Custom Summoning Submission

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Jun 18, 2009
Trait Points
Summoning Animal: ( Yako no Kitsune ) Nightmare Fox

Scroll Owner:
Other Users who have signed contract: N/A
Summoning Boss if existing: N/A
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: N/A
Description and Background:

Nightmare Fox, or Demonic Foxes are demonic entities made of fear, dread and horror. They are the legendary beings that populate the darkest places of our mind and prey on our dreams and hopes, filling them with dread, fear and nightmares. While the western culture knows them as shadowy entitites that manifest within our fears and nightmares, the Yako are fox-like yokai, based on the tales of the mischiveous foxes that cause spiritual and physical illness with their possession or contact with the common folk, until their spiritual enlightment grows and their tails multiply.

The Nightmare Fox, or the Yako Kitsune, appear as a black or white fox with a single tail and crimson or golden eyes, though many can appear to have red or other markings, personal to every fox. They prey on people's mind by playing tricks and possessing them, or by shapeshifting into other beings. Their method of attack, which stems from their original tail, is through Genjutsu and their Ghastly Fox-Fire, a gas-like flame that burns lazily and palely. They can use this ghastly flame to deal spiritual damage onto others, infuse their techniques with it and to possess others, stealing their abilities and wearing off their mental fortitude.

The act of possessing others is part of their journey for spiritual enlightment. The possession will allow them to acquire other abilities which will allow them to grow a tail, up to the ninth tail, where they typically acquire a golden fur and are considered at the zenith of their spiritual power and enlightment. Their Sanctuary is a black meadow within two hills. It is always night time within the meadow, and the grass blows with an eerie sound of death. Multiple white birches cover the base of the hills, a stark contrast in front of the black grass. It is called Yama-no-Okami.

Unique Ability #1 - Spiritual Enlightment/Possession - The Heaven Fox

The first unique ability of the Nightmare Foxes is through their spiritual journey. They are capable of possessing the summoner or their targets through a spiritual tether. This tether can be achieved through contact with their body or techniques, or through the natural blood link they share with their summoner. Abilities stolen from the summoner allows the Nightmare Fox to acquire both Cannon and Custom techniques the summoner knows. Techniques stolen from a target will only be based on Cannon techniques, with the exception of CE or CFS.

When they are summoned, they usually possess 1 tail, which is the Spiritual Tail that gives them access to their first abilities: Basic Genjutsu & Ghastly Fox-Fire ( Barring CFS or Doujutsu-based Genjutsu ) which is always tethered to their summoner ( Canon and Customs the user knows on the category of Basic Genjutsu ). Every turn, they can pull on a category of jutsu ( Elemental, Genjutsu, KG, Advanced Ninjutsu, etc ) that either their summoner knows or they possess from a target using an appropriate attack. Different elemental natures count as different categories, such as Fire and Water being caught in diferent tails. Advanced Elements do not require the elements that compose it, as the ability is spiritually stolen from whom they possess. The Nightmare Fox becomes complete and enlightened after 9 turns, where it acquires 9 tails, which can happen only at the 9th turn after summoning the fox, at minimum.

While there are no requirements when the Nightmare Fox grows a tail from their summoner, with the exception of being turn based, and are capable of using Canon and Custom techniques that they own, certain requirements are in place for stealing abilities from others: The Fox must hit their target or counter their techniques using it's body ( Taijutsu and similar ) or their abilities ( Foxfire, Genjutsu, Ninjutsu, etc ). For the second tail, the fox is required to neutralize or overpower at least an E rank technique or hit the target freestyle taijutsu or E rank technique. Overpower or neutralize a D rank for the third tail or hit with similar ranked technique directly, C rank for the fourth tail, B rank for the fifth tail, A rank for the sixth tail and S rank for the seventh tail. Requirements for the 8th and 9th folllow additional requirements.

As the possession is Spiritual nature, it can be countered with a Yin and/or Yang surge, or an Anutu surge. Thus, in order to steal these abilities, they have to either be grown from the summoner or by overpowering a technique of this nature, while restricting the usage of a second surge throughout the same turn. Stolen powers will grow a tail at the beginning of the next turn, if the Spiritual Possession was not blocked, by using the specific technique Spiritual Enlightment.

Unique Ability 2# - Ghastly Foxfire

Nightmare Foxes are capable of producing a demonic smoke or gas through their body that they are capable of materializing or manipulate through chakra. The smoke produced by the Nightmares has a corporeal substance to it, in the sense that it can be compressed and interact with other physical objects and entities, but is Spiritual in nature. It glows in an eerie green colour, almost like a pale and lazy flame.

This gas carries Spiritual damage, instead of Physical. The smoke can be used to form constructs that can be thrown at their opponents or other techniques, playing in equal fields with Ninjutsu and Elemental Ninjutsu ( Neutral S&W ). Upon physical contact or inhalation of the smoke, the target will feel hallucinogenic effects, translated as drunken daze, and is a vessel through which the Nightmares cast Genjutsu. ( Ghastly Foxfire will be submitted as a CSCJ, and is not Canon Smoke Ninjutsu ).

Basic Ability 1# - Mischievous Illusion

Nightmares are capable of using Genjutsu, which can be cast handsealessly or by contact with the Ghastly Fox-Fire. Genjutsu cast through the eerie smoke will require the target to absorb/seal or counter the smoke in order to then release from the genjutsu, or use a method that does both at the same time, like a chakra Surge of sufficient rank. They can use Canon and Custom Genjutsu, not Sound Genjutsu, Doujutsu or CFSJ, as their First Tail, though can acquire and mix in other forms of Genjutsu as they grow tails. Their paws have been developed in order to perform makeshift handseals for any categories that they acquire that are outside the Genjutsu spectrum.

Basic Ability 2# - Nightmare Spiritual Resistance

As Nightmares are creatures that prey on the target's psyche and mind, they are resistant to Spiritual damage attacks like Genjutsu and Spiritual-based Yin techniques, shaving off -20 damage from techniques that deal spiritual damage.

Basic Ability 3# - Ghostly Apparation

Nightmares are capable of flight, traveling at the speed of the average Jounin. Their tracking, though, is spiritual in nature, allowing them to sense Spiritual Entities and Chakra, acquiring a +5 tracking to their Base level, though always within the same landmark.

Declined, too much going on here; starting with the basics, each ability is meant to be one ability only. These go over that, I’ll show what I mean. Basic 1 has both Apex Handseal as an ability as well as Genjutsu Usage ( granted, this one is minor as we tend to allow summonings to have either Apex Handseal or a form of substitute that allows sealless ninjutsu, Basic 2 has just the Mitigation Perk, reducing damage which is another standard ability. Basic 3 has, in just a short sentence, Jounin Speed, Spiritual Sensory, Enhanced Tracking as well as Flight (flight being the most minor one here). This is considered 3 different abilities minimum here (Speed, Sensory and Enhanced Tracking) which definitely will not be allowed in one perk as it bypasses the 3 Basics limit. Tl;dr You essentially have Genjutsu Usage, Damage Mitigation, Jounin Speed, Spiritual Sensory and Enhanced Tracking as your Basics when you can only have 3 max. Remove any 2 of these.

Now the actual problematic part: the first Unique ability. The range of this ( not battle ranges, but the scope ) is far too high to allow for a contract. As of now, there are 2 contracts that allow the theft/usage of abilities not inherent to the contract/summoning: In the case of Korra’s contract, the summoning can gain the opponent’s KG or equivalent but it requires all 3 summonings lifecycle to accomplish. Tengu gain more abilities the longer they are near their bonded host in a 4 turn system (Gaining AN/HA then Universal/Mode and then KG or AE in consecutive turns). Both of these are only allowed the canon customs of these fields they gain access to as a trade off for the ability theft/mimicry. These all have some form of difficulty in usage or require some extended set up system to accomplish their goals and even then, there is an inherent limit based on the fields accessible.

You wish to have a contract that gains access to abilities and techniques ( canon or custom ) through simply blocking a technique with your body, sometimes as easy as with a D rank if possible. This is far too easy and simple to allow in this set up. Having spoken with Imperfect and Daemon, we agreed on certain things about it. For starters, there needs to be some system where it’s harder to acquire, even if marginally. Remaining within short range of a target nonstop is more difficult to achieve vs countering any jutsu they launch, for example. You can’t just go as easy as “I block this A rank with an A rank and gain a 4th Tail that I decide is Sound Release ). There needs to be more consistency with how it’s gained as well. Random selections won’t fly ( “I pick Fire as my first ability and Rinnegan as my second ability this fight but last fight, I chose MS as my first ability and then Fire as my second” type thing). Like described with Tengu, the first turn grants either the HA or AN. Second turn, a Universal or Mode, etc. Simply having it set at anything of the user’s discretion can cause the ability to be too broken early in when something like this would only be allowed in a staggered/rising system where turn by turn, stronger abilities access is gained. A suggestion would be Turns 1-2 = Basics, Turns 3-4 = AN/HA/AE, Turns 5-6= etc, or even having it be divided by Tiers. This would allow it to progressively become stronger over time with more abilities because stealing a KG or a higher end Tiered ability would not be approved. In addition to this, customs of any kind is a hard no for any contract that steals abilities/mimics them. The only time this is allowed is when you can only steal/mimic one ability and a low level one, such as a HA. Because the contract steals up to 9 abilities, it definitely won’t have any access to any customs - user or opponent’s ( unrelated but certain abilities directly mention being unable to be stolen such as Anutu fields and thus, can’t be replicated either way ).

Tl;dr = There needs to be a harder system to steal abilities as simply blocking techs won’t fly. The 9 abilities stolen needs to be progressively stronger as the time it’s presents is extended, be it Tiers or some other clearly defined system. Custom access is a hard no that can’t be bypassed ( the only exception here is due to the First Basic ability and only allows access to Basic Genjutsu which is none elemental or Sound/Doujutsu/Yin Enhanced/etc. And the Possession ability also needs to be reworked. While there exists several abilities, both canon and custom, that allow one to become possessed by some entity, this one is very, very undefined and vague and as is, is considered a completely separate ability than the actual detailed ability in the first Unique ( Ability Theft/Mimicry ). The Possession parts need to go or become it’s own Unique ability, at which case the smoke has to go. Speaking of which, the actual smoke related ability is fine. Keep in mind this wont be allowed to be used as a source for custom Gens as well. I have yet to read the bottom two techs as the contract was declined and as such, these may drastically change as well.
Summoning Animal: ( Yako no Kitsune ) Nightmare Fox

Scroll Owner:
Other Users who have signed contract: N/A
Summoning Boss if existing: N/A
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: N/A
Description and Background:

Nightmare Fox, or Demonic Foxes are demonic entities made of fear, dread and horror. They are the legendary beings that populate the darkest places of our mind and prey on our dreams and hopes, filling them with dread, fear and nightmares. While the western culture knows them as shadowy entitites that manifest within our fears and nightmares, the Yako are fox-like yokai, based on the tales of the mischiveous foxes that cause spiritual and physical illness with their contact with the common folk, until their spiritual enlightment grows and their tails multiply.

The Nightmare Fox, or the Yako Kitsune, appear as a black or white fox with a single tail and crimson or golden eyes, though many can appear to have red or other markings, personal to every fox. They prey on people's mind by playing tricks, or by shapeshifting into other beings. Their method of attack, which stems from their original tail, is through Genjutsu and their Ghastly Fox-Fire, a gas-like flame that burns lazily and palely. They can use this ghastly flame to deal spiritual damage onto others, infuse their techniques with it and to possess others, stealing their abilities and wearing off their mental fortitude.

The act of feeding off from the abilities others is part of their journey for spiritual enlightment. It is an ability that allows them to acquire other powers which will allow them to grow a tail, up to the ninth tail, where they typically acquire a golden fur and are considered at the zenith of their spiritual power and enlightment. Their Sanctuary is a black meadow within two hills. It is always night time within the meadow, and the grass blows with an eerie sound of death. Multiple white birches cover the base of the hills, a stark contrast in front of the black grass. It is called Yama-no-Okami.

Unique Ability #1 - Spiritual Enlightment - The Heaven Fox

The first unique ability of the Nightmare Foxes is through their spiritual journey. They are capable of retrieving abilities from their summoner or their targets through a spiritual tether. This tether can be achieved through the natural blood link they share with their summoner. Abilities retrieved from the summoner allows the Nightmare Fox to gain access to their cannon arsenal in that category, with the exception of Nightmare Fox Arts and Genjutsu, or otherwise specified in specific jutsu, whereas only cannon abilities and techniques can be retrieved from abilities stolen from other targets.

When they are summoned, they usually possess 1 tail, which is the Spiritual Tail that gives them access to their first abilities: Basic Genjutsu & Ghastly Fox-Fire ( Barring Elemental, Yin, CFS or Doujutsu-based Genjutsu ) which is always tethered to their summoner ( allowing the Fox to use what the user knows in the category of Basic Genjutsu, custom and canon ). Every turn, they can pull on a category of jutsu ( Elemental, Genjutsu, KG, Advanced Ninjutsu, etc ) that either their summoner knows or that they steal from a target using an appropriate attack. Different elemental natures count as different categories, such as Fire and Water being caught in diferent tails. Advanced Elements do not require the elements that compose it, as the ability is spiritually stolen from whom they possess. The Nightmare Fox becomes complete and enlightened after 9 turns, where it acquires 9 tails, which can happen only at the 9th turn after summoning the fox, at minimum.

While there are no requirements when the Nightmare Fox grows a tail from their summoner, with the exception of being turn based, certain requirements are in place for stealing abilities from others: The Fox must hit their target or counter their techniques using it's body ( Taijutsu and similar ) or their abilities ( Foxfire, Genjutsu, Ninjutsu, etc ). In order to steal an ability, the Fox has to be Short-Range from both the technique and the target upon countering it and has to match the ability it wants to steal. So the Fox must be near a Fire technique and counter it in order to acquire the Fire Element from a target. The Fox is capable of stealing increasingly higher tier abilities from others, or keep stealing from previous tiers as their tails grow, up to a maximum of Tier 4 abilities. ( The Fox can still acquire Tier 5 or 6 from the summoner, but won't be able to use them if the user does not have access to them, or if they are not accessible prior to acquiring the tail ( Like if the user became blind from overusing EMS, the Fox won't be able to grow a tail from the user and acquire that ability. If the tail has been acquired prior to that, the Fox can keep it ). When stealing from others, even if it is a customizeable ability like the MS, the Fox will always acquire the generic/canon version of the ability.

Tail 1-2: Can steal Tier 0 abilities from others.
Tail 3-4: Can steal up to Tier 1 abilities from others. ( Countering a technique C rank or higher )
Tail 5-6: Can steal up to Tier 2 abilities from others. ( Countering a technique B rank or higher )
Tail 7-8: Can steal up to Tier 3 abilities from others. ( Countering a technique A rank or higher )
Tail 9: Can steal up to Tier 4 abilities from others. ( Countering a technique S rank or higher )

Stealing happens in the moment that the technique is countered, and, thus, can be avoided by moving out of range from the Fox at that moment. Likewise, the stealing can be mitigated by coordinating one's techniques in order to use a tier above that of what the Fox can acquire, or by avoiding using abilities that they don't want to be stolen.

The Enlightment Ability can only be used once per turn, to grow one tail associated with a single ability. It reaches a maximum of nine tails. Different summons can start off as having more than one tail, clearly described in each technique to be submitted, and can then add on to them following the method and rules described here. The Nightmare Fox is a spiritual entity that is linked with the soul of the summoner; whereas each individual fox can possibly manifest an endless combination of abilities in their path to enlightment, these tails will be lost after a set amount of time ( Lasts a single Arc/Story Arc ), afterwhich they revert back to their original tails, in order to start their journey again.

Unique Ability 2# - Ghastly Foxfire

Nightmare Foxes are capable of producing a demonic smoke or gas through their body that they are capable of materializing or manipulate through chakra. The smoke produced by the Nightmares has a corporeal substance to it, in the sense that it can be compressed and interact with other physical objects and entities, but is Spiritual in nature. It glows in an eerie green colour, almost like a pale and lazy flame.

This gas carries Spiritual damage, instead of Physical. The smoke can be used to form constructs that can be thrown at their opponents or other techniques, playing in equal fields with Ninjutsu and Elemental Ninjutsu ( Neutral S&W ). Upon physical contact or inhalation of the smoke, the target will feel hallucinogenic effects, translated as drunken daze, and is a vessel through which the Nightmares cast Genjutsu. ( Ghastly Foxfire will be submitted as a CSCJ, and is not Canon Smoke Ninjutsu ).

Basic Ability 1# - Mischievous Illusion

Nightmares are capable of using Genjutsu, which can be cast handsealessly or by contact with the Ghastly Fox-Fire. Genjutsu cast through the eerie smoke will require the target to absorb/seal or counter the smoke in order to then release from the genjutsu, or use a method that does both at the same time, like a chakra Surge of sufficient rank. They can use Canon and Custom Genjutsu, not Sound Genjutsu, Doujutsu or CFSJ, as their First Tail, though can acquire and mix in other forms of Genjutsu as they grow tails. Their paws have been developed in order to perform makeshift handseals for any categories that they acquire that are outside the Genjutsu spectrum.

Basic Ability 2# - Nightmare Spiritual Resistance

As Nightmares are creatures that prey on the target's psyche and mind, they are resistant to Spiritual damage attacks like Genjutsu and Spiritual-based Yin techniques, shaving off -20 damage from techniques that deal spiritual damage.

Basic Ability 3# - Ghostly Sensorial

Nightmares are capable of flight and have an increased perception akin to a Spiritual Sensory, allowing them to sense Chakra and Spiritual Based entities like Hungry Ghost, which they use to survey the terrain and their opponent, as they follow along in their journey of Enlightment.

Declined, closer to being approved now but still some things to address and clear up. Starting with the Ghostly Sensorial, it states “increased perception akin to a Spiritual Sensory, allowing them to sense Chakra and Spiritual based entities”. The issue with this is these are two different types of Sensory: Chakra Sensory, sensing chakra, or Spiritual Sensory, sensing spiritual entities/energy. Phrasing it how it is written suggests it’s both or something else which still needs clearer and more direct wording.

As for the Unique ability, I’ve thought it over and this is how I’m going to allow this to operate, based on your new edits. If the Fox strikes the target with the intention of stealiing their abilities, it will take a move per turn. Only Tails 7-9 can replicate the user’s Tier 5 and up abilities, you can’t skip tiers by countering higher ranking techs and Summonings cannot start with more than 4 Tails, meaning the 3 Summonings you submit cannot start with more than 4 Tails when created. And lastly, I’m still hesitant about allowing 9 different abilities to be stolen/replicated across 3 different animals And potentially more if the slots are obtained. Depending on the edits you make, the 9 tails may become thematic and cap at a slightly lower number. No guarantees on that, though.
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Jan 24, 2013
Trait Points
Legendary Contract Purchase: Here.

Summoning Animal: Ahamkara - Wish Dragons

Scroll Owner: Imperfect
Other Users who have signed contract: N/A

Summoning Boss: Endymion, of the First Brood
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: Azem, the Wandering Sun & Elpis, the Last Hope

Description and Background: Ahamkara are ancient colossal, draconic beasts of immense power. Ahamkara vary greatly in size, an effect caused both by natural growth and their shapeshifting ability. They are capable of taking on any form they wish, however underneath it all they possess dragon-like or serpentine forms, hence the name "Wish Dragons". They are known to alter their forms in response to the expectations of their viewers; for example, when engaging with someone who perceives them as a monster, they react by assuming a more monstrous form, while those who have no preconceptions may be able to see them as they truly are, and those swept up in the mysticism of their wish-granting capabilities will see benevolent, awe-inspiring majestic dragons with radiant plumage. All, and yet paradoxically neither of these are objectively true when they are concerned, as they are driven by the slightest whims, whether their own or those of others. They possess a mystical energy that defies reality which they use to enact and enforce Faustian bargains, promising to fulfill one's desires in exchange for intangible concepts to subsist themselves. This is typically achieved through a verbal contract consisting of the phrase: "O/Oh (subject) mine". An Ahamkara may grant one strength they were never meant to achieve, but that strength could in turn lead to a demise that was never meant for them, and from that change the Ahamkara can feed. In other instances they act as "empathavores" subsisting off of one's emotions, whether positive or negative, with stronger emotions being more flavorful.

Given their propensity for lies and deception, their unique power, and most of all their reputation as formidable beasts, they were hunted to the brink of extinction centuries ago during the " ", a dark period wherein the draconic beasts were relentlessly hunted by dozens, if not hundreds of renowned beast slayers, all of whom wished to slay these great beasts of eld. Whether for personal gain, the thrill and challenge of the hunt itself or revenge, it didn't matter. In the end the Ahamkara's own power, Dynamis, was the catalyst for their downfall, granting these hunters what they wished for with all their hearts; the Ahamkara's death. This manifested in unstable and unpredictable ways, making the hunt dangerous for both hunter and prey alike. This lead to the near extinction of the species, with the few survivors retreating to the furthest corners of the world, where they hid and slumbered. Since then they have naturally entered the realm of myth, with few accounts of their existence surviving the test of time, and none containing the truth. Many took the bones of Ahamkara slain and fashioned them into trophies, adorning their weapons and armor, wearing them proudly as a symbol of renown that they had managed to slay one of these terrifying beasts. Strangely, after an unknown period of time wearing or wielding these trophies, people began experiencing auditory hallucinations, as if the bones themselves were speaking to them... O' bearer mine.

Basic - Morphê: Despite being monolithic beasts in their natural state, Ahamkara have the power to shapeshift, allowing them to alter various aspects of their bodies at will. If an Ahamkara is so inclined, they could change themselves into a butterfly. Despite how convincing this is, they are an Ahamkara in all but form, and taking the appearance of a given thing does not automatically give an Ahamkara the biology or capabilities of that thing. Additionally Morphê has one fatal flaw; reflective surfaces and materials allow anyone to see an Ahamkara's true form, regardless of whatever form they have decided to take. This extends to more advanced senses, such as Sensory abilities, Dōjutsu, etc, allowing logical methods to appropriately perceive Ahamkara. The full extent and capabilities of Shapeshifting will be clarified per each individual Summoning Animal on the contract.​
Basic - Empatheia: In tandem with their unique power, Ahamkara developed an extrasensory perception; Empathy, the ability to perceive emotions, and more specifically desires, which they leverage against their prey when establishing contracts. This equates to a passive sensory ability which extends up to 1 adjacent Landmark in all directions and grants them a x3 tracking modifier, and in the case of signers specifically links both parties, allowing emotions to be perceived in a two-way connection.​

Unique - Dynamis: Meaning a state of that which is not yet fully realized, Dynamis is a unique, Chakraless energy that the Ahamkara utilize. As they predate the distribution of Chakra to the world, they don't have access to the now common internal energy. Instead what they possess is a raw form of energy which reacts strongly to emotions in the form of desire, referred to as "wishes". Through wishes Ahamkara enter contracts, binding themselves to individuals, lending them their power, or utilizing Dynamis to fulfill their desires. This is due to Dynamis' raw potential, as through wishes it can assume countless shapes, states and forms. For example if one wished for a torrent of flame to burn their enemies to a crisp, an Ahamkara's Dynamis could assume the physical form of a flame, while if another wished for riches, the Ahamkara's Dynamis could be converted into a mountain of treasure. Despite this, Dynamis is still Dynamis, and cannot completely emulate anything without limit, however being void of Chakra, it has one benefit; Dynamis in any state has no strengths or weaknesses. Flame created from Dynamis doesn't hold a strength over Wind Release, nor does Water Release hold one over it. Dynamis will be further explained, explored and performed through Contract Jutsu.

Basic - Entelecheia: Meaning the complete realization of one's innate potential, Ahamkara are entelechies of Dynamis. Being a type of energy only they can utilize with complete freedom, they are naturally capable of using Dynamis at a higher level than others, such as signers with with Naturalist specialty. As a result, any usage of Dynamis by an Ahamkara is automatically and passively increased by 1 Rank in effectiveness or +20 damage when and where applicable. Because of it's unique nature, only this boost can be applied to Dynamis, meaning no external boosts, especially those involving Chakra, can be applied. Finally due to this restriction, an Ahamkara may apply this boost a second time to a given use of Dynamis when applicable, but doing so prevents this boost from being usable for the remainder of the current turn, as well as the next turn.​

Unique - Epithymía: Also known as "Yeouiju" in the East meaning "Wish-Fulfilling Treasure", they are the source of an Ahamkara's power; their bones. Even after death an Ahamkara's power lingers, and if the Dragon's desire to live is strong enough, they carry on within their Epithymía. These bones were fashioned into arms and armor after the "Great Hunt", a macabre celebration of mankind's power. As they are still contracted animals, merely in another state of existence, signers of the Contract can summon these relics in combat, each containing both a semblance of the Ahamkara that they once were, as well as a fraction of their power; Dynamis. Epithymía will be further explained, explored and performed through Contract Ninjutsu.

Declined, my concern as I pointed out to you before is still the wide variety in which you can use these Wishes. Dynamis has incredible versatility due to the fact it can exist as any of the 5 base elemental forms + more if you chose to Wish for an offensive technique. It can be used to wish for a lot of things, both cosmetic and practical, because the sheer versatility of an ability only limited by your choice of words. I’m not a fan of how broad this ability can be and would certainly prefer it be more specific than essentially “anything I can wish for”. I made the Foxfire of Nightmare Foxes exist as a single state of matter, my Tengubi exists as just Fire. I think you being able to mimic all 5 elements and summon almost anything else is just too much lol. That’s teh only real issue I have with this, the Unique is so broad, it makes limiting it as a specific technique a bit more of an issue.
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Active member
Aug 25, 2010
Trait Points
Legendary Contract in Inventory:

Summoning Animal: Oozaru​
Scroll Owner: Serpent​
Other Users who have signed contract: N/A​
Summoning Boss if existing: (To be Submitted​
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: (To be submitted)​
You must be registered for see images
Description and Background:
Oozaru are massive legendary monkeys that live in a far distant land. They are a naturally aggressive warrior race who were once supposedly striving to be the strongest. It is believed that they once worshiped "Son Goku" the four tailed beast for a time, until he was sealed away within a mere human, breaking away in their belief in him. Over time the race of legendary monkey's faded and it is currently unknown how many still survive to this day. Many speculate that they never existed at all, and are merely fabled stories to scare children.​
Abilities and Traits: Oozaru are Legendary and massive creatures with some standard traits. Their massive physique rivaling that of the four tailed beast are not only durable, but powerful. This allows them to resist high amounts of physical damage and allows them to have high physical damage output and, because of their size their Taijutsu can reach out to long range. Along side their standard traits Oozaru have some unique abilities. First is their ability to manipulate nature energy known as Ki Energy. This is unique to Oozaru and can be used in a variety of ways. Ki Energy rivals elemental ninjutsu and are considered summoning ninjutsu.​
  • (Standard Ability) Damage Resistance: Oozaru physiques and thick fur hide give them high durability that reduces 20 damage from non spiritual techniques.​
  • (Standard Ability) Physical Strength: Oozaru physiques boasts powerful muscles that deal +20 to Taijutsu, being able to use standard canon taijutsu up S-rank​
  • (Standard Ability) Advanced Speed: Oozaru have incredible speed in spite of their massive size. Having a base speed equivalent to Jounin Ranked Ninja.​
  • (Unique Ability) Ki Energy: Oozaru naturally have nature energy flowing through them and developed this Senjutsu into their own unique summoning techniques called "Ki Energy" that play on par with elemental techniques. While this nature energy does not give their techniques a boost in damage, it does allows them to sense the world around them on par with Sage Mode Users.​
  • (Unique Ability) Ki Flight: Despite their massive physique and weight Oozaru have developed their Ki energy in a way that allows them to gain flight. Being able to fly and maneuver as fast as they can run.​

Approved, though I wouldn't have wasted a Unique ability slot on the flight. That's a basic ability that's something not considered an ability depending on anatomy.

(Kanpekinanin Ōzaru Sennin Modo) Perfect Oozaru Sage Mode
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra cost: N/A ( -10 turn to sustain )
Damage Points: N/A (+30 to Ninjutsu and Taijutsu up to S-rank)
Description: An empowered state of body achieved by blending natural energy with one’s physical and spiritual energy. The mode heightens performance on all levels by adding a new dimension of power to the user’s chakra. The state is a direct result of Senjutsu chakra circulating through the body. To enter this form, a minimum of 10% of the user’s maximum chakra reserve must be molded into Senjutsu chakra, all subsequent technique employ Senjutsu chakra until the minimum cost (-10/turn) cannot be paid to sustain the mode. Once activated the user will undergo physical alterations. Their hair is lengthened while becoming wilder, reaching down to the middle of their back, while two long pointed bangs of hair appear on both sides of the neck. The user will have increased muscularity while they gain a fur tail and a thick hide that helps aid the users resistant's to physical damage providing a damage resistance of 60 for the duration of this technique. As a payoff to this high level of resistance, this Sage Mode does not grant the user a healing factor. The user is able to passively sense chakra and his/her perception and reflexes are enhanced. Their strength increases, empowering Ninjutsu and Taijutsu techniques by 30 and increases the users speed, rivaling monkey sage mode. Additionally, the user is able to break out of Genjutsu, using Genjutsu release technique one rank lower than what he would normally be required. Lastly, gained though Oozaru's unique ability of Ki control. The user is able to make use of their ability of flight, being able to fly and maneuver as fast as they can run.
-Usable three times per battle by Perfect Sages and must wait two turns before using this technique again.
-Once per battle, the user is able to instantly activate Sage mode, with 10% of their maximum chakra reserve as Senjutsu Chakra.
-Perfect Sages can convert a maximum of 40% of their total chakra reserve
-Can only be used by Serpent

-Declined- That 60 damage resistance is a no, also you're kinda triple dipping with this, adding genjutsu resistance along with the highest boosts to both nin and taijutsu and the speed boost of monkey sage mode.
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(Kanpekinanin Ōzaru Sennin Modo) Perfect Oozaru Sage Mode
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra cost: N/A ( -10 turn to sustain )
Damage Points: N/A (+30 to Ninjutsu and Taijutsu up to S-rank)
Description: An empowered state of body achieved by blending natural energy with one’s physical and spiritual energy. The mode heightens performance on all levels by adding a new dimension of power to the user’s chakra. The state is a direct result of Senjutsu chakra circulating through the body. To enter this form, a minimum of 10% of the user’s maximum chakra reserve must be molded into Senjutsu chakra, all subsequent technique employ Senjutsu chakra until the minimum cost (-10/turn) cannot be paid to sustain the mode. Once activated the user will undergo physical alterations. Their hair is lengthened while becoming wilder, reaching down to the middle of their back, while two long pointed bangs of hair appear on both sides of the neck. The user will have increased muscularity while they gain a fur tail and a thick hide. This hide however does not increase the users Damage Resistance, instead as a payoff the user's healing factor gained by Sage Mode is higher then normal, providing a healing factor of 15 per turn while active. The user is able to passively sense chakra and his/her perception and reflexes are enhanced. Their strength increases, empowering Ninjutsu and Taijutsu techniques by 30 and increases the users speed, rivaling monkey sage mode. Additionally, the user is able to break out of Genjutsu, using Genjutsu release technique one rank lower than what he would normally be required. Lastly, gained though Oozaru's unique ability of Ki control. The user is able to make use of their ability of flight, being able to fly and maneuver as fast as they can run.
-Usable three times per battle by Perfect Sages and must wait two turns before using this technique again.
-Once per battle, the user is able to instantly activate Sage mode, with 10% of their maximum chakra reserve as Senjutsu Chakra.
-Perfect Sages can convert a maximum of 40% of their total chakra reserve
-Can only be used by Serpent

Approved, made edits. Ki Usage with +30 to Nin and Tai together, you’re not getting 20 damage healing per turn lol.

(Ōzaru no Jutsu: Shujin Ki no Jutsu) Oozaru Technique: Master Ki Technique
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B - S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 20 - 40
Damage: 40 - 80
Description: The basis of the Oozaru's unique Ki energy used to create physical outward blasts. These Blasts range in type, color and power dependent on the user and the chakra fueled into them. Through the use of chakra manipulation and focus the user can create these Ki blasts for a multitude of uses for offensive or defensive purposes ranging from energy blasts, beams, discs or a barrier.
Continuous Energy Blasts: The user will release either a single or multiple projectile spheres of energy that are highly explosive. These blasts can be shot at various angles aimed to arc around to attack a targets from multiple sides. Upon contact these spheres of energy explode outward dealing damage to anything within short range.
Focused Energy Beam: A spherical beam of energy concentrated in the palms of the users hand(s) or released from their mouth. This energy takes the form of a concentrated beam shot in a single direction. It's size and Output is dependent on the user but is no thicker then 5m wide but can be shot out to long range. The user can sustain the beam at it's chakra cost per turn however they can only do so for one additional turn and cannot preform other techniques while doing so.
Destructo Disc: Focusing their chakra into the form of a razor sharp disc of energy no larger then 1m in diameter. The user will throw the disc like a shuriken upon a target. These discs are extremely sharp and can slice though defenses of lesser power without weakening, requiring something equal to, or stronger then it to overcome them. Through the use of chakra manipulation, the user is able to maintain connection to the disc by using hand motions to manipulate it's trajectory however they cannot preform other techniques while doing so.
Energy Barrier: Using their chakra the user will generate a spherical transparent shield of Ki Energy around themselves to protect from incoming attacks. This barrier is highly compress to the point of being hermetically sealed. It's capable of blocking attacks of equal power, but requires a two turn cooldown, or four turn cooldown in the case of the S-rank variant before it can be used again.
-Can only be used by Oozaru or contract holder/signer
-Can only use S-rank variant three times per battle
-S-rank variant requires a two turn cooldown
-Can only be used by Serpent

Declined, I was going to remove the explosive line from the Energy Blasts as the summoning doesnt mention the ability to have explosive energy but the ability in Destructo Disc, continuing without loss of power, can’t be approved with these. If anything that would have to be a singular technique used by Oozaru if Allowed. Also, the used by contract holder part needs to be removed. That’s only capable if you have the corresponding Specialty and at that point, the line isn’t needed.
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Active member
Mar 10, 2015
Trait Points
Mythical Contract
Summoning Animal: (Jaiantorīchi) Giant Leech

Scroll Owner:
Other Users who have signed contract: Hail King Madara(solf)
Summoning Boss if existing: N/A
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: Leech contract
Description and Background

The giant leech is a terrifying beast to be hold, a huge red leech body with white stripes running across it's frame and a size riveling that of gababunta. In the stories the leach was known for its ability to tunnel underground and manipulate water to catch men or push them into the surrounding river before eating them. As a leech the Giant Leech retains the ability of its lessers, allowing it to drain chakra techniques(both solid and chakra based) through a similar fashion.

Basic ability #1

Technique Draining/Eating:
The leech takes specific steps as ninja summonings in order to incorporate it's chakra absorption into battling. This variant doesn't deal with directly absorbing chakra, but destroying and absorbing a technique all in one go. The Giant Leech lace its anterior suckers with aggressive chakra. Along with that, it also laces its stomachs with the same aggressive chakra. This allows it to eat away at techniques of all kinds, whether it is energy or solid in nature. During this process they absorb the chakra out of the technique, taking in its original chakra cost while the anterior suckers destroy the "form". That being said, The giant leech is limited to absorbing moves of raw chakra, the same element they have an affinity for, and the basic element their affinity is strong against.

With either variant, the leech can store chakra from draining it, and can only give it to their summoner through physical contact via their anterior suckers. If the leech is to disperse before the chakra is given away, the leeched chakra is simply taken away along with it. The limits to storing chakra would be triple the amount of chakra the leech is able to absorb, meaning it can only absorb thrice before being too full to absorb anything else.

Note: Useable six times per event and A to S-rank only three times

Basic Ability #2

As the leech can move underground it uses the skin on its body to sense vibrations both in the air and in the ground like a 360 Sonar, this sensory ability extends to 1 landmark.

Basic Ability #3

Direct Chakra absorption:
This is the ability to drain chakra by simply touching a target with any part of the leeches body, Or a limb that has the leech summoning tattoo on it. I.e. Done through a hand that has the tattoo on the palm or through the mouth if a tattoo is there. When the Leech/Tattoo touches a person, another summoning, a clone, or any familiar with its own chakra pool; The leeches skill will automatically drain away chakra at a faster or slower rate depending on the rank of said leech. At mythical the leech is able to absorb S ranks worth of chakra.

Unique ability

Elemental Casting: by absorbing the chakra nature of the user as part of the summoning ritual the Giant leech is able to use the summoners AE or elemental chakra as well as the users techniques associated with them. Giant leech may only use techniques up to S rank and 1 Forbidden rank technique.


Declined by Imperfect.

Major issue here, and that is putting an existing Contract as other Animals tied to this Contract. That is not allowed in any capacity, because if allowed, it effectively gives that second Contract all the abilities of this contract. This would instantly be abused to an extent that never will be allowed. This part of the template is to, if you want, name your other Summoning Animals. You can tie the lore and background of the Leeches to your Giant Leeches, but they will never be the same contract.

Your first basic Ability would need to be made as a Contract Ninjutsu regardless of whether it's clarified on your contract or not, so you can remove the Note part of the first ability, and submit it as a Contract Ninjutsu once the Contract is approved. It would need to follow the standard rules we allow for these types of abilities too, so your Leeches would only be able to absorb up to their own Rank, B-Rank can only absorb B-Rank, A-Rank can absorb A-Rank and so on. As for limits on absorption, I'm not sure exactly how that should work, so I'll speak to other Mods about how this should be handled and let you know. All of this would need to be clarified on the technique, just noting it here for future reference.

Third basic ability is a no. You're not getting free S-Rank Chakra Absorption through your Summoning Tattoo, because that not what a Contract Ability is. It's not something you arbitrarily get to give a biography with the tattoo because you want it. These are abilities or passives every animal on your Contract has, so extending it to your biography isn't possible. The only exception to this is with the Naturalist Specialization, but that is strictly limited to substances and materials your Summons can biologically produce for one reason or another. Think Toad Oil, Snake Venom, spider Silk and so on.

Unique needs to be more specific. Just saying AE and Elemental Chakra doesn't actually define any limit, so in theory, your Summon could absorb your Chakra, then every single one of your Elements, Canon and Custom, as well as Advanced Elements can be used by your Summons, which at that point you basically have another bio. Needs to be more direct and specific, because as is is too loosely defined to allow. Also how much Chakra does it absorb from the user? And like with the first basic Ability, your Summons Jutsu Rank would be defined by the Rank of the Summon. A B-Rank Summon with access to your Chakra isn't going to be able to use S-Ranks and Forbidden Ranks. That's why Summons have Ranks in the first place.
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Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points
Treant contract sub

(Mori no chi) | Blood of the Forest
Offense, Supplementary, Defensive
Rank: D - S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 10 - 40 (-5 to Sustain)
Damage: 20 - 80
One feature that Treants carry is their internal network within their bodies, which contain sap. This sap is a special chakra conduit, meaning that much like special chakra metal, or chakra paper, it can conduct chakra and chakra natures. By secreting, forcefully channelling the sap out of their body or using chakra to create the sap itself, Treants and signers of the Treant contract are able to use this sap, either as an offensive or defensive tool, or using it to supplement themselves. Much like other natural elements, Sap has no elemental strengths or weaknesses. Once the sap leaves the user, it hardens after 1 turn, into a solid shape of whatever it was formed into. Breaking the Sap requires damage equal to whatever its value originally was. Treant sap has 2 uses detailed below.

- (Fuyu no shūkak) Winter Harvest
A generic and basic application of sap, the use of winter harvest allows the user to create blasts, streams or form sap into structures from themselves. Depending on how much chakra is used, the sap can be a small amount to a large torrent, or even condensed to a focused ball, still able to deal as much damage as a large stream. This basic application has no strengths or elemental weaknesses however, by infusing a chakra nature with it, the user can give it strengths and weaknesses of whatever element was infused with it., giving it additional properties. Should the user use earth, if the sap hardens onto an opponent, it will slow them by 2 base speed levels. If used by water, it will turn to a slimy sap that will no harden, but simply begin to multiply growing and eventually cover their whole body. Infused with wind increases its travel speed by 2 base levels of the user to strike faster, while lightning causes paralysis of any areas of the opponent struck. Infusing with fire causes burning, dealing 20 damage over 2 turns.

- (Haru no ōkui) Spring Gluttony
- After learning how to use chakra and finding out its uses, they found the sap could be replicated with chakra. This also expanded into using chakra as a fuel and energy source via the sap when water or food was scarce. With the Spring Gluttony, sap can be used to absorb chakra of an equal amount. If applied directly to a target, the sap will start absorbing 50 chakra per turn. Should they choose, they can use this technique to absorb an incoming technique of equal chakra value by excreting sap over themselves. While this is used, it can passively be excreted from the skin but still costs a move within the turn. When this technique is applied to the usage above, then the cost of the technique is increased by 10. eg B rank of 20 chakra will cost 30.

- A rank needs 2 handseals while S rank needs 3, unless the user is a treeant.
- S rank can only be used 4 times per battle
- Spring Gluttony can only be used 4 times per battle total

Declined by Imperfect: Couple of things, but I'll try and keep this brief.

First, you won't be able to use this technique yourself at all unless you take the Naturalist specialty, so add that to the notes. Next, while I'm skeptical on the adding of Elemental Chakra to the sap, at least you have that carry the inherent strengths and weaknesses of the Elements which is fine. The additional effects added to each elemental application however needs to go. It's too much to allow on something like this. Finally, Spring Gluttony is just a no, sorry. You're effectively giving yourself the same sealing capacity of Fuin, along with Chakra draining from physical contact. Also, "passive but still costs a move" isn't a thing. It's either passive, or it costs a move, but everything you do has a place in the timeframe, so that line is virtually useless. And finally, because it isn't specified, I'm going to assume you intend for that last line on Spring Gluttony to increase Chakra, and the overall potency along with it? If so, that would also be a no.
When I first started reading, I thought this would be a technique to cover the healing/ poisonous sap you have listed in the Contract's abilities, and while I'm okay with Winter Harvest, minus the aforementioned extra effects, Spring Gluttony will need a bit of a rework, cause as is it's pretty much a free S-Rank barrier disguised as a Contract material's "Elemental Release" technique.

(Kuchiyose: Durthu) | Summoning Technique: Durthu
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Durthu is from one of the original Seeds of the Treants, that grew from the first Glade where they were born. This gave him a lifetime of knowledge and experience to learn, while he eventually became known to the world. Standing at medium 12m tall, Durthu is a battle ready Treant who has chased off many intruders into the Glades. Durthu from his lifetime of experience has managed to use chakra and capable of manipulating it on a level equal to a Sage. However, much like many other Treants, Durthu has learned to manipulate the world around him with chakra having mastery over all of the techniques that Treants have, while possessing his own unique skills. Durthu is specifically several parts of trees that are combines and held together by thick vines, much like muscles that form his body. He is capable of compressing himself to a smaller state, which effectively creates a suit of wooden armour for his summoner. In this form, he saps 5 chakra from the user per turn to strengthen his skin, giving them a -20 damage shaving or increasing their current damage shaving by -20. While in his armour form, he can still perform his own treekin techniques, however he cannot move on his own, being restricted to being stuck on the user. Once per turn, Durthu can sap 20 chakra from the user to strengthen his body to double the damage shaving ability, however this only lasts for 2 turns. This can be deactivated at will by him.
A side ability of the Armour, is that Durthu can manipulate his body to form extra arms, legs, appendages that are required for the user. These can be used to perform freeform actions, and non elemental taijutsu moves.
- Durthu can passively form his armour state or reform to his Treant state
- Damage shaving ability can only be used 3 times per turn with a one turn cooldown upon deactivation.

Declined by Imperfect.

I'll keep this simple. As much as I'd love to have it myself, I'm not allowing a +40 to damage shaving, or 40 damage shaving in general, regardless of the duration. That's higher than the Yang spec, which if I remember correctly you already tried as a passive ability for the Treants in a previous submission of the contract before it was approved. You can have this Summon have an inherent durability equivalent to it's own Rank that it can "tank" for you without any mitigation, and act like an actual armor for you. I'd also allow for it to "heal" through it's sap once wounded, like the injuries spill out sap that auto regenerates it, and your own health, but the healing would need to be limited to a certain number, and once the durability on the summon hits zero, it's summoning ends, regardless of any time left on the Summon. I won't, and don't think damage shaving boosting will ever be allowed. If it is, Summoning is not the field you'll achieve it in.

(Mori no chi) | Blood of the Forest
Offense, Supplementary, Defensive
Rank: D - S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 10 - 40
Damage: N/A
One feature that Treants carry is their internal network within their bodies, which contain sap. This sap is a special chakra conduit, meaning that much like special chakra metal, or chakra paper, it can conduct chakra and chakra natures. By secreting, forcefully channelling the sap out of their body or using chakra to create the sap itself, Treants and signers of the Treant contract are able to use this sap, either as an offensive or defensive tool, or using it to supplement themselves. Much like other natural elements, Sap has no elemental strengths or weaknesses. Once the sap leaves the user, it hardens after 1 turn, into a solid shape of whatever it was formed into. Breaking the Sap requires damage equal to whatever its value originally was. Treant sap has 2 uses detailed below.

- (Fuyu no shūkak) Winter Harvest
One generic and basic form of application of sap is the Winters Harvest of Sap. This form can be used between D-S rank where the the user will be able to secret or spit out a glob of sap with healing and defensive properties. This technique is capable of healing the target equal to the chakra used for the technique, 10-40. If the target is injured the sap will be absorbed and spread healing chakra through the users body for the appropriate amount. Should the user be at full health, the sap will then harden instead and provide the user a one time only damage shaving property equal to the chakra amount used. The harden sap lasts for 3 turns before falling off and the user will lose the sap and damage shaving.
-A rank can be used 5 times with S rank being used only 3 times.
-Healing/Shaving is equal to the chakra cost of the technique.

- (Haru no ōkui) Spring Gluttony
An A rank technique in while the user will apply sap to an enemy, via spitting a glob of sap up to long range, which upon contact will stick and say connected to the target. This sap can be removed by an equal rank technique targeting or covering the body. Because the sap is applied externally to the body a chakra surge wont remove, it would have to be actually attacked/removed. When in contact with an enemy target, the sap will begin to sap chakra from the target at -20 per turn, targeting senjutsu based chakra first. When in contact with a target that uses senjutsu, this sap will prevent any techniques being infused with senjutsu, removing natural energy from them.
-Can only be used 4 times.

Declined by Imperfect.

I said no damage shaving stacking on your Summon last cycle, so you just swapped it over here on Winter Harvest? Same as last time. It's a no to stacking this onto what you already have, because that's absolutely the intent behind having it cling to your body, and it's a no to the 40 shaving.

For Spring Gluttony, even though you have that it can be targeted and removed intentionally, this absolutely should have a duration, and a cooldown between uses. As is you can just throw these at someone back to back, and drain a fair portion of their reserves, especially Senjutsu users. And while they're busy needing to hack away each glob one by one, you're free to attack.

(Kuchiyose: Durthu) | Summoning Technique: Durthu
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Durthu is from one of the original Seeds of the Treants, that grew from the first Glade where they were born. Standing at medium 12m tall, Durthu is a battle ready Treant who has chased off many intruders into the Glades. Durthu looks like several parts of trees that are combines and held together by thick vines, much like muscles that form his body. He is capable of compressing himself to a smaller state, which effectively creates a suit of wooden armour for his summoner. While in his armour form, he can still perform his own treekin techniques, however he cannot move on his own, being restricted to being stuck on the user. A side ability of the Armour, is that Durthu can manipulate his body to form extra arms, legs, appendages that are required for the user. These can be used to perform freeform actions, and non elemental taijutsu moves. Durthu is a master of using the Sap, and has a passive +10 chakra to all sap related Treekin techniques. As one of the oldest and strongest trees, Durthu also has a passive +20 to all wood related techniques, or the equivalent +10 chakra for all non damaging techniques.

-Durthu lasts 4 turns
-Forming into the armour state is a passive move taking no moveslot

Approved by Imperfect, with edit.
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Active member
Jun 18, 2009
Trait Points
Summoning Animal: ( Yako no Kitsune ) Nightmare Fox

Scroll Owner:
Other Users who have signed contract: N/A
Summoning Boss if existing: N/A
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: N/A
Description and Background:

Nightmare Fox, or Demonic Foxes are demonic entities made of fear, dread and horror. They are the legendary beings that populate the darkest places of our mind and prey on our dreams and hopes, filling them with dread, fear and nightmares. While the western culture knows them as shadowy entitites that manifest within our fears and nightmares, the Yako are fox-like yokai, based on the tales of the mischiveous foxes that cause spiritual and physical illness with their contact with the common folk, until their spiritual enlightment grows and their tails multiply.

The Nightmare Fox, or the Yako Kitsune, appear as a black or white fox with a single tail and crimson or golden eyes, though many can appear to have red or other markings, personal to every fox. They prey on people's mind by playing tricks, or by shapeshifting into other beings. Their method of attack, which stems from their original tail, is through Genjutsu and their Ghastly Fox-Fire, a gas-like flame that burns lazily and palely. They can use this ghastly flame to deal spiritual damage onto others, infuse their techniques with it and to possess others, stealing their abilities and wearing off their mental fortitude.

The act of feeding off from the abilities others is part of their journey for spiritual enlightment. It is an ability that allows them to acquire other powers which will allow them to grow a tail, up to the ninth tail, where they typically acquire a golden fur and are considered at the zenith of their spiritual power and enlightment. Their Sanctuary is a black meadow within two hills. It is always night time within the meadow, and the grass blows with an eerie sound of death. Multiple white birches cover the base of the hills, a stark contrast in front of the black grass. It is called Yama-no-Okami.

Unique Ability #1 - Spiritual Enlightment - The Heaven Fox

The first unique ability of the Nightmare Foxes is through their spiritual journey. They are capable of retrieving abilities from their summoner or their targets through a spiritual tether. This tether can be achieved through the natural blood link they share with their summoner. Abilities retrieved from the summoner allows the Nightmare Fox to gain access to their cannon arsenal in that category, with the exception of Nightmare Fox Arts and Genjutsu, or otherwise specified in specific jutsu, whereas only cannon abilities and techniques can be retrieved from abilities stolen from other targets.

When they are summoned, they usually possess 1 tail, which is the Spiritual Tail that gives them access to their first abilities: Basic Genjutsu & Ghastly Fox-Fire ( Barring Elemental, Yin, CFS or Doujutsu-based Genjutsu ) which is always tethered to their summoner ( allowing the Fox to use what the user knows in the category of Basic Genjutsu, custom and canon ). Every turn, they can pull on a category of jutsu ( Elemental, Genjutsu, KG, Advanced Ninjutsu, etc ) that either their summoner knows or that they steal from a target using an appropriate attack. Different elemental natures count as different categories, such as Fire and Water being caught in diferent tails. Advanced Elements do not require the elements that compose it, as the ability is spiritually stolen from whom they possess. The Nightmare Fox becomes complete and enlightened after 9 turns, where it acquires 9 tails, which can happen only at the 9th turn after summoning the fox, at minimum.

While there are no requirements when the Nightmare Fox grows a tail from their summoner, with the exception of being turn based, certain requirements are in place for stealing abilities from others: The Fox must hit their target or counter their techniques using it's body ( Taijutsu and similar ) or their abilities ( Foxfire, Genjutsu, Ninjutsu, etc ). In order to steal an ability, the Fox has to be Short-Range from both the technique and the target upon countering it and has to match the ability it wants to steal. So the Fox must be near a Fire technique and counter it in order to acquire the Fire Element from a target. The Fox is capable of stealing increasingly higher tier abilities from others, or keep stealing from previous tiers as their tails grow, up to a maximum of Tier 4 abilities. ( The Fox can still acquire Tier 5 or 6 from the summoner, but won't be able to use them if the user does not have access to them, or if they are not accessible prior to acquiring the tail ( Like if the user became blind from overusing EMS, the Fox won't be able to grow a tail from the user and acquire that ability. If the tail has been acquired prior to that, the Fox can keep it ). When stealing from others, even if it is a customizeable ability like the MS, the Fox will always acquire the generic/canon version of the ability.

Tail 1-2: Can steal Tier 0 abilities from others.
Tail 3-4: Can steal up to Tier 1 abilities from others. ( Countering a technique C rank or higher )
Tail 5-6: Can steal up to Tier 2 abilities from others. ( Countering a technique B rank or higher )
Tail 7-8: Can steal up to Tier 3 abilities from others. ( Countering a technique A rank or higher )
Tail 9: Can steal up to Tier 4 abilities from others. ( Countering a technique S rank or higher )

Stealing happens in the moment that the technique is countered, and, thus, can be avoided by moving out of range from the Fox at that moment. Likewise, the stealing can be mitigated by coordinating one's techniques in order to use a tier above that of what the Fox can acquire, or by avoiding using abilities that they don't want to be stolen.

The Enlightment Ability can only be used once per turn, to grow one tail associated with a single ability. It reaches a maximum of nine tails. Different summons can start off as having more than one tail, clearly described in each technique to be submitted, and can then add on to them following the method and rules described here. The Nightmare Fox is a spiritual entity that is linked with the soul of the summoner; whereas each individual fox can possibly manifest an endless combination of abilities in their path to enlightment, these tails will be lost after a set amount of time ( Lasts a single Arc/Story Arc ), afterwhich they revert back to their original tails, in order to start their journey again.

Unique Ability 2# - Ghastly Foxfire

Nightmare Foxes are capable of producing a demonic smoke or gas through their body that they are capable of materializing or manipulate through chakra. The smoke produced by the Nightmares has a corporeal substance to it, in the sense that it can be compressed and interact with other physical objects and entities, but is Spiritual in nature. It glows in an eerie green colour, almost like a pale and lazy flame.

This gas carries Spiritual damage, instead of Physical. The smoke can be used to form constructs that can be thrown at their opponents or other techniques, playing in equal fields with Ninjutsu and Elemental Ninjutsu ( Neutral S&W ). Upon physical contact or inhalation of the smoke, the target will feel hallucinogenic effects, translated as drunken daze, and is a vessel through which the Nightmares cast Genjutsu. ( Ghastly Foxfire will be submitted as a CSCJ, and is not Canon Smoke Ninjutsu ).

Basic Ability 1# - Mischievous Illusion

Nightmares are capable of using Genjutsu, which can be cast handsealessly or by contact with the Ghastly Fox-Fire. Genjutsu cast through the eerie smoke will require the target to absorb/seal or counter the smoke in order to then release from the genjutsu, or use a method that does both at the same time, like a chakra Surge of sufficient rank. They can use Canon and Custom Genjutsu, not Sound Genjutsu, Doujutsu or CFSJ, as their First Tail, though can acquire and mix in other forms of Genjutsu as they grow tails. Their paws have been developed in order to perform makeshift handseals for any categories that they acquire that are outside the Genjutsu spectrum.

Basic Ability 2# - Nightmare Spiritual Resistance

As Nightmares are creatures that prey on the target's psyche and mind, they are resistant to Spiritual damage attacks like Genjutsu and Spiritual-based Yin techniques, shaving off -20 damage from techniques that deal spiritual damage.

Basic Ability 3# - Ghostly Sensorial

Nightmares are capable of flight and have an increased perception akin to a Spiritual Sensory, allowing them to sense Chakra and Spiritual Based entities like Hungry Ghost, which they use to survey the terrain and their opponent, as they follow along in their journey of Enlightment.

Declined, closer to being approved now but still some things to address and clear up. Starting with the Ghostly Sensorial, it states “increased perception akin to a Spiritual Sensory, allowing them to sense Chakra and Spiritual based entities”. The issue with this is these are two different types of Sensory: Chakra Sensory, sensing chakra, or Spiritual Sensory, sensing spiritual entities/energy. Phrasing it how it is written suggests it’s both or something else which still needs clearer and more direct wording.

As for the Unique ability, I’ve thought it over and this is how I’m going to allow this to operate, based on your new edits. If the Fox strikes the target with the intention of stealiing their abilities, it will take a move per turn. Only Tails 7-9 can replicate the user’s Tier 5 and up abilities, you can’t skip tiers by countering higher ranking techs and Summonings cannot start with more than 4 Tails, meaning the 3 Summonings you submit cannot start with more than 4 Tails when created. And lastly, I’m still hesitant about allowing 9 different abilities to be stolen/replicated across 3 different animals And potentially more if the slots are obtained. Depending on the edits you make, the 9 tails may become thematic and cap at a slightly lower number. No guarantees on that, though.
Summoning Animal: ( Yako no Kitsune ) Nightmare Fox

Scroll Owner:
Other Users who have signed contract: N/A
Summoning Boss if existing: N/A
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: N/A
Description and Background:

Nightmare Fox, or Demonic Foxes are demonic entities made of fear, dread and horror. They are the legendary beings that populate the darkest places of our mind and prey on our dreams and hopes, filling them with dread, fear and nightmares. While the western culture knows them as shadowy entitites that manifest within our fears and nightmares, the Yako are fox-like yokai, based on the tales of the mischiveous foxes that cause spiritual and physical illness with their contact with the common folk, until their spiritual enlightment grows and their tails multiply.

The Nightmare Fox, or the Yako Kitsune, appear as a black or white fox with a single tail and crimson or golden eyes, though many can appear to have red or other markings, personal to every fox. They prey on people's mind by playing tricks, or by shapeshifting into other beings. Their method of attack, which stems from their original tail, is through Genjutsu and their Ghastly Fox-Fire, a gas-like flame that burns lazily and palely. They can use this ghastly flame to deal spiritual damage onto others, infuse their techniques with it and to possess others, stealing their abilities and wearing off their mental fortitude.

The act of feeding off from the abilities others is part of their journey for spiritual enlightment. It is an ability that allows them to acquire other powers which will allow them to grow a tail, up to the ninth tail, where they typically acquire a golden fur and are considered at the zenith of their spiritual power and enlightment. Their Sanctuary is a black meadow within two hills. It is always night time within the meadow, and the grass blows with an eerie sound of death. Multiple white birches cover the base of the hills, a stark contrast in front of the black grass. It is called Yama-no-Okami.

Unique Ability #1 - Spiritual Enlightment - The Heaven Fox

The first unique ability of the Nightmare Foxes is through their spiritual journey [Spiritual Enlightment]. They are capable of retrieving abilities from their summoner or their targets through a spiritual tether. This tether can be achieved through the natural blood link they share with their summoner [Spiritual Endowment] or through the active intent of stealing from an opponent [Spiritual Stealing]. Abilities retrieved from the summoner allows the Nightmare Fox to gain access to their cannon arsenal in that category, with the exception of Nightmare Fox Arts and Genjutsu, or otherwise specified in specific jutsu, whereas only cannon abilities and techniques can be retrieved from abilities stolen from other targets.

The Spiritual Enlightment can only be used once per turn through Spiritual Endowment or Spiritual Stealing, to grow one tail associated with a single ability. It reaches a maximum of nine tails. Different summons can start off as having more than one tail, up to 4, clearly described in each technique to be submitted, and can then add on to them following the method and rules described here. The Nightmare Fox is a spiritual entity that is linked with the soul of the summoner; whereas each individual fox can possibly manifest an endless combination of abilities in their path to enlightment, these tails will be lost after a set amount of time ( Lasts a single Arc/Story Arc ), afterwhich they revert back to their original tails, in order to start their journey again.

[Spiritual Tail - First Tail]

When they are summoned, they usually possess 1 tail, which is the Spiritual Tail that gives them access to their first abilities: Basic Genjutsu & Ghastly Fox-Fire ( Barring Elemental, Yin, CFS or Doujutsu-based Genjutsu ). This is always tethered to their summoner ( allowing the Fox to use what the user knows in the category of Basic Genjutsu, custom and canon ).

[Spiritual Endowment]

Every turn, the Nightmare Fox can pull on a category of jutsu ( Elemental, Genjutsu, KG, Advanced Ninjutsu, etc ) that their summoner knows through their blood link. Different elemental natures count as different categories, such as Fire and Water being caught in diferent tails. Advanced Elements do not require the elements that compose it, as the ability is spiritually stolen from whom they possess. The Nightmare Fox becomes complete and enlightened after 9 turns, where it acquires 9 tails.

The Nightmare Fox is required to spend a move slot in order to be Endowed with an Ability from their summon, and is required to be short-range from them. Given that only a single tail per turn can be grown from Spiritual Endowment, a Nightmare Fox that is summoned with just the Spiritual Tail will only be capable of reaching the completion of Spiritual Enlightment and become a 9 Tailed Heaven Fox at the ninth turn of being summoned, and activily spend a move slot every turn.

Spiritual Endowment is the only Active Ability that allows the Nightmare Fox to acquire a Tier 5 or above ability, as they can't be stolen from opponents. These abilities are restricted to the 7th and above Tail that the Nightmare Fox grows. Likewise, Spiritual Endowment can't be bestowed by summoners that are unable to call on that ability, such as an MS user becoming blind from overuse before it has a chance to bestow that ability, though the Nightmare Fox can keep the ability if it was bestowed in an earlier turn.

Spiritual Endowment is also the ability that regulates the amount of Tails that a particular summon can start with, as described in the specific Summoning Technique. No Nightmare Fox can be summoned with more than 4 tails. These inherent Tails are specific to the summoner, and are thus restricted to Summoners that have acquired those abilities. Despite being a signer, if a particular User or Bio does not have the abilities attached to these inherent tails, that summoner will not be able to summon that Fox. Ex: Isabella Uchiha can summon a 2 Tail Nightmare Fox with 3T Sharingan as it's second tail, but Tia Dalma is not.

[Spiritual Stealing]

Instead of using Spiritual Endowment, the Nightmare Fox can use Spiritual Stealing in order to grow a Tail that turn. Spiritual Stealing is also an active ability that spends a move-slot in order to be used. Certain requirements are in place for stealing abilities from others: The Fox must hit their target or counter their techniques using it's body ( Taijutsu and similar ) or their abilities ( Foxfire, Genjutsu, Ninjutsu, etc ). In order to steal an ability, the Fox has to be Short-Range from both the technique and the target upon countering it and has to match the ability it wants to steal. So the Fox must be near a Fire technique and counter it in order to acquire the Fire Element from a target. The Fox is capable of stealing increasingly higher tier abilities from others, or keep stealing from previous tiers as their tails grow, up to a maximum of Tier 4 abilities. When stealing from others, even if it is a customizeable ability like the MS, the Fox will always acquire the generic/canon version of the ability.

Stealing happens in the moment that the technique is countered, and, thus, can be avoided by moving out of range from the Fox at that moment. Likewise, the stealing can be mitigated by coordinating one's techniques in order to use a tier above that of what the Fox can acquire, or by avoiding using abilities that they don't want to be stolen. Stealing requires the user to expend a move slot, thus the turn where Stealing is atempted has to account for that, happening in the same time-frame as the technique used to Steal. This in turn allows the Nightmare Fox to perform techniques without the intention of stealing in a turn, becoming an Active Ability clearly stated in the battle and which technique/action is being used with that intent.

Tail 2: Can steal Tier 0 abilities from others.
Tail 3-4: Can steal up to Tier 1 abilities from others. ( Countering a technique C rank or higher )
Tail 5-6: Can steal up to Tier 2 abilities from others. ( Countering a technique B rank or higher )
Tail 7-8: Can steal up to Tier 3 abilities from others. ( Countering a technique A rank or higher )
Tail 9: Can steal up to Tier 4 abilities from others. ( Countering a technique S rank or higher )

The Tier requirements are absolute and can't be skipped, regardless of the rank used to steal, thus additional tails will be increasingly more difficult to be acquired. For example, Blast Release, being a Tier 0 ability, can be acquired by a Nightmare Fox with any number of Tails, but a 7 Tailed Fox will need to counter an A rank or higher Blast technique, merely countering a B rank won't grant that ability, whereas a 2 Tailed Fox will only need to counter an E rank or above technique. Likewise, Deidara Clay is a Tier 2 ability from the Blast Release category, and thus it can only be acquired by 5 Tailed Foxes and above, by countering B rank or higher techniques from a Deidara bio using that particular technique. The generic category, in this example Blast Release, will be acquired from said techniques in lower Tailed Foxes, but the Nightmare Fox won't have access to the specific Deidara arsenal.

Unique Ability 2# - Ghastly Foxfire

Nightmare Foxes are capable of producing a demonic smoke or gas through their body that they are capable of materializing or manipulate through chakra. The smoke produced by the Nightmares has a corporeal substance to it, in the sense that it can be compressed and interact with other physical objects and entities, but is Spiritual in nature. It glows in an eerie green colour, almost like a pale and lazy flame.

This gas carries Spiritual damage, instead of Physical. The smoke can be used to form constructs that can be thrown at their opponents or other techniques, playing in equal fields with Ninjutsu and Elemental Ninjutsu ( Neutral S&W ). Upon physical contact or inhalation of the smoke, the target will feel hallucinogenic effects, translated as drunken daze, and is a vessel through which the Nightmares cast Genjutsu. ( Ghastly Foxfire will be submitted as a CSCJ, and is not Canon Smoke Ninjutsu ).

Basic Ability 1# - Mischievous Illusion

Nightmares are capable of using Genjutsu, which can be cast handsealessly or by contact with the Ghastly Fox-Fire. Genjutsu cast through the eerie smoke will require the target to absorb/seal or counter the smoke in order to then release from the genjutsu, or use a method that does both at the same time, like a chakra Surge of sufficient rank. They can use Canon and Custom Genjutsu, not Sound Genjutsu, Doujutsu or CFSJ, as their First Tail, though can acquire and mix in other forms of Genjutsu as they grow tails. Their paws have been developed in order to perform makeshift handseals for any categories that they acquire that are outside the Genjutsu spectrum.

Basic Ability 2# - Nightmare Spiritual Resistance

As Nightmares are creatures that prey on the target's psyche and mind, they are resistant to Spiritual damage attacks like Genjutsu and Spiritual-based Yin techniques, shaving off -20 damage from techniques that deal spiritual damage.

Basic Ability 3# - Ghostly Sensorial

Nightmare Foxes can fly and have an increased perception akin to a Spiritual Sensory, allowing them to sense the Soul and Spiritual Based entities ( like Hungry Ghost, Katsuryoku Spirits, Etc ) which they use to survey the terrain and their opponent, as they follow along in their journey of Enlightment. This is a Sensorial Ability that can be used within the same Landmark, unless specified otherwise in specific submissions.

Declined, okay now you’re further complicating things; Making things active abilities inside of the overall ability is just making the approval process lengthier. First Ability is Spiritual Enlightment - Why are there two further abilities named under it? All of this does not need it’s own naming mechanic/ability listed. The First ability should be as simple as something like:
This allows the Fox to gain abilities from either the user or opponent’s with the requirement of Tier 5 abilities having to come from the user. In order to gain abilities from targets, the Fox must fully counter a technique in short range via it’s body if applicable or skills it has access to. Abilities belonging to the user can be ‘stolen’ instead of enemies, though this is also applicable up to the respective Tier the Fox can gain that turn, with Tier 5 abilities coming from the summoner only with Tails 8 and 9. Replication of an ability happens in the same timeframe as the technique used to counter said ability attempting to be stolen and happens at the cost of a jutsu per turn, though theft is not always required to happen each turn used countering. The scaling for what rank of technique is required per turn to gain abilities is listed below. This scaling is absolute and tiers cannot be skipped in any form.

Tail 2: Can steal Tier 0 abilities from others.
Tail 3-4: Can steal up to Tier 1 abilities from others. ( Countering a technique C rank or higher )
Tail 5-6: Can steal up to Tier 2 abilities from others. ( Countering a technique B rank or higher )
Tail 7-8: Can steal up to Tier 3 abilities from others. ( Countering a technique A rank or higher )
Tail 9: Can steal up to Tier 4 abilities from others. ( Countering a technique S rank or higher )”

Short, to the point and removes the ambiguity of “Is this a different ability based on how it’s worded?” from being an issue. A lot of the fluff isn’t needed besides being flavor text because it complicates what’s attempting to be the ability. That’s why I said to shorten it. You can include some background text, sure, but don’t OD on the description or I’ll just remove most of what’s not needed. Also, the ways to “counter” the theft and I use counter loosely are flawed and require meta gaming to properly be done. You say to prevent an ability from being stolen, they have to use a rank higher than what they can counter but that requires them to use OOC info to counter a technique when they should be able to do something IC to counter it and even if we overlook that, the bigger part is there is no way to break this that prevents it from being more problematic with set ups. You can attempt to steal one ability from multiple people and have a myriad of abilities on one fox with no way of removing the abilities besides killing the Fox when other abilities that gain less are more restricted. For example, moving out of range automatically ends whatever abilities my Tengu has stolen from someone and moving back into range restarts the process, which effectively limits the duration and potential of them as it can only target one person at a time. You could, in theory, during this arc meet just me, Mirabelle, Solomon, and Susabi and gain some combination of Blue Fire, EMS, Tenseigan/Rinnegan, Shinkaigan and Cosmic and other stuff that lasts 4 months with the only restriction being they last until the fox dies. If you can present a reasonable method for this, I’ll edit it in as well as an edited/shortened version of the first ability that removes the sub ability names which only increased the amount of abilities here.

( Kitsune no Kuchiyose: Kumiho ) Nightmare Fox Summoning Technique: Red-Omen Fox

Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 60
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The Kumiho branch of the Kitsune Clan are a breed of Nightmare Foxes that are elementally specialized.The Red-Omen are designed to battle and serve as the main military branch of the Kitsune. While their appearance may vary, they typically possess a red-tinted fur coat and they can be summoned with 2 or 3 tails. Red-Omen Foxes have 3 main abilities:

1. The Second Tail is always an Elemental Tail of the Five Basic Natures. The Third Tail can be an Advanced or Custom Element of the User that is composed partly by the Elemental Nature of the Second Tail. The Red-Omen can only use Custom Techniques for Basic Genjutsu ( As per the Contract ), the Basic Element that gives them their Theme, and Elements that are partly composed by it ( As long as their tails are grown using Bestowment ). They can use these elements with no handseals.

2. The Strength of the theme element and elements that are composed by it is boosted by 10 chakra when the Red-Omen uses it, and that is translated as a +20 damage boost when applicable.

3. Red-Omen foxes are capable of moving at 15 base speed, and have 25 base tracking. This tracking is bound to a Single-Landmark, and is Spiritual Based, as per the Contract.

Note: Red-Omen Foxes are bio-bound. The summoner will only be capable of summoning a specific individual. This Red-Omen Fox will be themed by the Element that bio is specialized in.
Note: Bios that do not have an elemental specialization will not be able to summon a Red-Omen Fox.
Note: Only a Sage Ranked summoner is capable of contacting a 3 Tailed Red-Omen Fox.

Auto Declined due to Contract, though I can point out the declined parts. “Branches” or types of summonings are not allowed for Legendary or Mythicals; You have to make a single named animal and not a sub species. This Red-Omen Fox will be [Insert name], the Red-Omen Fox. Apex Speed Specialist level speed is too high. The second note is also a note; variable summonings aren’t allowed because they need to be specific animals. One having +20 to fire and another with +20 to Fire are two different summonings and thus count as two different ones, this can’t circumvent that by being bio bound. Sage note needs to go, it’s filler and just adds a bonus function to a contract only you currently have and these notes are frowned upon in general.

Tl;dr Make this a single animal with a single boost with some lowered speed.
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Active member
Aug 25, 2010
Trait Points
(Ōzaru no Jutsu: Shujin Ki no Jutsu) Oozaru Technique: Master Ki Technique
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B - S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 20 - 40
Damage: 40 - 80
Description: The basis of the Oozaru's unique Ki energy used to create physical outward blasts. These Blasts range in type, color and power dependent on the user and the chakra fueled into them. Through the use of chakra manipulation and focus the user can create these Ki blasts for a multitude of uses for offensive or defensive purposes ranging from energy blasts, beams, discs or a barrier.
Continuous Energy Blasts: The user will release either a single or multiple projectile spheres of energy that are highly explosive. These blasts can be shot at various angles aimed to arc around to attack a targets from multiple sides. Upon contact these spheres of energy explode outward dealing damage to anything within short range.
Focused Energy Beam: A spherical beam of energy concentrated in the palms of the users hand(s) or released from their mouth. This energy takes the form of a concentrated beam shot in a single direction. It's size and Output is dependent on the user but is no thicker then 5m wide but can be shot out to long range. The user can sustain the beam at it's chakra cost per turn however they can only do so for one additional turn and cannot preform other techniques while doing so.
Destructo Disc: Focusing their chakra into the form of a razor sharp disc of energy no larger then 1m in diameter. The user will throw the disc like a shuriken upon a target. These discs are extremely sharp and can slice though defenses of lesser power without weakening, requiring something equal to, or stronger then it to overcome them. Through the use of chakra manipulation, the user is able to maintain connection to the disc by using hand motions to manipulate it's trajectory however they cannot preform other techniques while doing so.
Energy Barrier: Using their chakra the user will generate a spherical transparent shield of Ki Energy around themselves to protect from incoming attacks. This barrier is highly compress to the point of being hermetically sealed. It's capable of blocking attacks of equal power, but requires a two turn cooldown, or four turn cooldown in the case of the S-rank variant before it can be used again.
-Can only be used by Oozaru or contract holder/signer
-Can only use S-rank variant three times per battle
-S-rank variant requires a two turn cooldown
-Can only be used by Serpent

Declined, I was going to remove the explosive line from the Energy Blasts as the summoning doesnt mention the ability to have explosive energy but the ability in Destructo Disc, continuing without loss of power, can’t be approved with these. If anything that would have to be a singular technique used by Oozaru if Allowed. Also, the used by contract holder part needs to be removed. That’s only capable if you have the corresponding Specialty and at that point, the line isn’t needed.
(Ōzaru no Jutsu: Shujin Ki no Jutsu) Oozaru Technique: Master Ki Technique
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B - S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 20 - 40
Damage: 40 - 80
Description: The basis of the Oozaru's unique Ki energy used to create physical outward blasts. These Blasts range in type, color and power dependent on the user and the chakra fueled into them. Through the use of chakra manipulation and focus the user can create these Ki blasts for a multitude of uses for offensive or defensive purposes ranging from energy blasts, beams, discs or a barrier.
Continuous Energy Blasts: The user will release either a single or multiple projectile spheres of energy. These blasts can be shot at various angles aimed to arc around to attack a targets from multiple sides. Upon contact these spheres of energy cause blunt force damage and can cause a target to be knocked backwards when hit.
Focused Energy Beam:
A spherical beam of energy concentrated in the palms of the users hand(s) or released from their mouth. This energy takes the form of a concentrated beam shot in a single direction. It's size and Output is dependent on the user but is no thicker then 5m wide but can be shot out to long range. The user can sustain the beam at it's chakra cost per turn however they can only do so for one additional turn and cannot preform other techniques while doing so.
Destructo Disc: Focusing their chakra into the form of a razor sharp disc of energy no larger then 1m in diameter. The user will throw the disc like a shuriken upon a target. These discs are extremely sharp and can slice though defenses of lesser power following S/W interactions. Through the use of chakra manipulation, the user is able to maintain connection to the disc by using hand motions to manipulate it's trajectory however they cannot preform other techniques while doing so.
Energy Barrier: Using their chakra the user will generate a spherical transparent shield of Ki Energy around themselves to protect from incoming attacks. This barrier is highly compress to the point of being hermetically sealed. It's capable of blocking attacks of equal power, but requires a two turn cooldown, or four turn cooldown in the case of the S-rank variant before it can be used again.
-Can only be used by Oozaru, bio's with Naturalist Summoning Specialty.
-Can only use S-rank variant three times per battle
-S-rank variant requires a two turn cooldown
-Can only be used by Serpent

Approved, made some edits to this.
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Mar 17, 2014
Trait Points
(Kuchiyose: Doton - Sunēkupitto no Jutsu) - Summoning Jutsu: Earth Release - Snake Pit Technique
Rank: D- F
Range: Short
Chakra: 10-50
Damage: N/A
Description: The Snake Pit jutsu is a variation of the basic Summoning Jutsu. After the user performs the required seals to perform the summoning jutsu, the user will instead use their chakra to penetrate the Earth beneath them and summon their Snake Summon deep underground.

Note: Can Only be used with Snake summons.
Note: Can only be used by those taught by Kooljay

Declined, this seems rather pointless to make a multi ranked technique like this, especially given that A ranks and higher require restrictions. This probably just deserves to be a B rank passive technique.

(Kuchiyose: Kobura Joō ) Summoning: Queen Cobra
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short
Chakra: 50
Damage: (-10 to user)
Description: Queen Cobra is a 100m long Mozambique Spitting Cobra snake. Personality-wise she is a very humble, but respectful snake. Among Ryuchi Cave her ability to spit a powerful cytotoxic venom is feared. Into long range with extreme accuracy, Queen Cobra can spit a venom equal in size to that of a boss summon that causes rapid cell death on contact. Unless healed with the appropriate medical ninjutsu, the targets will take an additional 20 damage per turn as their body slowly deteriorates. Against inorganic materials, however, the venom is essentially just a concussive liquid attack. Queen Cobra can move at speeds twice that of the average Jonin above or underground and is capable of using bodily attacks which are S rank in strength. Queen Cobra has heat pits in its snout allowing it to sense infrared wavelengths and an excellent sense of smell via its tongue. This allows it to have a tracking level equal to that of an Inuzuka Sage. It can withstand 1 attack up to S rank in power.

Note: Can only be summoned once.
Note: Can only be used by those taught by Kooljay.

Declined, besides the fact that the cytotoxic venom ability is already strong enough to warrant it and likely one other ability, it has doubled speed and S ranked Tai as well as heat and smell based sensing and can tank an S ranked attack. Be reasonable with your submissions, this is too much for one summoning.
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Mar 5, 2020
Trait Points
Link to approval of Church Grim > Here. <

(Gādian Ikatsui Gigei: Henkan ni Jin'ei) - ✢ Church Grim Arts: Return to Shadows ✢
: Supplementary
Rank: B-rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 20 (-5 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: Henkan ni Jin'ei is a defining technique that indicates the true spiritual origins of the Church Grim, as well the spiritual bond that they share with their summoner. Through the application of the necessary Chakra, a Church Grim is capable of manipulating the very makeup of their form that, upon rushing to the side of their summoner and lunging into their shadow, they are capable of changing themselves into a phantasmal state of being that, like a wisp of blackness, submerge themselves into the earth that is directly outlined by the shadow of their summoner, allowing for them to move relative to the summoner's shadow as the effective boundary without need for additional effort on their part. While in this state, the Grim is capable of communicating telepathically with the summoner as per usual by way of their spiritual bond with them, but are incapable of interacting with the material world or use techniques until they disperse this technique or it times out. Because of the natural of this technique relying on the outline of the summoner's shadow, it is possible for the Grim to be forced out of this state of submergence by removing the shadow entirely in any logical sense, such as the summoner leaving the ground and being airborne more than 10 meters high, submerging themselves into the ground or other solid substance, or by removing all source of light that would produce a shadow.

-This technique once used lasts for a maximum of 3 turns.
-Outside of combat, this technique can last indefinitely, and costs no Chakra.
-If the shadow of the summoner is removed entirely inadvertently, the Grim will be forced out of the shadow and return, being incapable of using any Chakra-based techniques the same turn.
-Can be used in the shadow of both the original summoner and any of their clones.

Approved with edit.

(Gādian Ikatsui Gigei: Shuukai Maisou Shizumeru) - ✢ Church Grim Arts: Mass Burial Submergence ✢
: Supplementary
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 50 (-20 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: The use of Shuukai Maisou Shizumeru is often defined as sacrilegious among the Church Grim; often relied upon as a last ditch effort to subjugate the dead into a state of final rest that consequently forces the living to face the same. The technique is first enacted by the Church Grim letting out a bellowing howl into the air similar to that of when they are enacting their "Resurgence Overrule" ability that leaves a rippling effect across the ground in front of them; cracks webbing across the earth in one rapid motion forward. Upon the introduction of the Grim's chakra into the earth, spreading it rapidly across a large encompassing area (up to long-range in radius), the earth will begin to move in an unsteady shift of the splintered plates, serving as the only preluded sign of the following events before they take full effect. After a brief quaking shift of the ground that disrupts any movement nearby individuals may be attempting, throwing them off balance similarly to "Earth Release: World Shaking", the earth will abruptly open up like a maw coiling around all that is within the range of the technique's effect, yet it does not cause a freefall state, but instead submerging each target in a near instantaneous coffin-shaped structure of stone that molds to the shape and size of their target that is then immediately plunged into the earth at speeds comparable to that of "Earth Release: Great Moving Earth Core", plunging both the Grim, their summoner and all others caught within the range of this technique 100 meters below the earth's surface. Upon arrival to the full 100 meter depth, the stone coffins will crumble like loose chunks of rubble, falling away from those that were previously ensnared within them, giving way to the capability to see an unexpectedly illuminated large cavern stretching in long-range of radius that is built into what appears to be the mocked structure of an immense Graveyard and Church; everything whittled, carved and formed out of the faces and formations of the earth that they are submerged in. Pitted like a pond near the center of the cavern is found a sole water source, albeit foggy and mucky in appearance. While in this new environment, it acts as the Church Grim's "domain," imparting upon the Grim a series of benefits that is meant to serve in expediting their efforts in returning those brought here to their grave.

Guardian's Bulwark - takes the form of acting like a natural force that is applied onto the field via the surrounding earth. While the Church Grim is active, they are perpetually funneling chakra into the state of the domain that now acts as the reintroduced active field of battle, every wall and surface within the cavern exuding the chakra the Grim is applying to maintain the environment. Because of this, the chakra not only acts as a sort of smokescreen against Dojutsu users, effectively acting as a blinding effect to such eye enhancements, it also serves to naturally draw upon the chakra of all those that are not the Grim or their Summoner. More specifically, any foreign chakra that is molded into a technique while within the cavern suffers a one rank degrade, or -20 damage equivalent.
Guardian's Terror - acts as an extension of the Church Grim's inherent ability "Resurgence Overrule." Where this unique ability would normally only impart it's effects onto those that are Undead, such as Edo Tensei, while within the cavern this ability can effect all those that are deemed foreign to the Church Grim (excluding the Grim's Summoner), regardless if they are Undead or alive, causing those caught in the Grim's horrific howl to see a reduction of their base speeds by one rank if considered Alive (Sage reduced to Jounin, Jounin reduced to Chunin, etc). Undead suffer the same drawbacks as they would normally but perpetually suffer +40 damage from all attacks made by the Church Grim (not the Summoner).
Guardian's Authority - prevents those that are caught within Shuukai Maisou Shizumeru's cavern from leaving it through normal means, such as through the use of techniques like "Earth Release: Hiding in Rock Technique". Any attempt to submerge oneself into the surfaces of the cavern will result in immediate rejection of the opposing chakra, nullifying the attempted use of such techniques due to the coating of the Grim's chakra being infused within the surfaces of the cavern. The use of space-time or transfer techniques that do not rely on passing through the earth in some way are the exception.

-Once activated, this technique lasts for only 2 turns, meant to serve as a short but powerful field advantage.
-This technique may only be used once per battle and can only take effect if standing upon solid ground.
-Once within the cavern, the Church Grim may use all known Earth techniques without restriction.
-Once the 2 turn time limit is reached or the Grim is defeated/dispersed, all will remain within the cavern but may leave through any means, no longer being withheld by "Guardian's Authority." Additionally at the end of the 2 turns, the Church Grim will disperse and cannot be resummoned for the remainder of the fight.
-It is possible to avoid or counter the technique, in which case half the chakra cost is spent and nothing but the change in the terrain (breaking up the earth) occurs.
-Must be the final technique used in the same turn.

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Declined by Imperfect.

Will try and keep this brief. Long isn't a radius, it's a range. Long could mean 15m, or it could mean an entire Landmark. Stating that clearly is a high priority here. It becomes even more of an issue when you say that everyone within it's range is affected. Without actually specifying a proper distance, this can't be approved.

While I'm not against the premise of this, the dragging people down 100m is very specific, and the amount of passive benefits you're getting is potentially too much. What is the significance of it being 100m? Why would a being who protects graves disturb the earth? My recommendation is, if you can, pull this up to the surface, and make it a choice of the available buffs. 2 out of the 3 can be applied at any time, and you can change them a limited number of times and not in consecutive turns.

Reducing it's potency means you can increase it's duration. Two turns is effectively only the one, cause you use it last in a turn meaning it could easily be invalidated due to a change in the timeframe so it doesn't happen. Can easily be prevented from using this entirely with that last note. Should remove that. Anyway, you get it off, then at the end of your next one, it disappears. The turn you use it is "Turn 1". You functionally have nothing here, so that can be increased. 4 turns would be standard for this.

That third note is a no, sadly. Can't allow any Church Grim to use any Rank of techniques. This is Forbidden to start with, so really it should only be allowed to be used by S-Rank and Forbidden Rank Summons with access to those Ranks anyway. Make a few changes, and maybe simplify the description in the first paragraph so there's less superfluous information, and you should be good.
Resubmitting Mass Burial Submergence with the following changes:

  • Removed/reworded descriptive elements of the technique.
  • Clarified exact radius instead of the previous untenable "long radius."
  • Removed footnote stating "must be last technique used."
  • Reworded the note of Church Grim using "any known technique without restriction" to only using up to S-rank earth techniques.
  • Reassessed the movement speed debuff suffered to stronger undead such as Edo Tensei from being "halved" to "reduced by 3 levels" to reflect recent rule changes involving debuffs and movement speed as a whole.
(Gādian Ikatsui Gigei: Shuukai Maisou Shizumeru) - ✢ Church Grim Arts: Mass Burial Submergence ✢
: Supplementary
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 50 (-20 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: The use of Shuukai Maisou Shizumeru is often defined as sacrilegious among the Church Grim; often relied upon as a last ditch effort to subjugate the dead into a state of final rest that consequently forces the living to face the same. The technique is first enacted by the Church Grim letting out a bellowing howl into the air similar to that of when they are enacting their "Resurgence Overrule" ability that leaves a rippling effect across the ground in front of them, acting as the dispersive method of their chakra, resulting in the introduction of the Grim's chakra into the earth, spreading it rapidly across a large encompassing area, up to a maximum of 50 meters in radius. As a result, the earth will begin to move in rapid adjustment, falling apart into splintering plates, serving as the only preluded sign of the following events before they take full effect. After a brief quaking shift of the ground that disrupts any movement nearby individuals may be attempting, throwing them off balance similarly to "Earth Release: World Shaking", the earth with incredible momentum will begin to uproot itself into the shaping of an immense structure, forming and encompassing the entire 50 meter radius that will become defining as the Church Grim's "domain." From the outside, the appearance is like that of a castle whittled from the shell of a mountain. From the inside however, the domain is shaped into what appears to be the mocked structure of an immense Graveyard and Church; everything whittled, carved and formed out of the faces and formations of the earth that they are surrounded by. While in this new environment, it acts as the Church Grim's "domain," imparting upon the Grim a series of benefits -henceforth referred to as "Tenets"- that is meant to serve in expediting their efforts in returning those brought there to their grave. Throughout the duration of Shuukai Maisou Shizumeru, the large structure will begin to sink into the earth as if being submerged and buried within it, acting as if one large coffin that the Grim uses as a manner of a "mass burial of the dead." With each turn that passes, starting from the first turn that it is activated, a new tenet will take effect, allowing the user to choose 1 out of the 3 possible tenets to take effect until all 3 are active on the third and final turn, not requiring to be activated in any particular order.

Guardian's Bulwark
- takes the form of acting like a natural force that is applied onto the field via the surrounding earth. While the Church Grim is active, they are perpetually funneling chakra into the state of the domain that now acts as the reintroduced active field of battle, every wall and surface within the cavern exuding the chakra the Grim is applying to maintain the environment. Because of this, the chakra not only acts as a sort of smokescreen against Dojutsu users, effectively acting as a blinding effect to such eye enhancements, it also serves to naturally draw upon the chakra of all those that are not the Grim or their Summoner. More specifically, any foreign chakra that is molded into a technique while within the cavern suffers a one rank degrade, or -20 damage equivalent.
Guardian's Terror - acts as an extension of the Church Grim's inherent ability "Resurgence Overrule." Where this unique ability would normally only impart it's effects onto those that are Undead, such as Edo Tensei, while within the cavern this ability can effect all those that are deemed foreign to the Church Grim (excluding the Grim's Summoner), regardless if they are Undead or alive, causing those caught in the Grim's horrific howl to see a reduction of their base speeds by one rank if considered Alive (Sage reduced to Jounin, Jounin reduced to Chunin, etc). Undead suffer the same drawbacks as they would normally but perpetually suffer +40 damage from all attacks made by the Church Grim (not the Summoner).
Guardian's Authority - prevents those that are caught within Shuukai Maisou Shizumeru's cavern from leaving it through normal means, such as through the use of techniques like "Earth Release: Hiding in Rock Technique". Any attempt to submerge oneself into the surfaces of the cavern will result in immediate rejection of the opposing chakra, nullifying the attempted use of such techniques due to the coating of the Grim's chakra being infused within the surfaces of the cavern. The use of space-time or transfer techniques that do not rely on passing through the earth in some way are the exception.

-Once activated, this technique lasts for only 3 turns, meant to serve as a short but powerful field advantage.
-This technique may only be used once per battle and can only take effect if standing upon solid ground.
-Once within the cavern, the Church Grim may only use up to S-rank earth techniques.
-Once the 3 turn time limit is reached or the Grim is defeated/dispersed, all will remain within the cavern but may leave through any means, no longer being withheld by "Guardian's Authority." Additionally at the end of the 3 turns, the Church Grim will disperse and cannot be resummoned for the remainder of the fight.
-It is possible to avoid or counter the technique, in which case half the chakra cost is spent and nothing but the change in the terrain (breaking up the earth) occurs.

Declined by Imperfect.

Okay, with the larger stuff out of the way, going to hone in on some issues with hindsight I should've seen before with the listed abilities. I was focusing more on the mechanical side of everything last time, a la pulling everyone a hundred meters below sea level for basically 1 turn before it ended. You've still opted for a shorter duration, but I'm not going to badger you over it.

So, that first ability. In a vacuum, neither effect is really strong, but you have them stacked, with the second being more of an issue later down the line, but I'll get to that. Stacking them when they don't really have anything to do with one another is weird. So because your Grimm is constantly funneling it's own Chakra into the environment to maintain it, the environment is siphoning Chakra out of everything that isn't you or your Grimm to weaken them? Those are polar opposites. And for the blinding effect, there needs to be something present in the air for it to affect Doujutsu. Graveyards can be misty in the morning, making them very ominous, so there's a valid excuse for that. I'd split them up so it becomes more of a choice, and makes more sense.

Now we get to this second ability, and I'm really surprised I didn't comment on it before. You are applying your Unique Contract ability to even alive targets, reducing living targets speed by one entire Bio Rank's worth of speed, and inflicting an additional 40 damage to undead. First of all allowing the Contract passive to affect everyone defeats the purpose of making it, and the Contract anti-Undead themed, but moreover than this, between this application of the Contract Ability and the Guardian's Bulwark you're capped on buffs/ debuffs, but actually exceed the limit when it comes to undead enemies. Additional damage inflicted is basically like anti-mitigation, and while it's not regulated (yet), it's still absolutely classified as a debuff. +40 damage from the Grimm, plus up to an additional +40 from Resurgence Overrule itself, and then on top of that a -20 damage debuff on Guardian's Bulwark. It's conditional, but it absolutely exceeds the two boosting limit for any damage buff or debuff interactions. At the very least you're capped for interactions against everything else. I'd say this one needs to go back to the workshop, and given a more streamlined effect. However it's done, I can't let any application exceed boosting limits, and as is, this does that, and is more than I feel comfortable changing with this check. I recommend a bit of a rework.

For Guardian's Authority, we've got another technicality issue. Space-Time is Space-Time. With it you pass through Space, regardless of whether that space is occupied by air, water, earth, etc. If an Obito user were to employ Kamui, and "pass through the earth", this wouldn't do anything to stop that, as while he's technically travelling through the ground, it's actually Space he's passing through, which is entirely different than the other example you gave, like the Hiding in Rock technique. There are no Space-Time techniques that I can think of that are actually travelling through anything but Space-Time. That's why they're space time.

Link to original Church Grim Contract submission: Approved here.

Resubmitting Church Grim contract with the following edits:

  • Updated active signers of the contract and current known summoning animals.
  • Removed/reworded various descriptive elements to the animal/contract as a whole.
  • Reworked and clarified their movement capabilities, including specific values and mounting utility.
  • Reorganized the contract visually.
Summoning Animal: Church Grim (Spectral Hound Church Guardian)
Scroll Owner: Red-Robin
Other Users who have signed contract: Howard, Mirai (2/3)
Summoning Boss if existing
: N/A
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: Ruth (1/5)
Description and Background
: The Church Grim is a guardian spirit commonly referred to in English and Scandinavian folklore. This mythical spirit typically oversees the welfare of a church, protecting the churchyard from those who would profane or commit sacrilege against it. The Scandinavian Church Grim is also known as the Kyrkogrim (Swedish) and Kirkegrim (Danish). It often appears as a large, spectral black dog with a variety of possible sizes, ranging anywhere from 1-2 meter in length (roughly 3-6 feet) and up to 2 meters in height (roughly 6 feet). Each Church Grim has a unique shape and form as well characteristics that are malleable to it's own will, generally dependent on the amount of Chakra at it's disposal and the rank of the particular summoning. Church Grim also have the capacity to perform Natural Abilities respective to the shape of a canine that they take. Biting (up to summoning rank damage), tackling and clawing strikes (up to C-rank damage) among a few examples, with the damage capability depending on the base rank of the summoned Grim, and each costing one of the user's three moves per turn. They can also be mounted by the user and utilized for movement purposes. Standardly, as canine-oriented animals that travel on four limbs, Church Grim travel at speeds x2 that of the summoner's speed, but upon being mounted, the user is afforded the means to benefit from a 1.5x speed boost. While mounted, the user may only perform techniques that does not require hand seals or consistent source locations to conjure from, remaining consistent to any reasonable uses when in motion.

Basic Ability #1:

All Grim have the means to manipulate the shape of their tail into a long, whip-like appendage that can extend up to approximately 5 meters (roughly 16 feet). This tail can function similarly to an actual whip and can be infused with Chakra by either the Grim (limited to Earth and Fire) or the user to apply unique effects to it (Fire Chakra causing the tail to ignite, Lightning Chakra causing the tail to spark, etc) while also making it resilient to harm from respective Chakras that scale with rank of the Church Grim, but also become susceptible to counter elements, respectively. Note that this does not apply directly to the main body of the Church Grim as the Chakra that results in such sustainability or susceptibility is solely concentrated in the tail of the Grim, limiting it's advantages/disadvantages to the tail only.

Basic Ability #2:

Church Grim have a natural affinity to Earth Chakra (up to summoning rank +1), giving them the capacity to perform Jutsu without the need for handseals, utilizing their tail or mouth for most conjuring points of Jutsu. Their affinity to Earth is presumed to be given by the premise that a Church Grim is created through being buried alive in the earth beneath the foundation of a Church and thus becomes the spectral guardian known as a Church Grim. Church Grim have also been known to have the capacity to manipulate Fire Chakra as well (up to summoning rank), but lack the capacity to make proper use of both Chakra types at the same time, preventing them from being capable of using any advanced elements that would correlate between the two base elements (ie. Lava). Despite this, it isn't impossible for a Church Grim to use both affinities separately from both basic elements, namely to perform techniques such as "(Doton/Katon: Saruiwa) - Earth/Fire Release: Monkey Rock," leaving strategic formations between it and it's Summoner brimming with possibilities if used wisely.

Basic Ability #3:

Though all Church Grim have the capacity to speak and even communicate telepathically with their summoner due to the spiritual link they share, only Church Grim of A-rank and above are capable of a unique process that allows them to take the shape of a humanoid being, generally relative to characteristics similar to the nature of their original form (ie. if the Grim seems to be a bit older, their fur might have grey patches or streaks, then they may also take the shape of an older person as well with similar characteristics, etc). While in this form, Church Grim are incapable of performing any Chakra-related techniques due to the need for constant concentrated Chakra pooled toward the process of maintaining this form, thus leaving it as a entirely a supplementary, cosmetic skill.

Unique Ability:

Finally, being guardians of places of religious significance, and beings that abhor sacrilegious acts, all Church Grim have a unique ability called "Resurgence Overrule." As Guardians of churches which are frequently associated with graveyards and cemeteries, Church Grim are naturally tasked with the duty of ensuring the eternal rest of those who have died and been laid in their burials. As such, Church Grim chase away grave robbers and any who would dare to disturb the dead. However, they are not always successful, resulting in the conjuring of Undead beings. Church Grim are capable of sensing the presence of restless souls that have been resurrected from their graves such as the Zombies, Edo Tensei, etc. When in the presence of these death-deprived beings, a Church Grim may activate Resurgence Overrule at the cost of one of the user's 3 Jutsu per turn if in battle, otherwise it may be activated passively out of combat to enforce an authority over the very existence of the Undead within their presence. This takes the form of a vengeful, bellowing howl that engulfs the surrounding field with an aura similar to Killing Intent, which reduces the defense of all Undead within their presence, causing them to take additional damage that scales relatively to their proximity to the Grim (Long Range: +10, Mid-Range: +20, Short-Range: +40 damage), which naturally increases all incoming damage directed at the Undead within the Grim's presence. Depending upon the rank of the Undead caught within the presence of the Grim's Overrule, weaker Undead targets will immediately falter, the very structure of their fragile shells that their restless spirits are trapped within crumbling, returning them to the Earth without the need for any physical engagement. In stronger, or generally more resilient targets like Edo Tensei, their overall capabilities are affected, causing their base movement to be reduced by 3 levels, and the damage of their techniques to be reduced by 1 Rank, or -20, which count as an active debuff.

Declined by Imperfect.

I've said it to enough people at this point to be common knowledge. You're not allowed to put a speed modifier in your Summon's general description and information. That's an ability, one that states that every animal on your contract moves at that given speed. That's got nothing to do with a description of the animal, or their history, so why is it there? Placement aside why is it x2 of the Summoner's speed? Doesn't clarify base or current speed, just x2. So if you're a Jonin user and you've taken off your leg weights, you're at 20, and then your Church Grimm can move at 40 speed? Or the same 20 you can? Sorry, but that's a no to all of that. No to x2, and no to it being based on the Summoner's speed. The latter doesn't make any sense whatsoever, and the former is too big a boost to allow passively. The most I've ever allowed is speed equivalent to a given rank based on that Summon's Rank, with Jonin and in rare instances Sage speed for S-Rank and Forbidden Rank Summons. Others have tried in previous submissions, and they got told the same.

I can see the need to update the Unique given the Jutsu Speed Debuffing rules, but seeing this "I'll hide a speed boost or other tangible ability that should be listed as an actual ability on my contract in the general description of my animal's General Summon info and hope it doesn't get noticed" strat pop up again genuinely angers me. It's not clever, and it's not going to work.

Link to original Ruth personal summoning submission: Approved here.

Resubmitting Ruth personal summoning technique with the following edits:

  • Reassessed summoning rank from A-rank to S-rank with appropriate stats to reflect.
  • Reframed technique name.
  • Added new mechanic that grants Earth-based techniques used by Ruth specifically a +20 damage boost.
  • Removed/reworded various descriptive elements of the technique.
  • Removed the mention of limited uses of the natural abilities such as biting, tackling and clawing as it seemed needless.

(Kuchiyose Gādian Ikatsui: Rutsu) Summoning Church Grim Technique: Ruth ✢
: Supplementary/Summon
Rank: S-rank
: Short
Chakra Cost: 40
: N/A
Description: This technique grants the user the means to summon the Church Guardian (also known as Church Grim) Ruth, who is the personal summon for Chise. The user, following one of the typical means of summoning, whether it be through hand seals, a summoning scroll, or summoning tattoo, bring forward the Church Grim Ruth. Ruth is a large, jet black canine with red eyes that consist with the characteristics of a Church Grim. He stands roughly 4 feet in height and approximately 6 feet in length from tailbone to snout, but up to 22 feet long in total when accounting for the maximum length of his tail up to 16 feet independently. As an S-rank summoning, Ruth is capable of performing the two basic elements of Earth and Fire that the Church Grim is known for; manipulating their Chakra with precision and efficiency that allows them to perform up to S-rank techniques from both elements without the need for hand seals or gestures. Exceptionally, due to Ruth's nature as a Church Grim and their natural affinity for the Earth Element, in addition to his own personal unique experience as a Church Guardian and having faced countless undead during the unraveling of the Underworld into the world of the living, requiring him to manage and manipulate the Earth with rigorous intensity upon several occasions, Ruth has developed an exceptional understanding of not only his own origins as a Church Grim, but also the Earthen element as a whole, he is capable of performing Earth-based techniques with a boost of +20 damage, counting as one of two possible boosts. Due to the religious significance of Ruth's origins and the causation for his boost in damage, he is incapable of receiving boosts from any other source that does not directly relate to Church Grim. Finally, like all Church Grim, Ruth is capable of performing the natural ability of biting (A-rank damage), while tackling and clawing (C-rank damage), at the cost of one of the user's 3 Jutsu slots per turn each.

Approved by Imperfect.
Last edited by a moderator:


Mar 17, 2014
Trait Points
(Kuchiyose: Doton - Sunēkupitto no Jutsu) - Summoning Jutsu: Earth Release - Snake Pit Technique
Rank: D- F
Range: Short
Chakra: 10-50
Damage: N/A
Description: The Snake Pit jutsu is a variation of the basic Summoning Jutsu. After the user performs the required seals to perform the summoning jutsu, the user will instead use their chakra to penetrate the Earth beneath them and summon their Snake Summon deep underground.

Note: Can Only be used with Snake summons.
Note: Can only be used by those taught by Kooljay

Declined, this seems rather pointless to make a multi ranked technique like this, especially given that A ranks and higher require restrictions. This probably just deserves to be a B rank passive technique.

(Kuchiyose: Kobura Joō ) Summoning: Queen Cobra
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short
Chakra: 50
Damage: (-10 to user)
Description: Queen Cobra is a 100m long Mozambique Spitting Cobra snake. Personality-wise she is a very humble, but respectful snake. Among Ryuchi Cave her ability to spit a powerful cytotoxic venom is feared. Into long range with extreme accuracy, Queen Cobra can spit a venom equal in size to that of a boss summon that causes rapid cell death on contact. Unless healed with the appropriate medical ninjutsu, the targets will take an additional 20 damage per turn as their body slowly deteriorates. Against inorganic materials, however, the venom is essentially just a concussive liquid attack. Queen Cobra can move at speeds twice that of the average Jonin above or underground and is capable of using bodily attacks which are S rank in strength. Queen Cobra has heat pits in its snout allowing it to sense infrared wavelengths and an excellent sense of smell via its tongue. This allows it to have a tracking level equal to that of an Inuzuka Sage. It can withstand 1 attack up to S rank in power.

Note: Can only be summoned once.
Note: Can only be used by those taught by Kooljay.

Declined, besides the fact that the cytotoxic venom ability is already strong enough to warrant it and likely one other ability, it has doubled speed and S ranked Tai as well as heat and smell based sensing and can tank an S ranked attack. Be reasonable with your submissions, this is too much for one summoning.

(Kuchiyose: Doton - Sunēkupitto no Jutsu) - Summoning Jutsu: Earth Release - Snake Pit Technique
Rank: B
Chakra: 40
Description: The Snake Pit jutsu is a variation of the basic Summoning Jutsu. After the user performs the required seals to perform the summoning jutsu, the user will instead use their chakra to penetrate the Earth beneath them and summon their Snake Summon deep underground. This jutsu is passively applied to snake summoning jutsu.

Note: Can Only be used with Snake summons.
Note: Can only be used by those taught by Kooljay

(Kuchiyose: Kobura Joō ) Summoning: Queen Cobra
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short
Chakra: 50
Damage: (-10 to user)
Description: Queen Cobra is a 100m long Mozambique Spitting Cobra snake. Personality-wise she is a very humble, but respectful snake. Among Ryuchi Cave her ability to spit a powerful cytotoxic venom is feared. Into long range with extreme accuracy, Queen Cobra can spit a venom equal in size to that of a boss summon that causes rapid cell death on contact. Unless healed with the appropriate medical ninjutsu, the targets will take an additional 20 damage per turn as their body slowly deteriorates. Against inorganic materials, however, the venom is essentially just a concussive liquid attack. Queen Cobra can transverse underground and is capable of using bodily attacks which are A rank in strength. Queen Cobra has heat pits in its snout allowing it to sense infrared wavelengths and an excellent sense of smell via its tongue.

Declined, still unreasonable. You actually removed the restrictions, for starters. This still has roughly 3-4 abilities ( a “venom equal in size to that of a boss summon” which is already wild and can cause 20 damage unless healed by Med, Can use A rank attacks, and can sense via heat and smell ). As I mentioned last time, the poison being that strong alone is usually enough to justify just one other ability and you still have two forms of sensing + A rank free form damage. One more try.

(Kuchiyose: Wanotori ga Muragaru) - Summoning Technique: Birds of a Feather Flock Together
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: The user summons a massive flock of small hawks from their sleeves which will then gather together on the user's shoulder blades before performing the Combination Transformation technique to transform into two giant wings attached to the user. The wings allow the user to fly at their base speed.

Note: Must be able to summon hawks
Note: Can only be used by those taught by Kooljay

Last edited by a moderator:


Active member
Jun 18, 2009
Trait Points
Summoning Animal: ( Yako no Kitsune ) Nightmare Fox

Scroll Owner:
Other Users who have signed contract: N/A
Summoning Boss if existing: N/A
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: N/A
Description and Background:

Nightmare Fox, or Demonic Foxes are demonic entities made of fear, dread and horror. They are the legendary beings that populate the darkest places of our mind and prey on our dreams and hopes, filling them with dread, fear and nightmares. While the western culture knows them as shadowy entitites that manifest within our fears and nightmares, the Yako are fox-like yokai, based on the tales of the mischiveous foxes that cause spiritual and physical illness with their contact with the common folk, until their spiritual enlightment grows and their tails multiply.

The Nightmare Fox, or the Yako Kitsune, appear as a black or white fox with a single tail and crimson or golden eyes, though many can appear to have red or other markings, personal to every fox. They prey on people's mind by playing tricks, or by shapeshifting into other beings. Their method of attack, which stems from their original tail, is through Genjutsu and their Ghastly Fox-Fire, a gas-like flame that burns lazily and palely. They can use this ghastly flame to deal spiritual damage onto others, infuse their techniques with it and to possess others, stealing their abilities and wearing off their mental fortitude.

The act of feeding off from the abilities others is part of their journey for spiritual enlightment. It is an ability that allows them to acquire other powers which will allow them to grow a tail, up to the ninth tail, where they typically acquire a golden fur and are considered at the zenith of their spiritual power and enlightment. Their Sanctuary is a black meadow within two hills. It is always night time within the meadow, and the grass blows with an eerie sound of death. Multiple white birches cover the base of the hills, a stark contrast in front of the black grass. It is called Yama-no-Okami.

Unique Ability #1 - Spiritual Enlightment - The Heaven Fox

The first unique ability of the Nightmare Foxes is through their spiritual journey [Spiritual Enlightment]. They are capable of retrieving abilities from their summoner or their targets through a spiritual tether. This tether can be achieved through the natural blood link they share with their summoner [Spiritual Endowment] or through the active intent of stealing from an opponent [Spiritual Stealing]. Abilities retrieved from the summoner allows the Nightmare Fox to gain access to their cannon arsenal in that category, with the exception of Nightmare Fox Arts and Genjutsu, or otherwise specified in specific jutsu, whereas only cannon abilities and techniques can be retrieved from abilities stolen from other targets.

The Spiritual Enlightment can only be used once per turn through Spiritual Endowment or Spiritual Stealing, to grow one tail associated with a single ability. It reaches a maximum of nine tails. Different summons can start off as having more than one tail, up to 4, clearly described in each technique to be submitted, and can then add on to them following the method and rules described here. The Nightmare Fox is a spiritual entity that is linked with the soul of the summoner; whereas each individual fox can possibly manifest an endless combination of abilities in their path to enlightment, these tails will be lost after a set amount of time ( Lasts a single Arc/Story Arc ), afterwhich they revert back to their original tails, in order to start their journey again.

[Spiritual Tail - First Tail]

When they are summoned, they usually possess 1 tail, which is the Spiritual Tail that gives them access to their first abilities: Basic Genjutsu & Ghastly Fox-Fire ( Barring Elemental, Yin, CFS or Doujutsu-based Genjutsu ). This is always tethered to their summoner ( allowing the Fox to use what the user knows in the category of Basic Genjutsu, custom and canon ).

[Spiritual Endowment]

Every turn, the Nightmare Fox can pull on a category of jutsu ( Elemental, Genjutsu, KG, Advanced Ninjutsu, etc ) that their summoner knows through their blood link. Different elemental natures count as different categories, such as Fire and Water being caught in diferent tails. Advanced Elements do not require the elements that compose it, as the ability is spiritually stolen from whom they possess. The Nightmare Fox becomes complete and enlightened after 9 turns, where it acquires 9 tails.

The Nightmare Fox is required to spend a move slot in order to be Endowed with an Ability from their summon, and is required to be short-range from them. Given that only a single tail per turn can be grown from Spiritual Endowment, a Nightmare Fox that is summoned with just the Spiritual Tail will only be capable of reaching the completion of Spiritual Enlightment and become a 9 Tailed Heaven Fox at the ninth turn of being summoned, and activily spend a move slot every turn.

Spiritual Endowment is the only Active Ability that allows the Nightmare Fox to acquire a Tier 5 or above ability, as they can't be stolen from opponents. These abilities are restricted to the 7th and above Tail that the Nightmare Fox grows. Likewise, Spiritual Endowment can't be bestowed by summoners that are unable to call on that ability, such as an MS user becoming blind from overuse before it has a chance to bestow that ability, though the Nightmare Fox can keep the ability if it was bestowed in an earlier turn.

Spiritual Endowment is also the ability that regulates the amount of Tails that a particular summon can start with, as described in the specific Summoning Technique. No Nightmare Fox can be summoned with more than 4 tails. These inherent Tails are specific to the summoner, and are thus restricted to Summoners that have acquired those abilities. Despite being a signer, if a particular User or Bio does not have the abilities attached to these inherent tails, that summoner will not be able to summon that Fox. Ex: Isabella Uchiha can summon a 2 Tail Nightmare Fox with 3T Sharingan as it's second tail, but Tia Dalma is not.

[Spiritual Stealing]

Instead of using Spiritual Endowment, the Nightmare Fox can use Spiritual Stealing in order to grow a Tail that turn. Spiritual Stealing is also an active ability that spends a move-slot in order to be used. Certain requirements are in place for stealing abilities from others: The Fox must hit their target or counter their techniques using it's body ( Taijutsu and similar ) or their abilities ( Foxfire, Genjutsu, Ninjutsu, etc ). In order to steal an ability, the Fox has to be Short-Range from both the technique and the target upon countering it and has to match the ability it wants to steal. So the Fox must be near a Fire technique and counter it in order to acquire the Fire Element from a target. The Fox is capable of stealing increasingly higher tier abilities from others, or keep stealing from previous tiers as their tails grow, up to a maximum of Tier 4 abilities. When stealing from others, even if it is a customizeable ability like the MS, the Fox will always acquire the generic/canon version of the ability.

Stealing happens in the moment that the technique is countered, and, thus, can be avoided by moving out of range from the Fox at that moment. Likewise, the stealing can be mitigated by coordinating one's techniques in order to use a tier above that of what the Fox can acquire, or by avoiding using abilities that they don't want to be stolen. Stealing requires the user to expend a move slot, thus the turn where Stealing is atempted has to account for that, happening in the same time-frame as the technique used to Steal. This in turn allows the Nightmare Fox to perform techniques without the intention of stealing in a turn, becoming an Active Ability clearly stated in the battle and which technique/action is being used with that intent.

Tail 2: Can steal Tier 0 abilities from others.
Tail 3-4: Can steal up to Tier 1 abilities from others. ( Countering a technique C rank or higher )
Tail 5-6: Can steal up to Tier 2 abilities from others. ( Countering a technique B rank or higher )
Tail 7-8: Can steal up to Tier 3 abilities from others. ( Countering a technique A rank or higher )
Tail 9: Can steal up to Tier 4 abilities from others. ( Countering a technique S rank or higher )

The Tier requirements are absolute and can't be skipped, regardless of the rank used to steal, thus additional tails will be increasingly more difficult to be acquired. For example, Blast Release, being a Tier 0 ability, can be acquired by a Nightmare Fox with any number of Tails, but a 7 Tailed Fox will need to counter an A rank or higher Blast technique, merely countering a B rank won't grant that ability, whereas a 2 Tailed Fox will only need to counter an E rank or above technique. Likewise, Deidara Clay is a Tier 2 ability from the Blast Release category, and thus it can only be acquired by 5 Tailed Foxes and above, by countering B rank or higher techniques from a Deidara bio using that particular technique. The generic category, in this example Blast Release, will be acquired from said techniques in lower Tailed Foxes, but the Nightmare Fox won't have access to the specific Deidara arsenal.

Unique Ability 2# - Ghastly Foxfire

Nightmare Foxes are capable of producing a demonic smoke or gas through their body that they are capable of materializing or manipulate through chakra. The smoke produced by the Nightmares has a corporeal substance to it, in the sense that it can be compressed and interact with other physical objects and entities, but is Spiritual in nature. It glows in an eerie green colour, almost like a pale and lazy flame.

This gas carries Spiritual damage, instead of Physical. The smoke can be used to form constructs that can be thrown at their opponents or other techniques, playing in equal fields with Ninjutsu and Elemental Ninjutsu ( Neutral S&W ). Upon physical contact or inhalation of the smoke, the target will feel hallucinogenic effects, translated as drunken daze, and is a vessel through which the Nightmares cast Genjutsu. ( Ghastly Foxfire will be submitted as a CSCJ, and is not Canon Smoke Ninjutsu ).

Basic Ability 1# - Mischievous Illusion

Nightmares are capable of using Genjutsu, which can be cast handsealessly or by contact with the Ghastly Fox-Fire. Genjutsu cast through the eerie smoke will require the target to absorb/seal or counter the smoke in order to then release from the genjutsu, or use a method that does both at the same time, like a chakra Surge of sufficient rank. They can use Canon and Custom Genjutsu, not Sound Genjutsu, Doujutsu or CFSJ, as their First Tail, though can acquire and mix in other forms of Genjutsu as they grow tails. Their paws have been developed in order to perform makeshift handseals for any categories that they acquire that are outside the Genjutsu spectrum.

Basic Ability 2# - Nightmare Spiritual Resistance

As Nightmares are creatures that prey on the target's psyche and mind, they are resistant to Spiritual damage attacks like Genjutsu and Spiritual-based Yin techniques, shaving off -20 damage from techniques that deal spiritual damage.

Basic Ability 3# - Ghostly Sensorial

Nightmare Foxes can fly and have an increased perception akin to a Spiritual Sensory, allowing them to sense the Soul and Spiritual Based entities ( like Hungry Ghost, Katsuryoku Spirits, Etc ) which they use to survey the terrain and their opponent, as they follow along in their journey of Enlightment. This is a Sensorial Ability that can be used within the same Landmark, unless specified otherwise in specific submissions.

Declined, okay now you’re further complicating things; Making things active abilities inside of the overall ability is just making the approval process lengthier. First Ability is Spiritual Enlightment - Why are there two further abilities named under it? All of this does not need it’s own naming mechanic/ability listed. The First ability should be as simple as something like:
This allows the Fox to gain abilities from either the user or opponent’s with the requirement of Tier 5 abilities having to come from the user. In order to gain abilities from targets, the Fox must fully counter a technique in short range via it’s body if applicable or skills it has access to. Abilities belonging to the user can be ‘stolen’ instead of enemies, though this is also applicable up to the respective Tier the Fox can gain that turn, with Tier 5 abilities coming from the summoner only with Tails 8 and 9. Replication of an ability happens in the same timeframe as the technique used to counter said ability attempting to be stolen and happens at the cost of a jutsu per turn, though theft is not always required to happen each turn used countering. The scaling for what rank of technique is required per turn to gain abilities is listed below. This scaling is absolute and tiers cannot be skipped in any form.

Tail 2: Can steal Tier 0 abilities from others.
Tail 3-4: Can steal up to Tier 1 abilities from others. ( Countering a technique C rank or higher )
Tail 5-6: Can steal up to Tier 2 abilities from others. ( Countering a technique B rank or higher )
Tail 7-8: Can steal up to Tier 3 abilities from others. ( Countering a technique A rank or higher )
Tail 9: Can steal up to Tier 4 abilities from others. ( Countering a technique S rank or higher )”

Short, to the point and removes the ambiguity of “Is this a different ability based on how it’s worded?” from being an issue. A lot of the fluff isn’t needed besides being flavor text because it complicates what’s attempting to be the ability. That’s why I said to shorten it. You can include some background text, sure, but don’t OD on the description or I’ll just remove most of what’s not needed. Also, the ways to “counter” the theft and I use counter loosely are flawed and require meta gaming to properly be done. You say to prevent an ability from being stolen, they have to use a rank higher than what they can counter but that requires them to use OOC info to counter a technique when they should be able to do something IC to counter it and even if we overlook that, the bigger part is there is no way to break this that prevents it from being more problematic with set ups. You can attempt to steal one ability from multiple people and have a myriad of abilities on one fox with no way of removing the abilities besides killing the Fox when other abilities that gain less are more restricted. For example, moving out of range automatically ends whatever abilities my Tengu has stolen from someone and moving back into range restarts the process, which effectively limits the duration and potential of them as it can only target one person at a time. You could, in theory, during this arc meet just me, Mirabelle, Solomon, and Susabi and gain some combination of Blue Fire, EMS, Tenseigan/Rinnegan, Shinkaigan and Cosmic and other stuff that lasts 4 months with the only restriction being they last until the fox dies. If you can present a reasonable method for this, I’ll edit it in as well as an edited/shortened version of the first ability that removes the sub ability names which only increased the amount of abilities here.

( Kitsune no Kuchiyose: Kumiho ) Nightmare Fox Summoning Technique: Red-Omen Fox

Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 60
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The Kumiho branch of the Kitsune Clan are a breed of Nightmare Foxes that are elementally specialized.The Red-Omen are designed to battle and serve as the main military branch of the Kitsune. While their appearance may vary, they typically possess a red-tinted fur coat and they can be summoned with 2 or 3 tails. Red-Omen Foxes have 3 main abilities:

1. The Second Tail is always an Elemental Tail of the Five Basic Natures. The Third Tail can be an Advanced or Custom Element of the User that is composed partly by the Elemental Nature of the Second Tail. The Red-Omen can only use Custom Techniques for Basic Genjutsu ( As per the Contract ), the Basic Element that gives them their Theme, and Elements that are partly composed by it ( As long as their tails are grown using Bestowment ). They can use these elements with no handseals.

2. The Strength of the theme element and elements that are composed by it is boosted by 10 chakra when the Red-Omen uses it, and that is translated as a +20 damage boost when applicable.

3. Red-Omen foxes are capable of moving at 15 base speed, and have 25 base tracking. This tracking is bound to a Single-Landmark, and is Spiritual Based, as per the Contract.

Note: Red-Omen Foxes are bio-bound. The summoner will only be capable of summoning a specific individual. This Red-Omen Fox will be themed by the Element that bio is specialized in.
Note: Bios that do not have an elemental specialization will not be able to summon a Red-Omen Fox.
Note: Only a Sage Ranked summoner is capable of contacting a 3 Tailed Red-Omen Fox.

Auto Declined due to Contract, though I can point out the declined parts. “Branches” or types of summonings are not allowed for Legendary or Mythicals; You have to make a single named animal and not a sub species. This Red-Omen Fox will be [Insert name], the Red-Omen Fox. Apex Speed Specialist level speed is too high. The second note is also a note; variable summonings aren’t allowed because they need to be specific animals. One having +20 to fire and another with +20 to Fire are two different summonings and thus count as two different ones, this can’t circumvent that by being bio bound. Sage note needs to go, it’s filler and just adds a bonus function to a contract only you currently have and these notes are frowned upon in general.

Tl;dr Make this a single animal with a single boost with some lowered speed.
Summoning Animal: ( Yako no Kitsune ) Nightmare Fox

Scroll Owner:
Other Users who have signed contract: N/A
Summoning Boss if existing: N/A
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: N/A
Description and Background:

The Nightmare Fox are demonic entities made of fear, dread and horror. They are the legendary beings that populate the darkest places of our mind and prey on our dreams and hopes, filling them with dread, fear and nightmares. While the western culture knows them as shadowy entitites that manifest within our fears and nightmares, the Yako are fox-like yokai, based on the tales of the mischiveous foxes that cause spiritual and physical illness with their contact with the common folk, until their spiritual enlightment grows and their tails multiply.

The Nightmare Fox, or the Yako Kitsune, appear as a black or white fox with a single tail and crimson or golden eyes, though many can appear to have red or other markings, personal to every fox. They prey on people's mind by playing tricks, or by shapeshifting into other beings. Their method of attack, which stems from their original tail, is through Genjutsu and their Ghastly Fox-Fire, a gas-like flame that burns lazily and palely. They can use this ghastly flame to deal spiritual damage onto others, infuse their techniques with it and to possess others, stealing their abilities and wearing off their mental fortitude.

The act of feeding off from the abilities others is part of their journey for spiritual enlightment. It is an ability that allows them to acquire other powers which will allow them to grow a tail, up to the ninth tail, where they typically acquire a golden fur and are considered at the zenith of their spiritual power and enlightment. Their Sanctuary is a black meadow within two hills. It is always night time within the meadow, and the grass blows with an eerie sound of death. Multiple white birches cover the base of the hills, a stark contrast in front of the black grass. It is called Yama-no-Okami.

Unique Ability #1 - Spiritual Enlightment - The Heaven Fox

When they are summoned, they usually possess 1 tail, which is the Spiritual Tail that gives them access to their first abilities: Basic Genjutsu & Ghastly Fox-Fire ( Barring Elemental, Yin, CFS or Doujutsu-based Genjutsu ). This is always tethered to their summoner ( allowing the Fox to use what the user knows in the category of Basic Genjutsu, custom and canon ).

As they battle, Nightmare Foxes can steal an ability from a Category ( Ex: Tier 0 - Blast Release ) or Subcategory ( Tier 2 - Deidara Clay ) when they stand Short-Range from their target ( the Summoner or another ). It can be freely be stolen from the User or through a direct clash with an opponent or their jutsu through the Fox's body or jutsu. The Fox has to have experienced it in the match or directly counter the ability it means to steal, and it requires the Fox to neutralize or overpower the technique. Tier 5 and higher abilities can only be acquired through the summoner, and only through the 8th and 9th Tail. Replication of an ability happens in the same timeframe as the counter and happens at the cost of a jutsu per turn, though theft is not always required to happen each turn used countering. This tiered progress is absolute and can't be skipped.

Tail 2: Can steal Tier 0 abilities from others.
Tail 3-4: Can steal up to Tier 1 abilities from others. ( Countering a technique C rank or higher )
Tail 5-6: Can steal up to Tier 2 abilities from others. ( Countering a technique B rank or higher )
Tail 7-8: Can steal up to Tier 3 abilities from others. ( Countering a technique A rank or higher )
Tail 9: Can steal up to Tier 4 abilities from others. ( Countering a technique S rank or higher )

The technique that means to steal an opponent's ability will glow eerily when used, revealing the intent of stealing ( which can be inferred after witnessing the act a couple of times ). This stealing technique can be countered by an higher powered technique, and can "miss" stealing the ability that blocked it instead of the intended one. Lastly, the growing of a tail can be revoked by health loss, similar to a Fatigue system. 20% of Health lost in a single instance will revoke 1 tail, 40% will revoke 2, 60% will revoke 4 tails, 80% will revoke 6 and 100% will revoke 8 ( All additional tails ). These tails are lost in descending order with the highest available tail being lost first. Healing the fox will not regrow the lost tail, it needs to be stolen again. Fatigue can stack until healed, such as losing 20% of the health twice before healing will count as 40% and so forth.

Unique Ability 2# - Ghastly Foxfire[/B]

Nightmare Foxes are capable of producing a demonic smoke or gas through their body that they are capable of materializing or manipulate through chakra. The smoke produced by the Nightmares has a corporeal substance to it, in the sense that it can be compressed and interact with other physical objects and entities, but is Spiritual in nature. It glows in an eerie green colour, almost like a pale and lazy flame.

This gas carries Spiritual damage, instead of Physical. The smoke can be used to form constructs that can be thrown at their opponents or other techniques, playing in equal fields with Ninjutsu and Elemental Ninjutsu ( Neutral S&W ). Upon physical contact or inhalation of the smoke, the target will feel hallucinogenic effects, translated as drunken daze, and is a vessel through which the Nightmare Foxes cast Genjutsu. ( Ghastly Foxfire will be submitted as a CSCJ, and is not Canon Smoke Ninjutsu ).

Basic Ability 1# - Mischievous Illusion

Nightmare Foxes are capable of using Genjutsu, which can be cast handsealessly or by contact with the Ghastly Fox-Fire. Genjutsu cast through the eerie smoke will require the target to absorb/seal or counter the smoke in order to then release from the genjutsu, or use a method that does both at the same time, like a chakra Surge of sufficient rank. They can use Canon and Custom Genjutsu, not Sound Genjutsu, Doujutsu or CFSJ, as their First Tail, though can acquire and mix in other forms of Genjutsu as they grow tails. Their paws have been developed in order to perform makeshift handseals for any categories that they acquire that are outside the Genjutsu spectrum.

Basic Ability 2# - Nightmare Spiritual Resistance

As Nightmares are creatures that prey on the target's psyche and mind, they are resistant to Spiritual damage attacks like Genjutsu and Spiritual-based Yin techniques, shaving off -20 damage from techniques that deal spiritual damage.

Basic Ability 3# - Ghostly Sensorial

Nightmare Foxes can fly and have an increased perception akin to a Spiritual Sensory, allowing them to sense the Soul and Spiritual Based entities ( like Hungry Ghost, Katsuryoku Spirits, Etc ) which they use to survey the terrain and their opponent, as they follow along in their journey of Enlightment. This is a Sensorial Ability that can be used within the same Landmark, unless specified otherwise in specific submissions.

( Kitsune no Kuchiyose: Kumiho ) Nightmare Fox Summoning Technique: Kumiho, the Red-Omen Fox
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 60
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Kumiho is from a sect of Kitsune Foxes that are elementally specialized. They are designed to battle and serve as the main military branch of the Kitsune. She possesses a red-tinted fur coat, with a stripped tiger-like pattern in her fur. When she is summoned, she inherently has 3 bestowed tails:

1. The Second Tail is a Basic Fire Elemental Tail, which is it's thematic tail, whereas the Third Tail is it's opposite, a Decay Advanced Elemental Tail.
2. The Strength of the theme element and elements that are composed by it are boosted by 10 chakra when the Red-Omen uses it, and that is translated as a +20 damage boost when applicable.
3. Kamiho has 80 health points, 13 speed and 25 tracking. This tracking is bound to a Single-Landmark, and is Spiritual Based, as per the Contract.

Note: Can only be summoned by Fire and Decay users.
Note: Can only be summoned once and cannot be summoned while other Kitsune are present.

Both Approved, slight edits made. If you don’t like them, let me know and I’ll revert the changes.
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El Alucard

Active member
Mar 13, 2014
Trait Points
Changelog: *Tweaks bolded*
1. Numeric value-added
2. Second ability tweaked on how nesting works, also no Gen and Fuuin not allowed
3. Edited nesting abilities for both cardinals and made ask armor tweaks

Summoning Animal: Cardinals
Scroll Owner: El Alucard
Other Users who have signed contract: N/A
Summoning Boss if existing: Lady Serilda (Aphrodite)
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: Keleano, Mother Earth, and Kurt Travis
Description and Background: The Cardinals are passerine birds that live on an island hidden away from humanity normally only accessible to them and those whom they allow. They have sharp claws and extremely hard beaks and often love to appear as humans when interacting with the outside world. Having learned how to look like them and talk like them, it's easy to mistake them for your average person. The cardinals have a royal family leading them which is headed by The Burning Goddess Serilda. People that have signed the cardinal contract are able to communicate telepathically with their summons no matter where they are or how far they are. They will also receive from the royals a suit of armor made from a special type of cardinal beaks which will not only aid them in battle but will help them withstand the effects of one of the abilities of the cardinals. Although most royal cardinals are born with an affinity to multiple natures, it is important to note that they cannot use the natures simultaneously.

Fast Movement(Ability 1): All Cardinals have a base speed higher than that of the average summon. Granted the normal summon’s speed is the same as a Jonin rank ninja, a (+4 increase to Jonin Speeds = 12). Exceptions to this rule are only to Cardinals with an affinity towards lightning release and those with an affinity towards taijutsu who are able to move and react faster than a Sage rank ninja (+4 increase to Sage speed = 15).

Nest Adaptability (Basic ability 2): Cardinals were originally migratory birds, in order to find the required weather and environmental conditions for their nests and reproduction. When they acquired chakra and ninjutsu, becoming Nin Cardinals. Since the conditions for their offspring were not always ideal, they then created the ability to passively use their chakra to adapt themselves thus creating the ideal environment for their nest. This ability however is not always activated as they only used it when they needed to nest and as such, after being summoned onto the field, they can passively activate it only costing a move. They do this by channeling massive amounts of chakra into themselves, so much so it begins to leak out into the surrounding area. This causes the Cardinals to undergo incredible changes that bring about various effects not only to themselves but to the surrounding area. While detectable by chakra sensors/seers, there are also discernible physical changes that take place. Examples can be seen from water cardinals whose offspring needed very humid conditions to survive as such the summon would channel so much water-based chakra within themselves, that it begins to leak out and the air itself becomes so humid other organisms within the vicinity feel as though they are drowning. The cardinal itself being in its natural domain would obtain an adaptability boost to its main Elemental Affinity, quantified as a +20 boost to techniques of said affinity or ability. Wind cardinals on the other hand prefer extremely windy nests so one would observe extreme gusts of wind around them picking up dust and rocks. Organisms within the vicinity would flee due to vision hindrance from all the dust, as well as minor damage from being pelted by pieces of debris, etc. The cardinal itself from the massive chakra channeling would obtain an adaptability boost to its main Elemental Affinity or Ability, quantified as a +20 boost to techniques of said affinity or ability, and clearly stated in the summoning technique. The royal lineage of the Cardinals and their attendants were the only ones allowed to learn these nesting abilities however and they only seem to be able to do it with Basic and Advanced elements, Basic and Advanced Ninjutsu, Taijutsu and variants as well as Kenjutsu. Other abilities like Genjutsu and Fuuinjutsu could not really be used to nest as Illusions did not work on eggs and what mother would seal their egg? Also, they didn’t really have physical properties like how fire has heat, lightning has energy, etc that their offspring needed so they didn’t bother to learn them. Generic Cardinal Summons will acquire a +10 boost to Cardinal supporting Ninjutsu. Adaptability boosts are not limited to damage only, as a speed based cardinal may obtain a speed boost, or a defensive cardinal a defense boost, and so forth, however, every cardinal excluding the head cardinal may only obtain one type of boost (two for the head) which should be clearly stated in the Cardinals description.

Declined, okay so the first one is almost good. Just number tweaking now, I think. No contract is being approved at speeds of a Sage or higher. As I pointed out last check, Jounin based speed is good. If you want some to be slightly faster, you can submit specific summonings that state they are faster than normal but the +4 to Jounin speed is a definite no - especially for a basic contract. Even the set up you have grants an extra Conditional Ability ( Speeds of +4 Jounin normally and then Lightning ones with +4 Sage speed). Again, write into specific summonings that they have faster speeds compared to the average Cardinal if you want some to be faster than others. This should only tell us the basic default speed.
Second ability gets confusing and more unique the more you put into it; they’re essentially channeling chakra to partially terraform landmarks/arenas to fight in by flooding it with their chakra and changing conditions such as making wind storms that whip around stone that hinders vision and deals minor damage as stated. This isn’t a basic ability such as Damage Mitigation, Genjutsu/Taijutsu Usage, Enhanced Damage, Boosted Stats,etc. Terraforming in the way it’s described adds an ability onto what should be simple Enhanced Damage or State. The additional line about it being done with Tai and Ken also makes little sense in relation to what the goal is. The main flaw comes from trying to make this a Swiss Army knife of augmentations. This logically should only apply to elemental fields and should be as simple as “when the Cardinal is in weather conditions related to their affinity, they gain an additional 20 damage.” Everything else makes it bloated, grants more abilities than allowed and ultimately moves towards Unique territory which would make it auto declined.

(Kuchiyose: Koigokoro Megami, Aphrodite) - Summoning: Love Goddess, Aphrodite
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 40
Attack Points: N/A
Description: The user uses his summoning tattoo to summon the Love Goddess of Cardinals, Aphrodite. The Love Goddess possesses an almost regal air about her, though it may mostly be the self-righteous egotistical behavior she possesses. Strange as it seems, she prefers to walk rather than fly, unless she deems it necessary to do so. When entering a battle, a whirl of flame envelopes the cardinal, altering her drastically in almost an instant. What emerges is a vastly changed creature, the frame of a red predatory bird now larger than most men. Lightly plated armor sits strategically placed upon her body, glimmering as it shields wing, head, chest and legs from immediate dangers. Aphrodite’s legs are no longer the feeble limbs they once were, noticeably more muscular and every bit as strong as their appearance suggests. As the transformation is completed, she opens her wings thus causing the flame that begat this transformation to burst forward as a wave of B-Rank flames, leaving its mark not only on her feathers by making the bird’s wings light up with a flickering blaze, but also on the field burning anything in front of it up to mid-range. She is the same size as Gamabunta, with an enormous wing span of 18 meters. Although commonly known as The Love Goddess, she has also earned the title of Mistress of Ninjutsu for being the first Cardinal to obtain dual elemental affinities. Her affinities are to fire and wind, which she can perform up to A-Rank. She is proud, flirty, and unable to cope with most summoner’s unless they somehow prove themselves to her. These are the greatest flaws Aphrodite has, not that she sees them in such a way. Once she determines a course of action, she often follows through without considering it any further. Thankfully, even as brash as it may seem, she very often prepares before acting in the case of any sort of emergency that may result from a miscalculation. So in spite of her abrasive self-assureds she does have the forethought to consider these things beforehand. If only she weren’t such a self-important smart ass, then her company would be more tolerable.

Note: Can be Only Summoned Once.
Note: The Armor takes 3 B-Rank hits and breaks.
Note: Must sign Cardinal Contract to use.
Note: Only one element may be used in a move.
Note: Lasts for four turns

(Kuchiyose: Moeru Megami Seriruda) Summoning: Burning Goddess Serilda
Type: Supplementary
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 40
Attack Points: N/A
Description: The user uses their summoning tattoo to summon the Head of the Cardinals, one known by many names but commonly Serilda or Aphrodite. The Burning Goddess possesses an almost regal air about her, though it may mostly be the self-righteous egotistical behavior she possesses. Like all Royal Cardinals, Serilda likes to appear in human form most times. Strange as it seems, she prefers to walk rather than fly, unless she deems it necessary to do so. When entering a battle she often opts to revert to her true form, a gigantic flame tornado envelopes Serilda pulling in chunks of earth from the surrounding area, altering her drastically in almost an instant. A vastly changed creature, the frame of a red predatory bird now larger than most men. Lightly plated armor sits strategically placed upon her body, set ablaze as it shields wings, head, chest, and legs from immediate dangers. Serilda’s legs are no longer the feeble limbs they once were, noticeably more muscular and every bit as strong as their appearance suggests with razor-sharp talons. As the transformation is completed, she swiftly with all her power opens her wings thus causing the flame that begat this transformation to burst forward sending outwards large flaming chunks of earth with a wave of A-Rank flames. This leaves a mark on Serilda’s feathers as the bird’s wings light up with a flickering blaze. The result, a sight similar to that of a great war as the battlefield in front of Serilda is destroyed and mostly on fire, a horror show for lovers of nature. She is the same size as Gamabunta, with an enormous wingspan of 20 meters. Although commonly known as The Burning Goddess due to her love of the flame element, she has also earned the title of Mistress of Ninjutsu for being the first and only known Cardinal to obtain triple elemental affinities. Her affinities are to fire, wind, and earth which she can easily perform up to S-rank although she mostly prefers fire (Note she can only use one at a time). She is proud, flirty, and unable to cope with most summoners unless they somehow prove themselves to her or she just likes their “Vibe”. These are the greatest flaws Serilda has, not that she sees them in such a way. Once she determines a course of action, she often follows through without considering it any further. Thankfully, even as brash as it may seem, she very often prepares before acting in the case of any sort of emergency that may result from a miscalculation. So in spite of her abrasive self-assured nature, she does have the forethought to consider these things beforehand. If only she weren’t such a self-important smart ass, then her company would be more tolerable.

A Flaming Goddess Leaving Heaven (Nest Ability)

By channeling massive amounts of chakra within herself Serilda would Activate her nest ability causing her to grow a second pair of flaming wings, her eyes becoming completely white and her talons and beak becoming sharper. As the head of the Cardinals Serilda gains two adaptability boosts as all elements she is able to use gain a +20 damage boost and she becomes able to withstand up to A-rank techniques said elements (fire, earth, wind). As her chakra leaks from her, the surrounding area up to long-range begins to heat up rapidly as she becomes hotter and hotter, everyone within the vicinity will begin to feel the intense heat radiating from her as it moves over the battlefield causing difficulty breathing, profuse sweating. The heatwaves from the bird would cause mirages, as their eyes would begin to dry severely making it very uncomfortable and painful for them thus causing them to blink constantly in a failed attempt at wetting their eyes (this would of course make it harder to keep track of the user and Serilda visually), this extreme dryness will lead to blindness by the time the domain ends due to abrasion of the corneal surface and corneal ulcers caused by the dry eyes. The intense heat would also cause extreme dehydration as they are losing a lot of water. They would begin to feel very thirsty and light-headed in the 2nd turn, paired with the mirages leaves them feeling unusually tired (lethargic) and highly confused by the 3rd turn which in turn makes it harder for them to move properly or perform techniques efficiently (-1 rank to techniques). By the time the domain ends the opponent would pass out for 2 turns due to severe migraines and tiredness.

Overall the ability lasts only 5 turns. Once this ability wears off the battlefield is left in utter ruins as most vegetation has been turned to ashes, the temperature begins to drop back to normal, Serilda reverts to her normal form, her and the user are unable to use fire, wind, and earth techniques of S-rank and above for 3 turns. This ability can only be utilized thrice with a cooldown period of 5 turns between usage. Holders of the contract are not affected by the Cardinal’s chakra as they have the “Wings of Protection” armor.

Can be summoned thrice per battle.
Note: Serilda’s Armour can take 4 A-rank hits before breaking from anything that she doesn’t have an affinity to. This means Fire, Earth, and Wind up to A-rank can all be tanked by the armor. S-rank variations of the aforementioned elements break her armor in 5 hits.
Note: Must sign Cardinal Contract to use.
Note: Remains on battlefield 5 turns, and can only be summoned again after 3 turns

(Kuchiyose: Arashi no Onna Keleano) - Summoning: Keleano Lady of the Storm
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Keleano is the Love Goddess Aphrodite's very fierce younger sister. She was born in a brutal storm in the valley of the cardinals and this was prophesied to be a great sign of things to come. Due to having been born and raised in those conditions, she became so accustomed to that environment, and as such gained dual affinity for lightning and water, which she can perform up to A-rank. Similar to the way her sister enters battle, Keleano is enveloped by a vortex of water also altering her looks. She emerges as a large blue bird, although not as large as her sister. She is about 3/4 the size of Gamabunta, has a wingspan of 15 meters and can fit two riders on her back. As her transformation is complete the water vortex shoots forward a powerful stream of water, equivalent to that of a B-rank technique which leaves behind a watery residue on her wings which she can use her own water source. Having grown up in the stormy valley of the cardinals, she has flown in that weather many a time and has had to learn how to balance and move very fast in order to be able to evade from any type of danger, this including lightning. As such she is very agile and can fly and move faster than the average summon. She believes her fierce attitude represents her affinity. The only flaw she has is she can be quite naïve sometimes, willing to fight any opponent even though they are stronger than her. She is very trustworthy and also trusts her summoner and despite being young, she is a very good fighter and very helpful as well.

Note: Can be Only Summoned Once.
Note: Must sign cardinal contract to use.
Note: Can only be taught by El Alucard.
Note: Lasts for four turns

(Kuchiyose: Arashi no joō Keleano) Summoning: Queen Of Storms Keleano
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Keleano is Serilda’s very fierce younger sister. Her egg was stolen from the Royal palace but the thieves made the mistake of trying to cut through Cardinallia Valley as a means of escape and died as soon as they entered leaving the egg there to be taken care of by nature. By some miracle, she was born in a brutal storm in the valley of the cardinals and this was prophesied to be a great sign of things to come. Due to having been born and raised in those conditions, she became so accustomed to that environment, and as a royal gained a dual affinity for lightning and water, which she can perform up to S-rank. She later went back to the palace and very quickly took a liking to her older sister looking up to her so it’s not a surprise that she enters the battle and often reverts to her cardinal form in a similar manner. Keleano is enveloped by a vortex of electrically charged water as she alters her normal human form to that of a large cardinal. She emerges as a large blue cardinal, although not as large as her sister. She is about 3/4 the size of Gamabunta, has a wingspan of 16 meters, and can comfortably fit two riders on her back. As her transformation is complete the water shoots forward a multitude of electrically charged bullets (C-rank) as well as an electrically charged wave equivalent to that of an A-rank technique which not only leaves the battlefield in front of her drenched and devastated as if a tsunami had just washed through but also leaves behind a watery residue on her wings which she can use her own water source. Having grown up in the stormy valley of the cardinals, she has flown in that weather many times and has had to learn how to balance and move very fast in order to be able to evade any type of danger, especially the never-ending hail and lightning storms within Cardinalia Valley. Due to her affinity to lightning Keleano is even faster than the average Cardinal as mentioned in the contract, easily being able to dodge lightning most attacks (Up to S-rank I believe as her base speed is 15). She believes her fierce attitude represents her affinity. The only flaw she has is she can be quite naïve sometimes, willing to fight any opponent even though they are stronger than her. She is very trustworthy and also trusts her summoner and despite being young, she is a very good fighter and very helpful as well.

A Storm Of Premonition (Music to be murdered by)
By channeling massive amounts of chakra within herself Keleano would Activate her nest ability causing her, much like her sister to grow a second pair of water wings, her feathers begin to give off an electric charge akin to an A-rank lightning technique thus making all water techniques she uses electrically charged (this does not add to the damage of the water technique, an A-rank water technique will still have the same amount of damage, the only difference is it will be electrically charged causing shock or paralysis). Her eyes become completely white and her talons and beak become sharper. However, unlike her sister who is damage-based Keleano gains an x2 speed boost to her base. As her chakra leaks from her, the surrounding area up to long-range begins to become so humid a multitude of water drops begin to form all around. The droplets will float in place and once every turn they will shoot out in an omnidirectional manner pelting the opponent and before forming once more due to the humid surrounding. Despite the vast number, the water drops will only collectively deal +15 blunt force damage in the 1st turn, +20 blunt force damage in the 2nd turn, +25 heavy blunt force damage from the third turn, and the 4th and last turn will see them doing +30 piercing damage. The bullets up to the 2nd turn will only be a slight hindrance to the opponent as if being pelted by small hail so the will not hinder the opponent, the third turn where its heavy damage may fracture a few bones and bullets on the fourth turn although not being able to pierce any internal organs, will be able to pierce eyes and go slightly deeper than the muscular layer thus leaving opponents blind and bleeding as well as tearing of some muscles. Once this ability wears off the droplets fall back to the ground, Keleano reverts to her normal form, and she and the user are unable to use water techniques of S-rank and above for 2 turns. This ability can only be utilized thrice with a cooldown period of 5 turns between usage Holders of the contract are not affected by the environmental change as they have the “Wings of Protection” armor

Can be summoned only once in battle.
Note: Must sign the cardinal contract to use.
Note: Stays on field 5 for turns after summoned.

(Kuchiyose: Appugurēdo) - Summoning: The Upgrade
Type: Summoning
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A (+10 to Taijutsu)
Description: The user will simply perform a single hand seal, summoning an armor made completely of extremely sharp cardinal beaks over his body. The armor looks like a layered spiked suit and the beaks are of various shapes and sizes, interlocking throughout the suit so as to create the most efficient armor. The user is able to summon the beaks in any spot on his body he wishes. This could be just his right arm, both his arms, from his feet to his torso, or even having a full body suit. When an enemy makes contact with the beaks it will be as if he were stabbed with many sharp knives, the armor adds +10 to all Taijutsu the user uses. The beaks are naturally very strong and resilient, able to block damage from up to A-rank Taijutsu, A-rank Ninjutsu and B-Rank Elemental techniques. Since the armor is connected to the cardinals, should there be any Cardinal summon present on the field whilst the user has the armor on, the suit’s true power (The Upgrade) is activated and the suit adapts to the summoning Cardinal on the field.

• The Upgrade (Queen of Flames) - This upgrade is activated when Aphrodite is present on the field. The armor turns red and grants the user the ability to perform all Fire and Wind techniques B-rank and below with a single hand seal. The suit is able to withstand up to S-rank wind techniques, however it also obtains the elemental weaknesses of fire and wind and as such, it can only take two B-rank fire or water techniques before breaking.
Note: Can only use Fire and Wind elements while armor is active.
Note: Cannot use any B-rank and above fire and wind techniques for 2 turns after usage of this armor.
• The Upgrade (The Stormy Sea’s Princess) - This upgrade is activated when Keleano is present on the field. The armor turns blue and grants the user the ability to perform all Water and Lightning techniques B-rank and below with a single hand seal. The suit is able to withstand up to A-rank water and lightning techniques and S-rank Fire, however it also obtains the elemental weaknesses of water and lightning thus it is only able to take two B-rank earth or wind techniques before breaking.
Note: Can only use Water and Lightning while armor is active.
Note: Cannot use any B-rank and above water and lightning techniques for 2 turns after usage of this armor.

Note: Lasts 4 turns after which the beaks fall away.
Note: Can only be used three times per battle, but needs to cool down for 2 turns after the first time used and 4 turns after the second time used.
Note: The beaks that make up the suit are light so they do not remove from the user’s speed

(Hogo no Tsubasa) Wings Of Protection(The Upgrade)
Rank: S-rank
Range: Short
Chakra:40(+40 to repair damaged armor)
Damage: N/A (+20 to Taijutsu)
Description: As the previous rendition was unable to withstand the harsh nature of the Cardinal’s nesting ability the Royals decided to remake it and hand it to only the trusted signers’ of the contract. The armor is still a layered spiky suit made of beaks of various shapes and sizes interlocking throughout the suit however, this time the beaks were taken from the remains of fallen cardinal warriors and treated by the wisest of cardinals in order to make them translucent thus making the armor itself translucent. The armor is sealed within a chakra activated pendant given to the user by the Head Cardinal when they are deemed worthy which not only allows them to instantly summon the beaks onto any spot on the body they wish but also allows them to withstand all effects from the harsh nature of the Nesting ability almost as if they were offspring of the cardinals. The user by sacrificing a portion of their chakra to the pendant can summon the beaks wherever, could be just his right arm, both his arms, from his feet to his head, or even having a full body armor; this all happens passively with thought and as such can be performed simultaneously as the other Jutsu. When an enemy makes contact with the beaks or is hit by the user with the armor on it will be as if he were stabbed with many sharp knives, and as such the armor adds +20dmg to all Taijutsu the user uses. Although cardinal beaks are naturally very strong and resilient they may break if put under too much stress and in such a case the user would need to spend +40 chakra to fully repair the armor. The suit is able to tank damage up to A-Rank Kenjutsu (break after 5 S-rank Ken), A-rank Taijutsu(break after 5 S-rank Tai), A-rank Ninjutsu (break after 4 S-rank Nin), and B-Rank Elemental techniques (to break 4 A-rank, 3 S-Rank elemental). Since the armor is connected to the cardinals, it too gains the same abilities as the cardinals meaning due to their natural speed the user is passively awarded +4 to their base speed. Much like the cardinals secondary nesting ability the user can activate the true ability of the armor provided there be any Cardinal Summon present on the field. The armor’s true power (The Upgrade) once activated by the user via sacrificing +15 chakra the armor adapts according to the Cardinal present on the field. Alternatively, the upgrade will automatically activate without chakra cost, should the Cardinal on the field activate their nesting ability in order to prevent the user from being affected as well.

• The Upgrade (Queen of Flames) - This upgrade can be activated when Serilda is present on the field. The armor turns red with golden accents on the edges of each interlocking beak and grants the user the +20 damage to Fire, Wind, and Earth techniques (as they are Serilda’s affinities). It, much like Serilda, is also now able to withstand up to A-rank wind, fire, and earth techniques and 5 S-rank fire wind and earth will break it however 4 A-rank of Water and lightning will break it.

Can only use Fire, Wind, and Earth elements while Queen of flames is active.
Note: Queen of Flames stays active for 5 turns, assuming Serilda is still on the battlefield.
Note: Cannot use any S-rank and above fire, wind, and earth techniques a turn after usage of this upgrade.

• The Upgrade (The Stormy Sea’s Princess) - This upgrade can be activated when Keleano is present on the field. The armor turns to a sky blue color with chrome accents on the edges of every interlocking beak and a speed boost much like Keleano. The user's speed is multiplied by two and as such any physical damage dealt with the opponent during this upgrade also gains an additional +15 dmg points. Defensively this upgrade stays the same as mentioned in the main description.

Can only use Water and Lightning elements while The Stormy Sea’s Princess is active.
Note: The Stormy Sea’s Princess stays active for 5 turns, assuming Keleano is still on the field.
Note: Base speed decreased by -5 points for 2 turns after usage of this upgrade.
Summoning Animal: Cardinals
Scroll Owner: El Alucard
Other Users who have signed contract: N/A
Summoning Boss if existing: Lady Serilda (Aphrodite)
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: Keleano, Mother Earth, and Kurt Travis

Description and Background: The Cardinals are passerine birds that live on an island hidden away from humanity normally only accessible to them and those whom they allow. They have sharp claws and extremely hard beaks. Having learned how to look like them and talk like them, it's easy to mistake them for your average person. The cardinals have a royal family leading them which is headed by The Burning Goddess Serilda. People that have signed the cardinal contract are able to communicate telepathically with their summons no matter where they are or how far they are. They will also receive from the royals a cardinal pendant made from a special type of cardinal beaks to aid them in battle. Although most royal cardinals are born with an affinity to multiple natures, it is important to note that they cannot use the natures simultaneously.

Cardinal Arts (Ability 1): All cardinals gain +20 damage to all cardinal based jutsu within their arsenal.

Nest Adaptability (Basic ability 2): Cardinals were originally migratory birds, in order to find the required weather and environmental conditions for their nests and reproduction. As such, when a Cardinal is in weather conditions related to their affinity become stronger, they gain an additional +20 damage to all jutsu they can perform as well as a becoming resistant to damage from jutsu of their affinitial element up to B-rank.

Approved, update made. Removed the ability to look like humans from the description as it’s not listed as an actual ability.

(Kuchiyose: Koigokoro Megami, Aphrodite) - Summoning: Love Goddess, Aphrodite
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 40
Attack Points: N/A
Description: The user uses his summoning tattoo to summon the Love Goddess of Cardinals, Aphrodite. The Love Goddess possesses an almost regal air about her, though it may mostly be the self-righteous egotistical behavior she possesses. Strange as it seems, she prefers to walk rather than fly, unless she deems it necessary to do so. When entering a battle, a whirl of flame envelopes the cardinal, altering her drastically in almost an instant. What emerges is a vastly changed creature, the frame of a red predatory bird now larger than most men. Lightly plated armor sits strategically placed upon her body, glimmering as it shields wing, head, chest and legs from immediate dangers. Aphrodite’s legs are no longer the feeble limbs they once were, noticeably more muscular and every bit as strong as their appearance suggests. As the transformation is completed, she opens her wings thus causing the flame that begat this transformation to burst forward as a wave of B-Rank flames, leaving its mark not only on her feathers by making the bird’s wings light up with a flickering blaze, but also on the field burning anything in front of it up to mid-range. She is the same size as Gamabunta, with an enormous wing span of 18 meters. Although commonly known as The Love Goddess, she has also earned the title of Mistress of Ninjutsu for being the first Cardinal to obtain dual elemental affinities. Her affinities are to fire and wind, which she can perform up to A-Rank. She is proud, flirty, and unable to cope with most summoner’s unless they somehow prove themselves to her. These are the greatest flaws Aphrodite has, not that she sees them in such a way. Once she determines a course of action, she often follows through without considering it any further. Thankfully, even as brash as it may seem, she very often prepares before acting in the case of any sort of emergency that may result from a miscalculation. So in spite of her abrasive self-assureds she does have the forethought to consider these things beforehand. If only she weren’t such a self-important smart ass, then her company would be more tolerable.

Note: Can be Only Summoned Once.
Note: The Armor takes 3 B-Rank hits and breaks.
Note: Must sign Cardinal Contract to use.
Note: Only one element may be used in a move.
Note: Lasts for four turns

(Kuchiyose: Moeru Megami Seriruda) Summoning: Burning Goddess Serilda
Type: Supplementary
Range: N/A
Chakra: 40
Attack Points: N/A
Description: The user uses their summoning tattoo to summon the Head of the Cardinals, one known by many names but commonly Serilda or Aphrodite. The Burning Goddess possesses an almost regal air about her, though it may mostly be the self-righteous egotistical behavior she possesses. Like all Royal Cardinals, Serilda likes to appear in human form most times. Strange as it seems, she prefers to walk rather than fly, unless she deems it necessary to do so. When entering a battle she often opts to revert to her true form, a gigantic flame tornado envelopes Serilda pulling in chunks of earth from the surrounding area, altering her drastically in almost an instant. A vastly changed creature, the frame of a red predatory bird now larger than most men. Lightly plated armor sits strategically placed upon her body, set ablaze as it shields wings, head, chest, and legs from immediate dangers. Serilda’s legs are no longer the feeble limbs they once were, noticeably more muscular and every bit as strong as their appearance suggests with razor-sharp talons. As the transformation is completed, she swiftly with all her power opens her wings thus causing the flaming tornado that begat this transformation to burst forward sending outwards large flaming wave of A-Rank flames filled with large earthen chunks. This leaves not only leaves a mark on Serilda’s feathers as the bird’s wings light up with a flickering blaze but also the terrain as the battlefield becomes flame engulfed nightmare transforming it into her ideal territory. She is the same size as Gamabunta, with an enormous wingspan of 20 meters. Although commonly known as The Burning Goddess due to her love of the fire element, she has also earned the title of Mistress of Ninjutsu for being the first Cardinal to obtain double elemental affinities. Her affinities are to fire and wind which she can easily perform up to S-rank although she mostly prefers using fire. She is proud, flirty, and unable to cope with most summoners unless they somehow prove themselves to her. These are the greatest flaws Serilda has, not that she sees them in such a way. Once she determines a course of action, she often follows through without considering it any further. Thankfully, even as brash as it may seem, she very often prepares before acting in the case of any sort of emergency that may result from a miscalculation. So in spite of her abrasive self-assured nature, she does have the forethought to consider these things beforehand. If only she weren’t such a self-important smart ass, then her company would be more tolerable. Her ideal environments are any place with alot of fire or wind e.g. Volcanoes, Burning fields or forests, windy deserts, etc.

Can be summoned thrice per battle.
Note: Serilda’s Armour can take 4 A-rank hits before breaking
Note: Must sign Cardinal Contract to use.
Note: Only one element may be used in a move.
Note: Remains on battlefield 5 turns, and can only be summoned again after 3 turns

Pending, okay so for starters, when updating summonings, the animal has to stay the same. What I mean by this is the animal’s core abilities and character can’t change to be a different animal. I cannot update Theseus the Lightning user into Perseus the Fire user, for example. The mentions of Serilda has to go. The parts about being in human form also have to go; as a rule, humanoid summonings have to be Mythical or higher and to have the ability to transform into humans would require a special perk as well. As it seems it’s only cosmetic here, it’ll be a small change to take out. I also notice they tend to transform as their special abilities as all of them here mention it. I think, with it being a big part of their builds, it should probably be an actual ability they have. I’d recommend that over the +20 to Cardinal techniques they have. I’m willing to make the edit for you to continue checking these easily if you want as you’ve waited a while for this.

(Kuchiyose: Arashi no Onna Keleano) - Summoning: Keleano Lady of the Storm
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Keleano is the Love Goddess Aphrodite's very fierce younger sister. She was born in a brutal storm in the valley of the cardinals and this was prophesied to be a great sign of things to come. Due to having been born and raised in those conditions, she became so accustomed to that environment, and as such gained dual affinity for lightning and water, which she can perform up to A-rank. Similar to the way her sister enters battle, Keleano is enveloped by a vortex of water also altering her looks. She emerges as a large blue bird, although not as large as her sister. She is about 3/4 the size of Gamabunta, has a wingspan of 15 meters and can fit two riders on her back. As her transformation is complete the water vortex shoots forward a powerful stream of water, equivalent to that of a B-rank technique which leaves behind a watery residue on her wings which she can use her own water source. Having grown up in the stormy valley of the cardinals, she has flown in that weather many a time and has had to learn how to balance and move very fast in order to be able to evade from any type of danger, this including lightning. As such she is very agile and can fly and move faster than the average summon. She believes her fierce attitude represents her affinity. The only flaw she has is she can be quite naïve sometimes, willing to fight any opponent even though they are stronger than her. She is very trustworthy and also trusts her summoner and despite being young, she is a very good fighter and very helpful as well.

Note: Can be Only Summoned Once.
Note: Must sign cardinal contract to use.
Note: Can only be taught by El Alucard.
Note: Lasts for four turns

(Kuchiyose: Arashi no joō Keleano) Summoning: Queen Of Storms Keleano
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Keleano is Serilda’s very fierce younger sister. Her egg was stolen from the Royal palace but the thieves made the mistake of trying to cut through Cardinallia Valley as a means of escape and died as soon as they entered leaving the egg there to be taken care of by nature. By some miracle, she was born in a brutal storm in the valley of the cardinals and this was prophesied to be a great sign of things to come. Due to having been born and raised in those conditions, she became accustomed to that environment and as a natural born royal gained a dual affinity for lightning and water, which she can perform up to S-rank. She later went back to the palace and very quickly took a liking to her older sister looking up to her so it’s not a surprise that she enters the battle and often reverts to her cardinal form in a similar manner. Keleano is enveloped by a vortex of electrically charged water as she alters her normal human form to that of a large cardinal. She emerges as a large blue cardinal, although not as large as her sister. She is about 3/4 the size of Gamabunta, has a wingspan of 16 meters, and can comfortably fit two riders on her back. As her transformation is complete the water shoots forward an innumerable amount of electrically charged bullets (A-rank) enough to not only leave the battlefield drenched and devastated as if a tsunami had just washed through but also leaves behind a watery residue on her wings which she can use her own water source. Having grown up in the stormy valley of the cardinals, she has regularly flown in the harsh weather many times and has had to learn how to balance and move very fast in order to be able to evade the never-ending hail and lightning storms within Cardinalia Valley. This and her affinity to lightning, make Keleano faster than the average Cardinal allowing her to easily be able to evade A-rank lightning techniques. She believes her fierce attitude represents her affinity. The only flaw she has is she can be quite naïve sometimes, willing to fight any opponent even though they are stronger than her. She is very trustworthy and also trusts her summoner and despite being young, she is a very good fighter and very helpful as well. Her ideal environments are any place with alot of water or lightning e.g. rainy days, storms,lightning storms, etc.

Can be summoned only once in battle.
Note: Must sign the cardinal contract to use.
Note: Only one element may be used in a move.
Note: Stays on field 5 for turns after summoned.

(Kuchiyose: Appugurēdo) - Summoning: The Upgrade
Type: Summoning
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A (+10 to Taijutsu)
Description: The user will simply perform a single hand seal, summoning an armor made completely of extremely sharp cardinal beaks over his body. The armor looks like a layered spiked suit and the beaks are of various shapes and sizes, interlocking throughout the suit so as to create the most efficient armor. The user is able to summon the beaks in any spot on his body he wishes. This could be just his right arm, both his arms, from his feet to his torso, or even having a full body suit. When an enemy makes contact with the beaks it will be as if he were stabbed with many sharp knives, the armor adds +10 to all Taijutsu the user uses. The beaks are naturally very strong and resilient, able to block damage from up to A-rank Taijutsu, A-rank Ninjutsu and B-Rank Elemental techniques. Since the armor is connected to the cardinals, should there be any Cardinal summon present on the field whilst the user has the armor on, the suit’s true power (The Upgrade) is activated and the suit adapts to the summoning Cardinal on the field.

• The Upgrade (Queen of Flames) - This upgrade is activated when Aphrodite is present on the field. The armor turns red and grants the user the ability to perform all Fire and Wind techniques B-rank and below with a single hand seal. The suit is able to withstand up to S-rank wind techniques, however it also obtains the elemental weaknesses of fire and wind and as such, it can only take two B-rank fire or water techniques before breaking.

Note: Can only use Fire and Wind elements while armor is active.
Note: Cannot use any B-rank and above fire and wind techniques for 2 turns after usage of this armor.

• The Upgrade (The Stormy Sea’s Princess) - This upgrade is activated when Keleano is present on the field. The armor turns blue and grants the user the ability to perform all Water and Lightning techniques B-rank and below with a single hand seal. The suit is able to withstand up to A-rank water and lightning techniques and S-rank Fire, however it also obtains the elemental weaknesses of water and lightning thus it is only able to take two B-rank earth or wind techniques before breaking.

Note: Can only use Water and Lightning while armor is active.
Note: Cannot use any B-rank and above water and lightning techniques for 2 turns after usage of this armor.
Note: Lasts 4 turns after which the beaks fall away.
Note: Can only be used three times per battle, but needs to cool down for 2 turns after the first time used and 4 turns after the second time used.
Note: The beaks that make up the suit are light so they do not remove from the user’s speed

(Hogo no Tsubasa) Wings Of Protection(The Upgrade)
Rank: S-rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 40(+40 to repair damaged armor)
N/A (+20 to Taijutsu)
Ever since the previous rendition was deemed near useless the royal cardinals decided to remake it. Stronger, harder in all ways better than the last version and hand it to only the trusted signers’ of the contract. The armor is still a layered spiky suit made of beaks of various shapes and sizes interlocking throughout the suit however, this time the beaks were taken from the remains of fallen cardinal warriors and treated by the wisest of cardinals in order to make them translucent thus making the armor itself translucent. The armor is sealed within a chakra activated pendant given to the user by the Head Cardinal when they are deemed worthy which not only allows them to instantly summon the beaks onto any spot on the body they wish but also grants the user the ability to use cardinal ninjutsu almost as if they were offspring of the cardinals. Unlike the old variant where the user needed to clap their hands to summon the suit, by simply sacrificing a portion of their chakra to the cardinal pendant the user can summon the beaks wherever, could be just his right arm, both his arms, from his feet to his head, or even having a full body armor; this new change allows the user to be able to summon the suit simultaneous to performing other jutsu. When an enemy makes contact with the beaks or is hit by the user with the armor on it will be as if he were stabbed with many sharp knives, and as such the armor adds +20dmg to all Taijutsu. Although cardinal beaks are naturally very strong and resilient they may break if put under too much stress and in such a case the user would need to sacrifice 40 more chakra to the cardinal pendant to fully repair the armor. The suit is able to take up to 100 accumulated damaged before breaking.

Since the armor is connected to the cardinals, it too gains the same abilities as the cardinals. The Cardinal arts ability allows for the user to use Cardinal ninjutsu and much like the cardinals secondary nesting ability the armor’s secondary ability (The Upgrade) will automatically activate without chakra cost adapting either according to the Cardinal present on the field or the ideal weather conditions of any cardinal attached to the contract irregardless of whether they are present on field.

The Upgrade (Queen of Flames) - This upgrade will activate when Serilda is present on the field or when her environmental requirements are met. The armor turns red with golden accents on the edges of each interlocking beak and grants the user the +20 damage to Fire and Wind techniques (as they are Serilda’s affinities). It is also now able to withstand up to B-rank wind and fire techniques.

Can only use Fire and Wind elements while Queen of flames is active.
Note: Queen of Flames stays active for as long as the requirement for the upgrade are met.
Cannot use any S-rank and above fire, wind, and earth techniques a turn after usage of this upgrade.

The Upgrade (The Stormy Sea’s Princess) - This upgrade can be activated when Keleano is present on the field. The armor turns to a sky blue color with chrome accents on the edges of every interlocking beak and a +20 damage to Water and Lightning techniques. It is also now able to withstand up to B-rank water and lightning techniques.The user's base speed passively increases by x1.5 until the upgrade deactivates due to Keleano’s natural speed trait.

Can only use Water and Lightning elements while The Stormy Sea’s Princess is active.
Note: The Stormy Sea’s Princess stays active for as long as the requirement for the upgrade are met.
Cannot use any S-rank and above water and lightning techniques a turn after usage of this upgrade.

Update and Original Declined, the perks listed here are doing too much. For example, this definitely isn’t a passive speed increase. The only ones that are considered passive are specialty related ones. I think one of the biggest issues here is this seems to be a CSC technique summoning an armor. Unless this is an actual ability of the contract, I don’t think I can allow it to continue to exist; you’d need the contract to have the ability to summon or create weapons for it to work. For example, my Ligers have the ability to turn into weapons and Imperfect’s CSC has the ability to summon weapons for use. Unfortunately, I can’t approve this even with the edits because of that.
Last edited by a moderator:


Mar 17, 2014
Trait Points
(Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Sparky) - Summoning Technique: Sparky
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/a
Description: Sparky is a 2 foot long black snake with white stripes with a strong affinity for Lightning Release. However Sparky is not a combat focused summon. Sparky is a personal summon known for its strong electrorecption abilities and ability to enhance Lightning Release attacks. If in contact with its summoner, Sparky can share these abilities with its summoner. It's electrorecption ability allows it and those it is physically connected to, to perceive all chakra based electrical fields within a landmark the moment they come into existence. Tracking limitations still apply. When in physical contact with its summoner it can also passively enhance their Lightning jutsus by +20 by charging them.

Note: Can only be taught by Kooljay
Note: Must be stated in bio or beginning of match

(Kuchiyose: Kobura Joō ) Summoning: Queen Cobra
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short
Chakra: 50
Damage: (-10 to user)
Description: Queen Cobra is a 100m long Mozambique Spitting Cobra snake. Personality-wise she is a very humble, but respectful snake. Among Ryuchi Cave her ability to spit a powerful cytotoxic venom is feared. Into long range with extreme accuracy, Queen Cobra can spit a venom equal in size to that of a boss summon that causes rapid cell death on contact. Unless healed with the appropriate medical ninjutsu, the targets will take an additional 20 damage per turn as their body slowly deteriorates. Against inorganic materials, however, the venom is essentially just a concussive liquid attack. Queen Cobra can transverse underground and is capable of using bodily attacks which are A rank in strength. Queen Cobra has heat pits in its snout allowing it to sense infrared wavelengths and an excellent sense of smell via its tongue.

Declined, still unreasonable. You actually removed the restrictions, for starters. This still has roughly 3-4 abilities ( a “venom equal in size to that of a boss summon” which is already wild and can cause 20 damage unless healed by Med, Can use A rank attacks, and can sense via heat and smell ). As I mentioned last time, the poison being that strong alone is usually enough to justify just one other ability and you still have two forms of sensing + A rank free form damage. One more try.
(Kuchiyose: Kobura Joō ) Summoning: Queen Cobra
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short
Chakra: 50
Damage: (-10 to user)
Description: Queen Cobra is a 100m long Mozambique Spitting Cobra snake. Personality-wise she is a very humble, but respectful snake. Among Ryuchi Cave her ability to spit a powerful cytotoxic venom is feared. Into long range with extreme accuracy, Queen Cobra can spit a torrent of venom the size of Water Bullet Jutsu that causes rapid cell death on contact. Unless healed with the appropriate medical ninjutsu, the targets will take an additional 20 damage per turn as their body slowly deteriorates. Against inorganic materials, however, the venom is essentially just a concussive liquid attack. Queen Cobra can transverse underground. Queen Cobra has an excellent sense of smell via its tongue.

Note: Can only be summoned once.
Note: Can only be used by those taught by Kooljay.

Both Approved

Change Log:
Changed size of venom blast to that of Water Bullet Jutsu
Removed A rank taijutsu
Removed heat pits
Added restrictions. Also my bad on that. I think I forgot to copy/paste those last time.
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Active member
Jun 18, 2009
Trait Points
Original Submission

( Kouton: Horimono ) Box Arts: Ta Moko

Rank: D-S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 10-40
Damage Points: 20-80
Description: This stands as the ability that Archipelago's Box Jellyfishes have to stretch out their tentacles in order to attack a target. Each box has an average of 4 tentacles, from which they derive their name, and their size and strength differs from rank to rank ( Based on the summoning technique's rank ). The power and range of Ta-Moko varies according to those variables. B rank and bellow summons are capable of stretching 1-4 tentacles ( D-A Rank ) up to Mid-Range. A and higher summons are capable of stretchin 1-4 tentacles ( C-S Rank ) up to Long Range.
Human summoners mimic this technique by summoning a box on their back, with long tentacles, which wraps around the user's arms, legs and face, giving them the appearance of Moko, elegant carvings wore by Maori villagers, which can then manipulate and stretch 1-4 tentacles ( C-S Rank ) up to Mid-Range . The tentacles have the particularity of having one side with nematocysts and one side without. The side that attaches to the skin is without nematocysts.

Note: Follows Strong Taijutsu like Leaf Dragon God's S&W, aka Neutral to elemental ninjutsu.
Note: Unless specified otherwise in the summoning technique, the user/box can only use Ta Moko with up to 4 tentacles, the rank and damage of the technique varying according to the number of tentacles used.
Note: A rank usages of this technique are restricted to once every two turns, for a maximum of 4 usages per user. S Rank usages of this technique are restricted to once every three turns, for a maximum of 2 usages per user.

Note: Summoning the tentacled box uses the same technique, but requires 3 handseals
Note: The tentacles last 3 turns on human summoners, after which, the user must wait 1 turn to summon them again.
Note: Human summoners have higher resistance to the poison, but are not immune.

(Kouton: Pishari ) Box Arts: Fa'ataupati

Rank: D-S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 10-40
Damage Points: 20-80
Description: The user secretes a large amount of venom, which assumes the shape of a big jellyfish. Then the user is able to control the jellyfish with a conjunction of various slap-like motions, gestures, making the jellyfish move (Up, Down, Sides, back, Front) and even change in shape (Become taller, blunter, sharper, bending, etc), in a large area around the user. The venom can be controlled up to Mid-Range, but can shot outwards up to Long-Range, as the user relinquishes controll of the venom and turns it into a linear projectile.

Note: Follows Strong Taijutsu like Leaf Dragon God's S&W, aka Neutral to elemental ninjutsu.
Note: Up to and including B rank, the user is capable of manipulating the Jellyfish up to three turns. Requires a 1 turn cooldown between usages. A rank and above can only be manipulated up to two turns, requiring a 2 turns cooldown between usages. A rank can only be used 4 times, S rank can only be used 2 times per user.

Note: While controlling the venom, the user can't preform other jutsus except Taijutsu.
Note: Human summoners have higher resistance to the poison, but are not immune
Note: Can only be used by Boxes, or Summoners with the Naturalist Specialization.

-Both Declined- Why would these be like leaf dragon god, just cause? Also you can't really control the venom, it's a byproduct, you couldn't use it like an elemental release.
( Kouton: Horimono ) Box Arts: Ta Moko

Rank: D-S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 10-40
Damage Points: 20-80
Description: This stands as the ability that Archipelago's Box Jellyfishes have to stretch out their tentacles in order to attack a target. Each box has an average of 4 tentacles, from which they derive their name, and their size and strength differs from rank to rank ( Based on the summoning technique's rank ). The power and range of Ta-Moko varies according to those variables. B rank and bellow summons are capable of stretching 1-4 tentacles ( D-A Rank ) up to Mid-Range. A and higher summons are capable of stretching 1-4 tentacles ( C-S Rank ) up to Long Range.
Human summoners mimic this technique by summoning a box on their back, with long tentacles, which wraps around the user's arms, legs and face, giving them the appearance of Moko, elegant carvings wore by Maori villagers, which can then manipulate and stretch 1-4 tentacles ( C-S Rank ) up to Mid-Range . The tentacles have the particularity of having one side with nematocysts and one side without. The side that attaches to the skin is without nematocysts.

Note: Follows Strong Taijutsu S&W.
Note: Unless specified otherwise in the summoning technique, the user/box can only use Ta Moko with up to 4 tentacles, the rank and damage of the technique varying according to the number of tentacles used or the strength of the impact with lesser limbs.
Note: A rank usages of this technique are restricted to once every two turns, for a maximum of 4 usages per user. S Rank usages of this technique are restricted to once every three turns, for a maximum of 2 usages per user.
Note: Summoning the tentacled box uses the same technique, but requires 3 handseals
Note: The tentacles last 3 turns on human summoners, after which, the user must wait 1 turn to summon them again.
Note: Human summoners have higher resistance to the poison, but are not immune.

Update Approved

(Kouton: Pishari ) Box Arts: Fa'ataupati

Rank: D-S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 10-40 ( -5 per turn, -10 for S rank )
Damage Points: 20-80
Description: The user secretes a large amount of venom and then uses chakra's property of adhesion and cohesion to shape the secreted venom into the shape of a big jellyfish. Then the user is able to control the jellyfish with a conjunction of various slap-like motions, gestures, making the jellyfish move (Up, Down, Sides, back, Front) and even change in shape (Become taller, blunter, sharper, bending, etc), in a large area around the user by manipulating the chakra that is containing the venom. The venom can be controlled up to Mid-Range, but can shot outwards up to Long-Range, as the user relinquishes controll of the venom and turns it into a linear projectile.

Note: Up to and including B rank, the user is capable of manipulating the Jellyfish up to three turns. Requires a 1 turn cooldown between usages. A rank and above can only be manipulated up to two turns, requiring a 2 turns cooldown between usages. A rank can only be used 4 times, S rank can only be used 2 times per user.
Note: Human summoners have higher resistance to the poison, but are not immune
Note: Can only be used by Boxes, or Summoners with the Naturalist Specialization.
Approved, unless the contract specifies that they create chakraless poison/substances, it is always assumed to be chakra fueled.

Approved Nightmare Fox Contract:

( Yako no Kitsune Hijutsu: Kitsunebi ) Nightmare Fox Secret Arts: Ghastly Foxfire

Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: B-Forbidden
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 40-60
Damage Points: 80-120 ( -15 for Forbidden usage )
Description: Ghastly Foxfire is the inherent power of the Nightmare Foxes, a spiritual-damage dealing ghostly gas that burns like a lazy and pale flame. These can be manipulated into coating their fur and body parts, appear as levitating orbs and garbs around the Nightmare fox, or be used as rudimentary constructs and projectiles to attack or defend. They move at the speed of Basic Fire Ninjutsu. Touching the bioluminescent gas won't burn or physically harm any target, but will induce several hallucinogenic and mental ailments. This technique will serve as the generic utilization of this Ghastly Foxfire, whose S&W follow a relation of Neutrality against other techniques and deals Spiritual Damage. When interacting with physical objects, they will possess the same power tier as the chakra that was used to produce and manipulate it, or similar in chakra-less techniques. When interacting with sentient beings, they will be able to produce a savage and animalistic mental pain and hallucinogenic effect similar to being in a drunken and feral haze. The severity of these effects will increase the greater the rank of the construct.

When it is not carrying a Genjutsu, Fox Fire will disable dexterity through the sheer mental pain being dealt. Up to A rank it hinders the usage of techniques that require great concentration and linking more than 3 handseals at a time. A adds onto the previous rank and disables techniques with more than 1 handseal. S rank and higher prevents the usage of handseals altogether. These effects only last for 2 turns.

Ghastly Foxfire can be used to induce Genjutsu onto others, and will lock the Genjutsu onto their targets for as long as the ghastly gas is afflicting them. It can be purged through surges of Yin-Yang and Anutu, or any of their components of equal rank. Likewise, they can be interacted with through Advanced Sealing techniques that intend to absorb the chakra within the Foxfire, by using the same tier of chakra as the flame. Unlike Yin-based techniques, Foxfire are natural products of the Nightmare Foxes, and thus interact with Senjutsu with a neutrality in S&W, meaning that, unlike ninjutsu, Senjutsu surges can break the afflictions of Ghastly Foxfire, but do so by using a surge of the same rank. The afflicted is dealt the same damage as the Foxfire vessel or the infused Genjutsu, whichever is highest. Damage does not stack ( A rank Foxfire carrying an A rank Genjutsu won't deal damage twice). Genjutsu is cast onto targets through inhaling the smoke or through direct contact with the flames.
Note: Using a specific Genjutsu attached to the Foxfire requires the usage of both techniques, spending chakra for both. It can't be used with Foxfire below A rank. It entails an infusion of +10 chakra to the attached Genjutsu, whereas the remaining chakra is made to produce the Foxfire itself. The Genjutsu can only be attached to a Foxfire of the same or higher rank. Forbidden ranked Genjutsu cannot be attached to Foxfire.
Note: Can only be used by Nightmare Foxes or Signers who have Naturalist Specialty.
Note: Requires 1 turn cooldown for B rank usages, and 1 turns cooldown for A rank and 2 turns for S rank and higher.
Note: Can only be used 8 times for B and A rank and 2 times for S rank and higher.

Approved, made edits. Removed the passive constructs part and altered how the Genjutsu are placed. The effects last limitedly and the usages dropped some. The interaction with physical objects part I assumed to mean they can fight against them based on damage vs damage, which is why I approved it. If that’s not the intention, then contact me and I’ll edit/reverse the check.

Update: I had the damage values incorrect for these. I adjusted the damage and added a Forbidden rank usage for the higher damage. A rank would be 90 damage, S would be 100 and Forbidden would be 120 damage. The strength to Senjutsu had to become neutral as well unless you wish to have the damage lowered, which I doubt. Since the Contract mentions the smoke is capable of casting hallucenogenic effects through contact or inhalation, I can’t allow the Gens to be cast through sensing or sight and have it follow this. I had to also apply a usage limit as well
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Mar 17, 2014
Trait Points
5/22/22 Submission Cycle
(Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Moltres) - Summoning Technique: Moltres
Type: Summoning
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Moltres is a 6'7 large hawk with golden plumage. It has a long, flowing head crest and a billowing tail, both made of reddish-orange and yellow flames. Additionally, its wings are also shrouded in fiery plumage thanks to its Katon affinity. It has a long, thin neck, a pointed, brown beak, and small, triangular eyes. Its thin, brown legs have feet that have three forward-facing toes and one backward-facing toe. It has short talons.

Typically its flaming plumage is extremely hot to the touch besides those that it touches besides those that it trusts like its summoner. This causes 40 damage to those in physical contact with it. The heat from its fiery wings have also been known to cause thunderstorms to form the following turn if it flies high in the sky. Moltres can also perform Katon jutsu up to S rank with a flap of its wings.
You must be registered for see images
Note: Can only be used by those taught by Kooljay

Declined, exists already; unfortunately, this has been created previously as a RP Prize Summoning. This Pokémon cannot be created as a Custom Summoning because of this. As a general rule of thumb, most Legendaries from the first 2 Generations have been either made and given out or made and are in a future prize pool. IF a Pokémon based summoning is being made, I suggest messaging me first to see if it exists as I made all of them that exist. As a side note, be sure to link your contract you’re submitting for or where you got training for it to verify you have the contract. The last submission didn’t have it and I had to go look into if you had it, which slows checks.
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Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
Approval link: [ x ]

( Tengubi ) - Tengu Fire
Rank: D - Forbidden
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 10 - 50
Damage: 20 - 90
Description: Tengubi is a special and magical form of natural flames that Tengu are capable of utilizing. These flames, because of their state and nature, are devoid of chakra and because of this, cannot be absorbed or sealed via chakra absorption/sealing methods. Tengu are known to use this fire exclusively, considered a special byproduct of theirs. These flames vary in appearance by the Tengu, though these properties are shared. In addition to this, these flames can take the form and shape of anything within the user's imagination, meaning they can become solid as bricks or maintain a plasma energy state though the user cannot freely change this. One special property as noted in the Contract is the ability to burn away the spiritual root of techniques and targets. What this refers to is the general clash between Tengubi and other obstacles, burning away the spiritual energy within at rapid rates to effectively "erase" or destroy a technique. This effect operates just like when normal techniques are combated or bested, giving the flames their own burning aspect unique to them. However, when clashing with opponents, Tengubi drastically burns away spiritual energy, creating an imbalance of energy that makes it harder to utilize chakra as they take 5 spiritual damage per turn alongside a doubling reduction of accessible chakra, starting at 5 ( this means they lose access to 5 chakra then 10 chakra, then 20, then 40, and so on ) until they either defeated or healed via Yin or other appropriate means to restore the spiritual damage done.
Note: Can only be used by Tengubi or Signers who have Naturalist Specialty. To change the tangibility of the Tengubi after released, the user must spend a move per turn..
Note: S and Forbidden ranked usage can only occur once every 3 turns and up to 5 times collectively and 2 max for Forbidden.
Note: After using S rank or higher, the Tengubi cannot make use of Tengubi for 2 turns.

Approved by Imperfect.

( Kuchiyose: Akuryō ) Summoning: Akuryō
Rank: S Rank
Range: N/A
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user forms a short string of hand seals and summons Akuryō the Tengu to the field. Akuryō is noted to be quicker than his counterparts, moving at speeds equal to that of the average Sage. Akuryō is also an accomplished and skilled swordsmen, being able to use any of the user's none elemental Kenjutsu unless he has mimicked the canon skill for it. In addition to this basic ability, Akuryō has access to two unique skills special to himself. The first of the two is related to his ability to bond with his summoner, allowing him to have an accelerated progress. However, because this bond allows them to access and share Spiritual techniques quicker, this as a result causes any Yang and Physical Energy related skills to take longer to be mimicked or replicated. This translates into the ability to utilize spiritual based skills such as Ronin Kenjutsu, Yin Release, Genjutsu and associated Kekkei Genkei after 2 turns while Samurai Techniques, Yang Release, Taijutsu and associated Hidden Abilities/Kekkei Genkei require 4 turns to access. Abilities unrelated to these will take the same amount of time as normal to utilize. His second unique skill applies towards his usage of Tengubi. Inverting the two properties granted, Akuryō's usage allows his Tengubi to deal doubling damage per turn in exchange for a static chakra reduction rate of 5 per turn. This means the damage dealt per turn will not remain 5 and will instead double each turn. However, because of this effect and it's more solid state, his Tengubi does not have the ability to alter it's intangibility and damage dealt can be healed via Yang or Yin.
Note: Can only be summoned once by Tengu Contract signers.
Note: Cannot be summoned when other Tengu Contract summonings are present.

Approved by Imperfect.
1. ( Tengubi ) - Tengu Fire
Rank: B - S
Short - Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 80 - 120
Tengubi is a special and magical form of natural flames that Tengu are capable of utilizing. These flames, because of their state and nature, are devoid of chakra and because of this, cannot be absorbed or sealed via chakra absorption/sealing methods. Tengu are known to use this fire exclusively, considered a special byproduct of theirs. These flames vary in appearance by the Tengu, though these properties are shared. In addition to this, these flames can take the form and shape of anything within the user's imagination, meaning they can become solid as bricks or maintain a plasma energy state though the user cannot freely change this. One special property as noted in the Contract is the ability to burn away the spiritual root of techniques and targets. What this refers to is the general clash between Tengubi and other obstacles, burning away the spiritual energy within at rapid rates to effectively "erase" or destroy a technique. This effect operates just like when normal techniques are combated or bested, giving the flames their own burning aspect unique to them. However, when clashing with opponents, Tengubi drastically burns away spiritual energy, creating an imbalance of energy that makes it harder to utilize chakra as they take 10 spiritual damage per turn alongside a doubling reduction of accessible chakra, starting at 5 ( this means they lose access to 5 chakra then 10 chakra, then 20, then 40, and so on ) until they either defeated or healed via Yin or other appropriate means to restore the spiritual damage done.
Note: Can only be used by Tengu or Signers who have Naturalist Specialty. To change the tangibility of the Tengubi after released, the user must spend a move per turn.
Note: S ranked usage can only occur once every 4 turns and up to 4 times.
Note: After using S ranks, the user cannot make use of Tengubi for 2 turns.

Tentatively Approved by Imperfect.

2. ( Kuchiyose: Sōjōbō ) - Summoning: Sōjōbō
Rank: Forbidden
Range: N/A
Chakra: 50
Damage: 90
Description: The user forms a string of hand seals and summons the white winged King of Tengu, Sōjōbō. Sōjōbō wears a golden armored robe with a black feathered collar, red and black kanji decorating the edge of the armor atop the robes. Golden prayer beads on his neck, Sōjōbō wields a giant feathered war fan as his weapon. He is noted to be the strongest user of both Tengubi and Mimicry amongst the other Tengu, showing in his passive usage of the abilities. His Tengubi’s unique ability is that it is capable of ‘over burning’ a target, allowing the chakra reduction ability of Tengubi to instead be converted into additional spiritual damage per turn at a flat rate of 5 additional damage. This means his Tengubi fire will deal 15 damage per turn instead of the standard 10 per turn and doubling chakra reductions.
His unique Mimicry allows him to bond with targets or his summoner to combine their abilities together to great effect. When bonded with the summoner, Sōjōbō’s Tengubi bleeds into the user’s Ninjutsu, adding 10 chakra to them and 20 damage as the natural flames create the user’s War Fan techniques. This also allows the user’s War Fan based techniques to be fueled by Tengubi energy instead of chakra when used. This unique bond also allows Sōjōbō to use the bonded summoner’s war fan techniques through his feathered fan.
Note: Can only be summoned by signers of the Tengu Contract.
Note: Sōjōbō gains access to bonded techniques at the normal rate of Tengu. However, he is unable to gain a target’s KG or CC ability, instead gaining the 4th Turn’s ability in the third turn. After 4 turns, the summoner War Fan’s techniques become augmented and Sōjōbō gains access to the user’s War Fan techniques
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Mar 17, 2014
Trait Points
In reference to the Moderator note asking for my training, Hawks as a canon contract doesn't have any jutsu. Years ago I asked, I can't find the post anymore, and I was told that since it didnt have any jutsu, I didn't need to train in it.

Here is my Sasuke bio which has the Hawks Summoning Contract

5/22/22 Submission Cycle
(Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Moltres) - Summoning Technique: Moltres
Type: Summoning
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Moltres is a 6'7 large hawk with golden plumage. It has a long, flowing head crest and a billowing tail, both made of reddish-orange and yellow flames. Additionally, its wings are also shrouded in fiery plumage thanks to its Katon affinity. It has a long, thin neck, a pointed, brown beak, and small, triangular eyes. Its thin, brown legs have feet that have three forward-facing toes and one backward-facing toe. It has short talons.

Typically its flaming plumage is extremely hot to the touch besides those that it touches besides those that it trusts like its summoner. This causes 40 damage to those in physical contact with it. The heat from its fiery wings have also been known to cause thunderstorms to form the following turn if it flies high in the sky. Moltres can also perform Katon jutsu up to S rank with a flap of its wings.
You must be registered for see images
Note: Can only be used by those taught by Kooljay

Declined, exists already; unfortunately, this has been created previously as a RP Prize Summoning. This Pokémon cannot be created as a Custom Summoning because of this. As a general rule of thumb, most Legendaries from the first 2 Generations have been either made and given out or made and are in a future prize pool. IF a Pokémon based summoning is being made, I suggest messaging me first to see if it exists as I made all of them that exist. As a side note, be sure to link your contract you’re submitting for or where you got training for it to verify you have the contract. The last submission didn’t have it and I had to go look into if you had it, which slows checks.
  • Changed every mention of "Moltres" to "Birdramon"
  • Updated physical description to that of Birdramon
  • Changed picture of Moltres to Birdramon
(Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Birdramon) - Summoning Technique: Birdramon
Type: Summoning
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Birdramon is a giant 6 meter tall reddish orange Hawk. Its body is wreathed almost entirely in orange flames thanks to its Katon Affinity. The only parts that are not are its mouth with protruding teeth and its two feet, each of which has five talons. It has blue eyes and large wings capable of supporting flight.

Typically its flaming plumage is extremely hot to the touch besides those that it touches besides those that it trusts like its summoner. This causes 40 damage to those in physical contact with it. The heat from its fiery wings have also been known to cause thunderstorms to form the following turn if it flies high in the sky. Birdramon can also perform Katon jutsu up to S rank with a flap of its wings.
You must be registered for see images
Note: Can only be used by those taught by Kooljay

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Active member
Mar 12, 2014
Trait Points
Legendary Contract Purchase: [x]

Summoning Animal: Voidsent
Scroll Owner: Goetia
Other Users who have signed Contract: N/A
Summoning Boss if Existing: Tanev, The Dying Sun
Other Summoning Animals tied to Contract: Diabolos, Nightmare of the XIIIth & Scáthach, Shadow of Dún Scáith
Description and Background:

Once resembling all manner of creature that one might see in the Ninja World, the Voidsent are a collection of living beings who have been corrupted and physically transformed by their inner darkness. Resembling the Kyūbi's ability to corrupt its Jinchūriki through its sheer negative emotions, the Voidsent were tainted by the despair and rage that welled within their souls, tipping the balance of their internal physical and spiritual energies perilously in favour of the latter. This triggered a transformation of those beings into malevolent spirits akin to wraiths, characterised by varied demonic appearances and a ravenous hunger for the spiritual and emotional energies of other living things. The extent of the transformation accompanying this corruption is dependent on the strength of the individual; weaker beings are reduced to no more than ravenous beasts in both mind and body, their hunger for flesh and negative emotion everlasting, whilst stronger ones are able to retain both their intelligence and a vaguely humanoid form. Varying between individual Summons on the contract, each Voidsent is anatomically similar to a human being, though horrifically twisted by the imbalance of their internal energies, bearing features such as horns, fanged teeth, claws, tails, and wings. More detailed descriptions will be present in the individual summons.

Unique – Communio: As fundamentally spiritual entities, the Voidsent possess no corporeality; they cannot be touched and they likewise cannot touch others. The only way to physically interact with the Voidsent is to grant them a shell or effigy to be used as a vessel which they can inhabit. As such, a unique Summoning formula exists solely for the Voidsent, granting them a physical body that allows them to interact with the external world. This body will always reflect the appearance and form of the Voidsent as it is described in each Summon. Alternatively, the user can offer their own body as a vessel for the spirit in a manner akin to the invocation of the Shinigami through the Dead Demon Consuming Seal. This binds the Voidsent to the Summoner, activating a State that enhances attributes such as speed and strength, and bestows powers in line with the abilities of the Voidsent. The specific enhancements and abilities granted by this unique method of summoning will be outlined in a CSCJ.

Basic – Hellish Remnant: As malignant spirits who were once human, having undergone a transformation due to an overwhelming amount of negative energy, there is some level of malleability to their form. The Voidsent possess the ability to freely alter their visibility by manipulating the Dark Aether that composes their body, allowing them to serve a strategic role in battle by preventing means of visual detection (though they can still be perceived by the other basic senses, and skills that entail a heightened perception of chakra or spiritual energy), and making them more difficult to combat. When summoned, all Voidsent are tangible and visible and can turn invisible at any point thereafter, costing a move to do so in subsequent turns.

Basic – Death Warrant: As fundamentally spiritual beings who are conceived of negative emotions, the Voidsent are naturally drawn to and derive sustenance from the negative emotions of others. This translates into a passive spiritual awareness of other individuals; an emotional sensory that extends to an adjacent landmark in all directions and bestows 3x tracking.​

Unique – Tenebrae Lemurum: As malignant spirits characterised by negative intent and emotion, similar to the Kyūbi, the Voidsent house within them a potent energy known as Dark Aether, a purple miasma that exudes a suffocating aura with mentally corrosive qualities. It is, for all intents and purposes, negative emotion made manifest. This energy can be manipulated with total freedom by the Voidsent, being released as shapeless blasts or complex structures. A notable feature of Dark Aether is that it deals damage on both physical and spiritual fronts; the former through blunt force and kinetic motion, and the latter through its mental pollution. Effectively, any damage dealt to a target is split equally between physical and spiritual damage (e.g. S-Rank Dark Aether deals 40 physical damage and 40 spiritual damage for a total of 80 damage). A technique detailing the usage of Dark Aether will be submitted as a CSCJ.

Basic – Hadean Shadow: The Voidsent possess the ability to shape and shed part of themselves freely using their Dark Aether, an innately transformative energy, fashioning weapons from their own body that can take on many forms, such as swords, spears, axes, scythes and many more. These weapons, dubbed Glaives, can be used by the Voidsent or the Summoner, through the unique application of Communio in case of the latter. A Voidsent can only create a single Glaive, unique between each individual summon, and can only be utilised by the Voidsent or its Summoner. These Glaives are considered as weapons with durability equivalent to the rank of the Voidsent it's created by, and deal damage that is split physically and spiritually due to their nature as constructs of Dark Aether.​
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Reactions: Lord of Kaos

El Alucard

Active member
Mar 13, 2014
Trait Points
Summoning Animal: Cardinals
Scroll Owner: El Alucard
Other Users who have signed contract:
Summoning Boss if existing:
Lady Serilda (Aphrodite)
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: Keleano, Mother Earth, and Kurt Travis

Description and Background: The Cardinals are passerine birds that live on an island hidden away from humanity normally only accessible to them and those whom they allow. They have sharp claws and extremely hard beaks. Having learned how to look like them and talk like them, it's easy to mistake them for your average person. The cardinals have a royal family leading them which is headed by The Burning Goddess Serilda. People that have signed the cardinal contract are able to communicate telepathically with their summons no matter where they are or how far they are. They will also receive from the royals a cardinal pendant made from a special type of cardinal beaks to aid them in battle. Although most royal cardinals are born with an affinity to multiple natures, it is important to note that they cannot use the natures simultaneously.

Cardinal Arts (Ability 1): All cardinals gain +20 damage to all cardinal based jutsu within their arsenal.

Nest Adaptability (Basic ability 2): Cardinals were originally migratory birds, in order to find the required weather and environmental conditions for their nests and reproduction. As such, when a Cardinal is in weather conditions related to their affinity become stronger, they gain an additional +20 damage to all jutsu they can perform as well as a becoming resistant to damage from jutsu of their affinitial element up to B-rank.

Approved, update made. Removed the ability to look like humans from the description as it’s not listed as an actual ability.

(Kuchiyose: Koigokoro Megami, Aphrodite) - Summoning: Love Goddess, Aphrodite
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 40
Attack Points: N/A
Description: The user uses his summoning tattoo to summon the Love Goddess of Cardinals, Aphrodite. The Love Goddess possesses an almost regal air about her, though it may mostly be the self-righteous egotistical behavior she possesses. Strange as it seems, she prefers to walk rather than fly, unless she deems it necessary to do so. When entering a battle, a whirl of flame envelopes the cardinal, altering her drastically in almost an instant. What emerges is a vastly changed creature, the frame of a red predatory bird now larger than most men. Lightly plated armor sits strategically placed upon her body, glimmering as it shields wing, head, chest and legs from immediate dangers. Aphrodite’s legs are no longer the feeble limbs they once were, noticeably more muscular and every bit as strong as their appearance suggests. As the transformation is completed, she opens her wings thus causing the flame that begat this transformation to burst forward as a wave of B-Rank flames, leaving its mark not only on her feathers by making the bird’s wings light up with a flickering blaze, but also on the field burning anything in front of it up to mid-range. She is the same size as Gamabunta, with an enormous wing span of 18 meters. Although commonly known as The Love Goddess, she has also earned the title of Mistress of Ninjutsu for being the first Cardinal to obtain dual elemental affinities. Her affinities are to fire and wind, which she can perform up to A-Rank. She is proud, flirty, and unable to cope with most summoner’s unless they somehow prove themselves to her. These are the greatest flaws Aphrodite has, not that she sees them in such a way. Once she determines a course of action, she often follows through without considering it any further. Thankfully, even as brash as it may seem, she very often prepares before acting in the case of any sort of emergency that may result from a miscalculation. So in spite of her abrasive self-assureds she does have the forethought to consider these things beforehand. If only she weren’t such a self-important smart ass, then her company would be more tolerable.

Note: Can be Only Summoned Once.
Note: The Armor takes 3 B-Rank hits and breaks.
Note: Must sign Cardinal Contract to use.
Note: Only one element may be used in a move.
Note: Lasts for four turns

(Kuchiyose: Moeru Megami Seriruda) Summoning: Burning Goddess Serilda
Type: Supplementary
Range: N/A
Chakra: 40
Attack Points: N/A
Description: The user uses their summoning tattoo to summon the Head of the Cardinals, one known by many names but commonly Serilda or Aphrodite. The Burning Goddess possesses an almost regal air about her, though it may mostly be the self-righteous egotistical behavior she possesses. Like all Royal Cardinals, Serilda likes to appear in human form most times. Strange as it seems, she prefers to walk rather than fly, unless she deems it necessary to do so. When entering a battle she often opts to revert to her true form, a gigantic flame tornado envelopes Serilda pulling in chunks of earth from the surrounding area, altering her drastically in almost an instant. A vastly changed creature, the frame of a red predatory bird now larger than most men. Lightly plated armor sits strategically placed upon her body, set ablaze as it shields wings, head, chest, and legs from immediate dangers. Serilda’s legs are no longer the feeble limbs they once were, noticeably more muscular and every bit as strong as their appearance suggests with razor-sharp talons. As the transformation is completed, she swiftly with all her power opens her wings thus causing the flaming tornado that begat this transformation to burst forward sending outwards large flaming wave of A-Rank flames filled with large earthen chunks. This leaves not only leaves a mark on Serilda’s feathers as the bird’s wings light up with a flickering blaze but also the terrain as the battlefield becomes flame engulfed nightmare transforming it into her ideal territory. She is the same size as Gamabunta, with an enormous wingspan of 20 meters. Although commonly known as The Burning Goddess due to her love of the fire element, she has also earned the title of Mistress of Ninjutsu for being the first Cardinal to obtain double elemental affinities. Her affinities are to fire and wind which she can easily perform up to S-rank although she mostly prefers using fire. She is proud, flirty, and unable to cope with most summoners unless they somehow prove themselves to her. These are the greatest flaws Serilda has, not that she sees them in such a way. Once she determines a course of action, she often follows through without considering it any further. Thankfully, even as brash as it may seem, she very often prepares before acting in the case of any sort of emergency that may result from a miscalculation. So in spite of her abrasive self-assured nature, she does have the forethought to consider these things beforehand. If only she weren’t such a self-important smart ass, then her company would be more tolerable. Her ideal environments are any place with alot of fire or wind e.g. Volcanoes, Burning fields or forests, windy deserts, etc.

Can be summoned thrice per battle.
Note: Serilda’s Armour can take 4 A-rank hits before breaking
Note: Must sign Cardinal Contract to use.
Note: Only one element may be used in a move.
Note: Remains on battlefield 5 turns, and can only be summoned again after 3 turns

Pending, okay so for starters, when updating summonings, the animal has to stay the same. What I mean by this is the animal’s core abilities and character can’t change to be a different animal. I cannot update Theseus the Lightning user into Perseus the Fire user, for example. The mentions of Serilda has to go. The parts about being in human form also have to go; as a rule, humanoid summonings have to be Mythical or higher and to have the ability to transform into humans would require a special perk as well. As it seems it’s only cosmetic here, it’ll be a small change to take out. I also notice they tend to transform as their special abilities as all of them here mention it. I think, with it being a big part of their builds, it should probably be an actual ability they have. I’d recommend that over the +20 to Cardinal techniques they have. I’m willing to make the edit for you to continue checking these easily if you want as you’ve waited a while for this.

(Kuchiyose: Arashi no Onna Keleano) - Summoning: Keleano Lady of the Storm
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Keleano is the Love Goddess Aphrodite's very fierce younger sister. She was born in a brutal storm in the valley of the cardinals and this was prophesied to be a great sign of things to come. Due to having been born and raised in those conditions, she became so accustomed to that environment, and as such gained dual affinity for lightning and water, which she can perform up to A-rank. Similar to the way her sister enters battle, Keleano is enveloped by a vortex of water also altering her looks. She emerges as a large blue bird, although not as large as her sister. She is about 3/4 the size of Gamabunta, has a wingspan of 15 meters and can fit two riders on her back. As her transformation is complete the water vortex shoots forward a powerful stream of water, equivalent to that of a B-rank technique which leaves behind a watery residue on her wings which she can use her own water source. Having grown up in the stormy valley of the cardinals, she has flown in that weather many a time and has had to learn how to balance and move very fast in order to be able to evade from any type of danger, this including lightning. As such she is very agile and can fly and move faster than the average summon. She believes her fierce attitude represents her affinity. The only flaw she has is she can be quite naïve sometimes, willing to fight any opponent even though they are stronger than her. She is very trustworthy and also trusts her summoner and despite being young, she is a very good fighter and very helpful as well.

Note: Can be Only Summoned Once.
Note: Must sign cardinal contract to use.
Note: Can only be taught by El Alucard.
Note: Lasts for four turns

(Kuchiyose: Arashi no joō Keleano) Summoning: Queen Of Storms Keleano
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Keleano is Serilda’s very fierce younger sister. Her egg was stolen from the Royal palace but the thieves made the mistake of trying to cut through Cardinallia Valley as a means of escape and died as soon as they entered leaving the egg there to be taken care of by nature. By some miracle, she was born in a brutal storm in the valley of the cardinals and this was prophesied to be a great sign of things to come. Due to having been born and raised in those conditions, she became accustomed to that environment and as a natural born royal gained a dual affinity for lightning and water, which she can perform up to S-rank. She later went back to the palace and very quickly took a liking to her older sister looking up to her so it’s not a surprise that she enters the battle and often reverts to her cardinal form in a similar manner. Keleano is enveloped by a vortex of electrically charged water as she alters her normal human form to that of a large cardinal. She emerges as a large blue cardinal, although not as large as her sister. She is about 3/4 the size of Gamabunta, has a wingspan of 16 meters, and can comfortably fit two riders on her back. As her transformation is complete the water shoots forward an innumerable amount of electrically charged bullets (A-rank) enough to not only leave the battlefield drenched and devastated as if a tsunami had just washed through but also leaves behind a watery residue on her wings which she can use her own water source. Having grown up in the stormy valley of the cardinals, she has regularly flown in the harsh weather many times and has had to learn how to balance and move very fast in order to be able to evade the never-ending hail and lightning storms within Cardinalia Valley. This and her affinity to lightning, make Keleano faster than the average Cardinal allowing her to easily be able to evade A-rank lightning techniques. She believes her fierce attitude represents her affinity. The only flaw she has is she can be quite naïve sometimes, willing to fight any opponent even though they are stronger than her. She is very trustworthy and also trusts her summoner and despite being young, she is a very good fighter and very helpful as well. Her ideal environments are any place with alot of water or lightning e.g. rainy days, storms,lightning storms, etc.

Can be summoned only once in battle.
Note: Must sign the cardinal contract to use.
Note: Only one element may be used in a move.
Note: Stays on field 5 for turns after summoned.

(Kuchiyose: Appugurēdo) - Summoning: The Upgrade
Type: Summoning
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A (+10 to Taijutsu)
Description: The user will simply perform a single hand seal, summoning an armor made completely of extremely sharp cardinal beaks over his body. The armor looks like a layered spiked suit and the beaks are of various shapes and sizes, interlocking throughout the suit so as to create the most efficient armor. The user is able to summon the beaks in any spot on his body he wishes. This could be just his right arm, both his arms, from his feet to his torso, or even having a full body suit. When an enemy makes contact with the beaks it will be as if he were stabbed with many sharp knives, the armor adds +10 to all Taijutsu the user uses. The beaks are naturally very strong and resilient, able to block damage from up to A-rank Taijutsu, A-rank Ninjutsu and B-Rank Elemental techniques. Since the armor is connected to the cardinals, should there be any Cardinal summon present on the field whilst the user has the armor on, the suit’s true power (The Upgrade) is activated and the suit adapts to the summoning Cardinal on the field.

• The Upgrade (Queen of Flames) - This upgrade is activated when Aphrodite is present on the field. The armor turns red and grants the user the ability to perform all Fire and Wind techniques B-rank and below with a single hand seal. The suit is able to withstand up to S-rank wind techniques, however it also obtains the elemental weaknesses of fire and wind and as such, it can only take two B-rank fire or water techniques before breaking.

Note: Can only use Fire and Wind elements while armor is active.
Note: Cannot use any B-rank and above fire and wind techniques for 2 turns after usage of this armor.

• The Upgrade (The Stormy Sea’s Princess) - This upgrade is activated when Keleano is present on the field. The armor turns blue and grants the user the ability to perform all Water and Lightning techniques B-rank and below with a single hand seal. The suit is able to withstand up to A-rank water and lightning techniques and S-rank Fire, however it also obtains the elemental weaknesses of water and lightning thus it is only able to take two B-rank earth or wind techniques before breaking.

Note: Can only use Water and Lightning while armor is active.
Note: Cannot use any B-rank and above water and lightning techniques for 2 turns after usage of this armor.
Note: Lasts 4 turns after which the beaks fall away.
Note: Can only be used three times per battle, but needs to cool down for 2 turns after the first time used and 4 turns after the second time used.
Note: The beaks that make up the suit are light so they do not remove from the user’s speed

(Hogo no Tsubasa) Wings Of Protection(The Upgrade)
Rank: S-rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 40(+40 to repair damaged armor)
N/A (+20 to Taijutsu)
Ever since the previous rendition was deemed near useless the royal cardinals decided to remake it. Stronger, harder in all ways better than the last version and hand it to only the trusted signers’ of the contract. The armor is still a layered spiky suit made of beaks of various shapes and sizes interlocking throughout the suit however, this time the beaks were taken from the remains of fallen cardinal warriors and treated by the wisest of cardinals in order to make them translucent thus making the armor itself translucent. The armor is sealed within a chakra activated pendant given to the user by the Head Cardinal when they are deemed worthy which not only allows them to instantly summon the beaks onto any spot on the body they wish but also grants the user the ability to use cardinal ninjutsu almost as if they were offspring of the cardinals. Unlike the old variant where the user needed to clap their hands to summon the suit, by simply sacrificing a portion of their chakra to the cardinal pendant the user can summon the beaks wherever, could be just his right arm, both his arms, from his feet to his head, or even having a full body armor; this new change allows the user to be able to summon the suit simultaneous to performing other jutsu. When an enemy makes contact with the beaks or is hit by the user with the armor on it will be as if he were stabbed with many sharp knives, and as such the armor adds +20dmg to all Taijutsu. Although cardinal beaks are naturally very strong and resilient they may break if put under too much stress and in such a case the user would need to sacrifice 40 more chakra to the cardinal pendant to fully repair the armor. The suit is able to take up to 100 accumulated damaged before breaking.

Since the armor is connected to the cardinals, it too gains the same abilities as the cardinals. The Cardinal arts ability allows for the user to use Cardinal ninjutsu and much like the cardinals secondary nesting ability the armor’s secondary ability (The Upgrade) will automatically activate without chakra cost adapting either according to the Cardinal present on the field or the ideal weather conditions of any cardinal attached to the contract irregardless of whether they are present on field.

The Upgrade (Queen of Flames) - This upgrade will activate when Serilda is present on the field or when her environmental requirements are met. The armor turns red with golden accents on the edges of each interlocking beak and grants the user the +20 damage to Fire and Wind techniques (as they are Serilda’s affinities). It is also now able to withstand up to B-rank wind and fire techniques.

Can only use Fire and Wind elements while Queen of flames is active.
Note: Queen of Flames stays active for as long as the requirement for the upgrade are met.
Cannot use any S-rank and above fire, wind, and earth techniques a turn after usage of this upgrade.

The Upgrade (The Stormy Sea’s Princess) - This upgrade can be activated when Keleano is present on the field. The armor turns to a sky blue color with chrome accents on the edges of every interlocking beak and a +20 damage to Water and Lightning techniques. It is also now able to withstand up to B-rank water and lightning techniques.The user's base speed passively increases by x1.5 until the upgrade deactivates due to Keleano’s natural speed trait.

Can only use Water and Lightning elements while The Stormy Sea’s Princess is active.
Note: The Stormy Sea’s Princess stays active for as long as the requirement for the upgrade are met.
Cannot use any S-rank and above water and lightning techniques a turn after usage of this upgrade.

Update and Original Declined, the perks listed here are doing too much. For example, this definitely isn’t a passive speed increase. The only ones that are considered passive are specialty related ones. I think one of the biggest issues here is this seems to be a CSC technique summoning an armor. Unless this is an actual ability of the contract, I don’t think I can allow it to continue to exist; you’d need the contract to have the ability to summon or create weapons for it to work. For example, my Ligers have the ability to turn into weapons and Imperfect’s CSC has the ability to summon weapons for use. Unfortunately, I can’t approve this even with the edits because of that.
Edits made as per instructions.

Summoning Animal: Cardinals
Scroll Owner: El Alucard
Other Users who have signed contract: Shady Nurse & Lieselotte
Summoning Boss if existing:
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: Keleano, Mother Earth, and Kurt Travis
Description and Background: The Cardinals are passerine birds that live on an island hidden away from humanity normally only accessible to them and those whom they allow. They have sharp claws and extremely hard beaks. The cardinals have a royal family leading them which is headed by Aphrodite. People that have signed the cardinal contract are able to communicate telepathically with their summons no matter where they are or how far they are. Finally it is very common that cardinals of royal lineage are born with an affinity to multiple natures, it is important to note that they cannot use said natures simultaneously.

Transformation(Ability 1): To be added by LoK

Nest Adaptability (Basic ability 2): Cardinals were originally migratory birds, in order to find the required weather and environmental conditions for their nests and reproduction. As such, when a Cardinal is in weather conditions related to their affinity, they gain an additional +20 damage to all jutsu they can perform as well as a becoming resistant to damage from jutsu of their affinitial element up to B-rank.

(Kuchiyose: Koigokoro Megami Aphrodite) Summoning: Love Goddess Aphrodite
Type: Supplementary
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 40
Attack Points: N/A
Description: The user uses their summoning tattoo to summon the Head of the Cardinals,Aphrodite. She possesses an almost regal air about her, though it may mostly be the self-righteous egotistical behavior she possesses. When entering a battle she often opts to revert to her true form. A gigantic flame tornado envelopes Aphrodite pulling in chunks of earth from the surrounding area, altering her drastically in almost an instant. A vastly changed creature, the frame of a red predatory bird now larger than most men. Lightly plated armor sits strategically placed upon her body, set ablaze as it shields wings, head, chest, legs and other vital areas from immediate dangers. Aphrodite’s legs are no longer the feeble limbs they once were, noticeably more muscular and every bit as strong as their appearance suggests with razor-sharp talons. As the transformation is completed, she swiftly with all her power opens her wings thus causing the flaming tornado that begat this transformation to burst forward sending outwards large flaming wave of A-Rank flames filled with large earthen chunks. This leaves not only leaves a mark on Aphrodite’s feathers as the bird’s wings light up with a flickering blaze but also the terrain as the battlefield becomes flame engulfed nightmare transforming it into her ideal territory. She is the same size as Gamabunta, with an enormous wingspan of 20 meters. Aphrodite’s affinities are to fire and wind which she can easily perform up to S-rank although she mostly prefers using fire. She is proud, flirty, and unable to cope with most summoners unless they somehow prove themselves to her. Once Aphrodite determines a course of action, she often follows through without considering it any further which can be viewed as somewhat of a flaw but she doesn’t see it that way.. Thankfully, even as brash as she may seem, she very often prepares before acting in the case of any sort of emergency that may result from a miscalculation. So in spite of her abrasive self-assured nature, she does have the forethought to consider these things beforehand. If only she weren’t such a self-important smart ass, then her company would be more tolerable. Her ideal environments are any place with alot of fire or wind e.g. Volcanoes, Burning fields or forests, windy deserts, etc.

Note: Can be summoned thrice per battle.
Note: Aphrodite’s Armour can take 4 A-rank hits before breaking
Note: Must sign Cardinal Contract to use.
Note: Only one element may be used in a move.
Note: Remains on battlefield 5 turns, and can only be summoned again after 3 turns

(Kuchiyose: Arashi no joō Keleano) Summoning: Queen Of Storms Keleano
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Keleano is Aphrodite’s very fierce younger sister. Her egg was stolen from the Royal palace but the thieves made the mistake of trying to cut through Cardinallia Valley as a means of escape and died as soon as they entered leaving the egg there to be taken care of by nature. By some miracle, she was born in a brutal storm in the valley of the cardinals and this was prophesied to be a great sign of things to come. Due to having been born and raised in those conditions, she became accustomed to that environment and as a natural born royal gained a dual affinity for lightning and water, which she can perform up to S-rank. She later went back to the palace and very quickly took a liking to her older sister looking up to her so it’s not a surprise that she enters the battle and often reverts to her cardinal form in a similar manner. Keleano is enveloped by a vortex of electrically charged water as she alters her normal human form to that of a large cardinal. She emerges as a large blue cardinal, although not as large as her sister. She is about 3/4 the size of Gamabunta, has a wingspan of 16 meters, and can comfortably fit two riders on her back. As her transformation is complete the water shoots forward an innumerable amount of electrically charged bullets (A-rank) enough to not only leave the battlefield drenched and devastated as if a tsunami had just washed through but also leaves behind a watery residue on her wings which she can use her own water source. Having grown up in the stormy valley of the cardinals, she has regularly flown in the harsh weather many times and has had to learn how to balance and move very fast in order to be able to evade the never-ending hail and lightning storms within Cardinalia Valley. This and her affinity to lightning, make Keleano faster than the average Cardinal allowing her to easily be able to evade A-rank lightning techniques. She believes her fierce attitude represents her affinity. The only flaw she has is she can be quite naïve sometimes, willing to fight any opponent even though they are stronger than her. She is very trustworthy and also trusts her summoner and despite being young, she is a very good fighter and very helpful as well. Her ideal environments are any place with alot of water or lightning e.g. rainy days, storms,lightning storms, etc.

Note: Can be summoned only once in battle.
Note: Must sign the cardinal contract to use.
Note: Only one element may be used in a move.
Note: Stays on field 5 for turns after summoned.
Last edited:


Active member
Jun 18, 2009
Trait Points
Summoning Animal: ( Yako no Kitsune ) Nightmare Fox

Scroll Owner:
Other Users who have signed contract: N/A
Summoning Boss if existing: N/A
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: N/A
Description and Background:

The Nightmare Fox are demonic entities made of fear, dread and horror. They are the legendary beings that populate the darkest places of our mind and prey on our dreams and hopes, filling them with dread, fear and nightmares. While the western culture knows them as shadowy entitites that manifest within our fears and nightmares, the Yako are fox-like yokai, based on the tales of the mischiveous foxes that cause spiritual and physical illness with their contact with the common folk, until their spiritual enlightment grows and their tails multiply.

The Nightmare Fox, or the Yako Kitsune, appear as a black or white fox with a single tail and crimson or golden eyes, though many can appear to have red or other markings, personal to every fox. They prey on people's mind by playing tricks, or by shapeshifting into other beings. Their method of attack, which stems from their original tail, is through Genjutsu and their Ghastly Fox-Fire, a gas-like flame that burns lazily and palely. They can use this ghastly flame to deal spiritual damage onto others, infuse their techniques with it and to possess others, stealing their abilities and wearing off their mental fortitude.

The act of feeding off from the abilities others is part of their journey for spiritual enlightment. It is an ability that allows them to acquire other powers which will allow them to grow a tail, up to the ninth tail, where they typically acquire a golden fur and are considered at the zenith of their spiritual power and enlightment. Their Sanctuary is a black meadow within two hills. It is always night time within the meadow, and the grass blows with an eerie sound of death. Multiple white birches cover the base of the hills, a stark contrast in front of the black grass. It is called Yama-no-Okami.

Unique Ability #1 - Spiritual Enlightment - The Heaven Fox

When they are summoned, they usually possess 1 tail, which is the Spiritual Tail that gives them access to their first abilities: Basic Genjutsu & Ghastly Fox-Fire ( Barring Elemental, Yin, CFS or Doujutsu-based Genjutsu ). This is always tethered to their summoner ( allowing the Fox to use what the user knows in the category of Basic Genjutsu, custom and canon ).

As they battle, Nightmare Foxes can steal an ability from a Category ( Ex: Tier 0 - Blast Release ) or Subcategory ( Tier 2 - Deidara Clay ) when they stand Short-Range from their target ( the Summoner or another ). It can be freely be stolen from the User or through a direct clash with an opponent or their jutsu through the Fox's body or jutsu. The Fox has to have experienced it in the match or directly counter the ability it means to steal, and it requires the Fox to neutralize or overpower the technique. Tier 5 and higher abilities can only be acquired through the summoner, and only through the 8th and 9th Tail. Replication of an ability happens in the same timeframe as the counter and happens at the cost of a jutsu per turn, though theft is not always required to happen each turn used countering. This tiered progress is absolute and can't be skipped.

Tail 2: Can steal Tier 0 abilities from others.
Tail 3-4: Can steal up to Tier 1 abilities from others. ( Countering a technique C rank or higher )
Tail 5-6: Can steal up to Tier 2 abilities from others. ( Countering a technique B rank or higher )
Tail 7-8: Can steal up to Tier 3 abilities from others. ( Countering a technique A rank or higher )
Tail 9: Can steal up to Tier 4 abilities from others. ( Countering a technique S rank or higher )

The technique that means to steal an opponent's ability will glow eerily when used, revealing the intent of stealing ( which can be inferred after witnessing the act a couple of times ). This stealing technique can be countered by an higher powered technique, and can "miss" stealing the ability that blocked it instead of the intended one. Lastly, the growing of a tail can be revoked by health loss, similar to a Fatigue system. 20% of Health lost in a single instance will revoke 1 tail, 40% will revoke 2, 60% will revoke 4 tails, 80% will revoke 6 and 100% will revoke 8 ( All additional tails ). These tails are lost in descending order with the highest available tail being lost first. Healing the fox will not regrow the lost tail, it needs to be stolen again. Fatigue can stack until healed, such as losing 20% of the health twice before healing will count as 40% and so forth.

Unique Ability 2# - Ghastly Foxfire[/B]

Nightmare Foxes are capable of producing a demonic smoke or gas through their body that they are capable of materializing or manipulate through chakra. The smoke produced by the Nightmares has a corporeal substance to it, in the sense that it can be compressed and interact with other physical objects and entities, but is Spiritual in nature. It glows in an eerie green colour, almost like a pale and lazy flame.

This gas carries Spiritual damage, instead of Physical. The smoke can be used to form constructs that can be thrown at their opponents or other techniques, playing in equal fields with Ninjutsu and Elemental Ninjutsu ( Neutral S&W ). Upon physical contact or inhalation of the smoke, the target will feel hallucinogenic effects, translated as drunken daze, and is a vessel through which the Nightmare Foxes cast Genjutsu. ( Ghastly Foxfire will be submitted as a CSCJ, and is not Canon Smoke Ninjutsu ).

Basic Ability 1# - Mischievous Illusion

Nightmare Foxes are capable of using Genjutsu, which can be cast handsealessly or by contact with the Ghastly Fox-Fire. Genjutsu cast through the eerie smoke will require the target to absorb/seal or counter the smoke in order to then release from the genjutsu, or use a method that does both at the same time, like a chakra Surge of sufficient rank. They can use Canon and Custom Genjutsu, not Sound Genjutsu, Doujutsu or CFSJ, as their First Tail, though can acquire and mix in other forms of Genjutsu as they grow tails. Their paws have been developed in order to perform makeshift handseals for any categories that they acquire that are outside the Genjutsu spectrum.

Basic Ability 2# - Nightmare Spiritual Resistance

As Nightmares are creatures that prey on the target's psyche and mind, they are resistant to Spiritual damage attacks like Genjutsu and Spiritual-based Yin techniques, shaving off -20 damage from techniques that deal spiritual damage.

Basic Ability 3# - Ghostly Sensorial

Nightmare Foxes can fly and have an increased perception akin to a Spiritual Sensory, allowing them to sense the Soul and Spiritual Based entities ( like Hungry Ghost, Katsuryoku Spirits, Etc ) which they use to survey the terrain and their opponent, as they follow along in their journey of Enlightment. This is a Sensorial Ability that can be used within the same Landmark, unless specified otherwise in specific submissions.

( Kitsune no Kuchiyose: Kumiho ) Nightmare Fox Summoning Technique: Kumiho, the Red-Omen Fox
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 60
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Kumiho is from a sect of Kitsune Foxes that are elementally specialized. They are designed to battle and serve as the main military branch of the Kitsune. She possesses a red-tinted fur coat, with a stripped tiger-like pattern in her fur. When she is summoned, she inherently has 3 bestowed tails:

1. The Second Tail is a Basic Fire Elemental Tail, which is it's thematic tail, whereas the Third Tail is it's opposite, a Decay Advanced Elemental Tail.
2. The Strength of the theme element and elements that are composed by it are boosted by 10 chakra when the Red-Omen uses it, and that is translated as a +20 damage boost when applicable.
3. Kamiho has 80 health points, 13 speed and 25 tracking. This tracking is bound to a Single-Landmark, and is Spiritual Based, as per the Contract.

Note: Can only be summoned by Fire and Decay users.
Note: Can only be summoned once and cannot be summoned while other Kitsune are present.

Both Approved, slight edits made. If you don’t like them, let me know and I’ll revert the changes.
( Yako no Kitsune Hijutsu: Koushudai-ho no Okami ) Nightmare Fox Secret Arts: Steps of the Gallows

Type: Supplementary
Rank: B-S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 40-60
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The Steps of the Gallows is a unique Summoning and Reverse Summoning technique application combined with Ghastly Fox Fire. It varies in use and power, depending on the amount of chakra input, but pertains to the production of orbs of lazily burning foxfire around the user and the terrain, which serve as vessels for the Summoning Technique. When an object interacts with an Orb, it is Reverse Summoned out of that position and Summoned into the other Orb, similar to Belly of the Toad. This is called a Gallow Step. Orbs can be materialized within Short-Range from the user and the Yama-no-Okami Sanctuary. They can be moved around Mid-Range from the user. This technique works in pairs, and even when materializing more than 1 pair, they do not connect between them.

B rank ( 40 Chakra ) - Creates two interconnected orbs through the Summoning Technique ( Battlefield-Sanctuary ), which allows the user to summon and reverse summon small objects. It works similar to the Lightning Blade Summoning Seal, and allows one to shower the opponent with a volley of weapons stored in Yama-no-Okami ( counting as a Step ) or reverse summon objects and techniques in the battlefield ( counts as a Step ). It counts as a 40 chakra tier Ninjutsu that can deal 40 damage in the physical Bukijutsu category ( B Rank ). Likewise, it can interact with 40 chakra tier Bukijutsu ( S rank ) and Ninjutsu in order to summon and reverse techniques away from the user. Appearance-wise, one orb appears in the battlefield and one orb appears in Yama-no-Okami.

A rank ( 50 Chakra ) - Creates four interconnected orbs through the Summoning Technique, which allows the user to summon and reverse summon techniques and beings across the realms. It can produce a volley of weapons that can deal higher damage or reverse objects into the Sanctuary, but it now grants the ability to allow the user and its summoner/summon to transverse across orbs. This ability counts as a 50 chakra tier Ninjutsu, whereas the weapon volley deals 60 damage in the physical Bukijutsu category ( A rank ). The two pairs of orbs work in tandem, two orbs appear on the Battlefield and are connected to each other, a third orb appears on the battlefield connected to a fourth orb in Yama-no-Okami

S rank ( 60 Chakra ) - Creates six interconnected orbs, 2 pairs of which are connected between Sanctuary and Battlefield, while the other pair is fully present in the Field. The S rank application retains the abilities of the previous iterations, but can now be used to move higher chakra tiered techniques and produce a weapon volley with higher damage. These orbs can now be materialized within Mid-range from the user and be moved into Long-Range in the Battlefield. It is considered a 60 chakra tiered Ninjutsu, whereas the volley deals 80 damage in the category of Bukijutsu ( S rank ). A particularly interesting application of the S rank variant is the Double Step, where the two pairs that connect to the Sanctuary are linked together spatially so that one technique that steps through one pair can immediately connect with the other pair and Step back out. The Double Step is used in order to reflect a technique in the field from one orb to another, in order to redirect it within the field.

Note: Each Step requires the user to spend the appropriate amount of chakra. The Double Step counts as two techniques but spends only 60 chakra.
Note: Steps work unidirectionally, so if the user performs a Weapon Volley Step, it can't also move things from the Field into the Sanctuary.
Note: Manifesting the Orbs and producing a Step counts as 1 jutsu in the turn of creation. It counts as an additional jutsu for every Step taken in posterior turns.
Note: Only one Step ( Or one Double Step ) can be performed per turn.
Note: Does not allow for other beings to transverse, only the Summoner, its Summon, inanimate objects or jutsu.
Note: Lasts 3 turns. Can only be used once every 2 turns. A rank can only be used 4 times per battle, S rank can only be used 2 times per battle.

Declined, goes far beyond contract limits; it goes beyond simple reverse summoning concepts and crosses into more S/T usage. We cracked down on reverse summoning method based techniques and they must be initiated by the summoning and summon the user to it’s location. Anything outside of this is almost always auto DNR; this technique itself does things your contract just does not allow such as the summoning of items via foxfire usage. The canon justification doesn’t add up here because this is not as simple as summoning a wall that binds a target or having your fox reverse summon you back to it. The blue isn’t possible for your contract and the underlined just isn’t possible at all because that’s full S/T usages. This is a DNR.
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