it will converge and form one enormous condensed orb of gunpowder within the ground at the users desired location, normally about 10m underground making it hard for doujutsu users to see it for the most part but not impossible for the likes of the Byakugan. With the orb forming, the user can passively create a spark within the gunpowder itself, this will cause the orb in the ground to instantaneously explode out in all directions, without warning, it will cause the earth beside and above it to violently explode out in all directions, ripping and tearing through everything in its path, trees, plants, buildings and people will be shredded and torn to nothing as the explosion and the shock wave moves across the land. The technique is large enough to hit everything 30m all around the point of detonation, the explosive crater large enough to take out a village, while the shockwave and after effects of the explosion will destroy everything around the area, blasting trees from the ground and causing buildings to come crumbling down. Should the user get caught in the blast, he will suffer the same damage unless he defends himself from it. The shockwave carries the full damage of the technique pushing everything outwards and scorching it in the process.
Usable twice per event. Two turns between uses
Note: The user can't use gunpowder jutsu A rank and above in the following turn

-Updates all Approved- You know honestly I considered this briefly but it's actually a really good usage of gunpowder to make the secondary detonation void of chakra since it's a byproduct.
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Active member
Jun 18, 2009
Trait Points
Updating Bless of Lengba
Mushroom Release Approved

(Masshuru-Muton: Chiyu no Ten'on ) Mushroom Style: Bless of Legba

Type: Defensive/Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description: User is capable of producing multiple strands of enhanced therapeutic fungus that can act as antibiotics and antagonists of infectious agents such as Germ Release, Nano bugs, etc. It's up to the user's own mastery to balance the aggressiveness of the jutsu, being so that the user is able to range from fungus able to clean several branches of bacteria and germs to actual nano-bugs and even develop heavy allergic reactions on the patient/opponent's skin and body. These battle-oriented strands' effect range from simple redness and boils (similar to a 2nd/3rd degree burn) to actual necrosis of the touched area, varying with the time the user stays infected (3 turns for max effect). The symptoms start to occur a few moments after contact and progress rapidly. The technique is more efficient if used by a person with medical knowledge, such as a med-nin or a med-school Student, able to kill up to techniques up to S rank or generally work faster (Aggressive strands are cut down 1 turn to achieve max effects.). The strands are deployed through direct physical contact with the enemy. The user focuses her chakra through her skin in order to cover it with the desired fungus, either completely or in a specific spot. By doing this, the users skin in that spot gains a slight coloration unique to each user of Mushroom release.

Note: Activation lasts 2 turns and has a 2 turn cool down once it wears off.
Note: Bless of Legba has the ability to heal the user or the target for up to 60 HP each turn, when used by Medical Ninja non-aggressively. The maximum amount it can heal can be split across multiple targets.

-Approved- I made some edits to clarify, it's 60 each turn it's active, so two turns and I changed cold down to cool down.
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Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points
Carbon Approval


(Carbon Transmutation | Tanso henkan)
Rank: N/a
Range: Short-long
Chakra: N/a
Damage: N/a
Description: This is a passive jutsu used in the same time as a carbon technique. This outlines what allotropes of carbon is formed and the effect it carries due to that allotropes. Carbon has several allotropes, or different forms in which it can exist. These allotropes include graphite and diamond, which have very different properties. As outlined within the element the following can be made with the following effects:

Graphite is the only non-metal element that is a good conductor of electricity. In RP terms, this allows carbon that is formed as graphite to conduct electricity. Forming it in this way will remove it's weakness to lightning, allowing it to play on neutral terms to lightning based elements. Because it is a solid material, it is known as a dry lubricant. This is useful in applications where “wet” lubricants, such as oil, cannot be used. This allows the user to make carbon sticky and to stick to an object or person.

Lonsdaleite, also called hexagonal diamond, has been widely used as a marker of asteroidal impacts. It is thought to play a central role during the graphite-to-diamond transformation, and calculations suggest that it possesses mechanical properties superior to diamond. This being one of the hardest forms of carbon increases the damage and defensive capabilities of carbon by +1 rank or +20 damage to S ranks and above.

Carbon Nanotubes: CNTs can act as antennas for radios and other electromagnetic devices. Conductive CNTs are used in brushes for commercial electric motors. They replace traditional carbon black. The nanotubes improve electrical and thermal conductivity because they stretch through the plastic matrix of the brush. Carbon created with this form releases signals from it, interfering with any technology. These waves are released short range around the carbon (5m). This essentially prevents any technology from working within range of the carbon.

Note: This is a passive technique applied to a carbon jutsu just altering it's structure as it forms as outlined within the element
Note: Only one of each application can applied to a jutsu at any given time.

-Update Approved-

Made so many changes to fix wording etc so didn't bold.

(kurokongouseki tsubasa ) Carbon wings
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: short
Chakra Cost: 30 (5 per turn)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user will perform 2 hand seals, using their chakra, creating wings made from carbon out of the carbon atoms in the air or on the ground. These wings are an extension of the user and can be used for flight in battle. These wings protect the users back. These wings are 1 meter long each. The carbon in the wings has a unique structure known as Carbon nanotubes, an extremely durable but light carbon that makes it so the carbon is very light. This allows the user to fly using these wings. At the five charka per turn the use can maintain flight. The user can use an additional 15 chakra to draw the wings back to cause them to flap at a rapid rate to create a gust of wind to propel them in a rapid manor (x1.5 their base speed) in a linear manor. This can be used 3 times per battle, though can be done in the same timeframe as another technique. The wings last as long as the user fuels chakra into them allowing them flight passively where they move at their base speed.

-Pending- Just to clarify you want these to be permanently having the effect of carbon nanotube mentioned in the above technique? Cause that'll basically shut down all your own tech to presumably.

Completely rewrote so didn't bold

(kurokongouseki yoroi ) Carbon armour
Rank: S rank
Type: Attack/Defence
Range: short
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: (80)
Description: The user will release a surge use their chakra creating a layer of carbon all over their body. They create the carbon so the atoms are formed in a way to create the layer of carbon in one of its hardest forms Nanocarbon. This armour is especially useful against taijutsu users. The carbon is so hard that on impact of pure taijutsu techniques, the opponent will hurt themselves when punching/kicking the carbon (1/2 of the original's technique damage). The armour is made from Nano carbon that has a solid structure but is bendable as to no hinder the users movements as seen in military armours. The carbon covers the users entire body apart from his mouth and eyes. The armour forms near instantly as it draws on the carbon in the air or the users body to form it from combined with chakra. The armour takes the form of a traditional knight, though the user can passively reshape it at the cost of 5 chakra, creating weapons or spikes from it, much like the "Earth Release: Hardening Technique", when used for attacks these deal 80 damage.

Note: Can be used twice, lasting up to 4 turns. With 3 turns between uses.
Note: Once this ends the user cannot use carbon techniques above A rank in the following turn.

-Update Approved-

Majorly updating to suit current RP:

(kurokongouseki Seirei) - Carbon spirit
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary/Attack/Defence
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 60
Damage Points: 120
Description: The user will perform 3 hand seals combining their carbon release with Yang release to create the ultimate form of carbon. This true form is known as "Sindragosa", the great skeletal dragon that stands 20m tall and 30m long with ethereal flame that burns within it's eyes and body (Cosmetic only). Sindragosa has a wing span of 20 meters linked with a thin carbon material that allows for flight. The beast is made sentient through the influx of Yang chakra infused into when its formed. Up to 3 times per battle, this demon can focus the chakra within its body into its mouth and release a blast of chakra infused with Yang that plays on terms with elements. This breathe has a unique effect on anything it happens to touch. It drains the vitality of anything it comes into contact with, causing it to wither and die. In term of the RP, this burns chakra from what it comes into contact with up to 100 chakra.

The beast has the ability to fly as its wings are made from carbon fibre, one of the lightest known solids. The beast can flap its wings with great force to increase wind currents sending a blast of wind at their target like the leaf dragon god technique (S rank, 80 damage) counting as one of the users moves per turn. The beasts claws are as sharp as blades made of reinforced carbon (Carbon nanotubes) allowing it to strike with devastating force. The beast is semi sentient and capable of using any carbon techniques, acting on its own.

Note: Can only be used twice per battle with 3 turns between uses.
Note: Once this ends the user can't use carbon above A rank in the following turn.
Note: When the user forms this, in the following turn they can't use Yang techniques.
Note: No yin techniques within the same turn as this being formed.

-Declined- I think really the only problems with this is it doesn't really do much that's carbon related and the breath attack is a little off, yang doesn't really drain chakra like that, that's more of a yin based thing. It doesn't really drain vitality either but you can overload it, like with white tiger. By increasing someone's yang you can cause them to burn through their vitality at a accelerated rate "aging" them. Maybe you could achieve a similar effect to what you want by taking that route and try to include carbon a little more since this is a CEJ.
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Mar 11, 2014
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Liquid Indium Approval
Training thread
Permission for submitting and updating CEJ

( Ekitaiinjiumu | Mandos ) - Liquid Indium Release | Mandos
Rank: B-S
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 20-40
Damage points: 40-80
Description: A technique named after an ancient religion's warrior god. The user's weapon serves as a medium for Liquid Indium through this technique. The user will coat their blade in Liquid Indium to increase its potency, adding 20 damage to Bukijutsu techniques, by ejecting spurts of molten metal from the weapon. This constant flow is B rank in power and costs five chakra per turn to maintain while lasting up to four turns. This can be performed in the same timeframe as a Bukijutsu technique. Alternatively, the user can use their weapon as a medium to release Liquid Indium. This can be done in a focused manner through precise chakra control, or by swinging the weapon in the direction they wish to release waves of the element. For B rank this can be the size of the user and up to short-range. It can be three times the size of the user and reach mid-range for A rank, while S rank can reach up to 15m in radius. As the Liquid Indium is made from the user's chakra, it does not harm him while touching it. This technique can be used with any weapon as long as the user is holding it.

Note: B rank can be used four times per battle. A rank can be used thrice, and only once per turn. S rank can be used twice per battle with a two turn cooldown between uses.
Note: No Liquid Indium jutsu above A rank in the following turn when S rank is used.

-Approved- This writing is familiar

( Ekitaiinjiumu | Ulmo ) - Liquid Indium Release | Ulmo

Rank: A
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 30 (-10 per turn)
Damage points: 60 (+20)
Description: The user releases a surge of chakra throughout their body and changes its form. It will seem as though their body is melting, as if their skin is turning into Liquid Indium, which flows down like an erupted volcano. The user will retain their humanoid form, but consist entirely of liquid indium, which slowly pours down over the terrain around them. Initially, this will cover short range (5m) in all directions, gradually spreading 5m further every turn the user has it active. It will cover the earth, burning away everything (A rank and below following the S/Ws of Liquid Indium) as it spreads across the field. The user is capable of using this Liquid Lndium, or their own body, as a source for techniques. This form lasts up to 4 turns but can be ended at any time. When the user utilizes Taijutsu, their techniques will carry an additional twenty damage due to their body being covered in the element.

This form has a unique ability called "The Fall of Numenor", where the user releases a surge of chakra through their body, making it act like an actual volcano. Their body rises upwards and explodes up in a shower of Liquid Indium, taking the form of a droplet/mass of liquid. This is an A rank ability, costing thirty chakra points and deals sixty damage ( can be used in conjunction with the initial use of the Ulmo technique ). The user can use this as a form of attack or evasion, using the eruption of Liquid Indium as a distraction. Due to the Liquid Indium raining down everywhere, it will be almost impossible to locate the user, who can passively reform at any point after the eruption.

Note: This can be used three times per battle with two turns between uses.
Note: While in this form the user can only use Liquid Indium, Earth/Fire elements, and elements composed of the two. They can still utilize their universal abilities, etc.
Note: Once the user stops spreading the Liquid Indium, it will turn to solid metal as it cools

-Declined- There are a few small issues. Firstly you mention that it can burn away everything A rank and below, but given that this is A rank that isn't correct entirely, while it would destroy other neutral A ranks it would also be cancelled in the process. In regards to the fall of numenor ability the exploding yourself and reforming probably won't work how you're hoping, because you're not like a Hozuki or anything this explosion would kill you in a lot of situations, like if you blow yourself to bits and they just counter it with a S rank jutsu it forces you back to your initial state which now happens to be spread all over the place, probably not a route you want to go lmao.
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Mar 10, 2014
Trait Points
Element Approval
( I'm co-creator so idk if I need permission to sub CEJ, but if I do, it's the latest post on my profile. )

( Entropoton: Mugen no Sokumen ) Entropy ∞ Aspect of Infinity
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40 ( -10 per turn )
Damage: 80
Description: Aspect of Infinity is a technique that allows the manipulation of Entropy in its condensed form throughout the body and infusing it with the element. The jutsu requires three hand seals, after which the user becomes a more condensed form of Entropy which appears like a with a shimmering outer edge caused by the passive emission of radiation. Inside the user's body will appear to be filled with small pulses of light reminiscent of stars and their eyes will glow a blueish color. As per natural properties of the element, the user is able to phase through solid objects and those devoid of chakra such as the ground. This can be done passively while Aspect of Infinity is active but while phasing the user will be unable to deliver physical attacks such as free form and Taijutsu or perform techniques other than Entropy. The real strength behind this jutsu comes from the body, whereas the user is able to interact directly with their own energies, enhancing their attacks. While Aspect of Infinity is active, the user is able to perform Entropy techniques with added potency ( +1 rank to techniques up to S-rank, and +20 damage above S-rank ) while halving the number of required hand seals. This is to compensate for them being unable to perform any other forms of elemental Ninjutsu except for Fire and Lightning ( Entropy's component elements ) and elements composed of the two, as well non-chakra aided Taijutsu and of course, Entropy. If the user is to be sealed while Aspect of Infinity is active the Entropy chakra will disperse, ejecting the user while the energy is being absorbed. Likewise, if an attack were to overpower this jutsu, the resultant damage after clashing would carry to the user while the state deactivates. Can only be used twice per match, lasting four turns each, and has a two turn cool down.

CE approval is linked in the quoted post, and permission to sub CEJ is on my profile.

( Entropoton: Mugen no Sokumen ) Entropy ∞ Aspect of Infinity
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40 ( -10 per turn )
Damage: 80
Description: Aspect of Infinity is a technique that allows the manipulation of Entropy in its condensed form throughout the body and infusing it with the element. The jutsu requires three hand seals, after which the user becomes a more condensed form of Entropy which appears like a with a shimmering outer edge caused by the passive emission of radiation. Inside the user's body will appear to be filled with small pulses of light reminiscent of stars and their eyes will glow a blueish color. As per natural properties of the element, the user is able to phase through solid objects and those devoid of chakra such as the ground. This can be done passively while Aspect of Infinity is active but while phasing the user will be unable to deliver physical attacks such as free form and Taijutsu or perform techniques other than Entropy. The real strength behind this jutsu comes from the body, whereas the user is able to interact directly with their own energies, enhancing their attacks. While Aspect of Infinity is active, the user is able to perform Entropy techniques with added potency ( +1 rank to techniques up to S-rank, and +20 damage above S-rank ) while halving the number of required hand seals. This is to compensate for them being unable to perform other forms of elemental Ninjutsu, except for Fire and Lightning ( Entropy's component elements ) and elements primarily composed of either one, universal abilities, Taijutsu and of course, Entropy. If the user is to be sealed while Aspect of Infinity is active the Entropy chakra will disperse, ejecting the user while the energy is being absorbed. Likewise, if an attack were to overpower this jutsu, the resultant damage after clashing would carry to the user while the state deactivates. Can only be used twice per match, lasting four turns each, and has a two turn cool down.

-Declined- This update makes it to unrestricted honestly, primarily composed of either one and all universals means you're basically limiting yourself from next to nothing bar some base 5.

CE approved here:
Permission to sub:

Updating to reduce effects and match the rules about speed. Lowered the buffs a bit too.

( Uchiwaketon: Saisho no Uta - Zeusu no Yuigon ) | Breakdown Release: First Verse - Testament to Zeus
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B - S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 40 - 60
Damage: 80 - 120
Description: This is the basic creation technique of Breakdown Release. The user will combine their Yang with Fire Release to create a Breakdown Release technique. This can be released from the users body, formed out of their chakra in the air or from the ground. If formed out of the air or ground it must be 5m away from an opponent, unless the user himself is within that range. From there the user will create anything he can imagine; ranging from simple waves, pulses, streams, to shapes as intricate as weapons, houses, creatures, etc,. Due to being composed of Yang chakra, it will cost 40 chakra for a B rank then increasing by 10 chakra per rank. When releasing this jutsu the user will chose to apply the Degenerative or Regenerative effects outlined as followed:

  • B Rank: Prevent the use of F rank jutsu, reducing the target's current speed by 20%
  • A Rank: Prevent the use of S rank jutsu & above, reducing the target's current speed by 30%
  • S Rank: Prevent the use of A rank jutsu and above, reducing the target's current speed by 40%
  • B Rank: Heal up to 30, x1.5 speed, -10 damage, +10 tai
  • A-Rank: Heal up to 50, x2 speed, -15 damage, +15 tai
  • S-Rank: Heal up to 80, x2.5 speed, -30 damage, +20 tai
Note: For B rank and below, the user will use hand gestures to form the jutsu, for A rank the user will need to perform two hand seals, S rank will require three hand seals. A rank can be used once per turn up to 4 times per battle, S rank can be used two times per battle with three turns between uses and no Breakdown jutsu A rank and above in the following turn with all effects lasting 3 turns.

Approved, made some adjustments. Changed the speed reductions back to current and not base speed reductions. That creates a much bigger speed drop than an overall 40% cap like we placed. Also, keep in mind because this increases more than 1 main stat (speed, damage, tracking) at a time, it counts as a State/Mode and other states/modes cannot be used alongside it.

( Uchiwaketon: Daisansetsu - Hadesu Hanketsu ) | Breakdown Release: Third Verse - Hades Judgement
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B - S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 40 - 60
Damage: 60 - 120
Description: This jutsu revolves around the use of a bladed weapon, be it a sword, dagger, scythe, etc. The user will release a surge of Breakdown chakra into the blade, coating it in Breakdown Release, this can range from B - S rank, costing 40 chakra at B rank due to the Yang component, going up in increments of 10 per rank. With the Yang within Breakdown, the damage is naturally higher than normal jutsu. This technique focuses purely on the offensive aspect of Breakdown. With the blade as a medium, the user can swing their blade releasing the Breakdown in different forms, from a spread out wave to a focused slice depending on their needs. These waves will have the unique properties of Breakdown in the sense that they give off no heat and will follow their target if they try to dodge. Along with the damage applied on contact, Breakdown will burn away at a targets chakra system. This will affect enemies negatively, causing degenerative effects :

  • B Rank: Prevent the use of F rank jutsu, reducing the target's current speed by 20%
  • A Rank: Prevent the use of S rank jutsu & above, reducing the target's current speed by 30%
  • S Rank: Prevent the use of A rank jutsu and above, reducing the target's current speed by 40%
Note: B rank can be used 4 times per battle. A rank can be used 3 times per battle, with a turn between uses. S rank can be used two times per battle with two turns between uses with all effects lasting for 3 turns. Following the use of S rank the user can't use Breakdown in the same turn. A rank usage warrants a 1 turn cool down of Third Verse - Hades Judgement, S rank usage warrants a two turn cool down.

CE approval is linked in the quoted post.

( Uchiwaketon: Zeusu no Yuigon ) | Breakdown Release: Testament to Zeus
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B - S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 40 - 60
Damage: 80 - 120
Description: This is the basic creation technique of Breakdown Release. The user will combine their Yang with Fire Release to create a Breakdown Release technique. This can be released from the users body, formed out of their chakra in the air or from the ground. If formed out of the air or ground it must be 5m away from an opponent, unless the user himself is within that range. From there the user will create anything he can imagine; ranging from simple waves, pulses, streams, to shapes as intricate as weapons, houses, creatures, etc,. Due to being composed of Yang chakra, it will cost 40 chakra for a B rank then increasing by 10 chakra per rank. When releasing this jutsu the user will chose to apply the Degenerative or Regenerative effects. The Degenerative effects only apply to enemies of the user, while the Regenerative effects only apply to the allies of the user. These effects are outlined as followed:

  • B Rank: Prevent the use of F rank jutsu, reducing the target's current speed by 20%
  • A Rank: Prevent the use of S rank jutsu & above, reducing the target's current speed by 30%
  • S Rank: Prevent the use of A rank jutsu and above, reducing the target's current speed by 40%
  • B Rank: Heal up to 30, x1.5 speed, -10 damage, +10 tai
  • A-Rank: Heal up to 50, x2 speed, -15 damage, +15 tai
  • S-Rank: Heal up to 80, x2.5 speed, -30 damage, +20 tai
This technique, being semi sentient, will only harm those who the user perceives as enemies, where the flames will simply pass over their allies. The flames of breakdown will always damage the enemies of the user regardless of which effects are applied.

Note: For B rank and below, the user will use hand gestures to form the jutsu, for A rank the user will need to perform two hand seals, S rank will require three hand seals. A rank can be used once per turn up to 4 times per battle, S rank can be used three times per battle with two turns between uses and no Breakdown jutsu above A rank in the following turn with all effects lasting 3 turns.

( Uchiwaketon: Hadesu Hanketsu ) | Breakdown Release: Hades Judgement
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B - S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 40 - 60
Damage: 60 - 120
Description: This jutsu revolves around the use of a bladed weapon, be it a sword, dagger, scythe, etc. The user will release a surge of Breakdown chakra into the blade, coating it in Breakdown Release, this can range from B - S rank, costing 40 chakra at B rank due to the Yang component, going up in increments of 10 per rank. With the Yang within Breakdown, the damage is naturally higher than normal jutsu. This technique focuses purely on the offensive aspect of Breakdown. With the blade as a medium, the user can swing their blade releasing the Breakdown in different forms, from a spread out wave to a focused slice depending on their needs. These waves will have the unique properties of Breakdown in the sense that they give off no heat and will follow their target if they try to dodge. Along with the damage applied on contact, Breakdown will burn away at a targets chakra system. This will affect enemies negatively, causing degenerative effects :

  • B Rank: Prevent the use of F rank jutsu, reducing the target's current speed by 20%
  • A Rank: Prevent the use of S rank jutsu & above, reducing the target's current speed by 30%
  • S Rank: Prevent the use of A rank jutsu and above, reducing the target's current speed by 40%
This technique, being semi sentient, will only harm those who the user perceives as enemies, while the flames will simply pass over their allies.

Note: B rank can be used 4 times per battle. A rank can be used 3 times per battle, with a turn between uses. S rank can be used three times per battle with two turns between uses with all effects lasting for 3 turns. Following the use of S rank the user can't use Breakdown in the same turn. A rank usage warrants a 1 turn cool down of Hades Judgement, S rank usage warrants a two turn cool down.

-Both updates approved-
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