[Closed Unofficial] Mirabelle vs Angel


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Unofficial Battle
Mid Range
Terrain: Ruins of Tsumigakure after the Cataclysm

I'll be utilizing Mirabelle Uzumaki (image in signature)

Mirabelle stood amidst the devastation, her gaze fixed on the grim remnants of the past. Memories flooded her mind, still hauntingly fresh despite the passage of time. Her reverie was abruptly shattered by the arrival of a familiar figure. "Angel! I missed you!" she declared, rushing towards him with an alluring perfume wafting off her body. She embraced him warmly, tears welling in her eyes. "Where have you been all this time…I thought you died like everyone else…" she whimpered. As Angel approached, Mirabelle's expression softened, a faint smile gracing her lips. Yet beneath the surface, a calculated intent simmered. With practiced ease, she enveloped him in a seemingly heartfelt embrace, her perfume adding to the illusion of warmth and sincerity. "Did you honestly think I would hug you of all people?” the real Mirabelle finally spoke, a smirk on her face. “Of course, we’ll do it the ole fashion way!” she announced, signaling the start of the confrontation. While reminiscent of their introduction years ago, it was a welcome she would reignite once more.

"Is that how you treat an 'old' friend?" Matatabi quipped. "Yes, he aint special" her Jinchuriki retorted in kind, causing the Bijuu to scoff mentally and remaining silent for the time being.

( Genjutsu: Ba-doko-ru Ninnin ) Illusion Technique: Myriad of Mockingbirds
Rank: B
Type: Supplmentary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 20 (-5 per turn)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: This is a very discrete genjutsu, both in it's casting and it's effect. To cast, the user simply needs to do an hand gesture, in the direction of the target. It doesn't change anything about surroundings with the exception of people, and the immediate terrain they're placed. In essence, it allows the user to change how someone perceives someone else, and even create illusionary copies of people the user knows. The illusion is complimented with slight changes to the terrain, like bending foliage, opening doors, etc, but only if manipulated by the illusionary people. It can also remove people from the target's perspective, or remove certain characteristics of someone within sensory range of the target. While inside the genjutsu, the target is free to move and speak, which the user is able to respond through any of the illusionary creations, or him/herself, case the user chooses not to disappear.
It masks slight ambient alteration by "hidden" people, such as footsteps and speech, but not techniques. Likewise, the illusionary people can't perform techniques, only speak and interact through body motions.
*Lasts 4 turns max*
*While using it, the user cannot use any additional Genjutsu on the target and is limited to 2 additional techniques per turn*
Katon: 52 Kādo no Pikkuappu | Fire Style: Fifty Two Card Pick Up
Rank: D - S (D)
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 10-40 (10)
Damage Points: 20-80 (20 + 30 + 10 = 60)
Description: The user using their katon chakra in their hands creating a card or multiple cards up to fifty two cards. These cards all look like actual cards but are created from the flames of his katon nature. These cards are thrown at their target and the user can hold these cards in their hand since it is their chakra it wouldn’t burn them at all. The cards once touching their target or at the leisure of the user would cause an explosion that is a foot in all directions.
Note: S rank can only be used two times a match, the A rank version can be used three times per match.
Note: S rank can only be used every other turn

Fortified Flames - The user's Blue Fire has strengthened over time, gaining a notable +30 damage boost. Requires the user to have first obtained Incomplete Transformation level.

Heated Conversion - The user's B rank and lower Fire techniques can now be used as Basic Blue Fire jutsu. This does not apply to techniques explicitly stated to enhance Fire jutsu or similar descriptions. This allows him to enhance his normal Katon techniques with Blue Fire. Requires Blue Fire Usage skill.

Enhanced Flames - The user's Blue Fire has strengthened, gaining an additional 20 damage against Water and Wind jutsu. This is due to Water's difficulty trying to put the flames out and Blue Fire's inherent strength over Wind. Requires Blue Fire Usage skill.


Active member
May 15, 2014
Trait Points
Zenyatta Kyutai) Zenyatta Orbs
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage points: N/A
Description: Special drone Orbs created by a Monk named Zenyatta. These Orbs are created out of an unknown chakra metal and filled with Zenyatta's chakra. The user will have six orbs that hover near the user or that can be warn like a large necklace. The user can freely manipulate these orbs through an attached transceiver connected behind the users ears. They supply their own power source within them via batteries. Depending on the type of orb used, they will create a link to a target glowing yellow for Harmony or purple for Discord. This link will supply a different effect to a target depending on the type of orb used.
Orb of Discord: Amplifies any amount damage the target takes by 30 additional damage. This doesn't cause damage, only increases the amount of damage a target receives.
Orb of Harmony: Slowly restores 15 health to the target per turn when wounded, or reduces the amount of damage they take by 30. Only one effect can be in place at a time.
These orbs can be directed to a target within a mid-ranged area. Once within short range of the target they will connect to the target and remain attached, even if a target moves to long range. They can be countered with B-rank lightning or A-rank technique, causing them to return to their owner. A-rank lightning or S-rank technique can destroy the orbs indefinitely.
-Discord Orbs last 3 turns per use, require a two turn cool down and can only be used three times per battle/event
-Harmony Orbs last 3 turns per use, require a two turn cool down and can only be used three times per battle/event
-A target can only be targeted with a single orb at a time.
-Can only be taught by Serpent

(Kaihou Kasugai) Automated Clamps
Type: Tool
Rank: E
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage points: N/A
Description: A basic automated clamp designed to read the electrical input of muscles contracting allowing the user to simply flex in a specific way to release them. These clamps are integrated into Leg Weights to hold them in place. Allowing the user to simply flex their leg in a specific manor to passively release the weight giving them freedom of mobility. These clamps give no added bonus or benefit other then releasing the weights in a more versatile way, better suited for combat.
-Must be placed in the users biography
-Can only be taught by Serpent

(Hairihhi Bōgun) - Holy Bow
Type: Weapon
Rank: N/A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Curated for marksmen, the Holy Bow is composed of a highly malleable and adaptive unknown material, labeled Reishi, granting the bow a unique set of abilities that work to both protect and enhance a marksmen's combat capabilities, severely improving the lethality of those who properly wield it. Holy Bow has three forms, but throughout all of them multiple sealing scripts appear on it, relating to the bow's functions. In it's default state, the Holy Bow is in the form of 3 collared layers of Reishi in silver coloring with a tint of purple. In it's partial release, it assumes the shape of silver coloured bow that can also be used in close quarter combat in place of a bladed weapon. The user can also form the Bow. In it's full release, it's shape undergoes another drastic change, now taking on the shape of numerous molecular sequenced purple Reishi that appear on the majority of the marksmen's upper body in the form of belts, bracelets, wings, and other basic shapes up the user's discretion. In this form, the user would not need to physically act to fire off arrows, but would simply pay 5 additional chakra to fire off of his arrows, with them being released from the circular portions. Up to ten circles can be made, with the user gaining the ability to fire off multiple arrows at a single go, but naturally splitting the power between them.

(Za Desudīringu) - The Deathdealing
The Bow's first and passive ability, present in all of it's forms, it is the Bow's inane function of detecting and absorbing toxins, poisons, and other inhibiting chemical/biological substances that enter short range of it through an invisible barrier. Through The Deathdealing, the user is able to absorb said substances and infuse them into the Holy Bow at increased potency, allowing attacks performed through the Holy Bow to carry said traits. In regards to the increased potency aspect, the substances would either have their offensive capabilities increased by a rank/next level if applicable, or have their defensive capabilities increased, making them more resistant to cures or attacks that seek to destroy it. This comes at the cost of decreasing the time the substances would have lasted by a turn, with the infusions themselves lasting that duration. Notably, each substance can only be enhanced by one quality of the two. In it's passive usage, The Deathdealing is capable of taking in any unranked substance from an opposition, whereas it can take in any of the user's own regardless of it's rank, consuming 5 chakra points. Should the user wish to absorb ranked substances from the opponent, they can up to three times per battle, at a cost of fourty chakra, separated by a turn interval. While The Deathdealing serves no offensive purpose in the Bow's default state, in it's partial and full releases, the infusion's add an overall lethality to the user's attacks through the traits they may add upon the bow. Notably, the DeathDealings cap for absorbed substances is five, with only two substances being absorbable per turn.

(Hairihhi Pufairu) - Sacred Destruction Arrows
Only usable in the Bow's partial and full releases, Hairihhi Pufairu is the Bow's main combat function, enabling the user to release arrows up to long range away, at varying strength levels, starting at freeform, and capping at fourty chakra points, wherein A ranks levels can be used thrice, and S rank levels can be used twice, but separated by a turn interval. Through the sealing scripts on the weapon, the user is capable of summoning arrows from their personal armoury, negating the need to carry arrows on their person. Alternatively, the user can fire off chakra based arrows, carrying the traits of the used chakra type, but costing an additional 10 chakra to utilise. In the Bow's full release, the fired off arrows would emerge from the circular points of the Reishi, functioning without any impediment to range and power. Naturally, the summoning of arrows itself does not take up a move slot. The arrows, be it physical or chakra based, carry a detonation function, having the arrows explode either on contact or through the user's will, with physical arrows having the infused substances released in a short range raduis, whereas chakra based ones would release both the chakra and infusions. This means physical arrows would not cause pure damage to the afflicted area, whereas chakra based ones would depending on it's used rank.

(Hasuhain) - God's Posion Taster
Only accessible in the bow's full release, Hasuhain is the Bow's final supplementary function, relating to manipulating the Reishi into various different forms, such as a a staff, or other simple manipulations, enabling the user to shape the Reishi into other weapon forms that would be capable of firing off Hairihhi Pufairu through the circular portions. What makes this function dangerous is the user's ability to remotely control the Reishi, somewhat akin to the Lightning Blades Levitation technique, but on a more specific level wherein the user can control each individual Reishi up to long range, allowing the user to potentially fire off attacks from the opponents blindspots. Notably, this costs five chakra per turn per each individual Reishi the user chooses to manipulate. Due to the interconnected nature of the bow and the seals on it, the effects of Deathdealing would not be restricted to around the user, but around each Resihi circle, with the effects being shared across the different Reishi points through one of the intricate Fuin seals that serve as gateways for the Reishi to one another.

Holy Bow carries an S Rank durability, with lower ranked attacks on it not weakening it, but breaking from anything higher, with the user naturally not being able to use that for defensive purposes. When in it's full release form, specifically in Hasuhain, the power of the Reishi would be split amongst each circle of Reishi and it's chosen shape. Changing between the weapons forms is passive, costing five chakra points, with the weapon itself consuming five chakra points to be considered active.

Stats: Mind-8 Body-5 Agility-6 Spirit-2 Dexterity-4 Vitality-0

Tracking:12base+adv tracking specialist+dojustu 12x5=60
Speed:10base 10x2=20 LW

Angel would come back from his long journey and sees the ruins of a place he once called home but nothing was left everything had been obliterated and lays desolate as Angel wandered through the graveyard of what once was he would hear a famailar voice and if he wasnt mistaken once of old co inhabitants aswell. Angel would look in the direction of were the noise was coming from and would see Mirabelle the old chief of the village though something seemed off and weird her tone was happy as if she was pleased to see Angel and began rushing towards him quickly activating his visual prowess he felt something was off almost like Mirabelle voice was distroted somehow.. Angel would glance down and see his charka network was distrubed genjustu huh? he would think to himself, Knowing Mirabelle from previous experience he knew she was either toying with him or actually following up with an attack but either way, Angel knew to be cautious she was strong and if not cautious he would be dead quickly. He would quickly flex in certain way releasing the clamps that was on his leg weights dropping the weights off so he would be able to move more freely and quickly

Angel would gather his charka and releases a full surge throughout his body making his skin darken and turning into steel and many many razor blades would be sticking from his entire body this would make his apperence seem like a dragon also as the surge broke the genjustu Mirabelle normal voice and tone would surface but he would interupt swinging his right arm and punching in the direction of Mirabelle and her compainion, Angel would release a maelstrom of razor blades that rotates quickly and spinning itself into a tornado with lethal force in Mirabelle direction shredding her to bits if not countered though Angel would quickly weave one handseal this would refold the steel within a atom level and making each shard more deadly. "I aint as weak and stupid as i once was before your tricks are going have to more elborate then that if you want to dupe me Miribelle.. also curious that i went away and come back everything in ruins yet you remain.... very curious indeed"

Angel would finish up his attack by arcing left of Mirabelle 10 meters with his weapon already formed into the bow on his back.

(Dōjutsu: Byakugan) Eye Technique: The All Seeing White Eye(Passive)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15 (+5 per turn to keep active)
Damage: N/A
Description: The kekkei genkai intrinsic to both the Hyūga and Ōtsutsuki clans—descendants of Kaguya Ōtsutsuki. Those who possess this dōjutsu have it manifested as eyes with featureless white irides and no visible pupils. And when activated, the pupils become more distinct and the veins near their temples bulge. To activate the dōjutsu, Hyuga but not Ōtsutsuki clan members are initially obliged to use a rather long and specific sequence of handseals: Horse → Tiger → Boar → Hare → Rat → Dog → Horse → Dog → Hare → Rat → Boar → Snake. But once activated, the dōjutsu user is endowed with a range of skills.

To start, an activated Byakugan gives the user a near 360º diameter field of vision bar one blind spot at the back of the neck, above the first thoracic vertebra. Its vision can penetrate through any solid objects or obstructions, and likewise remains unaffected by blinding interferences. But that being said, certain barriers and the like may distort its perception. In addition, it is able to follow high-speed movements, which enables those with this dōjutsu to analyze their foes' actions and better react to them. The Byakugan is also able to see chakra to a higher degree than the Sharingan and ergo, identify where a person's chakra signature originates from. Beyond that, it can discern certain types of clones from the real person. And its ability to see chakra is in fact so acute that those who possess this dōjutsu are even able to see the chakra pathway system and the 361 tenketsu that comprise it. The Hyūga clan has gone so far as to develop their unique Gentle Fist style in order to capitalize on this particular ability.

Note: Hyuga clan bios of at least Jonin rank become able to passively activate their dōjutsu upon one month having passed since Gentle Fist training concluded. Ōtsutsuki bios never need to expend a move in order to activate it.
Note: While traversing the NW, bios with activated Byakugan are able to see up to two 2 adjacent landmarks away while those of sage rank can see as far as three away, but this doesn't extend beyond an ocean landmark.

(Kaihou Kasugai) Automated Clamps(Passive)
Type: Tool
Rank: E
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage points: N/A
Description: A basic automated clamp designed to read the electrical input of muscles contracting allowing the user to simply flex in a specific way to release them. These clamps are integrated into Leg Weights to hold them in place. Allowing the user to simply flex their leg in a specific manor to passively release the weight giving them freedom of mobility. These clamps give no added bonus or benefit other then releasing the weights in a more versatile way, better suited for combat.
-Must be placed in the users biography
-Can only be taught by Serpent

Rank: S
Type: Supplementary/Attack/
Range: short - mid
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80
Description: This is one of Gajeels strongest known steel jutsu. Due to it's striking power it's come to be know as his "Dragon force" as when he uses this his skin and demenor is like that of a dragon. He will release a full surge of chakra through his body turning it all to steel much like impervious armor but instead of solid skin his body is layered with steel razor blades all over him that look like dragon sales. These are extremely sharp and hard creating a deadly defense for close combat. Not only this but the blades as a razor sharpness to all of Gajeels steel attacks slicing through flesh like it was butter. But the main ability is that of the destructive force like the steel dragon Metallicanna. When Gajeel makes a movement but it a punch, swing of the arm, kick ect, in the direction he does the movement he will release a large maelstorm of steel razor blades that rotate and spin around in the shape of an tornado creating a wave of destructive force. The blades going around creates a torando of pure force going up to mid range with the cutting power of the blades. Releasing the blades creates more to cover the users skin so as to not weaken the armor.

Note: Useable twice - two turns between use
Note: lasts 4 turns
Note: Only steel, earth and fire elements while active (can still use nin gen tai ect)
Note: No Steel jutsu A rank an above when over for that turn and the following
Note: Releasing the steel blades in a tornado counts as a jutsu and goes up to mid range, can be uses once every two turns and is S rank in power.

[koton: Rūnfōji] - Steel Release: Rune Forge
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 20 (+10 to technique used on)
Damage: +20
Description: This is a simple technique which can be applied by adding a single handseal when forming a steel release technique or once it has already been made. It will happen within the same time frame of the creation of the technique is used to begin with. This applies a skill seen throughout history that many blacksmiths have used, in that to make a blade stronger, they will fold the steel to reforge, keeping the blade extremely sharp while increasing its density, such as in sushi knives. This applied in RP terms is that the steel in a technique releases more steel within itself but folds and compresses into itself. This means that the steel is harder without losing its shape/sharpness/form, and in doing so makes the technique +1 rank stronger (20 damage). For example, if the user used the S rank steel release technique to create a sword, they would infuse more chakra into it using this technique, applying more steel and controlling it with fire chakra to create the folded steel effect, making the sword stronger, giving the sword +20 damage.

Note: Only useable 4 times, can only be used on a technique once and can only be used once per turn.

Torando S rank+15=30=125


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
As Mirabelle’s hand rose in order to create the blue flame cards, she noticed Angel’s body shifting form while also yapping towards her with some unique questions. Even with his weights released and enhanced speed- he was still within her visual perception. The torrent of steel blades was fierce and powerful - but Mirabelle’s wide arsenal of techniques would warrant her handling this circumstance in quite an easy way. She smiled, as she weaved a set of four handseals within the moment in order to cause a crimson circular barrier to be forged around her. The barrier in question would make contact with the steel maelstrom and with her control over it - she redirected it’s direction back towards the original caster - Angel. This left Mirabelle unharmed in the process, as she watched from a distance but gave an honest answer.

(Fuuinjutsu: Nejire Shōheki) Sealing Art: Distortion Barrier
Type: Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 60
Damage: N/A
Description: An Advanced Fuuinjutsu technique created by Kōtetsu Inuzuka, Distortion Barrier allows the user to erect a crimson circular barrier at a location of their choosing within range to protect themselves or an ally after performing four handseals. Primarily used as a defensive measure, this barrier possesses a unique interaction that allows chakraless attacks to pass through itself and is only capable of interacting with those containing chakra or other forms of energy. When hit by a technique of lower chakra or energy, the barrier allows the user to change its direction either away from the protected target or back toward the opponent at full strength. When used against large-scale techniques, the barrier is capable of distorting the direction of a portion of the incoming techniques, leaving the user or anyone behind the barrier unharmed.

- This technique can be used four times per battle and requires a two-turn cooldown between uses.
- No Fuuinjutsu above A-rank in the following two turns after this technique is used.
- This technique requires mastery of Advanced Fuuinjutsu

This place is in ruins because these shitty ass Gods that exist in the world decided to rend it asunder. I died trying to protect this world, though by the grace of a few…kinder Gods I was revived. However, you tell me something…where the hell have YOU been?” she pondered for a moment but alas she didn't wait for an answer. She would have also been weaving at the same time chakraless jutsushiki script from her finger tips to snake through the surface of the terrain behind the steel storm, aimed to causing an explosion once within range.

(Namikazeron ♦ Basutā) – Theory of Waves and Wind ♦ Buster
Type: Offensive
Rank: C
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra cost: N/A
Damage points: 30
Description: A technique that allows the user to take advantage of the closed chakra circuits of Shiki Muchi in conjunction with the naturally leaked chakra of the user in order to assist a Namikazeron practitioner’s already nearly instinctive ability to form explosive tags by shaping points on a number of Shiki Muchi into the character for ‘explosion’. In essence, Shiki Muchi can be freely created and maintained due to the closed nature of their circuit, just as tree-walking may be sustained nearly indefinitely and without conscious thought. By extension explosive tags, the most basic of seals, can be formed freely due to their central role in the style and their generic simplicity. By taking advantage of these facts together and by directing the small amounts of naturally leaked chakra to initiate the circuit, the user is able to form first the Shiki Muchi and then explosive tags along a number of points hereon. These detonate immediately upon creation in sizable explosions.
- Can only be used once per turn.
- Max radius for an explosion from this technique is the same as a physical Explosive Tag (Roughly 2.5m).