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  1. Vayne


    LMAO ffs, at least from the get go I wanted the RP smoke. But please, not you bumping a 13 year old thread and telling me to read the rules !!
  2. Vayne

    Konoha Tavern - RP General Chat Discussion

    Why imagine :)
  3. Vayne

    [CJ] Deal with Vayne

    Ayy done deal, no questions at the moment
  4. Vayne

    [CJ] Deal with Vayne

    Huehuehue, definitely not my custom stocks
  5. Vayne

    [Rift] Fall Of Chungsu: Kurama vs Shirou

    Success, but it was only fleeting. The beast took the attack and repositioned, unleashing a stream of fire in retaliation. Undeterred, the Nara would chose to significantly limit that option for the beast going forwards. A quick self marking and a hand seal would lead to the creation a...
  6. Vayne

    Kumi Exchange Center 2.0

    Name: Vayne Ability: Custom Kinjutsu Price: 9.5k Kumi Approved by Imperfect.
  7. Vayne

    [CJ] Illusionary Shadows

    No questions for now, will probably hit you up later once I theory craft some combos. 1.5k For each!
  8. Vayne

    [CJ] Illusionary Shadows

    ( Genjutsu/Ninjutsu: Soeki Kyuuzou ) Illusion Arts/Ninja Arts: Pest Proliferation (Genjutsu: Mikkoku Kurouido) Illusion Technique: The Betrayal of the Black Widow ( Fuuinjutsu: Furui no Manmosu ) Sealing Technique: The Tusk of the Lost Mammoth
  9. Vayne

    [CJ] Advanced Gentle Fist

    Cool, so first things first is large quantities of lube. Do you have that in hand?
  10. Vayne

    Custom Jutsu Submission - IV

    SM mastery for higher damage; (Kage Senpō: Senri Tsūtenshō) - Shadow Sage Arts: Heavenly Passing Palm of the Thousand Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary Rank: S Range: Short - Long Chakra: 40 (10) Damage: 110...
  11. Vayne

    [CJ] making deals with the Shadow man

    Ayy, so the chemical and biological ones is just stuff that fit into that broad category and can harm you. So various types of poisons would have different chemical and biological components, so I went with the broad description to have them all included under the same tree. It's not exclusive...
  12. Vayne

    [Closed] Vs Ryoma

    Regardless of the scenario in which the fire cage functions on it's own (although the simultaneous pressure addition makes that unlikely), the sequence of the tiemframe simply does not allow your quaking runner to occur before Ryoma's movement. If it did, that would imply that you used the fire...
  13. Vayne

    [HA] Mandalorian Training

    wow shocking development
  14. Vayne


    Groundbreaking revelation
  15. Vayne

    [Rift] Fall Of Chungsu: Kurama vs Shirou

    End of the first note - then the user is able to fly at thrice their speed, is what I got the speeds from. Their base speeds is much lower, will calculate that if we ever land lmao. Before the opportunity to activate SM could arise, the fox moved with speed and attempted to roast the trio...
  16. Vayne

    [Closed] Vs Ryoma

    I was asked to check whether or not Ryoma's counter triggers The Hunt. Simple answer, yes it does. However, the attacks launched would still plow through and continue as intended due to their superiority in strength (+tf), with the clone having it's mouth/face area unaffected by the Hunt due to...
  17. Vayne

    Grand Roleplay Tournament Applications

    Name: Vayne Bio: Shirou CJ Thread: DoD Rank: Sage
  18. Vayne

    [HA] Mandalorian Training

    Nope, peep this, then reply !
  19. Vayne

    [HA] Mandalorian Training

    Bet, you've completed your training, unlike a certain bum
  20. Vayne

    [HA] Mandalorian Training

    Droideka: Yes it costs a move but no chakra. Meddroids: Yes it costs a move, and it should be 60 points. Protocol: It can be used to deflect that yes. Yes it needs to be touching it. Yes it can be skinned as long as the general shape is the same, and their tai would depends on their shape.