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  1. Erzo

    hi im new here :3

    get outta here, old man!
  2. Erzo

    [Approved] Mahito Claymore | 真人

    best bio on AB fr fr
  3. Erzo

    [NW] Kōtetsu, The King of Beasts

    Whoever let you add Flying Thunder God to an inuzuka bio deserves death by firing squad. also youre bad at gfx: Flying Thunder God................................................Medical Ninjutsu :)
  4. Erzo

    [CC] Clan training Pls read through and ask any questions you may have. Or just confirm it all makes sense if no questions. ----------- Also go through all of the below and same thing, ask any questions if you have them.
  5. Erzo

    [CJ] with Erzo

    is 1000 really the minimum? it'll be pointless me holding on to the kumi But anyways if it is, then its all yours
  6. Erzo

    Lena, the Stitched Horror

    10/10 bio fr
  7. Erzo

    The Count of Monte Cristo

    Me seeing you post a bio in 2023:
  8. Erzo

    [NW] Jasper Uchiha

    lmao this sucks
  9. Erzo

    Kōtetsu, The King of Beasts

    have your dogs and rats beefed since I last asked u that question? also you're OP now, all of that might, just might be able to counteract the fact that its an inuzuka clan bio :)
  10. Erzo

    Ryoko Kiyoshi v2

    how the hell you get a v2 of your Kiyoshi bio before I did
  11. Erzo

    [Shop] [OnlyFams] Desperately selling undies

    is this my boy scaze or Rucken the goat but anyways you're welcome for the thread bump :)
  12. Erzo

    [Shop] [OnlyFams] Desperately selling undies

    I'll take Capsaicin on a monthly repayment plan
  13. Erzo

    [Shop] [OnlyFams] Desperately selling undies

    Reported for false advertising
  14. Erzo

    [CC] With Ozre

    Cool then we're done Have fun
  15. Erzo

    Yea yea yea

    As the weird things are summoned, Roy would simply decide to say **** you all and place them all in a genjutsu within which they all begin to have visions of an absolute mad ting, leaving them unable to focus or even continue with their own planned attack. Roy followed this up with a second...
  16. Erzo

    Yea yea yea

    The lightning as it reaches short range would seemingly disappear. Roy would use the powers of his custom weapon to cause this, displacing the lightning and leaving both himself and the golem unharmed! He would also maintain the frequency, using it to potentially get rid of other techniques...
  17. Erzo

    Yea yea yea

    Unsummon this! Roy would bring forth an Earthen creature from the ground that looked like a golum because it was one. Water/earth: golum (doton/suiton: Jinnutsuzou) AYHEAHAHHHHHH He screamed as he felt minor irritations in his eyes. He sensed the dust coming but it had gone past all his...
  18. Erzo

    Yea yea yea

    *Poof* Defying the very rules of NB, Noteleks would disappear alongside all other summonings it connected to Roy, leaving Roy feeling naked, and alone (and kind of afraid). Roy knew what he had to do - it was stupid he hadn't thought of it before... the best way to fight Dawan... KUCHIYOSE NO...
  19. Erzo

    Yea yea yea

    (OOC: Lmao, now I know for a fact you don't have that technique because I'm clan leader... but I'll allow it). As you start glowing like the main girl from Stardust (saw the film again recently, actually decent - a little bit too romantic for my taste but I'm not completely dead inside so I...
  20. Erzo

    Yea yea yea

    Roy begins focusing chakra to mid range and changing the very surface you stood on (and 3 meters all round) into a thick non-flammable swamp which would hold you in place as it slowly begins to take you in. HISTORIC TOURNAMENT 1 SHOT KILLER JUTSU! He knew the power of this technique, he had...