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  1. Necron

    The "I am still active" thread. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Simple. If you're still active, post here so people will know. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  2. Necron

    [Discussion] What inspired your Forum Name?

    Personally, I used to be an Edgy Goth back in the day and wanted something that sounded like Death. Necro as you probably know means Death in Greek (I am Half Greek), and On means being. So basically my name means Dead Being. What's the story behind your Forum Name? I'll be Glad to hear it...
  3. Necron

    [Discussion] One D&D

    I don't know how many of you are into TTRPGs, but lately, the next big thing is One D&D. Apparently, it is based on 5e, but from the playtest materials I've tried so far, it's a lot better in many aspects. The main goal of this Thread is to discuss our opinions on the material released so far...
  4. Necron

    Back after 6 years (or something).

    Hey everyone! I'm back after a while. Hope to see some familiar faces here, and maybe meet new people as well. :)
  5. Necron

    Spar with Wakizashi

    Unofficial spar Free use of basic stuff Customs allowed Comming back from his classified mission that lasted 3 years, Sengoku meets a fammiliar face. -Dm... is that you?
  6. Necron

    Quick spar

    Rules: Free access to all basic skills, clan jutsu, CE, CJ, CFS etc Quick responses.
  7. Necron

    [Doton] Ichigo-sensei trains me in the ways of the earth.

    As Atem arrives to the meeting point, he thinks about his nice cloths, and how they are going to get dirty all over again. "It's a small price to pay for this awesome new power" he thinks. I guess gramps would be furious if he was still here. I hope this man is not going to attack me for my...
  8. Necron

    Hello Everyone!

    I am officially back from my 3 year absence! :D A lot has happened in those 2 years, but I once made a promise never to leave NB (permanently) and I intend to keep it. In real life, for everyone interested, I'm getting married to my beutyfull girlfriend, and we are expecting a child. :D So...
  9. Necron

    2v2 spar

    Hi all, I'm back! I know it's been a wile, but real life stuff kept me away ^_^ I wanna have a little spar to remember old times (and try to remember how to play XD ), preferably with someone I knew from back in the day! I have to warn you though, it's gonna be slow, since I have a lot of stuff...
  10. Necron

    Pokemon: The Dark Adventure. (This is not your regular PG 13 pokemon)

    Ohaio All! It's been quite a wile since the last time I loged in. IDK if I'll re-take the RP, but I wanted a place to write down a pokemon fanfic, and I figured "why not good-old NB"! Since it's my birthday today, it means I'm getting older, and need a way to share my thoughts before I die...
  11. Necron

    [Discussion] A little survey, for girls only (18+)

    Hi all. I am making an article, and I would like the help of all female members available. It's quite simple. I would like your honest opinion on the topics below. It won't take long, and I hope you will enjoy it. :) Please answer this questions. I appreciate your help :) The theme of the...
  12. Necron

    [Nintendo DS] Pokemon that should Mega Evolve, and yet do not.

    1) Dragonite. The legendary original Dragon pokemon. One of the best Physical Sweepers/tanks in the game (multi scale + Leftovers). Why does Dragonite get the cold, superefective shoulder? Plus, they make a type that counters it. I really think the Nintendo's stuff is hating on dragonite here...
  13. Necron


    Mid range plain field Yugi Muto in sig post your bio and go first.
  14. Necron

    [Romance] Asmo Crowley, An other X-man.

    Some words before the story begins. Ok, it's been ages since the last time I wrote, and I felt like doing it again. I don't even know if I've ever wrote in this forum before. This time is a marvel universe fanfic. Ok, now time to shine... or fade, it all depends on you people :P Resume: 24...
  15. Necron

    [Discussion] Valvrave The Liberator

    Have you watched this series... It's quite good... ...well, except the fact it's a total rip-off of Code Geass, but still, if you liked Code Geass, I think you'll like this one too :) Any comments? I'll eventually point out the similarities too, but for now, just watch it yourselves :P (or...
  16. Necron

    2nd Year Doton Cources

    Yugi Muto is standing by a tree, waiting for his sensei to show up, wile drinking some cold coffee. -This should be interesting.
  17. Necron

    fight me (open)

    mid range unofficial rocky field with no vegetation Sengoku in sig you can start.
  18. Necron

    Kidnaped (oppen)

    Mid range Unofficial Inside a jail Only customs and Clan abilities I'm kinda tired of seeing the same battle over and over, so, as the rules say, you can only use custom material (CE, CFS, CJ etc) and your clan abilities/kg. I'll be using my Akimichi bio The scenario is, you have kidnapped...
  19. Necron

    [Approved] Yugi "Atem" Muto Kurama

    ☯ Yugi Muto [武藤遊戯] Δ Basic Information Name: Yugi Muto Kurama Nickname: Yami, Atem, King of Games, Pharaoh, Tegatana Sage of Lighting Gender: Male ♂ Age: 25 Clan: Kurama He wears a black tank top, with a blue jean coat on his shoulders, like a cape. He is quite muscular. He also wears...
  20. Necron

    Oppen (testing bio)

    Everything allowed Sengoku in sig mid range no kill/stealing start.